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How to get attention on Twitter. An easy way to gain followers on Twitter

Before the New Year, I wrote a post about how I mentioned that I registered on Twitter without any meaningful need, but time passes and now the Twitter microblogging service has become a part of our lives. It’s simply impossible without him.

Why Twitter?

For most Internet users, Twitter can be useful mainly as a kind of news feed. Through it you can find out:

  • News from news agencies following their accounts
  • What's new with friends
  • Promotions, messages, support, etc. from companies, naturally, if the desired organization has its own Twitter.

As for bloggers, SEO specialists and money makers, an additional benefit is added to the above:

  • Via Twitter you can announce your blog posts or new on the site and with a large number of readers get good traffic.
  • The more authoritative Twitter is, the it gives more authority to the blog/site.
  • Tweets authoritative microblogger (on Twitter) Can .
  • Well, as usual search engine traffic and improved indexing.

So we need readers?

Of course, we need it, and the more, the better. As I began to grow my readership, I noticed that the number of clicks on my links increased. This is exactly what you and I need, right? ;)

In general, Twitter is not only a means of disseminating information, but also a communication option. Many people communicate through it, for example constantly responds to people. Private messages between users are also available on Twitter, you will notice this when you start following everyone, begin to send thanks and invitations to visit their site.

How to increase your number of followers on Twitter

The most banal thing is to write something very interesting or unique, but you can’t get that far, even for many writers fame came after death, but we don’t have time for that. But there is still a way out.

Due to the fact that many people understand how important it is to increase the number of readers, you can often find the phrase “Mutual following” or “Follow back” in the description of a microblog. I think you yourself guessed that it’s enough to follow this person and he will follow you . Looking for those who have mutual following declared in their description is also not an option, of course it’s good that the person is almost guaranteed to immediately begin to follow you as you follow him, but this takes a long time.

The easiest and most effective way This is to find a serious blogger, preferably with the phrase “Follow back” in the description and opening his giant list (for example, 10,000 or more) of readers, go through it and follow everyone. The effect will not be long in coming, especially if the cool blogger himself continues to increase the number of readers.

Whatever you look for such a good blogger owner of a giant list, I will recommend you, in addition, you can use my list and follow me

Nowadays, there is probably no person who does not know what social networks are. Many even have accounts on not one, but several of these sites. But relatively recently, such an innovation as microblogs appeared. Not all Internet residents are yet familiar with such resources. The most famous of the microblogs is Twitter. Let's get to know him better.

Meet Twitter

Twitter was created to allow people to share news with each other in real time. Here you can post small notes (140 characters), photographs, videos. All this is very reminiscent of the usual statuses from various social networks.

Your news feed is visible to all site residents and can subscribe to updates in it. In addition, users have the opportunity to share Twitter news and leave comments on their posts. The latest features link Twitter to various types of blogs.

From all that has been said above, we can conclude that Twitter is a hybrid of a social network and a blog. The advantages of this service are its speed and the ability to instantly publish new statuses. And Twitter is fashionable and useful for both ordinary users and business owners. Ordinary users can discover a lot of new things and meet interesting people. Businessmen have a unique opportunity to make excellent advertising for their projects.

Now it’s time to talk about how to get followers on Twitter. And in order to better understand the structure of Twitter, let’s turn to the terminology of this resource.

"Twitter" dictionary

On Twitter, many functions have their own special name.

  • Follower (follower) - subscriber, reader. This is where the word “follow” comes from, i.e. subscribe to the user’s news.
  • A tweet is your note, a post on the wall. The verb “tweet” is derived from this word - write a message.
  • Retweet - a repetition of your tweet, i.e. the person shared (retweeted) your post.

Please note that Twitter has certain restrictions for users:

  • You cannot have more than 3 pages on one IP;
  • You can subscribe to a maximum of 1000 Twitter users per day;
  • New users are not allowed to have more than 2,000 people in their subscriber base for some time;
  • You can send 250 messages per day.

What is cheating

If you have your own group (no matter what it was created for: business or entertainment), you know exactly how important it is to make it popular. To do this, you need to gain as many subscribers as possible. When strangers see that your community is in demand, they will also become interested in this project.

Various operations to increase the popularity of sites and communities are otherwise called promotion (promotion). A set of various measures to increase the number of your subscribers is cheating.

On Twitter, you can also get followers to make your account recognizable. Let's talk about how to gain followers on Twitter. First, let's find out what it takes for your profile to become popular.

How to make your Twitter popular

Are you wondering how to gain followers on Twitter? To do this, you need to make your page popular and also configure it correctly. First, let's talk about increasing the popularity of your account.

