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How to attract new people to the group. More hashtags, more benefits

To attract subscribers to the mailing list, you need to perform a certain set of actions. Most of these activities are well tested.

In fact, any action that can attract new subscribers to the mailing list should be perceived as useful and necessary. Another thing is that there will always be more or less successful actions.

Here are the most effective and efficient ways to attract subscribers and are described in the article by Max Heeger ...

“Finally, the 10 Top Secrets to Collecting Targeted Subscribers for Your Newsletter are Available to You!”

This article talks about the most effective ways to attract targeted subscribers to your mailing list.

And, of course, we are talking only about legal and voluntary ways creating your "hot" subscription list.

But first, let's deal with the question -


Many do not understand this, so I will explain.

"Subscription list" is your main asset in e-business. An ASSET is something that brings you a steady stream of profits. LIABILITY, on the contrary, only takes away your money. Your subscription list consists of those people (subscribers) who, of their own free will, entrusted you with their email address in order to receive interesting, useful and interesting information from you. free information on a periodic basis.

This information should help these people better understand the area you are writing about and, of course, help them solve their own life problems.

That is why, if you have a subscription list of several thousand email addresses, to which you periodically send valuable and useful materials, advise subscribers, respond to FAQ to this audience, recommend them from your experience how to save time, effort and money on solving problems on the topic of your mailing list, then, thus, you will form a “hot” audience of many thousands of your future grateful customers and partners.

Having once collected your subscription list (with high-quality mailing) you get the cheapest and most effective advertising methods known today! Having such a "fat" channel for instant communication with thousands and thousands of people who are interested in your activities, who trust you, you automatically get the opportunity to extract unlimited profits on an ongoing basis. The restrictions here depend only on the size of your subscription list and on your skill as a mailing list writer and advertiser.

One more important point lies in the fact that in order to keep your subscription list in a "hot" state, as well as in the ASSET state, you need to devote only 3-5 days to the mailing list per month. And the cost of maintaining your subscription list can be generally ridiculous - from $ 10 to $ 40 per month. In some cases, these costs can even be reduced to zero! Profit from each issue of your newsletter can range from $100 to $10,000 and more! Moreover, there is no upper limit for these numbers. If you have a large subscription list, if it is brought into the state increased confidence to you, as to a professional, if you masterfully conduct a mailing list, then you can earn disproportionately more!

So, to the question “WHY DO YOU NEED TO HAVE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION LIST?” there is a direct answer:

Because it UNPRECEDENTED FAVORABLE AND PROFITABLE with the right attitude!

So, in order to attract as many subscribers as possible to your invaluable subscription list, you need to follow 10 steps:

1. Create your website (theme center) on the topic of the future newsletter:

Quite right! Your newsletter is not created for the site, but vice versa - your site is created so that then its visitors can be converted into your subscribers. It is an old mistake to think that the site is the main tool for making money on the Internet. Of course, it will bring you some income of its own, but this income will never be comparable in size to the income that you can extract from your subscription list.

The site is simple intermediate point, which brings people to your mailing list, and then helps these people order something through you (or from you) and purchase. But 80% of advertising work and communication is carried out thanks to the mailing according to your subscription list.

What kind of website do you need to create? It should be an information thematic center containing many useful materials on the topic in which you are going to develop your business. This site should attract targeted traffic from the Internet.

For example, if you are going to sell information materials about how to grow flowers correctly, how to become a competent gardener, then you should create a website - a thematic center for gardening and floriculture. You must fill it quality materials on this topic and submit them in the most convenient form for visitors.

Your first task is to achieve a permanent incoming targeted traffic to this site. You need people who are interested in this topic on the Internet and they can get to your site through search engines, through directories, through contextual advertising, through various other methods, and then become subscribers to your mailing list.

The way to attract subscribers through the site, in my experience, is the most effective and fruitful. It is through the site that you can attract targeted subscribers. Subscribers who are interested in the topic of the subscription.

2. Place a subscription form to your newsletter on your site.

After you have created your site, you immediately need to open your mailing list, for example, on the service mailing lists, then create a subscription form for this newsletter, and then place the subscription form for your newsletter along with a small advertising text on each page of your theme center.

A small promotional text that precedes the subscription form should show the main benefit of subscribing to your newsletter and motivate every visitor to immediately become your subscriber. In general, this the main objective your site and remember this!

3. Create a pop-up POPOVER window on the main page of your site.

Once you have placed the subscription form in a prominent place on each page of your site - the theme center, then the next important step to attract subscribers - this is the creation of a pop-up window, in which you also need to place a motivational text for subscribing to your newsletter and then a subscription form.

This text can be made more detailed, but also small. And when you have a pop-up POPOVER window ready, you make it so that it pops up on the main page of your site right under the nose of every visitor to the site.

With this technique alone, you can attract subscribers in the subscription fox three times more! To implement the pop-up window function, you can use a special pop-up window generator POPOVER on the service inside the mailing list author's account.

