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  • How to change a light bulb correctly: an analysis of the technical nuances of a non-trivial task. How to change light bulbs in a false ceiling - what beginners need to know

How to change a light bulb correctly: an analysis of the technical nuances of a non-trivial task. How to change light bulbs in a false ceiling - what beginners need to know

Good day!

In this post, I would like to consider such a sore LCD monitors as failed backlights, try to figure out why this is happening, and change them accordingly. Interested please follow the little green man.
Under the cut contains 27 photos

-Dear, I apologize in advance for the quality of subsequent photos, photographed on a toaster ....

-Also, I want to note that monitors do not differ much in their fundamental structure, so do not be alarmed if you suddenly do not find screws or something else in the place that is shown in the photo, they are somewhere nearby ...

So, we have a monitor that works almost in romantic, red-pink colors. The operating time of such a monitor is unpredictable ... but as a rule it does not exceed 2-3 hours, after which your eyes are given time to rest, and your brain to think about the issues of life.

The problem lies in the failed monitor matrix backlight, but why did this happen?
There are many reasons for this situation:
- manufacturing defect,
- shorting the metal parts of the lamp to the metal frame of the matrix,
- physical damage, etc.

But let's get a little deeper into the theory.

LCD matrices work through the light, that is, the monitor must have a light source that shines through the matrix. The quality of the monitor depends quite significantly on the light source. For stationary LCDs and TVs, direct backlighting is usually used, when light sources (lamps or LEDs) are distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe panel. ©

But why does he continue to work then? And such a short period of time?
Everything is simple.
It should be noted that monitors most often use 2 blocks of 2 lamps ( top and bottom of the monitor), which should evenly distribute light along the light guide under the matrix.
If one or more lamps fail, the rest continue to work. But the inverter which feeds them) is a smart thing, and if he “sees” that something is wrong with one or more of his wards, he decides to stop his work so as not to harm.

Well, let's proceed to the disassembly, shall we?
We start by disconnecting all the loops from the inverter unit and the monitor controller,

Remove the back panel with the power supply and controller

Removed? excellent ... What do we see, in numbers 1 we have marked power wires going to the treasured lamps.
2 - a loop going to our matrix.
Asterisks mark places that need to be tucked in order to continue disassembly

We are currently removing the panel on the left, we do not need it now

And again we disassemble our "matryoshka"

Excellent, almost half way gone,
now let's explain:
5 -our matrix (the same thing with numbers 640x480 ~ 1920x1080)
6 -signal decoder connected to the matrix by row/column data line
7 -light guide with filters

Next, we again delve into the "monitor jungle" and remove the plastic frame around the perimeter ...

Under the black frame are 2 thin films lying on top of each other, and under them is a light guide.
8 -light filter
9 -polarizing film
10 -light guide

Now take out the big acrylic thing ( 10 ) and finally we can see the heroes of the occasion ...
The assholes that made us come this far 11 )

Lord. I present to your attention broken faulty backlight lamps!
Speaking of lamps.
Do you know:

that LCD panels use CCFL lamps, which in Russian means a cold cathode fluorescent lamp. Its principle is almost the same as hot (in the common people "fluorescent lamps"). The only difference is that in order to obtain plasma in a hot one, the initial heating of the cathodes is used, and in a cold one, the plasma is obtained due to the high voltage applied to the cathodes. Further, the plasma, which has an ultraviolet radiation spectrum, hits the phosphor, the white coating that you see through the flask, and is converted by the latter into visible radiation (white light) ©

As we can see, they really burned out. (the “black marks” around the cathodes hint at this)

We unscrew them, having previously pulled out the reflective substrate ( maybe you don't have to do it on your monitor)

... and swap them ( I want to note that it is worth being careful, because they are quite fragile. I also advise you to securely fasten the wires and watch so that there is no breakdown in the future. Let's isolate everything!)

