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How to completely uninstall an application on a computer. How do I uninstall programs from my computer correctly? Removing programs through the Program Files folder


Unfortunately, most software developers behave like our outdoor enthusiasts who come to a beautiful lawn, dirtied everything around and go away "forgetting" to clean up after themselves. And after them - even a flood. So it is with most programs developed by almost any company. First, advertisements are presented about the extraordinary capabilities of these programs, and when a person is convinced that this is just another bullshit, tools for their removal are not always provided. And if you nevertheless removed unnecessary programs, then after uninstalling them they leave such a trace on the computer that the computer starts to work unstable. So what to do with incompletely removed or non-removable programs?

I have a habit of testing some programs on one of my computers. The fact is that there are often programs on the Internet that describe their useful properties and, of course, before installing them on all computers and using them intensively, as well as recommending to other PC users, I try to test them as much as possible. Therefore, the question of completely removing traces of unnecessary or malicious programs is very urgent for me. And why it is desirable to remove unnecessary programs from your PC, I wrote earlier in many of my articles. First, the more programs are installed on the computer, the slower it works. Secondly, you often install so-called "left-handed" programs that may contain viruses if they are not viruses themselves.

In my article "" I already wrote a little about how to remove unnecessary programs from your PC. But this is not enough. Therefore, I propose an article on the topic of uninstalling programs, including "non-removable" ones.

The first and main method (from the generally accepted) is to use the uninstaller, which is often included with the program you want to uninstall. These uninstaller programs appear (but not necessarily) on your PC immediately after installing the programs themselves. Let's take a look at the example of ESET Smart security. The developer of this program kindly provides a program that is designed to remove it. Your computer may not have this program (ESET Smart security), but there is probably another one that also has an uninstaller program. To find it, click the "Start" button at the bottom left of your screen. Then in the menu that opens (see Fig. 1) select "All programs" (see 1 Fig. 1). In the new window, select the folder with any program not developed by Microsoft (they usually do not give users such a tool). In my case, this is the "ESET" folder (see 1 Fig.2). You can choose another folder for yourself. In the "ESET" folder, open the "ESET Smart security" folder (see 2 Fig. 2), and find the program "Uninstall" (see 3 Fig. 2).

The uninstaller programs may have different names for different programs, but most often they are called either "Uninstall", or "Uninstall", or "Uninstall". By running the uninstaller, you, as a rule, will remove the unnecessary program from your computer (along with its attached folders, files and other programs). But, unfortunately, as I said above, most likely not completely. You can verify this by checking the presence of the unnecessary program folder in the Program Files folder on the system drive (most likely, this is the local C drive). At the same time, all files, including installation files, will be faithfully saved in this folder, and you, most likely, with a certain skill, will be able to run this program again.

The second method (perhaps even more widespread than the first) is to uninstall programs using the "Uninstall Programs" utility built into the operating system. It is advisable to use it when there is no uninstaller program (not all program developers care about PC users). In order to start "Remove Programs", click the "Start" button and in the menu that opens, select "Control Panel" (see 2 Fig. 1).

In the new window Fig. 3 select "Remove programs" (see 1 Fig. 3).

In the Fig. 4 window, from the list of installed programs (see 1 Fig. 4), select the one you plan to uninstall (as an example, see 2 Fig. 4). Right-click on it and in the context menu that appears (see 3 Fig. 4) select the "Delete" or "Change" command, depending on your context menu. In my example, the context menu consists of only one “Delete” command, but depending on the program to be uninstalled, the right-click context menu may be different and may not contain the uninstall command, as is the case with ESET. In this case, select the "Change" command. In new windows, persistently press the "Delete" button (there it will definitely be) and act according to the prompts. As an example, you can see the process of uninstalling the antivirus program "Avast", which is described in the article "".

