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How to solder a mini usb connector. The mini-USB connector fell off

Now in devices you can often find usb connectors (usb, eng. Universal Serial Bus - “universal serial bus"). Due to accidental mechanical damage, for example, while the device is in charging mode, such a malfunction is often encountered - such as a broken micro usb connector. You will learn how to solder the micro usb connector yourself in the article below.

If you like tinkering and know how to handle a soldering iron, then it will not be difficult for you to solder the micro usb connector on the tablet yourself. To do this, we need tools: a 25-watt soldering iron, solder, easily fusible tin, tweezers, a small curly screwdriver, a scalpel or a knife with a thin blade, a magnifying glass.

How to disassemble a tablet (phone, laptop)?

Most importantly, we do everything carefully and accurately!

For disassembly we need:

  1. Screwdriwer set;
  2. Tweezers;
  3. scalpel or knife;
  4. Soldering iron.


Step 1. Unscrew all the fixing screws on the tablet or phone, remove the back cover gently pry with a knife or scalpel, thereby releasing the housing locks from the grooves, tilting the blade towards the screen.

Step 2 After removing the cover on the tablet (phone), it is necessary to ground the soldering iron, solder the wire to the common body (minus) and then the other end of the wire to the body of the soldering iron itself. This must be done in order to protect the tablet from accidental static electricity, which can damage its electronic components. And you should also make an antistatic bracelet and also ground it.

Step 4 After that, we unscrew all the fixing screws on the board and turn it over, thus we get directly to the micro usb connector itself.

List of USB connector faults

1. Micro usb connector is out of order.

If the connector has become unusable and its further repair is impossible, then it should be replaced. To do this, we need to find a known good one, you can use an unnecessary or faulty cell phone and unsolder the micro usb connector from the phone. To do this, take a scalpel and stick it between the board and the connector, heating the fixing petals of the micro usb connector, gradually lifting one side, then the other. Further, after the mounting petals are soldered from the board, you need to take tweezers, since the connector heats up quickly, it should not be overheated, because the plastic parts of the micro usb connector can melt and deform. After that, we solder the connector pins, they should be heated all at the same time. Pay attention to the installation, smd parts may be near the connector and if not carefully soldered, they can be soldered or burned, be careful and therefore the tip of the soldering iron should be thin. The sequence for desoldering the connector is the same and dismantling the micro usb connector on the tablet should be done in a similar way.

2.Micro usb connector is serviceable, but torn off from the main board.

In this case, you should pay attention to the integrity of the tracks themselves, for this we take a magnifying glass and inspect the installation, if the tracks are intact on the board, then it’s good, if not, then they will have to be restored. It is necessary to find all the ends of the torn tracks and carefully clean with a scalpel (clean the varnish), then tin with a soldering iron. After that, we take the micro usb connector itself and solder the fixing petals of the connector to the board, I advise you to pre-glue the connector to the board before soldering, this will reduce the likelihood of a second break. It remains for little, to solder the output, if the tracks are intact, then it will not be difficult, but if not, we do the following: we take thin copper wires (one hair of a stranded thin wire) and solder between the outputs of the tracks and the connector. If for some reason it was not possible to restore all the tracks (the track under the electronic part is broken and there is no way to track its location). In this case, it will be possible to do only for charging the tablet, while we need to restore only two tracks, two extreme outputs to the micro usb connector, the only drawback is the inability to connect the tablet to a computer and external devices.

P O P U L I R N O E:

    Motion(dynamic) means that the coil must be in motion to detect a metal object. metal detector what I am going to offer you now is a semi-professional device. The basis of the project was taken from the old schemes, changed, improved and simplified. The circuit board and component layout have also been redesigned.

    In amateur radio practice, it is often necessary to check the signal status in various parts of the device. In most cases, this is done using an oscilloscope. But such a device is not always at hand, and not every novice radio amateur can afford to purchase it. Some help in the absence of an oscilloscope can be provided by various probes. For example, the one described in the proposed article.

The USB (Universal Serial Bus) interface has been in active use for 2 decades, and during that time several standards have been created. This first happened in 1997, when a corresponding connector appeared on motherboards. Today we will talk about USB standards and pinouts, but first you need to note the benefits tires.

One of the main ones is Plug & Play support. Now, after connecting the device, it is no longer necessary to manually install the necessary drivers and reboot the personal computer.

The bus not only allows you to transfer information, but also provides power to the connected device. As a result Have an opportunity create mobile network and sound cards, as well as other types of controllers.

