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  • How to promote a group on social networks. Step 1

How to promote a group on social networks. Step 1

Both professionals and employees of certain companies, as well as fans of different brands and phenomena, can create such communities.

What networks create groups?

  • Facebook
    Facebook pages are a place to post product information. This is a marketing channel for the distribution of various things, including the so-called viral posts. The peculiarity is the high age of the audience.
    Integrated with external sites, opens up opportunities for . A unique tool is also available - e-mail base conversion, which allows you to download addresses and automatically send out invitations to pages linked to them.
  • Twitter
    Demanded network for SMM promotion. Event Feed Followers create special hashtags that connect users with common interests. To track the event feed, special hashtags are created that unite users with common interests.
  • Google+
    Google+ divides users into circles to determine which group gets which content. formed its own system of brand communities. A video chat function is available.
  • LinkedIn
    LinkedIn allows you to join existing interest groups or create your own. Communities can be open or closed.
  • In contact with
    Vkontakte is one of the most popular networks with tens of millions of active users. The secret to the success of marketing campaigns is a deep one that increases their effectiveness.
    To promote the Vkontakte group, it supports integration with external sites, useful tools for selecting an audience, and announcements in existing groups. A unique feature is special offers, through which, for example, you can get points in a game or application by joining its group.
  • classmates Popular social network in Russia. When creating and designing a group, consider positioning.
    When choosing a social network, it is necessary to take into account the tasks that the company sets for itself. This is the only way to achieve maximum efficiency and loyalty of your target audience.

When choosing a social network it is necessary to take into account the tasks that the company sets for itself. What matters is the topic of the community, the type and content of content, and other nuances. This is the only way to achieve maximum efficiency and loyalty to your target audience.

Creating a group in social networks

Consists of stages:

  • Marketing strategy.

    formulate a goal

    market analysis

    study the specifics of the chosen niche.

    Make a plan of current events.

    Having the opportunity to comment and create lively discussions always results in negativity over time. Authors of negative reviews most often there may be dissatisfied customers, failed employees or competitors.

    Negative comments should not be deleted, it is ineffective. Several comments appear in place of one comment.

    • Natural (constructive or impulsive);
    • Directed;
    • Trolling.

    natural negativity created by real users who were dissatisfied with the service. You need to understand the problem, solve the situation, apologize.

    Constructive subspecies suggests that the client is complaining about real, objective problems. impulsive comments are left under the influence of emotions and in practice may not even be related to the company's activities.

    Directed negative different organization, which is engaged in ill-wishers or competitors. To distinguish this phenomenon, you must:

    • Check the facts, dates, times, the presence of a disputable situation;
    • Conduct a semantic one, because one author can stand behind a large number of reviews from different pages;
    • Conduct a marketing analysis, paying special attention to the timing of publication and the intervals between reviews, content of commentators' accounts and other nuances.

    An effective way to eliminate directional negativity is to ask for clarification of the details. Most dissatisfied customers are weeded out at this stage.

    Trolling- a specific subspecies of negativity on the Internet, strange people. Its main goal is to provoke conflict situations, to provoke a backlash, an argument for the sake of an argument. The best solution is to ignore it.

    When dealing with any type of negative unacceptable:

    • Show aggression, insult users;
    • Deny real facts;
    • Ignore the situation and leave it to chance.

    For prevention of negativity special events are held:

    • Constant comments and discussions;
    • Formation of a circle of authoritative users, whose opinion will be listened to by a wide audience;
    • Increasing the level of loyalty of participants, allowing to avoid the impact of negative opinion on their perception of the brand;
    • Informing in case of mass information attacks, users will be aware of the situation and what measures are being taken to solve it.

    Who needs online communities?

    Online communities are important for both companies and users of social networks.

    Managing social media groups for brands:

    • Technical support, communication and customer service;
    • Increasing awareness and improving the reputation of the company;
    • Collection of statistics and analytics of the group in the social network, conducting surveys and research;
    • Savings on group promotion;
    • Increase interest and increase sales.

