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How to come up with a cool name. How to come up with an original nickname

The history of the creation of pseudonyms goes back to the distant past. The word itself has Greek roots, and it can be translated as "false name". Famous people often changed their surnames, but their motives were radically different from each other.

What is a pseudonym for?

In ancient China and Japan, great poets took on new names when they reached fame. They wanted to be sure that their fame was not just a tribute to fashion, but a recognition of true talent. Many authors went through the creative path anew several times.

Often the motive to hide the name was fear - since the 17th century, actors and writers have been hiding under pseudonyms, so as not to disgrace the noble family and incur the wrath of society on their heads. In tsarist Russia, revolutionaries seeking to avoid persecution conducted underground activities under fictitious transparent nicknames.

Another motive for changing the name is the dissonance of the sound. Singer Krivorotov could hardly win the hearts of fans in the 80s of the 20th century, but Andrei Razin coped with this task in the best way. Modern movie stars also prefer bright and sonorous pseudonyms to their rustic surnames - a well-chosen option is quickly becoming known all over the world.

The Internet also dictates its own rules to people striving to be at the center of the World Wide Web. Every second site offers to come up with a second name or nickname (nickname), and users have to use all their imagination so as not to get lost in the vastness of the web. How to choose a nickname for yourself for different cases, let's try to figure it out in this article.

A pseudonym with a "twist"

The most important thing in a pseudonym is its originality and memorability. The name should arouse the interlocutor's curiosity and the desire to solve the riddle. It is desirable that the nickname is associated with its bearer and is easily perceived by ear.

It is very important to consider the circumstances in which the pseudonym will be used. It is unacceptable to use the nickname Milashka in business communication, but his presence on a dating site will be justified.

Of course, you can always take advantage of the fruits of someone else's mental labor and take a name for yourself from some network directory. However, coming up with original names that don't repeat anyone is always more fun.

Know yourself

Quite often people take the problem of choosing a name too seriously. In that
case, the fictitious nicknames sound too pretentious and cumbersome. How do you come up with a pseudonym so that it is easy to perceive, does not cause irritation or a bewildered smile? It is best to go back to your past and think about what your friends and family have called you. Often, close people very subtly notice the details of the character and come up with an accurate comparison. It may happen that you don't have to come up with anything, since a good nickname has long been stored in your memory.

How to come up with a pseudonym surname?

People of creative professions have always tried to change the boring surname they inherited. A bright name on a poster or TV screen grabs the public's attention and makes you take a fresh look at the personality of an actor or musician. Let's consider several ways to create this type of alias and try to use them in real life:

Female aliases

Lovely girls, before coming up with an original pseudonym for communicating on the Internet, think carefully about what goals you want to achieve! What pseudonym can you think of for a girl living on the net? It all depends on the task at hand.

  1. Seduction. Such affectionate nicknames as "Lapulya", "Sweet" or "Pussy" will come in handy in this situation. However, you should not count on a serious attitude towards your person on the part of the male. Aliases of this type are designed for a quick instinctive reaction, which can lead to indecent offers, insults and ridicule. Sometimes these aliases cause the opposite effect - disgust and negativity.
  2. Online Games. What is the nickname for a girl who loves network games? Brave ladies are not shy and proudly call themselves "Lady Hammer", "Warrior", "Queen of the Night". The downside of such nicknames is that other players may want to test the strength of the armor of their owners. If you are ready to reflect all the attacks, then the decision is made correctly.
  3. Acquaintance. For those wishing to build personal happiness through dating sites, it is recommended to choose romantic names that demonstrate the girl's femininity and charm. For example, it can be the actual name written in Latin script. To enhance the effect, the design of the alias will help, when instead of one letter there is a graphic icon (heart or flower).

Nickname for a man

Men, as representatives of the strong half of humanity, always strive to demonstrate strength and confidence in all aspects of life. And here it is important not to overdo it. Pseudonyms like "Sex Machine" or "Ladies Pleasant" can only cause not only confusion, but also laughter.

It must be understood that women value intelligence, a sense of humor and the ability to make money. How to come up with a pseudonym for such a man? Very simple - use the mythological dictionary and history textbook. The name borrowed from the ancient hero will show the education and erudition of its owner.

