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How to check the frequency of queries by words. Analysis of the frequency of search queries

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Free service of search statistics and word selection from Yandex. Mostly the service was created for the evaluation of Yandex Direct by advertisers. But later, it became a tool for an SEO optimizer.

What is Yandex Wordstat for?

How will it help:

  • Selection of effective keywords for a contextual advertising company or for search engine promotion of a site (semantic core).
  • Traffic forecast, estimation of the frequency of impressions of key phrases and the niche in general.
  • Help in developing the structure of the site.
  • Identification of trends by phrases.

How to work with the service?

To work with Wordstat you need registration in the service via email or social networks. If you already have an account with other Yandex services, you can use it to work with word search.

Login (upper right corner)> Register

By Words Tool

When you log in, you have the By Words tool displayed by default.

  1. Request input field- in this line we enter a word or phrase for which we want to see the data.
  2. Service tools- display of words by region and history (trend) of the query.
  3. All regions- selection of the region for which statistics will be displayed.
  4. Platform- selection of the platform for which statistics will be displayed.
  5. Last update- date of the last update of data in the service.
  6. Left Column Wordstat- a list of requests is shown, which contains the word or phrase entered in paragraph (1).
  7. Right column of Wordstat- a list of phrases that could still be searched by people who entered our word or phrase is shown.

Let's take a closer look at how the left and right columns of Yandex Wordstat work.

Left column

The left column displays all the phrases that contain our entered query.

For example, we enter the query Yandex Wordstat... We will see all the phrases that contain our query, and the order of the words will not matter.

This must be remembered! The number opposite the request is the number of impressions for this phrase per month, not the number of clicks for this phrase! For example, if we go to the search engine, we will type the phrase Yandex Wordstat and click Find - this will be 1 impression for this phrase.

The figure displays all requests included in it.

For example: In the number of impressions 60 897 on request Yandex Wordstat includes all numbers of queries below that contain the phrase Yandex Wordstat or Yandex Wordstat the word order doesn't matter.

And in the number of hits 2295 for the phrase Yandex Wordstat Key includes the number of impressions for the keyword Yandex Wordstat keywords.

If we click on the phrase Yandex Wordstat Key, then we will be convinced of this. We will display all the phrases that are included in this request.

This is the basic principle and logic of the By Words tool and the left column of Wordstat. For a more advanced display of statistics, there are word-matching operators.

Shows are also called frequency (frequency). They say so, the frequency of the phrase Yandex Wordstat is 60 897.

Main operators Yandex WordStat

There are two main operators:

  1. Exclamation point.

They can also be used together with each other. Let's consider the essence of using each operator using the example of a simple query.

Exclamation point

Having written it before the word! you fix the ending of words preceded by a sign ! .

That is, by writing ! buy! phone, the displayed impressions will no longer include the declension of words, for example: phones, bought and other changed endings and declensions of words before !. But these shows include all the phrases that I have exactly the spelling. buy a phone, for example, these impressions include such queries: how to buy a cell phone, where to buy a phone, etc.

The exclamation mark fixes only the exact spelling of these words in front of which he stands.

Using the basic operator "Exclamation mark", the user can view the results for a specific query without any declension of one or more words contained in the phrase.


By entering the phrase "buy a phone" in quotation marks, you will see the number of impressions for this request only without any other additional words, that is, this request may include phrases: buy phones, buy phones, bought a phone, etc. This does not include other additional words, for example: how to buy a phone, where to buy a cell phone, etc.

The value in quotation marks is called phrase frequency.

Combining the quote + exclamation mark operators

Having registered " ! buy! phone ", you will fix both the query itself and the endings of the words. Thus, you will find out the exact frequency for a specific request without additional words, allowing you to predict the number of clicks for this request. But remember, the number of impressions is not the number of clicks, so this is only approximate data, you also need to understand that the number of clicks decreases depending on the position of the site in the search engine results for a given request.

The value of the quotation mark + exclamation mark is called the exact frequency.

