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How to set a countdown in VK. "Clubs of interest"

Today I will tell you about an interesting and quite effective way increase activity in the group. Furthermore, this way does not require you to do anything other than initial setup everything you need, which takes no more than half an hour, provided you have the skills to work in Photoshop or have a designer at hand.

A dynamic or “live” cover is essentially a regular image that is uploaded to your group as a cover at a certain frequency using the VK API. On this image you can display different information. For example: the last ones who joined the community, the weather in your city, time, active commentators, etc. I'll talk more about "widgets" below.

Why do you need a dynamic cover?

In short, the main tasks of a dynamic cover are to increase group activity, increase the conversion of new users, display useful information, and simply decorate the community.

And now for the details different types communities!

Commercial communities

Well, I will immediately dispel the expectations of the most optimistic readers. Good activity in a purely commercial group is very rare, and putting a social widget on the cover (latest followers, top commenters, etc.) will most likely not lead to an instant increase in activity.

Of course, this does not mean that it is 100% not worth using these widgets. See for yourself based on your situation, perhaps in your case they will really be useful.

The most obvious use of live cover in commercial communities is to set a countdown timer that counts down the time until the end of a promotion or discount. Within the framework of Vkontakte communities, this looks very unusual.

urban communities

This is perhaps the most suitable type communities to set a dynamic cover. Because often in these groups good activity, and "social widgets" (latest followers, top commentators, etc.) will further stimulate activity.

In addition, the cover can include useful information for residents of the city (news, weather and traffic jams).

According to my observations of several such groups, after installing a live cover, the activity in them increased markedly. I emphasize that these are only my personal observations, which may well turn out to be erroneous, because. activity is influenced by a huge number of factors and it would be too naive to single out only the “live cover” among them.

"Clubs of interest"

Here everything is the same as with the "urban communities", except that it does not make sense to display information about traffic and weather in a particular city. Because this information not very appropriate in non-urban groups.

Communities of schools, universities, etc.

In these communities, social widgets showing the most active (commentators, reposters, likers) are very relevant. the audience of the community knows each other personally. That wave is likely to be a situation when real wars for a “space on the cover” begin, especially for an audience under 16 years old. Thus, you will get explosive activity.

Also to this type communities, the “birthdays” widget is very suitable, which will display up to 3 random subscribers who have a birthday today.

What can be displayed on the cover

Now I will talk about the widgets available on the service in this moment. If you are using another service, it is possible that some of these widgets will not be there or they will work a little differently.

Latest subscriber- Displays information about the last 1-3 subscribers to the community. This is perhaps the most popular widget, it is used in almost every cover.

Active (commentators, reposters, likers)- three widgets with the same functionality. Display information about 1-3 most active users. The data is taken from the last 25 posts.

Birthdays– shows 1-3 random people who have a birthday today.

date and time- displays current date in the format and time zone you need.

Countdown- shows the remaining time until the date you specified, works in compliance with time zones.

Weather- displays the weather in the city you specified. There are two display modes: text weather and icon weather.

Exchange Rates– at the moment rates are available for 8 different currencies.

Number of subscribers- displays the current number of subscribers in the community.

Postponed publications on VKontakte is a wonderful and convenient option that allows you to set up posting posts by timer.

In other words, right now you can create an entry in own community or a wall post to be posted in the future (tomorrow, next month, next year, any time you specify).

The VKontakte timer is a special tool that every participant can use social network. The timer is attached to your recordings in the same way as photos or videos, surveys or documents, and goes off at exactly the right time.

The only condition is that the platform for delayed publications should be yours, and not someone else's. That is, you will not be able to create a delayed entry on a friend's wall or in someone else's group where you are not an administrator. The VKontakte timer also does not work in private messages, in other communities, on other people's pages, but this does not in the least diminish its importance.

If you are driving own group or a public VK page, the timer should become your constant tool, since it can be used to plan a publication schedule for the whole next week in 1 hour!

It is with the help of delayed publications that the administration popular communities VKontakte provides them frequent updates, regular publication of records and news. Without a timer, a person would have to stay in the social network for days, ensuring the release of new records without sleep and rest.

In this step by step instructions site site (Under Copy Ru), we will learn how to quickly create delayed publications, which themselves will be published on the designated day, at the specified time.

We believe that this information will be useful to all Vkontakte users, even to understand the principle of operation of their favorite communities ().

Postponed publications on VKontakte: step by step instructions

Step #1

For example, let's create a post on our own wall, which will appear at the time and date we need. We go to our page, to our profile, to start working with the wall of our account.

Step #2

We put the mouse cursor in the window for posting messages on our wall and select the option "More" - "TIMER".

Step #3

If everything is done correctly, the “Publish time” block appears under the message line, where you can independently specify the Date and Time of posting our entry. By clicking on the date, we open the calendar grid, where we can change both the day and the month. By clicking on the time, open the tape with hours or minutes.

Publication time:

Posting date:

Step #4

So, in this step-by-step instruction, we have chosen the time and date of the delayed publication: February 1, 2017 at 10 hours and 56 minutes. Now that the VK timer is set, we simply create standard notation which will be published at the appointed time.

You can also add to this post:

  • text entries;
  • videos;
  • audio recordings;
  • links (internal and external);
  • documents and files;
  • photographs and pictures;
  • notes, polls and maps.

In fact, you can add anything you see fit to the delayed entry, only it will be published within the time specified on the timer.

To start the delayed time option, click the "Queue" button.

