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  • How to extend the validity period of a Sberbank card. Extending an expired contract by concluding an additional agreement to it is risky; it is better to conclude a new contract

How to extend the validity period of a Sberbank card. Extending an expired contract by concluding an additional agreement to it is risky; it is better to conclude a new contract

Plastic cards at the bank have a limited validity period. And there are no exceptions to this rule in any of the domestic financial institutions, even Sberbank. If your Sberbank card has expired, you need to follow a few simple steps.

Basic information on the map

On the front of the plastic there is a set of basic numbers. In addition to the number, there is a deadline for this banking instrument, after which its operation is deactivated. The period indicated on the main surface of the plastic is written in a four-digit format under the words “date”, “date” or “month/year”.

The first two-digit number indicates the last working month of the plastic, and the next two digits after the separator “/” determine the year. Accordingly, if on the title side are written:

this means after midnight April 30, 2021 the client will not be able to use the card.

When the card's expiration date approaches, the client must decide on the continued use of this plastic. There are several options:

  • wait for the reissue and continue working with Sberbank;
  • close accounts and not issue anything else, saving on annual maintenance;
  • open a new card at Sberbank on more favorable terms.

How to renew a Sberbank card

The bulk of cards in the country's largest bank are reissued automatically. This applies to salary, social or personal cards. The list of exceptions includes instant or non-name plastics.

Most often, parcels from the central office begin to arrive at the beginning of the last month of plastic validity. Usually, by the middle of the month, the bulk of the reissue is already in the department, but it takes some time to sort them and post them to the account.

Customers can already contact the branch that opened the account a few days before the expiration of their plastic card to receive an updated card.

How does the replacement take place?

Those who do not know how to change a Sberbank card will need to come to the branch with a passport and an old card. Since all the plastic belongs to the bank under the agreement, it must be returned to the office. But at the same time, a Sberbank specialist must cut the magnetic strip in front of the client.

Then a receipt is signed, and the manager gives the envelope with the PIN code and plastic to the client. The PIN code will be new for security purposes, but if desired, its numbers can be changed using an ATM. However, this service is paid, and to perform it you will need to debit money from your account.

financial information

The funds that were on the card account are not going anywhere. Only the plastic details change, not the card account number. Therefore, no additional information needs to be provided to those who make transfers to the client’s card account (employer’s accounting, pension fund or other legal entities). The amount of unused funds is available for withdrawal at any time.

The agreement with our counterparties has expired, but we want to continue relations with them on the same terms. Is there an option to conclude an additional agreement to extend an expired contract - how possible is this? Will there be any problems later with such an agreement and the additional agreement to it?

Often in civil transactions, organizations and individual entrepreneurs are faced with a situation where the validity of an agreement has expired, but the parties, for one reason or another, want to extend the validity of such an agreement. This issue is not directly resolved by the Civil Code. However, from a comprehensive interpretation of the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, one can try to establish how it can be resolved.

First of all, it is necessary to determine what legal consequences for the parties the expiration of the contract entails.

The duration of the contract may be specified in the contract itself. In this case, the term is not a mandatory condition for inclusion in the contract, except for cases provided for by law (for example, clause 6 of Article 367 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If the validity period is not specified in the agreement, the agreement is recognized as valid until the moment specified in it when the parties fulfill the obligation (Clause 3, Article 425 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The parties may provide that the expiration of the contract entails the termination of obligations under the contract. It should be borne in mind that the indication in the contract of its validity period does not automatically mean the termination of the obligations of the parties upon its occurrence. To do this, the contract must specifically stipulate a condition regarding the termination of obligations upon expiration of the contract. If there is no such condition in the contract, after the expiration of the contract (specified in the contract itself), the following options for the relationship between the parties are possible:

    obligations between the parties are terminated partially or completely in one of the ways provided for in Chapter 26 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

    the obligations are preserved, since they were not terminated on any of the grounds provided for in Chapter 26 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

What options are there for extending the agreement, depending on the nature of the relationship between the parties at the time of expiration of the agreement specified in it?

The first option for relations upon expiration of the contract is termination of obligations under the contract. In this case, it is necessary to extend the contract. Is it possible to make changes to the contract by drawing up an additional agreement to the contract (on extending its validity)?

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 453 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, when the contract is changed, the obligation remains unchanged. Since the obligations under the contract have ceased, they cannot be changed. Consequently, if the obligations of the parties under the agreement ceased with the expiration of the validity period specified in it, the agreement cannot be extended by concluding an additional agreement.

The second option for the relationship between the parties upon expiration of the contract is that the obligations are partially terminated or remain in full force.

It seems that in this case it is possible to conclude an additional agreement to extend the validity of the contract, even if the validity period specified in it has expired. This position is confirmed by judicial practice. For example, in one case, the court recognized as valid an additional agreement to a work contract, signed after the expiration of the main contract, motivating its position by the fact that the obligations of the parties were not fulfilled (resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the East Siberian District dated March 23, 2011 in case No. A74-2370 /2010).