    For users:

    • Collaboration, the opportunity to receive useful information;
    • Using communities without leaving the social network;
    • Opportunity to exchange experiences, study reviews, receive assistance and recommendations;

    Promotion of the group in social networks

    For the successful promotion of the group, in addition to technical means, there are some tricks:

    • Content strategy is task-oriented;
    • Informational occasions are created in such a way that users would like to respond to them with reposts, comments or other actions;
    • It is important to demonstrate to users an interest in each of them and their opinion;
    • It is necessary to competently work with the emotions of subscribers, create materials that I can touch to the core;
    • Any product or event needs a proper announcement;
    • Unique texts attract much more attention and collect more likes than copied information;
    • Audience interest is supported by various innovations, events, seasonal offers and other updates;

    Goals of creating a group in social networks

    • Audience expansion;
    • Increasing company or brand awareness;
    • Informing users about various events, goods, services, benefits of various offers;
    • Reputation management to support and adjust the company's image;
    • Promotions, other events for a wide audience;
    • Direct contact with potential buyers.

    Benefits of social media groups

    • Spread of information;
    • Search for like-minded people;
    • Increasing the popularity of the project;
    • Feedback and work with opinions;
    • Gathering people for various events;
    • Extensive targeting options;
    • Subscribe to a group in one ;
    • Collection of statistical data on the target audience;
    • Distribution of content with a link to the source or the main site;
    • Promotion among other thematic communities;
    • Availability of content;
    • An open source of communication that is trusted by users.

    Disadvantages of social media groups

    This requires a well-thought-out marketing strategy, the only way to attract the attention of the audience, to stand out among the crowd.

    Promotion of groups requires investments in the creation, design. These are the costs of advertising, staff, community organization. But with proper use of the benefits of social networks, such costs will soon pay off in full.


    Even a beginner can create a group on a social network himself, this does not require programming knowledge. But you can also order the development and design. In order to estimate the budget for creating a group, it is enough to search the search engine for the query "how much does it cost to create a group on a social network".

    But for those who manage to do this, the business brings a good profit. How to start promotion, and what to focus on in this process?

    We will evaluate budgetary ways to promote your business on social networks.

    But first, let's determine whether this is necessary in your particular case.

    Pros and cons of business promotion in social networks

    Today, 85% of people who have access to the Internet create accounts in various social networks and spend a huge amount of time there.

    Russia has a palm in Europe in terms of the number of registered accounts and the time people spend on the Internet.

    Business in social networks: advantages

      Small investment.

      The cost of one attracted client through the Internet is much lower than when using other methods of promotion.

      If in other methods in order to:

      • lure potential customers
      • found a community
      • have a conversation with consumers.

      An investment is required, then on the Internet you can do without spending money.

      However, you need to be realistic: free promotion will always be slower and not as effective as paid promotion.

      "Word of mouth" distribution.

      Online business promotion in this way is the fastest. How does it work?

      An interesting article is posted in a group.

      It was read by 100 portal visitors, of which 11 shared a link to a unique work with their friends.

      Among them, there may also be those who will share with other friends and so on.

      It is at such moments that a viral program is launched that will make a business in social networks successful.

      By the way, with the help of SEO, it is very difficult to get the same result as with SMM.


      Promoting your own business on the Internet is gaining immense popularity every year, as the number of portal users is growing.

      Some facts about the number and age of visitors to various social networks.

      Low competition.

      Most firms have not yet realized all the advantages that a business in social media can bring. networks.

      They do not understand how profitable it is, since such methods bring good profits with minimal capital investment.

      All this results in reduced competition (compared to the real market).

    Disadvantages of business promotion in social networks

      not subject to detailed analysis.

      It is simply impossible to analyze subscribers as, for example, using Google Analytics.

      A marketer can only estimate the number of visitors and determine whether the business is being promoted at the right rate.

