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How to attract referrals? Review of free and paid methods. Correct link placement for recruiting a bunch of referrals

In almost every application, to make money on an Android and IOS phone, there is an opportunity to earn money on an affiliate program. The essence of this program is to earn additional money by attracting other participants (referrals) to the project.

Referral (affiliate) program is a system of rewarding project users for inviting new users.

As you know, referrals are able to bring stable passive income for a long time. Therefore, almost everyone who earns by installing games and applications on their phone dreams of having a large number of referrals and receiving passive income from them.

In this article, we will tell you how you can quickly invite a lot of referrals using a ref link and an invitation promo code, as well as list the main paid and free ways and methods using a real example.

How to attract referrals

There are two ways to attract referrals to earning applications. Depending on the project, they can be accessed separately or simultaneously.

  1. Referral link- you are provided with a unique link, upon clicking on which a person downloads the application and automatically becomes your referral.
  2. Invitation code- you are provided with a unique promo code, when you enter it, a person becomes your referral.

You can find your unique code or link in the menu of your personal account. At the same time, the invitee himself does not lose anything, the developers are interested in new users, therefore, in most cases, the invitee receives a cash bonus.

Where is the best way to attract referrals

Before you start recruiting referrals, we advise you to take your time and first choose an application with a more profitable affiliate program, which will allow you to earn more money. First of all, this application should be popular and have many orders available. Let's find out what kind of affiliate programs are and consider their main differences. As a rule, they differ in the form of payment and are of two main types:

If you have not yet chosen where to attract people, we recommend reading the article Top 20 apps for making money on your phone, in which you will find all the most popular programs at the moment.

Now that you have decided on which application to recruit referrals for making money, we will consider all the most popular ways to attract them.

How to attract referrals for free

First, let's list all the free ways to attract referrals. There are not so many of them, but with a serious approach and having free time, you can get a lot of referrals quickly and without investment.

How to attract referrals for a fee

And in conclusion, let's talk about paid ways to recruit referrals. Compared to free methods, paid attraction makes it possible to recruit hundreds or even thousands of people into a project in a short time, without wasting time and effort. So, how can you effectively attract referrals for money?

In this example, you will learn how to effectively invite people to referrals. In order not to waste your money, you must remember two basic rules:

  1. We are interested in real people who are interested in making money.
  2. We only need transitions from Android and IOS mobile devices.

At first glance, this is a difficult task, but in reality everything is very simple, the easiest option is to launch your ad in the Globus Mobile application. Why in this application? Firstly, ad display can be configured only for Android and IOS devices, which is very important for us. Secondly, 100% of the audience of this service wants to make money, otherwise they would not use a program that pays for showing ads.

An example with step-by-step instructions of a real way to quickly recruit a lot of referrals to applications such as: Appcent, Tapmoney, Advertapp, Vctarget, Easy Money, etc.

In this simple way, you can quickly get any number of referrals, and most importantly, all of them will be interested in earning, and therefore bring you passive income. Of course, this is not the only way, but at the moment one of the best, and you should definitely try it.

It doesn't matter which way you choose to attract referrals, the main thing is to remember: no need to concentrate on just one application! Attract users to several projects at once, thereby you protect yourself in case some application closes or stops paying.

Again, passive and additional earnings on almost any Internet project - referrals (partners). Who are they? In fact, these are users who register according to your recommendation (link) on any service where a referral (affiliate) program is provided.

There are many profitable affiliate programs that offer everyone to build their referral networks, thereby providing themselves with a solid profit. You just need to pick up your affiliate link and start recruiting referrals by spreading the link on the Internet.

Ok, that's clear with that. But where to get, or rather, how to attract referrals through your link so that they can be followed and registered? This question is asked by many beginners who are mastering making money on the Internet. This page will discuss effective ways of recruiting refs to any project - both paid and free methods.

Free ways to attract referrals

It is possible to attract referrals for free, but, believe me, too much effort and time will be spent, and the efficiency will be poor. Nevertheless, the methods are really working and there is no reason not to use them.

Note. To mask referral links, use special services such as

Method number 1: invite friends and acquaintances to referrals

We all have friends and acquaintances. Another thing is how many there are. There is even nothing wrong with inviting your relatives as referrals. If the project is worthwhile and can change their lives for the better, then why not.

