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How to correctly put hashtags on Instagram. As usual, a useful video to help

Greetings friends! In this article, we will deal with hashtags on the Vkontakte social network. You've probably noticed words in the form of links (highlighted in blue, on which you can click) on some posts of your friends and in groups.

These words are usually preceded by a # sign. These are the hashtags. But still, let me somehow collect all these thoughts and give you a short term.

Hashtags are keywords for a specific entry on a user or group page. With their help, we can search for posts by keywords, and also promote, thus, publications in our group or the group itself or the page.

If you click on any such word, then we will be loaded with a whole list of posts by different users who used the same keyword in their posts.

Who now does not understand at all what I am writing about, pay attention to the screenshot:

The above example shows a post on the user's page wall with a photo posted, and the tags are two words: spring and park, as well as the phrase good weather.

What are the rules for writing hashtags

1. In order to make a hashtag out of an ordinary word in a record, it is enough just to put a # sign in front of this word without a space. In our case, it was #spring and #park.

2. If you look at the third #goodweather, you can conclude that if you want to make a hashtag a phrase, and not one word, then you need to write such a phrase together or through an underscore - #good_weather.

4. When writing keywords, you can use both Latin and Cyrillic characters.

An example of writing a hashtag

As an example, let me show you how to create a hashtag post from scratch on your wall.

And so, at the beginning, you can write several keywords that will convey the meaning of the entire post (this does not have to be done exactly at the beginning). After that we write the main text and can add another photo by clicking on the camera icon. After that, you can click on the "Send" button:

Let's see what happened:

How to search by hashtags

To do this, simply enter a keyword into the search field and press the "Enter" button. For example, I want to search all recent posts with the keyword "work":

All publications with the tag "work" for the last time are highlighted for me. The search result there is formed according to the rule "from new to old"

Similarly, you can search across multiple hashtags. For example, if I wanted to look for a job in St. Petersburg, then I drive in a query consisting of two already keywords separated by a space (# job # Peter):

At the end of this article, I would like to say that this function is quite actively used by people who develop their business through the social network Vkontakte. With the right use of keywords, you can attract new visitors and future customers to your group.

Also, young people quite often use this technique to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

What are hashtags for?

Hashtags, tags or tags are an integral part of Instagram, because they allow you to organize photos or videos on a specific topic, for example, by a popular hashtag #ginzaprojectspb you can find about 32,000 publications with stories about restaurants in St. Petersburg.

For example, if you have a commercial account, then use hashtags in your publications by which potential customers can find you - #beautymoscow, #laminatingof, #hatsiscoher, etc. In our article we will tell you what else you can use tags and how to write hashtags on Instagram correctly.

How to add hashtags on Instagram?

Hashtags can be added both in the caption to the photo and in the comments. It is optimal to put 2-3 key hashtags in the description of the photo, and write the rest of the hashtags in the comments: it looks more neat and does not annoy subscribers so much.

How to create hashtags on Instagram for a photo or video from an Android or iPhone:
1. Upload a photo or video
2. In the “Signature” field, enter the # sign and add text, for example #bunch
3. How to add hashtags on Instagram to an existing photo: edit the old signature (by opening the post and clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner) or add a hashtag to the comment.

How to search by hashtags?

The second way is to click on the magnifying glass icon in the application (available in iPhone or Android) (in the children's version from a computer, just in the search field at the top of the page), select the "Tags" tab and enter the hashtag of interest: Instagram will offer you the most popular tags.

What to keep in mind when adding hashtags?

The hashtag search does not display photos and videos that are published in closed accounts. If you have a closed account, then the photos that you have posted and under which you have put hashtags will be seen on the corresponding page with hashtags only by your confirmed subscribers.
- It is impossible to put hashtags on Instagram using spaces: they can be replaced with an underscore - # beauty_salon.
- Officially, Instagram only allows 30 hashtags in a post. If you try to add more, the comment will not be posted.

In what order are posts displayed in the search for a specific hashtag?

At the top of the hashtag search page, the "Best publications" section is displayed - the most popular publications are displayed there, which have a fast dynamics both in terms of the set of likes and comments.

In the “Newest” section that appears just below the photos and videos appear in chronological order.

Be careful: if you add a hashtag to an old photo, which, for example, was published 2 months ago, then on the hashtag page this photo will appear taking into account the time of publication, and not taking into account the time the hashtag was added (that is, along with those publications that were added 2 months ago.

What else can you use hashtags for?

Hashtags can be used to navigate their own account, for example, a profile that sells skirts has entered unique hashtags, by clicking on which you can view all publications with a specific model.