Now we're going to put our bulbs back in place, screw them on, put the reflective thing back in place, and put the light guide back in place.
We connect - everything works! ( Before that, it also worked, but not correctly, only 1.5 lamps were on, I did not bother to capture this action in disassembled form. I confess)

Well, well ... the hardest part is over, it remains to put everything back together.
Let's get started.

We return the films to their place, close them with a plastic frame and lay our matrix on top, fix it with a metal frame.
(Here we should not forget about such a thing as dust... before assembling everything, it is worth blowing all the components of the monitor with air, it will not take long, but it will affect the image quality)

Turn over and return the last “detail” to its place

We connect to the "stand" and rejoice!
Everything works, there are no traces of uneven illumination,

Flight is normal.


What do you want to say in conclusion?

0 .Replacing the lamps yourself is not so difficult, there would be a desire.
You can also experiment and replace the lamps with LED strip. But you need to remember that the LED strip does not give a completely uniform light + to everything, it may very well be that 1 or more LEDs will burn out / become a little dimmer, and then the backlight will become uneven. Also, do not forget about the color temperature of the LEDs.

1 .When replacing lamps, you need to know exactly their dimensions, I was guided by this table.

2 . Why did I decide to write this article?
Faced with the repair of the monitor for the first time, I reached into "some search engine" I didn't see detailed instructions...
nope, I'm not saying that I didn't find them, they were, but they seemed incomplete to me, that's why it was decided to collect this material and post it here. Few people need it...

3 .Links to similar/used/additional materials: (a good article about the device of various types of monitors) (replacement of backlight lamps + some background information) (we revive the monitor if there are no new lamps at hand) (successful replacement of lamps with LED strip) (almost successful replacement of lamps with LED strip)

4 P.S.
If the habrazhiteli are interested in posts about the repair and restoration of equipment, then I will gladly share the accumulated material.

It would seem that the answer to the question of how to change a light bulb is known to almost all people since childhood. But for some reason, accidents regularly occur during the performance of such actions.

This indicates that the preparation of citizens is far from ideal, and in a number of situations they do not possess special skills and concepts of the necessary security measures at all. Which leads to disastrous consequences.

The correct replacement of the light bulb begins long before its dismantling / installation, since the contractor or the owner of the premises must perform a number of preparatory work in advance. These include the preparation of protective ammunition, tools and equipment.

Ignoring any of the listed points to your own detriment, since the efficiency, safety and quality of lighting largely depend on them. They must be taken into account before you are going to replace any light bulb.

When preparing to replace any lamp, be aware of the dangers of electric shock. Therefore, all work must be carried out using special tools, testing devices and equipment.

That is, pliers, screwdrivers and everything else must have insulation that can protect against damage. Moreover, with its help, you can protect yourself from electricity when its voltage is less than 24 volts, and in other cases it does not guarantee anything.

The most important thing when replacing an old lamp is the correct choice of a new one and the observance of safety measures. Which involve the use of special protective equipment, control devices, as they will exclude electric shock, other types of injuries

Work should be carried out exclusively in protective ammunition, which are rubber gloves, special goggles.

The performer needs to have with him measuring instruments that will help make sure that the circuit, lamps are working, and this will provide an adequate level of safety. These include indicator screwdrivers and other similar equipment.

The most important aspect of any replacement is safety, which can only be ensured by the fulfillment of certain requirements. Some of which are ignored by most performers. And it turns out as shown in the photo.

In addition, a person who decides to replace the lamp himself must figure out in advance how to turn off the power in the room and do it correctly. If the issue is not given due time, then the necessary security will not be provided, and this is fraught with dire consequences.

How is the replacement

You need to understand that you have to perform any actions in the electrical networks at your own peril and risk - do not call an electrician to replace the lamp? But in the event of any consequences, they will have to be held accountable, and it may even be criminal. It should be remembered that any such procedure must be carried out in compliance with security measures.

Who is entitled to carry out the work?

Guidance documents indicate that only people who have received proper training, have practical skills and have been instructed can be allowed to such work. True, in domestic conditions, every consumer who uses electricity for a lighting system faces such a task.

