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How to change traffic on a beeline phone. How to change the tariff plan through the Personal Account

How to reduce the cost of cellular communication and make it cheaper? To do this, you need to keep track of the latest tariff offers, choosing the most acceptable and affordable options from them. Changing the tariff on Beeline will help optimize costs and reduce communication costs- As you know, the new tariffs are more favorable than their old predecessors.

In order to change the tariff on Beeline, you must first of all decide on the choice of the tariff. After that, you can proceed directly to the change - for this, various commands, Personal Account and many other tools are used. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Choosing a Beeline tariff

Being puzzled by the choice of a tariff, you need to decide on the volume of services consumed. Some subscribers need short calls at reasonable prices, while others need full unlimited calls. There is also a gigantic army of subscribers who need Internet access. How to choose and change the tariff on Beeline correctly? If a subscriber needs a large amount of services, then he should take a closer look at the line of tariffs "Everything!"

The lowest tariff "Vse 1" will offer subscribers an intranet unlimited, 300 minutes of calls to other local operators and 1 GB of Internet. In the next offers we get even larger traffic volumes, minute packages for calls to other operators and SMS packages. Also on the older tariff plans there are special conditions for spending packages in intranet roaming.

Want to talk first and pay later? In this case, the Beeline operator is ready to offer you the postpaid "Vse" family, which includes several tariff plans with impressive service packages.

Do you need a large amount of services, postpaid and a direct city number? Then the line “Everything! (postpaid) with a landline number ".

Do you often travel around Russia and the world? Then you will definitely like the tariff plan "Absolutely Everything". It includes giant service packages that can be spent even in international roaming. This is a really great rate, albeit a little expensive. Only one Internet is included in it 60 GB.

For the most economical subscribers, the Beeline tariff plan "Per second" and "Zero doubts" are offered. The first of them is focused on inexpensive on-net calls, and the second - on short calls to numbers of any local operators (with per-second billing).

Another economical tariff - "Mobile Pensioner", designed exclusively for pensioners, is not available for connection - it was sent to the archive (and it was not particularly profitable).

As for the tariffs for cheap international communication, here we can recommend the advantageous options "Calls within Russia" for 5 rubles per day and "Welcome to EVERYTHING" - the latter option was created specifically for the updated line of tariff plans "Everything!"

Do you use smart devices? Then you need a low-cost SIM card to manage these devices. The optimal offer is the "Signal" tariff, which provides favorable prices for SMS and mobile Internet.

Now that we have figured out the choice of tariff plans, we need to figure out how to change the tariff on Beeline for free and without unnecessary difficulties.

How to change the tariff on Beeline from the phone

Immediately it is worth discussing the point that changing the tariff on Beeline for free is possible only if we have not changed our tariff plan within the last 30 days. Otherwise, the tariff change will be paid- this applies to all categories of the above-described tariffs and lines. How to change the tariff on Beeline from the phone? To do this, we need access to the Internet, where we can find numbers for the transition. These numbers are published in all descriptions for tariff plans. To switch to the selected tariff, simply dial the specified phone number. For example, to switch to the "All 4" tariff, you need to call 0850.

How to change the tariff on Beeline via the Internet

It is most convenient to change the tariff on Beeline via the Internet. To do this, we need a login and password from the Personal Account. The transition can be performed on the page with the description of the tariff by selecting the appropriate link, or directly in the Personal Account, by choosing a suitable tariff plan there. Do you own a smartphone or tablet? Then you can install a mobile application from Beeline on your device- with its help you can switch to any available tariff plan.

How to change the tariff on the Beeline modem

In order to change the tariff on the modem, you should use the official Beeline website or Personal Account. This is the most convenient way to change your tariff plan. We can also pull out the SIM-card from the modem and install it into the phone, then use the service numbers from the descriptions for the tariff plans.

Other ways to change the tariff

How else can you change the tariff plan on Beeline? If you do not want to deal with service numbers and Personal Account, please contact the nearest service office. There, consultants will take care of changing the tariff plan on your number.

The question of how to switch to another tariff on Beeline usually arises among those subscribers who are not completely satisfied with the current conditions of service: the cost of calls, messages, etc. In some cases, the problem can be solved by simply connecting specialized options, since mobile operators offer a huge range various options to optimize the cost of services. This may be relevant, for example, in situations when the basic cost of Internet services according to the tariff plan is unprofitable for a subscriber who often goes online or communicates with relatives living in other cities of our country. However, when you really are not satisfied with the cost of various services, and there are more interesting offers from the current or other telecom operators, then you should seriously think about how to switch to a different tariff on Beeline.

