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How to sell to Americans on Facebook. The mysterious mechanism for issuing posts to the feed

Fact: A Facebook shop can increase your sales.

It is suitable for both the sale of goods and the sale of services:

  • If you have a store / online store, then you can post products on Facebook and promote them using the methods described in the article.
  • If you sell services/consulting, then you can promote your free products by collecting subscribers for further sale and sell your main services

That sounds good? And you know what's really cool?

It's free and you can literally do it in 10-15 minutes!

In this article, I will show you how to create an online store on Facebook, how to set it up and design it, and also tell you how to avoid mistakes when adding it.

You will also learn 4 ways to sell goods and services through the store without a budget.

Let's start!


What is a Facebook store and why create one?

On Facebook you can create personal page, group and business page of your company.

Score- this is one of the business page tabs, by creating which you can add and sell goods, products and services. Naturally, this feature is free.

You might think that it is only suitable for offline/online stores to sell their products.

But it's not like that...

If you provide a service, sell consulting, or teach online, you will be able to post links to your free content and get subscribers for free.

I’ll note right away that sales will depend on the activity of your Facebook followers and on the quality of the materials you publish.

So how do you add a store?

How to make a shop on facebook

Step 1. Create a business page

You definitely need it. Without it, you won't be able to add a store.

Step #2. Add a "Shop" tab to your business page

By default, your business page should have a "Shop" tab in the left menu.

But if you don't have it, no big deal.

To add it, on the business page, click on the "Settings" tab and go to the "Edit page" section.

On Facebook, you can choose from 8 business page design templates:

  • Purchases
  • Company
  • Venues
  • Non-profit organization
  • Politicians
  • Services
  • Restaurants and cafes
  • Standard

These templates differ only in the menu items that will be available on the page.

It doesn't matter which one you choose, as the menu items themselves can be turned on or off at your discretion.

By default, you have the "Standard" template selected.

To make the "Shop" tab appear, you can either select the "Purchases" template, or enable this tab separately.

To enable it without changing the template, scroll down the page and click on the "add tab" button.

In the window that appears, click the "add tab" button next to "Shop".

After that, the "Shop" section will appear in the left menu on the business page.

Step #3. Create a store on a business page

Now click on the "Shop" tab on the page.

Immediately after that, a window will appear where you need to agree to the terms of trade on Facebook.

Check the box and click Continue.

In the new window, select the checkout method, i.e. how customers will shop.

There are 2 options available here:

1. Write to the seller

In this case, the product cards will have a button, by clicking on which a chat with the page administrator will open. This option is suitable for those who do not have a website.

2. Checkout on another site

When you click on the button in the product card, the person will be redirected to the product card on your site.

Choose which option is convenient for you and click on the "Continue" button.

Now you need to choose the currency of your store.

How do I change the store currency and checkout method on Facebook?

If you have chosen the wrong currency or want to change the checkout method, then for this you need to delete the store and create it again.

This will remove all added items.

To delete a store, go to the "Shop" tab and click on the gear in the right upper corner.

In the menu that appears, select "Delete" and confirm this action.

After deletion, you can immediately create new shop, select the currency and method of ordering.


You have just created a store. Now it needs to be configured.

How to set up a shop on Facebook

After creating the store, you need to fill it: add a description, products, categories. Let's see how to do it.

#one. How to add a description

Go to the store, click on "describe what the store sells" and add a description.

You have 200 characters to describe the store.

What is better to write?

Below I have made a description template that you can use.

Sample: [Result or Pain] + [Your suggestion: how to get the result / avoid pain] + [Shop Benefits] + [Call to Action]

Example: Adult Women's Cosmetics Store

Description: Do you want to look young despite your age? Try our eco-cosmetics based on natural ingredients. Delivery in Moscow is free. Check out our catalog.

#2. How to add a product to a store on Facebook

On the store page, click on the "Add Products" button.

Depending on the checkout method you chose when creating your store, the process for adding a product will be slightly different:

  • if you chose "contact seller" then you you can't insert a link to your site
  • if you chose "checkout on another site", then you you can add link

Let's see how to fill out a product card using the example of the "write to the seller" ordering option.

Image Requirements

  • Format jpg, png
  • It must be square.
  • Resolution 1024 by 1024 and higher [can be from 600*600]

2. Product name

Everything is simple here: write the name of your product.

