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How to promote a channel on youtube. How to reach a new audience

On the Internet, you can earn quite well. In principle, this is what very, very many people do. Now the mass business is moving to the Internet, where some entertainment channels and communities on social networks have learned how to correctly publish advertising (not intrusive, interesting and with a call to action), many large corporations are hiring freelancers and remote employees, people are used to shopping on social networks.. And this is not a complete list, confirming that there is money on the Internet. You just need to know how to earn them correctly. It is to earn your own labor, and not to hope for easy money without investments.

Video content monetization

Today, video content is also being monetized. Videos have become a trend, and a very large audience is concentrated on video hosting. YouTube, as the largest video hosting and the second most searched in the world, keeps up with the trends.

You can make money on video for a long time - connect ads, recommend various products to subscribers, use an affiliate program. But uninteresting videos of dubious quality will not gather an active and loyal audience. But it is precisely the large number of subscribers, their activity in the form of comments, likes and reposts in social networks, that is the core of stable and high earnings on YouTube, as well as promoting your own or corporate brand. This is where YouTube channel promotion comes in.

Channel theme

If there is nothing to promote yet, it doesn’t matter, you can create and design a channel well in just a few hours. First, you need to decide on a topic. It can be anything. It's great if the topic gets on the list of relevant ones. And, of course, the topic of the channel should be close and interesting to its creator - otherwise it will be boring to shoot videos and promote the YouTube channel. When choosing a topic, it is important to immediately imagine what audience it will be designed for. Highly specialized topics are likely to be of interest to a small number of Internet users, so they will not collect many likes.

Most often on video hosting there are entertainment channels, game reviews, letsplays (shooting gameplay), various kinds of educational videos (DIY), videos about construction and repair, including mobile phones, small and large household appliances, computers, etc. Further. Relevant selections of films on topics, games, products, reviews and reviews (so-called unpacking), beauty channels, videos on the topic of motherhood, culinary channels. For a long time, videos with a description of earning strategies have been the attention of users.

Publishing "all at once" will not work - you need to clearly define the topic. Videos about everything can only be afforded by well-known media people who will have subscribers in any case.

Creation and design

To create a channel, you need to have a Google account. The registration process is standard, you will need to enter the desired login (it will also be an email address), gender, date of birth, phone number and a spare email address. On YouTube, you need to go to the "Creative Workshop", where there will be a "Create Channel" button. The service will ask you to decide on the name and add a picture - the channel logo. The latter can be done later. It is advisable to add a channel icon and cover in the same style - without branding it is difficult to imagine effective promotion of a YouTube channel. On the cover, you can specify links to profiles in social networks, your own website.

Video recording and publishing

High-quality and interesting content is a guarantee that the promotion of the YouTube channel will go like clockwork. Videos should be uploaded regularly, preferably at the same time, for example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 19:00 Moscow time. This is a convenient time, as many come home from work, get rid of household chores and sit down at the computer. Therefore, there is a high probability that subscribers will quickly notice and watch the new video. You can publish something every day, regularity here is one of the keys to success.

Content must be copyrighted. You cannot use even small fragments from other videos that do not belong to the creator of the channel. This will result in fines from YouTube and possibly even a complete blocking of the channel. Also, the videos should be helpful. Promotion of the YouTube channel TVgoods is a good example, the team publishes live broadcasts of television programs - although the video is not copyrighted, it gets a good response, user activity and a lot of views.

The optimal duration of videos is about 3-5 minutes. You can, of course, make videos for 15-20 minutes, but users should watch such content to the end. Otherwise, such a length of the video does not justify itself. With long videos, you can use such a trick to get users to watch them: promise a contest at the end or come up with something else that will keep their attention.

Principles of successful work

There are three essential principles for successfully promoting a YouTube channel. First, post videos that will be of interest to viewers, do not sell or recommend deliberately low-quality products. Secondly, money is not at all the main thing in SEO promotion of a YouTube channel. It all depends on how high-quality content you offer viewers. Thirdly, a good channel with interesting videos advertises itself. Some videos become popular as soon as they appear on the network. It is worth striving to create such content.

YouTube channel promotion

Promotion is the next step, without which the monetization of the channel will give absolutely no results. There are many options for promotion. Among them, you can list white, gray and black methods (the last, and ideally penultimate ones, you should not use), paid and free, the most and least effective. Although the latter, of course, depends on many factors. For an entertainment channel, for example, promotion through social networks will be quite effective, but less so for a corporate video blog.

