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How to Install Boot Shortcut 1 from 7.7.

Installing 1C: Enterprise 7.7 on x64 bit Windows is fraught with some difficulties. The fact is that you will not be able to install 1C through a regular installer, even if you run the program in compatibility mode. But in our life nothing is impossible. Therefore, below is a step-by-step instruction for installing 1C: Enterprise on x64 bit Windows, in my case it is Windows 10.

  1. Installation in Windows x32

First, you need to install the required 1C: Enterprise platform in any other 32-x (x86) bit Windows system by changing the default installation path to " C: \ Program Files (x86) \ 1Cv77 \"(For all shortcuts to work). Then you need to copy the files to the 64-bit system:

  1. Directory " 1Cv77"Out of the way

    « C: \ Program Files (x86) \"32-bit system in

    « C: \ Program Files (x86) \"64-bit system.

  2. Directory " 1C Enterprise 7.7"Out of the way

    « C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Main Menu \ Programs»

    on a 32-bit system in

    « C: \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs»

    64-bit system

    (the paths may vary depending on the versions of Windows used).

  3. Copy file from path

    « C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \"32-bit system in

    « C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 \"64-bit operating system.

  1. DisconnectionDEPfor 1cv7.exe process (for server OS)

Next, you need to exclude the 1cv7.exe process from the DEP check, for this we go to the system properties (" Start» - « Control Panel» - « system and safety» - « System") And select" Additional system parameters» .

In the opened window " System properties"Go to the tab" Additionally"And go to" Parameters»Performance.

Next, go to the " Data Execution Prevention", Press the button" Add"And select the file" C: \ Program Files (x86) \ 1Cv77 \ BIN \ 1cv7s.exe"That we copied in step 1.

  1. Installing protection drivers

Now you need to install the protection drivers. 1C: The enterprise uses the HASP hardware and software protection system from Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. To start all protection modules, you must:

Correcting the error "The sort order set for the database is different from the system!" if such an error occurs when starting 1C: Enterprise.

  1. Launch of 1C: Enterprise

That's it, the installation of the 1C: Enterprise platform is complete. To start, you can use the shortcut located along the path " Start» - « All programs» - « 1C Enterprise 7.7» - « 1C Enterprise". You can also add a shortcut to launch 1C on the desktop for all users by copying it to " C: \ Users \ Public \ Desktop»(The paths may differ depending on the version of Windows used). Further work with the 1C system is similar to work in 32-bit Windows.

In this article I will try to briefly talk about the principles of the 1C: Enterprise version 7 , its installation and launch. I will describe the installation for 32 -bit operating systems, about the specifics of installing 1C: Enterprise 7.7 on 64 -bit system read.

1. What you need

  1. Distribution kit of the required platform 1C: Enterprise + security key.
  2. A distribution kit of the required configuration (or a ready-made configuration).

2. Brief information about the 1C: Enterprise 7 system

The 1C system is used to automate various business processes. Depending on the required tasks, it can have different delivery options. Like any other system for working with databases, 1C consists of a database management system (DBMS) - Platforms, and directly from databases (DB) with different Configurations... The most common configurations are:

  • "Accounting" - database configuration for accounting automation.
  • "Trade and Warehouse" - for the automation of warehouse accounting and trade.
  • "Salary and personnel" - for calculating wages and personnel records.

The 1C platform can consist of several component, namely:

  • "Accounting" - supports all the necessary capabilities for accounting. Required to work with the "Accounting" configuration.
  • "Operational accounting" - allows you to keep an operational record of any funds (material and monetary). Needed to work with the "Trade and Warehouse" configuration.
  • "Calculation" - allows you to maintain complex periodic calculations, primarily used for payroll. Required to work with configurations "Salary and personnel"
  • "Management of distributed infobases" - a component that allows you to organize work with distributed infobases.
  • "Web extension" is a component that allows you to access 1C: Enterprise data via the Internet.

In addition, the 1C platform is different versions that differ in the number of users and the type of databases. Namely:

  • “Local version” - the platform allows only one user to work simultaneously in one database (if there are several databases, then several users will be able to simultaneously work each one individually in their own database).
  • "Version for 3 users" - up to 3 users can work simultaneously in each database.
  • "Network version" - an unlimited number of users can work in each database at the same time.
  • "SQL-version" - the same as the network version, but it is still possible to work with SQL.

Thus, depending on the tasks set, you need your own supply of the 1C: Enterprise system. For example, if you want to establish accounting of goods in a warehouse and automate trade operations from this warehouse and your company employs 10 people who will simultaneously work in terminal mode, then you need the Network version of 1C: Enterprise 7.7, with the "Operational accounting" component and configuration "Trade and Warehouse".

3. Installation of the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 platform

The distribution kit of the 1C 7.7 platform is usually supplied on floppy disks, even on ITS disks it looks like 10 folders, according to the number of floppy disks.

To start the installation, you need to run the file setup.exe from directory DISK1... The 1C: Enterprise installation wizard will start. Click " Further"And we get to the window for choosing the installation option, the following options are possible:

  • « Installation on the user's computer (local)"- the usual installation of the 1C: Enterprise system. This involves copying all program files, creating shortcuts, and updating system information on a given computer.
  • « Server installation (administrative)"- creates a directory and an installation program on the computer for further installation of the 1C: Enterprise system on users' computers in the local network. Does not create shortcuts, and does not change system information on the computer.

