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  • How to watch MMS on MTS? At MTS everything is very simple! Detailing and viewing MMS through the MTS Personal Account.

How to watch MMS on MTS? At MTS everything is very simple! Detailing and viewing MMS through the MTS Personal Account.

Modernity is the era of new technologies. Fifty years ago, no one could have imagined that today we would be able to send our favorite images and music to the other side of the country. Talk about your impressions not with words, but by sending a “documentary” of our life. One such opportunity is MMS. Multimedia messages achieved significant popularity with the advent of smartphones.

What is MMS

We are all familiar with text messages and use them quite regularly, but they cannot send any images or sounds. The MMS service was created specifically for this purpose. The name itself is an abbreviation that translates into Russian as “multimedia messaging service.” It seems incredible, but in the US and Norway, more than two-thirds of the total is MMS. There is a version that the technology was developed by the first providers for paid storage of photos taken from users’ phones on their servers.

The difference between MMS and SMS is that thanks to it you can send not only text, but also an image, sound, presentation or video. You can combine all this with each other or with text, provided that the resulting size does not exceed 999 kB (in some phones the size is limited to 100 kB). Almost all operators support this type of message. In order to successfully send MMS, you must have 3 and 4G protocols. This is UMTS and higher. Previously, low-speed data could be transmitted via GPRS, but today this does not seem to be a serious problem.

Packet transmission can be used for any purpose, but is usually used specifically for accessing the Internet. Because it is convenient to charge based not on time, as in a telephone conversation, but on the volume of transmitted information. Which is what is required in this case. MMS is delivered in a fundamentally different way. It was found that not every message the recipient wants to read. Therefore, to save traffic, the data is delivered to the server, from where a short request about the availability of the package comes. The shelf life usually does not exceed 3 days.

Network protocol information is transmitted at the moment when there are free voice channels formed by frequency and code methods. It is believed that the operator himself decides what type of information to give the prerogative, but if the quality of voice communication deteriorates sharply, then many will want to change the cellular operator. Be that as it may, with the introduction of smartphones, multimedia messages have become so popular that the issue of priority has had to be reconsidered in recent years: in the United States, many are dissatisfied with the service!

Not all phones support MMS because it requires some minimum capabilities. And the first of them is access to the Internet. Cheap phones can't do this because they don't have the hardware or software to do it. Physically, the phone can receive encoded information, because the transmission is on the same frequency, but it is not able to decipher and display it: there are no decoders or means of playing multimedia.

Setting up MMS

Before setting up your phone, you need to make sure that the operator cannot do it yourself. For example, MTS claims that no settings are required at all. The service is provided automatically provided that the package includes the ability to access the Internet. If MMS does not work, then you need to go here ( and enter your phone number in the field by filling out the captcha.

After sending, MTS will kindly inform you whether the operation was successful. In our case, it could not be successful, since the package does not include Internet access services. This is what we were informed about. MTS is always on guard. If the settings do not want to be applied or saved, then you need to adjust the data manually. To do this, the provider provides point by point:

  1. Internet.

Let’s quickly move on to the last section to see what interesting things they will say there. The window that opens offers (very competently) the following sub-items:

  1. iOS for the new sixth generation iPhone.
  2. Other gadgets from Apple.
  3. Devices with the Android operating system.
  4. Windows phones.
  5. Other non-smartphone devices.

Regular phone

Shown is an old phone with CSD technology, which was later replaced by GPRS. Therefore, settings are carried out taking into account this archaic feature. In the menu you need to enable the use of GPRS, because by default there will be an attempt to transfer data without packets via CSD.

Then we proceed to setting the IP address and the transmission port 9201.

It's time to enter the MMS server address.

MTS has already created our profile for us, all that remains is to activate it.

And yet we check whether the settings have changed over the past 10 years.

No, everything remains the same. Login: mts, and password is the same. To activate the service, we send a trial MMS to the toll-free number 8890.

Trying to set up Android

Under Android operating systems, you need to go to settings and find Wireless Networks there. Since any communication is via the air, this is the only option for a smartphone.

The ultimate goal is to find the Access Points subsection. Let's create a new one.

We enter the access point settings according to the list, if necessary, specify the MMS WAP 2.0 transmission protocol.

After this, you need to send an MMS to the toll-free number 8890.

Sending MMS

Service packages

In a typical case, setting up MMS occurs through a request for a short or regular number (see above). Several services are connected at the same time. MMS from a mobile operator goes side by side with 3/4G Internet. If you don’t understand, you can call the support service or use the hotline - they will help you. If your device supports two SIM cards, take your time to activate the service, study the tariffs and choose the most profitable one for your level of use. Next, let's look at how to set up MMS on your phone.

The next steps will depend on what brand of phone you have. We will look at the iOS and Android platforms.

MMS for Apple

Let's take a step-by-step look at what you need to do with your phone so that your multimedia messaging service will work.