      Administration control.

      Often such frames interfere with full-fledged promotion, you have to look for workarounds.

      Group worker.

      Each project requires control, even (especially) if it is built on the Internet. The group or community must have its own administrator.

      The job of an administrator is to:

      • interviewing group members
      • posting,
      • active support of communication in the group,
      • spam removal,
      • content update.

    You will need to hire such a person and pay him a salary.

    But thereby free yourself from petty work, and proceed to larger-scale processes of promoting your product.

    If the founder or admin of the group is not following the page, then the customers feel it very well, and the community will quickly decline.

    It’s deplorable, but this can also affect offline reputation.

    Overview of ways to promote in the TOP-5 social networks

    1. Promotion of Vkontakte.

    The site is the most popular portal on the Russian Internet.

    The number of registered people (or rather, pages) totals 380 million, more than 80 million people visit the contact every day.

    Options for increasing profits from a business on Vkontakte:

    • Placement of advertisements in communities with similar topics;
    • Targeted advertising (playing content depending on the preferences of visitors), which is paid for by the number of impressions and clicks.

      Action example: a person previously searched the Internet for information about air travel to China.

    • Broadcast advertising in well-known urban groups.
    • Creation of a specialized Vkontakte page, on which all business products will be placed.

    To attract consumers to the group, it is best to come up with some interesting and memorable name, as well as a bright avatar.

    Basically, the audience of "Contact" is young people, so the product or service offered should be inexpensive.

    2. Promotion in Odnoklassniki.

    The website is a resource dominated by an older audience of visitors (30–55 years old).

    It is not as "crowded" as "Vkontakte", but also has an enviable popularity.

    The number of users has exceeded 201 million, of which 46 million daily visit their page on the social network.

    Options for promoting a business in Odnoklassniki:

    • advertising in applications or games,
    • creation of a personal page for business,
    • targeted advertising,
    • promoting your business by posting in other popular groups.

    Content in Odnoklassniki should be aimed at attracting the attention of customers in various ways.

    These can be intriguing statuses, interesting videos, pictures that are unobtrusively shown to visitors.

    For example, a person put "class" in a group that is founded to sell children's products.

    This "like" will automatically be reflected in the feed of friends. If they like the product, they like it too.

    In this way, in the shortest possible time, you can familiarize people with your business.

    In Odnoklassniki, you can sell and offer services of various levels, since an audience of various levels of solvency and tastes “dwells” here.

    3. Promotion on Facebook. is one of the largest networks in the world. It has over 1.6 billion registered accounts! 50% of them are viewed by users every day.

    People with average and high incomes, aged 25–45, are often registered on Facebook. In such social networks even politicians, entrepreneurs, stars are registered.

    If, for example, "Vkontakte" and "Odnoklassniki" are more entertaining relationships between people, then "Facebook" is more businesslike, since they register there for the purpose of exchanging information.

    Ways to promote on Facebook

    4. Promotion on Twitter.

    The site offers its users a quick exchange of information with each other.

    Various segments of the population are registered on Twitter, ranging from politicians to porters and security guards.

    Of course, it is quite difficult to promote a business, but still there are tools that allow you to do this.

    For example, maintaining an account and creating a personal hashtag for your business helps promote and increase awareness.

    You can arrange to place this hashtag on well-known accounts that “boast” the maximum number of people following it.

    The hashtag should point to the business page and nowhere else, so it must be absolutely unique.

    This method of promotion is more suitable for Internet projects, and not for product sales.

    5. Business in the social network "Instagram".

    The website is based on the exchange of short videos, photos and personal messages.

    Still, images are at the forefront.

    In you can create a page and promote your business by promoting the group.

    It is also possible, for a set fee, to advertise activities in more promoted accounts with a large number of subscribers.

    In order to attract customers, it is necessary to publish interesting videos, colorful and bright pictures, photos.

