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How to change the esc key to another. How to change the assignment of PC keys

One of my readers contacted me with a question-problem: “In a laptop running under the Windows XP operating system, a frequently used key stopped working over time Enter. How can you transfer its function to another rarely used key?

How to remap a key on the keyboard?

Let's start with the basics: when you press any key, it generates its own unique code for each key, which is transmitted to the computer. The computer recognizes this code and starts the function corresponding to this key.

Simply, it will not be possible to take and slip the PC code of another key. However, there are special programs that allow you to do this work. Such programs are called remappers.

The variety of such programs is very large, they differ in the functionality provided. For our task, a simple, free utility that does not require installation is suitable. .

KeyRemapper - quick keyboard repair

1. Download the program from the given link. Unzip the archive and just run the program's Exe file, no installation is required. Run the program.

2. The main program window will open. On the left side, the keys will be displayed under their true names, and on the right side, under the new names. Now you need to decide on the key on which we will “hang” the function of a non-working button Enter. Let it be a key Pause, it is rarely used.

3. Let's open the left list of buttons available for replacement. Keys Pause there isn't. Let's add it to this list. Click on the “New key” button -> when you see the invitation, click on the button Pause-> now you can revisit the list on the left side and select the newly added key Pause.

4. Now in the list on the right side, find our broken key Enter.

5. To complete the button substitution, click on the “Add” button. The remapping list will display the result of the button replacement.

6. Now you need to disable the idle button Enter. To do this, in the left list, select Enter-> choose from the list on the right Nothing-> click on the add button. This is what should appear in the redirect list:

7. To complete the reassignment operation, click on the “Apply” button -> close the program and restart your computer.

8. To cancel any reassignment, run the program -> select the desired line -> click on the “ Delete". To completely reset the keyboard to its original state, click on the “ Clear". For the changes to take effect, restart your computer.

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There are many keys on the keyboard that you never use. One of the most annoying is the key , preserved from the days of programming languages ​​such as Fortran, where everything was written in capital letters. It is rare that anyone uses the Windows system keys (both the main one and to call the context menu) - it is more convenient to do this with the mouse. Meanwhile, accidentally pressing these keys slows down all work. Those who are annoyed by this can turn them off or reassign them to other functions - for example, to adjacent keys.

Let's consider these actions with examples, and then we will tell you how this is done in the general case - for any key.

First you need to create a new binary parameter in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSet ControlKeyboard Layout registry key (not to be confused with Keyboard Layouts!) (it will be written in the menu as binary parameter), title it Scancode Map (with a space!), And assign it a value according to the following pattern:

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

03 00 00 00 00 00 5C E0

00 00 5D E0 00 00 00 00

This line will disable the Windows flag key and the adjacent popup menu key. Let's understand what is written here.

First, there should be 8 pairs of zeros in a row. Then comes a number (with a leading zero) - in this case 03, which means the number of keys to be tracked plus one (i.e., in this example, two keys are tracked). It should always be followed by three pairs of zeros (complementing up to 4 pairs of digits). The entry must always end with four pairs of zeros. But between them, we must write down as many quadruples of paired numbers as we have provided for tracking keys - in this case, two. They record the so-called scan codes of the keys that we want to disable. In table. 12.2 shows the codes of those keys that it is advisable to consider in terms of candidates for disconnection or replacement (see below).

These codes are written in the last two pairs of each four pairs of numbers, the first two pairs are zeros again - as you can see in the sample. Thus, the line given as an example will disable our right key (with Windows flag) (00 00 5C E0) and adjacent key Call popup menu (00 00 5D E0).

Table 12.2. Key scan codes

What are scan codes and where to get them

The scan code is the number that the keyboard gives out when a certain key is pressed. Scan codes should not be confused with virtual key codes - the latter are already formed at the BIOS and Windows levels and subsequently determine character codes, the very ones that, for example, form the content of text documents. In most cases, they are not related to each other in any way. For example, the virtual code of the "space" key is 32 (the same as the code of the "space" character in single-byte encodings), and its scan code is 57 (in the HEX form it will be 20 and 39, respectively). Note that virtual codes are not equivalent to character codes - in order to turn a virtual code into a character code, one must also take into account the language layout, the state of the keys , and, among other things, the encoding system used - single-byte or Unicode. All this is done by the system keyboard driver even before the press event enters the Windows message queue. Some keys ( or ) are not associated with any characters at all and do not fall into the specified queue. Therefore, to completely replace the functionality of a certain key, it is not enough to replace virtual codes (which, in fact, anyone with programming skills in Delphi or Visual C ++ can do) - you need to act at a deeper level, manipulating precisely scan codes. This allows you to implement the Scancode Map parameter in the Windows registry.