3. Price

By default, you can enter one price, but if you click on the "This item is eligible" radio button, you can enter a promotional price.

In this case, the product will be displayed with the full and promotional price.

4. Product Description

This is where you describe the benefits of your product.

6. Product availability

Choose whether you have a product or not.

7. Add product options

If your product has, for example, several colors or sizes, you can add these options and set a separate price for each of them.

To do this, click on "edit options", then on "add option" and select the attribute by which you will add options:

  • The size
  • Material
  • Length
  • Style
  • Width
  • Aroma
  • Model
  • Format
  • Platform
  • Release

After filling in all the fields, click on "save" to create the item.

When you click on a product, its card opens:

How to add a URL link to a product?

How to remove an item from the store

Go to the "Publishing Tools" section of your business page and click on the "Products" section.

Check the box for the product you want to delete and select delete from the "actions" menu.

#3. How to add a product collection

If you have a large number of goods different types, you can combine them into collections (collections / categories) for the convenience of buyers.

Each collection will represent a certain type of product, for example: women's clothing, men's clothing, children's clothing, etc.

To do this, click on the "add collection" button in the store.

For example, I created a "Beds" collection, where I added 3 beds:

You can also select a selection (collection) by checking the "Select this collection" checkbox.

What does it mean?

Products from the selected collection will be:

  1. Display at the top of the store
  2. Have larger image than other products
  3. Will be displayed at the top of your business page feed

Here's what it looks like in the store:

You can select only one collection.

How to delete a product collection

Go to the "Publishing Tools" section of the business page and click on the "Collections" section.

Select the checkbox for the collection you want to delete, and from the Actions menu, select Delete.

When deleting a collection, the products that were added to it will not be deleted. In fact, you will only delete the section in the store.

#four. How to add a button to a business page for the Store

The button is displayed on the business page on the right, right below the cover.

To add it, click on the "add button".

In the list that appears, click on the "make a purchase or donate" section and select "Shop".

  1. If you want people to click on the button to go to the "Shop" section on your business page, then select "Shopping on your page"
  2. If you want people to be redirected to your main site when they click, select "Shop on your site" and add a link to your site.

You now have a stocked Facebook store!

Let's see how best to promote your products.

4 free ways how to sell products through the store

To get people to buy your products or download free products, you need to promote them, first of all, in the feed of your business page.

There are 4 free ways you can do this:

  1. Share store
  2. Share goods
  3. Share Collections
  4. Add products to posts

Let's consider each method in more detail.

Make it simple.

A post will appear in the news feed, in the center of which there will be a "Go to Store" button, by which people will go directly to your store.

How often should this be done?

When you have promotions, sales, the assortment is replenished, I recommend sharing the store and writing a reason in the message why you are doing this.

If you have an online store, then you should periodically share your products, especially if you have sales or new arrivals.

This can be done in two ways.

Method #1.

Go to the business page, select "product, offer" and click on the item "Invite people to see the product."

Method #2.

How to use it for sales?

On Facebook, you can attach products to any post, clicking on which people will get into the product cards.

For example, you can post an article on how to choose a bed so that your spine does not hurt, and add several beds to the publication.

If the post is useful for a person and he has such a problem (his back hurts), then there is a chance that after reading the article he will look at the added beds and place an order!

To add a product when posting, click on the "mark product" button below and select the products you want to add.

Products are attached at the bottom of the publication, by clicking on which, the user will be taken to the product card.


Now you know how to make an online store on Facebook.

With it, you can increase the sales of your products/services, as well as increase your subscriber base by placing free/low-cost products in the store.

If you have not created a store while reading the article, then do it right now. After all, it will take literally 10-15 minutes!

your turn

Did you manage to create a store? What products are you going to promote: free/paid informational or physical? Do you have new ideas for promoting services through the store?

Write your answers in the comments below the article!

P.S. I read every comment and answer all questions.

Facebook is a great platform for heated political debates, reading current news, chatting with friends, likes cute photos and cats. In addition to all these activities, Facebook - good opportunity to sell your stuff. Sales here are slightly different from sales in Shaf and VKontakte. Today we’ll talk about how Facebook sales work, how to find right places for sales and how to sell successfully.

Facebook groups - how it works

Unlike those used by brands and stores, there are groups for private sales announcements. The main difference between groups and pages is that all members can post to it. Initially, groups were invented for thematic communication of interests, but enterprising Facebook regulars quickly adapted this functionality for selling everything in the world.