Additional operators

There are 5 more main auxiliary operators that open up even more opportunities in Yandex Wordstat:

  1. Operator "Plus". To use it, the symbol is indicated + ... It helps you find search queries that contain stop words, such as conjunctions, prepositions, etc.
  2. The Square Brackets Operator... Symbols are used with a key phrase between them. With its help, the arrangement of words in the phrase is fixed, that is, they remain in the order you wrote them. The operator is relevant when you need to analyze the popularity of similar phrases for various queries.
  3. Or operator... Used with the symbol | and is important for the prompt selection of semantics on a web page, as well as in the process of comparison or "bias" in the statistics of some phrases.
  4. Operator "Minus"... To use it, the symbol is written - ... It removes, if necessary, queries containing words that are unnecessary for studying statistics.
  5. Grouping operator... Indicated symbols () , inside which the above operators are written in order to use them together.

Examples of using operators

We present below examples of the use of all the above operators, both basic and additional.

"A plus"

We display all the words containing the word Work and the preposition on the... Operator +, as it were, fixed the preposition on the.


We are shown all queries where there is a word window but no word price.

"Square brackets"

We fixed the exact spelling of words with an exclamation mark, with quotes we fixed only the words written between them, and with square brackets we fixed the order of the words.

"Grouping" and complicated query

Another handy feature provided by the WordStat service. It allows you to set the length of queries (2, 5 words, and so on) with the entry of keywords and to parse them. This function is especially useful in cases where a webmaster is working on a site devoted to a very popular topic and, having collected the maximum number of pages, cannot get all search phrases related to this niche.

On a note. Yandex Wordstat statistics, when analyzing one request, produces a maximum of 41 pages, but it often happens that there are much more phrases for a request, and you will not be able to see everything.

To collect all phrases, the length of which contains 3 words, the following construction is applied: "Samsung Samsung Samsung"

By asking such a query, you will not collect the maximum number of pages of search phrases of different lengths, but 41 pages of only 3-word phrases containing the keyword "Samsung". If you analyze requests step by step, the length of which is from 2 to 7 words, then you will be able to collect absolutely all statistics for the word Samsung.

Right column of Wordstat

Shows what else people were looking for by entering this query shoes.

Request history

The "Query History" tab was created to study the dynamics of queries over the last 2 years, as well as to determine their popularity depending on the season. For example, find out how consumer interest in the Samsung Galaxy S9 is changing. There are graph settings by week or month, there is also the ability to filter the type of device, for example, display only on smartphones.

Absolute value- This is our actual value of impressions in certain periods of time.

Relative value Is the ratio of the absolute value (impressions) to the total number of all impressions. This indicator shows the popularity of a given query among all other queries.

It is impossible not to mention such a function as getting the frequency of the request in a particular region. The ability to split the total query frequency by region allows you to analyze how often a particular phrase is entered by users of a particular region, and how popular it is here.

So, a query containing the words "buy" and Sochi most often entered by residents of the city of Sochi, and this is logical. However, delving deeper into the capabilities of this function, you can discover much more unexpected results.

Yandex Wordstat Assistant

For convenient use of Yandex Wordstat, there is a special browser extension called Yandex Wordstat Assistant.

After installing it, a special window appears in your browser, in which you can add keywords from Wordstat. Added words are highlighted in gray. The word list can be copied, sorted.

Video instruction how to use Yandex Wordstat


The free Yandex WordStat service is the most important tool for SEO specialists and Yandex Direct advertisers. It allows you to study in detail the statistics of search engine queries and analyze the selection of words in order to attract more target audience to the site being promoted. Today we have studied all the most important functions of the service, the successful application of which will help you make your resource more visible and bring it to the leading positions in search engine results.

It helps to evaluate in detail all the parameters of a phrase and search results in order to assess the level of competition for it and those parameters that are most important for an SEO specialist when analyzing the results of a website by queries.

What parameters does the tool determine?

