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How to come up with a strong password and make it easy to remember. Creating passwords: how to come up with a strong password

In order to reliably protect data on a computer from hacking by intruders, you must always think over the options for encrypting information. As a rule, a password is always used to enter certain sites or use certain applications. However, thanks to modern technology, today's hackers are very quick to guess and recognize simple encryption methods. In order not to lose the necessary data and not to become a victim of intruders, it is necessary to carefully think over the "password". In order to figure out how to do this, first of all, it is worth considering the types and methods of encryption.

Types of passwords

To date, the following types of encryption are distinguished:

  • alphabetic;
  • symbolic;
  • digital;
  • combined;
  • using a register.

The first 3 categories are considered the most unreliable. If only letters or symbols were used to create a password, then such a cipher is quite simple to crack even the most elementary program. Such "passwords" can be used exclusively on forums or accounts that are not afraid to lose. The following coding categories are worth considering more seriously.

How to come up with a password: letters, numbers and symbols

The more additional information the code contains, the better. These ciphers are almost impossible to break. If the codes use combinations of letters and numbers or different symbols, then these are the most complex passwords.

It is also worth considering that the code must be not very short. The fewer characters used for encryption, the easier it will be for attackers. Therefore, a complex password of 8 characters or more is considered the best.

When it comes to examples of bad passwords, the worst of them are combinations of the same repeating numbers or letters. In this case, hacking is guaranteed.

However, many are faced with the fact that it is not so easy to choose the right options for complex passwords for a mailbox or other method of authorization on virtual resources. The fact is that many web users visit a wide variety of portals. If you come up with a separate code for each of them, you can end up getting confused. What to do in this situation?


The most complex passwords tend to be both uppercase and lowercase letters at the same time.

However, it is not recommended to use specific words that can be translated from English or other languages. Better if it is a chaotic set of characters, in which some characters are large and others are small.

It is most convenient to remember passwords written using case if a certain sequence of uppercase and lowercase letters will be observed. For example, you can make the first character small, the second large, and so on.


In order not to puzzle over how to remember a complex password, some netizens very often use their date of birth as a “password”. Unfortunately, such codes are considered the most unreliable. The fact is that it will not be difficult for cybercriminals to find this information on a social network or other sources. However, this does not mean that this method should be excluded. If you mirror all the characters in the code, you can create a rather interesting password.

For example, a complex password of numbers "772010" means that the person was actually born on February 1, 1977. However, it is desirable to supplement such a cipher with some other symbols.


And in order not to puzzle yourself over how to come up with a password, it is much easier to use ready-made programs for this. However, you need to understand that when using such applications there is a risk that they themselves may be developed by hackers, so it is much better to come up with passwords on your own.

However, it is still worth considering what a generator is. This program creates passwords by random selection of random combinations of letters, numbers and other symbols. In this case, as a rule, several coding methods are used at once, with the exception of the "shape-shifters".

Programs of this type are very small and easy to install. As a rule, they have only 1 button, so even an inexperienced user can easily select the password he likes the most and use it.

These programs usually have internal antiviruses installed to prevent malicious attacks. However, it should be borne in mind that the codes will be stored in the program's database, therefore, the malware may have access to these files.

In addition, after using the generator, many users receive extremely complex passwords that are simply impossible to remember. Some people make a huge mistake by writing this information to a file, saving it to the computer desktop. Doing this is strictly prohibited.


This coding method has something in common with the methods described above. Let's take a closer look at how encryption is performed. This is much easier with complex passwords.

You can take the simplest, but unique phrase that a person can quite easily remember. For example, someone liked the phrase "space oysters". You can also use any lines from your favorite songs and poems, or just a set of chaotic words that the user likes the most.

  • Rewrite all Russian words using the English layout. According to our complex password example, it should look something like rjcvbxtcrbt ecnhbws.
  • Mirror the phrase swbhnce tbrctxbvcjr.
  • Replace all letters with symbols that look similar to them. For example, the letter "o" can be replaced with "()", and the character "i" can be quite specified as "!" etc.
  • Remove paired or unpaired characters.
  • Remove all consonants or, conversely, vowels.
  • Add additional special characters or numbers.