  1. First, you need to make your page interesting for other people. Think about your every thought, make it special, creative. It is also important to please your subscribers with fresh notes as often as possible.
  2. Second, follow a large number of users regularly. In return, they will subscribe to your notes. This way, the number of your subscribers will constantly grow.
  3. Your profile description should contain the tags “#followback”, “#mutualfollowing” and the like. This means that you are using mutual subscription.
  4. Using the same tags, you need to search for Twitter users, and then subscribe to their pages.
  5. Actively communicate with your subscribers: thank them for retweets, answer questions and comments. Ask questions, invite others to talk. Alternate serious notes with entertaining notes. Add a variety of wise thoughts, aphorisms, catchphrases, etc. to your page.
  6. Follow fashion trends and world news, and then share them with your readers.

How to prepare an account for promotion

Have you created a Twitter account? Now it's time to fill it up! First, start designing your page. Choose a beautiful photo and background image. Next, you need to provide a link to your website; you can also enter the addresses of your groups on other networks. In addition, you need to come up with an attractive description for your profile.

Now write about 200 interesting notes. After that, start gaining readers. Place a button from your Twitter profile on your website. Don’t forget to also tell site visitors about your Twitter so that they follow you. For the convenience of your guests, attach a retweet button to your site.

It is important to learn how to use the advanced search function on the Twitter website. You can activate “Advanced Search” by typing into the symbols. You can start this operation by entering the desired phrase into the Twitter search bar, and then pressing the Enter key. Once you open the search engine, explore all its functionality and capabilities. With this smart tool, you can search based on specific parameters. The key here is not to include too many restrictions.

A useful feature of Twitter is “Lists”, with which you can divide interesting people into certain topics or areas of life.

You have prepared and set up your account. Now you can ask yourself how to get more readers on Twitter.

How to get followers on Twitter. Account promotion methods

In order to gain a large number of subscribers, you can use special programs, manually add people, or find special secret ways to cheat. But in any case, you will have to carry out mutual following, i.e. you subscribe to interesting users, and they answer you in kind. Those who have not followed you can be deleted.

Once you have gained a sufficient number of readers, you can clear your profile of unnecessary subscriptions. Now people will see that you have a lot of subscribers and will subscribe to your updates themselves.

It should be noted that you can use paid services to increase your subscription base. In addition, you can get followers on Twitter for free. What to prefer? Decide for yourself!

We will look at the following ways to get readers:

  1. A variety of programs that automatically subscribe to different users.
  2. Special sites for subscription.
  3. You can add to your collection of subscriptions yourself.
  4. Other cheating methods.

Programs to automatically increase subscribers

By adding readers to you, such programs send their advertisements to people (in messages). The interesting thing is that such things select users who will definitely follow you. In addition, clever applications can themselves delete people who have not subscribed. Working for you, these clever inventions can break all Twitter taboos. The result of such “fruitful” work may be the blocking of your profile. For this reason, various types of applications should be used carefully.

Many users recommend using the Twidium program. This invention is paid, but after purchase you are given 1000 subscribers. The Smonster service is also popular. The good thing is that this program will help you promote accounts on other social networks.

An analogue of these programs is TwitZ. Unlike the first two, this application is distributed absolutely free.

How Internet resources can help

The Refollow site is especially popular among users. These foreign resources recruit a subscriber base from various spammers, so your page will be filled with all kinds of garbage. The advantage of such sites is that people will see that you have a lot of subscribers. It’s also good that you can get readers on Twitter here for free.

Praise yourself

You, of course, will be able to control your actions and not break the established rules. In this case, you are not at risk of deleting your profile.

Manually adding contacts is the safest way to get readers. You can search for people from users who have large subscriber bases. Residents of Twitter who are on the “Close in Spirit” list will also be suitable for you. There are people here who are somewhat similar to you. You can also search for hashtags related to mutual following.

Have you subscribed? Now you have to wait 2-3 days for an answer. After this, you can delete unsubscribed users. To make the removal process easy, use the Refollow website. This resource has a filtering function for people who have not subscribed.

How else can you increase your subscriber base?

You can ask agencies specializing in promotion about how to get more readers on Twitter. Specialists working in such companies will fulfill your order efficiently and quickly.

Another way to increase the number of readers is to submit an application on exchanges that fill sites. Here you will have to create an order for many freelancers. These people will subscribe to your Twitter page for a fee.

If you do not have money to pay for freelancers, you can register on these exchanges as workers. By completing simple tasks, you will earn the amount necessary to buy followers.

