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How to change language on ebay. Shopping on eBay in your native language

Hello dear friends! Tell me, have you tried ordering goods online? I'm sure yes... But today I'm not just talking about an online store, of which there are already thousands, but about the most popular online auction called eBay.

Personally, I heard about Ebey for a very long time, but I really started buying goods there relatively recently, about a year ago, and I will tell you that so far there has not been a single failed deal.

Goods arrive, albeit with a delay, since the postal service is not the fastest, but they are insured by the system and in case of any dispute they will return the money to you.

eBay is the largest and most popular online auction of goods in the world.

Why haven't I bought items on eBay before? Because I didn’t know how to do it, because everything is in English there, and you can’t pay directly through or Yandex Money.

But in fact, there is nothing complicated there, as it seems, at first glance and below you will see for yourself.

Ebay auction history

eBay was not always popular like now, the history of its creation is very banal. Back in 1995, a little-known businessman Pierre Omidyar decided to create an online page.

According to one version, he published his articles on the Ebola epidemic there, and according to another, to help his wife exchange PEZ dispensers with other online collectors.

The original auction was called Auction Web and its creator realized for the first time that the hobby would become big business when he sold a non-working laser pointer for $13.83.

It would seem, who needs a broken thing? Naturally, Omidyar asked this question to the client and received the answer that the buyer simply collects faulty laser pointers.

Two years later, the AuctionWeb name changes to the now-famous eBay, as this year Pierre Omidyar managed to tie the booming online auction site to his company. Echo Bay Technology Group.

The creator wanted the domain name to be similar to his dig Echo Bay Technology Group, but the domain was already taken and therefore the shortened version was invented

Registering on eBay and setting up an account

Since 2012, it has become much easier for residents of Russia and the CIS countries to use the auction, since its Russian version has appeared, although not all sections have been fully translated, but gradually everything is moving towards this.

Therefore, we will register on the Russian version of the site, otherwise it will not work, since your location is automatically determined by the IP address.

So, go to and you should see Ebey in all its glory.

If suddenly the site is displayed in English, then hurry up to change it to Russian using the corresponding tab in the upper right corner.

After reviewing the site, let's create a user account, for which we click on the link in the upper left corner "Register".

On the next page, a standard form will appear with the user's registration data and the "Submit" button to confirm registration.

Important! Fill in user data only in Latin (English) letters in Russian. See the example in the photo above.

If everything is done correctly, a welcome message for the new user will appear.

Once in the account settings, go to the "Addresses" section, and then for each of them click "Create".

A similar form will appear, as when registering an account, where we fill in the data on the place of residence.

Important! Fill in the data, especially the delivery address must be exclusively in Latin (English) letters in Russian. Please note that the parcel will be sent from different countries and people must understand at what address they are exactly waiting for it.

If your registration address differs from the delivery address, then change the latter.

This completes the eBay account registration, and you can proceed to the search for a product for its further purchase.

PayPal - registration and card linking

You can pay for goods on Ebay: directly with the seller with a payment card, bank transfer or using the PayPal payment system.

The advantage of PayPal is that it 100% insures the purchased goods and in case of any problems (the parcel did not arrive or the wrong product was sent), you can open a dispute in the system, thereby returning the money to your account.

Having opened a PayPal account, you will need to link to it any bank card (ruble or dollar) intended for payment on the Internet, as a rule, this is Visa or MasterCard.

Let's start creating an account in the payment system. To do this, follow the link and if you are a resident of Russia, then the Russian version of the site will appear.

On the right at the top of the site we find the "Register" button, if you are from another country, then there will be an English "Sign Up".

The next step is to fill out a form with user data.

Important! Registration data is filled in only in Latin (English) letters in Russian. Also, keep in mind that these data must completely match the data of the bank card that you will link. So it will not work to use someone else's card, for example, a husband or wife.

Upon completion of registration, all that remains is to link the card to your PayPal account.

To do this, go to your user account and select the "Profile" section in the menu, and then "Add or change a bank card" from the drop-down list.