Preparatory Measures

Initially, before changing the tariff plan, you need to analyze what exactly does not suit you with the current TP. If for a short period of time you need, for example, to reduce the cost of calls to other countries or cities, but in general the tariff plan suits you, you can view a list of options that will help optimize communication costs for this period. After a certain period, you can get rid of this option and return to the previous conditions of the tariff plan.

It is also necessary to select a tariff on the official Beeline portal. Here you can find many offers: with included volumes of services, with per-second billing, for retirees, for active Internet users, and so on. In order to understand what each of these tariff plans is, you should familiarize yourself with their description, which is presented on the site in full form. You can also call the operator's contact center and ask to choose a tariff plan, telling about your preferences.

How much does it cost to switch to another Beeline tariff?

The cost of switching to a different tariff will directly depend on how long ago you changed the TP on the current number. If more than one month has passed since the change, then the number will not be debited. Otherwise, it is worthwhile to specify separately for each tariff the amount by which the balance should be replenished. Subscribers should become better acquainted with the conditions of not only changing the tariff plan, but also switching to it. To switch to some TPs, it is necessary to have a certain amount on the account, which will not be debited from the number, but must be present on it.

Options for changing the tariff plan

So, if you have chosen a tariff plan that, as it seems to you, will be able to satisfy your needs, then you can start changing it. If you use the "prepayment" or "federal number" settlement system, then you will not have any difficulties with the change. However, if we are talking about a postpaid payment system, then the owner of the SIM card will have to contact the company's office with his passport and clarify how to switch to a different tariff on Beeline.

Another difficulty that owners of SIM cards who want to have a city number, or, conversely, those customers who want to abandon it and return a federal number, may face the need to contact the company's office or customer service. According to the terms of changing the tariff plan of the cellular operator - to return the federal number, you should send an e-mail to the address that can be found on the company's website (your region).

How to switch to another tariff on Beeline?

Using USSD functionality. First, you should find out what kind of request you need to enter from the phone. This can be done through the operator's portal or by calling the contact center.

Using voice service. By calling 0611, you can use the voice service and go to the section to change the tariff plan. It is enough just to follow the prompts of the autoinformer, and the change will take place in a few minutes.

If the SIM card is not used in a mobile device, how to switch to another Beeline tariff? The modem, as a rule, has a special interface through which you can also control the number, including adjusting the tariff plan. If this is not possible, or a similar option for managing the number is inconvenient for the client, then you can use the same web cabinet offered on the official website of the provider.

You can change the tariff plan on the number in any convenient way, the main thing is to choose the most successful solution from those presented by the Beeline operator.

Do you need to change the tariff on Beeline? Subscribers of OJSC VimpelCom can quickly and easily switch to another tariff plan on their own or at the office of a mobile operator!

Before proceeding with the procedure for changing the tariff, it is advisable to clarify the current one, so that there will be no confusion in the future. This can be done by dialing * 110 * 05 # and pressing the call button.

In response, the Beeline subscriber will receive an SMS message, which will indicate his current tariff plan. The service is provided absolutely free. After that, you can change the tariff using one of the methods listed below.

Ways to change the tariff plan on Beeline

Through the Internet

The fastest way to make the tariff change procedure is in the "Personal Account" on the Beeline website, which each user has. This method is especially convenient in that it allows you to get acquainted with the features of each tariff plan in advance.

From the phone

You can also change the tariff directly from your phone. The sequence of actions depends on the payment system chosen by the subscriber. With a postpaid system, you need to call 0611 or 8-800-700-0611. At the same time, the user of Beeline services must be ready to name the specialist who answered the call, the full name of the owner of the number specified in the contract.

For a prepaid payment system, it is enough to type the command to switch to the tariff plan specified in its description.

In the office of the company

And, finally, the most classic, but at the same time, least convenient option is to visit the Beeline office in person. If the current tariff provides for a postpaid payment system, you must have a passport with you. The cost of the transition depends on the options of the newly selected tariff plan.

How to disable the tariff on Beeline?

Within the framework of any tariff plan, in addition to the basic features (making phone calls and sending SMS messages), the user receives a number of additional services. However, many of them are provided for a fee.

The number and set of them, the Beeline company provides the ability to quickly manage on the company's website.

Beeline customers can disable or, on the contrary, connect additional services provided for by one or another tariff plan using their "Personal Account". To do this, just go to the "Service Management" section, where you can get complete information not only about active services, but in general about all possible ones.