There is also another way that will help you quickly compose the most complex passwords and not forget them. For example, let's take the same phrase "space oysters". If you take the first 4 letters of the first word and 4 characters from the second, you get an incoherent word "cosmrites". After that, it is enough to switch to the English layout and type this combination again. We get rjcvhbws.

If you complicate the cipher a little and add a capital letter, then in this case the password will be very easy to remember, since the original word is known only to the user himself.

These combinations are considered to be the most difficult passwords and are quite easy to remember.

As a rule, many novice web users use their email address as their login. In no case should you do this, since it will not be difficult for cybercriminals to find out data about a person's mailbox. Therefore, it is better to come up with some other word. You should also adhere to the following recommendations:

  • When creating passwords, in no case should you use personal data (for example, the surname or first name, as well as the names of relatives or the nicknames of pets).
  • It is not recommended to enter addresses, date of birth and other information that can be easily obtained on any social network.
  • You should not use those phrases or phrases that are widely used in everyday life of most people.
  • The code must be at least 10 characters long.

How to quickly remember a new password?

For this, it is best to use some phrases that no one else repeats. It is not recommended to use quotes from famous people, as many do.

You can use the auto-generator of poems for this, as well as other poetry services, of which there are a huge number today.

It may be that the family uses a word or expression that is rarely used by anyone else. You can simply use Latin letters to write it, and also supplement them with some significant numbers that will not be the date of birth.

Passwords are everywhere: in social networks, payment systems, on your computer and phone. It is unrealistic to keep so much information in your head, so many users follow the path of least resistance - they come up with one key that is easy to remember, and then enter it on all sites where they register.

This approach to security can end in disaster. If the access code for VKontakte or Odnoklassniki can be lost without serious financial consequences, and therefore it is not necessary to make it complicated, then you need to come up with a password for registering in a payment system or creating an Apple ID so that no one except the owner gets access to the data.

Password rules

Almost all sites during registration have a list of password requirements. However, these requirements are usually minimal: at least 8 characters, cannot consist only of numbers or letters, etc. There are a few other restrictions to keep in mind to create a really strong password.

  • Login and password must not be the same.
  • It is not recommended to use any personal information, especially if it can be obtained from social networks or other sources.
  • It is not recommended to use words.

To understand the logic of these prohibitions, just look at how passwords are cracked. For example, a 5-digit key is only 100,000 combinations. A hacking program, by simply going through all the options, will find a suitable combination in 2 minutes, if not less. A rare word will not work for an access code. An attacker can analyze different dictionaries in different languages ​​and find a match. The only question is how long it will take - a few minutes or a couple of hours.

Advanced PDF Password Recovery program for cracking passwords installed on PDF documents. Uses brute force, allows you to fine-tune the selection by marking the symbols used in the password.

A combination of a rare word and numbers will also not work. The bruteforce technology allows you to search for combinations of numbers and words, so that if necessary, such a key will fall. It will last, of course, a little longer than 123456789, but if you suffer losses due to hacking, then this time difference will hardly seem significant. To understand which password is strong and which one is not very strong, let's see specific examples. Estimated time of cracking is calculated using password verification services, which are described below.

  • Date of birth (05041992) - will be cracked in 3 milliseconds.
  • A name with a small or capital letter (Segey, sergey) - will last 300-500 milliseconds, that is, less than half a second.
  • Combinations of numbers and lowercase letters (1k2k3d4a9v) - approximately 1 day.
  • Cracking a password like HDA5-MHJDa will take about 6 years.
  • The combination AhRn & Mkbl363NYp will be deciphered in 16 million years.

A cracker will not work for 16 million years or even 6 years - this value only demonstrates that it is impossible to crack a password within an acceptable period of time.

Generating passwords

It's one thing to know the rules, another thing to follow them. Most users are aware that you cannot use an access code consisting of a date of birth or a name to register, but very few people are stopped by this. There are two problems:

  • It is difficult to come up with a complex password.
  • Even if you create a password containing a random set of characters, it is difficult (sometimes impossible) to remember it.

An online password generator will help you with the first problem. On the Internet, you can find a large number of services that offer to quickly create a complex password from letters, numbers, special characters.

