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How to sell children's clothing on Instagram. How to successfully sell clothes on Instagram

How to sell on Instagram in 2018? Let's look at where to start and how to sell your products on Instagram step by step. On the one hand, there is really nothing complicated about this. On the other hand, many users prefer to learn from sellers paid courses and trainings, although absolutely nothing is said about them newer than that, which has long been in free access. We invite you to save your time, money and set up sales through Instagram entirely on your own.

Selling on Instagram - where to start?

These include the following:

  • download the Instagram program to your smartphone/tablet (distributed free of charge);
  • register your commercial account;
  • fill out your profile.

Attention: personal information and photos should not be posted on work accounts.

Profile promotion

At this stage, you should create a client base by typing maximum amount subscribers.

There are two ways (they can be combined):

  • – they will be able to quickly achieve the desired result.

You should recruit those users who show interest in your products as subscribers.

Attention: to receive money from clients, you need to register online wallet(for example, Yandex.Money, WebMoney, PayPal).

The Inselly service is designed to attract potential buyers on Instagram. If you add the #inselly tag to an image, the service will automatically list the item for sale.

What sales through Instagram bring the most profit? These include inexpensive goods self made, or hand-made (interior items, jewelry, jewelry). To help users quickly find your photos among similar ones, add hashtags.

Attention: to increase the number of sales, associate several hashtags with selling posts and products.

What does the sales scheme look like?

It looks like this:

We encourage users to take action and provide contact information

You have beautifully described your products and services - then tell the potential client what he can do with it.

There are several ways to conduct sales on Instagram.

  1. Large famous brands usually post selling content from time to time and not advertising posts.
  2. Online stores maintain a storefront account that is completely advertising.
  3. Some users sometimes prefer to offer services or products of partners in their personal accounts.

Let's look at how to create a sales post for each of the methods discussed, highlighting areas such as images and text.


For Instagram this is the main factor. Good text can help sell a product in an online store, but sales on this social network are based only on photos.

Unattractive images are immediately scrolled through - no one wants to read the text for them.

How to sell a product? There are 3 characteristic features of images for selling posts.

  1. The quality of the photos should be high, with vibrant colors and high resolution.
  2. It is best to show the product in action - put a coat on the model, use a garden tool at work. Standard photos Products on a white background are not suitable.
  3. Images should evoke emotions in potential buyers. To do this, study the desires and problems of the target audience. Each person studies the subject in a photograph through the prism of personal feelings. When a model in a photo pretends to have a toothache, most people will notice it.

Try to avoid filters. People want real, raw photos of products in sales posts. You can additionally post posts with filters, but non-advertising ones.

Photos of customers with the product work well. A potential buyer trusts the same user more than the seller.

Selling post on Instagram: text

After the user’s attention is attracted by a high-quality photo, the text comes into play.

Usually people look at the first 3 lines of text displayed on Instagram (90 characters with spaces). It is necessary to interest the reader in these lines so much that he clicks on “more.”

You can mention the promotions and discounts offered.

Let's figure out how to write a selling text.

Selling post on Instagram - example

“Answers to 3 main questions”

Answer 3 questions:

  • why your offer is the best;
  • why the reader can safely trust you;
  • why you need to make a purchase right now.

For example: clothes made from eco-friendly cotton from a popular brand with a 50% discount.

"The Proposal, the Reasoning, and the Bait"

Example: “A unique tea that has helped more than 2 thousand women lose weight. It contains natural..."

“The problem is negative and positive options for the development of events”

Describe the problem that complicates the user’s life, and then offer him 2 options for the development of further events.

For example: “Does your pet get sick often? Spend all your money on treatment or buy quality food.”

After the sales description of the offer, tell the user how to use it:

  • opening hours of the organization;
  • delivery terms;
  • call to action (make a call, visit the establishment, place an order);
  • contact details (electronic Mailbox, phone number, address, link to the order page).

Only the most interested users and in rare cases will collect information on how to place an order on other posts.


How to write ? Write them in the first comment, and not in the signature text. As a result, the last thing a person reads will be the call to action and contact information.

Use specific hashtags that your target audience uses.

So, if you sell vegetable sets, then hashtags that are close to users can be #vegandelicacies and others. Also, do not forget to demonstrate to the potential client the result - a dish prepared using the proposed set.

