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How to promote and develop a group in contact. Post the latest video

Good day, dear readers. Vladislav Nikitin is in touch. In this article I want to continue the previous topic on. Social networks have become an integral part of the modern world. Many blog readers have their own communities there, through which they want to sell or are already selling. This is what this article will be about - sales through Vkontakte communities.

Before you start building your community, you need to understand that its promotion is a long and exhausting process. If, for example, you and you have traffic, applications and calls the next day, then this will not happen with the group. Therefore, sales through a group should be an additional traffic channel at the first stage, and certainly not the main one. In the future, when your group has 5,000, 10,000 or 50,000 subscribers, then you will have sales from the group on autopilot.

Create a group

Everything is very simple here. We go to the "Groups" section, click in the upper right corner "Create a community" and then select "Group". Then fill in the information about the group.

Group design

There are 2 options for group design: correct and without design. The correct thing is when there is a well-designed avatar and a menu made through a wiki page. Here is an example of such a design - on the avatar there is a logo, an appeal.

If this is a local company, then write the address and phone number again. The menu is simple, concise - people should be willing to click on the menu picture. Design the menu itself in the form of a mini landing with links to sections of your group and website.

As for the group without design, here's an example for you - there is no menu, the avatar does not convey any information.

If you want to sell through the community, then approach the site design responsibly. The better the group is formed, the more people will join.

Filling the group

You will need to fill the group with information. Add video clips, if you have them, pictures and photos of the product / service, fill in, place links to the site, add posts and discussions.

In discussions, be sure to add topics with reviews, how to order, payment and delivery, warranty, question-answer, frequently asked questions - these are the main points that should be. The rest is optional and necessary.

The “Products” section also needs to be designed competently and beautifully: the picture of the product should be informational, the prices are up-to-date, the description is exhaustive. Any visitor entering your group should receive all the necessary information.


An extremely important component of any community is content. No one will subscribe to boring groups. If you want the number of subscribers to constantly grow, then pay huge attention to the content. Develop a content plan. If you only post trade offers, then no one will subscribe to your group.

Ideally, there should be 80% informational content and 20% selling content. But the seller also needs to be packed under the information.

Don't be boring. Come up with something new and interesting. Constantly test your posts. Ask subscribers what content they want to see. For example, surveys in groups always increase engagement. Posts in the first person are of great interest - if you are the director of an organization, then record some kind of video clip or post from your own post. It also increases the credibility of you and the company.

Do not forget about contests - this is a great incentive for a rapid growth in the number of subscribers. But you have to be very careful with competitions. For some types of contests, the community may be blocked. But if you have simple contests, like “Give a T-shirt to a random subscriber for a repost”, then you should not be afraid of blocking. They usually block for implausible contests or for obvious deception.


If your group is empty and there is no one else besides you, then first you need to collect 500-1000 bots. You can do this either through software or through job exchanges like vktarget.

The second option is paid, but it is safe. For cheating, you can get a block. You need to add bots so that normal subscribers can see that the group is active. When a group has at least 500-1000 subscribers, it is more likely to subscribe to it. The usual herd feeling works - if others are subscribed, it means that it is interesting and useful here.

But do not be zealous with bots. There is little point to this. The point can only be to raise your group to the first positions in the internal search of Vkontakte - this will give you organic traffic. This is the only thing bots can be used for. But don't think +100500 bots will make you sales. No bot will buy anything from you. To make sales, you need to advertise.

To get subscribers for free, you can also partner (link exchange) with a group of the same size. Choose a topic that is similar or related. The main thing is that your potential audience is in the partner community.