Interested people gather in groups, and with the right approach to business, it will not be difficult to sell everything superfluous and earn a couple of thousand hryvnias.

Facebook functionality for sales ads

The popularity of sales groups on Fb is evidenced by the fact that already at the beginning of 2015, the social network began testing separate type posts for such groups. Place in the sales group standard button"Publication" was occupied by the "Sell" button. The publication appeared additional fields: name (up to 100 characters), price, description and, of course, photos. It will not be possible to publish an ad without filling in the name and price. Headline to stand out in the publication in bold, and the price will be displayed in a separate line

The benefits of posting ads through this form are not immediately obvious. The uniform disciplines sellers and makes life easier for potential buyers. It is immediately clear that here and . It has become easier to find your listings, edit them and remove them when an item is sold.

Advantages and disadvantages of selling on facebook

Sales in FB groups have their own specifics, which have both positive and negative sides. Let's take a look at these specifics.


  • Familiar interface

You do not need to go through a separate registration, wait for confirmation letters, or delve into how the platform works. Posting ads and communicating with buyers is not much different from writing statuses or chatting with friends.

  • Quick placement

There are many active sales groups, both local and all-Ukrainian. And they are not always the same people. Thanks to the ease of publishing, you can immediately place your item in several suitable active groups.

  • Buyers don't have to look for you

The ad appears in common tape news, you don't have to wait for a potential customer to go to a special site in search of a dress or sweater. You know how it happens with girls, it seems that she wasn’t going to buy anything, but she caught her eye on a pretty photo, and now you are already negotiating a sale.

  • Lack of anonymity

When buying, you can go to the user's profile, see what's on his page. If the account is “not fake”, then the trust on the part of buyers for it will be clearly greater than for the seller hiding behind a nickname.

  • Quick Feedback

By fb-groups, you can immediately understand what is selling well and what is not very good. You can go to any active group and view the feed to understand how to compose your ads.

If your thing is beautiful and at an adequate price, in a couple of minutes you will have a line of people who want to buy it. In groups, you need to navigate and make a decision quickly, otherwise it will be very difficult to find an ad in an hour or two.

In order not to lose your listings, interested buyers will comment and like your listings, thereby increasing their visibility to others. And the likes and comments of potential competitors stimulate faster decision-making, because a good thing can “fly away” right from under your nose.


  • Short ad life

If no one is interested in your ad, then it will give way to other, more popular ads. There is practically no chance that someone will find him in a day. You can refresh the ad by writing to it new comment. The rules of most groups do not allow this to be done too often.

  • Can't find something suitable

On Facebook, there is no way to filter ads by types of things and sizes, as you can do in Shaf. If the buyer missed your size 46 dress, then it is unlikely that he will ever find it. It's only luck that they see you necessary people at the time of publication.

  • The mysterious mechanism for issuing posts to the feed

But no one can guarantee you this either. Facebook, unlike VKontakte, will not automatically show all posts from the group to all participants, so there is no guarantee that even those who are online at the time of publication will see you

  • Buyers act impulsively

The advantage described in paragraph 5 can become a disadvantage. In an effort not to miss profitable proposition, buyers can quickly and recklessly book things, and then abandon their intentions. This is not very pleasant and takes extra time for useless communications.

  • Queue misunderstandings

Lots of unstructured comments private messages. If you have hung a mega-interesting lot, it will be hard not to get confused, "who was behind whom." And if you posted an ad in several groups, then it’s generally not clear which buyer is from where. These things will need to be monitored closely.

  • Missing private messages

If you are not mutual friends with the buyer, your private messages to each other can be poured into the mysterious box "Requests to Correspondence", where novice users do not always guess to look.

  • No reviews and blacklists

Unlike "Shafa", you can not leave reviews or check the reputation of the seller. You will not be able to accumulate positive "karma" that will increase customer confidence in you.

How to search for active sales groups

If you are planning to sell something on Facebook, it makes no sense to limit yourself to one group. The ad can and should be posted to local groups, to large active groups for everything, to sales groups in your city and to thematic groups.

How to find such groups? You can use Facebook recommendations. In the sidebar, select the "Groups" tab and view "Recommended", "Local groups" and the groups your friends are members of. Or enter a query in the search bar - for example, "flea market Dnepropetrovsk". Next, select the option "More results for the query", and on the page that opens - the type of result - "Groups".