    4 social media promotion methods

    No. 1. Content is the main promotion assistant

    Every marketer will say: “Without decent content, it is impossible to promote a business on social networks.”

    Three basic content rules:


      The material should be systematically updated in the group.

      Two, four, six posts a day - these figures depend on the direction of the business and the audience of customers.

      Posting should be regular, and not depend on the number of subscribers.


      Each material that will come from the moderator to the page must be highly unique and interest the visitor from the first lines.

      Do not plagiarize and copy articles from other sources.

      It is better to focus on creating exclusive works for business.

      Viral promotion.

      All materials should hook the client as much as possible.

      It is at this moment, as described earlier, that the viral dissemination of information is launched.

    No. 2. The role of targeting in promotion

    This method of advertising is aimed at a specific audience. The definition of "your client" occurs in accordance with its interests.

    The possibility of promoting a business in this way can be found in all of the listed social networks.

    For a better understanding, consider the types of targeting:

      For example, a fitness center is opening in Khimki.

      This means that information about the opening should be shown to residents of Moscow and settlements located close to the new fitness center.

      It is this setting that is set when advertising is launched. As a result, only your target audience sees it.


      For example, a start-up entrepreneur whose business is based on the sale of products for children needs to advertise in groups of young mothers and married women.


      If a person is fond of fashion, then he will participate in the groups "Style", "Fashion", and not in the communities of carpenters or steelworkers.

      For example, a person is fond of Latin American dances and travel.

      Then the owner of the travel agency is simply obliged to offer the person a tour ticket to Cuba.

    First, it is necessary to analyze whether the proposed product is suitable for the user. Secondly, make a well-designed advertisement.

    No. 3. Promotion in communities

    This type of promotion has already been discussed earlier, but it is still necessary to recall its essence.

    At the same time, the entrepreneur must be aware that the more “promoted” the community, the more money they will spend for advertising on their page.

    During the day, for a fixed fee, subscribers will be shown an advertising post ordered by them.

    About detailed plans for promoting different types of companies in social networks. networks, Ilya Balakhnin will tell in his video:

    No. 4. Business in social networks: professional promotion

    There are specialized services that, for a set fee, will advertise a business on social networks.

    Often they develop content themselves, activate the targeting mechanism and negotiate on advertising placement in thematic communities.

    All these functions are offered, for example, by the site "Plibber" gives an opportunity to develop business by attracting customers from social networks.

    To work here, a novice entrepreneur must:

    • log in to the site
    • start advertising your products on your own or contact qualified Plibber employees,
    • in the first case, analyze your target audience and develop the desired advertising post.

    The site moderates the proposed task, after which you can proceed to promotion.

    If you follow the above methods and analyze the information received, then social media business will bring good income with minimal investment.

    The main thing is to know your target audience well, appoint a responsible person in the group and do not forget about the systematic replenishment with articles, photos, videos.

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    Not so long ago we wrote about. The article aroused interest among our readers, and many of them began to ask questions related to the development of their group. After all, the basis of business promotion is a high-quality and good group with which you will sell goods or attract visitors to your site.
    So then a logical question arises, how to develop this group, where to get subscribers, how to attract new visitors and increase their involvement. Today we will try to give answers to all these questions, talk about the intricacies of developing and promoting our own public, pay attention to certain nuances that are very important, but which many beginners forget about.

    Related article:

    This article was written with the assistance and recommendations of the SMM webmaster specialist, who currently has a network of VKontakte communities with a total audience of several million people.
    1. Embed Widgets in Your Site
    Often, VKontakte groups are used in order to increase traffic on the site. But you can also work in reverse. If the bulk of your website visitors come from search engines, then you have a great opportunity to make them subscribers to your community or group.
    How to do it? Yes, everything is simple. Vkontakte, like most other social networks, has special widgets that are embedded in the code of your site. A person who comes to the site and sees a social network widget there can easily join your community in a few clicks.
    I am sure that a normal question will arise: “Why should site visitors be “driven” into a social network, because they already come from the search, and it’s already good.” Let's answer this way - if a person came to your site through Yandex or Google, then, as a rule, this is a transit visitor. He will get what he was looking for, and it is unlikely that he will ever return to the site. In order to turn a casual visitor into a permanent one, you must attract him to a group where he can regularly see various updates to your site.
    Another tip is to place widgets on all pages of the site, and let the user choose exactly the social network that he uses most often.
    2. Advertising in other communities
    Now it is almost impossible to imagine the development of a public or VKontakte group without advertising in other large communities. As a rule, beginners believe that they can do without it, and leave only on a beautiful profile picture, interesting posts, and reposts of their friends. To be honest, this method worked 5 years ago, when a community of 20-30 thousand people was considered large. Today, you will no longer surprise anyone with beautiful design and cute writing on the walls.
    Advertising in thematic publics is what really works. Yes, this business is not cheap, but you must understand that there is no other way out. If you are serious about creating a good selling public, then it will be oh so bad without investments. Most likely you will spend a lot of time and get minimal return.
    How much does advertising cost now? It all depends on your subject and the selected sites for placing advertising posts. As a rule, in millionaire publics, advertising will be from 1,500 rubles per post. But remember that you can always search and find cheaper and no less quality offers. And one more thing, always pay attention to the statistics of potential advertising sites. You need quality publics, not those filled with bots.
    By the way, if you are seriously thinking about promoting your group and want to earn from 100,000 rubles a month, then we recommend listening to the free webinar “Social Revolution. Money 2.0”, hosted by webmaster Alexander, SMM specialist whose income from Vkontakte projects exceeds 300,000 rubles.

    Related article:

    3. Buy offers
    I won’t say that this is the best way to promote your Vkontakte group, but at first you can’t do without it. It has long been known that people are more willing to join communities that have a large number of subscribers. This is the effect of the masses, when a person subconsciously understands that the more people subscribe to this group, the more interesting it is. He also wants to be a part of something big and interesting.
    So, in order to attract real people, you need to fill the group with offers up to a certain value. Where to get them? There are now many services on the network that will invite as many people as necessary to your group for money. As a rule, offers are real people who join your community for a certain fee. Do not expect activity from them (likes, comments, reposts, orders), because they are needed only for statistics. In the future, when the group begins to fill with real people, you should abandon the practice of attracting offers, because this does not make sense, but only entails additional spending of money.

    4. Targeted advertising Vkontakte
    Another way to develop and promote your public. To be honest, we do not really favor him, because this is the most expensive and ineffective method, but we must talk about it. Perhaps in our cases it was not effective, but for you it is perfect.
    Now Vkontakte offers two payments for targeted advertising - payment for clicks, and payment for impressions. It cannot be said which of these is more effective, because each individual case has its own characteristics. Before replenishing your advertising account for large amounts, we advise you to conduct a series of experiments, try different types of ads, images, headlines. Choose different parameters for ads and choose the best solution. Very often, changing the title or picture can either improve or worsen the effect of an ad.
    Don't count on targeted ads as the only way to reach people. If you already decide to use it, then only as an addition to all other methods of promotion.

    5. Understand user motivations
    If you decide to create a community for your company, then you need to clearly understand why Vkontakte users should join there. But think logically, the user goes to the community for some purpose, and if he doesn’t get what he came for, then he unsubscribes very quickly. If a person unsubscribed, then consider that you have lost him forever. To prevent this, determine the motives and needs of the person. As a rule, they can be:
    Obtaining information about your company and the products provided.
    Communication with those who have already used the services of your company. Search for reviews from other customers.
    Communication with management and company representatives
    Get discounts and bonuses for participating in the community.
    That's about what you should focus on, and what must be in the public of the company.

