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How to use invisibility in classmates. How to enable invisibility in Odnoklassniki for free: possible options

And again one of the mysterious possibilities of the Odnoklassniki social network is on the agenda. Namely, we will consider the invisibility function today in all details. How do I use this feature? What does it mean? Also read other answers to common questions about this service.

What is the meaning of the function?

So, let's find out why they came up with such a service, who can use it and what advantages and disadvantages it has.

  • Unlike other social networks, Odnoklassniki has a guest function, which not everyone likes - you can't just go to a person's page, he will notice it.
  • This feature in Odnoklassniki allows you to hide yourself in the guest list in the profiles of people we visit.
  • In a word, a person will see that someone has visited his page. But the information about the guest is very limited - only the gender of the guest will be visible on the gray icon... Under no circumstances can a person get hold of other information about the mysterious guest.
  • Are you tired of immediately receiving messages from annoying friends when you appear online? Invisibility will also correct this situation for the better. How? It's simple - when the service is turned on, the user's online status is hidden, both from a personal computer and from a mobile device. That is, no one will be able to see whether you are online or not, unless you give yourself away, for example, by leaving a comment.
  • Liked? Already eager to enable the feature and freely browse other users' pages? Unfortunately, this service is paid on Odnoklassniki. Next, let's look at how to become invisible.

How to get this status?

As mentioned above, this function requires an investment. If you have made a decision that “it's worth it,” then we read how to buy invisibility. On our page in Odnoklassniki, under the profile photo, we see a button with hat icon "Turn on invisibility"... Click on it and get to the page for selecting parameters and viewing prices.

As you can see, you can buy a service for a day or a month. One cannot but agree that the cost for a month is much more profitable than for a day. Therefore, if you are going to use the service for a long time, it is better to take it for a month. You can also take an invisible auto-renewal - it's even cheaper than a month.

When choosing free invisibility, be careful. Below is a note that after three days, an additional service fee will be charged if not canceled. For some, this may come as a surprise, especially if a bank card is linked.

Make sure that you have enough OKs on your account and feel free to buy the service for the selected period. If there is not enough virtual money, then the site itself will take you to the OK payment page for real money.

A few facts about the service

  1. After the expiration of the invisibility of the user, he does not cease to be displayed as a gray box at a party until he logs in from his visible account. Then the gray box will be replaced with the user's avatar and the quick-witted person will figure out who was that invisible person.
  2. This function does not allow viewing photos from a closed page. If a person has restricted access to his page by closing his profile or adding you to the black list, then buying invisible will not improve this situation in any way.
  3. How to disable invisibility? In fact, the same as enabling. Under the profile, press the desired button and voila - the option is disabled. Do not worry, early disconnection of the service does not mean that the next activation of it will become paid again - during the entire period you can enable and disable the service as much as you want.

Hello dear readers! From the content of the article offered to your attention, you can learn about what the invisible person is on the Odnoklassniki social network, what the invisible person looks like, what the invisible person gives, the basic principles of its work. In addition, in this article we will consider the main options, as well as the main nuances of working with this function.

The service is paid. However, its use makes it possible to significantly simplify the life of a huge number of users of the Odnoklassniki social network, as evidenced by reviews. By paying a very small amount of money, you can get absolute invulnerability and be able to view the profiles of other users of this social. networks without fear of the fact that they will receive a notification in the "guests" section.

How invisibility works in Odnoklassniki

It goes without saying, before you start using the invisible function on the Odnoklassniki social network, you must first enable it. Immediately, we note the fact - this type, incognito mode, is not only paid, but also temporary. For this reason, you need to think carefully before using it. In order to connect it, the user needs to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • open the site ok through the browser;
  • Go through a simple authorization procedure;
  • Click on the "enable the invisible function" button, which is located under the avatar;
  • Select the duration of the invisibility (one day, seven days, or thirty days). If you want to use this service all the time, then we recommend that you subscribe.
  • Choosing the most convenient payment method for you;

The procedure for activating the invisible option in Odnoklassniki can also be carried out using various types of mobile devices running on the Android operating system or on the iOS operating system. In order to do this, the user will need to open the mobile version of the Odnoklassniki website or download the official application, which is absolutely free.

What the invisible looks like in Odnoklassniki

If you go to the page of another Odnoklassniki user when you have the invisible option enabled, he will have a notification in the "guests" section that someone has viewed his profile. However, he will not be able to view either the avatars, or the surname, or the name of this user. On friends' pages, you will also appear as an unknown user.

