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How to come up with an original nickname. Subtleties of name design


Look in the dictionary of names. Remember that every name, even if it sounds meaningless now, once was meaningful. Pick the one you like best. For example, "Antonina" s as "loving to compete." If you are a girl and you have a naturally punchy personality, this nickname may well suit you. It remains only, if there is a desire, to choose a suitable surname for him.

Do not use the names of famous historical figures or characters as nicknames, even if you really like them. Even in a suitable environment, such a nickname will look inappropriate, almost like a person calling himself a false name, in where everyone knows the real owner of this name.

Try to keep your nickname readable. Abuse of "letter writing", when letters are replaced by numbers similar to them, can lead to the fact that the nickname will turn into a jumble of characters in which none of your interlocutor can read the word. Therefore, he will not be able to address you by name. He will have only two options - each time to copy your nickname letter by letter or simply not with you.

Use numbers in nicknames with caution. If you just put a scattering of ones after the name, it will give the impression that the nickname was invented carelessly and in a hurry. It makes sense to use numbers only when the name you have chosen is already taken, and they must be meaningful - for example, the year of your birth.

Use numbers wisely, especially their English sound. For example, the nickname "2zik" can be read as a tuzik. The most commonly used numbers are 2, 4 and 8, since they are the easiest to combine: “4fun”, “sk8ter”, “s2k”, etc.


Think - are you really ready to reveal the personality of yourself in global network the Internet? If you are very afraid, then try to come up with different nicknames on all sites and games. The main thing here is to remember or write down the nicknames that you use.

A beautiful nickname can be picked up from the English language. You can come up with your nickname in Russian and translate it into English with the help of a translator. For example, if your nickname is "Sinner", then translated into English it will sound like Sinner.

Be prepared - it is possible that your nickname has already been used by someone. If you want one hundred percent uniqueness, then try to come up with some combination of letters and check it out.

If you are afraid of ridicule, then come up with not only a login, but also a ridicule, and if you do not like ridicule, then it would be better to come up with another login.

Remember that a unique nickname will make you recognizable, so don't do anything stupid with it.

Remember that you are growing up quickly enough that the correct nickname should not shame you after a few months or years.

Nick should not be a ladder, like the wife of Ivanov. It has long gone out of fashion and it looks really childish.

From year to year, coming up with a beautiful and unique nickname is becoming more and more difficult, since the number of people on the Internet is constantly increasing, which means that there are fewer and fewer free nicknames. In this article, we will tell you about the rules that you need to follow when coming up with nicknames.

15 secrets about what nickname to come up with on the Internet

  1. First, think about whether you are ready to reveal your identity on the Internet. If you are afraid of this, then try to come up with different nicknames on each site and in each game (the main thing is to write down where you are using which nickname).

  2. If you want to emphasize your age, then use your year of birth, not the age at the moment.

  3. A beautiful nickname can be taken from English, for this, come up with a name in Russian and translate it in an online translator. For example: "Sinner" in translation will sound like "Sinner" - short, easy to read b beautiful.

  4. Be prepared for the fact that your nickname may already be used by someone. If you want complete uniqueness, just come up with a phrase of English letters and check it out on the Internet.

  5. Your nickname should be easy and quick to read. Therefore, strive for simplicity, not pretentiousness.

  6. If you are afraid of ridicule, then having come up with a nickname, try to find a funny analogy (consonance or visual similarity), if you don’t like it, it’s better to find another nickname.

  7. A completely unique nickname will make you recognizable, so do not do anything stupid under this name.

  8. Keep in mind that you grow up quickly, so the name should not shame you over the years.

  9. Your nickname should not be a ladder, such as: SaSha_GrOMov. This has long gone out of fashion: it looks childish and even stupid.

  10. Try not to use in nickname Special symbols, not all games and sites support them, so you will have to constantly remember what your nickname looked like in any game.

  11. Use only Latin letters. The Russian font is sometimes not supported, but the Latin alphabet is everywhere!

  12. Your nickname should make sense and mean something, because sooner or later, you will be asked the question “What does your nickname mean ?!”. It would be foolish not to answer such a simple question.