Which nickname to choose?

What to come up with a pseudonym "Vkontakte", "Odnoklassniki" and Facebook? Those who like to communicate on social networks know more than anyone about the difficulties of choosing a pseudonym. And this is not surprising - thousands of people are racking their brains over how to present themselves to their former classmates and current colleagues in the most favorable light. For teenagers who communicate with their peers in chats and groups, it is very important not to get lost among the original nicknames and to attract maximum attention. To solve this problem, we will try to use the most original ways to solve it.

How to come up with a social media nickname?

Results of using a pseudonym

As a result of creative efforts, a mass of variants of pseudonyms is born and a new problem appears - the problem of choice. It is not necessary to dwell on any one word; it is better to try out all the options you like. After chatting online for some time under a new nickname, you can understand its pros and cons. If there are more interlocutors and the popularity grows, then you are on the right track. If things got worse, then you should think about mistakes. Perhaps this nickname is inappropriate for this resource and only interferes with the implementation of the assigned tasks. There is no need to despair - a negative outcome is a good reason for new achievements, and a creative approach will help you get the desired result.

In turn, we hope that the article helped to get an answer to the question "How to come up with a nickname?", And our tips showed you new ways to form an original name.

Nick? This is your middle name, a kind of "dress" by which you are greeted (and seen off in your mind, as the old-old saying goes). Nicknames consisting of numbers look very funny - straightforwardness, scarcity of imagination and intelligence are clearly displayed here. Immediately remembered receiving a "tattoo" in the ear in the form of several numbers. Dogs, of course, are wonderful animals, but nevertheless, according to the level of development, you see, they are much lower than Homo sapiens.

How to come up with a nickname to avoid unnecessary associations? First, decide what you want to reflect in your second name and imagine that you are communicating with a person with the same nickname. For example, "Kesha" is associated with a funny parrot, "Doe" is graceful and mysterious, "Panther" is a predator, always ready to jump, "The Night Guest" is clearly temporary and looking for adventure at night. You can delve into history, mythology, even fairy tales. You need to think about how to come up with a nickname that is memorable, reflective of your essence and conducive to communication. Do not hurry. The sailors have developed a belief that is not devoid of some truth: "As you name a ship, so it will sail." Remember the film in which the first letters suddenly disappeared on the ship called "Victory"? And so he sailed, justifying the remaining four ...

So how do you come up with a nickname?

1. Don't use signs. The symbols "~! *] # + $% (/" Will not add beauty, but they will make you doubt your intelligence. In addition, the nickname will be hard to read and will hardly be remembered. and connecting words (if the nickname is long).

2. By the way, about the length. Don't use more than twenty characters. The reason is the same poor memorization. In addition, nicknames that are too long are not always accepted by systems.

3. Do not use symbols that are not on the keyboard: your interlocutor will see only empty squares.

4. If you have already settled on a compound nickname, separate the words with spaces or write a new word with "BabaYaga", "forest_beast", "quiet pool".

5. Do not write your full name, phone numbers and other personal information instead of a nickname - this is, after all, your safety. It is quite successful to combine the combination of parts of the surname, first name or patronymic: Leonid Onisimov - "Leon", Larisa Pavlovna - "Lapa", etc.

6. We have already spoken about numbers. But there is a different situation: you have invented a nickname, and it is already taken. Some people add a few numbers to their nickname and get something like: "Leon2", "Lapa2012". If you always want to be the second (someone has already become the first before you) - then the method is just yours, if not, think further.

7. Nicknames written in the English layout are well read: "GoodOk", "Migera", "LeOn". By the way, not every site or chat accepts Russian letters.

8. Do not use rude nicknames or it will immediately alienate the interlocutor. In addition, you deliberately "run into a ban".

How to come up with a nickname for a girl? Consider the above tips and avoid diminutive ones like: "Helen", "Olenka", "Baby" are suitable, perhaps, for schoolgirls. Are you still using kindergarten terminology? Nicknames look very stupid: "Pussy", "Lapusya", "Ya_Tvoya" and the like. It strikes with general accessibility a mile away. However, if this is your goal - if you please ...