Hashtags can also be used for contests, promotions, to collect reviews about your product or service: tell your subscribers about the opportunity to post with the hashtag #bukoff_reviews, and you will publish the best ones, etc.

Now you know how to make hashtags on Instagram and use this powerful additional tool to attract new followers correctly.

But you need to write hashtags on Instagram competently: put only those hashtags that are directly related to the topic of photography and your business. Think about what queries your potential customers can use to find your account.
Let's give an example: you teach English via Skype, the relevant and correct hashtags for you are #English for adults, #English, #English lesson, #Skype tutor, not #english, #teacher, etc. - for very popular and not very relevant hashtags, your post may simply get lost.

A hashtag is a label used to categorize posts by topic on social media and blogs. By tagging their posts with a hashtag, netizens tag them and enable other users to find relevant information using a search.

This type of tagging came from Twitter and quickly spread to other social media platforms. Knowing how to use hashtags can help structure information for a specific request and potentially increase traffic to your pages.

Hashtag properties:

  1. Highlight the main point of the message using keywords.
  2. Group information by topic.
  3. Provide a quick search for topics of interest.

How do I add a hashtag?

Outwardly, hashtags look like a word or several words preceded by a # symbol (example: # hashtag, # internet, #acades). The hash turns a word or phrase into a link. If you click on this link, you can view all messages tagged with this hashtag.

How to write a hashtag correctly?

  • The hashtag can be written in both Latin and Cyrillic.
  • The word you are going to use as a hashtag must follow the hash without a space.
  • There must be a space between hashtags.
  • How to add a multiple word hashtag? If you are going to use a phrase as a hashtag, the words in it must be written without spaces (for example, the hashtag #miremust know what is popular on Instagram among Russian-speaking users) or separated by an underscore (example: #how_to_hashtag).

How to use hashtags on social media?

Hashtags are a necessary and useful internet marketing tool for working on social media. By understanding how to use the hashtag correctly, you can reach a large audience and easily organize information in groups. Hashtags make it easy to find the information you need in an endless stream of posts and help draw attention to your brand.

Twitter hashtags

The hashtag was first used on Twitter as a convenient tool for classifying tweets (posts, messages). For example, if a tweet contains the hashtag #marketing, then that word will become a link and your tweet will appear in the results stream for that search term. By tagging your tweet with hashtags, according to statistics, you double the engagement of users in the tweet.

Vkontakte hashtags

In addition to the thematic division within the platform, when working with groups, it is convenient to use Vkontakte hashtags to sort messages on the wall by headings. Thus, you save your group's visitors from having to flip through the wall to find the information they need. Just come up with a unique hashtag for your category and tag the posts you want.

Facebook hashtags

Like Vkontakte, hashtags on Facebook help organize the content of the timeline (wall). And here, too, by clicking on the hashtag, you will be taken to the feed, which contains all the results for the search with this query. You can use hashtag search to monitor opinions about a business so that you can respond to reviews in a timely manner.

Hashtag rules

In our work with social networks, we use hashtags to make a message more visible, increase audience reach, or identify an audience with specific interests. Hashtag searches also give us the opportunity to research the market before planning social media advertising campaigns.

If you started to master the work in popular social networks, then you probably came across the term "hashtag". You may already know that the hash-shaped icon allows users to draw the attention of followers to their photos and videos. Today we want to dwell on this issue in more detail and tell you how to create hashtags on Instagram and other networks.

What is a hashtag for?

Users of such popular sites as Vkontakte, Facebook and Twitter put special tags in the form of a "#" sign on their posts and photos. This allows them to organize information so that subscribers can quickly find it through search.

How to hashtag on Instagram:

  • Write a word or a small phrase without spaces - you can use Russian or Latin script.
  • Place the # symbol in front of the phrase and press the space bar.

Now your phrase has turned into a link and if you click on it, you can view the posts of users who also marked them with the same hashtag. Alternatively, you can tag one photo or message with multiple words or phrases.

How to use a hashtag

This method of marking is widely used not only for personal purposes, but also for advertising goods and services. If you choose the right Instagram hashtags, you can easily reach a large audience and organize information in your group or community. Therefore, we present the most popular tags on Instagram over the past year:

  • #love
  • #beautiful
  • #instagram
  • #fitness
  • #hair
  • #summer

How to write a hashtag correctly

Typically, tagging is used in order to become visible in a large stream of posts and to generate interest from a specific audience. Therefore, use the unspoken rules to correctly write tags for Instagram and other networks:

  • In the message, you can put tags at the beginning, middle or end of the text.
  • Do not use long phrases - it is enough to create a hashtag of ten or fifteen letters to attract attention.
  • You do not need to put spaces between words. For example, # knit only grandmothers or # the world should know what we are.
  • In some cases, words are separated by underscores - #how_correct_to_hashtag.

