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How to provide guest access to Yandex.Metrica. How to give guest access to Yandex metrics, Yandex webmaster

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Yandex.Metrica is a website traffic counter with advanced features. With it, you can find out the dynamics of visits, identify the audience, entry and exit points from a web resource, time spent on the site, page movement, number of bounces, analyze search queries, seasonality, and much more.

Only the web resource administrator has the ability to view content in the analytics system. To confirm the rights to the site, he places a special file in the root of the web resource, adds a meta tag to the page or entry to the domain. Sometimes a situation arises when it is necessary to give access to the metric to another person:

  • For a company that wants to advertise on the analyzed web resource.
  • For an SEO studio that promotes a web resource - to evaluate the effectiveness of the promotion of an Internet project.
  • To include a web resource in one of the advertising systems during its monetization (teaser, banner, article networks, etc.).
  • When selling a web project - to assess attendance.

In these cases, you can simply give your Yandex username and password, but then the other party can use your mailbox, electronic wallet, make unwanted changes to Yandex.Webmaster, maps, advertising campaigns, Yandex Disk, etc. P. For security reasons, it is not recommended to give your logins and passwords to third parties.

How to give guest access to the Yandex.Metrica counter

Click on the website that needs to make guest access to Yandex.Metrica. You will be taken to the analytics system of this web resource.

Select: "Settings" - "Access" - "Add user". The person to whom you provide guest viewing must have an account in Yandex.

If you enable public access, you can show statistics to any person who has a counter number or a link to it. And individual viewing will be possible only under the account you entered.

You need to enter the person's login, set the rights (view or edit) and write comments (for yourself). In the example, permission for guest viewing is given, but public viewing by link is disabled.

Executive Access

The representative can manage counters with administrator rights (add, delete, edit, provide guest counters, etc.).
Go to the "Representatives" section and enter an existing Yandex login for a third party.

If you add a new resource to the analytics system, it will automatically appear in all your representatives in their accounts.

Access to monetization

If your counters are connected to the Yandex advertising network, then using the Monetization tool, you can analyze impressions and increase revenue. If a new person has the ability to edit "Metrics", then he will also be able to analyze monetization. If the person has view-only access, then do the following:

  1. Click "Settings" - "Access".
  2. Select the pencil in front of the guest.
  3. Change its rights to view with monetization.
  4. Save your changes.

How to remove access or change them

To change the rights, click on the pencil next to the added user. Thus, you can change the viewing rights. If you want to remove the right to view or edit completely, click on the X icon next to the selected person. The representative is also easy to remove.

It is necessary to create a new account in any service of the Russian search engine ("Metrika", "Passport", "Mail", "Webmaster", etc.). Consider how to create an account in the "Mail".

Call the search engine in the browser and click on the corresponding button at the top right (start the box).

Fill in all the proposed fields, confirm the phone number.

A robot will call you from an unknown number 8-800-... and will voice the code that you need to enter. Check the box below and confirm your choice. You are registered and can get the opportunity to work with analytics systems. Immediately you receive a mailbox like [email protected], which you can use.

Do not show statistics to competitors and unknown persons, be careful when identifying representatives or when selling the site. Your trust can be taken advantage of, therefore only reliable persons can be allowed to edit Metrica.

When it is necessary to evaluate the quality of the site, they provide guest access to Yandex Metrica statistics.

You need to give access to the metric if you ordered a site audit from another webmaster or, for example, want to add your site to the teaser network.

It is quite simple to do this, but your guest must be registered and authorized on Yandex.

The metric counter can be accessed:

  • guest so that the user can only view site reports. At the same time, Webvisor, Direct, and Target call data will be unavailable for it; segments and the report itself cannot be saved. Just look;
  • with the ability to edit the counter;
  • representative access to Yandex Metrica. It provides equal management of the Yandex.Metrica counter from different accounts. The representative will have rights to view reports, edit and even delete account counters.

I needed to give guest access to Yandex Metrica when I monetized my culinary site (I added my site to the teaser lady and teaser network).

How to provide, give access to Yandex.Metrica.

Procedure. To open guest access to Metrika, log into your Yandex.Metrica account and select the counter you need.

In Settings, go to the ACCESS - INDIVIDUAL ACCESS tab.

Click on the ADD USER button.

Give the new user a name (login) in Latin letters and select the access level in the drop-down list (guest, with the ability to edit the counter, representative). SAVE the new user.
To give it public access to view statistics, to view the counter, turn the switch to ON - a field will appear with a link that will be available site statistics.

Provide this link when adding the site to the teaser network. The moderator will get guest access to the Yandex.Metrica counter, access level View only. When adding a site, you can also provide a link to LivInternet statistics, this is also easy.