How to search and not lose ads

Despite the fact that Facebook is constantly improving something in its mechanisms, the search in it does not work well. AT popular bands ah, with a large number of daily new ads, finding something is almost impossible. Moreover, the most frequently asked question in any group (and I have a dozen of them in my subscriptions): “I can’t find my ads.” What to do?

Use #hashtags

Facebook hashtags are not very popular yet, but they still work. In the rules of the group, administrators, as a rule, give recommendations - which hashtags are required, and which are desirable. Using hashtags, you can search for current ads of participants.

It makes sense to mark all your ads with some unique hashtag (for example, #anichkaprodaetplatie2016). If you have a lot of ads, it is better not to neglect this rule.

Use search

In the header of each group there is a search bar that allows you to search for posts within the group's posts. Search works on individual words and on the names of participants. It doesn't work perfectly, but overall it's good. By at least a dozen of the latest ads for the query "dress" he will definitely show you.

Save posts

If you click on the small triangular pointer in the upper right corner of any post, you'll find the "Save Post" option. Everything that you save in this way on Facebook can be found in separate bookmark"Saved" of your profile (side column of the main, section "Favorites").

Use activity log

If you liked or commented on something interesting, but forgot where, and didn't save the link to a specific post, the activity log will come in handy. You can find it in your profile settings. In the activity log, you can view all your activities on Facebook - likes, comments, posts, watched videos. It is convenient that the content can be sorted by type - a separate feed of likes, a separate comment, a separate activity in groups.

how to sell on facebook

For successful sales Facebook has its own rules. Most of them are common to any platform for selling things, but there are still a few features that are relevant only to Facebook.

Read the group rules

Each group has its own rules set by its creators and administrators. Be sure to read them carefully. In some groups you can place everything, in some only certain types of things - for example, only new women's clothing, only children's, or only shoes. If you don't follow the rules, your ad will be removed and you may be excluded from the group.

Over time, each group establishes its own unspoken traditions, which may not be directly spelled out in the rules, but which it makes sense to follow for successful sales. For example, in some groups it is customary to write "reservation" to express a specific intention to buy an item. Whoever writes first is the first in line.

Take beautiful photos

On Facebook, your ad will share a feed with cats, beautiful photos, links to interesting materials. To attract attention, it must be conspicuous and be as clear as possible.

Remember that a photo will look beautiful in the feed if its width is greater than its height. And if there are several photos, then Facebook will collect the first four into a collage. The rest of the user will see only if he starts scrolling through them in your ad.

Clear description

The first few lines of the description should contain as much useful information as possible for the future buyer. Everything that is not included in these lines will be hidden by the system. The rest will be seen only by those who are interested enough to expand your publication. Therefore, it is better to remove all lyrical and romantic details there.

Otherwise, the rules for selling things are the same as everywhere else - a clear description, do not hide the presence of defects, politely and quickly respond to customers, follow safety rules to protect yourself from scammers.

Active groups selling women's clothing

Here are just a few popular groups where you can sell and buy women's clothing.

Global development trend information technologies is the transformation of social networks from entertainment services into users' income sources and business tools. The company "LookFreedom" predicted such a trend and even developed earnings in the social. networks, which has already proven itself in practice and found a positive response from the readers of our blog.

As for Facebook, many analysts today note that it is no longer so much a social network as a global platform for interaction between businessmen, advertisers and other market participants. We have selected for you the most interesting and promising ways, which allow you to earn money on Facebook and constantly increase your income.

1. Monetize your social activity (earnings on likes, reposts, etc.)

What does an ordinary user do while browsing the Facebook feed? Marks the publications he likes, shares them with friends, communicates in the comments. This is all done for fun and requires no effort. However, the same actions can be performed for money.

There are many services on the Internet that pay for:

To earn money, you need to register on one of the sites (ForumOk, SmmOk, Likee, etc.) and complete tasks, receiving a fee for online wallet. This will not bring huge money, but as a source extra income suitable for any user.

Customers are much more in demand active and "live" profiles with large quantity friends and followers.

2. Earn money on your Facebook page

The previous earning option is ideal for personal profile. However personal account has a number of restrictions, for example, by the number of friends. But, the main thing is that it cannot be used for business purposes. This is the most flagrant violation of the rules of this social network, which leads to blocking the user.