My screenshots are slightly different from yours, because for residents of Belarus the site is available only in English, and the browser translator leaves much to be desired.

Then a field with data about the added card should appear. Depending on which card you choose, the fields may vary. But the main thing to remember is that everything must be entered in Latin (English) letters.

Pay attention to the CSC field. This is a three-digit code that is located on the back of the card.

To remove limits from payments made, you need to go through the verification procedure for the linked card, for which, in your statement of outgoing card accounts, find the one where the amount of $ 1.95 was debited and its note like 1235PAYPAL.

The first 4 digits will be the verification code that must be entered in the payment system account.

Product search and purchase on eBay

Well, now we got to the most interesting thing is the search and purchase of goods. Looking ahead, it is worth saying that on Ebay you have the opportunity to find absolutely any thing for relatively little money.

Personally, I start the search for the right product directly from the search bar, which is located on all pages of the auction. But if you want to see the entire list of products, then use the categories.

On eBay you will find: goods at a fixed price, they can be purchased immediately, and lots for which a real auction is arranged.

For example, I don't participate in auctions, but they follow this principle. The buyer must set the maximum bid for the lot, no one else sees it.

Let's say the lot costs $5, and you have specified a maximum bid of $30, then the cost of the lot will be automatically increased by the auction step of $1, which depends on the value of the item itself.

After your bid, the lot will cost $6. The next buyer comes and puts his maximum bid of $20. The field of which he sees that his bid is not the maximum per lot, so he can refuse to trade, or raise the bid until it becomes $31.

After that, he will see a message from the auction that this is the maximum bid for the lot.

Now you are joining the fight again, because you will receive a message in the mail that your maximum bid has been outbid.

Decide whether to continue the auction or stop. If you continue, you increase your maximum bet to, say, $60.

Now the auction step will be added to the last maximum bid and the lot will cost $32.

On eBay there are exclusive lots for which serious auctions flare up. All the heat passes at the very end of the allotted time for the auction, when bids are made in the last seconds.

Therefore, there are special services "Snipers" in the network, which automatically outbid other rates at the end of the auction.

In order not to participate in auctions, I buy goods with a fixed price, for which I select "Buy Now" when searching for ads.

Once in the product card, do not rush to order it, be sure to read the description of the product, which will not be in Russian, use the dictionary or the browser's built-in translator.

If this is the product that you need, then now you should pay attention to a few points:

Delivery. Check if the seller ships to your region and if they charge money for it. In the section "Shipping and payment" everything is indicated.

I noticed that for some reason a lot of goods from Western Europe are not sent to Russia and the CIS countries, and if they are sent, then at a price that exceeds the cost of the goods.

If your region is not included in the delivery, then you can contact the seller and ask in correspondence to send the goods to your address, although such delivery will be paid.

I don’t really want to bother with payment upon receipt of the goods, so when searching for ads, I specify sorting by “Price + shipping: ascending”. Thus, selecting goods with free shipping and a minimum price.

There is an ironclad rule to buy products from those who have a rating of more than 1000 reviews, of which at least 99% positive reviews.

Go to the seller's profile by clicking on the seller's name or number of reviews and see how long this person has been with eBay and what buyers have to say about him.

In systems like Ebey, reviews are of great importance, and the seller values ​​each of them. Therefore, it makes sense to listen to what buyers write about.

If everything suits, then click "Buy Now" and proceed to checkout.

In the window that opens, we make sure for the last time that we are buying exactly the product, what type of delivery it has, what address it will be sent to and the final price.

If everything is correct, click continue with PayPal.

Before buying, make sure that the desired card is selected and click "Confirm and Pay".

After that, the amount for the purchase of goods on eBay will be debited from the bank card.

If you want to check the status of your order, then go to the "My eBay" link in the upper right corner of the site. In the "Orders" tab, we see that two days after the payment for the goods, the seller successfully sent it to the buyer.

Now it remains only to wait until the treasured package arrives. From my experience, I will say that I received the goods as quickly as possible only after three weeks, but the long-term package flew to me for almost two months.