4. The best motivation to subscribe to your newsletter is to receive a free gift!

One of the most effective ways to encourage a subscriber to subscribe to your mailing list is his desire to get something very valuable from you for free! And in order to most qualitatively satisfy such a human impulse, there are two methods:

First, you can create some kind of small e-book (or several) on the topic of your mailing list and site. In this e-book you can share some useful tips and valuable tricks from your personal experience, or from the knowledge of other people on the topic of your site and newsletter. The main thing is that this book is really of interest and value to your potential subscriber. So, when subscribing, you write everywhere that each subscriber, after he completes the process of subscribing to your newsletter, will receive this e-book as a gift! Then you upload this book to your site.

If you use the service for your mailing list, then you need to create your mailing list as a series of letters and load only one letter into it (with a letter sending offset = 0). Such a letter will be sent to the subscriber automatically immediately after the confirmation of the subscription to your mailing list. In this letter, you thank the subscriber for trusting you and subscribing to your subscription list, and at the bottom of the letter you provide a link to the bonus e-book, which is already on your site.

Secondly, you can create an email course consisting of a series of messages automatically delivered to the subscriber's address. It can be some kind of training course, divided into individual lessons or chapters linked sequentially. It can be some kind of successful presentation of your products or services, consisting of a certain number of steps. It can be a consistent and exciting instruction on how to achieve some result in your field of activity.

One way or another, you first write such an email course in the form of separate, but interconnected emails. Then, if you use the service for work, then you create a new mailing list as a series automatic emails and load there one by one all the messages of your email course.

What does it give? This allows each subscriber to receive valuable information in a dosed and gradual manner in a certain sequence. This method does not immediately overload the subscriber with a large amount of information, and this allows the person to remain interested in what will happen in next letter and so on until the end of the email course. You kill two birds with one stone with a series of letters - first you give free enticing information, and then gradually dissolve distrust on the part of the person, because he gets used to receiving some useful information from you in the form of emails.

Thus, you gain new subscribers at a high rate, then a series of letters automatically dispels their doubts and increases the degree of trust in you, and then you have the opportunity to send these people separate periodic mailing lists (for example, 1-2 times a month) and there already personally communicate with subscribers, post thematic materials and give your advertising.

5. Create a separate mini-site for your newsletter

You should never dwell on the methods of attracting subscribers to your subscription list! That is why I recommend that you create (the sooner the better) a separate mini-site (one or more web pages), on which you should place:

Firstly, on the main page there is an advertising and motivational text that explains to potential subscribers what the newsletter will be about, what benefits it promises them, what type of materials will be placed in the newsletter, how often the newsletter will be published, how many and what benefits the newsletter provides to its users. subscribers. Place a subscription form to your newsletter at the top and bottom of this page. Gather feedback from your existing subscribers on the quality of the newsletter and the most best reviews place during the promotional motivational test. Be sure to give your guarantees that each subscriber will not receive any SPAM from you and will be able to unsubscribe from your mailing list at any time without any questions. In a word, the entire main page of the mailing list should literally suck the visitors of this mini-site into the list of subscribers to your mailing list.

Secondly, on an additional page, place an archive of previous periodic releases of your mailing list. Constantly replenish this archive with issues that you periodically send to your list of subscribers. Let new and old subscribers always have direct access to information from past mailing lists. At the end of the archive page and on the newsletter issue display page, don't forget to also insert the newsletter subscription form, as well as a small text inviting you to subscribe.

Thirdly, on one more additional page you can post all the reviews about the newsletter from your subscribers. You need to constantly offer such reviews to your subscribers and encourage them to do this with various bonuses. All reviews do not need to be placed on the main page of the minisite, because only the highest quality and motivating ones should be inserted there, but full list You can post reviews about the newsletter on a special page, which I suggest you create separately. At the beginning and at the end of the page with reviews, also do not forget to insert a form for subscribing to the newsletter, as well as a small text inviting you to subscribe.

Let each visitor to this mailing list minisite have only two routes: either subscribe with home page to your newsletter, or be able to go to additional pages and then be able to subscribe to your newsletter again. Additional pages, in general, these are just additional arguments that dispel the visitor's doubts about whether or not to subscribe to your newsletter.

The purpose of a mailing list minisite is ONE. By any "tasty" ways to attract a subscriber, that is, convert a visitor to this site into your subscriber. Then, when he is yours, you can come to his box yourself when you consider it necessary (of course, if he continues to be your subscriber of his own free will and interest).

Since your subscription list is the main ASSET, you are obliged to advertise your newsletter in new ways and increase this ASSET in volume. One of effective ways attracting targeted subscribers is a newsletter advertisement placed in specialized thematic directories.

For example, the mailing list service has its own mailing list catalogue. This directory is quite visited and from there you can get another trickle of your target subscribers. In order for your mailing list to get there, it is enough to correctly fill in its data when creating it and meet the requirements for mailing lists put forward by the service.

In addition, there are other specialized mailing list directories. For example, you can use other theme centers on the topic of your mailing list that offer links or mailing lists. If your activity is somehow related to e-commerce, then your mailing list can be published within 1-2 days on the portal in a special section "Mailing lists".

Since the traffic of the portal is already approaching, and sometimes exceeds 1000 unique visitors per day, then it can give you hundreds and hundreds of subscribers within a fairly short period of time.

There are many other directories where you can advertise your mailing list for free. It is enough just to search them well using search engines (,, etc.).