For our purposes, scan codes, as you can guess from the table above, must be represented in hexadecimal (HEX), not decimal form. Tables of virtual codes and character codes are usually attached to any Windows programming manual, but it is not easy to find a complete table of scan codes. One of these tables is located on the Electronic Library website at . It is a little poorly composed - the so-called extended keys (these are those with the second byte in our table equal to E0) are shown there by adding an extra bit equal to 1. That is, choosing a scan code from the HEX column, for example, 11С (key on the numeric keypad), it must be rewritten for our purposes as 1C E0. The official full set of scancodes, including power keys (but excluding additional media keys), can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. The link to the document is very long, so just type the words Keyboard Scan Code Specification in the search on, and you will get what you are looking for - however, in English. When reading this document, please note that we are only interested in one set of codes: Scan Code Set 1.

Of course, you should prepare such a string of numbers in advance and carefully count all the pairs before entering it into the register. But when you enter, you will see that you will be helped not to make mistakes. The value of a binary number is entered manually (Fig. 12.11), but despite the unusual appearance of this editor, you will quickly see that it is very convenient to work with it. In particular, there are no problems when counting input pairs - they are automatically grouped eight per line. Don't forget to reboot your PC after the final input of the parameter values.

Rice. 12.11. Entering binary parameter values

For not just cancellation, but also reassignment, you will have to complicate the recording a bit - the first two pairs of zeros in those fours that contain the codes of the keys to be disabled should be replaced with those codes that, in your opinion, should work. For example, the value of the Scancode Map parameter is

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

03 00 00 00 00 00 5C E0

1D E0 5D E0 00 00 00 00

will make it so that the right key with the Windows flag is disabled, and Will duplicate the right , i.e. the key closest to it. It is this Scancode Map value that is shown as an example in fig. 12.11.

We'll show you how to deal with . Experiments show that not everything is clear with it - in particular, an attempt to simply turn it off may not give results. But I will give the value of the Scancode Map parameter, which is guaranteed to disable - its function is changed to the function (right, but in practice it does not matter), and Here, as before, duplicates the right :

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

03 00 00 00 1D E0 5D E0

2A 00 3A 00 00 00 00 00

On the included disk, in the Registry folder, there is a key.reg file, when you run it and confirm that you really want to make changes to the registry, a Scancode Map parameter with this value will be automatically created. If you don't want to touch anything but , then edit this value as follows: replace 03 with 02 and replace the four non-zero bytes in the second line with zeros.

If the user often has to type quickly and a lot on the computer, then over time he realizes that not all buttons on the keyboard are conveniently located. It happens that some keys break or stop pressing, and there is no way to fix them. To solve the two problems described, there is one solution: change the values ​​for the keys. The article will also look at ways to change the standard keyboard shortcuts and assign new hot buttons for quick access.

How to change the values ​​for keys and their combinations

Windows 7, 8, 10 provides small keyboard settings, but with their help a limited number of key combinations are changed, and only those new buttons that the system itself offers are assigned. The user can reassign an action for a specific button or disable it using third-party programs, the most convenient of which will be discussed in the article.


The program is distributed free of charge on the official website of the developer. Thanks to it, you can change the values ​​of the buttons. For example, by pressing the number 4, you will enter the number 6 if you first change the value for the button with the number 4.

Assigning actions to a button

How to disable the button

If the user often accidentally hits a button, then he can disable it. For this:

How to undo your changes

After changing the value or disabling the button, the user can cancel this action. For this:

Video: Working with SharpKeys


The program contains the same functions as the above application, but has a different design. Please note that you need to run the program as an administrator.

Disabling a Key and Changing a Task

How to undo remapped buttons

If you have changed the value for any button and then want to undo this change, run the program and click on the Reset keyboard layout button. Then restart the computer so that the reversal of the changes is applied to the computer's registry. Everything will be reset to default values.

