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How to change your tariff plan to beeline. We change the tariff plan from Beeline

There are changes and innovations in every area, and mobile communications do not stand still. In turn, the Beeline operator offers new tariff plans that may be of interest to network subscribers. Active Users cellular communication, noticing a profitable offer for themselves, they want to switch from current tariff on new. However, many do not . On practice, this process very simple and only takes a few minutes of your time. O possible ways we will talk about changing the tariff in this article.

How to choose a new tariff?

Of course, before how to change tariff on beeline, it must be selected. Most often, users prefer those offers that provide the maximum possible options for less finance. On the this moment, the Beeline operator offers tariffs for the All Inclusive and All Inclusive families. These tariff plans are considered optimal in terms of price / quality ratio and are in demand among subscribers.

Before finally deciding on a tariff, calculate your monthly expenses for cellular communications, predict your expenses and weigh all the pros and cons.

Instructions for changing the tariff plan to Beeline

So, you have decided on the tariff and now you can connect it. You can change the tariff different ways- using a tablet, computer or phone. Choose a device convenient for you and read the instructions for performing the operation.

How to change the tariff on Beeline from the phone?

  1. Most fast way changing the tariff plan - making a call to the operator's free number. If you are calling from a Beeline mobile number, then dial 0611 for this and make a call. If you are calling from a landline number or any other operator's number, then dial 8-800-700-0611. Calls to the listed numbers are absolutely free. After dialing, you will be greeted by an answering machine, which will prompt you to select from the voice menu desired command. You need to stop at the item "change the tariff plan". Fairly simple and detailed instructions answering machine will help you easily change the tariff offer.
  2. If you do not have enough information from the automatic operator, then you can contact the operator directly, who will change your tariff plan on one's own. However, be prepared to prove ownership of the specified mobile number using passport information.
  3. Another way to change the tariff on the phone is to type a command on the keyboard. You can find the number for activating a particular tariff on the official Beeline website.

How to change the tariff through your personal account

If you have the Internet at hand, then you can go to personal account your his subscriber number on the official website of the operator and change the tariff there. Select the offer you are interested in and press the corresponding menu button on the website. Run this operation very simple other than that this method will give you the opportunity to use other functionality for managing your own account. You can log in to your personal account from any device that supports an Internet connection.

Changing the tariff plan at the office of the company

How to change the tariff on Beeline without further action on your part? Contact the company manager, who is in any office of the Beeline operator. The employee will not only advise, but also set up your tariff plan. The best part is that such assistance is absolutely free for any subscriber. mobile communications.

How to change the tariff on a Beeline USB modem

In addition to mobile communications, there is also an Internet space to which you can connect using 3G / 4G modems. The operator also offers various tariff plans for their service. The subscriber can also change such tariffs at will. AT this case The change process is no different. You can also make a call to free numbers, complete the settings through your personal account or contact the company's office in person.

If you still have questions on the topic "How to change the tariff on Beeline?", Then ask them in the comments to this article. We will answer all your questions!

Cellular operators often have new profitable offers. Therefore, it is useful for subscribers to know how to change their tariff plan. In the article we will learn how to do this if you are a Beeline user.

Before changing the tariff, you should find out what the operator offers. Let's create a table for this:

Tariff name Amount of traffic (specified in GB) Minutes package Number of SMS Price (in rubles per day)
"All Mine 1" 3 300 (valid only for calls to user phones home region) 300 13,33
"All Mine 2" 15 500 300 20
"All Mine 3" 22 1200 300 30
"All Mine 4" 30 2000 300 50
"Totally All Mine" 30 5000 300 83,3
"All for 1800 + roaming" 15 3000 3000 1800 (in this tariff plan, the subscription fee is charged immediately for the month)
"Absolutely everything" 60 6000 (for calls to Russian phones);

600 (for calls to international phones).

6000 6000 (in this tariff, the monthly fee is charged immediately for the month)
"All for 500" 10 600 300 500 (debited immediately per month)
"All for 800" 14 1100 500 800 (debited immediately per month)
"All for 1200" 20 2200 1000 1200 (charged off immediately per month)
"All for 1800" 30 3300 3000 1800 (charged immediately for a month)

Above are offers containing fixed communication packages. In addition to them, Beeline offers the following:

  • "Zero Doubt", no monthly fee. When calling to numbers in your home region (the place where you were connected to Beeline), the price of calls is 2 rubles per minute, outgoing messages are 150 kopecks.
  • "Per second", no monthly fee. If you call phones in your home region, then the price is 5 kopecks per second. If you send SMS - 250 kopecks apiece.