7. Place paid contextual advertising with an announcement about your mailing list.

Once you have a mailing list minisite, you can experiment with paid advertisements for your mailing list that you can place on the services. contextual advertising(such as:,, This is the easiest way to attract targeted subscribers directly from search engines and from the most visited sites on the Internet related to the topic of your ad.

Of course, this method of advertising will require some financial expenses, so you can start using it not immediately, but when all the other ways to attract subscribers are already well established and worked out for you.

If you use the service to manage your mailing lists, then be sure to use the "SUBSCRIPTION CHANNELS" function (it is available inside the author's account in the "MARKETER" section). This feature will help you collect complete statistics about the channel through which each of the subscribers in your subscription list was attracted. Based on such statistics, you can clearly judge which of the methods you use to attract subscribers are the most effective and which do not bring the desired result.

8. Use Viral Marketing to Get Followers.

Viral marketing is realized through the creation and proper distribution of copyrighted materials, each of which contains blocks with advertising for your mailing list and " backlinks” (generate return traffic) to your newsletter mini-site. Such materials can be your own articles, your eBooks, Your mailing-related multimedia products that you distribute free of charge so that they can then begin their own reproduction and wide distribution among your target audience. It all depends on the quality and usefulness of the materials. If you create really worthy materials, then people will definitely study them themselves, and then pass them on to others, etc. So they will begin to be transmitted like a virus to others :)

Remember that in each such material there must be an advertisement for your mailing list and obligatory link to the page of either the mailing list mini-site or thematic center, where a person can subscribe to your mailing list quickly.

This is the main purpose of creating and distributing such materials for free, so you must ensure that these advertisements must be present in a conspicuous place there and cannot be removed from there.

A very powerful method of getting a large number of targeted subscribers to your mailing list at once is partnership and exchange of materials with other mailing list authors who already have quite weighty subscription lists (from 3000-5000 subscribers and above). They can be found in mailing list directories, including the catalog at

But such a partnership will be possible only if you can offer another mailing list author really high-quality and interesting materials, or favorable financial conditions for cooperation. If it is, then agreeing to publish your material in another mailing list is quite simple. Such material should not be an advertisement for anything, it must contain valuable benefits in itself, and at the end of this material you can place a small author's block, in which you can indicate your mailing list advertisement and give a link to the mailing list mini-site.

Affiliate marketing is generally a very powerful thing, unless of course it is used correctly. And the main rule here is this - think about your partner and his interests more than about your own. If you can find out what the partner needs and offer it to him in good quality, then you are provided with cooperation on long time. It is very important to stop being selfish in this type of interaction and pull the “blanket” over yourself.

If you already have several thousand subscribers in your subscription list, then you can agree with the author of another mailing list on a related topic about mutual advertising. That is, about the exchange of subscribers.

It looks like this - you advertise his newsletter in yours, and he advertises your newsletter in his. This way you share your audience with another author. Both sides always benefit from this.

10. Create and manage your electronic diary– BLOG.

Think blogging is just fun? Nothing like this! Blogging is a great marketing tool that has several main tasks, two of which are:

First, of course, attracting targeted subscribers to your subscription list. This is done through a subscription form that you need to integrate prominently on your blog. Everyone who gets one way or another on your blog, if they are interested in you and your materials, they will be happy to subscribe to your newsletter.

Secondly, establishing feedback with the audience and calling it to a response communication.

It is very important not only to attract subscribers to your list, but also to constantly have feedback in order to evaluate their attitude towards you, to your materials, to your actions, as well as to find out their opinion by different topics your mailing list. For this business, blogging and constantly provoking subscribers to enter your blog through your mailing list is the perfect tool.

On the blog, you can experiment, publish what was not included in the mailing list, talk about yourself and your life. In short, a BLOG is an excellent tool for erasing distrust towards you as a living person and person, towards you as a specialist.


There are many other ways to attract subscribers to your subscription list. It is difficult to even list them in one article, so I only concentrated on the most effective and accessible to any of you.

One way or another, in this article I tried to explain to you how important it is to have your own "hot" subscription list, constantly conduct your mailing list and how to quickly expand your list of subscribers to tens of thousands of people and even hundreds of thousands.

If you consistently and competently apply the described methods, then FAT AND HOT The subscription list is guaranteed to you!

If you collect your subscription list based on the above methods, as well as conduct your mailing list on such modern and high-quality tools for email marketing as the mailing list service -, then your success and High profits will now depend only on your personal ingenuity and skill of conducting a mailing list!

When you first start blogging, you build it from scratch. No matter how well you research your Target Audience, you will still make mistakes. But the problem is different, no one will point them out to you, but at least, till.

I suggest you take advantage of the experience of Neil Patel, one of the world's best Internet marketing experts. Below you will find one of my favorite articles on blog promotion.

Once you've researched your Target Audience enough, you can reach your first 100 fans. They will be a "tool" for the development of your blog.

Regular readers will leave comments, reviews and post posts. With the help of active visitors, you will be able to track any movement in the blog by their responses. They will give a signal if something on the blog is not to their liking, it will be comments, a response to email or just user silence.

If you already have 100 subscribers, but there are no comments and reviews, this is not the users' problem, but yours, because this is your content!

In reality, you just fell into the gap between perfect communication and dull silence. Under some of your posts there may be 10-15 comments from 100 subscribers, and under others only 1 or 2 replies.