The functionality of the tool is not limited to analyzing the frequency of online requests. The list of criteria to be determined when analyzing keywords is quite voluminous:

    Geo-dependency... A binary parameter that determines the dependence of the search results on the user's region.

    Localization degree... A quantitative parameter reflecting the share of results in the TOP-50 search results with a pronounced geographic affiliation.

    Highlighted words (without SPECTRUM)... Words that are highlighted in the search engine results, excluding those words that were highlighted by.

    SPECTRA words... It follows from the name - words that are highlighted thanks to the SPECTRUM technology, for example, "reviews", "independently" and so on.

    Words that define the subject... Words that appear more often than others in SERP snippets, excluding the query and its synonyms. That is, our keyword analysis service can be used in this way to expand the semantics.

    General and accurate frequencies according to WordStat... Online check of the frequency of requests in Yandex shows two frequencies according to the Yandex.Wordstat statistics system, general and accurate, taking into account the region specified by the user. General - no operators, exact - with "quotes" and "exclamation mark" operators, for example, ["! Furniture"].

    The number of main pages in the TOP... The parameter determines the number of main pages in the search results so that the user can determine which type of document on the site is priority for promotion by the key of interest.

    Having a vital response... Allows you to assess the presence of a vital result, which is most often characteristic when searching for a brand or site name. For example, for the site the query [pixel plus] will be vital.

    Number of results found... Reflects the total number of relevant documents in the search engine index.

    MegaIndex budget... Numerical value that reflects the level of competition in Yandex for the phrase. As a rule, the higher the number, the more competitive the request.

    Number of ads in Yandex.Direct... Reflects the number of players in the market providing contextual advertising for a given phrase.

    Number of exact entries in Title and snippets from TOP-50... Allows you to assess the correctness of the phrase. This parameter is also one of the indirect ways to check the concurrency of requests.

    Average age of documents... The parameter name speaks for itself. The higher the average age of documents in the TOP, the, as a rule, the higher the level of competition for it. For young sites, it is recommended to pay attention to the assessment of this indicator when analyzing search phrases and compiling a semantic core.

As you can see, our tool is much more useful than the regular service of checking requests for frequency.

How to use the tool?

The interface of the keyword analysis tool is as easy to use as possible.

In the "Request" field, enter the phrase that you want to analyze. In the drop-down menu, a region is selected for which the analysis of the frequency of keywords and the issue of them will be carried out. If you wish, you can immediately get the result in CSV format by checking the appropriate checkbox. Then we press the button "Check".

The result is displayed within a few seconds and is a table with a list of parameters and values. Each parameter is provided with a tooltip, which can be seen by clicking on the question mark symbol. Clicking the icon again hides the tooltip.

Usage example

As mentioned above, our tool is not just a service for analyzing the frequency of requests. With its help, you can solve more complex and global problems. Let's show it with an example.

Let's say the question arises:

"Can we promote a site that only features wrought iron stairs upon request [stairs]?"

The answer is in the table.

We see that this request is geo-dependent and has a sufficient degree of localization to be considered commercial. At the same time, in the words defining the subject, there are “wooden” and “floor”, while the words “metal” and “forged” - on the contrary, are absent.

This means that in the search results for the phrase "stairs" there are sites offering interfloor staircases made of wood, and it is these sites that the search engine considers a relevant answer to this query. Checking the search word frequency shows a large difference between the exact frequency and the overall frequency. In other words - poor completeness. That is, this phrase is too general and ambiguous. The indicator "Budget by MegaIndex" indicates very high competition.

Another important indicator is the “Average age of documents in the TOP-10”. If we are talking about promoting a new site, and the average age of documents is more than three years, promotion is even more complicated.

How can you check more requests?

A special API method, available to users on the Expert and Guru tariffs, allows to carry out a mass check of the frequency of requests and other parameters. Other tools of "Pixel Tools" also allow conducting a detailed analysis of queries in search engines:

Good luck with your application!