And now - about how to choose Avoid, for God's sake, the images of sex giants! Believe me: a positive response in a woman's heart does not shine for you, but you will provide yourself with suspicions of various kinds of deviations (even if you communicate in specialized sex chats). You can look for a beautiful nickname among natural phenomena, films, literary characters: "Aurelio", "Ramzes", "OmeN", etc.

Your nickname should reflect you like a mirror. Remember: in the virtual world you are greeted by nickname ...


Look in the dictionary of names. Remember that every name, even if it sounds meaningless now, once was meaningful. Pick the one you like best. For example, "Antonina" s as "loving to compete." If you are a girl and you have a naturally punchy personality, this nickname may well suit you. It remains only, if there is a desire, to choose a suitable surname for him.

Do not use the names of famous historical figures or characters as nicknames, even if you really like them. Even in a suitable environment, such a nickname will look inappropriate, almost like a person calling himself a false name, in where everyone knows the real owner of this name.

Try to keep your nickname readable. Abuse of "letter writing", when letters are replaced by numbers similar to them, can lead to the fact that the nickname will turn into a jumble of characters in which none of your interlocutor can read the word. Therefore, he will not be able to address you by name. He will have only two options - each time to copy your nickname letter by letter or simply not with you.

Use numbers in nicknames with caution. If you just put a scattering of ones after the name, it will give the impression that the nickname was invented carelessly and in a hurry. It makes sense to use numbers only when the name you have chosen is already taken, and they must be meaningful - for example, the year of your birth.

Use numbers wisely, especially their English sound. For example, the nickname "2zik" can be read as a tuzik. The most commonly used numbers are 2, 4 and 8, since they are the easiest to combine: “4fun”, “sk8ter”, “s2k”, etc.


Think - are you really ready to reveal the identity of yourself on the global Internet? If you are very afraid, then try to come up with different nicknames on all sites and games. The main thing here is to remember or write down the nicknames that you use.

A beautiful nickname can be picked up from the English language. You can come up with your nickname in Russian and translate it into English with the help of a translator. For example, if your nickname is "Sinner", then translated into English it will sound like Sinner.

Be prepared - it is possible that your nickname has already been used by someone. If you want one hundred percent uniqueness, then try to come up with some combination of letters and check it out.

If you are afraid of ridicule, then come up with not only a login, but also a ridicule, and if you do not like ridicule, then it would be better to come up with another login.

Remember that a unique nickname will make you recognizable, so don't do anything stupid with it.

Remember that you are growing up quickly enough that the correct nickname should not shame you after a few months or years.

Nick should not be a ladder, like the wife of Ivanov. It has long gone out of fashion and it looks really childish.

Nickname or nickname (from the English "nickname") - translated as "nickname" or "nickname". Internet users choose it for themselves on various forums, chats and sites of a thematic and any direction. In addition to a nickname, interlocutors or "virtual" friends may not see and know nothing about the person they are communicating with, so many forum users and chatters try to choose a nickname that would fully characterize them as a person. More information about the nature of nick can be found in our article.

How to choose a nickname: secrets

When coming up with a nickname for the Internet community, you need to rely on some points:

  • It is desirable that the nickname carries some kind of semantic load and is easy to read. For example, a nickname containing only "@ ​​#% &! $" Characters or numbers will be difficult to read and not memorable. Although in some environments such nicknames may be popular (for example, in communities of programmers or other people associated with computer technology);
  • It is necessary that the nickname corresponds to the topic of the site or forum. For example, on a business-oriented website - an employment exchange, financial or accounting forums, nicknames like "Malyshka", "SexyBoy", etc. are inappropriate. They, at least, do not inspire confidence among potential employers or clients, as well as among colleagues ;
  • It is most convenient to use short nicknames;
  • To draw attention to yourself, it is best to choose a bright, memorable nickname.

For more tips on choosing a nickname, see our article.

What kind of nicknames are there?