Therefore, making a profit using your own business page (another name is a fan page) is a more promising and profitable method. Advantages:

If your Facebook page has a stable audience, then you can make money on. You place information about the product on the page, talk about the benefits, share your experience if possible, and post a link. An interested user follows it, and after the purchase, a certain percentage of the profit is transferred to you.

  • Consulting, coaching, training.

Gather master groups paid webinars in live, advising clients, negotiating - not a complete list of actions on Facebook that will bring you money. For the page - the most active channel for promoting their developments.

Advertising your own brand using Facebook can also be done by specialists who work offline. Event organizers, photographers, repair specialists and even doctors talk about themselves and their services, look for new clients, conduct preliminary consultations and earn money. However, here it is worth making an adjustment for geolocation. If you carry out your activities outside the network, it will be very strange when, for example, a cosmetologist from Krasnodar offers services to a user from Moscow.

Note that the business page will become effective tool and will attract a wide audience (hence, earnings) only with a competent strategy for working with content. It means:

  • regular posting of new materials;
  • alternation of formats (texts, pictures, photos, videos);
  • close interaction with the audience (responses to comments, polls, creating topics for discussion).

3. Earnings on thematic group

A Facebook group is different from a business page. In fact, this is an online community, an association of people according to certain principles or interests (a group of freelancers, mothers on maternity leave, fishing enthusiasts, etc.). They are designed to communicate and share information. Unlike a page, groups are difficult to advertise, promote, and it is impossible to scale a business with their help.

However, groups can generate serious income because they are effective. advertising platforms. For example, a group brings together travelers. Therefore, this is an ideal target audience for travel agencies, ticket booking services, hotels, camping equipment sellers.

To start earning you need:

  • Choose a topic and create a group;
  • Keep filling it up interesting information. Publish new content regularly;
  • Always try to attract as many new members as possible;
  • Stimulate their communication in the comments (active groups are more in demand by advertisers).

It takes some time, but all efforts will pay off with the money that advertising will bring.

To commercial information did not cause a negative reaction of the group members, it is necessary:

  • firstly, strike a balance between useful materials and advertising;
  • Secondly, for sale, use the methods of native advertising (organic content) and storytelling (storytelling). That is, to talk about products on behalf of the group members, to advise and recommend them, to share personal experience use of a product or service. This allows you to get away from open sales and increase trust.

Some group creators make money by selling their communities. Groups with a large number of participants and a popular topic (health, self-development, parenting, etc.) are in demand. However, it must be remembered that the official Facebook rules allow the change of ownership only with the consent of the administration.

4. Create your own online store

If you are the owner of a small business or a hand maker *, and decide to open an online store, then it is not necessary to spend time, money and create a separate resource for this. Online trading can be launched directly on the Facebook page.

* Handmader (English)hand made - hand work). This refers to a person who sells products made by himself.


  • You can create your own store using special services(including free)*;
  • For the sale, you do not need to transfer the percentage of this social network;
  • Selling to loyal subscribers is easier than constantly looking for customers.


  • The free version has restrictions on the number of products, so Facebook is “cramped” for a large project;
  • To expand the circle of customers, you need to deal not only with updating the assortment, but also regularly work on content.

*Services for creating and promoting an online store on Facebook:

- the most popular and simple constructor for creating a web store. Allows anyone without special skills to place and launch an online store on a Facebook page in a short time, which can then be transferred to another social network and to your own website. The free version has product limits.

Shopify– service with wide functionality. Well optimized for mobile devices. Has a free two-week trial period.

shopScript- allows you to simultaneously create a store on a separate site. The interface will be fully adapted to Facebook's design. It has a free trial period of 30 days. Further - 399 rubles / month.

Bigcommerce- offers over 100 free design templates, has many settings, including the ability to recommend products to friends. More suitable for medium-sized businesses that will grow over time.

5. MLM Marketing

For independent agents who are engaged not only in the sale of products of certain brands, but also attract new partners to the sales system, Facebook opens up the widest opportunities:

  • Demonstrate products on the page, post their description (in other words, advertise), talk about new products in text and video format;
  • In comments to posts, provide consultant services, answer questions and turn a page visitor into a buyer;
  • Post information about opportunities and prospects for cooperation;
  • Communicate systematically with clients;
  • Constantly expand your target audience and client base.

