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How to change a light bulb in a car: tips and tricks. How to change a light bulb: practical tips and tricks


Correctly select a new lamp to purchase to replace the burned out one. A lamp with a mirror can be with an MR-11 (GU4) or MR-16 (GU5.3) base, and lamps of types G4 and G5.3 differ from similar lamps with the letter U in the absence of a mirror. Do not install a lamp for which it is not designed to fit into the luminaire.

The most convenient are halogen bulbs equipped with built-in conical mirrors and protective glasses. To replace a lamp of this type, turn off the power to the lamp, wait for it to cool down (even if the lamp being replaced is burned out and has cooled down for a long time, neighboring lamps can heat up its body), then remove, if necessary, the parts that cover the lamp, then pull it out of the socket . There is no need to unscrew it, since pins are used instead of a screw base. Insert the new lamp with pins into the socket, make sure it is firmly in place, assemble the lamp in reverse order and turn it on.

Some halogen lamps are equipped with conical mirrors, but do not have protective glasses. They require more careful handling. When replacing, keep light bulb only by the reflector, without touching the bulb at all. If you nevertheless touched the flask, degrease it with alcohol (do not use other substances!), wait for it to dry completely (this may take half an hour) and only then turn it on. If you do not degrease the flask, it will burst, and if you do not wait for the alcohol to dry after degreasing, it will catch fire. Otherwise, the method of replacing this type of lamp is similar to that described above.

Lamps without conical mirrors at all are the most inconvenient. Get this light bulb from the package without touching it with your fingers - only through a layer of fabric. Install it the same way. If during the installation process you at least once touched the lamp bulb with your finger, degrease it and wait for the alcohol to dry, as indicated above.


Be careful not to burn yourself or expose flammable objects to heat from the lamp.

Halogen lamps today are a new version of conventional incandescent lamps. Their advantage is bright light, the ability to create lighting effects and excellent color reproduction. Such lighting occupies a worthy place in modern dwellings. But how do you replace burnt out halogen bulbs?


Replace halogen lamps only with clean cotton gloves. Sometimes such gloves are included in the set of lamps. If gloves are not available, use a dry cloth.

Buy a transformer for such lamps with the ability to connect a dimer to it and the presence of special protection against overloads and short circuits. This is necessary, as halogen lamps are very capricious to bad voltage.

The fluorescent lamp is very common due to its efficiency. The life of such lamps is quite long, but still not infinite. You can learn how to easily and quickly replace a fluorescent fluorescent lamp, and what nuances you need to consider when replacing them, from this article.

Such lamps are most often used in ceiling lamps, for illuminating the working surface of kitchens, in bathrooms, as lighting in mirrors, etc. Lamps are available in various sizes and wattages.

In most cases, the lamp itself becomes the cause of the lack of glow, although sometimes the throttle (ballast) or (if available) the starter is the culprit. A burnt-out lamp can most often be identified by a dark-colored ring on the bulb near one end of the lamp.

Replacement procedure

1. Turn off the lamp. If the lamp is burned out and you are not sure whether the lamp is on or off, it is better on the shield.

2. Remove the cover or grille of the lamp to provide access to the lamp. Transparent plafonds of ceiling lamps can be fastened to the lamp body with screws or latches. Inspect the luminaire and unscrew the screws, or release the latches and remove the cover or reflective grille.

On small single-lamp models of lamps, the ceiling is often fixed to the lamp itself. To remove such a cover, simply gently pull on it, starting from any edge. After that, you will have access to the replacement lamp.

3. Remove the lamp. To do this, take both hands closer to the edges of the cylindrical bulb of the lamp and rotate it around the axis by 90 degrees (the direction of rotation does not matter). Gently pull the lamp away from the fixture. In this case, the contact pins of the lamp should come out of the guides of the cartridge with a little effort.

4. Purchase a lamp of a size and power that matches the parameters of your lamp. If you cannot accurately identify the characteristics of a burnt out lamp, take it with you to the store so that the sellers can correctly select a replacement lamp.