It is recommended to select hashtags manually, but you can also use special services. These include It is not able to select hashtags for highly specialized topics, but you can easily select them by area.

Write lists of hashtags for each post, adding highly specialized options. This will increase the likelihood that users using these hashtags will find you.

What can you sell on Instagram?

Everything that is interesting to young and active women. At one time, selfie sticks became a real “bomb” for sales on this social network. Very soon, from a funny “meme”, this device became an essential item for all active Instagram participants, who now can no longer imagine leaving home without their fashionable gadget. In addition, clothing, various products for small children, cosmetics, and so on are selling well. Below we will consider in more detail the most popular niches in the commercial environment of the social network.

But in order to establish a working sales scheme, you will definitely need careful monitoring and analytics of the traffic that you manage to receive. Therefore, let’s briefly look at what actions should be taken to track traffic on Instagram.

There are a number of ways to do this:

  • use affiliate links;
  • accept applications for a specific mailbox/mobile phone number;
  • add UTM tags to links.

The latter allow you to track which link the user followed and where it came from. This best option for arbitrators.

What goods and services are in particular demand?

Let's look at the best-selling products on Instagram.


Clothing is the main niche on Instagram, but it continues to outsell all other products. There are many people on the social network who need to update their wardrobe.

Photos must be attractive. Items in the images should be on cute models, not on ordinary hangers. When you have your own production, show your target audience the process of making clothes, handmade.


How to sell products? When you sell sweets or handmade cookies, or make custom cakes, your goal is to achieve beautiful pictures food. If it looks in the photographs in such a way that you immediately want to try it, then your sales will soon go up sharply.

Carrying out festive events

What can be sold on Instagram also includes organizing holidays. The main thing is to evoke the appropriate emotions: happy faces of children celebrating a birthday, or newlyweds from their wedding day. Sign the photo with an interesting slogan and give your customers a compliment. As a result, potential clients will trust you more.

Strive to achieve a festive and positive atmosphere. Offer discounts and promotions regularly. Post photos of your regular customers and their reviews.


  • select a photo that shows the product and service in action;
  • compose an emotional text that arouses interest and attention among potential clients;
  • select hashtags that are interesting to users;
  • Monitor your sales and the effectiveness of selling posts.

Dislike 2+

With proper organization of sales via the Internet, you can achieve success. In this article we will look at what and how to sell through Instagram and social networks. You can try to do everything yourself.

What is profitable to sell through Instagram?

On Instagram you can find products that are rarely seen on the social network and bring in a lot of income. What is in demand is what everyone needs, for example, information courses, interesting and useful things, services. When selling some products you need to present the product correctly, in other cases you need to present it advantageously appearance goods. What can you sell profitably through Instagram?

First rule successful sales via Instagram - the appearance of the product should be seductive. As a rule, what is popular is what is not sold anywhere except on the Internet. Before selling through Instagram, be sure to work out the visual component of your product. If you sell, for example, cookies, then you need stylish packaging. If you have office supplies, then the appearance should be memorable. If you are a decorator and design weddings, birthdays and other holidays, then pay attention to detail.

To successfully sell through Instagram, a product should not leave people indifferent, it should evoke emotions.

You can sell something that people buy all the time, such as soap. If you decide to sell your own soap through Instagram, study your competitors. Among them there are few who have something different from others. And you make soap in the shape of a ball, and then you decided to create collections.

Try to promote the elimination of sulfates and harmful substances, but at the same time make your product stylish and colorful. Your concept will be that you will not add anything to your products that can harm nature and humans. The first collection of soap can be made in the style of planets. Everyone buys soap, it's very popular product, but no one has served this product like this before. You need to sell through Instagram what everyone buys all the time - refine the product, think through the concept and sell. One of the main secrets of success is how to spend less on marketing and more clients and sales. Find out how to do this in the course

Create products in collections. It’s not a fact that everything will work out right away; few people succeed. We recommend that you invest maximum effort at the start, rather than spending all your money first and then not getting it back. You'll get maximum income from your work if you develop your own product. To do this, it is not necessary to be able to do something with your hands and be professional designer. It is possible that you will seek advice from talented people who will tell you what and how to do. The main thing is to come up with an idea, want to bring it to life and bring it to fruition.

The overwhelming majority of entrepreneurs who sell their products via the Internet do not saw or sew anything. They just come up with ideas and find ways to implement them. You will succeed if you make and sell something yourself, and not just transport goods from China. To sell profitably through Instagram, you need to have your own special product.