Paid promotion on Vkontakte

You can advertise in communities directly through group administrators, through the Vkontakte exchange, or through third-party advertising exchanges. There will be a separate article about how to advertise in other communities, since this is a very extensive topic. But in short, I can say that when choosing a group for advertising, be sure to look at the activity and statistics. In statistics, the most important parameter is coverage, that is, how many subscribers are actually involved in the life of the community. In the Vkontakte exchange, you can also view the coverage of the post - this is exactly what you need. Choose a group so that it contains your target audience as fully as possible. And another important parameter is the design of the advertising post. It is necessary to correctly write not only the text, but also the quality of the picture. First, they will see the picture, and if it is of interest, they will also read the text. Choose 3-4 groups, test each and then buy ads in the one that had the best effect. After placing an ad, you can see the statistics.

You can also buy ads in the personal account of some popular blogger. Such people usually have hundreds of thousands or even millions of subscribers (not friends! The number of friends in VK is limited). The essence of the purchase is the same as in groups: write in private messages, request statistics, and if everything suits you, buy advertising.

There is another option for paid promotion -. It has many advertising formats, from regular teasers to post ads. It is important to understand that promotion through targeted advertising requires experience and a budget (at least 5,000 rubles per month, but better from 10,000 rubles). If you have a limited budget or no experience, then it is better not to use targeting - it will be a waste of time. Posts in third-party communities will work more effectively for you.

Working with the audience

After your group begins to fill with subscribers, your group will begin to move. There will be comments, questions, negatives and more. Your task is to process all these requests.

Remember - never delete negative comments. This will piss off your followers even more. Know how to process the negative so that it brings only a positive component for you.

If the question was asked in the comments, then let's answer it there. And do not write the answer in the form of "Answered / a in PM." Give the answers directly in the group. Let other subscribers see all the information. Run contests and polls. Engage your followers in your community. Write interesting content - no one will subscribe to boring, dull information. Make original, unique posts - you should be different from others.

In general, these are the main points from the creation of a community to the start of sales and even after. Implement what I wrote in this article and your group will definitely sell. Once again I want to remind you that you should not expect a momentary result. Of course, after the launch of advertising, there will be subscribers and sales, but it takes months to bring this to a constant level.

How to sell

If you have any questions about this topic, ask them in the comments.

Quite detailed, where they told all 10 ways to promote on Instagram.

The next couple of days answered questions when there will be the same article about promotion in contact. Since procrastinating is not our cup of tea, here is some material for you.


According to our tradition, we will start with facts and end with concrete actions. Judging by the latest information provided by Vkontakte, one can confirm once again that quite a few companies should start their development there.

Although personally we have now shifted our focus towards Facebook. But we will also discuss this topic and raise it, however, next time.


You got it right. 64.4 million unique users visit Vkontakte every month. Just imagine this number! Well, as they say, in order to completely finish you off, here is another picture:

Another statistic

And then you got it right. Vkontakte is in first place in terms of attendance and leaves behind such projects as Youtube, Yandex and Google.

By the way, remember that there used to be a myth that mostly schoolchildren are in contact (by the way, I don’t know a country where 80% of Internet users are schoolchildren).

Audience yield

Do you think this is old information? No. If you noticed, the study was conducted in 2017 with the involvement of the best analytical agencies in the world. So I think it's worth trusting.

The agony of choice

Well, with the fact that there are people in VK, there are a lot of them and they can buy, I think we figured it out. Now let's look at how and what you can advertise on VK. And if you doubt that your business needs social networks, then read the article.

Let's start with the main types of sites that we can use for our military operations:

1. Personal page

Strictly speaking, the personal page of a particular person. But if earlier everyone was cunning and designed a page for their business and added as friends, now this method of promotion is practically dead.

The page will be constantly frozen, blocked and, eventually, banned, so I do not advise promoting the business in this way.

Since, firstly, it is now forbidden to create a page without a real name (in special cases, they even ask for a scan of the passport).

Secondly, they began to be banned quite often for increased activity, especially if they are young pages. In general, one hemorrhoids. Do you need it? So it's better to use your personal for its intended purpose.

2. Group or public page

But for the promotion of a business, either a group or a public page (public) is suitable. Pretty much the same, with some minor differences.