SEO video optimization

Even if the video itself is of high quality and interesting, but its description and title do not make you want to watch the video, then there can be no question of any effective and fast promotion. Seo concerns both the name, and the description, and tags, and the correct indication of the category. Be sure to use keywords of high, medium and low frequency. To determine the most suitable ones, use Yandex.Wordstat.

By the way, even the name of the video file that will be uploaded to the hosting should be optimized. YouTube will “trust” a video with a name from an incoherent set of Latin letters and numbers less than a video with a clear and understandable name that reflects the content.

Create playlists with similar videos or videos, united by a common theme. For example, define in one playlist all reviews of the most powerful phones, all the most productive models or new items. This will increase the likelihood that a user interested in one topic will continue watching videos on the same channel and become a subscriber.

Be sure to fill in all the video settings when uploading to the hosting: language, shooting location, the ability to embed the video.

An example of good SEO, but not so much for the channel as for the main site, is the promotion of the TvGoo YouTube channel. The service provides itself with a boost in the citation index due to the fact that under each video with a live broadcast of television programs it leaves a link to itself.

Attracting new subscribers

Attracting the first hundred or thousand subscribers is the main task of the owner of the "young" YouTube channel. There are paid and free methods. Among the free ones: mutual subscription (exchange of subscribers), manual publication of channel advertising in social networks, forums and in any open sources. There is no need to spam - this is already from black methods and will not lead to anything good. Free promotion - longer, but that's why it's free.

Free and paid advertising

In more detail, it is worth dwelling on paid and free methods of promotion. In addition to optimization, you can also attract subscribers through third-party services. They are free due to the fact that first the channel owner needs to perform certain actions (subscribe to someone else's channel, watch a video, like, repost to one of the social networks, and so on), and then order the promotion of their channel for the points earned on the internal account . Examples of such services:

  • Big Like.
  • YouTuber.
  • like4you.
  • socgain.
  • Pumput.

Paid methods are advertising on other people's channels (then they encourage their subscribers to subscribe to your channel or watch a video), promotion services, contextual advertising, publications in popular thematic groups on social networks, and so on.

Paid promotion

Paid advertising can be purchased from Viboom, SeeDr or VideoSeed. It is better to order YouTube channel promotion (complex) from an smm specialist working remotely or in the state (for large companies that enter the Internet market).

Paid methods also include "purchasing" active or passive subscribers. A hundred subscribers can be purchased for only 140 rubles, a thousand - for 1190 rubles. There are also sites for promoting a channel on YouTube. On many resources, you can order views, likes, subscriptions and reposts (QComments, Vlike, VkTarget, SocialTool, and so on) or first subscribe to several publics and communities yourself, and then use the earned money to promote the channel.


Creating and promoting a YouTube channel is an interesting and profitable business. You just need to approach the matter correctly and then everything will work out. For information: it takes about a year to promote a channel by white methods until the first tangible income is received, even if the content is of high quality, interesting and useful.

Question from Andrey Sveridov:

Hello. I read your article a few months ago on how to make money on YouTube. After that, I got a channel on YouTube, but it spins up somehow slowly and weakly. Please tell me how to promote a channel on YouTube? Whether the speed of promotion depends on the subject. Thanks for your site!

Today, the Internet business brings a really good income, and many optimizers understand that targeted traffic can be received not only from search engines, but also through social networks and other sites. In addition, such traffic will be even better and more effective than that received from search engines, and this is especially true for commercial topics. A YouTube channel is a great way to get traffic and draw attention to your product, which is why its promotion plays a very important role.

Basic principles of promotion

Before talking about how promote a YouTube channel, you need to understand the essence of working with this site and the reasons why videos become or do not become popular.

Honesty Above All

The popularity of a channel on Youtube depends primarily on the reaction of viewers to its content. If the video is initially an obvious deception or clearly demonstrates the goal of cashing in on visitors, then turning off comments or anything else will not save the situation. Only sincerity and at least some return to the viewer can save from a negative reaction, even if the author initially pursues precisely commercial, even selfish goals. For example, a person who sells trips or provides a booking service must post travel-related videos on their channel. In this case, people who are interested in it will still visit the channel and watch the video, despite the purpose of such a vlog.

Money is not important!

Nowadays, for a certain amount, you can get almost everything: from beautiful photos and suitable content to laudatory comments and reviews written by front people. Any site for money can be promoted to the top and well advertised, even if there is an advertisement for a poor quality product at an unreasonably high price. In most cases, visitors will believe the beautiful cover and will not guess that this is all a hoax, but in the case of YouTube videos, this tactic will not work. Even if the comments are closed, users can always express their attitude to an uninteresting video or a bad product through the dislike button or a complaint to the site's technical support service. The minimum damage that the author of the video will receive in this case is the loss of subscribers and popularity, and the maximum is blocking the channel on the site.