Tell your friends about the project and its benefits. Perhaps this will arouse interest and they will become your referrals. Remember not to say things that are not actually true. It is important here not to overdo it when describing the site (s) to which you invite them.

Conclusion: this is far from the most effective way to recruit referrals. At best, a dozen or two will be able to find potential refs among your friends.

Method number 2: attract referrals from forums

Forums are a favorite habitat for most referrals. Why? Firstly, it is free, and secondly, it is a simple and very effective method of attracting referrals from your referral links to any projects.

Each forum has requirements for the design of new topics (topics) and messages. Somewhere it is forbidden to create duplicate threads, but somewhere it is allowed to "produce" the same type of threads and spam. Remember to read the rules before / after registration.

Here are some forums for attracting referrals:

  • a solid forum about earnings and investments with strict rules for publishing news;
  • a forum about earnings, not as popular as the previous one;
  • earlier it was possible to sleep here and create the same type of topics about any Internet project, now the forum is moderated.

Search online forums using a search engine for the phrase: forums about earnings (investments, with investments, without investments)

There are forums on the Web where you don't even have to register to write comments, for example here,

One more feature. On the forums, it is allowed to create a special signature (this is done in your profile), which will be shown under each of your published posts. In this signature, you can leave your referral link (or even several) in the form of text or mini-banner (userbar 350x19). The latter can be created in Photoshop, an online generator or find a suitable one on the website

This is how the signature with referral links under the message from the MMGP forum will look like (highlighted with a frame).

How to get referrals from Ucoz forums

How to recruit referrals from Yukoz forums? Ucoz is a popular platform on which thousands of websites and forums are created. You do not need to create the latter. Enough register once unet profile to be able to leave your posts with referral links on any ucoz-forums.

Your actions to recruit referrals from ucoz forums:

  1. create an unet account- this is one key (registration) to all doors (ucoz-forums);
  2. find thematic ucoz-forums, for example, enter the phrase "ucoz forum about making money on the Internet" in the search engine or find suitable ones in the rating Top Ucoz Forums;
  3. log in to the forum by clicking on "Login" and selecting the "U" icon (the very first one offered);
  4. on the forum, go to the appropriate section (mlm, HYIPs, investments, etc.) and start writing messages by inserting a reflink.

Note. Remember that the beautiful design of posts attracts more attention - if possible, add pictures, banners, format the text (color, font size). In general, make him stand out from the crowd.

Conclusion: to attract a lot of referrals you will have to write messages every day, create threads on many, many Internet forums. That is still a job, but with a guarantee of the result.

Method number 3: attract referrals from social networks

Note. To search for referrals through the Vkontakte social network, it is better to create another profile (page). You can use the main one, but not desirable.

3.1 Referrals from sites through the Vkontakte widget

The meaning of the method for recruiting referrals is to publish messages with their referral links on sites where the Vkontakte comment widget is installed. Many site owners allow such messages to be published, as long as it doesn't look like spam - start with words like "Thank you for the article ...". And remember that you should not post a refku on all or many pages, but only in the topic of the article.

How to recruit referrals? Suppose you need to recruit referrals to a game project. For this:

  1. enter the desired phrase into the search engine, for example, "games with the withdrawal of money" and browse the sites from the search results;
  2. add, where possible, your comments with referral links - it is desirable that the added project does not repeat itself, that is, it is absent on the author's page and do not forget to add a picture to attract attention.

3.2 Referrals from Vkontakte social network groups

Similar to the previous method, only here we write messages in groups directly on the Vkontakte website. You need to find thematic groups via Vkontakte search and add comments with your refs. And don't forget to spice up your message with an image or video to make it stand out "from the crowd." Nondescript comments will go unnoticed.

Several groups to attract referrals from your links:


3.3 Referrals by sending messages to friends Vkontakte

Yes, this is outright spam for which your Vkontakte page can be blocked. This is why a fake page is needed. In addition, many affiliate programs warn in the rules about this method of attracting referrals as prohibited, and if found, the partner account may also be blocked.

But the essence of it is this. You create a page, promote it to the maximum, for example here recruit friends and subscribers, put a photo, add notes on the wall, etc. Then send them messages with your proposal.

To send one message to several friends at the same time do this:

  1. log in to VK;
  2. go to the "My Messages" tab;
  3. then "Write a message";
  4. select any addressee, and then click on the "Add +" button and add the rest (max 14 per day);
  5. write the title and text of the message, then click on the "Send" button.