  1. The first thing you need to do is go to the home menu and go to “Settings”.
  2. In the menu that opens, select the “Basic” sub-item.
  3. The next inscription you need to click on is “Network”.
  4. Next, “Cellular data network.”
  5. Having reached this point, you will need internet from another resource. Here you need to enter the operator settings. You can find them either simply on the Internet, or by accessing information from the official website, which, of course, is preferable. The fact is that they are sometimes changed, and the operator’s resource has the latest data.
  6. After you have entered all the necessary information, you must restart the device.
  7. The next step is to add your SIM card number. Again you need to go to the “Settings” settings and select the “Phone” sub-item.
  8. In the “My number” field, you need to enter the number of the SIM card through which you connected the mobile Internet service.
  9. In order for the multimedia data service to work, you need to restart your phone again.

These 9 points will help you enable the MMS transfer function. If you have completed everything, but the Internet does not work, check everything again, starting from the first point. If everything is correct and the connection is still not established, try to find other data to fill out the operator settings. Even if this fails, do not despair and call support.

Sometimes mobile phone users may encounter a situation where the device either does not support receiving MMS, or a software failure has occurred and it does not open.

In this case, many are interested in how to watch MMS via a computer.

Viewing MMS via computer

Any multimedia message (MMS) can be viewed on your computer. To do this, you need to connect the device to your computer. All SMS and MMS messages are stored in the memory of your mobile device, so you need to go to the “Messages” folder, copy and open the required SMS on your PC. You can also save the message to a memory card and open it on your computer.

If you have not previously synchronized your mobile phone with your computer, then you are unlikely to be able to view your messages. To do this, you need to install the necessary application that comes with your mobile phone. You can also find the necessary drivers on the Internet by entering the details of your device in a search engine. After you install the application, you need to connect your device to your computer using a USB cable and open the required message.

Mobile operator service

It is worth noting that all mobile operators offer the service of viewing MMS messages on their websites. If you cannot open the message on your phone, you will receive an SMS message with the location of your message. This way, you can view MMS via the Internet: by clicking on the link in the SMS message or in your personal account on the company’s website.


MTS provides its users with the opportunity to view MMS messages using their personal account. To do this, you need to go to the website and activate in the system. You can also use the MMS portal, which has advanced capabilities for viewing multimedia messages. But registration is required on the portal.


Cellular provider Megafon also allows you to view different types of messages on its portal. To do this, you need to register in the system by following the link


The company's mobile portal is located at The user needs to enter his personal data, and he will have access to all messages that come to his phone number.


If you are a client of TELE2, then information about MMS messages is available on the website

Important! If you have received an MMS message, but you do not know who it is from, or you doubt its content, then you need to think carefully before opening it. Very often, attackers send MMS messages that may contain various viruses that can read your confidential information.

Most subscribers use their smartphones only to make calls. However, sometimes MMS messages arrive on a mobile number and problems arise with viewing them. After all, for this you need to make special settings and carry out some other manipulations. So, how to view incoming MMS on Megafon?

MMS allows users to exchange music messages, video clips and images. Such messages are larger in size, unlike standard messages, so there is no point in storing them, because they quickly clog up the gadget’s memory. At the same time, some Megafon subscribers may have problems viewing and reading MMS messages. If you receive a similar message and you cannot view it, then you need to visit the official Megafon website.

Personal Area

In the “Personal Account” on the official website, mobile users can view incoming MMS messages. To do this, the subscriber must have access to the account. You can gain access by visiting the official Megafon website and logging into your account (after entering the code received via SMS message and your phone number).

There the subscriber will be able to see all the MMS messages that came to his mobile number. To view them, you need to select the message the user needs and click the “Read” button or double-click on it with the mouse. After that, it will open and the user will be able to view the audio, video and photo message directly in the browser.

Sending MMS messages

In addition to reading received messages, users can send MMS to other users. To do this you need:

  • press the “Reply” button after reading the MMS message;
  • select and attach the selected file and send it via the Internet.

In addition, the Megafon website allows you to send similar replies by email to other subscribers. In a personal message, you can send audio and video files, as well as images.

Phone settings

For those who for some reason cannot or do not want to use the operator’s official website, there is another option for reading and sending MMS. To do this, you need to make the appropriate settings on your phone:

  • a text message is sent to the operator with the number three to the short number 5049. After this, the user receives the most detailed information about what settings need to be made;
  • in each individual case, the instructions are selected in accordance with the user’s phone;
  • After setting up MMS, the subscriber will be able to view incoming MMS using his phone.

If for some reason the user is unable to configure the reception of such messages, then you can contact the nearest communication store or directly to the Megafon operator. They will help you solve this problem, and very soon you will be able to fully use your gadget.

It is this service that allows you to quickly send media messages to another user, while network coverage is sufficient and the subscriber does not have to be connected to WI-FI or another type of Internet connection.