Unfortunately, when you uninstall programs using the second method, traces of the deleted programs almost always remain on your computer. For some reason, the Windows developer Microsoft is not very concerned about the high-quality operation of the "Remove Programs" utility. Perhaps this protects them from re-installing their trial products, otherwise a complete cleaning of the computer from traces of trial programs will allow them to be reused. And they, apparently, do not like this. In any case, both the first and second options for uninstalling programs are not a very reliable way to get rid of unnecessary software products, especially if you test various programs or often install and remove programs from your PC. Therefore, in order to completely get rid of a deleted program after uninstalling it in the first or second way, you need to delete the remaining folder from this program on the system disk in the Program Files folder, and then clean the registry from it. How this is done is described in articles "" and "".

If you install the program for a short time (for several days, up to a month) and then plan to uninstall it, it is best for you to use the "System Restore" function, i.e. create a restore point before installing the program, and after you no longer need it (the program), restore your computer using this restore point. How to do this is described in the article "". However, keep in mind that restore points are not stored on your computer forever, and over time they are deleted. They are also removed when defragmenting the system disk and some other manipulations with it. If you plan to use a program that needs to be removed for longer, you can also create a system image archive and then use it. How this is done is described in the article "".

But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to take advantage of the ability to restore the computer to its previous state. Either the restore point is gone, or you forgot to create a backup or restore point, and the deleted programs are affecting your PC. As an example, traces of trial programs left in your registry prevent you from reusing them. Or, previously installed and then removed programs lead to unstable computer operation. And if you had the carelessness to install the "left" program that contains a virus, it may happen that you will not be able to uninstall the program either in the first or in the second way. It may be that the program you are about to uninstall is not even visible in the Programs and Features window of the Control Panel (see Fig. 4), and the uninstaller program is not working, or it is not at all. In this case, you can use third-party uninstaller programs. There are quite a few free options for uninstaller programs, and some of the paid options have test options that you can also use with success.

Free uninstaller programs include such programs as "Revo Uninstaller", "MyUninstaller", "ZSoft Uninstaller" and many others. You can download them from the official websites of the developers of these programs. The free Revo Uninstaller has a paid alternative, Revo Uninstaller Pro, which you can use for free for 30 days. You can download both programs from the official website of the developer "". For cases when it is impossible to uninstall the program using conventional methods, the program "Revo Uninstaller Pro" is the best choice. By the way, this program is adapted for the Russian language. After you download and install it on your computer, launch it by double-clicking on the program icon on your desktop. You will see a window Fig. 5.

In the window Fig. 5 in the field with the list of programs (see 1 Fig. 5) select the one that you plan to remove. After that, the buttons “Delete” (see 2 Fig.5) and “Quick delete” (see 3 Fig.5) are activated. Better to use the "Delete" button. Then you act in accordance with the opening windows. I will not describe this option, because it is completely intuitive.

The Fig. 5 window displays the same programs that are also visible in the "Programs and Features" window (see Fig. 4). But what if the program is not displayed in the windows of Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, but you clearly know that it is installed on your PC? There is an icon of such a program on the desktop. The program is in the list of programs in the All Programs window, which you can contemplate by clicking All Programs (see 1 Fig. 1). And this program is present in the folder of the same name, which is located in the "Program Files" folder on the system drive. But you also cannot delete this folder in the usual ways. To fix this situation will help you, again, the program "Revo Uninstaller Pro". To do this, start your computer in safe mode, i.e. while the computer is running, enable the restart and press the "F8" key on the computer keyboard at intervals of two clicks per second. After the computer boots up, select "Safe Mode" and press the "Enter" button. You will see help for working in Safe Mode on the screen. You can close it, because Although your PC's desktop will look a little unusual, working on your PC in Safe Mode is almost the same as normal.

Open the system drive (usually the local drive "C"). Find the folder of the program you want to delete on the system drive in the Program Files folder. For example, I took the SkyMonk file (see 1 Fig.6). There are different opinions about this program. Someone says that it is harmless, someone claims that it is a virus. In any case, a lot of advertisements are distributed through it, and personally I do not use it. Click on it (on the folder) with the right mouse button. A context menu will open, in which select “Uninstall using Revo Uninstaller Pro” (see 1 Fig. 7).

In the new window Fig. 8 you can choose the deletion mode (see 1 Fig. 8), or trust the program and just click the "Next" button (see 2 Fig. 8). After that, a scan of your computer will start to detect the remaining elements of the program to be removed (see Fig. 9). In the Fig. 9 window, you do not need to do anything, the program will do everything for you.