5. Install a new lamp in the fixture. To do this, carefully insert both ends of it into the cartridge until it stops and carefully turn the lamp around its axis by 90 degrees (the direction of rotation is still not important). In some cases, you will feel a slight click as the lamp locks into position.

6. Turn on the light and check if it works. If everything works fine, reinstall the ceiling or decorative grille. If the lamp does not light up, then turn off the lamp switch and try to gently move or turn the lamp in the socket, or remove it and install it again.

If, after all attempts, the installed serviceable lamp refuses to burn, most likely the problem lies in a blown choke (its replacement is often comparable in cost to the cost of a lamp) or a starter. All of these parts are inside the body of the lamp, and replacing them will require additional skills, especially changing the choke.

If you do not have independent experience in performing such work, entrust it to a specialist or buy a new lamp if the repair cost is equivalent to the cost of the lamp itself.

Separately, it is worth talking about replacing a burned-out fluorescent lamp in a desktop office or home lamp. Such luminaires mainly use fluorescent lamps with G23, GX23, 2G11, etc. socles.

Some differences may be in the size and shape of the socles, but the principle of connecting the lamp to the lamp socket is the same for everyone. Thus, this instruction can be applied to all such lamps.

Replacement procedure

1. Before removing the G23 type fluorescent lamp from the luminaire, the luminaire must be switched off, i.e. unplug the power cord from the socket.

2. Put the lamp on the table and turn the shade up so that it is convenient for you to remove the lamp. Most often, the free end of the lamp is attached to the ceiling of the lamp with a special plastic clip-clamp.

In order to remove the light bulb from the cartridge, first gently pull it by the edge of the bulb in the direction away from the ceiling, as if bending it, thereby removing it from the retaining bracket. If this bracket is already broken off (a fairly common occurrence), then skip this item.

Take the lamp with your hand (grasp it with your fingers) by the bulb and simply pull it, slightly shaking it, in the direction from the cartridge hidden in the lamp body. The lamp should, with a slight resistance, pop out of the socket.

3. Buy a new lamp. If you cannot unequivocally decide on the size of the lamp and the type of base, then take the burnt out fluorescent lamp with you to the store or to the market when you go looking for a replacement. Thus, the seller will easily select the necessary new lamp for you.

4. Install the lamp in the fixture. After you have mastered the procedure for removing the lamp, it will not be difficult for you to do the reverse steps. Insert a new light bulb with the base into the socket and press the end of the bulb, pushing the light bulb into the socket. It should go into the cartridge until it stops with a barely noticeable click.

Be careful when inserting the light bulb back into the plastic retainer. Over time, the plastic of the retainer becomes extremely brittle and can break easily. At the same time, do not be very upset if this happens - this will not affect the operation of the lamp in any way.

IMPORTANT: A fluorescent lamp contains 3 to 5 mg of mercury, a highly toxic metal. It is strictly forbidden to throw away used lamps together with household or construction waste. As a result of damage to the bulb of such a lamp, mercury will enter the environment. Please take care of the safe disposal of the fluorescent lamp.

By clicking on the picture below, you can watch a short video on how to replace a daylight fluorescent lamp. The video will open in a separate window.

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Replacing a light bulb in a lamp - it would seem, what could be easier? However, even in this matter, people face problems. How to choose and how to change a light bulb? What nuances should be taken into account when replacing lighting in a particular room? What to do if you need to replace the lamp built into the pendant

Types of lamps used

What is the difference between lighting devices of various varieties and what are their pros and cons?

  • One of the most famous types of lighting fixtures is a glass bulb, inside of which there is a spiral, most often made of tungsten. The action of the electric current causes the spiral to heat up and emit a warm yellow light. The main advantages are cheapness and availability for the buyer, while the disadvantages are low efficiency: a much larger resource of electricity is spent on heating the air than on giving off light, and a short lamp life.
  • More modern and perfect look of standard incandescent lamps. The tungsten filament is placed in a flask filled with halogens - vapors of bromine, iodine, chlorine, which increase the evaporation time of the tungsten filament and significantly extend the service life of the device. The light is more even and bright, similar to daylight. The main obstacle to the widespread use of halogen lamps is their cost - it is much higher than the cost of incandescent lamps.
  • They got their name due to the substance phosphor, which allows you to convert energy into light. They are famous for their good efficiency indicators: even low lamp power gives good illumination indicators. A large number of compact options are now being produced, adapted to standard cartridges in fixtures. An important feature of the operation of such a lamp is the content of mercury vapor inside the flask, so they must be disposed of at special collection points.
  • This model is characterized by lower energy consumption and good light performance. Such lamps are much more durable than incandescent lamps and are the best option to use. However, their cost is even higher than the cost of halogen lamps: the price of one piece varies from 250 to 700 rubles.