Groups are mainly aimed at communicating with people, while publics, in turn, are aimed at informing people. In order not to go into details, in 99 cases out of 100, you need a public page. Trust us.

By the way! Now the group can be transferred quickly and free of charge to the public, and vice versa. You can do this in the "community settings" or write to the technical support of the site.

3. Events

Events by themselves are created for holding any events. It can be master classes, concerts, seminars or, for example, an opening.

When creating them, be sure to specify when they start and when they end. Therefore, you need to know the date, time and even a specific place.

Again, in practice, if you plan to notify about the opening of your business, for example, then it is better to do this immediately through the public page.

And what to do?

Types of advertising in VK

Okay, let's say you created a community. Or even perhaps they decided not to attract people as subscribers to the group, but to immediately lead them to your website or to your company through advertising.

By the way, many people forget about this, everyone thinks that it is necessary to attract subscribers to the group, when you can immediately advertise and attract them to your business. Think about what is best for you.

Made a decision? If not, then write in the comments, we will help with advice on how to do better.

Still, let's continue, how to invite people and promote the business?! This is the most important thing, otherwise it will turn out from the series “The restaurant was opened, but they forgot to make the door.” But before that, a few terms that I will use and maybe you do not know them:

  1. Fake - a page completely created and filled by the program, with an imitation of a real one;
  2. Brutus - abandoned accounts of people who have lost access to them. New access is obtained by hacking;
  3. Dogs - pages that have been blocked for, which are waiting for access to be restored or completely deleted;
  4. Repost - when you share someone else's post on your page without changing the authorship.


Invite Friends

This is not advertising, but one of the types of promotion, so I will tell you more. In this case, there are two options for events, however, I would call the second one no longer working. Although, if you work on a very small scale, then why not.

Option 1

If you have a group, you can invite your friends to join. There are only limits on this. You can send no more than 40 invitations per day.

If you have a public, then you, as a member of the public, can tell your friends about it by clicking “Tell” in it.

tell friends

Option 2

Remember I talked about personal pages? One of the many moves is buying fake accounts and adding friends to people with the criteria you need (possibly with the subsequent invitation of them to your group).

Naturally, because of the limits, you need not 1 or 2 fakes, but hundreds. This is what special programs or services are used for (for example, Bosslike). If someone thinks that this is a cheap form of advertising, then let's count.

  1. One hundred brute or fake accounts - 700 rubles (100 pieces of 7 rubles each);
  2. One hundred proxies for each account - 3,000 rubles (100 pieces of 30 rubles each);
  3. The program is 1,000 rubles per month.

The total is about 5 thousand rubles a month. And you still need to learn how to use it and update bots, because they will be banned all the time.

Targeted advertising

Side advertising Ads in the feed

It can be either in the form of a banner on the left or flash in the news feed. Here are some examples...

I will say right away that in this article I will not paint in detail about it. It's just a whole science.

But we will definitely open it in our blog, it is not worth keeping secrets for such a good person as you. I'll just tell you why she's so amazing.

If you know your target audience, then you can write an ad just for them. Gender, age, place of residence, preferences, interests - all this is indicated by Vkontakte users.

And it is by these criteria that you can find them and show your ads. Engaged girls aged 18 to 22 who have an iphone and have a birthday in 2 weeks? Easily!

Find them and make them an offer they can't refuse. By the way, you can pay for it in two ways:

  1. For impressions;
  2. For clicks (transitions to a group or website).

I know, there is a desire to set everything up on your own and I do not dissuade you. Just be prepared that it will take quite some time.

Life hack. If you set up targeted advertising on VK yourself, then I recommend the Getuniq service. The passage of moderation is many times faster and a good bonus when replenishing the advertising budget.

There is no SMM direction in our agency, so we can safely recommend our social media partner.

In the last article, I described the basics of promoting an online store on social networks, now I would like to delve into the subject and talk about how to independently promote a VKontakte group.