If the folder is not deleted in the usual way, and there are traces of the program to be removed in the computer registry, the program will find these traces, and you will see a window similar to Fig. 10, but only with the registry files. At the time of this writing, I do not have a program that can be uninstalled and a folder that cannot be deleted, but there are only non-deleted folders left over from previously deleted programs. Moreover, the registry from the traces of the "SkyMonk" program was also cleared, therefore, as a result of the search, I immediately received the Fig. 10 window, which displays the files and folders found. To completely get rid of traces of the program that annoys you, click the "Select All" button (see 1 Fig. 10). As a result of your actions, to the left of the detected files and folders (and if you have a window with registry keys, then to the left of the found registry keys) checkboxes will appear (see 2 Fig. 10), which I do not have, because I haven’t clicked the Select All button at the time the screenshot was taken. After that, feel free to click the delete button. Just in case, the uninstaller will ask you to confirm your desire to delete files. You will need to click the "OK" button. As I said above, I do not have a screenshot when Revo Uninstaller Pro detects registry keys. at the time of this writing, there was no non-removable program on my PC.

The installation of questionable programs or known programs, but obtained from unreliable sources, can lead to the fact that the files of these programs are integrated into the system files and modify them. This can lead to the crash of other programs or even the entire system. On the other hand, deleting modified registry keys and corrupted system files can do the same thing. Therefore, clean your computer from traces of deleted programs and forcibly remove non-removable programs using "Revo Uninstaller Pro" (or using other paid or free uninstaller programs), do one or two programs gradually. And before deleting (cleaning), be sure to create a restore point, as described in the article "". And after you complete all the deletions and cleaning, it is advisable to check the system files. How to do this is described in the article ""

If you are fond of software testing, be prepared for the fact that sooner or later you will still have to reinstall your operating system.

Itsenko Alexander Ivanovich

The program is not removed from the computer through the Add or Remove Programs menu and in general by no means, deleted all the folders related to the program, used all kinds of utilities to clean the registry from unnecessary keys, it's useless. The fact is that I want to install it again, it is licensed and bought for money, but lately it has been working with errors. The installer says: the application is already installed and that's it. The forum prompted what to look for in the bushes (in the registry), is this a joke? Help.
The game is not deleted from the computer Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, I want to reinstall it, but there is always an error, I just deleted the folder with the game, but I could not remove it from the Add / Remove Programs menu, maybe you know how to remove and reinstall, please tell me.

The program is not removed from the computer

And of course it cannot be reinstalled, the utilities: Unlocker, Ccleaner, Revo Uninstaller and the like may be useless, on one site I read how using one of these programs you can remove the antivirus program, I laughed for a long time, in fact, everything is of course will not be so, sometimes the principles of these programs are ineffective. Let's think about what we will do if all the above programs did not help us.

The information in our article applies to both Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

  • Note: Friends, if this article does not help you, then try

Many in case of failure with uninstalling the program from the computer they even reinstall the operating system when it comes to their favorite game. Believe me, in most cases this is not necessary. By the way, the matter is also in the accumulation of garbage in Windows, because the remnants of the program are somewhere and of course take up space on the hard disk, all this is not pleasant enough and of course I want to know exactly where the remaining program files are located.
Such a nuisance occurs due to the broken, for some reason, connection between the program and its keys in the registry. There are many reasons for these, ranging from incorrect user actions and errors of the program itself, we will not dwell on this. To solve such problems, we will need to manually make changes to the registry and our program will be completely removed. How to do it?

Are you no longer using the program you want to uninstall? If you know the process related to it, it also needs to be completed in the device manager.

For good reason, you need to disable the program service in Computer Management.

Now delete all files related to the program from your computer, start with its personal folder located in Program Files, then reboot, if the program has not been deleted and cannot be installed again, you will have to delete its entries in the registry.

It is advisable to view the entire registry or the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branches (contains information about hardware and software) and HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software, where all information about installed applications is located.

What else can you do if you have problems uninstalling programs?