Interesting and useful material is the key to success

Despite the fact that YouTube is becoming more and more popular, including as a commercial platform, the principle is still relevant here: an interesting channel will become popular anyway. It is not necessary to deeply understand promotion methods or pay to promote a channel on YouTube - just fill it with really unique, interesting and useful content. In this case, subscribers will appear by themselves, and popularity will grow.

10 Ways to Promote Your YouTube Channel

Share videos on social networks and forums

Most often, users associate direct links with spam, so as an alternative, you can immediately insert the code into the video in your message. This, firstly, will increase the views themselves, and secondly, it will not be perceived as annoying spam. The main thing is to embed your videos in the right place and not too intrusively.

Write descriptions and tags for each video

As you know, the title, tags and category determine how many people and what queries will find the video through the search on the channel. These aspects need to be given very great attention: to make both the title and description as informative as possible, and to include the maximum number of keywords in the text. It is from this work on the promotion of the channel on YouTube that the mechanical part of the promotion of the video and the channel as a whole will depend.

Leave links wherever possible

As mentioned above, most often users will mistake direct links for spam, so this promotion method is slightly less effective than inserting videos. Nevertheless, this technique is perfect for complex promotion of a channel or a separate video. The main goal of this method is to acquire visitors not only directly through the site, but also through search engines such as Yandex and Google. It should be remembered that manually placed links are less effective than purchased ones.

Add as many videos as possible

A large number of videos is directly related to the popularity of the channel on Youtube. Obviously, a channel with a thousand videos will be promoted faster than one with ten or a hundred. That is why, when promoting a channel, it is necessary to update it as often as possible, not forgetting that the videos should be interesting and useful to visitors. Of course, these do not have to be long videos, they can be diluted with short, but capacious and relevant videos. This approach will satisfy a variety of tastes and will attract more visitors.

Make video responses to other videos

The promotion of the channel on YouTube can also be carried out at the expense of other, more popular videos. By shooting video responses to them, you can draw attention to your channel and get additional subscribers. The main thing is to create such answers competently and thoughtfully and remember that praise or continuation of the author's thought is preferable to swearing and provoking conflict.

Create viral videos

There are well-known cases when accidentally filmed videos in a matter of hours scattered throughout the network like a virus, and gained enormous popularity. This method is still very, very effective, however, to create a competent viral video, you will most likely need the help of a professional.

Encourage viewers to take action

According to statistics, those video bloggers who directly ask for it at the end of their videos get more likes and subscribers. It may seem surprising, but simple phrases like “thumbs up and subscribe to my channel” have an almost magical effect. In practice, it almost always turns out that it is not at all difficult for a visitor to like and even subscribe.

Make friends with other vloggers

Connections always play a decisive role in any business, real or virtual. You can attract additional attention to yourself by mentioning other vloggers in your videos. Most likely, response mentions and links to the channel will not keep you waiting, provided that the author's videos are really interesting.

Answer questions and communicate with subscribers

Contact with subscribers is another important part of promoting a channel on Youtube. The more a video blogger is open to communication, the more popular his channel will become. You can not only communicate with visitors in the comments, but also create a separate section for answering questions that are asked in the comments or on social networks. Such videos not only increase the popularity of the author, but also do not require long preparation, script writing, etc.

To keep up with the times

Last in order, but not least, the rule of promoting a channel on YouTube is to always be aware of the latest events and create truly unique videos. A channel that reviews the iPhone 4 when the iPhone 6 is out, or posts a blog about last summer's hottest sales at the end of November, will never become popular. The author, who follows the news and chooses topics for videos in a timely manner, will definitely succeed in promoting his channel.

Users who run their channels on the popular video hosting YouTube do it not only for the sake of a hobby. The main goal of the majority is income. And you can really make money there. Monthly uses this video service over a billion people. This is almost a third of all Internet users. If you figure out how to promote a YouTube channel and achieve your goal, you can earn good money on the Internet.

Before considering the methods of promoting a YouTube channel for free or for money, it is worth highlighting the basic principles of work:

Free ways to promote your YouTube channel

Many understand that the more subscribers, the more opportunities his profile owner will have. Therefore, users, especially those who are aimed at making money, are looking for working ways to quickly promote a channel on Youtube.

As mentioned earlier, first of all, special attention should be paid to content. Often, authors who publish videos that are useful to the audience only need to shoot, edit and upload material, such a profile promotes itself.

To speed up the promotion of your YouTube channel, you can use the following methods.