A unique promotion for owners of their own groups in VK!
Get 10% discount at the service of everyone who has a VKontakte group!

In fact, promoting a VKontakte group is not so difficult, much easier than promoting a site.

To begin with, before promoting the group, you need to analyze the demographics of the intended audience.

Demographics of the group's subscribers

You need to understand exactly what kind of people you are making your group for. This will be needed when setting up targeted advertising, inviting people to a group, and when writing content.

The picture below shows the general demographic state of the VKontakte audience.

The second nuance is the age of subscribers. You can see that the younger generation is mostly in contact, and the older one, for example, in classmates. I'm not talking about all, but about the majority of users.

We independently promote the Vkontakte group

Let's look at a few steps for self-promotion of the group:

  1. Invite your friends

    Your friends can be the first to start leaving comments, likes and reposts. In addition, it is very important that by the beginning of the promotion of the Vkontakte group there are already a certain number of people in it, because, as you know, people are very reluctant to join empty groups.

  2. Cheat by special services

    This is a very important section, without which it will be quite difficult at the initial stage, because people are much more willing to join a group if a lot of people have already subscribed to it.

    It's no secret to anyone that there are many ways to get followers into your group. They do this in two ways, buying bots and using interchange services.

    I do not recommend the first method, these are absolutely dead users who will most likely lead your group to a ban.

    I will dwell on the second method in more detail. There are many services on the Internet in which you can give a certain task to real people, for example, like, repost, join a group.

    I have tried many different services and now I use Bosslike , it has a rather small percentage of unsubscribers, because for this they punish, write off points and ban the account.

    You can pay for this business with real money, or with “points”, which you can get for completing the same tasks.

    Using the Bosslike service, you can quickly add a bunch of subscribers to your group and create the appearance of activity - likes, reposts, so that interested users entering your group can see that the group is alive and popular with other people.

    Such services are much better than buying bots, since, firstly, they are free, and secondly, subscribers cheated in this way are absolutely real people who, just like you, promote their groups.

    It often happens that after cheating these people become active members of your group, write comments, like, repost. In general, at the initial stage, I advise EVERYONE

  3. Reposting posts from your group to similar communities

    Of course, not all groups provide the opportunity to leave posts on their wall, but I think it's worth looking.

    Even if the group is limited, and you have insanely interesting information, you can offer news in this group. Any adequate administrator will publish it.

    In addition, from my own experience I will say that it can be very effective to search for publics and groups of similar topics with open photo albums. Find an attractive image, upload it to your album, and write text in the caption that will encourage the reader to join your group.

    In most cases, such an image will be deleted after some time, but it may have time to attract a good number of users to your group.

  4. Mutual cooperation with thematic groups in contact.

    Everything is simple here, look for thematically similar groups and share each other's posts on the wall, as well as links.

  5. Group optimization for VKontakte search.

    Compared to a regular site, the name of the group is the title of the page, the description of the group is both description and keywords.

    It is important that the name of the group contains one exact occurrence of the key query, for example, "Wedding photographer in St. Petersburg."

    In the description of the group, it should appear several times, in addition, it would be useful to list the tags below by which you can be searched.

    Also, don't forget to change the group url from the incomprehensible club1682746 to a more relevant one.

    Remember that VKontakte groups and publics are perfectly indexed by search engines, so a properly optimized group can bring new users to your online store not only from the social network itself, but also from search engines.

    Another important factor affecting ranking (position in the VKontakte search results) is the number of group members, so as I have already, in the first couple, I highly recommend getting subscribers for free using Bosslike or similar services.

How to keep subscribers in a group

Content is the most important thing what you need to independently promote a VKontakte group. The more interesting your content is, the more reposts you will get and the more people will learn about your VKontakte group, and the more existing subscribers you can keep.

Try to post interesting articles based on the interests of your audience. Try to find your style, feature. If it doesn’t work out on your own, then you need to look for the most interesting articles on your subject in other places. There are many services for this.