Each of these types of lamps has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Despite the obvious advantage in terms of durability and environmental friendliness of modern halogen and LED lighting products, people are stopped by such factors as their high cost. Also, people often have no idea how to work with such varieties and how to change a light bulb. It is often worth paying attention to the energy consumption in individual areas of the house. For kitchens and rooms, halogen bulbs are great because they have the best balance of durability, energy savings and cost. Before you change the light bulb in the bathroom and bathroom, you need to understand what level of illumination you need to provide. If buying LED elements is too expensive, you can replace them with halogen lamps, which provide good overall light and are quite durable.

How are the lamps attached?

How to change a light bulb in a chandelier? To do this, you need to know what types of fastening lighting devices exist. There are several ways in total. The most famous is the right-hand threaded mount, when the light bulb is screwed into the socket clockwise. Before you change the light bulb, you need to understand what type it belongs to: when installing an incandescent or energy-saving lamp, you should not press on it, to fix it, you just need to turn it clockwise. In addition, there is a fixation option with two guide pins: they are placed in the groove, and then it is installed with a click. The third type of light bulb requires a 90 degree turn after placing it in the groove.

false ceiling

First of all, you need to ensure your own safety by turning off the power supply and arranging the workplace in such a way that it is convenient to work. Ease of use is extremely important, since the procedure must be carried out carefully and carefully so as not to damage the ceiling covering. This is especially important when replacing lighting fixtures built into suspended and stretch ceilings. At the first stage of work, it is necessary to unlock the ring that fixes the lamp in the housing. After that, it gently turns out and is replaced with a new one. It is necessary to determine the lamp power when replacing it in order to ensure the same level of illumination of the room. Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to fix the ring back, securing the light bulb in the socket.

When buying an LED element, be sure to check the quality of combustion by pointing the phone's camera at the lamp. If the light is pulsating, chances are it won't last long due to poor build quality, so it's worth getting another one. When choosing lighting fixtures for a room, it is better to stay on lamps of the same variety and model: then the illumination and light temperature will be harmonious. How do you change a light bulb to brighten up a room? To do this, it is not necessary to choose a more powerful or capacious element. It is enough to replace all yellow light lamps with white light fixtures: this will help to increase the luminous flux and achieve a higher level of illumination.

Replacing a light bulb in a lamp does not require serious skills. But even in this case, certain difficulties may arise associated with the design of suspended ceilings and spotlights. For this reason, you should figure out how to replace the LED light bulb in a spotlight.

Types of light bulbs used

The incandescent lamp is the most well-known type of lighting fixture. It consists of a flask, inside of which there is a thread. When an electric current is passed, it heats up to 3 thousand degrees and begins to glow. Advantages are low price and mass character. Disadvantages - high power consumption. The incandescent bulb also gets very hot on its own..

Halogen lamps are more efficient. They differ from ordinary incandescent lamps in that the bulb is filled with vapors of halogen gases. This significantly increases the life of such lamps. Their cost is slightly higher than the price of conventional incandescent lamps.

Fluorescent lamps consume even less energy than the previous ones at the same luminosity. Compact devices of this type, coiled and using a conventional base (E 14 and E 27), are known on the market as "energy-saving lamps". The most significant drawback is the presence of dangerous mercury vapors. LED light sources are a promising solution that can replace older types. They are distinguished by the longest service life and the lowest energy consumption.

The choice of a specific type depends on the conditions of use. Halogen lamps are great for kitchens and rooms. They provide the perfect balance durability, cost and energy efficiency. LED lamps give bright light and consume very little energy, but at the same time they differ in the highest price.