USB versions

Currently created 3 standards this interface. The main differences between them are not in the pinout of the USB connector, but in the speed of information exchange. At the same time, compatibility of new versions with previous ones is ensured, which greatly facilitates the life of users.

Type 1.1

This standard is able to provide transmission speed information up to 12 Mb/s. At the time of its creation, this was a good indicator, but there was still a faster interface - IEEE 1394 or FireWire (up to 400 Mb / s), developed by Apple. However, USB 1.1 has become quite widespread and has been used for several years.

Key features of this specification include:

  • Ability to connect more than 100 devices, including hubs.
  • The maximum cord length is 3 m.
  • The bus voltage is 5V and the load current is 0.5A.

Type 2.0

With the advent of complex devices such as digital cameras, there was a need for a faster interface. The result was a version of USB 2.0, which provided information transfer rates up to 480 Mb / s. Availability hardware compatibility with the 1.1 standard allows the use of older devices, but the bus throughput in such a situation is drastically reduced.

It should be taken into account the fact that the actual throughput of USB 2.0 differed significantly from that indicated in the specification. This is due to the implementation of the protocol, which allows delays in the transmission of data packets. In recent years, a lot of devices have appeared, for the normal operation of which a large amount of energy was required. throughput tire.

Type 3.0

This is a new standard, the mass distribution of which began in 2010. It allows you to transfer information at speeds up to 5 Gb / s. Although the pinout of the USB 3.0 connector has some differences from the 2nd version, they are fully compatible. To distinguish between the connectors of these standards, the USB 3.0 sockets and plugs are marked in blue.

There are also certain inconsistencies in the connectors. The rated current has been increased to 0.9 A. As a result, the number of peripheral devices has increased, which no longer require a separate power supply. They have their own classification and USB connectors:

  • Type A is designed to connect to a socket installed on the computer motherboard or hub.
  • Type B is used in peripheral devices (printers).

Connectors of the second type are quite large and cannot be installed on portable gadgets. To remedy the situation, micro- and mini USB standards were created.

Pinout of USB 2.0 connectors (types A and B)

Since the connectors of the first versions of the universal serial bus do not differ physically, it is enough to know the pinout of the latest standard. The first contact is powered by 5 V, and the 2nd and 3rd wires are used to transmit the signal. The USB cable pinout by color is as follows:

  • 1 - red.
  • 2 - white.
  • 3 - green.
  • 4 - black.

USB 3.0 connector pinout

In the latest version of the standard, 9 contacts are used instead of 4. The wiring diagram is shown in the figure and looks like this:

  • The assignment of pins 1 to 4 is similar to the previous version.
  • Wires 5-6 and 8-9 are used respectively for transmitting/receiving data via the Super Speed ​​protocol.
  • 7 - mass of signal wires.

Connectors type B version 3.0 are not compatible with previous standards.

The mini-USB pinout is similar to micro, but in the third version of the interface only the latter type connector is used. Micro-USB 2.0 has 5 pins, however, only 4 are used. In the latest version, the number of wires is doubled. Pins 1-5 perform the same functions as in the connectors of the previous standard, and the rest are designed to solve the following tasks:

  • 6-7 and 9-10, respectively, for transmitting/receiving data using a high-speed protocol.
  • 8 - earth of information wires.

Micro USB socket for charging

Although all mobile gadgets are charged via USB, there is no single standard, and each manufacturer has developed its own scheme. You can use any power adapter to recharge the battery. For example, in the iPhone, for this it is necessary to connect pins 2, 3 with 4 through a resistor with a nominal resistance of 50 kOhm, and with 5 - 75 kOhm. The main competitor of Samsung Galaxy has a simpler pinout of the micro-USB charging connector. You will need to put a jumper between pins 2 and 3, and connect 4 to 5 with a 200 kΩ resistor.

Hello friends! I think it happened to some people when you stuck something in the front USB input, left it and left. One fine day, after such forgetfulness, you return and see that the USB port is broken. Well, broken and broken, nothing can be done. What if the computer won't turn on? Not so nice anymore, right? You have to climb inside, turn off the front USB port, while pulling out the wires from the motherboard.

And now, after some time, you thought - I still need this front USB input, it is convenient, I need to do something. And what? In this article, we will analyze how to solder a USB port and make it functional. Of course, if your port is broken soft-boiled, you will have to order a new USB port.