    Related article:

    6. Correct design of the group
    As they say, they are greeted by clothes. Therefore, you should decorate your group as beautifully as possible. What is the first thing users pay attention to? That's right, the name, logo, menu and post design. These are the four components that should be the basis of the correct design of your public.
    Make the logo bright, attractive, such that it reveals the essence of the community, makes it clear what it is about. If we talk about the name, then it should be concise, and also as closely as possible related to the subject of the public itself. Also, do not try to insert advertisements like “Sale of jackets Moscow”, or “Rent a car” in the title. Users automatically have a filter for advertising communities, because no one likes when they are stuffed with goods.
    Also, don't spare your money and order a beautiful graphical menu, with which all members of your community can quickly find the information they need. It has long been a proven fact that the graphical menu is much better perceived than the usual text.
    And at the end, a few tips on the design of posts. Posts should be as informative as possible and close to the subject of your public. If you have a travel company and you sell tours around the world through public, then you should not post news about politics, sports, information about business or some cute cats. I would also like to add that it is desirable to accompany all posts with beautiful pictures, audio or video materials.
    7. Contests
    One of the most effective ways to engage with your subscribers is through contests and promotions. Such a move will allow you to solve several problems at once. First, stir up the audience, forcing them to take more active part in the life of the group. If the user is involved, then he will often return to the group, follow its updates. Secondly, to attract new members to the community. As a rule, all competitions are based on the fact that as many people as possible know about the group. Contest participants are motivated to repost, tell friends about the group, share this information in other communities. And thirdly, with the help of the competition, you can fill the group with user-generated content. Very often, according to the terms of the competition, you must write something, photograph, shoot a video appeal. All this is collected in the group, thereby increasing its value to other members.
    8. Stimulate discussion
    Users are lazy and won't do anything themselves. Therefore, you should stimulate their communication. Ask questions, create topics for discussion, raise acute and topical issues. All this will force users to join the discussion, to be involved in the life of the group. As a rule, a new visitor who just logged in and saw a live discussion will understand that the community is alive and subscribe to it.

    Related article:

    9. Counsel participants
    If the group has a topic like "Questions to an expert", where everyone can get an answer to their questions, this will significantly increase loyalty to the group. Many users are interested not only in the standard information about the company, or beautiful posts with cute pictures, but also in more pressing issues. You must provide an opportunity to resolve these issues.
    It is very important that the consultant really needs to be an expert on the topic. It is necessary to outline in advance the range of issues on which consultations are possible. Answers should not be promotional in nature, but be objective and informative. The deadline for answering questions should be set in advance.
    10. Keep the group clean
    As soon as your group becomes popular, spammers and various trolls will definitely come to it. You must keep the group clean, and several times a day clear it of unnecessary and non-targeted information. If users see that there is a lot of “garbage” in the group and no one is engaged in it, they will begin to actively unsubscribe.

    In social networks, groups of people are created to exchange information between them on a specific topic, to communicate, to promote any product or any idea via the Internet. People are the main resource of the group. The more people who pass through your group (this is called traffic), the higher the chances of becoming popular or promoting your product. It is important to understand: There will be no active recruitment of people into the group - there will be no monetization of your business! When creating a group on social networks, you need to know: what useful information you will carry to people in the group, what kind of people you need, what goal you are pursuing by creating a group.

    Based on the purpose of the group and its content, people are selected into the group. Therefore, you should study the needs of people on the topic of the group, what age it will be interesting, what problems people may worry about this issue. This is very important for the active recruitment of the target audience in your group. Only constantly growing traffic can monetize your business. There will be no active recruitment of people into the group - there will be no monetization of your business!

    According to marketing firm Forrester Research, your customers do 66 to 90 percent of their consumer journey on their own. According to Google, users look at an average of 10.4 publications before making a purchase. And according to the Global Web Index, the average consumer has 5.8 social media accounts and actively uses 2.8 accounts. This means that you need to offer quality social media content to your audience in order to help potential customers make the right consumer decisions. In this article, you will find a step-by-step description of an SMM strategy that will help you effectively promote your business on social networks.