All prices, as well as connected packages, are relevant for Moscow and the region. Information may vary in other regions.

If you have not changed the tariff for more than a month, then the transition is free of charge.

Otherwise, in addition to the subscription fee, 100 rubles are debited.

How to connect tariff plans

With a phone number

Each of the tariffs described above has a connection number. Call him, then follow the prompts of the voice menu.

If you have enough on your phone Money to pay subscription fee, then the terms of service will change. You will be notified about this by a message from the operator.

With a personal account

This method is suitable for switching to tariffs that do not have special number to connect. You will need a computer. Let's figure out how to change the tariff online:

  • Open the operator's website. To do this, enter in address bar link - - and follow it.
  • Find in the right upper corner inscription " Personal Area", you need to click on it.
  • A dropdown menu will open. Enter your phone number there and click on the "Next" button.
  • Click on "Get password via SMS".
  • A notification will appear stating that you mobile phone password sent. Enter it in a line.
  • Next, you will be prompted to create a permanent password, do it. Click next.
  • You will be transferred to your personal account. Hover over "Tariffs", then select "Mobile and Internet".
  • Select the tariff plan you are interested in, click on it and connect.

If you have enough funds in your account, the tariff will change. This will be notified by the operator.

Application "My Beeline"

It is available for download at Google Play and App Store. Let's see how to change Beeline tariff with his help:

  • Log in. To do this, click the "Get password" button, then fill in the authorization fields.
  • Go to the "Tariffs" section.
  • Select the tariff you need and click "Connect".

If your balance allows the transfer, the rate will change.

Call to technical support

If you are unable to change the tariff plan on your phone, then good decision- dial in technical support where experts can help you.

Dial the number - 8-800-700-8378. Wait for the operator's response. Next, voice a request to connect you to the tariff plan that you have chosen. If the state of the balance allows you to do this, then the tariff will be connected.

During the call, you may have to provide the details of the document of the person for whom the SIM was issued.

Salon Beeline

If you are unable to change the beeline tariff on your own, then there is another way. Using the maps, find the nearest Beeline office (there are a lot of them, so it will not be difficult to find). Contact a consultant who will help you change the tariff plan.

Be sure to take with you the document for which the SIM is issued.


We figured out how to change the tariff on Beeline. It's free and pretty easy. If something does not work out for you, then it is advisable to contact the communication salon or call technical support.

Beeline is constantly developing new services that allow you to save on calls, Internet and SMS. The conditions in the new packages are compiled based on the needs of customers. Why overpay if you can change the tariff on Beeline for free and get better rates for communication. The user only needs to view the latest packages and know how to activate them.

Choice and Features

Before you change the tariff plan on Beeline, you should determine the key conditions. Each subscriber needs something different, so the operator has compiled different variations of options.

Tariff types:
  • Package "Everything". The plan is suitable for people who need all possible services. The user who enabled the option will receive free calls in the company's network, minutes for calls with other operators, hundreds of SMS and gigabytes for working with the Internet. The number of bonuses received depends on the size of the subscription fee. Some packages include interesting conditions roaming.
  • Postpaid. The user pays for the services after use.
  • Tariff "Absolutely everything". Package with all important options, working in international roaming.
  • Savings package. There are tariffs tailored for cheap calls.
  • Signal plan. The client receives favorable prices internet and sms.
  • Tariff "Welcome". The user will be able to call abroad at a low cost.

Ways to switch to a new tariff

After choosing a suitable plan, you should find out how to change the Beeline tariff on your phone. Each method has its own advantages. Some methods are simple and fast, others allow you to perform fine tuning and add to the package useful options. However, there is one rule, order new tariff free only once a month. If less than 30 days have passed since such an operation, then the user will have to pay for the service.