We will need:

  • One or two USB ports
  • Some cable
  • Soldering iron, solder, wire cutters
  • Glue gun (optional)
  • Old cables connected to the motherboard or new ones for USB ports

So let's get started. To begin with, we disconnect the wires from the old, broken port, while the other ends of the wires can be left plugged into the motherboard, this will save you time. Also, you need to remove the USB port itself from the case and see what condition the case mount is in. Next, I took out a new port and tinned the contacts on it, after which we need to cut off four pieces of wire, not very long, strip them and tin them.

After, it is necessary to decide what to solder where. On the Internet, I found a very good circuit found on the site

In the photo, we see: four colors - red, white, green, black. These colors will most likely match the colors of the cable that you have already plugged into the motherboard.
Red - voltage + 5 Volts, white, - “minus” of the data contact, green + data contacts and black, GND = minus, ground.

Next, I just soldered the yellow and brown pieces of cable to the port. After that, we need to deal with the contacts from the motherboard, they can be intact and you don’t have to solder all this, and you can simply plug them into the corresponding contacts.

After, we need to clean and tin the contacts coming from the motherboard. After that, carefully solder the red wire from the usb cable to the wire going to the red contact of the usb port. Also, solder the rest, white to white, green to green, black to black, or connect them together, it's up to you.

When everything is soldered, you need to figure out how to connect it all to the motherboard, if you have been disconnected, the contacts have been pulled out of the motherboard. Your best bet is to find a manual - a datasheet for your motherboard. In my instructions, I found such a pinout of contacts.

USB (Universal Serial Bus- "universal serial bus") - a serial data interface for medium-speed and low-speed peripheral devices. A 4-wire cable is used for connection, while two wires are used for receiving and transmitting data, and 2 wires are used to power the peripheral device. Thanks to built-in USB power lines allows you to connect peripherals without their own power supply.

USB Basics

USB cable consists of 4 copper conductors - 2 power conductors and 2 data conductors in twisted pair, and a grounded braid (screen).USB cables have physically different "to device" and "to host" tips. It is possible to implement a USB device without a cable, with a tip "to the host" built into the case. It is also possible to permanently embed the cable in the device(e.g. USB keyboard, Webcam, USB mouse), although the standard forbids this for full and high speed devices.

USB bus it is strictly oriented, i.e. it has the concept of “main device” (host, also known as a USB controller, usually built into the south bridge chip on the motherboard) and “peripheral devices”.

Devices can be powered by +5 V from the bus, but may also require an external power supply. The standby mode is also supported for devices and splitters on command from the bus with the removal of the main power supply while maintaining the standby power and switching on at the command from the bus.

USB supportedhot plugging and unplugging devices. This is possible due to the increase in the length of the conductor of the grounding contact in relation to the signal. When connected USB connector close first ground contacts, the potentials of the cases of the two devices become equal and further connection of the signal conductors does not lead to overvoltages, even if the devices are powered from different phases of the three-phase power network.

At the logical level, a USB device supports data transfer and receive transactions. Each packet of each transaction contains a number endpoint on the device. When a device is connected, drivers in the OS kernel read the list of endpoints from the device and create control data structures to communicate with each endpoint of the device. The set of endpoints and data structures in the OS kernel is called channel (pipe).

Endpoints, and hence the channels, belong to one of 4 classes:

  • flow (bulk),
  • manager (control),
  • isochronous (isoch),
  • interrupt.

Low speed devices such as a mouse cannot be isochronous and flow channels.

Control channel designed to exchange with the device short packets "question-answer". Any device has control channel 0, which allows the OS software to read brief information about the device, including manufacturer and model codes used to select a driver, and a list of other endpoints.

Interrupt channel allows you to deliver short packets in both directions, without receiving a response / confirmation to them, but with a guarantee of delivery time - the packet will be delivered no later than in N milliseconds. For example, it is used in input devices (keyboards, mice or joysticks).

Isochronous channel allows packets to be delivered without a guarantee of delivery and without responses/acknowledgments, but with a guaranteed delivery rate of N packets per bus period (1 kHz for low and full speed, 8 kHz for high speed). Used to transmit audio and video information.

Stream channel provides a guarantee of delivery of each packet, supports automatic suspension of data transfer at the device's unwillingness (buffer overflow or underflow), but does not guarantee the speed and delay of delivery. Used, for example, in printers and scanners.

bus time is divided into periods, at the beginning of the period, the controller sends the “beginning of period” packet to the entire bus. Further, during the period, interrupt packets are transmitted, then isochronous in the required number, in the remaining time in the period, control packets are transmitted, and lastly, stream packets.