  • Try to visit the site of the program manufacturer, there is a high probability that an uninstaller is available for download, for example, on the site of the Nero program, which is not so easy to remove, there is such a utility.
  • If you unsuccessfully uninstall a game or program, the uninstaller may be located on the installation disk, you should run it and you will see the Delete item, if you do not have a disk, read on.
  • In especially difficult cases, you will have to enter your operating system in Safe Mode, only in it you will be able to disable the service and delete all remaining files and registry keys.
  • Sometimes you will not be able to delete the program files even in Safe Mode, but you will be able to rename them and delete them after a reboot.
  • It is worth trying to reinstall the program, and then it will be successfully uninstalled.

For clarity, let's try to reinstall the game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which for several days in a row cannot be reinstalled by my son's comrade-in-arms.

We will have a lot of work to do in this tutorial! We will get rid of unnecessary - unnecessary programs.

If you have been using a computer for a long time, installed different programs, or if someone installed programs for you, then this lesson will help you put things in order with regard to different programs.

In the last lesson, we talked about the need to clean the computer of various "garbage", ie. from accumulated unnecessary files and records. The same goes for programs. Many users have a bunch of programs installed on their computer that are either very rarely or never used at all.

Or, several similar programs are installed, for example, several video or audio players, which means that some of them are not needed at all.

For low-power computers and / or for computers with little free space, getting rid of unnecessary programs will be very useful. And in this tutorial we will deal with that.

First comes the theory. Then, as always, a practical task.

Theoretical part

Many novice users use the Wrong removal of programs from the computer. They understand where a program was installed on the computer (for example, by default, the folder Program Files on the system drive, which was mentioned in the first lesson) and when some program is no longer needed, they simply find the folder with the files of this program and delete it:

Of course, in this way, most of the files of this uninstalled program will be deleted. But, at the same time, some files may still remain on the computer, which during the installation of the program were placed in other places on the computer (besides the Program Files folder). And if they are not removed too, they can interfere with the correct operation of the computer.

For example, it can visibly affect the performance of the computer when many programs have been uninstalled incorrectly.

Therefore, in this lesson, we will first talk about the correct removal of programs from the computer. First of all, let's consider uninstalling programs using standard methods that are available without installing additional tools for the correct uninstallation of programs.

And then let's talk about an even more reliable and convenient way to uninstall programs using your existing CCleaner program, which we used in the last lesson.

1. Deletingprograms through the Start menu

If during the installation of a program in the installation settings it was specified that the shortcuts for launching the program and its uninstallation (removal) were also placed in the Start menu, then you can uninstall the program via the uninstall shortcut (if it is present there).

For example, let's take a look at a snapshot of the Start menu shortcuts of some installed programs. Note that some programs ( AIMP3 and Any Video Converter) there are uninstall files Uninstall... When you click on this uninstall shortcut, the removal of the selected program will begin, and you just need to follow the suggested steps:

But, we also see that some programs ( 7-Zip and avast! Free Antivirus) shortcuts to remove them from the computer - no.

Therefore, you need to use some other way to remove programs.

We turn to the consideration of the second method of removing programs from a computer, - through Program Files.

2. Deletingprograms through the Program Files folder

Programs are installed where we define them during installation, and usually it is in the folder Program Files on the system disk, i.e. on the disk where the operating system is installed.

Let's find, for example, a folder with files 7-Zip archiver... In this case, the file that launches the removal of this program from the computer is designated as: uninstall.exe:

Other programs may have something similar: uninstal.exe, uninst.exe,unins.exe or something similar, where there is a mention of uninstallation ( uninstall) with the addition at the end of the extension .exe.

To remove an unnecessary program, just click on this file and follow the suggested uninstallation steps, usually you just need to confirm that you want to uninstall this program.

As you can see from the example of this 7-Zip program, in the Start menu we did not find an opportunity to remove it, but in the folder Program Files she is.

But for some programs and in this folder, we may not find an opportunity to delete them. So, for example, in avast! Free Antivirus we do not find a shortcut to uninstall in the start menu, nor an uninstal file in the folder Program Files.

How, then, to remove such programs?

For example, this can be done using special Windows tools for uninstalling programs.