Use this feedback to improve your blog's performance, attract followers, and improve your content. That's when you can see the consistent development of the blog and the rapid growth in the number of subscribers.

So, where are we now?

You have new blog, but no followers (or very few). Finding them is your main task. You want to get your first 100 fans.

You have the impetus to take action. You have to create content, develop it, build relationships with subscribers and much more. You are the only one who can do all this, given that your blog does not yet generate income.

How to attract blog subscribers

Optimal Strategy #1: Guest Guide

The first step in your strategy should be guest posting. The most popular places (blogs and forums) where your potential subscribers hang out is the perfect place to start.

you need to find popular blogs with a huge target audience. A small portion of this audience will become your Target Audience. You can attract them to your site by inviting them through a guest post. Guest posting is an important strategy for growing blogs of all sizes.

A typical mistake you can make is to write a guest post that you think will be popular with your followers. However, even if this post becomes popular and brings you new subscribers, they may be useless for your blog and business in general.

Instead, find text that looks good on the blog you're posting. This text will interest target visitors if it is written from a different angle to the general topic.

For example, if I were to guest post on Forbes (which I regularly do), then I would not write an article on the general topic of the state of the economy in the world. While this might become popular, I'd rather write less popular articles about how recent events in the economy can affect your business, online marketing, and other similar topics.

Always remember that your goal at this stage is to get 100 regular subscribers to your site! Grab their attention first and then drive traffic.

Optimal Strategy #2: Create the Right Type of Content for Your Blog

As I said, time is limited. While ideally it may take a lot of content to get your blog into orbit, it doesn't really matter.

IN this moment you have few visitors (or even none). You do not need to constantly compose content, no one reads it anyway.

It's better to spend more time getting traffic from other sources before building a large number of posts on your blog.

This means that you need some content on your blog, but some types of content are superior to others. Writing a reasoning post is a waste of time, why should anyone care what you think at the moment? It's sad, but it's a fact. You need to build your reputation as an expert before you start writing posts like this.

But there are content types that work at this stage. In particular, you should write posts that will attract high-quality backlinks and help build relationships with advanced and influential users. If you do it right, it can lead to some decent targeted traffic.

These magical content types are:
. Roundup posts
. Ego Bait Posts
. Cover Boy Posts

You probably already know what a roundup link means. You set up a survey of several influential users in a niche and post the results. Some of the influencers will comment on the post, link to it, or share it on social media.

"Ego Lure" covers wide range. In essence, you are appealing to the ambitions of influencers and the ambitions of companies. You help them improve your image by showing how their advice can solve your or someone else's problem. Let them know you've created a post and maybe they'll link to it.

Finally, you can use the cover guy tactic. This type is similar to "ego bait", you use next level tactics. Find a couple of authoritative examples, a specific strategy or technique, and move on down the track.

One more thing, listen to advice and track your results. Do a case study of your results and you'll be impressed, it's great motivation. This will serve as real proof of how cool you are in your business!

Optimal Strategy #3: Paid Traffic

If you have more money than time, and you are ready to invest in a business - paid traffic is for you, it will accelerate the growth of your business!

This, by the way, is absolutely not necessary. Many successful blogs have never resorted to paid advertising, but at the same time, there are popular sites that sometimes resort to this particular strategy.

A big advantage of paid ads is the ability to get target audience in the absence of traffic on this base. But it can get expensive, especially if you're new to online advertising. It is very important that you spend a little time studying before you blow a thousand or two dollars.

Optimal Strategy #4: Grow your social media presence

Last but not least is your social media presence.

Popular social media-platforms are full of traffic bins, especially such as Vkontakte, Facebook, etc., they almost certainly include your target audience.

The problem is that any good social media strategy takes time. If you're aiming to grow in social media, be prepared to use the platforms for a few months until they start to pay off and get some decent traffic.

If you are really set on promotion in social media, to generate traffic on your site, use paid traffic. For example, paid advertising on Facebook is relatively cheap and allows you to quickly create a credible and popular page.

I don't recommend using social media as your primary traffic strategy unless you're willing to constantly invest in it. However, you can define one or two channels and use them while you focus on building traffic in other ways.

What about SEO?

If you know me well, then remember how much I love and benefit from SEO. But on the other hand, when building an author page, you should not focus too much on SEO at the beginning.

It will take several months of publications to gain credibility and trust from search engines quality content. You will be able to see real organic growth in your traffic in about a year, and then you will be able to pay more attention to SEO development.

Free subscribers are the blue dream of any self-respecting SMM-person or community creator. But how to make people subscribe to the news of your group and be active participants in her? Today we will look at free ways attracting subscribers.

5 options for action

How to promote a group in VK? Let's start with the fact that a community that does not publish interesting content It's hard to get to the top. You must constantly create posts that resonate with the hearts of your target audience. It can be funny photos or long videos, serious stories or short audio recordings - it all depends on the topic of the community and the purpose of its creation. The promotion of a group on Vkontakte begins precisely with its filling.