Step #5

To view the added timer entries, click on the line "Delayed" (this line also indicates their number, in our case - one):

To edit the VK timer and edit the created entry, click the mouse directly on the publication date, a window will appear, there we click "Edit":

Or move the cursor to the upper right corner of this note - then the "Edit" option will appear. All this we tried to note in the screenshot below:

Clicking on "Delete Entry" will simply delete your entry along with the timer. Similarly, you can remove a pending post from the edit page.

IMPORTANT: There can be many entries with a timer. Their main condition is that the publication time does not overlap, that one entry does not overlap in time with another. And so - create them at least 10, at least 100 pieces for the whole next month!

VK group administration

So with this simple option, you could schedule posts on your wall, or on the wall of your own group where you are an administrator. By the way, these same functions are also used to make money on a social network when you manage other people's communities or public pages.

You can easily get a job in some group and update it for some cash reward. There is a lot of such work today, and everyone can cope with it.

Postponed publications on VKontakte is a wonderful and convenient option that allows you to set up posting posts by timer.

In other words, right now you can create a post in your own community or a publication on the wall, which will be posted in the future (tomorrow, in a month, in a year, at any time you specify).

The VKontakte timer is a special tool that every member of the social network can use. The timer is attached to your recordings in the same way as photos or videos, surveys or documents, and goes off at exactly the right time.

The only condition is that the platform for delayed publications should be yours, and not someone else's. That is, you will not be able to create a delayed entry on a friend's wall or in someone else's group where you are not an administrator. The VKontakte timer also does not work in private messages, in other communities, on other people's pages, but this does not in the least diminish its importance.

If you run your own group or public VK page, the timer should become your constant tool, as it can be used to plan the publication schedule for the whole next week in 1 hour!

It is with the help of delayed publications that the administration of popular VKontakte communities ensures their frequent updates, regular publication of records and news. Without a timer, a person would have to stay in the social network for days, ensuring the release of new records without sleep and rest.

In this step-by-step instruction for the site site (Under Copy Ru), we will learn how to quickly create pending publications, which themselves will be published on the designated day, at the specified time.

We believe that this information will be useful to all Vkontakte users, even to understand the principle of operation of their favorite communities ().

Postponed publications on VKontakte: step by step instructions

Step #1

For example, let's create a post on our own wall, which will appear at the time and date we need. We go to our page, to our profile, to start working with the wall of our account.

Step #2

We put the mouse cursor in the window for posting messages on our wall and select the option "More" - "TIMER".

Step #3

If everything is done correctly, the “Publish time” block appears under the message line, where you can independently specify the Date and Time of posting our entry. By clicking on the date, we open the calendar grid, where we can change both the day and the month. By clicking on the time, open the tape with hours or minutes.

Publication time:

Posting date:

Step #4

So, in this step-by-step instruction, we have chosen the time and date of the delayed publication: February 1, 2017 at 10 hours and 56 minutes. Now that the VK timer is set, we simply create a standard post, which will be published at the specified time.

You can also add to this post:

  • text entries;
  • videos;
  • audio recordings;
  • links (internal and external);
  • documents and files;
  • photographs and pictures;
  • notes, polls and maps.

In fact, you can add anything you see fit to the delayed entry, only it will be published within the time specified on the timer.

To start the delayed time option, click the "Queue" button.

Step #5

To view the added timer entries, click on the line "Delayed" (this line also indicates their number, in our case - one):

To edit the VK timer and edit the created entry, click the mouse directly on the publication date, a window will appear, there we click "Edit":

Or move the cursor to the upper right corner of this note - then the "Edit" option will appear. All this we tried to note in the screenshot below:

Clicking on "Delete Entry" will simply delete your entry along with the timer. Similarly, you can remove a pending post from the edit page.

IMPORTANT: There can be many entries with a timer. Their main condition is that the publication time does not overlap, that one entry does not overlap in time with another. And so - create them at least 10, at least 100 pieces for the whole next month!

VK group administration

So with this simple option, you could schedule posts on your wall, or on the wall of your own group where you are an administrator. By the way, these same functions are also used to make money on a social network when you manage other people's communities or public pages.

You can easily get a job in some group and update it for some cash reward. There is a lot of such work today, and everyone can cope with it.

And how to delay the publication of your post for certain time.

It often happens that a written post needs to be published not right now, but to postpone publication for a certain time. This is especially true when you run your own group, where you regularly post at the same time. Therefore, the timer is a great opportunity to plan the time of publication of your posts.

How to make a delayed entry in VK

You can postpone the publication time both for posts on the user page, and on the community wall or public page. The essence and principle are the same. Let's look at applying a timer to a post on a user page.

1. Write a post of any content, then select “More” in the attachment panel, and select “Timer” from the drop-down list.

3. You can activate the lock icon (), and then your post will be visible only after publication.

4. After the date and time have been set, click the “Queue” button. On the wall at the top will appear new tab“Deferred” with a counter, opening which you can see the delayed post. Here, in the settings, you can delete the entry or select the “Edit” item, where you can change the content of the entry and the date and time of its publication. There's also a "Publish Now" feature available, in case you change your mind about waiting for your designated posting time.

5. Postponed publications can be created as much as you like. In this case, the bookmark counter displays the number of scheduled publications.

You can postpone the entry in the VK group the same way. Just in communities and on public pages given function especially relevant and used more often.

VKontakte message timer

Often there are questions on the network - is it possible to set a timer on? So far, there is no such possibility on the site, and the timer function can only be applied to posts on the wall of a group or user. Perhaps in the future the development team will implement this feature.

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