3. Deletingprograms through the Control Panel

We go through the Start menu in Control Panel:

After that, a list of programs installed on the computer will be provided, in which we can select the program that we want to remove and click on the link Delete / Change, and then confirm the deletion:

As you can see, in this case we have already found how to uninstall the program when there is no way to uninstall it using one of the first two methods described above.

We used all these three methods without installing additional applications on the computer. And any of these methods, of course, is better than simply deleting the folder with all the installed program files, for example, like this:

In general, I will mention again that it is wrong to delete this way! Better to use one of the above methods. But, even better (more convenient and efficient), remove programs using special programs, which we will talk about later.

4. Free of chargeprogram for uninstalling programs

According to some experienced users, the standard deletion in the above methods still does not completely remove all files related to the program to be removed. Therefore, it is recommended to use special programs (free) such as CCleaner or Revo Uninstaller.

Revo Uninstaller is a little more difficult for novice users to use than CCleaner. And since you already have CCleaner installed, it remains only to consider how to remove programs using it.

We go in the CCleaner program to the section Service -> Removing programs, select the program you want to delete, click on Uninstall and confirm the deletion:

Note: Note that there is also a button Delete... This function deletes the selected program only from this list installed programs, but the program itself still remains on the computer. So, to remove the program from the computer, use only the button Uninstall.

Removing programs this way (using CCleaner) is more convenient and efficient than the above methods. But, nevertheless, it is also useful to know about them.

5. What can and cannot be deleted?

Of course, someone in relation to some programs may have doubts whether to delete them or not. Someone will definitely think: "Now I will delete something and suddenly something will happen to the computer - for example, it will stop working normally."

Indeed, this can be, but only in those cases when the user deletes what he does not know! So a simple rule works here:

Never delete what you are not sure about!

How then to know what can be deleted and what can not?

Since there are a huge variety of different programs and the need to use certain programs, everyone may have their own, therefore there is no standard solution, which means that you need to analyze your installed programs.

How to do it?

As mentioned earlier in program CCleaner In chapter Service -> Removing programs, a list of installed programs is displayed. There, the programs installed on the computer can be sorted by Name, To the publisher, Installation date and Size which the program occupies on the computer.

For example, clicked on installation date and the whole list was sorted by the order of installation of the programs from the very beginning to the end. Clicked on it again, and first the programs that were installed last will go:

These parameters can help you determine what to remove and what not to remove.

  1. By name(Installed programs). Everything is simple here - by the names of the programs and the icons of these programs, you yourself can see the programs you are familiar with and decide whether you need them or not.
  2. Column information Publisher can also tell you for some programs what kind of program it is. For example, if the publisher is Microsoft Corporation, then you should pay attention to these programs, as they may be important (but not necessarily).
  3. Column ordering installation date can help draw conclusions when a particular program was installed. If installed recently, it means that the computer previously worked without it. Or vice versa, if some programs are installed at the very beginning (immediately after installing the operating system), then they can be very important. For example, it can be programs related to a video card, sound card, webcam.
  4. And ordering to size can also help to pay attention first of all to those programs that take up a lot of space.

Let's consider an example:

Let's say you bought a laptop "off hand" and want to put things in order in it with respect to the installed programs.

You also have your own printer, say, from a Samsung manufacturer. You don't have any more printers and scanners.

In the list of installed programs, you noticed that there are installed applications from different devices from Canon. And thus, you understand that the person from whom you bought the laptop used one or more Canon devices.

And since you do not have these devices, you do not need these programs either. This means that you can safely get rid of them by removing them, i.e. by uninstalling each one in turn:

If the system displays a message that in order to completely remove a program, you need to restart the computer, you can agree to restart, this is normal!

But what if some programs are not familiar to you?

In this case, you can simply use the search for any browser and see on the Internet what kind of programs you have installed on your computer and how important they are to you.

To do this, on the name of the program, click right click the mouse and select:

An additional window will appear with a highlighted program name. Right-click on it and select. The copied name will be in the Clipboard (in the temporary computer memory). Since we did not rename anything, we press Cancellation:

Now we go into any browser that we use to view sites and in the search simply paste the copied name of the program ( right click ->Insert) and search.