Correct and beautiful profile design

To stand out from competitors, it is important to create a unique “face” of your profile and correctly present the video material published on it:

The user interface allows:

  • Set avatar. It will be visible when publishing comments, in search results, in the list of subscriptions. A catchy image, a photo of a blogger or a company logo to increase recognition;
  • Design a cover, i.e. load a unique banner. It is important that it is combined with the theme of the published videos;
  • Create and optimize playlists. With their help, you can set up convenient navigation by combining thematic videos. This will not only make it easier for users to navigate, but will also encourage them to watch additional videos.
  • Create sections. With their help, you can distribute videos on the main profile page in a convenient and attractive form for the viewer.
  • Download trailer. The main purpose is to acquaint the audience with the topics of published videos and motivate them to become subscribers.

Correct and attractive design will allow you to get natural subscribers for free.

Also, to the correct design, it is worth adding seo promotion of the youtube channel, i.e. creating videos for specific search queries and compiling the correct optimized description for them. To select keywords, you can use the special services Mutagen, Yandex.Wordstat, Key Collector, Google keyword tool.

Regular posting of new video content

Successful free promotion of the Youtube channel also lies in the right strategy. Here it is important to understand the critical points for retaining the audience, i.e. how many videos should be published so that the interest of the audience is always in a “warmed up” state. On average, it is considered that two videos a week are enough. But it all depends on the topic, for example, popular bloggers who keep personal diaries publish videos more often and immediately gain a good number of views. When trying to fill your profile with video content, it is important to remember that the priority is not the quantity of posted material, but its quality.

Publication of videos in social networks, forums, blogs

This method is not only a video promotion option, but also a YouTube channel promotion option and a free set of subscribers. If the material is really interesting and useful, many users not only share it with friends, but also go to the author's profile to get acquainted with other content.

You can post new videos:

Connecting with viewers and encouraging them to take action

For a good indicator of behavioral factors, it is important to receive feedback from subscribers and viewers in the form of likes, comments and subscriptions, this directly affects the promotion of the channel on Youtube.

For this purpose, you can conduct polls with a request to leave your answers and opinions in the comments under the video. You can also ask your audience to subscribe and like right in the video. For example, "If you liked this video, please like and subscribe to my channel." According to statistics, people often respond to such calls.

Youtube channel promotion for money

Mutual PR deals are also effective. To promote the channel, you can ask other YouTubers for help. On EPICSTARS, this can be done for free using the mutual PR deal:

For those who want to promote their video blog for free, you can try working with SMOFast and TurboLiker. These are convenient and understandable services for promoting a youtube channel for free. You can order all the same actions on them as on paid projects, only payment is made using credits that the owner will earn for performing various actions ordered by other participants.

To achieve good results, it is better to combine promotion methods. But it is important to remember that the artificial cheating of behavioral factors can negatively affect the ranking of video content and profile promotion. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the published material and the design of your profile.

Greetings dear friends. Today, every Internet user would like to become popular and. One of the ways to make money on the Internet at home is precisely the media network.

Youtube has been the most popular video service for many years. During its existence, it has collected millions of videos on its open spaces with a wide variety of topics - from video clips of famous performers and feature films to videos from family holidays.

What a video is, what quality it is and what information it carries, directly affects its popularity among YouTube users - the number of views, likes and downloads. Many novice bloggers are interested in the question of how to promote a YouTube channel in order to get these very views and likes for each video?

YouTube Core Principles

Before considering how to promote, let's look at the principles of the service and the promotion of videos on it:

  • A channel that does not provide any useful information is doomed to failure. Even if you want to use YouTube exclusively or trade, a video that talks about the amazing features of a product or a video with a link and a description of the store is unlikely to be watched to the end by anyone. This information can be found on the site, and YouTube is designed to convey information that is more appropriate in video format. So, if you have a travel agency, the YouTube channel can be used to show a particular country, city, region, but not to tell you where your office is located and what cheap tours you have.
  • A channel with interesting videos is doomed to success. It doesn’t matter how well you understand promotion methods, how you advertise your channel and how many people you tell about your videos - if you post interesting videos, subscribers and likes will fall by themselves.

How to Promote a YouTube Channel: Free Ways

The main rule when promoting a channel is to post only videos that are interesting and useful to viewers. But besides this, there are several other ways to make your videos popular:

  • Think about the theme of the channel in advance. If you have a channel about travel, then you should not add videos, for example, about fashion, even occasionally. Most of your subscribers are interested in travel videos, and content on another topic that has nothing to do with the declared one is unlikely to be appreciated by viewers. Try to shoot videos on the chosen topic, but not the same type, so that the audience does not lose interest.