Transfer Methods:

  • USSD request. This is the fastest and easiest way that any user of the Beeline operator can handle.
  • Call. The user can call the operator and order a transition to new package.
  • Personal Area. By visiting the company's website, the client will be able to study all the information about prices, conditions and change the plan.
  • Appendix. The program on the phone provides opportunities similar to a virtual office.
  • SMS. You can activate a new service package via a message.
  • Service center.

Connecting the tariff through a personal account

Working with a virtual office is suitable for advanced users with Internet access. To use a personal account, the client will need to create an account on the site, after which, you can get to work. A subscriber who has registered at the office will be able to independently carry out any settings, connect useful options, deactivate services, and manage expenses. In the office there is a description of all active packages.

To change the Beeline tariff online on their own, the subscriber needs to select suitable plan and go to it. A description and a link to connect will appear on the page. If the tariff suits the user, but he lacks some options, no problem. AT virtual office are activated Additional services adding Internet traffic, messages, minutes for talking.

Switching to another tariff using the phone

The subscriber does not necessarily need the Internet. You can change the Beeline tariff using your mobile. The operator provides several methods for switching to a new service package. The simplest is the USSD command. By typing a request on the phone *110*05# , the user will receive information about the current package. To activate a new plan, you need to enter a command with its code.
You can change the service package by calling 0611 or 88007000611. Free phones operate throughout Russia. The user who used voice menu, just has to follow the instructions. If it is not possible to use this method, you should call the operator. However, when contacting a company consultant, you must provide passport data to confirm your identity. You can ask the operator for commands to change the Beeline tariff.
If you cannot complete the procedure yourself, you should contact the branch of the company. The consultant will accept the transfer request. The user needs to have a passport with him.

Changing the tariff for the modem

Connecting more profitable plan for 3G and 4G devices is performed through the voice menu. The client should call 0611 or 88007000611 . Also, you can use your personal account.

All users of mobile communications, once there is a need to change the tariff. The reasons for changing the tariff plan can be very diverse: the release of new more advantageous packages, new promotions, being in roaming, the need to make calls abroad. The Beeline company constantly monitors the wishes of its customers and tries to offer more favorable and optimal conditions for using mobile communications.

Another reason for changing the tariff may be a reassessment of priorities that are related to the daily needs of subscribers. Some eventually realize that for them permanent and unlimited access to the Internet is more important, while others prefer to have free communication with other subscribers, which in turn may be associated with working moments.

However, some users do not always know how to change the tariff. There are several ways to switch to another tariff plan.

In order to determine the tariff that suits you, it is recommended to analyze your costs for mobile services for previous months. This will provide an opportunity to find out which services you use more actively and which you do not.

Behind recent times the most popular tariffs are gaining, which include full package cellular communication services, as well as the Internet with minimal restrictions. As an example, we can take the new packages "All" and "All Inclusive".

Options for changing the tariff on Beeline

Changing the tariff plan using the phone

To change the tariff, call toll-free service number 0611 . You can also make a call to 8-800-700-0611 from any available phone in the territory Russian Federation. Having called one of these numbers, you need to use the voice menu to select the item that corresponds to the replacement of the tariff plan, and then the package you like. Prepaid cellular subscribers can change their tariff by dialing special code service activation.

If you cannot deal with the voice menu or have any additional questions regarding the new tariffs, you can contact the company's consultant directly. You can change the tariff with the help of the operator, after confirming that the number is yours. To do this, you must provide the series and number of the passport.

Changing the tariff plan using the Personal Account

Registering a Personal Account is very simple process. This action is carried out by Beeline customers on the official website of the operator. The advantages of the Personal Account are not only that you can change the tariff plan through it. LC can also provide you with quite wide range opportunities, namely full access to information relating to your room and other services.

By logging into the Personal Account, the client receives detailed information about existing tariff plans. Further, through the services menu, you can make a replacement current tariff to any more suitable one.

Tariff change at the customer service center

A fairly developed network of Beeline customer service centers operates on the territory of Russia. By contacting one of these establishments for help, you can get a comprehensive consultation from an employee of the company regarding changing the tariff, and also, thanks to his help, choose the package of services that is most suitable for you.

Changing the Beeline tariff plan for USB modems

Beeline is actively working on improving service packages for 3G/4G modems. You can switch to another tariff for a modem using the methods indicated above.

All consulting and information Services Beeline are provided free of charge.

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