Everything works well when the service is configured, but what to do when its settings are lost or simply not saved. Indeed, in this case, the subscriber cannot receive the message that was sent to him. In this case, he will be sent an access address and password to his account, which will be stored on the MTS company server.

How to view MMS on the MTS website

In order to view a message on the company’s website, you must first go to the address and register. This is the company's MMS portal. On which you can not only view messages. But also buy various pictures, audio recordings, animated jokes and other little things. You can also upload your photos and images to it.

So, after registration is completed, you need to enter your access data. Which were sent to your number as an SMS message. It contains the password for the message. After entering all the required data, you will have access to view the message.

It is worth remembering that the storage time of information on the server is limited. If you do not view it within three days from the date of sending, it will be automatically deleted. MMS portal created to facilitate the work of the company’s clients with this service.

Manual settings MMS MTS

If you still want to open multimedia messages on your phone, then it makes sense to order automatic settings again. To do this, you can call and ask to set up the service. After the settings are sent again, they will be sent to your phone in the form of a service message, which you need to save.

If this does not help, then you should set the settings manually. To do this, you need to find the menu item in your phone that is responsible for the phone settings, and find the section that will be responsible for MMS.

You can find all the necessary data on the company’s website, which is available at There you need to indicate your phone model and OS.

Description of MMC functions

Sometimes there is a need to view MMS in your Megafon Personal Account. These messages arrive not only to the recipient’s device, but also to the company’s server, where the user can open all types of media messages: photographs, audio recordings, video files. But before using the opportunity to view MMS, you must complete certain procedures: connecting to the service, registering in your account.

Connecting the service

Read also:

In order to view MMS in your Personal Account, this service must be activated. As a rule, the connection is made automatically when the SIM card is activated.

But in some cases, for example, if the service was disabled or automatic settings were not installed, you have to activate it yourself.

To do this you only need to take a few steps:

Megafon website

  • connect MMS by dialing the USSD command *105*308#. In response to the request, you will receive a notification about the activation of the service.
  • If you need to disable this option, you need to enter in the line USSD request command *105*308*0#

Server combination

In the "MMS" section, you can also see the list of operators who have the ability to send multimedia messages to Megafon.

Registration in your Personal Account

Read also: How to transfer money from Megafon to Tele2: Basic methods

If you are not able to view incoming MMS messages on your phone, you can do this via a computer by registering in your Personal Account on the official Megafon website.

To do this, go to the Megafon main page and select the active tab "Personal Area". There are two windows here. In the first, you need to enter the Megafon number of your mobile device, which will act as a login. In the second window you need to enter a password to activate "Personal account".

It can be obtained using one of several options:

  • via USSD request: dial the command *105*00# on your phone keyboard and send a request to the operator using the call button. In response, you will receive a message containing the password to access your account;
  • send a short SMS message with one Latin letter S from Megafon number to service number 000111. Within a few minutes you will receive a response with a password to log into the system.


After entering the received data, after a few seconds of initialization and loading of parameters, an automatic transition to your "Personal Area". If something was entered incorrectly, a warning entry on a red background will appear at the top of the window, with a detailed description of the error and recommendations for next actions.

After activation "Personal account", your mobile device will receive an SMS notification that you have received an MMS. This message will also indicate a password so that you can gain access to view MMS through your Personal Account.

View message

Read also: How to disable subscriptions on Megafon: Basic methods, tips and tricks

Notification of receipt of MMS

After logging in "Personal Area", its main page will open, on which the tab will be immediately displayed "Inbox" indicating the number of MMS messages sent. When you click this tab, all messages will be displayed with a detailed description of information about the sending subscriber, the date and time the MMS was received.

To view the MMS message of interest, you need to double-click on it with the mouse or press "Read". After that, it will completely unfold and open in the form in which it was sent. Unlike many other telecom operators, Megafon makes it possible to view both regular photos and video and audio files on its website.

Here you can immediately send a reply MMS by going to the tab "Answer". To do this, you just need to attach the required file.

In order to protect your computer from viruses and malware, view MMS only through your Personal Account. Messages from an unfamiliar number asking you to view media files on a third-party resource can be detrimental to your device.

Features of using the service

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After connecting, the user can view all received messages at any time through the Personal Account.

When using the service, you should take into account the features of this service:

  • All incoming and sent messages are stored for three days. If they are not saved in a timely manner, the MMS will be deleted;
  • The Megafon server is often overloaded, so a notification about receiving an MMS with a password for viewing may arrive with a significant delay. If you need to receive an urgent media message, then to quickly receive it, it is best to contact the Megafon support service;
  • The size of a transmitted MMS message for Megafon cannot exceed 1 MB. Otherwise, it cannot be delivered to the server;
  • viewing MMS through your Personal Account in your home region is completely free for Megafon subscribers. When using the service in roaming, the cost of traffic for downloading messages will be paid according to the terms of the established tariff.

D In order for the MMS to be received correctly, the sender must dial the number only in the international format: +7 9ХХ ХХХ ХХХХ.

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