    Step 1: Determine Your Social Media Strategy

    To develop a strategy, answer the following questions:

    • What do you want to achieve with SMM? Write down the goals you want to achieve. Determine the tasks by solving which you will achieve the goals. You certainly know that goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, related to your business and urgent. For example, the goal might look like this: within three months, an SMM campaign should increase the number of clicks to a site from social networks to 100 per day.
    • Who is your target audience? You must understand who you are working for and who you want to see on the site or in front of the cashier in the store. Create marketing personas that match each segment of your audience.
    • What information does a consumer need when planning to buy your product? Try to simulate the consumer journey of your customers. The answer to this question will help you plan information campaigns.
    • What social networks are popular among your target audience? You must determine the platforms that you will use for promotion.
    • When are your target audience members actively using social networks? The answer to this question will help you plan your posting times.

    Be sure to write down the answers to the questions.

    Step 2: choose communication tactics

    After answering strategic questions, you must solve an important tactical problem. Choose the tone and style of communicating with your audience on social media. You need to determine who will post notes and respond to comments, how you will communicate with clients and colleagues. Use the following guidelines:

    Use the chosen tactics consistently so that the audience gets used to your style.

    Step 3: create content

    This is the most important step in building an SMM strategy, since content is the foundation for effective business promotion on social networks. In the preparation phase, an article on content planning will help you. The following tips will make your content campaign effective:

    • Announce your own content. Also curate and republish the most popular content.
    • Combine different types of content. Pay attention to the visual appeal of posts. This will help your publications to attract the attention of users. Offer users infographics, photos, presentations, e-books, video infographics.
    • Encourage users to create content. To do this, support discussions, hold contests and sweepstakes, ask about the opinions of customers.

    To increase your audience reach, ask your employees and friends to repost.

    Step 4: Optimize Your Content

    Even if you create some very cool content, it won't be able to compete with cats, celebrities, and nudity if you don't optimize it. Use the following guidelines:

    Make sure that the content you publish is accessible to the target audience.

    Step 5: Think About Social Media User Conversion

    Likes, shares, and comments alone do not bring you deals and profits. To convert social media users into customers, you need to take additional steps. Consider these steps:

    • Indicate contact details in social network profiles: phone number, email address, skype nickname. This is especially true if you are using networks as a virtual storefront.
    • Encourage users to leave contact information. For example, exchange discounts or valuable content for phone numbers or email addresses.
    • Direct users who are interested in the product to the site's converting landing page. For example, it could be the page of the current promotion.
    • Direct all users to the information section of your site. It should become a source of information necessary for making a purchase decision.

    Find a way to continue engaging with your subscriber outside of Facebook or Google+.

    Step 6: Communicate

    • Actively attract followers. To do this, publish relevant content and promote it in all available ways.
    • Offer to subscribe to your page to existing and potential customers. Motivate them with discounts, access to exclusive information, the opportunity to exchange opinions.
    • Participate in discussions in other groups. You need to gain authority.
    • Ask experts in your industry to rate your content. This can bring you hundreds of subscriptions.
    • Respond to comments, encourage users to continue the discussion. The more active your audience, the more subscribers you will get.
    • Provoke the audience. Think about how you can do it.

    Try by all means to revive the group or public. The success of an SMM campaign depends on this.

    Step 7: Measure promotion results

    Track the ROI of SMM campaigns. Use UTM tags, keep track of key metrics on the site. Follow these guidelines:

    • Follow social media metrics. Pay attention to the number of subscribers, the number of reposts, comments and “likes” to posts. These figures should grow.
    • Track traffic from social networks. You are interested in quantitative and qualitative indicators: the number of clicks, behavior on the site, conversion rate.
    • Keep track of business indicators: the number of transactions, average check, income and profit. How does the SMM strategy affect sales? Do the funds invested in promotion pay off?

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