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How to correctly check the frequency of search queries in Yandex and clear them of "garbage"? Which operators should you use to maximize keyword detail? How can I check the baseline and exact frequency? More details in this article.

Frequency- This is the number of hits for search queries that users have typed over a certain period of time. In the Yandex WordStat service, these statistics are displayed for a month. Most webmasters and site owners are familiar with this service, however, even many experienced specialists do not fully understand the full applied power of this tool.

Checking the frequency of queries in Yandex for "dummies"

In order to check the base frequency, you need to drive the desired keyword into the WordStat search line. By default, statistics are displayed for all regions and devices, however, you can drill down to detailed statistics for desktops, mobile devices, only phones and only tablets. In addition, the service automatically shows similar keywords, provides an opportunity to view the history of specific search queries for 2 years, as well as detail queries by region and city. In this article, we will only consider statistics for keywords, all devices and regions of WordStat.

Let's consider the display of the base frequency of WordStat for the request "buy a lock".

So, the number 244 253 next to the phrase "buy a castle" denotes the number of impressions per month for all queries with the keyword "buy a castle": "Buy an ignition lock", "buy a door lock", "where to buy a lock", "buy a door lock", etc. Top impressions is the sum of all downstream impressions for all displayed words.

But how, in this case, to check the number of impressions strictly on the request "buy a lock" (door), removing all non-thematic garbage: "children's locks", "ignition locks", "car lock", etc. There are WordStat statements for this.

6 operators to clarify requests

WordStat Operators- these are symbols that will help you formulate the key phrase for obtaining statistics more accurately. There are 6 of them at the moment.

OperatorWhat is he doingAn example of a key phraseDisplaying statistics
! Fixes the word rigidly (time, gender, number, case)buy a castle in! moscow
  • buy a castle in moscow
  • buy a lock for a door in moscow
  • buy castle moscow
" " Quotes capture the number of words in the query"buy a castle"
  • buy a lock
  • buy castle
  • buy a castle in moscow
+ Plus captures all particles, prepositions and service words in the request. They are ignored by a lock + on the door
  • buy a door lock
  • buy a lock on the front door
  • buy a lock for a door
- Minus removes all unnecessary words from the querybuy car lock
  • buy a door lock
  • buy ignition lock
  • buy car lock
Square brackets fix the word order in the querybuy [door lock]
  • where to buy door locks
  • buy door locks moscow
  • buy door lock
() and |Pipe (vertical bar) and parentheses help when grouping complex queriesbuy a lock (inexpensive | door)
  • buy door lock
  • locks buy cheap
  • buy door lock cheap

The beauty of operators is that they can be used with each other. Sharing operators to refine queries gives a good webmaster a powerful seo tool that will help not only to collect a high-quality semantic core, but also to isolate the necessary objective statistics from the whole mass of queries without semantic garbage.

Determining the exact frequency of the request: Pro level

Let's try combining operators and see what happens. Let's take a new request "buy a car" as an example. Base frequency of 1,533,200 impressions per month across all regions and devices.

This is a very broad query that includes many other subqueries from different niches, for example, "buy a washing machine", "buy an audi car", "buy a dishwasher". How can we granularize these requests? Let's say we are interested in washing machines.

If we want to see the exact number of requests for the keyword "buy a washing machine", we start using the operators: quotation marks and an exclamation mark. It turns out 9,257 impressions per month. Note that the number of impressions in the table remains at baseline.

To view the same query, but at the same time rigidly fix the sequence of words in it, excluding, for example, the queries "buy a washing machine", "buy a washing machine", we add an operator. The exact number of impressions for this particular phrase while maintaining the form and sequence of words is 8903.

Note that if we change the sequence of words in our regular expression, we will get a completely different result of impressions - only 308. It is quite logical and intuitive that the number of people who are looking for a washing machine are more likely to build their query exactly from the word "buy ".

But if we change the word form of this query, then, again, we get a completely new result.

This is how, for example, you can fix a preposition in a query and add a geo-dependent word. Please note that the screenshot is collecting statistics for all regions of WordStats, not just Moscow.