  13. It's more difficult for a girl to come up with a nickname. Here you need to be guided by several rules: firstly, if she does not want male attention, it is better to choose a neutral nickname, such as "cat", "mouse", etc. Secondly, if you want to have a feminine nickname, you need it to contain a minimum of vulgarity. Otherwise, it will be a double hint, and you will get tired of stupid questions.

  14. V in social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Twitter, etc. it is better to use nicknames that match your first and last name. The type "Ivan Ivanov" will be "ivanov". There is no need to have pretentiousness, on the contrary, simplicity will help you find other people.

  15. We also do not recommend using nicknames based on fashion trends in humor, since over time, it will not become funny, and your nickname for the new generation will be completely incomprehensible.

Which English nickname can you think of? 9 ideas. Nickname, nickname, login ... The name that so often needs to be chosen when registering on the sites world wide web... We think about who we are on the Internet. And we lose sight of the fact that the chosen one handsome nickname may have been occupied by a million users for a long time.

The choice is huge! The choice has no boundaries: the fantasy of each of us is unpredictable, and the thinking is unique!

How you want to immediately come up with that very unique, Your Nick! Without delay! Only by placing the cursor on an empty field. It is tempting and patiently awaiting the cherished magical combination of symbols that will become a sensation all over the world! And if they don’t, they’ll try very hard.

Choosing a name on the Web will not leave anyone indifferent! But in the crazy rhythm of life, you can type the first thing that comes to mind, forgetting that this is the front door to the world banquet, where you are greeted by name.

Everything is blurred. Height, age, gender. Mood, facial expression. Hair color, manicure. Bravado, confidence, or shyness. Cash in your pocket. What suit is on whom. Day now or night, winter or summer ...

Reality becomes mirages. All this remains behind the scenes in front of a blank page that has bewildered as yet.

The first thing that can now be offered to the whole world is His Name. The world expects that a person - a certain sphere of the mind - who has entered into communication with him, will call himself a name. And he will be guided only by his true, sincere desire. And the world will believe in this name unconditionally!

The feeling of the birth of a new entity on the Web, still without a name, without character and temperament, without desires and expectations. And it seems to create a unique nickname oh how difficult it is! And even more so to put a piece of yourself into it. Connect with him with an invisible thread, while the monitor impassively waits for this laconic masterpiece.

However, the ideas for creating a nickname are simple and readily available. Nickname can be composed from the organic fusion of two words written in Latin. Words can be combined as you like, change the letters in them for euphoniousness. And be sure to check the nickname in search engines for uniqueness! Ideally, you need to get the answer: "Nothing was found for your request."

How to come up with a nickname - 9 ideas

1) World Atlas!
Remember travel! Exotic island names, vibrant cities and violent volcanoes! Nick can acquire a delicate oriental flavor or the mystery of pirate bays.

For example: Ronkador Reef in the Solomon Islands and Tregross Islands off the east coast of Australia.
We get: Ronkadeross.
(Yandex does not find anything for this request, just like Google)

Or more:
For example: Halmahela Island in Indonesia and Mvali Island in Madagascar.
We get: Halmamvali.

Or short.
For example: Gianvil Island off the coast of Antarctica and Aivey Island in the UK.
We get: Gianvey.

2) Encyclopedia of Plants!
The plant names are very unusual and beautiful! Only you can't be called Lavanda or Lotos. After all, the nickname must be unique!
For example: Neoiioydia is a Mexican cactus and Frangula is a buckthorn.
We get: Franguneolla.

3) Encyclopedia of Animals!
Choose your totem!
For example: Allactaga jaculus - jerboa and Capella gallinago - snipe.
We get: Alagalinago.

4) Car brands!
They all have original names.
For example: Tianye and Caterham.
We get: Xirtamian. Or Tirtamane. Or Tirtamany.

5) Stars and constellations!
Who has not dreamed of long-distance flights through thousands of light years!
For example: Laserta - the constellation of the lizard and Kastor - the constellation of the mythological hero.
We get: Kasertoly.

6) And even algae and moss!
Let the fish in the aquarium near the laptop also be involved in the great cause!
For example: Califoliym mosses and Melosirales algae.
We get: Melofolbi.

7) Collection of minerals and rocks!
Feel like a geologist! Become a jewel!
For example: Jadeit and Kaholong.
We get: Kaholjad.