The coolest service of this kind in my opinion is SmmBox. This service itself finds the most popular posts and articles on your subject and, thanks to a smart calendar, it can allocate the time and schedule for posting posts for greater efficiency. This service is paid, although quite cheap, but it has a 14-day free period, in 14 days, with special diligence, you can score a group with content for several months in advance and not worry about constantly searching and posting.
You don’t even need to register in it - click enter in the upper right corner of the main page and choose to exit through VKontakte (Well, or through other social networks) and proceed to the promotion of your group.

It also has an extension for browsers with which you can place content from any site you are on in your VKontakte group in 1 click.

Holding contests

Everybody loves contests and it's a good way to tell about your band. Announce some interesting contest with the obligatory condition to repost and join the group, this will attract a large number of people.

There are many free services that will help you in this matter:
Vkonkurs.rf is my favorite service for determining the winners. The service receives a list of users who reposted the news (posts on the wall) and selects winners from them randomly. The result is given in a very sympathetic and convenient form, which you can immediately post to your VKontakte group.

random app- the application helps to draw prizes. The difference from other applications is that you can make a draw among all users of the group;

virus analyzer- find out who has collected how many likes and reposts under any VKontakte message;

Group competitions- the application serves to test contests for inviting friends to the community. For each participant, the number of his friends in the group is checked and a list is displayed in descending order of the number of friends who joined;

LikeChecker- the application is intended for administrators of groups holding contests, with the help of it you can find out the number of likes in a group;

The application separates likes given by group members from outsiders (most likely cheated).

Unsubscribe Tracking

You can track the users who left the group and find out the reason from them. The user is pleased that he and his opinion are important to you, and you will know what makes people leave your community.

There are also convenient free services for this, for example, the VKontakte application "

7 votes

Good day, dear readers of my blog. We continue to comprehend the basics of effective work in social networks. Today I will tell you about one interesting point that will help you make serious profits.

There can be many sources. The numbers also vary. Everything will depend on your efficiency, ability to find customers and the choice of a path to achieve this goal.

We will discuss everything related to the question of how to promote your page in contact: I will tell you why it can be useful to you, recommend various methods for use, give some practical advice on work and warn you about what to do in any case costs. Shall we start?

How the page will help you earn

My blog was created for people who want to earn money online. I think the best way to do this, and the ideal source for orders - regional entrepreneurs. We will consider other cases a little later.

If you decide to choose my model, and if you still have to meet business owners, then why not sell them a group or community at the same time? This is where the Vkontakte page with an impressive number of friends comes in handy.

Even if you do not know your subscribers, this is a great channel to attract an audience to a new group. Moreover, it will be possible to unwind it in three ways. Now we will not talk about them, if you are interested, read my previous publications and subscribe to the newsletter.

You will need the information I share. Moreover, it is difficult to find worthwhile articles on this topic on the Internet from people who really know what they are talking about. Believe me, I regularly monitor publications.

Why else might you need to develop your account? From it you can earn money on affiliate programs. Someone created a unique service, wrote a book, sells cool products. You give a link, subscribers go through it, purchase goods, and you will receive your percentage until you get tired of you and other networks. Which I highly doubt.

If you yourself know how to do something, then you can offer these services: photography, papier-mâché products, manicure, and so on. Of course, it is best to use a group, but a personal profile will never hurt, but rather, on the contrary, it will increase the chances of getting an order.

Well, that's all, this seems to have been sorted out. Let's move on to the main question, how to win friends and influence people quickly. I'll tell you everything I know. Treat information wisely. Each option needs to be considered when working on social networks and act according to the situation.

Step-by-step instruction

Let's start from the very beginning, namely with an account that will subsequently receive at least 10,000 friends. By the way, the number is not so great.

What is any administrator or newcomer to promotion afraid of? Account blocking. It’s clear that they won’t take your profile away just like that, but they can block you for some actions. To restore the page, you will need to send your photo against the background of your passport, thereby proving that the profile belongs to you.