It is recommended to create at least 100 posts on the wall before you start promoting the group. It will be good if the community provides subscribers with diverse content: a mix of photos, text, videos, documents. It is also desirable to create photo and video albums, discussion topics and playlists. Of course, you can do without them if you have worked out a clear concept. But in any case, a random person from your target audience who visited your group should find material in it for at least 1 hour of viewing.

Promotion of groups by free methods is:

independent invitation of target audience;

publication of useful materials;

inviting subscribers with the help of participants;

mutual PR involving other groups;

holding a competition (a relatively free method).

In any case, when using free methods Subscribers to the VK group will be recruited very slowly. The exception is really useful groups with exclusive content.

Self-invitation of target audience

How to invite people to a group so that they join it? We have already said that initially you need to fill the community with content. Then, using a social network search, you need to find the pages of people who are your target audience. Invite them as friends. Those who responded can send an invitation to the group.

The main and very significant disadvantage of this method is the slow promotion on Vkontakte. There is a limit on maximum amount Friendship Requests: You can invite up to 40 people per day. All the more likely that many of them will not accept the offer.

Publication of useful materials

Based on the topics of your group, pick up really useful and (if possible) exclusive material. For example, if your target audience is marketers, post interesting and effective cases. If you have created a community about humor, post a unique selection of funny photos or jokes.

This method of attracting new subscribers will work if:

there are already more than 100 people in your group;

community subscribers are active: leave likes, comment, repost;

the material will be of interest to a wide range of target audience .

The disadvantage of this method is its low efficiency. Yes, if the post is reposted by 5-10 people, there is a chance that more than 100 people will see it in the feed. But no one guarantees that at least one of them will join the group and join it.

The use of hashtags can also bring a normal result: an increasing number of users are looking for the information they need with their help. The main thing is to put thematic tags that reflect the essence of the post.

Invite subscribers using members

If you have already attracted more than 50 people to the group, you can personally ask subscribers to invite their friends to it. Let's say everyone calls about 40 people. Most likely, about 50-75% of the total number of invitees will accept the offer. Such a promotion of a group on Vkontakte is quite effective.

The main thing is to write a catchy message, after which the subscribers of your group will want to invite their friends to it. You can use a bright emotional coloring of the letter, supplemented with emoticons, or offer community members your own benefit (for example, the opportunity to offer news or become a moderator).

As practice shows, this method of attracting subscribers works best for communities tied to a city (settlement). People are much more willing to invite acquaintances to a group about their small homeland than to a public about cars or travel (for example).

Mutual PR involving other bands

Subscribers to the Vkontakte group can also come from other communities! The main thing is to launch competent mutual PR. What is it? You publish an intriguing post with a link to another group, and at the same time (or a little earlier / later - this is not so important) a post is published in it with a link to your public. The only disadvantage of this method is that it is not suitable for everyone.

In order for mutual PR to be successful, your group should already consist of at least 500 people. For "exchange of pleasantries" look for groups with a similar number of members. You can offer mutual PR even to your competitors: this way you will get a warm target audience. But be careful: if the quality of content in their group is much higher, there is a risk of losing a large part of the subscribers.

To search for groups that can be used for mutual PR, use the functionality of the social network. Search communities by keywords and hashtags. If the number of participants in the group you found and your public is approximately equal, you can offer to publish an advertising post. To do this, contact the community administrator.

Holding a competition

Contests of reposts have long become commonplace. Why is this method called relatively free? Because you need prizes to run the contest.

In principle, you can find a way to hold a competition without spending. Such free promotion groups in VK will be less effective, but still it will bring its results. Do not forget that it is also worth holding a contest when your group already has a fairly large number of people (at least 500).

What will subscribers for groups on Vkontakte react to? For valuable prizes. Be sure to make several prizes (optimally - 5), otherwise people will be confident that your friend will receive the main prize. Moreover, a greater number of prizes increases the likelihood of winning.

So, if you can spend money on prizes, then pay attention to household appliances, gold jewelry or interior items. Choose prizes based on the theme of your public: in this case, the target audience will take part in the competition. For example, for a community about motherhood, you can invite participants to win a children's electric car, a designer, a large soft toy, a large play set, and an interactive toy.

If you plan not to invest in the promotion of the group at all, try declaring a prize:

gift Certificate;

discount on the purchase of goods;

the opportunity to become the "face" of the group (you will have to put the winner's photo on the community avatar);

collage of photos of the winner;

personal consultation or individual advice;

place of the moderator in the group.

Naturally, you need to build on the theme of the group. For a public psychologist, a Skype consultation as a prize would be the best solution. It is better for stores to give discounts or certificates to subscribers.

The conditions for participation in the contest are standard: all contenders for prizes must join the group and repost the contest entry. Of course, you can add your own conditions, but it is better to use a scheme that has been proven over the years.

Promotion of a group on Vkontakte without material investments is a difficult way to advance. It will take you a long time to fill the community with active members. But if your group is really interesting to the target audience, you can get a good result.

Just as the cameras in gadgets have changed the concept of traditional photography, so the promotional opportunities on Instagram have recently changed the concept of traditional social networks.

For many marketers, public relations professionals and ordinary users social networks, who just yesterday fought for the desired followers and their likes on Facebook, Twitter and, today the question is “How to increase the number of followers on Instagram?” has become one of the most important.