3.4 Referrals from your group or public

The most effective method of attracting referrals from social networks is to create your own group or Vkontakte public for a project (or several) with its subsequent promotion.

It is not difficult to create a Vkontakte group, and then fill it with information. You will have to tinker with its promotion, but the result is worth it.

Conclusion: The method of recruiting referrals from social networks justifies itself if you have your own promoted group, but for this you have to invest money in order to get the maximum effect. Posting messages will also provide an influx of refs, but not as noticeable as we would like, but the method is completely free.

Method number 4: attract referrals from YouTube

Everyone knows about such a cool YouTube video hosting, which has a million audience. But not everyone knows that with its help you can earn a lot, and also attract referrals to your structure. So, let's take a look at how to get refs from YouTube.

4.1 YouTube referrals via comments

Nothing complicated. You are looking for suitable channels for posting comments: enter the necessary queries in the YouTube search and publish comments with reflinks. Sometimes channel authors can turn off comments for a video, but this rarely happens. That's all!

4.2 Referrals from YouTube from your video channel

You can attract a lot of referrals to any project from your video channel on YouTube. The method is really effective in terms of recruiting refs, but to implement it, you need to do the following:

  • create your own video channel on YouTube;
  • record training / explanatory videos with subsequent upload to video hosting;
  • promote the video channel and feed it with new materials.

You can also use other video services, for example, Rutube.

Conclusion: a promoted channel on YouTube is able to provide you with a constant influx of working referrals, but for this to happen it will take some time to organize this process. In addition, you will have to learn how to create sensible videos (for example, in Camtasia Studio) and be able to promote the channel.

Other ways to attract referrals for free

One can doubt the effectiveness of the methods of attracting referrals proposed below, but nevertheless there are methods, they are free and many referrals are known:

  • free bulletin boards- you have to publish many ads in the category "work", "vacancies" and others - high-quality and visited boards are moderated and it is not a fact that your ad will be missed - boards can be found by query "looking for a job" in Yandex or Google;
  • mailing list- mailing out advertisements to addressees, and for this you first need to collect your own base of e-mail addresses and / or use paid mailing services, its base).

Paid ways to attract referrals

It is much easier to attract referrals to any project for a fee. The methods discussed below are quite effective, with the help of which you can collect a lot of refs and quickly build your own structure.

Method number 5: buying referrals on exchanges

I hope that the article helped you in the question of how to attract referrals. The only thing left is to choose one or several methods for recruiting refs to your favorite projects. Good luck!

I wish you success, patience and good luck!


Where can you find referrals, how to recruit your referral team and get good and stable income. A referral is a person who followed your link and joined the project. In this case, the link is called referral. The more referrals you find, the more your income will be. Today our task is to find as many referrals as possible. So where to find referrals?

Where to find referrals

It should be noted right away that there are two ways to attract referrals, and therefore to find them: paid. Let's start with the free ones.

Free ways to attract referrals

Firstly, these are posts on various thematic forums. For example, if you want to attract referrals interested in making money on the Internet, then look for forums and blogs dedicated to this particular topic. On the forum, you write some kind of advertising message, to which you attach a referral link. It is advisable to include in the message such phrases as: "making money on the Internet", "making a profit on the Internet without investments", etc.

All this makes it possible to increase the likelihood that exactly the people you need will come through your referral link in the message. You should not post your messages anywhere, as spam usually does not bring positive results.

Secondly, free internet message boards. You can act in the same way as in the previous version. The main thing is also not to engage in spam, but place it only in specially designated topics. Thus, the question of where to find referrals will not be so difficult for you.

Thirdly, these are social networks. For instance, classmates, my world, in contact with etc. Here you can create a special group, where you can describe in more detail the whole essence of your project, of course, with a referral link.

By inviting interested people, you create yourself a permanent additional income. And if you attract to a multi-level affiliate program, then your income will grow later and without your participation. Since the people invited by you will also attract referrals, thereby creating a large referral network. The main thing is to connect as many people as possible who are interested in your project.

Fourth, this is the creation of your own website. Probably one of the most effective options. It's not that hard to create your own website. Now there are many builders that allow you to build a site for free. For example,,, etc.

If you want to create a worthwhile site with a future perspective, then I advise you to create it on paid hosting and on the WordPress platform. For the site, traffic is very important, the more traffic, the more referrals you will have. If the site already exists, then it will again contain information about various projects and your reflinks.