Online generators work according to the same principle: you specify which characters you need to use, select the required number of characters and click "Generate". Services differ only in private moments.

For example, on you can generate several dozen passwords at once (up to 99 combinations). PassGen allows you to set the option to automatically exclude duplicate characters from the security key, that is, all characters in it will be singular.

Keys storage

If you can generate a password online, then you need to store the keys on your computer. Writing a password on a piece of paper, in a separate document on a computer, on a sticker glued to the screen is the way to unauthorized access to data. So here comes the second problem: how to remember the generated key.

You shouldn't rely on memory, but you can rely on a password manager. Many users choose KeePass. This program is distributed free of charge and works on Windows 7, Windows 10 and other modern versions of the OS from Microsoft. Plus, KeePass has a built-in password generator so you don't have to search for online services every time.

The only drawback of the password manager is that it also needs an access code, which is called a master password. But remembering one master password is much easier than keeping in mind several dozen complex combinations. In addition, when creating it, you can use a trick - take as a basis poems, counting rhymes or any other memorable lines and turn them into a combination of letters, numbers and signs.

For example, you can take a quatrain, select the first letters and punctuation marks, and then write them in the Latin layout. Some letters can be replaced with numbers - "z" for "3", "o" for "0", "h" for "4". As a result of such a manipulation of four lines of a children's poem, which will never fly out of my head, we get the password U0d? D3ep.Gzc3hek, which will take 3 trillion years to crack.

Difficulty check

On many sites, when registering, the user is shown whether he has a good password. To make sure that the generated code is complex, and you won't be able to crack it quickly, is it possible to use the service yourself? In the "Enter Password" field, paste the generated password. In response, you will receive the approximate time that will be spent on cracking the key on a regular computer. If it is several million or even thousands of years old, then the code has turned out to be unambiguously reliable.

You can also use other services for checking reliability: for example, from Kaspersky Lab. It also shows the time required to crack the password, at the same time informing what can be done within the specified period.

Another interesting way to check is the Password Strength service on the website. Here the result is categorical: the key is either reliable or unreliable.

You need to understand that the time of cracking that these services show is very conditional and is calculated in case the cracker uses a regular computer. A supercomputer with fantastic performance will get the job done faster, as will dedicated password cracking machines that can test up to 90 billion keys per second. But it is unlikely that people who own such equipment will need your password for e-mail, skype or Wi-Fi.

The first way

The most important trick here is to come up with a keyword that will become the basis and template for all your future password choices. This word will always remain unchanged and will be placed at the beginning of the password. For example, this word will be - " sobaka».

Now we need to create the second, variable part of the password. This part can be the first 3-5 letters of the name of the site, the services of which the person uses. For example, if a person uses the site , then the variable part may look like this - "kak".

By connecting the two parts, putting an underscore between them, for example, you get a password - " sobaka_kak».

Thus, all passwords will be different, but composed according to the same understandable scheme. These passwords will be very easy to remember.

It is also important to know that when the password must include at least eight characters and contain not only letters and numbers, but also symbols. In this case, it is the underscore.

The numbers can be added to the template (constant part). For example, let it be the number of your birthday or something else you know well. The password will be - " sobaka25_kak».

It will be extremely difficult to find or crack such a password, and remember it without much difficulty.

Second way

You can create a simple and memorable password in the online generator. For example, use the site passwords of 5-12 characters, pronounced and easy to remember. To get new passwords, you just need to refresh the page.

The third way

Password from a phrase. You need to come up with a phrase. "Fluffy stone", or "Zhidkayanoga". The crazier the phrase, the better it is stored in memory. Such a password can be complicated by declining the constituent words. "Explosive Clown", "Horny Cat" are already quite reliable and at the same time will be well remembered.

For added safety, you can add numbers before the phrase ("12fluffystone") or write words in different layouts (" : blrfz leg»).

Fourth way

Password from a phrase. You need to take a catchy phrase, for example, "What disgusting fish is yours!", Or "I love a thunderstorm in early May." These phrases associated with the subject of the password are very easy to remember. Now we write the two initial letters of the phrase - "Kagavazars", "Lugrvnama". We write in the English layout - " Rfufdfpfhs". It turns out a complex and unpronounceable password that is easy to remember.