What can you sell through Instagram?

Statistics show that the following products are best sold through Instagram:

What else can you sell through Instagram?

  • It is not necessary to sell any product through Instagram. If you are a hairdresser, makeup artist, photographer, stylist, lawyer, videographer, sell your skills. Let your followers know what you're doing so everyone knows who to contact.
  • Any profession can be promoted online. There are purchasing services high quality photos. By by and large, it's simple advertising exchanges. All you have to do is register on these services and upload your pictures.
  • Have you studied well how to sell through Instagram, but have no idea what exactly to sell? Get involved in completing essays, reports, tests to order. Yes, many people offer such services, the competition is high, but the demand is also great. This work is suitable for diligent users.
  • Many people try to sell new and old things through Instagram. Stores have their own profiles through which orders are successfully placed.
  • Household chemicals and cosmetics are selling well, which are usually distributed by sellers through Instagram and social networks. Keep in mind that there is a lot of competition in this business.

How to start selling through Instagram: stages

Let's try to figure out when to advertise and sell through Instagram, and when to focus on other social networks, such as VKontakte and Facebook.

To successfully sell through Instagram, initial stage it takes time and patience. Only after three months do sales begin, if all this time you have been posting spectacular photos, participating and holding competitions.

It is better to sell through Instagram something that is interesting to look at. Social networks have a large viral resource. If a famous person recommends your product and gets your followers hooked, assume success is inevitable. This is exactly the story that happened with one online store selling bouquets of vegetables.

Timati’s mom posted a post about such a bouquet on her Instagram, and as a result, 80% of all orders now go through Instagram. Users take pictures of vegetable bouquets and send them to friends. Bouquets of roses, of course, would not bring any excitement. Here is an example of an unusual product.

If you don't have such an original idea, you should stop selling on Instagram and focus on contextual advertising or try selling products through personal history. If a person advertises something to his friends through Instagram, they believe that this is a really cool product, because sales on Instagram are built on trust. Subscribers want to know not only whether your product is good, but also what you want to achieve, where you travel, how you live.

The text next to the photo needs to be thought through, because the more comments there are on a post, the higher it will appear in the feed. On Instagram, posts are not displayed in the order they were posted.

Previously, they artificially increased the number of “likes” and subscribers, but now the response to the post from network users is important. It's not enough to just publish beautiful pictures, you need to share your thoughts and encourage subscribers to discuss. Of course, this basically requires subscribers. If no one is interested in you, if no one reads you, then selling through Instagram is pointless. There are different ways to attract subscribers.

On Instagram, people communicate with each other and establish contacts. Using filters you can post a great photo. On Instagram, it is convenient to create commercial accounts through which advertising posts are posted and money is earned online.

Since 2014, Instagram's commercial potential has grown significantly. New opportunities are constantly appearing on the network, for example, it has become possible to upload not only photos, but also short videos. In addition, integration with VKontakte and Facebook is carried out. Moneymakers also became interested in Instagram.

Stage 1. Registration in the application

First you need to download it to your smartphone free application“Instagram”, create your account and fill out the data: phone number, links to the site on social networks, address Email, logo, contacts in Skype, Whatsapp, Viber. The main thing is the desire to earn money and free time. No investment is required to develop online sales.

Advice: You should not post your photos and information about yourself on commercial accounts.

Tip #1. Fill out your profile and take care of the “juicy” design.

Tip #2. Create a tag for your company, such as #MotorBall. The tag must be unique. If the invented tag is already used by someone on the network, you can simply add a prefix. For example, if you make your own bags and came up with the tag #fashionbags, which is already taken, add another word - #fashionbagsonline or #bestfashionbags.

Tip #3. Bags are a very broad concept; you need to segment your products. For example, add the prefix - #fashionbags#clutch. This tag should be placed under each photo. Thus, using the tag, subscribers will be able to immediately see all the photos of clutches you posted.

Tip #4. Create your own business card to post on the website.

Tip #5. Check your privacy settings (your profile should be public).

Stage 2. Promotion of the created profile

To successfully sell through Instagram, you need subscribers, and there should be a lot of them. You can promote your profile yourself or by contacting services that provide established fee they will do everything for you. These methods can be combined. The main thing is that people are interested in your product.

Advice: create WebMoney, PayPal or another electronic wallet to which buyers will transfer money.