Follow the instructions below to give guest, full or public access to your website statistics to another user in Yandex Metrica.

Preparing to open access

To open access to Yandex Metrica you will need:

  1. Login and password from the mail to which the Yandex Metrica counter is registered or for which editing access is open.
  2. Login (email address) Yandex Mail user for which you open access.
  3. Determine the level and, if necessary, the period for granting access.

What are the access levels in Yandex Metrica 2.0

View Only (Guest Access)- the user will only be able to view settings and statistics on your counter. In this case, the user will not be able to save segments when generating a report, save the report, add it to favorites.

It is provided to check Yandex Metrica settings (goals, webvisor) and to analyze statistics by third-party specialists (seo, marketers), as a rule, it is used when discussing the details of cooperation.

Guest access does not allow you to make changes to the counter settings:

  • Add and edit goals in Yandex.Metrica.
  • Manage access (open and close).
  • Make changes to the code of the counter.
  • Upload visitor parameters for segmentation in Yandex.Metrica and targeting in Yandex.Direct.
  • Change settings in the web browser (but you can use the web browser).

"Full access"- the user will be able to fully manage the counter (except for deleting it).

The representative receives full rights to view, edit and delete all account counters (including guest counters). Suitable for working with all specialists (seo, context, smm) with whom you work on an ongoing basis. When creating a new counter, access to it will automatically be provided to all added representatives.

To conveniently manage and switch between multiple Metrica accounts, use the "Account" menu. It is located in the upper right corner. Click on it with the left mouse button and select the login you are interested in from the drop-down menu.

- allows you to view reports on the site, except for information on search phrases, Webvisor, Direct and Target call data.

Most often used during the sale of sites.

How to open access (guest and full) in Metrica 2.0

Go to the Yandex Metrika service If necessary, click on the yellow "Go" button.

Enter the login and password from Yandex Mail with which the Yandex Metrica counter was registered.

Click on the image to enlarge it (it will open in a new window)

On the "Counters" page (open by default), to the right of the name of the site for which you want to provide access, there is a gear icon. Click on it with the left mouse button. You will be taken to the "Settings" section.

*If several Yandex Metrica counters are installed on your site, repeat the steps described below for each of them.

In the "Settings" section, select the "Access" tab (far right).

On the access tab, in the "Individual access" section (at the bottom of the screen), click on the "Add user" button. A New User popup will appear.

Add User Login

In the New User window, enter your email address in the Login field. the email address of the user you are granting access to. Mail must be registered in the Yandex Mail service. If you open access for our team, specify as a login: [email protected]

Select access level

To the right of the "login" window is a menu for managing access levels. Click on it and select guest or full access from the drop-down menu. Click on the "Add" button.

Save Changes

After successfully adding access, such a window will appear with information about who, when and at what level access is granted. Click on the "Save" button.

Once all changes have been saved, the Save button will turn gray.

Nuances: Sometimes an error message may appear. In this case, click on the save button several times until the button turns gray.

Video instruction

Summary: Access is open. The Yandex Metrica service will send a notification to the user about the access you have provided to the counter statistics. If you haven't opened yet, follow this link and follow the instructions.

Removing and changing access levels to Yandex.Metrica.

You can change the access level or close it at any time. To enter the access control menu, do the following:

  • Sign in to your Yandex Metrika account
  • In the menu "Counters" to the right of the site you are interested in, click on the gear.
  • From the Setup menu, select the Access tab (far right).

Editing and deleting access

On the "Access" tab, in the "Individual access" section, there is a list of all logins that have the right to view Metrica data. To the right of the login there are two icons:

  • Pencil - edit the access level.
  • Cross — removal of the representative.

How to open public access to your website statistics

To grant access to view your statistics to any users, in the "Public access to statistics" block, set the switch to the On position. A field will appear with a URL where the statistics of this counter will be available.

How to enter Metrika through individual or guest access

To enter the metric for individual or guest access, you need to follow the link: and enter the login and password from Yandex Mail for which access was granted.

Guest access to Yandex services - Metrika and Direct - is a limited opportunity to get acquainted with site statistics and reports on advertising campaigns. Provided by the account owner.

The function will become indispensable if several people are working on improving the resource. Thanks to guest access, the site owner will demonstrate the data necessary to adjust the promotion strategy without fear that the settings will be changed. It is also necessary to provide access to customers so that they can evaluate the results of work - for example, if a specialist conducts a client's RC from his account.

How to provide guest access to Yandex.Direct

You can grant access to the advertising account in Yandex.Direct to an unlimited number of users. Each of them will be able to make changes to ads and campaign settings, view statistics, transfer funds, etc. At the same time, only the main representative of the account will be able to add and remove users (representatives).