You can use freelance services on the following sites:

  1. "ForumOk" is intended for promoting pages on social networks.
  2. On Advego.Ru you can order promotion of various groups, as well as articles.
  3. is a service where people subscribe to each other.

You can also find mutual followers in special groups on VKontakte, which were created specifically for promoting Twitter.

In recent years, social networks have been rapidly developing. Everyone around is on their phones. Active people need an audience to achieve their goals, particularly on Twitter. Each project or task has its own audience and its own methods and tools to identify, collect, increase and convert this audience into results. To collect and increase the audience, in some cases, Twitter uses cheating - cheating followers and cheating subscribers.

Some gain subscribers for a long time and slowly, while others want to get them right away, so the first category uses “white” methods of promotion, one might say PROMOTION. Most people first try to figure out how to get Twitter followers for free before resorting to paid methods.

All Twitter users can be divided into two large groups - ordinary users and If for the former popularity is simply a way to gain attention and fame, to promote themselves on the social network itself, then for the latter it is an opportunity for business development. The more subscribers you have, the more new people will see your blog (Twitter accounts are also called microblogging). As a rule, the initial impressive audience collected with effort continues to grow further with almost no effort.

In the case of commercial microblogs on Twitter, it is important to follow the rule - what you offer must be of interest to a clearly defined target audience. What is important here is not the number of subscribers, but the quality - who these subscribers are. Therefore, the most effective way of promotion for businesses and anyone who wants to make money on Twitter is through services with the ability to select the target audience.

White ways to gain followers on Twitter

Gaining followers yourself on Twitter is a slow and not always effective process of recruiting readers, but with the right approach it can be effective. We get fewer readers here but with higher quality.

It is convenient to calculate the sales volume in a business by multiplying the number of potential customers (audience size) by the % conversion to sales (how many people out of 100 bought). With manual work, there may be, for example, 2 sales per 100 readers with an audience size of 1000, for a total of 20 sales. And with promotion - 0.5 sales per 100 readers, but for an audience of 5000, a total of 5000 * 0.005 = 25 sales. Therefore, the solution requires an experiment and calculation of all conversion and sales numbers.

To achieve popularity on Twitter and gain many readers “in white”, you should:

  • Make your microblog interesting. This is the most effective method of all existing ones. All social networks have users whose number of subscribers exceeds the number of subscribers of some stars. It's all about their publications.
    If users are interested in what you publish on your page, they will tell their friends about you, who, in turn, will tell their friends.
  • Use hashtags where users with similar interests can find you; and add pictures to your tweets to make them look more presentable.
  • Order advertising from popular users. This method is more suitable for business blogs. As a rule, advertising from those who are trusted will generate interest, and perhaps in this way you can get new clients.

Increasing readers on Twitter using special services

Gaining paid subscribers or buying readers is prohibited by the social network's policy, but they still occur. Moreover, there are more and more services for cheating. The most popular of them:

  • ; and etc.

Most of them work on the principle of mutual PR, that is, users subscribe to each other indiscriminately. But, for example, it offers the opportunity to select its future subscribers according to certain parameters: gender, age, place of residence. This kind of promotion is effective on Twitter and the likelihood that new subscribers will immediately unsubscribe is reduced.

Business requires identifying a target segment of readers. We need targeted work with the audience, automation. Here is a list of services for deep work with Twitter:

  • - an inexpensive Russian-language comprehensive program for promoting Twitter accounts. She herself finds accounts that are similar in topic, follows and unfollows followers, posts tweets, retweets, replies, and imitates the work of a person. An important plus is that the program’s automation religiously watches, and there are no known cases of account blocking by Twitter.
  • - English-language but simple and understandable service, good for unfollowing . There are plenty of free options. The list of service filters allows you to separately highlight non-reciprocal followers (readers), without their own avatar, non-Russian-speaking accounts, fake followers and inactive for a month, and a couple of other filters.
  • is a free solution. In English too. But it's very simple. When you log in, a page with a list of accounts opens immediately. , who do not read you back. Good for unfollowing.
  • - a well-known multifunctional Russian-language service, applicable for advertising on Twitter with segmentation by city and topic, but we were afraid to use it for promotion, due to cases of blocking both from Twitter and from Twite itself. But it is quite suitable for advertising.

With any cheating, you should definitely know about Twitter limits and the reasons for blocking accounts. Read more about limits and reasons for Twitter ban .


There are different ways to gain followers on Twitter, but each of them is associated with some nuances that need to be taken into account. So, when doing paid promotion using special services, it is important not to rush so that the fact of promotion goes unnoticed by Twitter. A sudden increase in hundreds of subscribers per day will not hide from the administration of the social network and you may be blocked.