Why am I talking about this? We are talking about serious numbers, and therefore you can’t lose access in any case. What I advise you:

  • Create an additional account, which will need to be promoted.
  • Let your data match those that you enter when filling out your profile.

Naturally, both of these rules can be skipped if you are going to promote your personal page in VK.

The photo on the avatar should be natural, you should want to be added as a friend. You are obliged to immediately imbued with trust, want to talk. Nobody perceives glamorous half-naked kitties anymore, but the picture should be attractive.

I have one account with pictures of a girl I know. 100% of the men I add from him confirm the request, many knock on their own. She is attractive and natural.

As a training for creating high-quality images, I can recommend you a free express course by Alexei Kuzmichev "Gorgeous retouching in 5 easy steps" .

Or a course by the same author "Retouch. New Level» . Thanks to him, you will learn from any girl to make an ideal that people will reach for. In just 70 minutes, you can learn how to create for social networks.

Photography is half the battle, but manual work is equally important. To get started, follow the wall in your profile and fill it with various information, reposts or your own posts, so that people see that by adding you, they will not start receiving a ton of garbage messages asking them to join this or that community, buy some junk, and so on. .

If you want to collect live people, then it is better to use free methods. It takes longer, but it's also better. To get started, add people you know in real life. You can warn that this is another account of yours. Use "Recommendations". Go to the "Friends" and "Add" section.

The social network itself will tell you who you might know. You will be recommended by acquaintances of those whom you have already added. When confirming the application, the person will be shown that you have common comrades. And even if he leaves the request unattended, at least he will not send you to spam, which will instantly lead to account blocking.

You can also search through the "people" category in the top bar.

Filter those who are already on the site to write them a message and get an immediate response. Respond to emails from new friends so you don't get spammed. Chat with your followers. You can start a dialogue yourself.

Enter your date of birth. If you are adding March 11, then enter the same number and congratulate the person! Why not get to know each other?

Some names have checkmarks next to them, what do they mean? This indicates that the account is officially confirmed. That is, the person got confused, sent a photo with his documents to VK technical support and proved that he is who he called himself.

Usually it's the stars who don't want 20,000 people to profile their photos and write on their behalf. It is not worth adding these, they are not of particular interest to us, since it is useless to get a like, subscribe to your group or purchase a product via a link.

And here at others you can see here such records. By the way, yes, so that you are more likely to be added, put likes on avatars, write

Friends, today we are discussing the question of how to promote a group in VK on our own! This topic is relevant for everyone whose income is to some extent connected with the Internet. Today, the social network VKontakte is a powerful tool for promoting online business and an indispensable attribute of any Internet project.

It does not matter whether you earn income through free services, sell your services, earn money on affiliate programs, own an online store, website, information resource, build a business, or are looking for additional income. A popular group or public VK can become the main or auxiliary source of profit and an effective advertising platform.

The social platform has two undeniable advantages. Firstly, this resource is very popular and has a multi-million audience. Secondly, it is possible to use this tool absolutely free. We will talk with you about the methods and rules for promoting a community on a social network.

Before talking about methods for promoting a group on VKontakte, it is worth determining the format of the community in accordance with your goals and objectives. The correct choice of the format at the initial stage will allow you to implement the promotion as efficiently as possible.

The VK social platform offers users two options: a public page (public) or a group. Each of them has its own goals, functions and tasks.

The VKontakte group is created for users to communicate and exchange views, transfer information from the administration of the group to its members and vice versa. This type is suitable for information platforms on a certain topic, where active discussions and expression of one's own point of view and attitude to a particular issue are welcome.

If the goal of creating a community is to sell goods and services, promote your brand, then public is more suitable for these purposes. In this case, the opportunities for communication for the members of the public are reduced, and the main focus shifts towards the owners of the public page. This option is more effective for promoting specific information, which is facilitated by the “Interesting Pages” function, which is absent in the usual group. This block will display public data on the personal page of all your subscribers.