Work procedure

First of all, the network must be de-energized. Moreover, setting the switch to the off position will be an insufficient measure. Since it does not guarantee security at all.

Before replacing, it is necessary to de-energize the room, and use special glasses and gloves for protection. In addition, you should provide yourself with convenient access to a replaceable lamp, for which stepladders are used. Therefore, the actions of the performer in the photo are incorrect.

For example, there are many cases when electricians were mistaken and the switch did not open the phase wire. Therefore, the current continued to flow to the lamp, which was a surprise for the performer.

The same often happens when switches are used with backlights that are popular today. As a result, only a complete de-energization of the room where the replacement will be performed can eliminate electric shock.

To do this, it is necessary to switch the introductory machine to the off position. Usually they are installed in switchboards, which are located near the apartments. If the chain has been mounted for a long time, then plugs can be used instead of automatic machines, which means that they must be unscrewed.

In addition, the performer is obliged to check the absence of so-called "bugs". Their danger is that the wires are connected directly, bypassing plugs, which threatens with electric shock.

Installing the switch in the off position is not a guaranteed way to avoid electric shock. To do this, it is necessary to de-energize the entire room, that is, break the circuit using the introductory machine

If the lamp is powered by a socket, then the plug must be pulled out. But it should be remembered that residual voltage is also life-threatening. And this phenomenon is not uncommon, so the protective measures should be the same as when changing any other lamp.

After the room is de-energized, using an indicator screwdriver, you need to make sure that the desired result is achieved and no current is supplied to the lamp. Only after all the listed operations is it allowed to directly replace.

But even during it, you should not lean, lean against metal objects or carry out this procedure in conditions of high humidity.

When performing any operations during the replacement of lamps, an insulated tool must be used. In addition, to avoid damage, it must not be held by metal parts.

When the lamp is located at a height, then the performer needs to stock up on a strong stepladder, a ladder. With the help of such equipment, it is allowed to carry out replacement at a height of up to 5 meters.

If it occurs higher, then it is necessary to use special equipment, which are cranes and so on.

In addition, work at a height exceeding 5 m is called high-rise and must be carried out by specialists with the appropriate clearance.

Gloves are a must when working on electrical circuits, of which all lamps are a part. Moreover, they must protect not only from electric shock, but also from cuts in case of damage to glass flasks.

You should not take the listed information about security measures as frivolous - the same physical education teacher, warehouse worker or any other performer using unauthorized equipment and not having the appropriate skills may be held responsible for the result of their actions and their consequences.

Carrying out the dismantling / installation of lamps

To perform this procedure, it is necessary to perform a number of mandatory, but simple actions in a strictly specified sequence. And without using any special tool.

These include:

  1. Removal of lampshades, chandeliers, protective glasses, any decorative elements that prevent access to the lamp. All such operations must be carried out in protective ammunition (gloves, goggles).
  2. Dismantling of lamps - it is made by twisting movements from right to left. At the same time, do not grab the hot glass with your hands, which can cause burns. This applies to incandescent lamps. To avoid trouble, it is necessary to use a protective one along with a rubber glove. It will also protect against injury if the glass bulb is damaged.
  3. Installing a new light bulb is carried out by twisting movements, that is, from left to right.
  4. Installation of lampshades, decorative and protective elements.

Regardless of the type of lighting fixtures, the replacement procedure is similar and technologically simple.

But when preparing, one should not forget that the glass elements must be wiped with some kind of rag, this will eliminate the greasy marks left by the fingers. Since they can lead to premature failure, which occurs as a result of local overheating.

Before starting to replace lamps, you must make sure that there is no current on the base of the lamp, chandelier, or any other electrical appliance. This can be done with a regular indicator screwdriver.

During work, the performer needs to hold the tools only by their isolated parts, which is guaranteed to prevent injury.