It's been a while since we talked about Twitter. The service is one of the most famous social networks on the Internet, which we can use for personal contacts, as well as for marketing. Like any other social network, it is important to gain a huge number of followers as this will allow you to spread the word to a larger audience.

Of course, to make our posts even more effective, we will use hashtags. Overall, this article is not about how to make your tweet go viral, but how to get a large number of followers.

Almost everyone uses Twitter these days. It doesn't matter if you are an ordinary person or a superstar. I think it's the simplicity of Twitter that attracts people so much. Twitter allows people to send messages over the Internet with a limit of 140 characters. These messages or “tweets” can be about anything. They can be about how you spent your day, something that interests you, or something that you are promoting. Twitter is also used by many celebrities because they believe that Twitter is the safest channel for disseminating news, since they themselves personally share information with fans, and they do not have to answer for any rumors.

I also noticed that large brands also use Twitter to follow interesting people and respond to their tweets. If a user likes the service of a particular company, he will always publish a tweet from this company on his page. The same can be said about bad reviews. The fact is that many brands use Twitter as a full-fledged marketing and sales channel. This is possible if you use Twitter wisely. We'll talk about this another time, but for now let's stay the course.

I don’t know how it will be for you, but I still prefer to use Twitter and recommend that any firm or company and, of course, bloggers declare themselves on this social network. Twitter can be used for more than just marketing purposes, as it is great for keeping in touch with people, keeping up to date with what's going on, and communicating your brand.

There are some simple but very effective ways to increase your Twitter following. But, as I already said, we don’t need just anyone, we need high-quality followers just as we need high-quality content. These should be in your niche, use your products, and be interested in your brand enough to spread the word on their own.

  • Avatar

Of course, now this word evokes strong associations with a film about tall blue aliens. In general, you need to create your own or find an interesting and attractive avatar for your Twitter account on the Internet. Many people think that uploading a picture to your account is not such an important thing. Now I say that this is a very important matter, and you better believe me.

Don’t upload any picture you come across, try to depict yourself in it. People want to know what you look like, and that's why uploading a normal photo will reassure your potential followers that you can be trusted. If you are working to promote a brand, then use a logo. This will help you make your tweets stand out from the sea of ​​others. Make sure that your avatar stands out from others in long lists of avatars for other profiles. In addition, your Twitter account.

  • The right time to post tweets

You should also analyze the effectiveness of the tweets you post. For example, if your followers are from all over the globe, but most activity occurs in the evening in your time range, then most of your followers are from somewhere in your region. If you post tweets at different times, it won't bring as much benefit because the main traffic and retweets will be missed.

This is why I recommend that you post your tweet during, as they say, prime time. Try to post them at a time when you know most of your friends will be online. These most active hours vary by country, so you'll need to experiment a bit to figure out your most effective hour. If you also have data for another region, then you can create something like a schedule that will take into account the publication of tweets. Several tools will help you here:

Try to get people to retweet your post. Post questions via your Twitter account and see if people respond. Try to ask questions about relevant topics within your niche. If you ask the right question, the level of interaction between your followers and you will increase.

If you want to establish yourself as an expert in your field, then discuss the latest developments in your chosen niche. This will help you motivate your followers and their friends to join in the discussion and then tell new people about it.

Stick to your chosen niche

Decide what you will write about so that people can understand who you are. Of course, using hashtags instead of tweeting about everything can get you more followers. However, it is better to target a specific audience segment. If you think you know everything about cooking, drawing or sports, then write about what you know the most about. Try to answer questions that others are asking and this way you will get quality followers interested in your niche.

When it comes to business branding, you will need to work out a specific strategy and share content that will help you build a target audience and relevant users and followers. Lead conversations on topics related to your niche. For example, if you are an expert in SEO optimization or

Promoting a Twitter account is quite promising today.

Especially for those who want not only to communicate, but also to attract visitors to their blogs, sell products, or simply increase awareness of their brand. If interested, take a look at the post - . This is for those who are not at all in the subject of what I am talking about here.

So, Twitter promotion implies a set of followers, and an indicator that the account is really high-quality is the ratio of the number of those you follow to the number of those who follow you. Today, the only way to promote Twitter, that is, quickly gain followers, is mass following.