You can sell anything through Instagram: used items, toys, clothes, interior items, etc. It has already been said that photos of goods should be High Quality, colorful and clear. It is necessary to give subscribers the opportunity to examine the product from all sides. Some even hire professional photographers.

  1. Under the photo, place a text describing the product: what size it is, what material it is made of, etc.
  2. To attract the attention of subscribers to your post, post Interesting Facts or useful tips under the photo.

To sell on Instagram, simply posting pictures is not enough. You also need to monitor comments on them, promptly answer questions, always be in touch, communicate with subscribers, talk about new products and advantages of the product, and also give instructions for use.

Handmade products bring good profits, for example, crafts, jewelry, jewelry, and interior items. Hashtags will help your photos be found among others.

With tags you:

  1. You will help your target audience easily find you on the Internet, because tags help you filter pictures by topic.
  2. You can use them for competitions and promoting new trends. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it.

Tip #1. It is better to use 2-5 hashtags. If there are more of them, the loyalty of the target audience will decrease and non-targeted traffic will be attracted. For example, if you use the tag #ferrari, fans of this car brand will like you. If you add any word to this tag, for example, #ferrari#car, #ferrari#fashion, #ferrari#luxurycar, #ferrari#speed, you will instantly get 10-20 “likes”.

Tip #2. To be able to quickly correct or delete a tag, write it not in the photo description, but in the comment to the post.

Tip #3. To attract new (mostly non-targeted) subscribers, you can use the tags #follow #followforfollow #follow4follow #followback #followme #ifollow #like #likeforlike #like4like #likeback #likeme #ilike.

Subscribers are easily swayed by positive emotions, so learn how to use Photoshop to make your photos colorful and vibrant. Photos taken on your knees will not attract buyers.

Tip #4. Even try to take personal photos in such a way that elements of your corporate identity accidentally fall into the frame.

Tip #5. Tell your subscribers how you create your product. Familiarize them with the details of production, but don't overdo it. technical nuances, otherwise reading the post will be boring. Strive to post entertaining posts.

What to sell on Instagram?

Instagram can become a platform for a full-fledged business. I learned about this at one event, where a very young girl of 19 years old told how, thanks to the application, she moved from the outback to the city, bought an apartment and is preparing to open her own offline store. No, she was not a genius and did not possess any super-secrets of Instagram trading. It’s just that, at the very peak of the network’s development, I decided to try selling jewelry in my small village. The idea turned out to be more useful than ever, and the main clientele turned out to be not residents of her village, but subscribers from all over Russia. So it happened that in less than 2 years she received what she ordinary life, in Russia, reach tens of years.

This is not an isolated case. There are quite a few such stories. At the very peak of Instagram’s popularity, when there were no filters to protect against mass following, when it was possible to gain more than 100k subscribers in a matter of months, and competition in trade had not yet appeared, then the majority of successful Instagram entrepreneurs appeared.

Now Instagram continues to grow and there are still free niches here. In addition, the competition on Instagram is not yet so strong and it is quite possible to take your place in trading through the application. Below I will give some examples and answer the question - " What to sell on Instagram?".

Who buys on Instagram?

The Instagram audience is quite young, more female. As with the Internet in general, women buy more often on Instagram. This is very important fact and all successful niches involve young women in one way or another. This is worth taking into account. For a more detailed assessment of the audience, infographics will help you.

What to sell on Instagram?

To fully evaluate a niche on Instagram, a practical test is necessary. Therefore, below I will only list those goods and services whose sales I have already encountered.

#1 - costume jewelry and jewelry

The fact is that products of this type can be advertised very beautifully through Instagram. The success of such a store depends on the presentation of photographs. There are plenty of clients for costume jewelry and jewelry on Instagram, and despite the competition, you can still make money in this niche. Rate the presentation of the product by user @allazabarnaya.

#2 - children's educational toys

Another successful trend in Instagram trading. All mothers want their children to develop. By talking about interesting toys that help children master the world around them, you can inspire a caring mother to want to buy your product for her child.

#3 - products for pregnant women and newborns

Instagram is ideal for showcasing products, especially for pregnant women. According to their observations, pregnant women can spend hours looking at all kinds of dresses for pregnant women, clothes for unborn babies, strollers, cradles, wigwams and other accessories. Show me everything you have!