Previously, to add a new representative in Yandex.Direct, you had to scroll down the page with campaigns and click on the "Registered Representatives" section.

After updating the interface, this tool was moved to the pop-up menu, which is located at the bottom of the page.

Click on "Show more" and find the "Access to Campaigns - Registered Representatives" section.

In the window that opens, you will see a list of account representatives. To add a new one, click on the "Appoint a new representative" link.

Fill in the form fields, specifying the login of the representative and his personal data - full name, contact phone number and email. When all fields are filled in, click on the "Register" button.

After registration, the new representative will be displayed in the list.

By clicking on "Edit" next to the selected representative, you can adjust the user's settings - change contact information, configure notification settings, change the number of the Metrica counter and much more. The entered information must be saved by clicking on the appropriate button under the form.

To remove an unwanted representative, click on the "Delete" button. The user will lose the ability to manage advertising campaigns and will be moved to the "Remote Representatives" section.

Please note that all new representatives of a Yandex.Direct account get unlimited opportunities in managing campaigns. The only thing such users cannot do is add new representatives and change the main one. Therefore, for security purposes, Yandex recommends granting access only to accounts registered by you personally. Otherwise, the service does not guarantee the safety of funds in the advertising account.

Access to the Metrica counter can be granted to any user. The setup process will differ depending on whether the person is registered with Yandex or not. Let's take a look at both options step by step.

For users registered in Yandex

To provide another person with limited access to the Metrica counter, log in to the service and click on the settings icon next to the required counter in the list.

You can also provide access from the menu of the selected counter by clicking on the "Settings" section.

In the settings window that opens, find the "Access" tab and click on it.

The service will prompt you to select the type of access to statistics - "Public" or "Individual". In the first case, site data will be available to any user, and in the second case, only to the one whose login you specify in the settings. To grant limited access to the second type of user, click on the "Add User" button under the "Individual Access" section.

In the pop-up menu, specify the user's login, set the rights, and, optionally, write a comment. Please note that Yandex does not send notifications about granting access to Metrika by email - you will have to inform the specialist yourself about this.

In the "Login" field, it is allowed to specify only mail data on Yandex (email login before the @ symbol).

The set of opportunities that another user will receive will depend on the set rights. When choosing “View only”, a person will be able to get acquainted with the settings and statistics for the selected counter. The user will not be able to save and add reports to favorites or form segments. Full control of the counter - except for deleting it - will appear if you select "Edit".

Save your changes by clicking the Add button.

At any time, you can revoke access rights by clicking on the icon with a cross in the row of the selected user.

If for some reason you want to show another person the contents of the account, or, but do not tell him your username and password, it is possible to give him guest access or even access with editing rights to these accounts.

Access to Yandex.Direct

In order to give another person the opportunity to view your Yandex.Direct account, first log in with your username and password.

You will be taken to the campaigns page. Follow this link " Registered representatives» under the list of campaigns.

You will see a list of active representatives. Click on " Appoint a new representative».

The login that another person will use to log in must not be associated with any other Yandex.Direct account. Therefore, either immediately warn him about this, or open a new mailbox yourself.

In field " Representative login» enter part of the email address without

All fields of the block " Personal Information» are mandatory. But you can write in them the information you want.

Click the button Register", and you're done!

Access to Yandex.Metrica

To give another person access to Yandex.Metrica, log in to your account using your username and password.

You will be taken to the main page, which lists the Metrica counters that you have. Press on green button with a pencil next to the account you want to grant access to.

If, after logging in, you landed on another page of Yandex.Metrica, click on the link " Counters» on the top left and select « List of all counters”, or immediately click on the green pencil in the menu that opens.

In the edit section that opens, select the " Access” and click on the button “ Add new user».

Enter login user (e-mail address on Yandex without You can use any, regardless of whether it is associated with some other Metric or not. Field " Comment» is optional. Here you can leave a reminder for yourself to know whose login it is.

Select the desired access level and click the " Save". Access is open.

Access to Google AdWords

In order to give another person the opportunity to view your Google AdWords account, log in with your username and password.

Select the " My account» and submenu « Account access».

Click on the button " Invite other users».

Enter email address, registered on This mailbox should not be tied with another AdWords account.

Choose the one you want access level and click the " send invitation».

Access to Google Analytics

To give another person access to Google Analytics, sign in with your username and password.

Click on the button " Administrator» in the upper right corner of the page that opens.

This will open a list of websites for which statistics are available in your account. Select Web site, whose statistics you want to share.

In the menu that opens, go to the " Users". Click on the button " New user».

Fill in the required information. Enter address Email, registered on Select an access level.

For the user level, you can also select the profiles that will be accessed.

Click on the button " Create a new user».

Access is open!

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