6. Attracting traffic to your own Internet resource

In the section with proven methods, we already talk about how to make money with your site. However, any resource for successful and productive work requires a constant influx of new users. Especially if the site makes a profit due to contextual advertising(ads are shown to users in accordance with the subject of his queries in search engines).

On the Facebook page, in addition to any other content, you can post announcements or the most striking fragments of articles from your site. Interested friends or subscribers follow the link to the site, read the material, watch illustrations, videos. Their attention will also be attracted by information advertising banners, which means someone will make a purchase, will be registered, leave their data, etc., it all depends on your goal.

7. Earning on video

The amount of video content on Facebook is comparable to texts. Every day, users watch about 100 million hours of various videos and interest in them is only increasing.

Mark Zuckerberg made an ambitious announcement last year that he plans to move video hosting company YouTube from the top spot in the market. However, many were in no hurry to post the results of their creativity on Facebook due to vague ways of monetization. Therefore, the owners of the network decided to insert ads into videos longer than 90 seconds and give 55% of profits to authors. Thus, you have more more possibilities for a good income.

Video bloggers and those who constantly post visual content on YouTube should consider, if not changing the site, then at least expanding the scope of their activities through a Facebook page. Moreover, while this feature is at the testing stage, the competition will be lower than on advanced video hosting.

It's never too late to take action

In this article, we talked about the most reliable and proven ways to make money with Facebook. Remember that you always have the opportunity to use several directions at the same time, but you just have to devote a little more time to this.

Quantity active users This social network is rapidly approaching 2 billion. In Russia and the CIS countries, this site is in 3rd place in terms of popularity, which cannot but rejoice. The expansion of the commercial functionality of the pages opens up many new progressive opportunities for making money on the Internet that you can easily use.

If you are looking for other ways to use world wide web and do not want to become a victim of scammers, pay attention to useful information Proven ways to make money online. On our website, we place only reliable information and our readers about dubious online projects and services. For all questions, you can contact the support service of our company.

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Among the members of the Community there is no consensus on the usefulness of social networks. Enthusiasts talk about "forming communities" and creating a "loyal audience" that needs to be entertained and occasionally sold something on the sly. Skeptics speak of social media disparagingly: they say, there is no use from Twitter and Facebook. At first glance, it is more reasonable to take the side of skeptics, because in the volume of sales, those transactions that were carried out by “friends” should be highlighted. trademark, quite difficult. And there is no possibility for a scrupulous calculation of the effectiveness of social media as a selling tool - there is no “profit” itself.

But to the great joy of enthusiasts, there are means by which you can confirm the usefulness social media for business. In fact, there is nothing easier: just install and configure the web application under the "virtrine" of your online store and prove the great "selling" power of social networks in the same way as three quite successful retailers from the USA have already done. But no one bothers us to adopt overseas experience and somehow adapt the cases to the harsh realities of Russian reality. Let's see what's interesting together dug on the subject of portal editors Mashable and whether there is something in the success stories of the Americans that will work in Russia with minimal alteration.

Case number 1. Owner of an online store of products for babies and young mothers Jacqueline Myers uses Facebook as additional showcase for your online store own domain. Her social media page is managed by a web application BigCommerce- the same as an independent online store. Is it worth talking about the convenience of such integration? An important plus - BigCommerce allows you to send potential buyers to the "big" online store on her website, and does it for free. The result is that roughly 50% of buyers come to from their Facebook page. Jacqueline is happy that she created a community on the social network. According to her, being represented on Facebook is very convenient - you are always in front of the client.

Case number 2. Livescribe Let's be honest - we love Livescribe, although they almost forgot how to write by hand. It is an innovative system for recording and storing information that combines Computer techologies and a good old pen. Be that as it may, with the release of the next version of the gadget, Livescribe decided on a large-scale alteration community pages on Facebook. As in the case of, the user, having entered the brand page, is aware of all the new products at first glance, but is sent to the official Livescribe website for shopping. According to project marketing manager Brett Kaufmann, the Facebook page was a great help to the Twitter account - with its help, more people learned about the company's products. According to the ratio of investments and return on them in the form real sales an online shop on Facebook is quite effective. As an option, he recommends constantly syncing changes on the brand's standalone site with content on the community page. Better in automatic mode. So more reliable. It's a pity, but Mr. Kaufmann does not give specific figures.