#4 - exclusive and handmade goods

Are you selling unique products? Instagram will become the best platform, where you can implement it. The Internet loves creativity and unusual things always attract the eye. You paint unusual pictures, make furniture in a special style, or sell exotic fruits. All this will fit perfectly on Instagram.

#5 - hype products

From time to time, products appear on the market that literally explode from their very appearance, due to the fact that they were properly promoted before being released onto the shelves. For example, recently there has been a rush on the market with hoverboards, spinners, and quadcopters. The appearance of such a product on the horizon is an ideal reason to open an Instagram store. But hurry, each such product has a period of popularity, after which it will be difficult to sell the product.

#6 - recycled goods

Very actual topic for Instagram trading. You can choose a niche and sell used goods from that niche. For example, used clothes, furniture, strollers, power tools, household appliances.

#7 - cosmetics and perfumes

Instagram is filled with videos of girls doing their own makeup and showing what cosmetics they used. After such advertising, there is often a desire to purchase the product.

#8 - accessories: belts, clutches, glasses, gloves, handbags, purses

Another common topic that many people think is becoming a thing of the past. But don’t rush to bury this niche. You can quite succeed here too by choosing accessories from one brand as a basis. Sell ​​accessories for those who adhere to a certain style. I’m sure it won’t be that difficult to find followers on Instagram.

#9 - phones and accessories

Popular phone models from global brands always attract the eye. Many people want to be aware of the most modern technologies in this area. The whole point is not to show a picture and the price of the device, but to tell users what is special about each model. This way you will stimulate the desire to acquire mobile devices and accessories for them, and also increase confidence in your business as a specialist.

#10 - software

if you have software, which can make life easier for people working in any field, then hurry up and offer it on Instagram before your competitors do. Instagram is used by a lot of businessmen who want to advertise their business online. These businessmen themselves may be your target audience. Find it and offer your software to those who might benefit from it.

Instagram is gaining popularity. From a social network with pictures, it turned into powerful tool marketing not only visual projects. Nowadays you can promote almost anything on Instagram. Let's study Instagram together with Marina Giller, author of Let's Blog School. We came to Marina with a request - to tell us how to sell through Instagram. Today we’re talking about how to prepare your account for marketing work.

Instagram is one of the most attractive platforms for promotion. This is where not only bloggers and shops come in search of an audience, but also freelancers and experts. And Instagram reciprocates many, generating leads and sales.

Who is it suitable for and who is not, and what needs to be done to successfully sell on Instagram?

To work with Instagram, as with any other promotion channel, you need to “ preparatory work" You can use the data you already have and refine it with a view to a specific site.

If you haven't studied yours yet target audience and the competitive environment, you haven’t formulated who you are as an expert and what your product is, it’s time to do it!

Let's clarify aspects related directly to Instagram.

The target audience

Does your target audience use Instagram? What is she doing there? Who are you following? How does he interact with the content: comments, likes, remains silent?

Does he make purchases on Instagram? Does he trust experts? Do you tend to read captions under photos? What visual style do you prefer?

If you don’t have an audience on Instagram, then there’s no point in wasting energy on this channel. Therefore, posing the question “?” is fundamentally wrong. First, make sure that your audience is there, that they are potentially ready to buy on this site, and do not perceive it solely as entertainment.

How to search?

Find the profiles of those specialists you already know about. Use the keyword search in the “People” tab. Look at the profiles that Instagram recommends in the profiles of already found competitors.

Go to communities where your target audience is and ask for recommendations from experts in your business. Study who your target audience follows on Instagram.

Answering the following questions will help you get an idea of ​​your competitors:

  • Which of your competitors is promoting through Instagram?
  • How do they position themselves on this platform?
  • What are they writing about?
  • What is their manner and presentation?
  • How do you communicate with the audience?
  • What visuals are used?
  • What are they doing wrong?
  • What would you improve?
  • What don't they do at all?
Your brand

If you follow the path or brand of an expert, then you should have a “map” of your brand in your hands - its characteristics, described according to any of the many models. For example, I use the Thomas Gad brand code.

The data obtained about your target audience and competitors will help clarify your brand. Decide who you are as an expert, what your competence and uniqueness are, what you believe in, why and how you work.

Everything you have indicated, all your qualities, values ​​and product features are points that you can consistently reveal through content. One post - one thesis.

What might these theses look like?