Before installing a new lighting device, find and bend the contact of the lamp holder. Since they often do not provide the desired contact. The same procedure must be performed when the installed lamp is not lit. Why should it be dismantled again.

Even if glasses are used when checking the performance of a newly installed lighting device, you should still not be near it. Since explosions often occur that can cause injury.

First of all, this applies to incandescent lamps. The reason is that their quality is often quite low, which leads to various unpleasant consequences.

The procedure for replacing lamps is extremely simple and the same for most cases. For dismantling, make rotational movements from left to right, when installing from right to left. Some types are removed from the cartridge like a plug from a socket and are also connected. In this case, do not overload the glass parts, as they may not withstand

Sometimes the performer cannot cope with dismantling the lamp. In this case, it must be unscrewed along with part of the cartridge. And you should also remember that it is not worth putting pressure on the glass elements, as this will damage them, after which injuries are possible.

Replacement of damaged lamps

It often happens that glass flasks are damaged during dismantling / installation. In such cases, the base itself can be unscrewed with pliers. But before that, you should collect the scattered fragments.

If such a nuisance occurred with a mercury-containing device, then caution should be exercised. Their depressurization can lead to rapid and significant vapor poisoning, which in a matter of seconds can fill a volume of 50 cubic meters.

And the excess of permissible norms at this moment will be more than impressive - 160 times. Therefore, in case of damage to the contractor, it is necessary to immediately evacuate all people in the premises from the premises.

Then perform ventilation - its duration should be at least 20 minutes. Moreover, these measures are mandatory and the absence of any signs of exposure to mercury vapor should not reassure a person.

If the lamp to be replaced cannot be unscrewed, then it is necessary to dismantle it with part of the lamp holder. such a procedure almost always ends successfully and promptly

Since they do not have a color, smell, but this does not prevent the poison from quickly accumulating in the body, which will lead to poisoning. From which all systems of the body, organs of vision, without exception, will suffer.

It is allowed to continue replacing a depressurized mercury-containing lamp only after thorough ventilation and cleaning of cullet.

Moreover, for its implementation, rubber gloves, glasses, as well as a cotton-gauze bandage, which can be replaced with any wet piece of matter, must be used.

After eliminating the consequences, you should call the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who will establish whether it is safe for people to be in the room. They also need to transfer a depressurized mercury-containing lamp.

Disposal: an important part of the replacement procedure

The dismantled lamp must be handled with care. That is, it does not need to be placed on hard surfaces, in places where someone's careless movement will lead to injury.

When performing a replacement, it is forbidden to load the network, make any changes to the design of lamps, fixtures, as this is fraught with trouble

But it should be remembered that only safe incandescent lamps and their LED counterparts are allowed to be simply thrown into the general waste bin. Since they cannot cause other harm, except for injuries due to careless handling.

The procedure for replacing lamps is considered successfully completed only after their disposal. At the same time, it is worth remembering that mercury-containing lamps are dangerous and must be taken to special points or thrown into containers.

And only after all of the above, the replacement of the lamp can be considered completed and positive results can be expected in terms of safety, comfort and economy.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The first video will help you figure out the correct procedure for replacing lamps:

The video will help you figure out how to dismantle with a damaged glass flask:

The main point when replacing all kinds of lamps is the observance of numerous safety measures. Which require the performer to possess certain knowledge, skills, use special tools and equipment. Only all of the above will make it possible to carry out the replacement correctly, that is, it is safe for the health of the performer and all the inhabitants of the house.

With the advent of cheap LED light bulbs on the market, the question of replacing them arises more and more often. To replace, you must first know the type of base. The figure below shows examples of LED type: E-27, E-14, GU-10, GU-5.3, G-9, G-4, GX53.

When replacing a light bulb, you need to pay attention to what type of lamp was installed in the spotlight. There are several types of spotlights:

  • The MR-16 LED lamp is used in the DL-11 fixtures;
  • LED lamp minion E-14, used in built-in spotlights brand R-63;
  • luminaires GX-53 closed type.