Information about the secret profile of the person whose page you entered with the invisible option turned on cannot be found out even for money. Often there are situations when Odnoklassniki users receive offers to declassify invisibility that has entered their pages for a certain amount of money. If you received such an offer, then you can be absolutely sure - this is one hundred percent fraud.

What does invisibility give

By connecting this option, you practically acquire the virtual currency of the social. network Odnoklassniki and already for it you buy the opportunity to sit offline in Odnoklassniki. This means that you can go to the site unnoticed. Anonymity will become available as soon as you enable the option.

How much does invisibility cost

The option cost is 10 rubles for two days, 60 rubles for 15 days and 95 rubles for 30 days. It is possible to connect invisibility for free. It is awarded for various types of achievement.

How to hide the visiting time in Odnoklassniki

If you enable the invisibility option, the time you spent in Odnoklassniki will be hidden automatically. You can hide your time on the site by going to the publicity settings.

Can an invisible person enter a private profile?

This option implies the ability to view private profiles. However, this will not give you absolutely nothing, because you will not be able to see absolutely any information other than the avatar, surname, name and patronymic of the user, his country, as well as his place of residence or location, the time of his last visit to the site. That is, albums with photos, audio recordings, video recordings, posts on the wall - an invisible person cannot view.

What does invisibility mean in Odnoklassniki. Invisibility makes it possible in Odnoklassniki to be invisible to users, i.e. go to visit, while remaining invisible, and no one will see that you are on the site. Status On the site next to the name will not be displayed. The service is activated for a certain period, but even after the end of the service, all visits in Invisible man user pages will remain anonymous. Please note that Invisible Man does not apply to comments, ratings and messages to users! Users will always be able to see who wrote or rated them.

Free invisibility in Odnoklassniki. This application, moderated by Odnoklassniki, which can be used in the Games section, through the search for applications, find the application moderation of Odnoklassniki.

The task is to moderate videos and photos added by users to the site. In addition, an application has also been developed for android systems.

You get points. Then, for the points earned, you need to participate in auctions where you can win a free gift, two gifts, 5+ ratings, invisibility for a different number of days.

From the proposed auctions, you need to participate in the drawing of free invisibility.

If there are no active auctions, then just see the nearest auctions.

How long does stealth mode last?

When ordering a service in Odnoklassniki, you can order 7, 15, 25, 50, 100, 180 days. It is active for the selected period from the date of payment. When the service expires, you can renew it again. During the specified time, you can activate or deactivate the Invisible Mode at any time by clicking on the link enable invisibility / disable invisibility, under your main profile photo.

How to enable invisibility in Odnoklassniki. In order to enable the Invisible mode in Odnoklassniki, you must:

- select the desired payment method;

- follow the payment instructions.

If there are enough OKs on the account at the time of ordering the service, then you will be offered to pay with OKs from the account.

Invisible in classmates is one of the most demanded services of the social network. With the help of invisibility, you can log into other accounts of classmates, while users will not receive a notification that you visited their page. There are several ways to go invisible to OK. I will tell you about the simplest methods in today's article.

Free invisibility using the app

The easiest way to get free invisibility in classmates is to install a special "Moderator in classmates" application for yourself. All you need to do is fill in the name of the application in the search bar and start using it. The average time spent on getting free invisibility is 20-30 minutes. It is advisable to earn 3000-4000 points in order to get invisible at the auction for sure.

Getting a free invisibility through the "moderator" application

Do not forget that using the application you can not only get a free invisibility, but also buy additional stickers for communication and a "5+" rating. There are a few tricks to keep in mind when you enter an auction. Participate in auctions in the morning (the earlier, the better), place your bid for a short invisibility (for 3 days), not for 7 days. And the main trick is to place your bet last, just before the expiration of the term, there you can buy invisibility 60-70% cheaper. Enjoy the shopping.

Free invisibility for testing

Another easy way to get free invisibility in classmates is to take it for a test period. In 2018, they give to test invisibility for 3 days. The process of turning on the test mode is simple. We activate the invisibility function and select the "try for free" field. Next, we will have several prepayment methods. It is advisable for us to choose a bank card, but if you have at least 190 shackles on your account, then we choose the personal account of classmates.

Free invisibility through the test function for 3 days

We now begin the stealth test mode. The most important thing is to have time to turn it off before turning on the paid function after 72 hours. You can disable the function in your personal profile. You are required to indicate the reason why you decided not to use invisibility. The choice of the reason depends on your imagination.