To install 1C directly on this computer (for example, to work in), select the local option and click " Further» .

Then we enter the name and information about the organization (in the future it will be displayed at startup) and again click " Further"And confirm the information entered. Now we define the installation directory (by default C: \ Program Files \ 1Cv77), press “ Further»And agree to create a catalog. Press again " Further"And wait for the window with a message about the successful installation of the component and a proposal to install the configuration.

As you can see above, we have installed the 1C: Enterprise. Operational accounting "to the catalog C: \ Program Files \ 1Cv77... If in the future you need to install another component, for example, "Accounting", then you can install it in the same directory, the components, as it were, will be combined.

4. Setting the configuration 1C: Enterprise 7.7

The configuration, as a rule, is also supplied on floppy disks. To install, run the file setup.exe from directory DISK1(or select this file if, after installing the platform, we agreed to install the configuration). The installation wizard will start, click " Further"And get to the window for choosing the installation option:

  • « New configuration"- must be selected if a typical configuration is installed on a computer for the first time.
  • « Configuration update"- must be selected if a new one is installed release configuration, in order to update the previously installed.

For the initial installation, select the first item and click " Further". We select the directory (this is the directory in which our database), press " Further"And wait for the message about the completion of the installation. Now, if we go to the selected directory, we will see two folders:

  • "DB" is a directory with a new (clean) configuration.
  • "DemoDB" - configuration with initial data entered and typical operations performed. Serves for training and demonstration of the system's capabilities.

As with the installation of the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 platform, the above algorithm works only for 32 -dit systems. About setting a typical configuration on a Windows operating system x64 can be read.

5. Installing protection drivers

Now you need to install the protection drivers. 1C: The enterprise uses the HASP hardware and software protection system from Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. To start all protection modules, you must:

      1. Insert electronic key HASP to USB or LPT port of the computer, depending on the type of dongle.
      2. Install HASP4 key driver 6.50 ... You can download it from the official website or from.
      3. Install HASP4 license manager for Windows, following the instructions in the installer. At the time of this writing, the latest version was ... You can download it from the official website or from.
      4. Run shortcut " Installing the protection driver"Located along the path" Start» — « All programs» — « 1C Enterprise 7.7«

and wait for the message about the successful installation of the driver.

6. Launch of the 1C system: Enterprise

Well, finally, everything is installed and you can start working directly in the 1C: Enterprise system. Launch the shortcut " 1C Enterprise"Located along the path" Start» — « All programs» — « 1C Enterprise 7.7". If the message “ Program protection key not found !!!", You must once again perform all the steps to install the protection drivers described in the previous step. Otherwise, the dialogue “ Launch of 1C: Enterprise", In which you can:

To start 1C: Enterprise, you need to in the window " Launch of 1C: Enterprise»Select start mode« 1C: Enterprise", Mark the required information base and click" OK“, After which you need to select a user from the list, enter the password (if set) and press“ OK» .

If you are launching a "clean" configuration for the first time, then I recommend that you first create a user to work in the system (you can read how to do this). After passing through the authorization, we get to the main window of the program. The system is ready to go!

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We are very often asked the question of whether 1c 7.7 will work on a new computer and how to transfer it there. Everything is not as difficult as it seems. First, let's copy the base 1c 7.7 to removable media, which must be transferred to a new computer. The paths to the databases can be found when you run the shortcut 1c 7.7.

We start a new computer and copy the databases to the place that you have defined for them and remember the path.
Go to the windows system partition (C drive) then Program Files (x86) and copy the 1Cv77 folder here
Next, go to this folder and find the BIN folder
in it we are looking for the executable file 1cv7l.exe.
Create a shortcut for him on the desktop and run.

Now we have nothing here, so we will show the platform where the bases are. Remember I said remember the path to the 1C7.7 bases? Now we need to get to it. Click add, name the base and go to the storage location of the 1c base by clicking on three dots. You just need to go to the folder with the base and click OK.

When starting the database for the first time, such an error may occur,
but we are not discouraged, and we start the base 1c 7.7 in the configurator mode.

Next, go to "Administration" next "Code page of IB tables" select "+ current system setting" click OK.
Even if at opening you will already have "+ current system setting" still press ok. A dialog box will appear. We press yes. We wait. We are ready to launch the entire database in the "Enterprise" mode. The whole base is working. But the following situation may arise

We need to find the V7Plus.dll file. You can try through a search. Most likely it is stored in your database. So, it must be transferred to the BIN folder from which we created the platform shortcut. Now we need to register this library. To do this, you need to create a shortcut to this library on the desktop. Right-click on it and go to properties. In the object field, write "regsvr32", click Apply and OK. Attention, do not erase the quotes! The label has acquired the following form. Now run as administrator (right-click "Run as administrator") and the entire library is registered. We have eliminated this problem.

If during the transfer you have any other kind of errors, write in the comments. We'll figure out

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