Video: Working with MapKeyboard

Change combinations for quick access

It is more difficult to carry out this operation, since it is impossible to change existing key combinations to call certain actions in Windows. The only exception is changing the language layout, the combination for this action can be changed, but only to the one that the system will offer. At the same time, it is possible to create new key combinations to launch certain programs, if the buttons that the user wants to use for this are not occupied by system combinations. A complete list of keyboard shortcuts for quick access that exist in Windows by default is published on the official Microsoft website.

Change keyboard shortcuts for choosing an input language

  1. Using the Windows search bar, launch the computer's control panel. Open the Control Panel to start changing keyboard shortcuts
  2. Go to the "Language" section.
    Through the control panel, go to the "Language" section
  3. Open advanced language options.
    In the "Language" section, open the "Advanced options" subsection
  4. In the "Switch input methods" block, click on the "Change language bar shortcuts" button.
    In the advanced options, select the button "Change language bar shortcuts"
  5. In the window that opens, expand the Keyboard Switching tab.
    In the window that opens, go to the "Keyboard Switching" tab
  6. Click the "Change keyboard shortcut" button. Select the action "Switch input language" and press the button "Change keyboard shortcut"
  7. Select one of the options offered by the system for changing the input language and save the changes by clicking the OK button.
    Select a keyboard shortcut from the options offered by the system and press the OK button

Assigning hotkeys to open programs

What to do if the keys changed the value themselves

If the system independently changed the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor some keys, then the reason for what happened may be as follows:

  • the system or registry has been accidentally modified by the user himself. Perhaps some notification appeared that suggested changing the settings, and you accidentally gave permission to do this;
  • a virus started up on the computer, which changed the meanings of the buttons, pursuing its own goals. Check your computer for viruses and remove them if any are found;
  • there was a glitch in the system that caused the keyboard settings to fail, or the keyboard itself failed. You can check this by connecting it to another computer.

To get rid of this problem, if it was not caused by a physical breakdown of the keyboard, you can use the third-party programs described above. Run them and, using the instructions, reset the keyboard settings to default values ​​or set the parameters for each button manually.

You can change the values ​​for the buttons on the keyboard using third-party programs. Using them, you can disable extra keys so that they do not interfere with fast typing. Changing keyboard shortcuts is done through the system settings, and setting new shortcuts through the shortcut properties.

Most conventional PS/2 keyboards connected to fixed terminals or laptops come with default settings. Even if the equipment breaks down, you can afford to buy a new keyboard, because it costs a penny. With laptops, the situation is somewhat more complicated. Keyboard replacement is not cheap. Therefore, instead of buying it, you have to solve the problem of how Windows 7 or another system, if some buttons do not work. This can be done in several ways. But not all of them are very simple. At the very least, you can get confused in the native tools of Windows systems. But for the sake of completeness, we will consider all methods.

What is key remapping for?

Let's start with laptops. The main problem is that different manufacturers add additional keys to keyboards or set standard buttons to carry out different commands and start processes.

And the difference is especially noticeable when using Windows on Apple computer devices. But in the Windows systems themselves, some buttons and keys have not been used by many users for a long time (for example, the same CapsLock button, which many people accidentally press when typing). It is in such situations that one has to solve the problem of how to remap Windows 7 on a laptop or on a stationary terminal, or disable some buttons completely. It goes without saying that the proposed solutions can be used when the keys are not working, and some even specially “sharpen” their keyboards for more comfortable control of processes in modern computer games.

How to remap keys on a Windows 7 keyboard without third party software?

First of all, consider the methodology proposed by the developer of Windows systems. To do this, you need to download a small applet designed to control the keyboard and pointing device (mouse) from the Microsoft website.

How to remap keys on a Windows 7 keyboard using this application? There is nothing easier! After starting the program, you need to select your device from the list and use the basic parameters. A list of current settings will appear. To change the assignment of a command to a specific key, use the display of all commands. After selecting the button and the desired command, you just need to save the current setting. If button deactivation is required, the button/key disable option is used.

How to remap keys on a Windows 7 keyboard: registry

You may or may not use the above applet. By and large, the question of how to reassign 7 can also be solved through the registry. But here some difficulties may arise, since for each key you need to know its scan code in hexadecimal.