Case number 3. attitude This Australian online store sells all kinds of environmentally friendly household goods like pastel linen made from bamboo fibers and other “premium” products for ecosexuals. Community Shop on Facebook runs on the BigCommerce platform. In response to Mashable's question about how exactly having a community and a Facebook storefront affects online store sales, Managing Director Phoebe Yu hesitated to name specific figures. Yes, people come from Facebook, but the links do not show whether they come from links from the community page or from clicks on product images. However, Phoebe Yu claims that opening a store on FB is great idea. But it only works when people are interested in you and when something is constantly happening on the store page. After all, you can be "liked" and shared, she says. The main thing is not to abuse mailing lists based on friends - this makes users very nervous.

1. Sell at “garage sales” a.k.a. Facebook groups
If you haven't tried selling your products or services through local Facebook groups, you have no idea what an opportunity you're missing out on selling to people in your area.
These groups operate like an Etsy shop or EBay - some are set up for direct sales, while others are arranged in the form of an auction where anyone can bid (on average, such an auction lasts 24 hours).

Such are the “local” or local groups exist for almost any type of product. The choice is especially great in big cities: household goods, children's clothing, cooking appliances, cars ... and even real estate! Try to drive in Facebook search your city and see how much you can find there.
We believe that the potential for sales in this way is huge, the main thing is the right approach.

2. Open a shop on Facebook
The best way to start selling on Facebook is to install the app for ecommerce Shopify.
After you set up your account, a link to your store will appear under the inscription in the "Applications" block.

A Shopify store is very easy to set up and set up, and for only $9 a month you can add an unlimited number of products to it. To find out if this option is right for you, take advantage of the 14-day free access.
You may want to look at other applications with similar functionality. Such as ecwid(is free), ShopTab(about $10 per month) and Beetailer(there is free version, for very large stores, the price can go up to $80 per month).

3. Promote your products through Facebook statuses
Quite obvious, isn't it? If most of your posts are meant to be entertaining and useful to readers, then don't forget that there is room for direct promotion of your products or services as well. If you are sure that at least 80% of your content is not selling, then it is quite normal if about 20% of the time you will be promoting your product in in social networks.
When creating organic posts for promotion, keep a few important things in mind:

§ Facebook recently announced its decision to restrict posts that are very aggressive in trying to get people to buy a product or app. To be sure that your post will still be seen, check again that you are also adding to it and valuable information other than the seller. Tell some interesting story about the product, and avoid turning your posts into annoying empty advertisements.

§ Always add a high-quality, attention-grabbing image to your post. If you don't like the picture that Facebook automatically chose, remember that you can always change it by clicking on the arrow in the upper left corner of the picture, or by clicking on "+add photo" to upload a new one.

4. Sell Through Facebook Ads
Facebook offers many options for your advertising campaigns, to drive traffic to your online store or local offline business.
You can choose based on different campaign goals, but for online sales, you will definitely need to consider one of the following indicators:

§ Clicks to the site

§ Website conversion (you will need to set up conversion pixels)

§ Returns of goods / unpaid goods

Facebook allows you to set up targeting so that your ads are shown to the “right” people. You can target people of a certain gender, age, in a certain place of residence, with specific interests, etc.

5. Take your readers through the funnel straight to your email database

By the way, this is one of our favorite ways. Facebook usage to increase sales. Selling directly through Facebook is great, but it's more suited to solo sales. If you plan to make an offer several times with different products, then it is better to transfer traffic from Facebook to your subscription form in order to build long and trusting relationship.
To do this, make sure you are using good service for email newsletters, for example, Aweber or MailChimp. Create a landing page on your site that can lure people into signing up for your emails by offering free but valuable product/content. Then periodically promote this product through organic Facebook posts or paid ads.

6. Consistently Deliver Really Useful Information in Your Social Media Posts and Blog
We saved this for last, because no matter which of the above strategies you choose, you simply must use this one as well. key element in online sales- building a trusting relationship with your readers and constantly maintaining them. BUT The best way to do is to provide valuable material for free. Material that can solve their problem, answer their question, help them make a decision, etc.
Involve them in discussions of articles, in writing comments on them, let them ask their questions and answer yours. Thanks to these, both simple and difficult steps, you'll get the most out of your Facebook sales.

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