Types and methods of fastening

There are three types of this mount. which determines how to replace a light bulb. Here they are:

  • With a latch and a two-pin base (examples of designations - GU 5.3, MR 16), most often used for spotlights. In this case, the light bulb is simply inserted into the socket and snaps into place.
  • With latch and 2-pin socket, rotatable by 90 degrees (example - GU 10).
  • With conventional screw base (E14, E27). Used less frequently than the two listed above.

Steps to replace the light source

First, you should get the lamp by removing the retaining ring, with which it is fixed in the ceiling. To do this, carefully pick up the antennae, remove the ring and set it aside, as it will be needed for reinstallation. Then, depending on the type, you should carefully pull out or unscrew the bulb from the socket, holding it with your free hand. Conventional and halogen bulbs simply unscrew. If it collapses, then you should collect the fragments, and then unscrew the base with pliers, making sure that the cartridge is not damaged. In this case, it is also necessary to choose the right size of the base.

Before installation, it is necessary to correctly determine the power and operating voltage of the lamp in order to provide the desired level of illumination. It is necessary to check the data of both lighting devices and their packages, since, for example, there are LED lamps with a GU 5-3 base, rated for 12 and 220 volts. The power of the new source should be the same or slightly less than that of the old one. Otherwise, the lamp may overheat, and the power supply provided by its design may burn out. Do not handle the flask of halogen lamps with dirty hands - this significantly reduces their service life.

After a successful check, you can insert or screw the lamp into the socket. Then you should install the spotlight in its place. After that, you need to take the retaining ring, squeeze its ears, insert the ends into the grooves and release. Making sure that that the lamp is securely fixed, you can supply electricity to the house and turn on the light.

Before carrying out work, turn off the electricity supply in the house. A wall switch with an erroneous wiring of electrical wiring can open not a phase, but a neutral wire, which will lead to electric shock during removal and installation.

The place of work should be convenient and safe. You can not change the lamp on unstable benches and stools, for this you should use a high-quality factory ladder-ladder. All procedures must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the ceiling, the lamp itself and its wiring.

So changing light bulbs in suspended ceilings and spotlights It's not as difficult a job as it seems.

IN In this article, we will try to bring to you the information that you will need in order to (maybe yourself) replace a burned-out lamp at home, in the country or in an apartment.

Many people think that this is simple and easy, but this is not entirely true.

First, you must not neglect the safety rules and remember that electrical energy can be life-threatening.

Secondly, you must decide which lamp you need.

To date, there are several main types of lamps:

Third, you need to determine the lamp base (see picture)

Fluorescent and LED lamps, in our time (beginning of the XXI century) are energy-saving.

You can see this in the following picture.

As you can see in the picture, the cheapest light bulbs are incandescent, but this does not mean that they are the most economical.

Also, this can be verified by the luminous flux on the following comparative table.

And now, after the briefing, any person living in the house is able to change the light bulb, of course, with the exception of the child and the elderly.

Necessary actions to replace the light bulb in or in:

1. Make sure the switch is in the off position before any activity.

2. If it is a chandelier or lampshade, slowly unscrew and remove it.

3. Turn on another light source so that you can see where to screw the light bulb.

4.If the light bulb is on or high on the wall, you need a stable, solid chair.

5.To unscrew the light bulb, make sure it is close to your line of sight, maximum hand distance.

6. Let it cool for three minutes and then unscrew the bulb (right to left), if you have trouble, you need to take a towel to protect yourself in case the bulb breaks.

7. After you unscrew it, carefully remove it and throw it into the trash.

8. Take another, new lamp and screw it into place of the old one (from left to right).

9. Check the light switch to see if the lamp is on.

10.If the light is off, repeat the operation again.

11. This should not take more than five minutes of your time.

If you carefully and consistently, point by point, change the light bulb, then this will not bring any particular difficulties.

But the most important thing to remember is not to neglect safety measures.

If there are difficulties, then you need to call a specialist,.

Hide the uncorrected lamp in a safe place where they do not have access or take it to a lamp recycling point.

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