An easy way to go incognito to the desired page

The administration of classmates does not encourage the creation of fake accounts, but this is one of the easiest ways to be invisible in OK. Just log out of your account, then go back to the site. Now we have to go through the process of new registration in Odnoklassniki. To do this, you must have an unregistered phone number. We go through registration, indicate the fictitious name and add not your photo, and now you can be invisible in OK.

Registration of a fake account in OK

In this case, it is better to avoid excessive account activity. If you need to find out information about a specific person, then it is better to add people from his environment to your friends. You can get full information about the profile only after adding the required profile as a friend. I advise you not to abuse this method and use it only for the good.

Free invisibility as a gift

The fourth surefire way to get free invisibility is to participate in various contests of popular groups. As a rule, once a month, large communities hold a drawing of gifts and prizes, among which there are Oki and free invisibility. To do this, I recommend that you score "draws in classmates" in the search bar, and you will get a whole list of groups.

Groups of draws for gifts in Odnoklassniki

In order to receive a free invisibility as a gift, you need to complete various tasks. The competition itself usually lasts 1 week. Of all the ways to get free invisibility, this is the longest and most difficult way. I recommend using it only as a last resort. After all, you have 1 more way to be invisible in classmates, even without registration.

How to go invisible in classmates

And finally, another interesting trick to be invisible in classmates is to copy the address of the person (or group) you want to go to (for example, in a notepad or just with the ctrl-c command). After that, we press the exit from the profile, now you are not authorized in classmates. Paste the copied address into the address bar, now you are invisible on the user page. One drawback - you can stay on the page for a limited time (about 15 seconds). As you can see, you can go invisible in classmates using 5 methods.

Anonymity mode in Odnoklassniki

How to go invisible to classmates using a third-party extension

I have already written more than once about various extensions for classmates that I have tested on myself. Very often, users are looking for an opportunity to go invisible to classmates using free programs. And completely in vain. There is no way to go invisible to OK using the extension, because this function is performed through your account. The extension can ask for access to your profile and at least hack your account. However, there are also more serious consequences. Therefore, I strongly advise against using extensions to enter classmates invisibly.

Anonymity is one of the biggest problems for classmates.

As you can see, it is quite easy to enter classmates invisibly. All you need is to know the algorithm for obtaining a free invisible status and a little work. I wish the readers of my blog interesting social networks and discover new features! By the way, tell us in the comments which method of free invisibility do you use? And why exactly?

Video about free invisibility in classmates :

You can almost always see the person who came to your page. If earlier it was impossible to hide at all, then not so long ago a service called "Invisible" appeared, thanks to which you can view other people's profiles without being recognized.

Currently, this option can be activated for a period of 10, 25 or 50 days, depending on the needs. The cost is 20, 50 and 100 OK, respectively. To use the "Invisible", you need to activate the service, after which you can pay for it.

How to enable invisibility?

This is as easy as shelling pears to do. Go to and look at the menu under your avatar. It has an item "Turn on invisibility". We click on it.

A window opens in front of you with a choice of period and payment. If your account does not have enough funds to pay for Invisible Man, you can.

How does invisibility work in Odnoklassniki?

It's simple. After payment, the service is activated. From that moment on, you can go to the page of friends or a user who is not added to your friends, and at the same time they will not be able to find out that it was you who visited them. Why? Because the name and avatar of the guest is hidden. The user can only guess who it was ... True, do not forget that closed profiles cannot be viewed even with invisibility activated.

How to recognize invisibility in Odnoklassniki?

No way, otherwise what's the point in this service? Of course, you can guess who is visiting your page under the name of invisible, but you probably won't be able to find out. And if you are offered to find out for money or using special programs, do not believe it, this is a deception aimed at emptying your wallet.

Popular questions and answers

We answer other popular questions related to the "Invisible" service.

Will your photo be displayed after disabling the service for those to whom you visited while in invisibility mode?

Answer: no, don't worry, nothing is displayed.

Can a person come to my page under invisibility if he is on my black list?

Answer: it cannot, unless from another account, which.

Does the invisible person have the ability to rate and comment on photos?

Answer: yes, it does, but in this case, the invisible person can declassify himself.

When several different invisibles come in, how many avatars are displayed?

Answer: the number of avatars displayed is the same as the number of guests who came to your page.

Can I turn off this mode myself? For example, today I wanted to visit a friend under my own name, and tomorrow - under invisibility?

The answer is of course. You can enable and disable the service as many times as you like, as long as it is paid for.

How to remove invisibility from guests?

Answer: Wait until it disappears from the list itself. This will happen in 30 days. Or, as an option, hide from the guests yourself in the section of the same name.

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