Go ahead. Let's say you only sell washing machines with no related products. The query "buy a washing machine" includes many sub queries, including "buy a sink for a washing machine", "buy a heating element for a washing machine", "buy a hose for a washing machine". To collect the semantics you need, it will take you a lot of time to validate each query using the "" and! Operators. In this case, the minus operator will help us.

Thus, you clean up the "junk" queries in the statistics, filtering only the relevant keywords for your business.

Frequency check: 80 lvl

Let's move on to the more complex subtleties of collecting statistics for requests from Yandex.

Example # 1

Let's start with the operator "" and formulate one rule for its use: if the phrase, enclosed in quotation marks, contains the same prepositions or words, then one of them is replaced with an existing word in the nested query. For example, consider the query "car on credit Moscow".

If we add to this keyword one more preposition "in" before the word "Moscow", then we get the following data.

Thus, the repeated prepositions "in" were combined, and another word was added to the queries. For different queries, these are the words "buy", "bu", "new", "pledge", used "." Issue ".

This trick is an incredible tool for informational sites whose main goal is to drive traffic. It allows you to select from a subject the entire range of queries that include a given number of words, for example, all queries on a subject of 5 words. As a rule, very extended queries of 5-7 words are less competitive, therefore it is easier to attract traffic and take high positions on them. What if these queries are on a par with high-frequency queries? A sampling of the highest frequency and least competitive queries will help you get things done quickly. Let's take an example.

In this request, we ask WordStat to show the range of requests, which includes 7 words, always containing the words "instructions for use". 5 words "instruction" are combined, one remains, 4 words are replaced with new nested queries. We are looking at one of hundreds of sub-queries, the frequency of a 7-word query is 8090 impressions per month. For comparison, the query "buy a car in Moscow" has 647 impressions per month. Has the template broken yet? Then let's move on.

Example # 2

Now the more complex operator () and | will go into battle, with its help we will collect a pool of requests, from which we will be able to make tag pages in the future. Let's take the query "buy a bmw car" as an example. This car brand, its series can be searched for by a variety of queries: "buy a bmw car", "buy a bmw x 6", "buy a bmw 5 car", etc. In order to get a pool of queries without repetitions, we use a regular expression:

Buy (car | car) (bmw | bmw) - mileage - photo - does not start - download - bu - what

Let's add to it a number of irrelevant negative keywords that are not suitable for our business. We get the following data, which is later easier to structure.

This sample will help you more easily collect data for tag pages and data clustering.

note, you cannot use the "" and () | operators in the same expression. The logic of the work of one operator violates the logic of the work of another.

Example # 3

This example is suitable for quickly structuring information sites or collecting tags for online stores. For example, let's take an informational site about fishing and try to quickly get the main directions and places of fishing by grouping requests by pretexts. Let's do it with a simple regular expression:

Fishing (+ from | + to) -game -free -download -Russian -hunting

Negative words, of course, need to be added, but in this case, this is just an example. We get the following result:

Example # 4

Sharing operators will help you differentiate between similarly spelled but different queries. For example, the query "buy a tour to Moscow" implies an excursion train v Moscow.

The request "buy a tour in Moscow" implies taking into account the user's geolocation for buying a tour from Moscow.

Example # 5

Another regular expression example to help you collect queries for tag pages or catalog filters in the swimwear niche.

Even if these examples are not relevant to your niche, we hope they will help you improve your WordStat skills. If you have any questions, you found errors, or want to supplement the article, please write in the comments, we will be happy to answer you!

We are sometimes asked:

“Why is my site in the TOP for such a seemingly“ bold ”query as“ metal structures ”, but there is very little traffic to the site from this keyword. Some 50-100 people a month! But the frequency of this request is huge, as much as 250 thousand per month! Why is this happening? "

Indeed, if you drive such a request into, then the frequency it will show us is quite impressive:

With such a frequency, a position even in 10th place in the search results should bring a lot of traffic, but in reality everything happens completely differently. What is the reason? Let's sort it out in order. There are a few things to consider here. Let's start with the simplest ones and then incrementally.