  • I help micro-businesses with logistics.
  • A classic, timeless look is for me.
  • I try to do every task perfectly.
  • I am a cheerful and easy-going person.
  • My product always follows the latest trends.
  • I believe in the opportunity for every person to achieve success.

Does everyone need personal brand? No, you can do without it! But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have a positioning or product, ideally . All this must be described in words.

Even if your service has a clear result, don’t get hung up on displaying your portfolio. (Stylists, manicurists, photographers, designers - this is for you.) From a social network for pictures, Instagram has long turned into a platform for reading.

Why not only photographs of works?

  • The client does not always understand how much effort goes into the result, and therefore may underestimate the value of your work. Show me the process!
  • The client may not realize their need for your service.
  • Perhaps the problem is being solved somehow, and it is not obvious to the client what the advantage of contacting you is.
  • Your client can choose not only by results, but also by human qualities.
  • A gallery of works can be perceived solely as a selection of pictures for inspiration; the possibility of ordering a service is not obvious (even if it is indicated in the text).
  • Such content is monotonous and quickly becomes boring.

How does your target audience behave? If any of these points are relevant to her to one degree or another, try to diversify your content. How exactly, we’ll talk further.

Tip #2: If you don't have a visual product, Instagram is still right for you

Consultants, psychologists, copywriters, don’t panic! Instagram has really started to be read. The trend towards useful expert accounts is obvious, and it is quite possible to develop a visual image for an account without a physical product.

Below we will talk about how, in addition to photographs of the final product, you can illustrate useful texts.

Many are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to publish anything on Instagram other than breakfast and manicure, and whether people who write about their work are taken seriously there. Yes, you can, and yes, they do. Instagram is experiencing a boom in specialists who sell their products and services through this platform and generate mainly expert content.

It is important to decide exactly how Instagram will fit into your overall strategy promotion.

3 main approaches for blogging on Instagram

  1. Increasing expertise and building an expert brand.
  2. “A touch to the portrait”, when you are recognized as an expert on other platforms, but here they complement the impression by getting to know the more personal side of your life.
  3. Building a strong personal brand and sales to create a “I’ll buy anything from this bright personality” attitude among the target audience.

When choosing a strategy, I recommend relying, first of all, on your own comfort. You don't have to force yourself to do things you don't like. At the same time, you shouldn’t greatly limit yourself in publications just because some course on promotion on Instagram doesn’t say so. Just analyze how this or that approach, this or that content is related to your tasks, how it helps or hinders the achievement of your goals.

Considering previous point, it is necessary to decide on the work on the site.

Goal options

  • recognition as an expert;
  • personal popularity;
  • information about services;
  • communication (channel of communication with the audience);
  • study of target audience;
  • engaging the audience, strengthening loyalty;
  • direct sales.

When choosing goals, take into account the characteristics of your target audience and how they perceive Instagram, what they are used to doing there, and why they use this network.

You can select and combine several goals.

  • If you are promoting as an individual specialist and want to promote your name, call your profile that.
  • If the service or its result comes first and the blog is thematic, choose a name that conveys the essence of your work.

You can combine both points.

  • If you are already known by a certain name on other sites, try to use the same name.
  • If there are already users on Instagram with a very similar name, try to come up with something of your own. And be sure to consider other options if your namesakes work in the same niche.
  • If names with similar spellings are different underscore or dot, are free, take them and put links to your main profile in them.

In addition to the username itself, Instagram has a “Name” field. There you can indicate your field of activity.

Profile description

The amount of text in the description is only 150 characters, but you need to fit all important information! Simple formula“what, for whom and where am I doing” will help you cope with this task.

I help who (description of your target audience), how (your uniqueness in methods of solving the target target’s problem) to do/achieve/receive/become (a verb that reveals the state of the target audience associated with your product) what/by whom/what (result of activity) andWhere? (in such and such a region or around the world).

You can also tell us in your profile what you blog about. You will be able to supplement this text after you have compiled the rubricator.

Don't forget about the way we can contact you. Mail, phone, WhatsApp. Choose based on your knowledge about the target audience, do not forget that Instagram is used from a phone, and it should be convenient for people to contact you immediately.

And, of course, provide a link to the site. Instagram allows you to specify only one link, but using special services, for example,, you can give several at once. Choose what is important to your potential clients.