In fact, this is quite logical, since Instagram is the most popular and fashionable social network today, according to the latest research. It doesn't matter if you're trying to figure out how to get more likes and followers on Instagram for your personal goals or deciding how to get them for business purposes, the principles are very similar.

More and more companies are coming to the conclusion that Instagram can be a great channel to drive traffic and get new active followers. That is why many brands today are trying to find the easiest way to get a lot of followers on Instagram. An important and relevant point "How to get more followers on Instagram? has become increasingly added to the agendas of both small and large companies worldwide.

Popular brands, celebrities and ordinary social media users dream of more followers on Instagram, because this is really a sure key to success. If you are a marketer, you probably want your product or service to become more popular and get new benefits, and therefore your Instagram followers are one of those benefits.

If you're ready to admit that your Instagram page looks empty and featureless, then what are you waiting for?

Let's look at some tips to help you get your coveted followers on Instagram.

Start with a clear plan

A good plan is 50% of any success. It's much better to think through the details, risks, and likely reactions to your messages ahead of time.

On Instagram, all actions are interconnected. If the profile owner wants to get new subscribers, he must have the qualities of an excellent photographer, a competent designer and an experienced PR specialist. The skills of a psychologist and a strategist will also not interfere. All these qualities will help you get more Instagram followers online.

This struggle for subscribers will take not a day or even a week, but much more time. If you want to find the best plan to achieve your goals and get free subscribers on Instagram, you have to carefully consider every step and every action months in advance. You can do your own research and think about exactly how you will promote and advertise your product on Instagram. It is important to understand from the very beginning what type of advertising to choose and whether you plan to spend the budget on it at all.

Wake up and fall asleep with Instagram

As with any social network, it is very important to be active here. The truth is, if you're in charge of a brand on Instagram or care about self-promotion, you should literally wake up and go to sleep with your profile. You didn't think getting more followers on Instagram was such an easy thing, did you?

But this does not mean that you should act like a robot and completely forget about your real life. Those companies that have really successful Instagram profiles and just people who are proud of their Instagram pages really enjoy the process and do not consider themselves burdened.

Instagram users prefer lively and interesting content. There is no doubt that they do not like to visit impersonal and non-content pages. Therefore, it is a good idea to complement your photo content with personal images, photos of colleagues and photo reports from corporate events, etc. This will add real liveliness and personalization to the profile. For example, some companies and especially advertising agencies can transfer page administration rights to employees, in turn for several days or even for a month. So everyone can add fresh ideas and thoughts, personalize the account. And it works!

Ideal followers on Instagram

Naturally, you cannot directly ask your competitors: “How did you manage to increase the number of followers on Instagram?” You will have to rely on your own knowledge and skills.

The ideal subscriber is an active, responsive and sympathetic person. He will always look forward to your next photo, striving to be the first to like or comment on it. Be sincere and honest with them and try your best to keep them if you are really interested in it.

In fact, everyone who wants to know the secret of how to get more followers on Instagram definitely dreams of at least 4 ideal actions of potential followers.

Four actions of the ideal subscriber:

  • Subscribes to me
  • Likes my photos
  • Commenting on my posts
  • Buys my products

Thus, defining your goals and ambitions is a good start before creating or optimizing your profile.

Important steps before posting a photo:

  • Choose the right Instagram name that will be easy to learn and remember. With this name, you will be able to tell who you are and what your ambitions are to your potential subscribers. Feel free to use your nickname or a fictitious name - it's not that important, because your main goal is to get as many followers as possible.

  • Create a bio. Even if you represent a brand, it will make people feel like they know you and want to follow your news.

  • Upload your first photo(let it be a selfie). It can be funny and not make much sense, it just has to be a sincere act on your part and show the face of your brand.

  • Do research and evaluate your competitors. Choose the most interesting profiles on Instagram as good example. And finally, just ask your friends and colleagues from related fields to answer the question: “How do you get more followers on Instagram?”

Once you've created and optimized your profile, it's time to post your first photos and learn how to really get Instagram followers. So, let's figure out how to become popular on Instagram to tell stories with photos, and how to make your profile more attractive.

Before posting any images or information, create a portfolio. It's no secret that no one will subscribe to an unattractive and empty profile. 10-20 enticing photos will be enough to get you off to a good start and help you add Instagram followers.

If you really want to know how to get a lot of followers on Instagram, then rest assured that the main rule is not to post anything other than posting low-quality or boring photos.

And it doesn’t matter at all what kind of business you have or what your personal goals are - photos should be thought out in detail. Elements such as composition, colors and shades, the location of each of the parts must be taken into account.

If appropriate, include a few distracting photos that may be of interest to Instagram users. Colorful sunsets and mountain ranges, cats and childish play (even if they don’t apply to your business) will definitely help you figure out how to get attention faster. more Instagram followers. These photos are really popular on Instagram.

High-quality photos are the right way to success

Now it looks like we have everything we need for a successful start, then let's continue!

Many sources today offer different tips on how to improve your photography skills (hence how to get more followers on Instagram). Can post pictures Low quality, and this, alas, will not bring any results, but it is in your power to post several bright and lively photos a day, which will undoubtedly bring likes and subscribers.