According to their semantic load and the method of selection, nicknames are of these types

  • Neutral or regular - LenaZotova, GenaPupkin. They are composed, as already became clear, on the basis of the real name and surname, to which the year of birth can also be added - VasyaKot88;
  • Job-related nicknames - Elektrik, Ingeneer, Advokat, etc .;
  • Nicknames related to hobbies or hobbies - Biker, Artist;
  • Nicknames that reflect the character of a person - Stervoza, GoodMan, Uncompromising;
  • Nicky also come up with based on their own type or the nature of their alter-ego: Blonde, Vysokyi, Hudyshka, etc.;
  • Popular on thematic sites, especially for fans of video games, films or cartoons, nicknames by character names - Hermione, IronMan, Jack Sparrow, etc.

If the options proposed above are not suitable, you can come up with a nickname in the following ways:

  • Match your first and last name (not necessarily completely). For example, if you need to create a nickname on behalf of Angelin Abramov, you can "glue" them like "Angel_Abrams";
  • You can "rummage" in dictionaries, textbooks and medical reference books in search of beautiful words. It is only better to first find out the meaning of this term, so as not to call yourself on the Web, for example, a disease, such as "Adenoma" or "Pediculosis";
  • You can ponder and find some beautiful foreign word from a foreign language. For example, if you need to come up with a nickname on behalf of Valentine, you can look for something similar in the English-Russian dictionary, for example, “Evolution”, which means “evolution”.

In addition, an Internet nickname can be entered both in Russian and in English or in any other language using upper and lower case letters. It is popular to introduce into the nickname any signs that replace the letter, for example, the "@" sign often replaces the letter "a" in nicknames. The main thing is to show imagination and distinguish yourself from other users of the resource so that the nickname is unique and memorable.

From year to year, coming up with a beautiful and unique nickname is becoming more and more difficult, since the number of people on the Internet is constantly increasing, which means that there are fewer and fewer free nicknames. In this article, we will tell you about the rules that you need to follow when coming up with nicknames.

15 secrets about what nickname to come up with on the Internet

  1. First, think about whether you are ready to reveal your identity on the Internet. If you are afraid of this, then try to come up with different nicknames on each site and in each game (the main thing is to write down where you are using which nickname).

  2. If you want to emphasize your age, then use your year of birth, not the age at the moment.

  3. A beautiful nickname can be taken from English, for this, come up with a name in Russian and translate it in an online translator. For example: "Sinner" in translation will sound like "Sinner" - short, easy to read b beautiful.

  4. Be prepared for the fact that your nickname may already be used by someone. If you want complete uniqueness, just come up with a phrase of English letters and check it out on the Internet.

  5. Your nickname should be easy and quick to read. Therefore, strive for simplicity, not pretentiousness.

  6. If you are afraid of ridicule, then having come up with a nickname, try to find a funny analogy (consonance or visual similarity), if you don’t like it, it’s better to find another nickname.

  7. A completely unique nickname will make you recognizable, so do not do anything stupid under this name.

  8. Keep in mind that you grow up quickly, so the name should not shame you over the years.

  9. Your nickname should not be a ladder, such as: SaSha_GrOMov. This has long gone out of fashion: it looks childish and even stupid.

  10. Try not to use special characters in your nickname, not all games and sites support them, so you will have to constantly remember what your nickname looked like in any game.

  11. Use only Latin letters. The Russian font is sometimes not supported, but the Latin alphabet is everywhere!

  12. Your nickname should make sense and mean something, because sooner or later, you will be asked the question “What does your nickname mean ?!”. It would be foolish not to answer such a simple question.

  13. It's more difficult for a girl to come up with a nickname. Here you need to be guided by several rules: firstly, if she does not want male attention, it is better to choose a neutral nickname, such as "cat", "mouse", etc. Secondly, if you want to have a feminine nickname, you need it to contain a minimum of vulgarity. Otherwise, it will be a double hint, and you will get tired of stupid questions.

  14. On social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Twitter, etc. it is better to use nicknames that match your first and last name. The type "Ivan Ivanov" will be "ivanov". There is no need to have pretentiousness, on the contrary, simplicity will help you find other people.

  15. We also do not recommend using nicknames based on fashion trends in humor, since over time, it will not become funny, and your nickname for the new generation will be completely incomprehensible.

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