A lot depends on the work of postal services, and in Russia mail is still a little thing and on how long the goods will be processed at customs.

Customs, for those who do not know, go through absolutely all foreign parcels. And if the value of the parcel exceeds 1000 euros plus the cost of delivery, and the weight is not more than 31 kilograms, then such a parcel is subject to customs duty.

Customs duty is calculated at a rate of 30% of the amount exceeding 1000 euros. If the cost of the parcel is 2000 euros, then 1000 euros are subject to customs duty, that is, 30% of it.

So be careful.

I would be glad to know from readers if you had any experience of buying goods in the most famous auction? Maybe someone managed to participate in the auction?

That's all, see you soon!

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  • Today we have an equally interesting topic dedicated to shopping on eBay. We all understand that eBay is a huge marketplace where hundreds of thousands of items are bought and sold every day. It is quite easy for a novice user to get confused in this rampage. Therefore, we tried to make a step-by-step guide in which we will tell you how to shop on eBay, what you need to pay attention to, and what mistakes you should avoid in order to minimize problems.

    Buying on eBay: a step-by-step user guide

    As you know, eBay has many branches around the world. The shopping algorithm is the same on both German eBay and eBay England. For example, let's take the most visited and most popular auction branch in the United States among our compatriots - We must say right away that we tried to generalize this algorithm of actions as much as possible and simplify in places.

    Step 1. Registration

    Registering on eBay is easy. Of course, some users may have problems with this, especially if the interface is not Russified. Especially for such cases, we wrote an article "". Using the hints and recommendations given by us, you will register without any problems.

    Step 2. Product search

    After registering and familiarizing yourself with the structure of the site, you can proceed to the search for goods. I would like to say right away that the eBay site is very intellectually correct. There are no unnecessary details, everything is as simple and clear as possible. It is enough to see once what functionality a particular button has, and there will be no more questions.

    The search itself is not tricky. It is made in such a way that you quickly and without any problems find the category you need, a group of goods, or a suitable lot.

    Both registered users and those who do not have an eBay account can search for products. In the picture you see a standard search bar (1), in which you need to write the name of the product, brand or brand you want to find. Since all users indicate names in English, it is desirable to search in this way. Next, you can select a category (2), and click "search" (3).

    After you have entered the name of the product you are looking for in the search bar and clicked "search", the system will select for you all the products that match your desires. For example, we wanted to find a "gold ring" - a golden ring. As you can see in the picture, there are 1,453,812 items matching this request on eBay. Each product (3) has a description, price, reviews that you can read. It is clear that it is unrealistic to revise all of them. Therefore, the system offers various ways to simplify the search. You can sort products (1) by price, from low to high and vice versa, by date added, by popularity. Also eBay offers popular subcategories (2) in your relative to your query. We searched for “golden ring”, but the system prompts us to look also for “diamond ring”, “jewellery”, “designer rings”, etc.

    Step 3. Product and seller evaluation

    And so, you have chosen the product you like. Next, go to the page of this product in order to get acquainted with the description in more detail, see photos, find out delivery details and other features of the sale.

    We continue to look at the product page using the gold ring we liked as an example. So, what do you see in front of you when you open the product page?

    • Photos (1). As a rule, good sellers try to include a few photos of their product so that you can get the best idea of ​​what it looks like.
    • Goods classification. Depending on the group of goods, you can choose their specific characteristics. For example, for our ring, you can choose the size (3) and color (2).
    • Number of pieces (4). If you want to buy more than one unit, then this can also be indicated. Choose as much as you want, the main thing is that there is enough money to pay for everything.
    • A very interesting thing is the number of goods sold in the last hour (5). As you can see in the picture, the ring we have chosen has been sold 7 times in the last hour. So it's popular.
    • Price (6). How about no price. The seller must indicate the price. Moreover, you can see what the price was before, what the discount is now, how much you save, and the final price that you will need to pay.
    • Delivery (8). The issue of delivery is very important. Some sellers offer free shipping, while others may charge you extra for shipping. All shipping information is also on the product page (7). You need to read it carefully before making a payment. The seller may not ship to your country, or your region may not be eligible for free shipping.