The first thing that everyone often forgets about is the choice of the region when picking up the frequency. Not a single commercial site can be promoted in all regions at once, unless, of course, it has offices in each of them. Therefore, the frequency is removed exactly for the region where the company's office is located. If there are several regions, mark all of them.

For example, a company that specializes in the supply of metal structures and rolled metal products has an office in Moscow, which has been added to Yandex.Directory. Thus, this site will not be ranked for any other regions, therefore, it is necessary to focus primarily on visitors from Moscow. This means that in wordstat you need to set the corresponding region: Moscow. The key point is the presence of an organization in the Yandex. Directory, since it is on this that the region is bound to the site.

Sometimes clients tell us:

"I want to promote all over Russia, my online store delivers goods to any region."

And here we have to disappoint them: unfortunately, even within Russia, an online store cannot be ranked if it does not have branches in the respective regions. Branches mean a card of an organization linked in Yandex.Directory with a confirmed office in the region. Thus, when assessing demand, you should always strictly determine the regionality.

Frequency types

After choosing a region, it is immediately clear that the frequency has significantly decreased.

However, all the same, these are not real numbers of specific phrases, and in order to accurately determine the frequency of each keyword, you need to use a special syntax.

Base frequency

So far, we have collected the so-called Base Frequency. This frequency is called the one that we get when we enter a query in wordstat without any syntax, choosing a region or not. This frequency is the sum of the frequencies of all phrases where words from the query occur in any word forms and in any order. For example, in our case, the request "Metal structures" without specifying the region had a frequency of about 250 thousand per month around the world and 33 thousand in Moscow. This frequency includes all phrases that contain the word "metal structures". Moreover, the word may have different endings, that is, it will include phrases: "metalwork plant", "welded metalwork", "buy cheap metalwork", etc.

Frequency quoted

If we want to know the frequency of a search query more accurately, for example, to cut off from it those queries where other words are present, then we need to put the query in quotes. In other words, if you enter a query in this form - “metal structures” - into wordstat, we will get the following figure:

Now we see that only 948 people request the word "metal structures" in Moscow separately in Yandex. However, word forms are still mixed here, for example, "metal structures" "metal structures". To remove them, we will use the following type of frequency.

Frequency quoted and exclamation mark (exact frequency)

If you ask a query in wordstat in this form - “! Metalwork” - we will get the most accurate frequency. That is, the frequency of this word will be displayed exactly as we wrote:

In verbose queries, an exclamation mark must be placed before each word, since this operator fixes the word form of each word in the query separately.

Thus, there is a significant difference in the final frequency of the one-word query "metalwork" in comparison with the initial baseline.

Precise frequency based on word order

However, if we evaluate a query consisting of two words in a similar way, for example, "buy metal structures", then we still need to take into account the word order.

So, for example, if we check the exact frequency of requests: “! Buy! Metalwork” and “! Metalwork! Buy”, we will find that, in a strange way, they will have the same frequency:

This is because the quotes and exclamation mark operators do not take into account the word order. To get the exact frequency of the phrase "buy steel structures" taking into account the word order, you need to use the "parenthesis" operator and enter the phrase as follows: “[! buy! metal structures] ":

Thus, we see that “to buy metal structures” is searched more often than “to buy metal structures”.

As a result, we figured out that the main factor in assessing the demand for key queries, which must be taken into account, is the correct frequency pickup for the semantic core. As an example, we compared the base and exact frequency for the first three dozen phrases that wordstat produces for the query “metalwork”. In the table below, the column "Impressions per month" shows the base frequency given by Yandex without taking into account the region. The column "Real frequency" shows the exact frequency for the region of Moscow and removed using the operators "quotation marks", "exclamation mark" and "square brackets".