Consider the examples of how to change the LED light bulb in spotlights.

Always switch off mains power before replacement!

Replacing a GU5.3 or GU10 LED Bulb

Such a base is often fastened with a retaining ring. In the cartridge, they are fastened with two conductive pins until they click (GU5.3) or by turning 90 degrees (GU10). Replacing them is quite simple according to the following instructions.

  1. Turn off the mains power;
  2. before replacing, check the power of the lamp being replaced. It must correspond to the power burned out. If you put a more powerful lamp, you can ruin the controller or transformer, if installed. When installed, they are calculated for a certain indicator of the power of the connected load;
  3. remove the retaining ring, which is located along the diameter of the housing. Pull gently on it, and the bulb will easily come out of the spotlight. If the ring has two protruding antennae inside, just squeeze them;
  4. remove the light bulb from the cartridge, holding the base with the other hand, install a new one;
  5. put the retaining ring back into the groove.

Replacing lamps E-14 and E-27

For this type, replacement is even easier. It is necessary to unscrew the old bulb counterclockwise and screw in a new one clockwise, while de-energizing the room in advance. It is necessary to screw in until it stops, without applying any effort.

Pay attention to the plinth. E-27 is a well-known standard, the diameter is like that of an ordinary incandescent bulb. E-14 - base of smaller diameter. If in doubt, take a burnt out light bulb with you when buying.

Closed type GX53

They are often called a pill. These are some of the easiest lamps to operate and replace. The easiest way to change them is:

  1. Turn off the mains power;
  2. take the lamp and turn it counterclockwise until it stops. The angle of rotation is not more than 10-20 degrees and it will freely fall out of the grooves;
  3. insert a new tablet into the grooves and turn clockwise until it stops. Ready.

These miniature light bulbs are similar in design, they differ in size, but the principle of installation is the same for them. Due to their low weight, they are attached only to the base to the cartridge. Additional fasteners are usually not provided. Consider how to replace such a light bulb in a spotlight.

  1. De-energize the lamp by turning off the mains power;
  2. if there is a decorative light diffuser, remove it;
  3. we take the body of the light bulb and pull it out with a light effort;
  4. install a new one by inserting the pins into the cartridge. If you have a halogen, when installing, only handle it with gloves or a napkin.

Replacing light in furniture lighting

Any spot lighting of furniture and kitchen equipment in 99% of cases is replaced by one of the above methods. The whole complexity of the replacement lies in the dismantling of the decorative diffuser cover.

Strict requirements for the appearance of the luminaire force designers to hide the fasteners as much as possible and you need to show imagination in order to understand how to remove this or that luminaire.

Precautionary measures

  • Always turn off mains power when replacing;
  • before replacing, try to wait for the lamp to cool completely (read:);
  • twist the light bulbs in the glass case with special care. Over time, under the influence of temperature changes, the material loses its strength. Take special care of your eyes;
  • if there is insufficient contact between the conductor and the cartridge, under the influence of high temperatures, the light bulb body can “stick” to the base. In this case, it is better to disconnect the cartridge itself from the wiring and continue dismantling at the bottom.

Lamp installation
from 50 rubles!

Master will arrive within
1 o'clock or convenient time!

and get 10% discount
for future work!

Replacing lamps of different types is one of the areas of electrical work. To ensure the optimal level of lighting in the premises of an apartment and a private house, lamps must be changed in a timely manner. If this task is beyond your power or you do not want to do the replacement yourself, contact the professionals.

The Domashniye Masters company, employees who serve customers in Moscow, provides services for replacing lamps of various types in lamps of various types. We employ only experienced electricians who perform work efficiently, quickly and accurately.

Replacing lamps in a chandelier

The most demanded service of our company related to the replacement of lamps. The need to call the master can be caused by the failure of the lamp, and individual parts of the lighting device (for example, a cartridge), as well as by burning the contacts. Our employees will replace the used lamp with a suitable power, electricity consumption, color temperature:

For our electricians, the parameters of the chandelier and the complexity of its configuration do not matter; they will cope with any task quickly and efficiently.