So, first, the regedit command calls the registry editor (necessarily with administrator rights), after which the transition is made along the HKLM branch through the SYSTEM and CurrentControlSet directories to the Keyboard Layout directory. To replace one code with another, it is necessary to create a new line parameter through the RMB menu in the right window, specifying the name Scancode Map for it, then enter the editing window, and first enter the scan code of the key in the window, the function of which will be performed after reassignment, then enter the code for the new key.

For example, to reassign a space to right Alt, the combination looks like this: 0E 00 38 E0. To disable a key (let's take CapsLock as an example), the combination must start with four zeros and will look like 00 00 3A 00. As you already know, the process is quite laborious, since you need to know not only the codes and the order in which they are entered. Reassignment can only be done once, so you will have to create many new string parameters.

MapKeyboard app

In order not to deal with such complex procedures and solve the question of how to remap keys on the Windows 7 keyboard in an easier way, it is better to use some utilities designed for this. One of these is a small program called MapKeyboard.

After launching the application, a virtual keyboard will appear. First of all, you need to select a button or key, the function or symbol of which will be reassigned, then a new key is selected from the scrollable list to the right, called by the Remap selected key line, and then the Save layout confirmation button is pressed. Next, a reassignment notification will follow, and the changes will be activated only after a complete restart of the computer.

SharpKeys program

Another simple program is SharpKeys. Alas, if you decide how to remap the keys on the Windows 7 keyboard, the Fn button in particular, you cannot use it. It is better to apply other solutions (the program does not recognize this key, and when changing Cyrillic letters, you need to use similar keys in the Latin layout).

Here the question of how to remap the keys on the Windows 7 keyboard is solved just as simply. First, the Add button is used, after which the "reassignable" button is selected, and in the list on the right - a new action or symbol (the topmost Turn Key Off line is used to disable it completely). Upon completion of the actions, the Write To Registry button is pressed (saving the parameters in the system registry), and a reboot follows.

Applet MKey

Finally, another very interesting utility called MKey or Media Key. Once installed, it will be in the system tray.

In the running program, the add button is pressed, then the key to be reassigned is marked, after that the pressing emulation line is marked, and a new button is selected from the list below. Now it remains to click on the button with the image of a diskette at the very bottom to save the changes.

By the way, it is this program that allows you not only to reassign individual buttons. With its help, you can create your own "hot" combinations, including combinations with, and also customize any manipulators, gamepads and other similar equipment.

Instead of an afterword

It remains to find out the most important question: what exactly to prefer for setting such settings? I think most users will agree that using the registry editor is quite troublesome. And of the programs reviewed, perhaps it is best to choose MKey, since the application has more features than the first two applets and is completely Russified. By the way, please note that before using any of the presented methods, it is first recommended to create a restore point in case of an emergency. But in any program, even after reassignment, you can set the standard default settings by completely resetting the settings.

And, of course, only the most popular methods and programs were considered here, since today there are quite a lot of similar applications on the computer software market. But they all work according to similar principles, and the interface is not particularly different.

The computer keyboard is one of the peripherals that suffer the most from user carelessness. Remember, for example, the situation with spilled coffee or knocked out “gaming” keys that has already become a classic. And, nevertheless, there is still a way out - you can programmatically reassign non-working keys.

MapKeyboard Program

The problems described above can be easily dealt with by a small utility called MapKeyboard , designed to remap system keys and mouse buttons. The program is free, does not require installation, and besides, it will not hang in the background - all changes are made in the registry once.

If you need to make subsequent changes to the keyboard layout, the program will simply need to be run again.

Working with the utility

Download the application, extract it to disk and run it as administrator. The main window opens.

Before starting work, let's decide which keys we will reassign the non-working ones to. They are chosen so that the absence does not bring significant discomfort. Donate without prejudice:

  • Pause (Break);
  • scroll lock;
  • insert;
  • home;
  • Page Up/Page Down.

Having decided, we proceed directly to the replacement process. First, in the MapKeyboard window, click on the key that is planned to act as a replacement, let it be Scroll Lock.

In the field with the drop-down list "Remap selected key to:" we find the key we want to replace, for example "z".

Once selected, the remapped key is highlighted in green. Click "Save layout" to save the changes. If you want to return the keyboard to its original state, just click "Reset keyboard layout".

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