But those who have gained several thousand followers just by mass following have their disadvantages:

1. First of all, if, for example, I am subscribed to several thousand people, then how can I normally read the Twi feed? After all, almost every second dozens of tweets from other Twitter users will pour into your feed, and it is purely physically impossible to keep track of all the messages. That is, one of the important functions of Twitter is lost here - news. Due to the abundance of messages, you can easily miss really necessary, useful news

2. I don’t know about you, but Twitter promotion causes a mixed reaction for me. If I see that someone has approximately the same number of followers and followers (he is subscribed to 1500 people, and about the same number are subscribed to him), then such an account does not inspire respect from me personally, nor does its owner (the exception is those people , whom I already know on the positive side). It’s another matter when you go to a normal account, for example, to Andryukha Troy - @ anticorporativ or to the Altai blogger - @ altblog, then you immediately see that the person enjoys authority, the person writes interesting things and, therefore, deserves our attention. In the sense that such people are read by the masses.

Hence the conclusion that mass following is not the best way to promote Twitter. How then can we promote it so that we have a lot of followers, and we follow only those who are really interesting to us? Below are my conclusions based on the results of using my Twitter account - @ Max1mus_KS

How to gain followers on Twitter without resorting to mass following:

1. The first thing to understand is that a lot depends on your fame. If you are a notorious person, or a celebrity - a blogger, singer, actor, etc., then it is clear that after you create a Twitter account, you are guaranteed a large increase in followers only because you already have so many fans. But what if you are not particularly known to anyone? It's simple. Start doing like me - just work. What is the job? First you need to fill your account with interesting information - tweets, choose a beautiful background (see post -), decide on the topic on which we will promote and... the first thing you need to do is select people based on their interests.

I did this - I found a popular blogger in my niche. Let's take, for example, Dimka - @ dimokru(seo blogger) and see who follows him. It is clear that the majority of his subscribers are those who are interested in the topic of SEO. This means that these people are interesting to me too. I go to Dimka’s “Followers” ​​page and from there I go into the accounts of those people who follow him and see what they write there. Thus, I recruit several dozen people who are really interesting to me and subscribe to them.

2. Let's assume that I have 100-150 people who are really interesting to me. I subscribed to them. From that moment on, one might say, the promotion of Twitter began. Some of these people will reciprocate our feelings, that is, they will subscribe to us. And we, in turn, continue to communicate - we write interesting tweets on the topic, retweet others. You just need to take into account that a Twitter user with a thousand people (not a mass follower) will not just subscribe to us. We need to gain our trust, retweet him, respond to his messages, and then perhaps he will notice us and reciprocate.

3. Gradually, after a couple of months (yes, I didn’t say that Twitter promotion would be fast!), you can unfollow those who have not subscribed to us. But this is at your discretion, of course. As a result, the number of followers and followers will be approximately equal. The main thing here, it seems to me, is to make the account look presentable. That is, to cross the line when we are subscribed to more Twitterers, and fewer Twitterers are subscribed to us. It needs to be the other way around. Otherwise, it creates the impression of a mass follower account.

4. But even by communicating just like that, by retweeting other Twitter users, we will not get a natural increase in followers. We need to create ways for followers to come to our Twitter account. How to do it.

    In social networks. I did a little experiment and recommended my Twitter account using VKontakte. I just found interest groups “Twitter”, “twitter promotion”, “Interesting Twitter”, etc. and posted messages in them where he recommended his Twitter account

    I found thematic Russian Twitter groups on Facebook and promoted my Twitter account there. Plus, I gradually gained friends on Facebook and then organized an RSS broadcast of my Twitter feed to my Facebook account. There are interesting applications with which you can do this - Twitter and Selective Tweets. Often followers came to me from there. That is, friends saw my news feed, and if they had accounts on Twitter, then they subscribed to me

    He posted a link to his Twitter in the sidebar of his blogs with calls to “follow me on twitter” + often wrote posts about Twitter, where he directly said - “Subscribe to my Twitter @ Max1mus_KS" I mean, in the posts themselves, so, in passing, I said to subscribe

    I used to be active on I put a link there in the signature + in the profile. A lot of people learned about me from there. Plus, I inserted a link into the signatures on all social networks and forums where I communicated (on Armada, etc.). When you communicate or announce a new post on these social networks, people see your Twitter account in the link in the signature and some follow me

    Rarely, but I used hashtags like #sledui or #ru_ff. I’m sure quite a few people found me through hashtags.

By the way, today there is another unique way to promote Twitter, that is, to increase the number of your followers, but for a fee, using the service. Read my post about this service -. True, the trick of buying followers appeared after this post was written. That's basically it. You can see for yourself that there are no special secrets here. I just communicated and promoted my account wherever possible. Maybe you can add something?

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