Bus active side is always the controller, the transmission of a data packet from device to controller is implemented as a short question from the controller and a long, data-containing response from the device. The packet movement schedule for each bus period is created by the joint effort of the controller hardware and driver software; for this, many controllers use DMA direct memory access (Direct Memory Access) - data exchange mode between devices or between the device and the main memory, without the participation of the Central Processor (CPU). As a result, the transfer speed is increased because data is not sent to and from the CPU.

The packet size for the endpoint is a constant hardcoded into the endpoint table of the device and cannot be changed. It is selected by the device developer from among those supported by the USB standard.

USB specifications

Features, advantages and disadvantages of USB:

  • High exchange rate (full-speed signaling bit rate) - 12 Mb/s;
  • Maximum cable length for high exchange rate - 5 m;
  • Low exchange rate (low-speed signaling bit rate) - 1.5 Mb / s;
  • Maximum cable length for low baud rate - 3 m;
  • Maximum connected devices (including multipliers) - 127;
  • It is possible to connect devices with different exchange rates;
  • No need to install additional items such as terminators;
  • Supply voltage for peripheral devices - 5 V;
  • The maximum current consumption per device is 500 mA.

USB signals are transmitted over two wires of a shielded 4-wire cable.

USB 1.0 and USB 2.0 connector pinout

Type A Type B
(on cable)
Power socket
(on the computer)
(on cable)
Power socket
(on the peripheral

Names and Functions of USB 1.0 and USB 2.0 Pins

Data (data transfer) 4 GND Ground (hull)

Disadvantages of USB 2.0

Though the maximum USB 2.0 transfer rate is 480 Mbps (60 Mbps), in real life it is unrealistic to achieve such speeds (~ 33.5 Mbps in practice). This is due to the large delays of the USB bus between the request for data transfer and the actual start of the transfer. For example, the FireWire bus, although it has a lower peak bandwidth of 400 Mbps, which is 80 Mbps (10 MB / s) less than USB 2.0, in reality allows for more bandwidth for communicating with hard drives and other storage devices. In this regard, a variety of mobile drives have long "rested" against the insufficient practical bandwidth of USB 2.0.

micro usb pinout- desoldering micro-USB is now considered the most common type of repair of this kind of device. Surely you have already encountered such a situation when you currently need a USB adapter, but it was not at hand. The circumstances are different - the device has failed, it has disappeared somewhere, it is not for sale, its length is not enough, and so on. If you are familiar with the technique of how micro usb pinout is performed, then you can solve this problem with your own hands at home.

USB WIRE COLORS required for repairing USB CABLES.

OutputNameWire colorDescription
1 VCC +5V
2 D- Data -
3 D+ Data +
4 GND Earth

The heterogeneity of USB 2.0 connectors is shown in the figure below.

The name of one or another connector is indicated by the indexes of the letter designation.

Connector Model:

A - active action, power source - personal computer, USB Host Controller
B - passive action, additional equipment - computer printer or scanner

Connector type:

M - male connector
F - socket

Connector dimensions:

no designation index

USB MICRO-BM- male connector (M) is used for switching with a passive device (B); micro dimensions.

Micro usb pinout - sockets and pin headers

The purpose of the wires in the USB connector is as follows:

  1. Red wire- + 5v positive voltage in relation to the "ground". Limit current - 0.5A
  2. White wire D-(-Data)
  3. Green wire D+(+Data)
  4. Black wire GND - common bus, "ground", "case" - no voltage

Mini-micro connectors are provided with five pins:

  1. Red
  2. White D-
  3. Green D+
  4. ID - in connectors "B" is not connected; in connectors "A" is shorted to GND to ensure the operation of "OTG"
  5. Black color GND "ground"

In addition to all of the above, a USB cable can have a core without insulation Shield - a case, a shielding braid. This conductor is not assigned identification.

Correct perception of the connectors in the pictures:

All tables with the image of the connector, which is shown from its outer working side, and not from the side of the solder pads. Components acting as insulating elements in the diagram are light gray, segments made of metal are marked in dark gray, voids in the connector are marked in white.

USB desoldering technique

Standard USB does not cause any difficulties, all you need to do is take the drawing of the front side of the connector, geometrically transformed into a mirror image and you can solder it.

The pinout of the MINI and MICRO USB male connectors is shown in the image below:

Five pin connectors MINI and MICRO. In connector variant "B", the fourth pad is not used. In option "A", the fourth pad is shorted to the GND bus. And the GND contact itself has a digital designation No5.

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