As you can see, the exact frequency is much less than the base one. If we proceed from this method of assessing demand, then the picture in which a position in Yandex's TOP-10 for the key phrase "metal structures", which has a frequency of 839, brings 50-100 visitors, already looks more real.

Distribution of click-through rates on the first search page

But one can rightly object:

Will there be only 50-100 visits for a position in the TOP-10 with a keyword with a frequency of 839?

In general, yes!

According to various estimates, the distribution of CTR in organic SERPs in the TOP-10 is something like this:

  1. TOP-1: 15-35%
  2. TOP-2: 10-25%
  3. TOP-3: 7-20%
  4. TOP-4: 5-15%
  5. TOP-5 - TOP-10: 3-12%

The calculations, of course, are very generalized, but they roughly reflect the current picture: 3 or even 4 blocks of contextual advertising take more than half of the total CTR. Next, there may be Yandex services: a market, pictures, maps, which makes the click-through rate on regular sites even less. Taking into account the fact that the position in Yandex is rarely stable for any site in the TOP-10 due to the work of the so-called “bandit” algorithm, we can safely conclude that the above figures for the amount of traffic are normal.

CTR estimation via Yandex.Direct

Our words are easy to check - just go to Yandex.Direct in the budget forecast and see there the predicted CTR depending on the position in the contextual advertising blocks on the search.

Yandex usually underestimates the click-through rate in its forecasts too much, but this once again shows that even a high position for any request does not guarantee a large number of visitors.


In conclusion, let us summarize that for a correct assessment of demand and drawing up on its basis a strategy for search engine promotion of a site, it is important to collect the most complete semantic core and correctly remove the frequency of all phrases, as well as set the region. It is absolutely wrong to "dwell" on individual and presumably the most "fat" search phrases and believe that, having moved up to them in the TOP-10, the site will become the leader of the topic. The site's leadership in search engine promotion is determined solely by the total visibility of the site for a specific semantic core, that is, a large list of search queries of various frequencies and lengths.

It is very important to make sure that the queries for which you are going to promote are generally looking for someone. If you type in the "semantic core", where all keys will be of zero frequency, then your site will be zero. Therefore, let's not bend the ox, but get down to it.

What is Keyword Frequency

Obviously, different queries have different popularity among search engine users. The number of entering a specific query into a search engine is taken for one month. In this way, Keyword Frequency is the number of times a query is entered per month.

It is possible that even there are dummy requests here.

To promote your site, you need to create original content. For example, if you are writing articles, the uniqueness of your text should generally be above 90%. In theory, unique content brings a high traffic rate, consisting mostly of clicks from Yandex and Google. However, in real-world ranking conditions, writing a unique article is only half the battle.

Search engines pay attention not only to the uniqueness of the text, but also to the content of key queries in it, corresponding to the subject of the article or any other text content. The correct distribution of keywords in an article is called text optimization. A unique, but not optimized article containing vague queries may not attract visitors to the site at all. Such a situation would mean wasted time and resources on content creation.

For SEOs, frequency is a criterion for choosing a particular query for its use in the text. Depending on the frequency, high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF) and low-frequency (LF) requests. When optimizing an article, first of all, they pay attention to HF and MF requests. However, every year the promotion of new sites becomes more and more difficult, and the optimization is getting thinner. It is now believed that the use of LF keys can also bring some traffic.

How to check the frequency of a request

The frequency of keywords can be found using the appropriate search engine services, as well as special programs for compiling the semantic core. Search engines provide their services with the calculation of the selection of queries for contextual advertising.

Wordstat (Yandex)

Wordstat is a Yandex service for determining statistics for key queries. Wordstat is used by most SEOs not only for the purpose of compiling commercial queries for advertising, but also for mining keywords in the framework of regular text optimization. There are three types of frequencies in Wordstat:

  1. Frequency WS - basic frequency of the request in Wordstat.
  2. Frequency "" WS - frequency of exact query input. For example, statistics for the query ["car"] will match the query [car] without adding any other words.
  3. Frequency "!" WS - the frequency of the exact input of each word in the request, excluding declensions, etc. The query [! Chinese] means that statistics will be returned for the word [Chinese] without possible declensions (Chinese, Chinese).