However, there is another, opposite judicial practice, in which the courts consider it possible to make changes only to the existing contract, that is, the very nature of the relations of the parties at the time of expiration of the contract (termination or validity of obligations) is not considered when making a decision. Based on this logic, concluding an additional agreement to extend the validity of an expired contract is impossible.

For example, in the resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated September 12, 2007 in case No. A05-2823/2007, the court refused to satisfy demands for collection of debt for services rendered, as well as interest for the use of other people’s funds, motivated by the defendant’s failure to fulfill obligations under an additional agreement to the contract for the provision of paid services concluded by the parties, since the additional agreement was signed by the parties one and a half months after the expiration of the main contract. As the court pointed out, by virtue of Art. 425 and 453 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the additional agreement signed by the parties cannot in this case be recognized as an agreement that changed the terms of the contract for the provision of paid services.

In addition, in another case (ruling of the Twelfth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated November 16, 2012 in case No. A57-7525/2012), the appellate court disagreed with the complainant’s argument that the lease agreement is valid, since after the expiration of the agreement the parties signed additional agreement to the disputed agreement. As the court pointed out, changing the terms of the agreement is possible only in relation to the existing lease agreement, but the disputed lease agreement was terminated due to its expiration.

Of course, within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the question of the possibility of concluding an additional agreement to an expired contract should be resolved in relation to whether the obligations under the contract have been terminated, and not to whether the validity period specified in the contract has expired. Meanwhile, in practice, when deciding on the extension of the contract, it is necessary to take into account the controversial judicial practice and the associated risks of challenging the additional agreement.

If the parties to the contract are in a trusting relationship, they can enter into an additional agreement to extend the contract past the last date of the contract in order to avoid controversial situations in the future.

Still, after the expiration of the contract, it is better to conclude a new contract to eliminate the risk of challenging an additional agreement to the expired contract.

There is a group of goods, works, and services that the customer constantly requires, for example, electricity, Internet access, telephony. Every customer would like to simplify the procedure for conducting their procurement activities and not place identical orders every year. It is much easier to simply extend the validity period of a previously concluded contract, rather than bother with holding new tenders. This is called prolongation - increasing the period of validity of the contract in the process of implementation by the parties of their contractual relations.

According to the general rule specified in the norms of civil legislation, an agreement between the parties to a transaction can be extended beyond the period for which it was concluded. That is, the parties have the right to change the terms of the contract due to changes in circumstances (Article 451).

But it is worth considering that the activities of customers in the field of 44 Federal Laws and 223 Federal Laws must be based primarily on the specific norms of these laws.

Extension under 44-FZ

According to Part 1 of Art. 95, the parties do not have the right to change the essential terms of the contract, which include its validity period. That is, the possibility of prolongation of 44-FZ does not provide (letter of the Ministry of Economic Development dated July 21, 2015 No. D28i-2020, dated July 14, 2016 No. D28i-1818, letter of the Treasury of Russia dated May 19, 2015 No. 07-04-05/09-319).

All purchases are carried out according to the schedule, and the contract period is one of the main indicators; there can be no variability here. A violation would be the inclusion in the text of the contract of rules on the possibility of extension (letter of the Ministry of Economic Development dated March 31, 2017 No. OG-D28-4011). The customer does not have the right to enter into an additional agreement to extend the term of the contract (clause 2 of Article 168 of the Civil Code, an additional agreement to extend the term of the contract is void if it is not provided for by law and the contract).

Violation of this requirement entails administrative punishment provided for in paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 7.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, in the form of an administrative fine in the amount of 20,000 rubles. for officials and 200,000 rubles. for legal entities.

The only legally correct way out of the situation is to publish the information in the schedule and continue to carry out a new order.

An exception is the case of changes in essential conditions in connection with a decision of the Government, subject or local administration (clauses 2-4, part 1, article 95, Resolution No. 1186 of December 19, 2013).

Extension under 223-FZ

The situation is different within the framework of law 223-FZ. Customers are in less strict conditions, since they independently develop procurement regulations and can include extension provisions in them.

If the contract concluded based on the results of the procurement provides for the right to prolong it and the essential conditions do not change (except for volume, price), then extending the period without conducting a repeat procurement procedure does not contradict the requirements of Law No. 223 FZ. This position is adhered to by the Ministry of Economic Development in its letter dated March 24, 2017 No. D28i-1993.

Thus, in order to carry out the extension procedure, the customer must meet a number of conditions:

  • the possibility of extension must be indicated in the procurement regulations;
  • the possibility must be specified in the contract itself;
  • changes to the conditions must be published in the Unified Information System (Resolution No. 1132 dated October 31, 2014).