8) Insect collection!
For the collector.
For example: Ignita and Melanyra.
We get: Melignita.

9) The World History!
The names of ancient heroes, rulers, gods and goddesses!
For example: Kashtariti is the Lydian leader and Kiaksar is the king of Media.
We get: Kiashtari.

Thus, fantasy knows no bounds!
They are all unique to search engines!

Hello to all. Our artist is right today - he painted hard pictures for this article, take a look. By the way, his nickname is "Sailor". Today we are talking about nicknames. The Indians have long come up with this trick - to substitute names for funny phrases like “ Keen eye”Or“ Sharp arrow ”. I wonder which one is cooler? I would bet on the first one, would you?

For my YouTube channel, I came up with a nickname - Pavel Yamb - come in, subscribe, I tell interesting stories from the life of freelancers.

I went to this nickname for a very long time, it is ideal for me, but first try this nickname generator. Most popular service in runet on the selection of nicknames, huge base... Think it over, think for a start. Maybe chance will determine your future.

Registration on any site or in social networks, or even to open a mailbox, is always accompanied by painful thoughts about what name to open it in. First of all, calm down: you are not alone with this.

Nickname or nickname is an analogue of a nickname or pseudonym. The fictitious name we use when registering on the Internet. The word is borrowed from the English language.

It is not always appropriate to upload your passport data completely. On thematic forums or in the game, for example, if you choose a name for minecraft, the full name like Innokenty Evgrafovich Volobuev will look inappropriate. Therefore, you need to decide on a nickname so that you do not look like a black sheep among like-minded people.

If you register for the purpose of a one-time visit to the resource, then the chosen name really does not matter. However, I would not advise you to rush and be called, for example, a Teapot. What is considered temporary at first may imperceptibly become permanent. So you will communicate with network interlocutors under a stupid nickname that you have invented "for a laugh." This will be especially inappropriate if you are registering for professional and business activities. Only people with a specific sense of humor will want to cooperate with "Teapot". So the nickname will become a hindrance, and not a help in work.

Well, one should not forget the advice of the wise captain Vrungel: "As you name the yacht, so it will float":

Unique features

There are a lot of options on how to bind a nickname to your real one. The simplest and most common network names are derived from the given name or surname.

However, everything is not so simple here. There is a huge number of users on the Internet. And even if you think that for a girl named Svetlana it will be enough to write the diminutive form of Svetul, then you may be very disappointed. This original idea has visited hundreds and thousands of "Svetul" before you.

In addition, specialists in computer security recommend not to use real personal data as a nickname.

But don't be discouraged. In addition to the full name, ideas for a nickname can be given by:

  • nationality;
  • place of residence;
  • hobbies;
  • traits;
  • skills and abilities;
  • distinctive features of appearance;
  • other reasons for pride.

The main task of creating an effective and memorable nickname is to distinguish you from others. It should have a feature, and one that does not change too quickly, such as age. You can often see nicknames with numbers that clearly indicate a person's age. If you start an account at 22, then in a few years these numbers will no longer mean as much to you as they did when this nickname was created. So if you are using numbers, then make them really meaningful to you.

And again: a secure nickname should not contain too much personal information. And then the age in the nickname, the date of birth in the password - and it is not far from the hack. Because if it comes not about simple communication in social networks (the most popular), and for an account associated with monetary transactions, it is better to take these tips into account.

Through the vastness of fantasy

It also happens that you want to create a nickname that is not tied to a real person. Then fantasy will help you!

There are several ways that will allow you to choose a sonorous nickname.

A la stage name ... Change your first or last name to something you secretly want to wear. Your name is Leo and it confuses? Then name yourself modestly! And vice versa, does the modest name Ira not correspond to your bright character? Then look for a name you like.

Movie or book character ... There are often nicknames with the names of popular characters in films, TV series and cartoons. However, there is a risk of irrevocably lost in the host of Naruto or Sailormoon, dissecting the vastness of the Internet. Want to stand out? Either look for a not very popular movie, or turn your gaze to other methods of making a unique nickname.

Letters and numbers ... You can limit yourself to a set of letters - the main thing is that you can then reproduce it. Using any nickname with English letters, which are used to display Roman numerals, can help create original nicknames such as the numbering of monarchs in dynasties: Ivan XIV or LXX in general.