On request [car], the current frequency exceeds ten million impressions. The baseline, however, involves adding all sorts of words to the keyword for which the article will rank.

If you enclose the query in quotes, then the statistics will be reduced from ten million to 28 thousand. The optimizer may find it useful to have a right-hand column with similar queries that complement the semantic collection.

The By Words tab means that statistics are provided based on the total impressions for the query entered. The tab "by regions" displays statistics of impressions in different regions of the country. And on the "History of requests" you can track the change in the frequency of the request during a month or a week, as well as statistics on requests via PC or mobile devices.


The Google AdWords service itself is more tailored for contextual advertising than Wordstat. In the "Tools" section, you can select the necessary keys for the required request. In the "Targeting" column, you can specify the desired display region and language. You can also specify negative keywords.

Unlike Wordstat, which provides statistics for a month, in AdWords you can select a monthly range of impressions in the Date Range column. The disadvantage is the average number of results. The statistics itself is divided into two blocks:

  • Key words - analog of the frequency "" of Wordstat;
  • Keywords (by relevance) are analogous to the base frequency and similar queries of WS.

The advantages are the presence of a level of competition, as well as the ability to download the selected words to a CSV file or to Google Drive.

Besides AdWords, Google has another query analytics tool called Google Trends. This service evaluates the popularity of the entered request for a certain period of time and presents statistics in the form of a graph. You can compare several keywords with each other. Regional statistics are also displayed.

For the graph, not exact numbers are used, but relative ones, based, among other things, on relevant queries. also has a search query statistics tool in its service for webmasters. In addition to total impressions, the table shows the distribution of requests by gender and age of users.

It's no secret that Mail is partnering with Yandex, as the search engine places Yandex advertisements.


Rambler is losing its popularity every year, but their Wordstat can be quite useful. The fact is that the statistics of queries in Yandex and Google cannot always reflect the real state of affairs. Many companies can enter "idle" commercial queries in order to spy on competitors, i.e. to analyze TOP, titles, etc.

Due to the low popularity of Rambler, the statistics of their Wordstat are less spammy and may provide some clarity for optimizers. In general, it will do quite well as an additional tool.

How to check massively the frequency of requests

Most SEOs choose programs such as Key Collector or Slovoeb for collecting and analyzing the semantic core. There are also online services for determining frequencies.

Key collector

You can get the necessary keys for the semantic core and massively check their frequency using the Key Collector desktop program. We open Wordstat, enter the main keys in the field from a new line according to your topic and click "Start collection".

In the settings, you can set the required region for collection, as well as stop words. After the keys are collected, we determine the frequencies through Direct.

As a result, you will have a table with keys and frequency of impressions. We immediately delete all keys that have the exact frequency "!" is equal to zero. To do this, we filter in the “Frequency!” Column. Click on the blue icon. A filter window will appear. Choose Greater Than or Equal to> 1 and click Apply.

For a larger list of keys, you can collect search tips from Yandex. We make a new group (window on the right). Also make sure that the checkbox "Collect only TOP tips without brute force ..." is enabled. Now we click on the created group - a new empty tab will open. Click the search suggestions collection icon.
After collecting phrases, we do the same as when parsing Wordstat: remove frequencies, remove phrases and phrases that do not fit in their meaning, where the frequency is "!" is equal to zero.

Similarly, using the Key Collector, you can collect keys and frequencies from Google.

Rush Analytics

Rush Analytics is an online alternative to Key Collector. The advantage of the key collection tool is that there is no need to use a proxy, anti-captcha, etc.

To collect the frequency from Wordstat, you need to go to the "Collecting frequency" tab and check the box next to !keyword, that is, the exact frequency. Next, we enter the keywords. After the service calculates the costs, click "Create a new project".

The results can be saved to an Excel file.

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