To activate the service, you need to put a tick in the corresponding box, and to cancel the activation, on the contrary, uncheck the box. After all the changes, you need to click the "Save" button.

What should be considered when changing the Beeline tariff plan?

  • If the phone number is registered for a legal entity, you can change the tariff only by sending an application to the service operator by e-mail.
  • The above instruction is only suitable for those who want to change the tariff without changing the number. If the user wants to switch to a different tariff and at the same time change the Beeline number from city to federal, in this case he must send an application to the company by e-mail. If you intend to change the phone number from federal to city, you will need a personal visit to the Beeline office.
  • You can change the tariff plan on the modem using the "Personal Account". The procedure for changing the tariff plan for mobile Internet is no different from changing the tariff plan for the phone.

There are changes and innovations in every area, and mobile communication does not stand still. In turn, the Beeline operator offers new tariff plans that may be of interest to network subscribers. Active users of cellular communication, having noticed a favorable offer for themselves, want to switch from the current tariff to a new one. However, many do not imagine . In practice, this process is very simple and only takes a few minutes of your time. We will talk about possible ways to change the tariff in this article.

How to choose a new tariff?

Of course, before how to change the tariff on Beeline, you must select it. Most often, users give preference to those offers that provide the maximum possible options for less finance. At the moment, the Beeline operator offers tariffs of the All Inclusive and All families. These tariff plans are considered optimal in terms of price / quality ratio and are in demand among subscribers.

Before you finally decide on the tariff - calculate your monthly expenses for cellular communications, predict your spending and weigh the pros and cons.

Instructions for changing the tariff plan to Beeline

So, you have decided on the tariff and now you can connect it. You can change the tariff in different ways - using a tablet, computer or phone. Choose a device convenient for you and read the instructions for performing the operation.

How to change the tariff on Beeline from the phone?

  1. The fastest way to change your tariff plan is to call the operator's toll-free number. If you are calling from a Beeline mobile number, then dial 0611 for this and make a call. If you are calling from a landline number or any other operator's number, then dial 8-800-700-0611. Calls to the listed numbers are absolutely free. After dialing you will be greeted by an answering machine, which will offer you to select the desired command in the voice menu. You need to dwell on the item "changing the tariff plan". Quite simple and detailed instructions of the answering machine will help you easily change the tariff offer.
  2. If the information from the automatic operator is not enough for you, then you can contact the operator directly, which will change your tariff plan on its own. However, be prepared to confirm the ownership of the specified mobile number using your passport data.
  3. Another way to change the tariff on the phone is by typing a command on the keyboard. You can find the number to activate a particular tariff on the official Beeline website.

How to change the tariff through your personal account

If you have the Internet at hand, then you can go to the personal account of your subscriber number on the official website of the operator and change the tariff there. Select the offer you are interested in and click the corresponding menu button on the site. It is very simple to perform this operation, in addition, this method will make it possible to use other functionality for managing your own account. You can enter your personal account from any device that supports an Internet connection.

Changing the tariff plan at the office of the company

How to change the tariff on Beeline without unnecessary action on your part? Contact the manager of the company, which is in any office of the Beeline operator. An employee will not only advise, but also set up your tariff plan. The best part is that such assistance is absolutely free for any mobile subscriber.

How to change the tariff on the Beeline USB modem

In addition to mobile communications, there is also an Internet space to which you can connect using 3G / 4G modems. To service them, the operator also offers various tariff plans. The subscriber can also change such tariffs at will. In this case, the process of changing the tariff is no different. You can also make a call to toll-free numbers, make settings through your personal account, or contact the company's office in person.

If you still have questions on the topic "How to change the tariff on Beeline?", Then ask them in the comments to this article. We will answer all your questions!

Multifunctional company Beeline never ceases to delight its customers with new options for mobile services. New offers can be so attractive that any user needs up-to-date information on how to change the tariff on Beeline on their own. This is what will be discussed in this review.

Today Beeline uses the most convenient and simple options for changing tariffs that are available to even the most inexperienced user without special skills. For this, a methodology was developed to simplify all operations to change the tariff grid to a more optimal and functional one. Now most of the operator's clients are able to figure out all the proposed methods on their own.

The company offers the following methods:

  • Using interactive commands from the keyboard of mobile devices.
  • Using sms services.
  • On the page of the company's subscriber's personal account.
  • Using the mobile software "My Beeline" and online communication with a specialist in the chat.
  • By contacting the customer support service by calling the company 0611 or 8 800 700 0611 (numbers only for individuals).
  • A banal appeal to the sales office with the passport of the owner of the SIM card.