Fifth way

You need to randomly replace letters with numbers, for example, flirt can be turned into fl1r7.

Sixth way

You need to take the word and turn it over. For example, take an English word neighborhood and to get doohrobhgien.

Strong password rules

  • Every three months, as a last resort, every six months you need to change passwords on all your accounts!
  • You cannot use simple combinations of symbols and numbers. For example, passwords 123, 321, 123456, qwerty, asdfg and others like it are not suitable.
  • You cannot use personal information when creating a password (names of relatives, pets, dates of birth, phone numbers, addresses, postal codes, etc.). For example passwords Masha, Sasha21, Vasya 02071988 and others like it are not suitable.
  • Do not use passwords that can be guessed from a dictionary of popular passwords. For example passwords love, cat, alfa, samsung, mercedes and others like them, as well as their variants and combinations are not suitable.
  • Do not use passwords less than 10 characters long.
  • The password must be composed of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.
  • When coming up with passwords, use your imagination and do not think stereotyped. A computer guessing a password is good at calculating, but it cannot think and be creative.

Password check for strength

There is a special online service - The password meter(an English-language resource), which will analyze the password and say how reliable it is. There are many evaluation criteria, so the evaluation result is objective.

Whipping in Russia until the twentieth century has always been the most widespread method of corporal punishment. Initially, representatives of practically all segments of the population, of all genders and ages, were subjected to it.

"Trade execution". Punishments by flogging were first enshrined in law in the 1497 Code of Law. Punished in this way for a variety of crimes. For example, they could be flogged for a daring statement against the authorities. They beat me mainly on the back of the body - the back, thighs, buttocks. Most often, the person being punished was completely undressed for this. The punishment with a whip demanded a special art. To do this, the executioner had to move away from his victim a few steps, and then unwind the whip over his head with both hands and, with a loud cry, quickly approach the convict, bringing down the instrument of torture on his back. You couldn't hit the same spot twice. After each blow, the executioner had to brush off the blood and skin particles that had adhered to it from the whip. According to researcher Katoshihin, the execution usually lasted several hours, and 30-40 blows with a whip were inflicted per hour. One foreigner who witnessed such a procedure left the following testimony: “The executioner beats so severely that bones are exposed with each blow. Thus, he (the punished) is torn apart from the shoulders to the waist. The meat and skin are hanging in tatters. "

Many died from this. Everything depended on the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as on the strength of the blows. Some withstood even 300 blows, and some after the first blow fell with a bag. If the executioner felt sorry for the punished, he could hit and weaker (sometimes for a bribe). And so - he could and beat to death. In Peter's era, punishment with a whip was called a "commercial execution". She was often assigned for political crimes combined with stigma. "I'm sorry!" Punishment with batogs was considered much easier. The latter were thick sticks or rods with cut ends. The batogs were often used - to squeeze out taxes and arrears, to beat the serfs and subordinates. Sometimes the court ordered beating with batogs - for theft, perjury, disrespect for the royal family ... So, the clerk was punished with batogs, who, when drinking to the health of the sovereign, did not take off his headdress. The execution took place like this. The person was placed face down on the floor or on the ground. One of the executioners sat on his feet, the other on his neck, wrapping his knees around it. Then each of them took two batogs and beat the victim on the back and below the back with them until they decided to stop the punishment or until the bars broke.

At the same time, it was forbidden to hit the stomach, thighs and calves. Also, during the execution, the punished person had to shout the word: "I am guilty!". If he did not shout, then the punishment continued until he shouted and admitted his guilt. Through the line The punishment with gauges - flexible rods about 2.1 meters in length and less than 4.5 centimeters in diameter - looked more cruel. They were used mainly to punish soldiers. It was called "drive through the line." The method of punishment was borrowed from the Swedes and introduced by Peter I in the Russian army in 1701. The punished for this or that offense was stripped to the waist, his hands were tied to a gun, which was turned towards him with a bayonet so that the unfortunate man could not evade reprisals, and his comrades, who were lined up on the right and left of him, were escorted between two rows. Each soldier had to hit the guilty person on the back with a gauntlet. The regimental doctor followed the beaten, counting the blows so that the punished person would not be pinned to death and maimed. "Teachings" for children and women Children 's punishments were "blessed" by the famous "Domostroi": "... but also with the fear of saving, punishing and teaching, and when and beating." Children in Russia were usually flogged with rods. A rod was a bundle of rods that was used to hit the soft parts of the body. They could punish with rods for any offense, and this punishment was applied not only by parents or educators, but also by school teachers - for example, for negligence in teaching. Sometimes girls were flogged too. This method of punishment was applied to children of any class: it was considered beneficial for the child. In large families, they sometimes organized weekly flogging on Saturdays, and they often flogged their offspring not only for really committed offenses, but also for prevention, "so that it was discouraging." Before carrying out the execution, the bunches of rods were soaked in cold running water. Sometimes soaking took place in a salty solution, and then the beatings caused severe pain.