The search engine will give an answer and you can go to the very first answers and read what kind of program it is in order to have an idea whether you need it or not.

As a rule, in the search engine, already in the first results of queries in the short description ( 1 ) it will be written what kind of program it is. If this information is not enough, then you can follow the links provided ( 2 ) to learn more:

Of course, if many programs are not familiar to you, then for research, which means each program, it may take you enough time for the first time. But, on the other hand, you will know what programs are generally installed on your computer and will be able to get rid of unnecessary things with understanding.

Practice for this lesson

Using the program CCleaner -> Service -> Removing programs, analyze which programs you do not need and uninstall, i.e. uninstall their.

Once again I want to emphasize that if you are in doubt about some action, then it is better not to do it.

If you have not found out what the program is, do not delete it!

The information from this lesson provides only the necessary knowledge and guidance on how to find out the purpose of any program and correctly uninstall it. And now further decisions on the removal of certain programs - you personally make!

Your report on this lesson

After completing the lesson, write about your results:

- Did you get rid of many programs?
- How easy / difficult was this lesson for you?

If there are serious doubts about whether to remove them or not with regard to certain programs, i.e. if, after research, you could not figure it out yourself, you can indicate them. Perhaps I know, or if I don’t know, then I myself will look for information about these programs and answer - what they are intended for, so that you can decide whether to delete them or not.

But, indicate no more than 3 programs. Still, this is a training in which the main task is to teach you how to do everything yourself!

Very often, when uninstalling programs, certain difficulties may arise, especially when you are just starting to master the computer. Many novice users can simply delete the program folder on their hard drive. And after that, with the wrong removal, a lot of problems begin. Various windows about the absence of certain files appear on the screen, various warnings pop up about the impossibility of loading or incorrect operation of applications. Without thinking about their previous actions that led to this problem, the user begins to refer to failures in the operating system and PC hardware, is configured to reinstall Windows and the like.

What causes errors when loading the operating system. The fact is that if it is not removed correctly, the program leaves its "traces" in the registry, its remnants may be present in the startup or Windows services. All this leads to similar messages when the operating system starts.

There are also times when the user only removes the shortcut on the desktop and is sure that he has completely removed the application. A shortcut is only a link to launch and removing it does not mean that you are getting rid of the installed program. It remains in its entirety on the hard disk and you can start it by creating another shortcut after right-clicking on the application launch file.

Let's consider what to do in such a situation and how to completely remove the program from the computer using the built-in Windows tools and using special utilities.

Uninstall using built-in Windows tools

If you are using the XP version, you can quickly uninstall any application through the Add or Remove Programs tab in the Control Panel. Here, select the application you want and click on the delete button.
In Windows 7, we uninstall in the same way, only the list of applications is in the "Programs and Features" section.

When the program cannot be uninstalled in this way, it means that it is running and works in hidden mode. To do this, you first need to disable it in Windows services, which you can access through the "Administrative Tools" tab on the Control Panel. If it is not in the services and it is still not deleted, you need to check its presence in the Task Manager processes. If the program to be uninstalled is running there, you need to forcibly terminate its execution process with the right mouse button. After disabling applications in services or in the task manager, we restart the uninstallation process.

To completely clean the traces of a deleted program from your computer, you can use third-party cleaning utilities, for example, CCleaner or the Privazer utility. The latter is the best utility for optimizing and speeding up your PC. It quickly cleans up not only the remnants of programs and other "garbage", but also frees up RAM, as a result of which there is an increase in performance.

Other ways to uninstall problematic apps

When the program cannot be uninstalled and it is not in the list of installed ones, then it is more correct to proceed as follows. Download the installation file of this program from the Internet and run it. During the installation, some programs may determine what were previously installed on the computer and offer an uninstall option from further actions.

If you cannot uninstall correctly in this way, it is better to use third-party utilities, for example, Add Remove Plus or Revo Uninstaller.

How to uninstall via Revo Uninstaller

Revo Uninstaller is a more effective tool in removing applications from the computer, including those busy with the process and "non-removable" ones.