If space in the text allows, you can add a call to action via the link (“Sign up for a trial consultation”, “Find out your color type”, “Start learning English” and so on) at the very bottom and use arrows or “fingers” to point to the link.

If you somehow sell clothes online and want to increase the number of potential customers, but you don’t yet have an Instagram page, then register one as soon as possible. Today it is this social network is the most visited. In addition, Instagram has recently become one of the most promising business platforms.

Why do people sell things through Instagram?

First, let's take a look at the statistics:

In addition, it is worth considering the fact that Instagram is, first of all, mobile app, which allows you to view the news feed of your subscriptions from any modern gadget. That is, users of such a social network can literally keep up with the latest updates on the go. And visualization of the content itself allows you to sell the product “without further ado.”

What is special about Instagram as a platform for selling clothes?

Recently, Instagram has been offering its users to maintain not only their personal account, but also register a business profile for the purpose of earning money absolutely free:
Download and install Instagram app from App Store, Google Play or Microsoft Store for your smartphone, tablet, PC, or simply open the official website through your computer's browser.
Pass simple procedure registration - enter your e-mail or mobile phone, username (must be unique, can be edited later), come up with strong password and confirm registration by following the link from the specified email or entering the code from SMS.
To create a business account, you need to go to the settings section and switch to the company profile, for which the application will require you to link your Facebook page and log in there.
Returning to Instagram, you will need to indicate at least one way to contact you - the company's physical address, phone or e-mail.
You can now select your business profile category - it can be personal blog, a clothing brand, a service of any kind, or a local company.
The point of switching to an Instagram business account is that by connecting this function, you will be able to monitor the statistics of views of your posts and the profile itself. Also in the statistics section you can offer promotions for your products and services, which will attract more potential customers. And the archive section will allow you to schedule posts for regular publication, which is quite convenient for attracting new subscribers.

Who are clothing sellers on Instagram?

Let's take a closer look at whether you personally need an Instagram account, using an example real stories founders of successful profiles:

The owner of the Ukrainian atelier “Kachorovska” (more than 85 thousand subscribers), who sews original shoes, bags and accessories, says that initially their company’s page was intended only to familiarize subscribers with the brand’s new products. To date, the brand still does not pay for advertising on social networks, but sales on Instagram continue to grow every year.

The page for online stores of Ukrainian brands “Vsi Svoi” was launched 2 years ago, and today it already has more than 65 thousand subscribers who come to this profile on their own. Here are the country's brightest sellers, with whom potential buyers can contact directly to purchase their favorite item.

And there are a lot of such examples, one of which you can become. A huge advantage of this social network is that each user finds the necessary content or his fans. Thus, it doesn’t matter whether you sell things ordered from foreign sites, sew original clothes, shoes and bags, or create “handmade” accessories - this platform will allow you to create a convenient and detailed catalog of goods, regardless of whether you sell they are also on third party sites(OLX), marketplaces (Shafa), on the official website or in a physical store.

What is the secret to successful sales on Instagram?

Today one of the “top” topics is promoting an Instagram account and its methods. On the Internet you can find a lot of information from SMM professionals ( Social Media Marketing) or from ordinary users networks that have achieved success. It is important to remember that those methods that helped someone cannot 100% guarantee success personally, and promoting a specific type of product or service on social networks will have its own characteristics.
That is why there are several effective tips for selling things on Instagram:
Your account home page. Whether it is your own brand or a store selling fashionable clothing from popular manufacturers, it is important that when going to your profile, the user sees as much information as he really needs (the account must always be open). To do this, you must create a unique and memorable login (can be changed in the settings). The title photo should be bright and characteristic of your specialization, that is, speak for itself before the user goes to your page. brief information must contain clearly structured text with the category of your product or service, possible options communication with the seller, methods of payment and delivery of goods. In addition, you can indicate the physical address of the store where the item can be tried on and a link to your own website or page with reviews of the work, for example, from Shafa.
Photo. Instagram is a so-called global photo album, so the seller needs to put maximum effort into the quality of product photographs. It is important that your photos “sell” things for themselves, that is, they are bright, interesting, and presented in an original way. Of course, best photos clothes that attract attention will be photos on the model. In this case, you can invite a friend or ask your boyfriend and arrange a photo shoot of things. If for some reason this option is not for you, optimal solution will high quality photo things on a mannequin or the original “flat lay” (the secrets of which we have already written about in our blog). It is also important to minimize or completely eliminate the use of filters for photos so that the clothes look realistic and the buyer does not feel deceived.