Combination of a word with a name ... Instead of a surname, you can use, for example, a pet's nickname - if you like the idea of ​​being called a Rex or Pusechka. If not, then substitute something else for it - yes, the same name of your favorite character.

Backwards ... One of the most simple ways come up with a nickname - just turn the name or any other word. If only it sounds the way you like it. If someone else watches Soviet cinema, then in the old children's film "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" the inhabitants of the magical land bore exactly such names: friend - Gurd, toad - Abazh, parrot - Yagupop.

Anagram ... You can even play fun with your own first or last name if you try to swap the letters. Sometimes words are transformed beyond recognition: an orphan is an ariost, an orange is a spaniel.

Nicky in another language ... Most often they are looking for an option in English - and this is also a good resource for original ideas. It is especially easy to come up with verbal nouns as a nickname. Do you like to swim? Then you are a swimmer. Typing fast? The buzzer option will do.

Advanced user methods ... Nicknames with numbers are often found among the English-speaking segment, when the word or part of it for is replaced with the number 4, which is pronounced the same way. To - 2 is replaced in the same way. Russian users flaunt the transcription in English language using letters similar to Russian in writing: Vinni-Pyh instead of Winnie the Pooh.

You see, there are a lot of ways how to come up with an original nickname. Basic rules for choosing your new name:

  1. It is necessary to distinguish which nicknames can be invented for communication on the topic of hobbies, and which - for business relationships.
  2. A nickname should be memorable, first of all, for the creator himself.
  3. The originality of the nickname sets you apart from other visitors to the resource.
  4. Unless your task is to attract people with certain inclinations, it is better not to create nicknames with hints of cruelty that offend someone's feelings.

Technical nuances

So, on one resource, only one word may be required, while you have two prepared. Or, it is mandatory to use numbers. Some sites have banned celebrity names.

Therefore, you should think about it in advance possible options your nickname. Well, or act according to the circumstances. The main thing is not to forget where and under what name you registered.

Now you know almost everything about nicknames - all that remains is to put it into practice. Hopefully, after my article, everyone of yours new account will have an amazing nickname!

Here is a parting testament from Captain Vrungel. Until next time!

A pseudonym, or, as it is now fashionable to say, a nickname, is gradually becoming an integral attribute of every modern person. And while the vast majority use variations of their first and last names, some truly creative people are racking their brains over how to come up with a pseudonym.

There may be several options. It must be said right away that it is still one thing to come up with a nickname, and it is quite another thing to choose a pseudonym for literary or other creative research. And the difference here is not only in importance, but also in the fact that this second name will reflect you as a person in the circle of those people who will be interested in your work. So let's get serious. Consider the three most simple and effective ways how to come up with a nickname.

Method 1: Memories

The first and easiest option that most creative people use: before you come up with a nickname, just relax and remember your past. Most likely, images will emerge in your memory that connect you with certain events. Based on them, it will be easier for you to choose a suitable nickname for yourself. Someone in childhood was originally nicknamed by friends, someone had interesting game With colorful title- here everything is used without exception. As a rule, it is precisely these who take root, since little changes in us with age, and what was so pronounced in childhood should be completely sharpened and become obvious.

Method 2: Mythology

Another simple and extremely popular way how to come up with a pseudonym that will reflect your inner world and at the same time remain a mystery to others. Turn to mythology! What pseudonym can you think of better than the existing names of gods and heroes, angels or demons, evil spirits or undead. Lists of peculiar "bestiaries" are bursting with huge amount options, and you just have to open one of them and choose what you like best. The only disadvantage of this method is that it has become extremely popular in Lately, and every day it becomes more and more difficult to find something not only reflecting your essence, but also not occupied by someone else.

Method 3: Books

Yes, they are! This method cannot be called simple, but the uniqueness of names is from the rare and not particularly guaranteed in fact. Also, you can always choose not just the name you like, but also a character with an interesting biography for you or similar to yours. The names from the books are also good in that they often contain non-existent, invented, but, nevertheless, very sonorous and loud names.


So now you know the three most simple options, following which, choosing a nickname for you will not be difficult! Use and enjoy, surprising others with banal pseudonyms with your new original name, the whole history of which only you know. The most important thing when choosing a pseudonym: first of all, you should like it personally!

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