  • Choose a topic for the channel that is one of the most popular. News and educational videos, videos about celebrities, sports, fashion are in demand on YouTub.
  • Qualitatively optimize the title of the video. To do this, you need to pay attention to several points:

We make the description in the optimal number of characters - from 500;

We select keywords and use them in the description;

We do not write tags in the description.

  • Another answer to the question of how to promote a channel on YouTube -
  • write tags. Proper tag optimization will provide more targeted views for your videos. For this:

We use all 500 characters allocated for tags;

First of all, we prescribe less competitive tags that are often repeated by bloggers, and then more competitive ones;

We use keywords from the description of the video in the tags;

We try to write without errors. For you can use special services or just Word;

We check tags for old videos and, if necessary, rewrite them or correct them.

  • An effective promotion method is to use other services to advertise the YouTube channel. To do this, put links to the video or channel on social networks and other sites. It is not certain that all those who see the links will follow them, but it is likely that a certain percentage of visitors to the site or page on the social network will find the video useful according to the description and watch it.

  • Share your videos on social media pages and groups. If not everyone reacts unambiguously to links, immediately perceiving them as advertising, then the reaction to the videos themselves is the opposite. Users who have watched them and become interested can themselves ask for a link to your other videos, or follow the link to your channel if it is indicated under the video.

  • Watch videos from popular bloggers and borrow the best ideas for your channel. But don't film the same. Even if your video turned out no worse, it is unlikely that it will be appreciated, considering it to be plagiarism. It’s better to add something of your own to the borrowed idea, try to make your video not only not worse, but also better.
  • Make video responses to other videos. To do this, take a video of the most popular bloggers and continue their thought or express your opinion on the issue raised. At the same time, you should not speak sharply against another blogger, even if you do not agree with his opinion.
    A similar video of yours will be shown in the search results after the user views the video to which you made a video response.
  • Add as many videos as possible to your channel. If you have one good idea, you can shoot it in 2 or 3 videos, thereby ensuring both frequent updates and interest in your channel. Users who like the first video will definitely want to watch the next ones, which means they will subscribe to your channel.
  • Feel free to prompt the viewer to action. It's possible that he liked the video but didn't think to like it or forgot. Remind him of this with the words “if you liked this video, put a like”, “if you are interested in this idea and want to watch the next video in a similar format, subscribe to my channel.”
  • Make collaborative videos with other bloggers. When showing a video, they will definitely indicate a link to your channel, thereby providing you with new subscribers if your video is actually useful and interesting. Identical videos of several bloggers by agreement are also popular. In this case, you provide a link to other bloggers, who, in turn, link to you, which allows the video not to look like a plagiarism of someone else's idea.
  • Be relevant. You should not try to interest your viewers with a video on a topic that has long exhausted itself and no longer interests anyone. Study fashion trends on YouTube and be guided by them. It's silly to review a Russian beach resort in winter or an autumn-winter fashion show in spring.
  • Communicate with your viewers. Don't ignore the questions they ask under the videos unless they have negative connotations. It is also effective to communicate with viewers in the videos themselves by asking for their opinion in the comments and even making separate videos with answers to frequently asked questions.

  • Listen to the opinion of the audience. They often come up with really great ideas for the next video. Try to shoot about something that is interesting to the audience, but not deviating too much from the subject of the channel.

How to promote a channel on YouTube: paid ways

If free promotion methods do not help you or you want to announce your channel in a short time, you can use paid services:

Do paid advertising for your channel. To do this, negotiate with other bloggers, popular pages on social networks, that they mention your channel in their videos, under them and on their pages. Accounts with a large number of subscribers are able to attract a significant percentage of new viewers to your channel.

A promotion method that guarantees at least dozens of subscribers is to sponsor a contest on a blogger's channel with a large audience. The essence of the method is to acquire a prize for the winner of the competition through joint financial efforts with the owner of the channel. In return, the latter indicates a subscription to your channel as a prerequisite among others for participation in the contest.

Order viral videos. This is one of the most effective ways and most popular tips when asking how to promote a YouTube channel. Viral videos in a short time disperse throughout the site and gain thousands of views. At the same time, users themselves send a link to it to their friends. With the help of viral advertising, you can:

  • factor of increase channel traffic and the number of views and other videos;
  • gain recognition among a wide range of YouTube users.

Order promotion from specialists. Special services offer to gain a certain number of subscribers, views and likes for a fee. You can choose from two options - a set of live subscribers or bots. The first option is more expensive, since real people can become interested in your channel and start liking and commenting on their own, and bots will simply add the number of subscribers.

I hope the material was useful, and you subscribe to the blog newsletter. Good luck.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

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