    Before making here or any other purchase, it is highly advisable to familiarize yourself with the description of delivery services, as well as customs nuances. At a minimum, it is worth remembering that there is the concept of a duty-free limit and for residents of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan it is 1000 euros, for residents of Ukraine 200 euros, Belarus - 120 euros. And the fact that courier services such as FedEx, DHL, UPS, TNT, etc. are characterized by high international shipping costs and the fact that they often force their customers to fork out for customs clearance of goods, while state postal services, such as USPS do not create such problems.

    eBay is not just an online store, but a huge marketplace where hundreds of thousands of sellers present their goods. Strange as it may seem, but among them there are many unscrupulous, whose goal is not to sell the goods, but to deceive the buyer. Therefore, when choosing a product, pay attention to the block with information about the seller (9). Read the reviews, look at the rating, at its sales history. We wrote in more detail about how to choose a good seller in our article ""

    Step 4. Purchase of goods

    You have found the product you need, read the delivery information, looked at the photos, and are sure that this is exactly what you need. Did you forget to study the seller? Not? Well, then you can proceed to the main thing - the purchase of goods.

    On eBay, all goods are divided into two types: those that can be bought immediately “Buy it Now”, and those that are put up for auction, where the sale is based on the “who will give the most” type. Often these two types are combined. There is an auction, but anyone can buy goods at a fixed blitz price.

    Bidding on eBay is generally a separate issue. In a nutshell, you cannot describe the whole art of trading, making the right bets, and buying good goods at a price well below the market. More than one book has been written in the world regarding trading on eBay, hundreds, if not thousands, of successful buyers maintain their blogs, where they tell the basics and secrets of how to make the right bet. We also studied this issue, and wrote the article "Bidding on eBay: how to make the right bet."

    Very often, residents of Ukraine, Russia and other CIS countries are faced with the fact that the seller does not deliver the goods to their country. If you try to bid on such a lot, or pay for the goods, the system will not allow. eBay will issue a message notifying the buyer of the transaction error. How to be in such a case? You can place an order through intermediaries who will receive the goods from the seller and send them to you. Read more about this kind of cooperation in our article “eBay Intermediaries: How to Choose the Right Intermediary”

    When buying a product, you can use three different options:

    • Self-purchase with direct delivery of goods. This is the most common way to buy items on eBay. The user selects a product, pays, and waits for the seller to send it to the specified address. But, as we wrote earlier, there are often cases when sellers do not deliver to the countries of the former USSR. What to do in such cases? There are 2 other options.
    • Self-purchase using the address provided by the forwarding company. Such a company, for a fee, provides the user with a box in its warehouse in the United States, where all parcels received in his name go. The user enters as the delivery address in his eBay account not the home address, but the one provided by the forwarder. And then he buys any goods, paying for them on his own.

    This kind of purchase can solve several problems at the same time. First, you are now not limited in purchases. Choose any product and feel free to order it. Secondly, if you have made several purchases, you can combine them into one by removing the extra packaging. International shipping of one large package will cost much less than a dozen small ones. Such a purchase option is now more and more popular among our compatriots, especially those who buy often and a lot.

    • Purchase through an intermediary. This is the easiest option, but here you have to overpay. The intermediary takes care of the purchase, payment and delivery of the goods. All you need to do is to replenish your account on the intermediary website and select the product of interest. The company will do the rest. It is clear that their services are not free, and cost a certain percentage of the purchase price. As a rule, such a commission does not exceed 10%.

    Step 5. Payment for the purchase

    This is the end of the buying process. You have chosen a product, and the only thing left is to pay. In one of the previous articles, we looked at payment methods on eBay. The auction provides many options for paying for the product you have chosen, but the leader among all others is payment through.