It is worth noting that often an increase in the validity period of a contract concluded in a competitive manner is regarded by control authorities as a restriction of competition. Controllers are guided by the fact that instead of carrying out the next purchase and providing participants with equal opportunities, the customer negotiates new conditions with only one supplier


As you know, trial programs are designed so that users can evaluate the quality of their work before shelling out money for them. The validity period of trial programs is determined by the developer, and it can vary widely, from one day to several months. Typically, trial programs are no different from their paid counterparts, except that after the trial period they stop working, and when you try to launch them, a window similar to Fig. 1 appears on the computer screen, with an impudent demand to purchase a license key.

I will not describe those “dastardly things” that program developers resort to, especially since each of them has their own methods of squeezing money out of ordinary computer users. I will only say that in response to the “machinations” of developers, PC users resort to various methods in order not to pay money for the product that is offered to them. Usually, they use “broken” programs, and, if they are lucky, they use key generators or keys for these programs obtained from the vast expanses of the Internet. Personally, I don't really like the method of using unlicensed software. Firstly, it is illegal, and secondly, all kinds of viruses are often distributed along with these programs. And finally, there are many ways to legally reuse trial software. And you can use these programs until you get rich and can purchase the licensed program you need with your honestly earned money.

In my series of articles, How to Get a Second Trial of a Program You Like, the first of which you will find here, I already described some tricks for reusing trial programs. And they were mainly based on cleaning the registry from traces of trial programs and then reinstalling them. But, unfortunately, sometimes the “vile fantasies” of software developers know no bounds, and in the fight against respectable lovers of “freebies” they resort to various tricks, just to prevent the opportunity to use their products for free. Therefore, sometimes it is not possible to completely clear the registry of traces of a previously installed trial program. More precisely, to find all the traces you have to work hard. And, in addition, sometimes deleting traces of programs from the registry leads to undesirable results. There are cases when the same registry keys or settings are used by different programs and deleting them can lead to undesirable effects, for example, failure (or incorrect operation) of other programs. Therefore, in previous articles regarding editing the registry, I always reminded you of the need to create a backup copy of the registry or a PC restore point before starting to clean the registry.

So what should you do if you cannot completely get rid of traces of a program and, accordingly, reinstall the trial version of this program? But at the same time, I really want to take advantage of the capabilities of this program one more time (and maybe more). I propose to consider this case using the example of the “Revo Uninstaller” program, which was discussed in the article “Removing uninstallable programs”.

As I said above, after the trial period of this program has expired, which, by the way, is 30 days, when you try to start it again you will see the window Fig. 1. Approximately similar windows are displayed by other programs whose test period has expired. You can, of course, uninstall this program, install its free version, or use any other program of the same nature. But if you like this program and want to use it, leave everything as it is and do not try to delete it or look for keys to it. To extend the validity period of a trial program, simply set your computer to the date when the program was working properly. To do this, right-click on the date and time button, which is usually located in the lower right corner of your PC screen in the taskbar notification area (see 1 Fig. 2). You will see a context menu Fig.3.

In the context menu that appears, we are interested in the item “Setting the date and time” (see 2 Fig. 3). After you select this item, you will see the window Fig.4.

In the new window, on the “Date and Time” tab (see 1 Fig. 4), click on the “Change date and time...” button (see 2 Fig. 4).

In the “Date and Time Settings” window (Fig. 5), use the “Left-Right” buttons (see 1 Fig. 5) to select the year and month you need, and use the “Date” button (see 2 Fig. 5 ) set the required date. After this, click the “OK” button (see 3 Fig. 5) to save the required date. Now if you run the Revo Uninstaller program, it will work fine.

This method allows you to revive many programs. But you cannot use it for antivirus programs, because... An error will occur when updating the antivirus database. Therefore, after you use the capabilities of the program for which you changed the date on your PC, do not forget to synchronize the date and time of your computer with the Internet. To do this, in the Fig. 4 window, select the “Internet Time” tab (see 3 Fig. 4).

After this, the window Fig.6 will open. In this window, click on the “Change parameters” button (see 1 Fig. 6).

In the new window of Fig. 7, you should check for the presence of a checkmark to the right of “Synchronize with an Internet time server” (see 1 Fig. 7). You can select the synchronization source by clicking on the arrow to the right of “Server” (see 2 Fig. 7). To synchronize the time, click on the “Update now” button (see 3 Fig. 7). Well, in order for the changes to take effect, click the “OK” button (see 4 Fig. 7). That's it, your PC is now set to the correct date and time again. But, the truth is that your program does not work again. To make sure of this, try running it, and you will again get the window Fig. 1. And when the need for the trial program arises again, change the date on your PC again.

The described method for extending the validity period of a trial program is good for programs that you use periodically. And, besides, these programs should not be on the list of those that are automatically loaded when the computer starts. How to check the latter is written in the article “Changing startup settings on a Windows PC.” But this method does not require special PC knowledge and the use of dubious unlicensed versions of programs. And, in addition, it is trouble-free for many programs. Lastly, if you don't remember the end date of your trial program, set the time on your computer well before the trial program was installed, at least a year before. Everything should work fine.

Itsenko Alexander Ivanovich

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