However, scars from such punishment were rare. Less often, a knotted rope was used to whip the younger generation, which was whipped backhand. Women were also flogged - most often with a whip or rods. The use of hard objects and such methods of beating that could cripple, "Domostroy" prohibited to use. A peasant woman could be “taught” by her husband - for her insolent language, disobedience, or suspicion of treason. Serf women and girls could be flogged by order of the landowner. The police flogged women who were illegally involved in prostitution. But very formal corporal punishment also existed for the representatives of the upper classes. For example, two maids of honor of Catherine II were cruelly whipped with rods for drawing a caricature of Prince Potemkin. Back in Catherine's era, an attempt was made to mitigate the existing system of corporal punishment. In 1785, representatives of the upper classes, merchants of the first and second guilds, were freed from them. At the beginning of the 19th century, various restrictions were introduced - on the number of blows, punishment for the sick and the elderly and representatives of other categories. But in primary and secondary educational institutions, rods remained a means of "education" until the 1860s. Corporal punishment was completely abolished in the Russian Empire only in 1904. The final point on this issue was put after the revolution by the Bolsheviks, declaring the flogging "a bourgeois relic".

Irina Shlionskaya

Hello dear readers of my blog!

Today I would like to tell you about how to come up with a password correctly.

When registering on many sites, I saw that the requirements for access codes are different everywhere. With this in mind, I came up with the perfect formula for creating a password. It will be different on almost all sites, but at the same time, you will remember it and will not forget it! 🙂

Why is it important to make them different?

Before starting to create a password, I would like to say a few words about the importance of having different passwords.

One password for all web services is convenient, but dangerous. After all, it can be stolen not only by the administrators of the sites on which you are registered, but also by hackers.

Knowing him, it is not difficult to find out personal information, to obtain any secret data and documents.

Having gained access to your mailbox, you can change or recover passwords from other resources. Or correspond on your behalf. Therefore, I recommend that you take this matter seriously. In addition to creating, I advise you to change it periodically or, if possible, connect sms confirmation of login to your account. For example, how is it implemented on VKontakte. Moreover, it's free 🙂

Come up with a password (for example, for government services)

List of requirements suitable for many sites:

  1. It should be at least 8 characters long, as I noticed that some sites require exactly this length;
  2. You must use at least one number;
  3. At least one letter is capitalized;
  4. Use the first 2 letters of the site name in the password (this is necessary so that the password is always different);
  5. Use a punctuation mark. It is not necessary, but if it is, then it is good.

Perfect password

Let's say we need to come up with a password for the website.

Let's choose a punctuation mark, let it be - "!".

Let's take the first 2 letters of the site, capitalize the first letter - "Ma".

There are 5 more characters left. I would recommend using the last 2 digits of your year of birth. Let's say - "90".

There are 3 characters left. This is your choice. You can enter your full name. Let's say - "baa".

So, we get a password - ! Ma90baa

For, it will be - ! Ya90baa

For - ! Ra90baa

For - ! Vk90baa

For skype - ! Sk90baa

It is not necessary to write in the same order as mine. You can change the characters in places as you like, as it is easier for you to remember. For instance: Sk90baa !, Skbaa90 !, 90Skbaa !, 90baaSk! etc.

You can choose any number of digits in the password, at least 5, it's at your discretion. Or you can add numbers to the end, and 3 letters in front of them.

Well that's all 🙂 Now you will have passwords for all your accounts and will never forget them. 😎

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