If you do not know if it is worth changing it, then enter the combination * 110 * 05 # on the keyboard and press the call button. A message will be sent to your number with full information and all connected options, cost, remaining traffic, minutes and the number of remaining sms messages.

Please note that each option has its own interactive commands, or toll-free numbers for the tariff change service. So, let's figure out how to change the tariff on Beeline from the phone.

Go to the page of the official website in the section "Tariffs" and determine what exactly suits you. Then you can go to the Subscriber's Personal Account and make changes here:

  1. You need a password to enter, and the login will be the number of your Beeline SIM card. Dial the command * 110 * 9 # and make a call. In response, you will receive a temporary password, you must enter it in order to change it to a permanent one.
  2. After entering, pay attention to your tariff plan line, here, a little below you can see the link "Change tariff"... Just click on it and you will find yourself on the page for current offers.
  3. Then you should choose a different tariff. This action activates switching to new conditions of use and tariffication.

Note! Here you can find useful links and all commands that can be used to transfer to another line, for example, * 111 #, through which the reconnection is carried out.

Through the special application "My Beeline"

Users on different mobile operating systems can download a special version specifically for their device, then install and launch the application, with which changing the tariff plan is done in a few clicks.

  1. After the first login, you need to log in, that is, enter the password and login, which are identical to log in from a stationary computer. After checking the data, the application interface will open, where you can click on the "Tariffs" icon and choose the option that suits you.
  2. Then you should activate the request, and the support service will automatically do everything itself. After a while, the display will show information with the current data on the transition.

In addition, in the application, the user can easily configure various functionality - enable or disable additional options, activate roaming, set up control over the balance of another subscriber, and so on.

Using an answering machine

Changing the tariff on Beeline can be carried out through the automatic customer support service at 0611. After connecting, listen to the options offered by the answering machine and follow its advice. The change will also happen automatically.

You can also contact the sales office with your civil passport, if the number belongs to you, and discuss this issue with the office employee.

It is this company that can offer stable Internet for stationary devices, and changing its line on the modem is possible as part of the connected Highway service, that is, quickly adding or reducing Internet traffic.

When you connect the device for the first time, special software is automatically installed through which you can send interactive commands or sms requests to change the tariff plan.

Also in the help section there is a link to go to the subscriber's personal account page, and the option works only when the Internet is disconnected. And here you can just switch to another tariffication plan. Click on the option you need and agree to the terms of the company.

Line of tariffs "EVERYTHING!"

Prepaid "All for 300"

The client receives within the framework of this offer:

  • Voice communication without restrictions for all operator numbers.
  • The limit is 300 minutes to the phones of other mobile operators.
  • Sms in the amount of 100 pieces.
  • The volume of the mobile Internet is 2 GB.

To switch to this offer, make a call to the number 0674000301, or make a switch through the subscriber's personal account.

"All for 500"

As part of the "All for 500" package, the client will have access to:

  • Voice calls to all Beeline clients without restrictions.
  • Minutes for calls in the amount of 500 for calls to any mobile phone numbers.
  • 300 messages and 5 GB of traffic.

The operator does not charge money for the transition, 16.66 rubles are debited per day at once for all services provided. Connection is carried out either by number 067400500, or on the website or through a mobile position.

"All for 800"

All 800 package includes:

  • Unlimited conversations with all subscribers of the operator.
  • Allocated 1000 minutes for communication with other clients of mobile networks.
  • 500 messages and 7 GB of traffic.

Daily will be charged at 26.66 rubles. To connect, dial the number 067400800.

"All for 1200"

The line All for 1200 includes:

  • Unlimited voice communication with Beeline clients without regional restrictions.
  • 2,000 minutes for calls to all numbers of mobile networks.
  • 1,000 messages and 10 GB of traffic.

You will be charged 40 rubles. daily, dial 0674001200 to go.

Highway line for modems

Optimal for mobile modems:

  • For the 500 MB Highway option per day, the fee is 3.95 rubles. (that is, about 90 rubles per month). You can connect using the interactive command * 115 * 03 #.
  • The same option, but with 5 GB of Internet traffic per day will cost 6.95 rubles, that is, 190 rubles per month. Connection is possible by command * 115 * 05 # and dialing.
  • To activate the 10 GB option, dial the interactive command * 115 * 07 #, 290 rubles will be charged per month.
  • To use the 20 GB functionality, activate the command * 115 * 08 #. The cost of the service is 390 rubles.
  • If you need a larger package of 30 GB, press the buttons * 115 * 09 #. The price of this will cost 490 rubles per month.

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