In the modern world, there is no escape from social networks. Even if you yourself are not a user of one of them, you probably at least have heard of them. Social media is ubiquitous. By registering in them, people pursue completely different goals: from communicating with friends and finding like-minded people to promoting their brand and advertising their company. Not spared the "Internet trend" and world celebrities, who constantly delight subscribers with new publications. The popularity of such sites gave rise to the emergence of a new means of promoting posts - hashtags. In this article we will tell you what it is, and also explain how to put hashtags on Instagram.

How did hashtags come about?

First, let's figure out what these marks are. If you have an account on Instagram, VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook or other similar resources, you may have seen words or short phrases marked with a hash under your publications. As a rule, such records are colored blue, the same color as the links. And the hashtags themselves are their own kind of links. They took their origin on Twitter, gradually migrating to other social networks.

What are hashtags for?

Such designations help to group posts by specific topics. It is known that in such "giants" as "Instagram", a lot of posts are posted every day. You have the opportunity to view the publications not only of your friends, but also of other users who have an open profile. Hashtags make it easier to find a specific post and narrow down the list significantly. Thus, you will find the news you are interested in much faster. In addition, depending on the popularity of a particular hashtag, the publication may be promoted in the general news feed. This is great for entrepreneurs or brand owners. So how do you put hashtags on Instagram? What do you need to do for this?

How to put hashtags on Instagram?

This is done very simply. To put a hashtag, you need to add a "#" sign in front of the word, and it will automatically convert the word into a kind of link. It is very important to write one word in one hashtag, phrases with spaces will not be perceived, only the first word will be marked, before which there will be a pound. If it is important to indicate exactly a phrase, use dashes or write a phrase without separating it. However, writing a long phrase without separation is completely impractical. Here are examples of valid hashtags: "#street", "#house", "#dog", "#shop", "#my_purchases", "# romantic_date", "#my sister", "# very tasty". Without quotes, of course.

If you write "# as I celebrated my birthday", then only the word "how" will be the hashtag. You can verify this if you notice that this word will be highlighted in blue, like a normal link. It is not recommended to write "#what did you celebrate your birthday" or similar long phrases. Most likely, such a request will not be popular. Do not forget that such tags allow you not only to find a specific post, but also to increase the page viewability, accordingly, you will also have more likes. But this will only happen if you put the grids correctly. Now you know how to add hashtags. But what should they be?

Popular hashtags "Instagram"

What to write in this very hashtag so that other users find your post faster? Here the expression "simplicity is the sister of talent" is the best fit. Just look at what is in your photo and try to give it a simple name. If in the photo you are with your friends - just say: "#you are friends", or simply: "#friends". Use this principle to place similar links further. At the moment, Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags under one photo. But believe me, this is more than enough. It is also not worth overloading the image with labels. You can often notice that one post is teeming with various hashtags, and some of them do not even relate to the topic of the photo itself. It looks stupid and is not interesting to anyone, but the main idea of ​​promotion is that your post should be of interest.

Universal labels

There are a number of hashtags that will suit almost all photos. They are specifically designed to ensure that other users find your profile and rate your posts. For example "#follow", "#followme", "#followforfollow", "#instagood", "#inst". The hashtags #GN, #GM, #gn, #gm have been very popular lately, their decoding is quite simple - this abbreviation is "good night" and "good morning", they are put under any photos depending on the time of day. Do not forget that labels can be written in both Latin and Russian. You can enter the name of your city, country or town. Then people who live nearby will subscribe and "like" you. But adding too many obvious hashtags is not necessary, it risks looking a little comical. For example, if you drank a cup of coffee in a beautiful place and took a photo, you do not need to invent a million tags associated with this, for example: # brazil # coffee mania # sugar # drink # cheerfulness # relaxation. By the way, hashtags for "Instagram" by topic can be written with spaces, as shown in the last example, or without gaps.

How to find a post by hashtag?

Search by hashtag on Instagram is carried out as follows. Log into the client and pay attention to the panel at the bottom of the screen. Next to the icon of the house that you clicked on to get into the news feed, there is an image of a magnifying glass (a circle with a dash), click on it. Tap on the top of the search bar, and another menu will open in front of you. By going to the "Tags" tab, you can easily find the publication by hashtag.

Now you know how to put hashtags on Instagram. Do it right and wisely.

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