The meaning of the name for the successful promotion of the VKontakte community

After you have decided on the format of the community, you should consider the name - it plays an important role in the promotion of the VKontakte group both on the platform itself and for search engines. The name of the community should be concise, capacious, intuitive, reflect the chosen topic, and also correspond to its key requests.

To choose a name for the group, see how the most popular communities of your topic on the platform solve this issue. A good assistant for accessing VK statistics can be the service

To make the name meet key queries, Yandex offers a proven, free wordstat service:

Thus, a group with the correct name will allow you to attract your audience on the VKontakte platform itself, as well as through search engines.

An example of issuing a page through a search query:

Speaking of the name, do not forget that the address also needs to be brought into the appropriate form. By default, your page will be assigned a URL consisting of a set of numbers. You can (and even need to!) Change it to any one you see fit, for example, like mine, provided, of course, that the name is not already taken by someone else.

How to set up a VKontakte group

So, we chose the format, the name and proceeded to register the VKontakte community, where we need to know how to properly set up the page. This will allow you to match the search on the social network and the system Yandex, Google and others as much as possible.

The description of the group, on the one hand, should give a clear idea of ​​​​your activities, on the other hand, it should respond to search engines.

You also need to set age limits. Think carefully about which target audience you are interested in, since you will not be able to change these restrictions on your own in the future - only through contacting technical support.

Choose a topic, enter the address of your site, if any.

Location - here you need to specify your region, or the region in which you plan to promote your products and services. This feature is very useful when you plan to promote in a particular region. If we are talking about investments on the Internet, then it makes no sense to indicate it - because the geography of investors is very extensive!

The wall is intended for the exchange of information, in which the administration, subscribers and guests of the group can participate. Determine the rights of participants: the wall can be open, closed or limited, if necessary, it can be turned off, but I do not recommend doing this.

Export to Twitter: this section is very useful to you if you have a promoted account in this social network. However, this setting is optional, you can skip it if there is no page on Twitter (I personally have this feature enabled in my group, which allows me to automatically post messages on Twitter as well).

This is followed by settings for photos, videos, materials, discussions. Here it is necessary to define the status of open, restricted or disabled. You yourself determine the rights of participants based on your goals and the specifics of the group.

The group type allows you to set the privacy of the community, it can be private, closed or public. Of course, it is better to choose an open type, but it is worth considering whether the topics of your community fall into restricted categories, for example, 18+. Such groups must be set to a closed type, otherwise you can get blocked

I want to draw your attention to the "Materials" section, when connected, the "Latest News" function opens. It is in this block that the community menu is formed.

Another interesting section is "Products", it is open for each participant from September 15, regardless of popularity, number of participants, it is connected free of charge.

There are additional functions, such as "black list", "links" and others, if necessary, you can use them, the settings in them are simple and clear.

How to promote a group in VK on your own - ways to promote

So, after the settings are completed, you can proceed to self-promotion of the group in VK. To avoid blocking, you need to comply with some requirements of the social platform:

  • The age of the group must be at least a week;
  • Place posts in the group, their number should be at least 15-20;
  • It is worth adding posts gradually, no more than 3-4 per day;
  • Make sure that there are no more than 25% of blocked accounts (dogs) among the participants. I recommend periodically checking the list of participants, deleting blocked ones.
  • Adding new members, invitations to the group should also keep smooth and gradual.

It is quite possible to promote the VKontakte community on your own; you will also need to systematically develop the group using the methods that we will now consider.

Free services for promoting groups in VKontakte

I think you will agree with me that it is quite difficult to attract participants to a community that has few or no participants. Therefore, on
At the initial stage, many use the free services of cheating the VKontakte group. This is more of an image ad, it is quite effective and you can quickly gain several thousand subscribers, but here you need to clearly track the blocked participants, which invariably appear when using cheat services.