Description. Remember that to describe your product card, Instagram offers limited quantity characters, so try to express as much as possible useful information brief abstracts. Under the photo of the presented item, you must indicate only what may interest your client, namely, availability, size, colors available for order, measurements of the item and its composition. In addition, you can add a couple of topic sentences to the photo from yourself (perhaps with humor) so that subscribers are interested in following your updates. You can also add information about product delivery or ask customers a question about what products they would like to purchase from your page.
Price. Forget about the phrase “answered in Direct”! For some reason, most novice Instagram sellers do not indicate the price of their product under the photo, which is absolutely wrong. Remember that by indicating the cost of the item, you will save time for yourself and the client. This way, you won’t have to constantly respond to every subscriber in Direct or in comments, and this will allow customers to quickly navigate your business account and make a purchasing decision. The cost of a product can be determined based on the prices of your competitors.
Hashtags. An important part of this particular social network, since these are the keywords with the “#” sign allow users to quickly find the images they need. These phrases should be written in addition to the main product description. Words after this symbol can be indicated in English, Russian and Ukrainian, without spaces (even in phrases). It is important to indicate only the most relevant (popular) keywords - this could be the brand name of your item, its short description, its quality and color, the city and country where the item can be purchased. Also, for business accounts, Instagram offers to create your own unique hashtag, when clicking on it, users will be able to find only your items and thus move directly to their catalog.

How to attract customers on Instagram

The fastest, most effective and in a simple way promoting your profile on Instagram is to attract professional SMM specialists. However, not everyone has access to this type of service. If this social network is a “dark forest” for you, then it would be a good idea to take specialized courses or, at a minimum, read articles from bloggers on this topic.

If you navigate this resource at least at the level of an average user, then these tips will be useful to you:

  • Publications during rush hours. Make your publications not in a chaotic order, but according to a planned schedule. If you add 10 positions in a few minutes, they will most likely unfollow you. A similar situation will occur if you long time you won't publish anything. That’s why add news and photos of clothes exactly at the time when Instagram visitors are most active – at lunchtime and in the evening. If you don’t have the opportunity to post daily, then post photos of things at least every couple of days. If there are no updates in your store, you can add an attractive photo with a survey of your subscribers or a promotion for them.
  • Increase the number of potential clients. Subscribe to the buyers of your competitors, comment and like their photos, and, no matter how absurd it may sound, add sellers like you to your subscription. The fact is that Instagram has a separate section for publications that may interest you. These images do not come to you by chance, but as a result of what your subscribers have noted. Therefore, by increasing their number and your activity, you will be able to get “into the field of view” of your potential clients who haven't subscribed to you yet.
  • Ask for advertising. The most popular and effective method of advertising on Instagram today is photography. famous blogger in clothes of your brand. But even if you don’t have the opportunity to pay for advertising services from popular online bloggers, you can ask your clients or friends to post a photo of them wearing clothes they bought from you, tag you in the photo, and also write a short review about working with you. Such live advertising will attract potential buyers to your page.
  • Real reviews. There have been and will be scammers always and everywhere, but how can an ordinary buyer protect himself from them, and how can you prove your honesty? On home page Instagram account you can provide a link to your reviews from the Shafa marketplace. This way your clients can be convinced of your integrity, and you more likely sell a thing. You can also post a screenshot of your clients’ reviews from personal correspondence as a separate post on your profile. Most importantly, do not forget to remove the client’s personal data from the screenshot.
  • Introduce your customers to the product. If you sew clothes or sell handmade accessories, make posts with photos or shoot short videos in the process of creating things. This way, your account will be more “alive” and gain individuality, which is why you will want to follow it.
  • Communicate with buyers. Never leave user comments unanswered and provide necessary information as soon as possible. Unanswered questions under the photo will tell other users that you are inattentive to your customers. Also watch out for posts with spam and obscene language - delete them immediately, and add accounts of this kind to the blacklist. Always try to politely answer questions about your product and ask in response, to create a lively dialogue under posts.

Don't forget that Instagram is all about showing people your personality, so the more creativity you have on your profile, the better. By the way, according to the latest data, users are finding more and more new products and services on Instagram, which they continue to use constantly. Therefore, if you decide to stand out from the crowd and bring your sales to new level, then it’s time to create your own unique business account on this social network.

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