Fifth, "viral advertising". The point is that a person is registered on a site created with one purpose: to advertise sites and links. When registering, it is proposed to look at 10 other people's links, and then enter a special code for confirmation. Then you leave your referral link on this site. As a result, the person who will register after you will see your link first. The next one after him is the second. And so on up to 10. The problem is that you will now have to invite 10 participants using your reflink. Thus, you somewhat solve the problem of where to find referrals, and on a free basis. Sure, this is a bit of a hassle, but not that difficult.

Paid ways to attract referrals

  1. The first way. Bucks, etc. Advertising on these projects is quite affordable and here you simply select the type of advertising, pay for it and see the result. You can place a reflink in surfing, contextual advertising, in various messages, in created letters. There are also many different banner formats available. You can create a paid task, but it is necessary to explain to the contractor that further cooperation will be required. you will also find many answers to the questions of where to find referrals.
  2. Second way. Ordering advertising links through various advertising platforms. There are special organizations on the Internet that advertise on a huge number of sites. These are banner ads at the edges of pages, ads when they go to the site, and even ads that do not allow you to leave the site without visiting the link.
  3. Third way. There are two giants in the network for the placement of contextual advertising, these are Google Edwоrds and Yandex Direct. By posting your links there and coming up with a captivating title, you will see the result immediately. In these projects, the price of advertising is quite high. But if the projects in which you are recruiting a team are worthwhile, for example, forex, etc., then you will pay back your costs with interest.

Of course, we have only listed some of the methods, and we hope that this article will partially answer the question of where to find referrals. I wish you success! How do you attract referrals?

Where to find referrals updated: January 16, 2017 by the author: admin

A referral is any member of an affiliate program attracted by another member. As you know, at the expense of these people, you can get a stable profit, provided that they are active. But what if they are absent or the quantity leaves much to be desired? Where to get referrals? There are several ways to attract them, none of which should be neglected.

Attraction through forums

To search for referrals was free, you can use the forums. How? It's very simple - you just need to find several suitable forums and place your own link on them, following which people will become referrals and make a profit (if they are active, of course). But it's worth remembering that a very important aspect is the text of the attached message.

When wondering where to get referrals, it is worth remembering that the message should attract forum users. It should be made as truthful as possible, because after a person follows the link and notices the deception, he will never return to this site.

Help from friends

Attracting acquaintances is a fairly reliable way, since friends most often will not refuse to help, but at the same time, there should be enough close people in order to receive good profit from them. The advantage of this method is the dissemination of information about the affiliate program through these very friends, but unfortunately, such cases occur very rarely and you have to look for referrals using other methods.

And besides everything else, before becoming a referral, a friend does not always think about being an active user of the affiliate program in which he becomes a member in the future.

Paid attraction

The effectiveness of the methods already discussed is usually quite low, while paid advertising is very effective. This is due to the fact that, thanks to a paid referrer, it attracts thousands of people, while placing an ad on various sites and forums, you can attract no more than a few dozen.

There is such a method as paid mailing, thanks to which people interested in work find certain referrers. This is what distinguishes this method from simple spam (when letters are sent to everyone indiscriminately). If the letters reach the intended audience, then the activity and the number of referrals will noticeably increase. But after a certain time, you need to pay for the mailing again in order to observe the same effect.

Buying referrals

There are several services on the Internet that motivate referrals so that they not only follow the link, but also actively participate in the affiliate program. People are selected according to criteria such as time of activity, interests, age. But direct recruitment of referrals can be unprofitable if, after receiving the money, a person refuses to cooperate. Many people will think that it is not so important to retain each person if there are thousands of them, but in fact, effective attraction is possible only with a serious attitude towards each person.

contextual advertising

When thinking about where to recruit referrals, you should consider such a method of attracting them as placement or advertising line. On the sites where you can post a link, there are quite a few people who may be interested in it. The user is given the opportunity not only to choose an audience for his ad, but also to track how many clicks were made, to see the effectiveness of the link.

Creation of your own website

A free (not always), but quite effective way of attracting referrals is to create a personal website with links posted on it. The advantage of this method is that you can create a website on free hosting and independently increase traffic on it in order to attract people. Many are skeptical about free sites, thinking that it is not so easy to promote them, but practice shows the opposite.