Photos from mobile device can be competently executed, as well as any other pictures. Below you can find some tips on how to get maximum benefit from your mobile photos:

  1. Make sure everything in the frame is well lit. If you have the opportunity, shoot in natural light or use artificial light indoors. Avoid direct sunlight. Majority mobile cameras boast a flash that can add brightness even if you're shooting outdoors. If you don't have a flash, just try to avoid shooting in too bright light.

2. Forget Zoom just get closer to your subject. However, being too close to the subject causes some distortion. By applying photo editing features, you can always make changes to them later.

3. Try your mobile camera settings. Apply different filters, change colors. Add different shapes and patterns to add interest to the composition. Change the perspective using the appropriate filters. Sometimes best filter is the absence of a filter. But often the filtering capabilities can really bring out the vibrant colors and pop of any dull photo.

4. Remember the rule: shoot now and edit later. Instant photo editing, you can miss a lot interesting moments and events.

5. Finally, just try to become an inspiration for your subscribers They will appreciate your efforts. Develop your creative abilities.

This is just a small list of tips that will make your photos more attractive and help you find the best way to get more followers on Instagram.

And most importantly, have fun shooting! Obviously, your gadget is always with you, so taking pictures is not a problem.

It happens that companies lose their followers because they do not think about the subject of the photos they publish. You need to be careful with the semantic load of the pictures.

Try not to post photos that can somehow disturb someone's peace, discriminate or offend (unless, of course, a provocateur is not your middle name).

So, you have uploaded your attractive photos and made your profile interesting. We are getting closer to solving "How do people get thousands of followers on Instagram".

The next step is to attract attention, which provokes the growth of Instagram followers. And you have several ways to do it.

More hashtags, more benefits

Each of your photos can be accompanied by a hashtag and short message as part of Instagram content. They will help organize and divide photos or videos into categories.

Adding hashtags to images is one way to get Instagram followers for free. Relevant hashtags will help you get more likes for your post, but it doesn't always keep people coming back to your profile.

The hashtag may lead to another resource. If someone shares their Instagram photo on Facebook, the hashtag is posted along with it. And this is a pretty good chance to get noticed by new subscribers. All tags should be relevant and relevant, but just don't create a hashtag graveyard under your pictures! It always looks unnatural.

Here you can find 3 options free tools to search for images and posts by hashtags not only on Instagram, but also on other networks.

  • Tagboard. Allows you to analyze and evaluate the popularity of tags.
  • Ritetag. Offers a large database of tags and describes the statistic on them well.
  • Tagdef . It can be used both for searching and analyzing tags, and for calculating the popularity of tags and the most active users.

on Instagram

Involvement and activities

People who know about you from other social networks are your potential Instagram followers. Just let them know that you are now an Instagram user. Post a post inviting your friends to follow. Also, don't forget to comment on the photos of the people you follow.

It looks like a rule: if you leave a positive comment, your chances of getting a follower increase. The author of the photo will certainly visit your profile. And if your page matches his/her interests, then you are guaranteed to get a subscriber.

However, your comments must be targeted. It is correct to leave comments only on the posts of those people or brands that have a high chance of becoming your subscribers.

So, if you are a pasta producer, you can safely search for hashtags like #pasta, #italianfood, #restaurants, etc. People who post photos with these hashtags will be delighted with your page and will be able to become your subscriber.

Various contests on Instagram also help to increase traffic. Simply invite people to comment on photos and use hashtags, repost content, and then reward them. The mechanics and concepts of contests can be very different, for example:

  • "Like and win!"
  • “Offer a selfie next to the brand”
  • "Repost to win!"
  • "Add location"
  • "Buy products, take a picture and win!"

These are just a few variations of Instagram contest concepts.

Specific times for specific purposes

Think about your audience, their habits and schedules, this will help you find the most best time for posting on Instagram. It's enough just to track what time of day your photos are most popular. You can choose the right time to publish your photos auspiciously with KUKU.IO.

Try to define optimal frequency publications. If you post 5 pictures a day, you will probably lose some of your followers.

Be part of current events

No one can forbid you to search for current and popular events in various areas of life and associate them with your profile and for your purposes. Is not it additional way get Instagram followers?

If you're a sportswear retailer or promote healthy organic food, the Olympics is the perfect time for you. Don't miss it, because within a few weeks, using thematic hashtags, cool photos, organizing contests related to the theme of the event, you will definitely get more followers on Instagram.

The summer season is the most suitable time for companies related, for example, to tourism or the wedding business. By properly handling this time period with high-quality content, businesses can gain more followers on Instagram and boost their brand visibility.

The same principle works for gift shops and flower shops on Christmas Eve, for teen clothing manufacturers during the start of school year etc.

Capture competitors' followers

A thorough study of your competitors and their followers can show you how to attract those followers to you. Competitors' followers are also your audience, and there are a number of ways you can help you capture their attention without harming your brand's reputation.

These people have already demonstrated their interest in similar products or services. The easiest way to get more competitors Instagram followers for free is to attract them with hashtags - just let them find you.

Avoid dishonest activities

As in any field, Instagram also has dark schemes and clever tricks to gain followers dishonestly. Does buying Instagram followers work? Working. This does not require special permits to buy hundreds of new accounts.

Unfortunately, buying followers on Instagram has become a banal and harmful practice - these profiles will never be active and will simply be “dead souls” with which nothing can be done.