Replacing a lamp in a ceiling lamp

Replacing lamps in ceiling-type luminaires is a laborious task, since, as a rule, the dismantling of the external decorative part of the luminaire is required to carry out the work. It is important to choose the right lamp that fits the size and will provide the required level of illumination.

Replacing spotlight bulbs

To change lamps in spotlights, you need to follow the same procedure as when changing in ceiling lights - turn off the power supply, remove the decorative cover, remove the burned-out lamp and carefully screw in a new one.

Replacing lamps in recessed luminaires

Recessed luminaires differ from other types of luminaires in their design - they are recessed deep into the surface of the ceiling or wall. That is why replacing lamps in them can be difficult. Invite a professional from the company "Home Craftsmen" and save yourself from having to carry out the replacement yourself.

Replacing the throttle in the lamp

The failure of a fluorescent lamp may be due to a breakdown of the inductor, which generates the impulse necessary for the operation of the lamp. If necessary, our electricians will replace the old choke with the appropriate power absorption level with a new one.

Bulb replacement prices

We offer you the best prices for electrical work. Replacement cost:

  • lamps (LED, halogen, incandescent, energy-saving) - from 50 rubles;
  • cartridge in a chandelier or lamp - from 150 rubles.

We are waiting for your applications and are ready to restore normal lighting in a house or apartment!

  • The minimum order amount is from 1300 rubles.
  • Call the master to perform work for free
  • Call of the master for consultation 500 rub.
  • Departure of the master in MO 500 rubles. up to 10 km

Replacing light bulbs is a popular service provided by Hydraulics specialists to their customers. We change lamps in residential, office, industrial premises, we work with lamps of various models and designs. Low prices, efficiency and professional approach - this is what distinguishes us from many other companies, and the residents of the capital have already appreciated our proposals.

Replacing light bulbs in the apartment

In apartments today you can see lamps of various configurations, ranging from well-known incandescent lamps to LED lighting. It is very difficult to imagine modern life without lighting, and therefore, when a lamp burns out, a lamp or a chandelier fails, we are in a hurry to quickly fix the problem. It is good if there is an opportunity to correct the situation on our own, but this is not the case for everyone and not always. And what to do if the switch “sparks”, if the contacts are burnt, or if there is a base in the cartridge? The best option is to apply to our company! We will fix, repair, replace, advise economical and reliable models of lamps, in a word, we will put everything in order!

Replacement of fluorescent lamps

In Moscow, we often have to deal with the replacement of lighting equipment in office and industrial premises. Good lighting is the key to the productive work of staff, and only high-quality and serviceable lamps and fixtures can provide it. It is important not only to quickly replace the lamp in case of failure, but also to carry out preventive maintenance of lighting in a timely manner, to monitor its performance. Each lamp - LED, halogen and others has its own service life, and if the device has worked for about 80%, it is more expedient and more economical to replace it than to wait until the lamp fails.

Replacement of lamps in the office is also required in case of switching to another type of lighting, for example, from obsolete fluorescent lamps to better and more reliable ones.
LED. Our electricians will quickly and efficiently carry out all the work, equipping your office with modern lighting devices.

Armstrong LED lamps are widely used in offices, public buildings, museums, shopping centers, libraries. Reliability and safety, stylish appearance, environmental friendliness, the possibility of installation in false ceilings - all this has led to the popularity of this model. But you should not try to independently replace fluorescent lamps with new designs, because here you should know all the details and specifics of the devices. One call to call an electrician from the Hydraulics company, and we will install all lighting fixtures as soon as possible.

The work is carried out according to the contract, the client accepts the finished result according to the act, a guarantee is necessarily provided. We can make an application for one-time work, as well as conclude a contract for maintenance, technical diagnostics and preventive maintenance of electrical networks. Cooperation with us is a guarantee that there will be no problems with the repair, replacement and installation of electricians in your home or office.

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