    Step 6. Delivery of goods

    Delivery of goods to Ukraine and Russia, as a rule, takes several weeks. Of course, if you pay for shipping, then the seller can send an international carrier that will bring your purchase in 2-3 days. But be prepared for the fact that it will cost a decent amount. If you have chosen a product with free shipping "free shiping", then earlier than in a couple of weeks, do not wait for your purchase.

    Almost all postal items, depending on the method of delivery, are insured for a certain amount. If desired, the buyer can ask the seller to buy insurance for a large amount. If the parcel was never received by the buyer, for example, lost or damaged, then he contacts the seller, he initiates the receipt of insurance compensation and compensates the buyer for the costs.

    Step 7. Getting

    And now the moment has come when the package arrived at your post office, and you are inspired to go to receive the long-awaited purchase. Many, especially beginners, forget that you should always open the package right at the post office. What is it for? There are times when the seller mixes up the goods and sends you not the one you paid for. Or the received purchase is different from the one that was on the site. It is clear that you want a refund, or an exchange of goods you do not need. All this can be done if you open it, as a result of which you will need to prove your case.

    Therefore, experienced buyers always take a photo and video camera with them to film the process of receiving and opening the package. These materials can become indisputable evidence that the goods did not arrive as you ordered, or with certain defects and damage.

    But we wish you that all purchases are successful, and that you get only pleasure and benefit from working with the largest eBay online auction.

    We want to make the process of making international purchases easier by connecting sellers and buyers around the world. We know how important it is for you to be able to make purchasing decisions in your own language. To do this, we try to translate information into many languages. In most cases, we can translate the product name, description, and purchase and payment information into your native language.

    How do we translate information

    So far, translation is not available on all pages, but their number is constantly growing, as is the number of translation languages.

    To optimize this process, we sometimes use an automatic translation system known as "machine translation". To display some of the information on the page in different languages ​​(for example, the information in an ad), we use machine translation from a variety of sources, including our own machine translation engine and Microsoft Translator (Bing).

    We also use an automatic system for translating product names. You can evaluate the quality of translation of the product name - to do this, hover over the name and select the required number of stars for evaluation.

    Language selection

    If a translation of a page or ad is available in your language, you will be able to select it.

      Some pages require you to select a language at the top of the page.

      For some listings, select the language in the item description itself.

    Terms of Use

    eBay may use machine translation. The accuracy and availability of the translation is not guaranteed and the correct understanding of the text is solely your responsibility. If there are discrepancies in the content of the original and translation of the announcement, the official version is the original. eBay uses machine translation provided by third party companies such as Microsoft and others. Microsoft makes no representations or warranties as to the quality of the translation or the meaning or meaning of the translation, including warranties of commercial quality, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. .

    We want to make the process of making international purchases easier by connecting sellers and buyers around the world. We know how important it is for you to be able to make purchasing decisions in your own language. To do this, we try to translate information into many languages. In most cases, we can translate the product name, description, and purchase and payment information into your native language.

    How do we translate information

    So far, translation is not available on all pages, but their number is constantly growing, as is the number of translation languages.

    To optimize this process, we sometimes use an automatic translation system known as "machine translation". To display some of the information on the page in different languages ​​(for example, the information in an ad), we use machine translation from a variety of sources, including our own machine translation engine and Microsoft Translator (Bing).

    We also use an automatic system for translating product names. You can evaluate the quality of translation of the product name - to do this, hover over the name and select the required number of stars for evaluation.

    Language selection

    If a translation of a page or ad is available in your language, you will be able to select it.

      Some pages require you to select a language at the top of the page.

      For some listings, select the language in the item description itself.

    Terms of Use

    eBay may use machine translation. The accuracy and availability of the translation is not guaranteed and the correct understanding of the text is solely your responsibility. If there are discrepancies in the content of the original and translation of the announcement, the official version is the original. eBay uses machine translation provided by third party companies such as Microsoft and others. Microsoft makes no representations or warranties as to the quality of the translation or the meaning or meaning of the translation, including warranties of commercial quality, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. .

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