One of the advantages of the site is that it is constantly online, while paid advertising, for example, is valid only until the time when the money in the account runs out. In addition, on the site you can describe in detail the terms of cooperation so that referrals do not inundate with questions in private messages. But not everyone will find the time to create and promote the site. Among other things, the site must be made so attractive to visitors that they agree to cooperate, and not just look at the links and leave.

Features of attraction using the site

If you are going to lure people with the help of a website, then it is worth remembering what turns them off. First of all, it is intrusive advertising of other sites, on which the resource owners want to earn extra money. For a website to work and attract visitors, you don't have to leave it thinking that it will constantly function at the same level. To maintain activity, it is worth starting a news feed, where information should be updated daily. In this case, it is necessary to organize the distribution of this information.

The relationship of speed and efficiency

A rapid increase in referral activity due to paid advertising, as a rule, is short-lived and not as effective as a gradual and more targeted attraction of people through an active search for people who are interested in the affiliate program. In addition, it is necessary to motivate people to be active independently and to attract new partners.

In order for referrals to make a profit with them, you need to keep in touch, stimulate them to activity, describe the bonuses that they can receive for their activity. The ways to find active users include conversations in a variety of chats, where it is very easy to recruit referrals in real time. There you can also tell the person about your affiliate program and find out why he refuses the offer, if such behavior takes place.

Greetings dear readers. If you have already immersed yourself in the topic of making money through the Internet, then you noticed that many sites have a referral (affiliate) program and allow you to receive a percentage of the earnings or spending of other people. Often, focusing on attracting referrals, you can earn hundreds of times more than you get on personal labor. Today we will analyze different options for how to attract referrals using your link to any project.

Why referrals are needed

For beginners, let's start with a small excursion on the topic - so that everyone understands who referrals are, how to make money on referrals and why it is profitable. Who is in the subject - scroll below.

A referral is a person registered in the project using a special referral link, with the help of which the service tracks the account of the inviting user and connects two users with each other (referral - referrer). This link is generated in your personal account and usually looks like a website address with the addition of a referrer identifier. For the money spent or earned by the referral, the referrer receives a bonus from the service.

A referral link is needed in order to make it clear to whom to pay the bonus reward, and the purpose of this whole venture is to motivate users of the service with money for its advertising and promotion.

Earning on referrals works as follows: You invited a person to the project, he started earning there, or, conversely, started spending money, and the service pays you a reward for this. The remuneration can be fixed (a strictly defined amount) or a percentage (a share of the referral's turnover). It so happens that bonuses are paid one-time, but the most interesting are projects where there is a lifetime interest. The size of referral deductions itself varies greatly depending on the specific project, most often from 2 to 20%.

Why it is profitable to engage in attracting referrals is not difficult to guess - if you invited 10 people and get 10% of their earnings, then this is the same as you get from your personal labor. And when the attracted referrals will be 100 or 1000, then consider for yourself how much more profitable it is than plowing yourself.

For comparison, an example from my account at

Useless ways to attract referrals

On many sites, you can come across a set of the same type of recommendations, which the authors rewrite from each other, without trying to check the effectiveness of the methods and even their reality. I will start with just such useless methods so that you do not waste your time and money on them.

1. Buying advertising in Yandex Direct or Adsense

Under no circumstances will it be possible to recruit referrals through these ad networks for one reason - the rules of these services prohibit advertising of sites for earnings, MLM, HYIPs and other monetary projects - all your ads aimed at finding referrals simply will not pass moderation.

As a result of the above, the question of price fades into the background, although it could also become an obstacle - in this niche, the cost per click is so high that it will never pay off.

2. Spam in comments to blogs and video blogs (Youtube)

Many advise to do this, motivating it with simplicity and free of charge. But this type of activity is as simple as it is useless, I tell you as a blog owner, to whose articles craftsmen regularly want to tie their referral links.

Most blogs with open comments are moderated. Moreover, at the first step, there are automatic spam filters in the form of plugins that do not allow comments with links, and at the second, the site administrator will manually clean all spam.

Where there is no moderation, the situation will be no better - there are thousands of people and bots have already set up so many referral links that no one will ever see or read your comment among them.

3. Spam on social networks and forums

Searching for referrals through social networks in the forehead, sending spam messages to groups and personal letters will give a near-zero result. Wherever possible, moderators will rub your links, and even block your account, and where the placement of links is not prohibited, you will have a million competitors - everything is the same as with the previous option.