Analyze your first results on Instagram

Now, if done right, your brand life on Instagram will never be the same again. If you have applied all the steps, then you will definitely get the result and find quick ways how to get more Instagram followers that will work for your business.

Do you think this is enough to forget the phrase: “I want more followers on Instagram!?” What about serious statistics? It's time to measure how fast the change has happened and what to expect.

You can check how quickly the growth of subscribers has taken place and what steps can be taken next. You have a great opportunity to analyze your Instagram with Now it's pretty easy to evaluate the results and start developing new strategies based on the statistics you get.

Finally, follow your followers!

Do not forget to answer questions and comments of your subscribers. great way keep your subscribers - communicate with them. After all, there is nothing more enjoyable and rewarding on Instagram than building strong relationships and friendships with your followers!

If these ideas appeal to you and can really help you get free Instagram followers, please let us know in the comments.

If you are registered on VKontakte, then at least once you received private message with an invitation to join the community, or unknown people asked you to be friends. These are two clumsy and ancient ways to increase the number of subscribers.

It would seem that bad. Sit down and bombard people with friend requests and messages for free. But not everything is so great.

  1. You can send no more than 20 letters per day to people who are not friends. From these letters, according to experience, about 25-50% are opened, and no more than 5% are entered.
  2. After 1-1.5 weeks, the page from which the letters were sent will be frozen and then blocked regularly when spam is sent again.
  3. You can invite no more than 50 people to friends per day. Of these, about 7-10 will confirm the application, and the ability to send an invitation to the group will be active for a maximum of 3-4 of those who add you as a friend. At the same time, no more than half will join the group (subscribe to updates) - 2 people.
  4. Captcha pops up every 3-5 invitations. And if you consider that you will be choosing people for your community, the whole process will take at least 1.5-2 hours.

It turns out that the effectiveness of such methods is very low, you can use one non-existent person for about 3-4 weeks until it is finally closed (and you should not expect trust in such profiles), methods require large investments in man-hours. Oh yes, and do not forget about the irritation and discontent that your letters and friend requests will cause. And it will definitely be.

The question arises: what to do? How to increase the size of the community? For this, VKontakte has several proven types of advertising, and new methods often appear. Let's look at the most popular and in demand, as well as potentially interesting ones that have just been announced, in more detail.

1. Proven standard
  • image with text (title of 25 characters, description of 60 and picture 90x65);
  • large image (title of 25 characters and picture 90x120);
  • exclusive format, only one of your ads will be shown on the page, but its price is higher than the rest (title of 25 characters and picture 90x160);
  • promotion of the community (the picture and title are selected automatically from the design of the community, there is a "Join" button).

Among the advantages are wide targeting settings for displaying ads to your target audience, the ability to control the budget and, if necessary, make changes.

The best part here is the price. One user can cost you less than 2 p. (if good conversion for ad impressions).

2. Advertising in communities

This is a way to tell about your community in other, for example, related publics. Here you can either search for communities for advertising on your own (relevant if you have a small regional business, because there is no geotargeting in the community exchange settings), or use a special community exchange.

Here are two ways to promote yourself:

  1. A post with text and an attachment that will simply be posted in the community feed.
  2. Repost of another post. Here you first create a post in your community, and then post it to others through a link.

Second way more interesting topics that potential subscribers immediately see your community and can go to its page.

Don't forget about pages with wiki markup as well. They can be attached as regular entry link, and to the entry that you will post as a repost. The advantage of such a page is that there will be a “Subscribe” button in the header for users who have not subscribed to your community updates.

As for the cost, it can vary significantly depending on the subject: in the range from 150 to 150,000 rubles. for 1 post. Optimally placed at a price of 500-2000 rubles. for publication.

3. Special format

Another interesting and relatively the new kind attracting subscribers to the community - advertising in the news. In this format, your ad will be displayed in a special block in the user's news feed. When you click on it, a person goes to the community page and there he can already see the news and subscribe to updates.

The price is set for impressions and depends on the theme and the settings made. 1000 impressions will cost you about 20 rubles.

4. New "like in Facebook"

At the end of April, VKontakte announced the launch of a new advertising format that will allow posts from communities to be promoted in users' news feeds. Such an opportunity has long been implemented in Facebook. There you can already promote any of the entries on your page.

Where to invest or a little personal experience

Of course, you always want to know what will work more efficiently, where to invest in the first place. There is no single answer to this question. Everything needs to be checked and tested.

For example, in an advertising campaign for a site, posts posted through the exchange work most effectively. From them, we get about 3-3.5 times more subscribers than from other methods of advertising on VKontakte with a comparable budget. In second place in terms of performance are retargeting ads (retargeting group - website visitors). Next - ads targeted at the audience of adjacent communities, then ads shown to the target audience selected using the settings of the advertising system (when gender, age, hobbies, etc. are indicated).


Attract an audience only in proven ways that are officially approved by VKontakte. Other approaches will not only waste your time, but may also damage your reputation by causing negativity. And restoring reputation will cost you much more than the amount saved.

If you have never advertised on VKontakte before, but want to try, we will help you. Our experts will create ads for you and launch a VKontakte campaign or develop advertising post, select communities and make a publication.

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