There are enough platforms that, on a paid and free basis, help to promote communities on social platforms on the network, and on the pages of my blog we examined in detail the most popular of them. Of course, these sites were of interest to us, first of all, in terms of sources of income without investments, but they can be successfully used to advertise your group.

  • The platform is one of the most popular on the Internet. Differs in dynamism, constantly there are new functions and opportunities for earnings and advertising.
  • A fairly effective way to promote is the Topliders com platform. There is a convenient "Rotation" function for mutually adding friends and joining groups.
  • The service is not free for advertising, but the prices are quite affordable, you can order surfing advertising from 25 rubles per 1000 views.
  • On the Likesrock com platform, you can promote a group using a minimal advertising budget, or promote the community by being active through mutual group memberships, likes, reposts.

How to promote a group in VK yourself - mutual PR

As soon as a certain number of subscribers have appeared in your community, you can start self-promotion in VK using mutual PR. The advantage of this method is efficiency and attraction of a live target audience.

The essence of this method is the search for groups and publics of similar subjects and the exchange of advertising. When choosing communities, look at the indicators of unique visitors, evaluate audience coverage.

Next, write a personal message to the administrator with a proposal to exchange advertising, leave a link to your group, its statistics. At the same time, do not forget that access to statistics data is open. And yet, you do not need to post more than 3 advertising posts - this is required by the rules of the social platform! For their violations, your group may be blocked.

Also in VK there are special communities for mutual entry. This method is very simple, but it does not always match your target audience.

Additional account for community promotion

It is enough just to attract the target audience using an account in VKontakte. You are creating a personal page, its design should be taken seriously - it should
filled with posts, photos, have an attractive cover.

Next, subscribe to popular groups and publics to find your target subscriber. Send friend requests, but don't forget, in order not to get blocked, the number of requests should not exceed 50 per day! After we receive confirmation of adding to friends, we send them an invitation to the group.

You can also use your account by posting ads in the comments. To do this, again, we go to popular communities of similar subjects, and leave a link to your group in the comments. In order for links to work effectively, the text must be catchy so that readers are interested in visiting the community page. But again, keep in mind the fact that the administration of not every group allows you to leave links, it's better to check again or ask the administration a question.

Content to increase group popularity

Analyze the most popular communities of your subject, see how they solve these problems. Posts can present interesting stories, polls,
riddles, parables - it all depends on your imagination. An important point for successful posts is regular publication, posts should not be many or few, the optimal number is 2-3 per day. Be sure to schedule publications, while taking into account the activity of platform users.

It's no secret that the network is busiest at lunchtime and in the evening, it would seem that the best time for posting publications. But do not forget that popular publics also use this time, posts appear in the news feed every second. In such a rhythm, it is very difficult for a young group to compete, and then a reasonable question arises: what time to choose for posting.

Analyze your audience - active and potential subscribers. Think about who your typical group user is: a student, a housewife, an office worker, or a retiree. It is quite logical that a teenager, most likely, will go to social networks after class, an office worker will open VKontakte by 10 o’clock, after morning operatives, planning meetings and five minutes, and will stay there until lunch.

Open community statistics, study the geography, age and other data of your subscribers, evaluate published posts, which were the most successful, comments on them, likes, reposts. Also take into account the time difference of different geographical zones.

Write with pleasure! Do not copy other people's thoughts, quotes, news, and so on. Do not chase quantity: one high-quality, interesting post will be much more effective than templates, borrowed from other pages, posted every hour! Although this is certainly not forbidden - I myself periodically copy posts from other publics, but I often see my posts in other groups.

Summing up, I want to say that I have not listed all the methods for promoting groups. I tried to present you the most effective, proven in practice by me, my colleagues and acquaintances. If you do not have the desire or time to independently promote the group, you can always contact a specialist, use paid services or buy advertising on the same VKontakte platform. And of course, my readers and I will be grateful if any of you have thoughts and experience in promoting the group and share them in the comments after this article!

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