Perhaps for a couple of thousand spam messages you will be able to find 1-2 random referrals, but I don't think that such a result will please. It is better to spend this time more efficiently.

4. Buying posts and links in articles through exchanges

Among the ways to make money on the site is such an option - placing links inside articles for money: the customer pays, gives a link, and the webmaster (site owner) publishes a post on his website or blog where this link will be inserted.

And some advisors give this method as one of the options to attract referrals. This is complete nonsense, since links in this case are bought for SEO effect (to promote the site in search) and live clicks on them are not meant, if once in a five-year period someone passes, then it will already be happiness, since articles with such links are usually placed in hidden sections of sites where there are no visitors.

So forget about Rotapost, Gogetlinks, Blogun and other similar projects - they are not suitable for recruiting referrals, they have different goals.

Although, buying links as a method of finding referrals does take place, but how to buy such links correctly will be discussed below in the section describing paid methods.

How to attract referrals for free

And now for the best part - how to attract referrals for free. This group of methods is the most interesting for many novice referrals - because you do not need to invest money. Get ready to invest a lot of time right away and do not expect a quick result - it happens quickly only for money.

The main tenet of working free methods is to create added value. Most competitors around you will not think of anything better than just throwing referral links anywhere with a short signature, such as "good project" or "site with easy money." To stand out among them, it is enough to act a little more interesting and more useful. And now the specifics.

5. Recruitment of referrals through the Vkontakte community

This method applies equally to other social networks, but in VK the audience is most suitable for topics of earnings and, in general, for online business.

Above I wrote that direct spam does not work in any way - even though you write private messages, even send referral links in other people's groups, except for negative and account bans, nothing will come of it.

People have long ceased to perceive obsessive, incomprehensible links. Even those specifically looking for new projects are very picky.

A group is a tool that allows you not just to throw links, but to post detailed instructions, cases, reviews, screenshots of your work, give reports, etc.

In addition, the group allows you to "tie" people - they become your regular readers and can become your referrals in many projects. One condition is that everything must be done efficiently and honestly.

General algorithm by method:

  1. Create a group ();
  2. Fill it with various useful materials and insert referral links inside or publish posts dedicated to specific projects, for example, as I did;
  3. Promote the group. If the community is dedicated to making money, then you can even use the promotion of subscribers - the target audience is suitable - how to do it;
  4. Periodically publish posts describing new projects, your experience, tips, etc.

In addition, in all other methods of finding referrals, instead of a direct referral link, you can promote your group - the efficiency will be much higher.

In the future, such a group can be used for other ways of earning money.

6. Own channel on Youtube

Video hosting Youtube has a huge audience of its own and there are a lot of viewers there who may be interested in your proposal. In terms of efficiency, your own YouTube channel is ahead of all free methods of inviting referrals.

To use it, you need to learn how to shoot a video, you can do this using any free program, I laid out instructions for working with one of them in the article "".

Useful and interesting videos can collect hundreds of thousands of views. Each viewer is your potential referral and, importantly, they are interested in the topic and completely free.

Videos do not have to be dedicated to specific projects, you can cover a variety of topics and casually mention programs, services or goods that may be useful to viewers and already give referral links to them.

Let's summarize how to attract referrals via Youtube:

  1. Coming up with an interesting direction to which your channel will be devoted (not necessarily earnings);
  2. We shoot videos;
  3. Create a channel and upload a video there ();
  4. We optimize and promote the video ();
  5. Do not forget to insert the necessary referral links inside the video and in the description;

Through Youtube, you can not only recruit referrals directly to projects, but also send them to your Vkontakte group or to your website, if you have one.

7. Forums about earnings and those close to them

There are a number of forums devoted to earnings or close to them, where there are special sections dedicated to discussing new projects in this area. If you act outside the box and show a little creativity, then you can attract a lot of new referrals to your team.

The snag that prevents working through the forums is the huge level of competition. In any topic devoted to making money, there are dozens of people who want to stick their affiliate link - and everyone leads to the same sites.

Most activists, of course, have no chance of getting at least one referral. You will only have them if you somehow stand out.

First of all, in discussions, your messages should carry some kind of value (advice, real feedback).

When opening new topics, posts should not look like an advertisement for a project, but like a guide for beginners. An effective approach when looking for referrals through forums is identical to working through groups in social networks - prepare review articles, instructions, comparisons, analytics, cases, etc. Firstly, such topics will always be approved by the administration, and secondly, they will allow you to position yourself as an expert whose advice is valuable.

There are many forums where you can search for referrals on the network, just type in the search query "forum about earnings" and Yandex will show you hundreds of options.

8. Recruiting referrals through a website or blog

Running a website or blog is generally the best way to make money online. With its help, you can earn on various types of advertising, sell your services and, among other things, attract referrals.

Unlike social networks or a Youtube channel, working through a personal website is more profitable and more reliable, since there are no risks of blocking your account if you suddenly become addicted to spam. In addition, the site is easier to bring to the TOP of search engines than a group in VK or Facebook and, accordingly, you can get more potential referrals.

With the help of the site, it is easier to search for referrals using other methods, because you can not give direct referral links to different projects, but make high-quality reviews in articles, collect reviews and questions on them and advertise such pages through forums - they will not be perceived as spam or moderators or readers.

There are also disadvantages:

  • You have to pay for hosting, albeit a little, but money ().
  • There is no internal audience (as in social networks or video hosting), therefore, you cannot get easy first transitions.
  • A certain level of technical knowledge is required to maintain a site.

To briefly describe the way to attract referrals through the site, it looks like this:

  1. We create a site dedicated to any topic in demand, where there are many affiliate programs (referral programs). Better to do on WordPress -.
  2. We fill the site with useful articles on the topic, preferably optimized for specific queries (so that there is a lot of search traffic). How to write and optimize articles correctly.
  3. Inside the articles, we insert referral links to projects suitable for a specific post.
  4. We insert referral links to the most interesting sites into the cross-cutting elements of the site (sidebar, menu). Advice: there should not be many of them, otherwise the attention is scattered, maximum 10-15.
  5. We post announcements for articles in our Vkontakte group (the site-group link works better).

How to attract referrals quickly (advertising)

To find referrals, you always need to spend some of your resources - either time or money. Using paid methods allows you to significantly reduce your labor costs and reach good income faster.

9. Search for referrals through sites for earning

The easiest and most effective way to invite referrals to a new project is to buy advertising on sites dedicated to earnings (buxes). There is a ready-made audience there, which itself is in constant search of new sources of income and, if your offer has not yet been used up, then for a little money you can wind up a lot of new referrals. For "old" services, the response will not be so great, but you can also gather an audience for them.

  • Profitcenter
  • Profittask
  • Surfearner
  • Seosprint
  • Wmmail

10. Exchanges of referrals within services

In some services, it is possible to buy or sell already registered users - these are the so-called referral exchanges. The thing is convenient, because you immediately see what you are paying for, but good active referrals are usually expensive and you need to carefully select candidates, otherwise the money will go to waste.

11. Advertising in blogs and forums

I already talked about blogs and forums above when it was about how to find referrals for free. In the paid version, everything is the same, only you do not waste your time on raising the rating of your accounts, but directly contact the authoritative authors so that they would recommend your referral link for money.

All recommendations of the free format are saved - you can write high-quality material yourself and pay only for its publication or ask the author to prepare a post in his style, but then let's give the most detailed terms of reference so that all important points are taken into account in the text.

12. How to attract referrals through mailings

A mailing list is a database of email addresses that people voluntarily left to the author in order to receive letters from him with some useful materials on a previously agreed topic. A good newsletter is not spam, but a voluntary subscription.

As in the case of a blog, you can write the letter yourself, or you can ask the author to make it in your usual style.

It is best not to directly advertise referral links and an invitation to the project, but to do some interesting material (review, instructions), similar to an article for a blog. Alternatively, through the mailing list, you can advertise your group, your blog or your Youtube channel.

13. Buying ads in groups

By the principle of operation, attracting referrals through advertising in groups is 100% the same as advertising in blogs or mailings.

Looking for groups that are relevant to the topic, assess the activity of their subscribers, contact the administration to discuss the topic and publish posts there with the necessary links.

The response depends on:

  • from the initial activity of the group (it happens that some bots),
  • from the correspondence of your material to the topic of the group,
  • on the quality and usefulness of the prepared material,
  • from the time and day of publication (find out the periods of the greatest activity).


When you think about how to find and attract referrals to any project, put yourself in their place, think about which sources you would trust and in what format you would prefer to receive information. Personally, I learned about many projects long before I created an account with them and started making money. Simply, someone was able to attract my interest, and someone was another spammer.

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