You can download this utility from the official site. After installing Revo Uninstaller, the "Uninstaller" tab opens with a list of all installed applications on the computer. Mark the one you want and click on the delete button.

After Revo Uninstaller will ask you to select the mode of operation of the uninstaller. Leave the default Moderate Mode.

After analysis and removal, the utility will ask you to search for the remaining files. As a result of the scan, the "denstrallator" will highlight in bold the entries in the Windows registry for deletion, and then the remaining files on the hard disk, which should be removed.

Thus, the program and all its tails are completely removed from the computer.

We have considered the most common cases of how to remove a program from a computer. We are confident that the listed options will help you solve the problem.

This is uninstallation using the program's installer. This removal method works great and requires a minimum of effort from the user. However, it also has disadvantages. The main disadvantage of this method of uninstalling programs is that in most cases the program is not completely uninstalled. After it, some of its files and registry entries remain on the computer.

In this regard, the question arises of how to completely remove the program from the computer. The easiest way to do this is with the help of special software. The most popular solution of this kind is Revo Uninstall. Therefore, in this article we will describe the process of completely removing the program using Revo Uninstall, and also consider some other programs.

Remove programs completely with Revo Uninstaller

The first thing to do is download Revo Uninstaller. To do this, go to this program and download the installation file. On the site you can download a trial PRO version, which can be used without restrictions for 30 days, or a simplified free Freeware version. The free version is also suitable for our tasks.

Installing Revo Uninstaller should also be straightforward. Just run the installer and click on the "Next" button several times.

After installation, run Revo Uninstaller. After starting this application, you should see a list of all installed programs. In this list, you need to select the program that you want to remove from your computer and click on the "Remove" button.

After that, a warning window will open. Here you just need to click on the "Yes" button.

The next step is to select the deletion mode. Here you can select one of four deletion modes:

  • Built-in - standard mode for uninstalling the program;
  • Safe - removal of the program with the search for additional files and entries in the registry;
  • Moderate - removal of the program with advanced search for additional files and registry entries;
  • Advanced - removal of the program with the most careful search for additional files and registry entries;

In order to completely uninstall the program, select Safe, Moderate or Advanced uninstallation mode and click on the "Next" button. After selecting the uninstallation mode, Revo Uninstaller will launch an initial analysis, and upon completion, the program installer will open.

After completing the uninstallation of the program through the installer, you need to return to Revo Uninstaller and click on the "Next" button.

After that, Revo Uninstaller will start searching for non-deleted files and registry entries.

After completing the search, you need to click on the "Next" button again and you will see a list of files and registry entries that belonged to the remote program. To remove them, check the boxes and click on the "Remove" button.

After deleting the found files and registry entries, click on the "Next" button, and then on the "Finish" button. This completes the complete removal of the program from the computer.

Other programs to completely remove software

If Revo Uninstaller didn't suit you for some reason, then you can try other similar applications. Now there are many programs that specialize in removing software from the Windows operating system. Below we will consider only a few of them.

IObit Uninstaller - software for quickly removing a large number of programs. IObit Uninstaller allows you to simply mark the programs you want to uninstall and get rid of them in one go. In addition, IObit Uninstaller can remove not only full-fledged programs, but also browser extensions, as well as third-party applications that were installed along with shareware software. Also, IObit Uninstaller can delete files remaining after uninstallation, thus ensuring complete removal. IObit Uninstaller is not overloaded with additional functions, so it is not difficult to understand it and it will suit even inexperienced users.

IObit Uninstaller is free software, but at the time of installation it offers to install additional software from partners. There is also a paid version, which costs only 400 rubles. In the paid version, the program provides a more complete removal. You can download IObit Uninstaller.

Ashampoo UnInstaller is powerful enough to completely uninstall programs. Ashampoo Uninstaller monitors the installation of new software on the computer, which allows you to remove even what was installed without the user's permission. At the same time, Ashampoo Uninstaller allows you to uninstall either one program at a time or in whole groups.

In addition to the basic functions, Ashampoo Uninstaller has a number of additional features. The program can clean the drive of unused files, perform defragmentation, optimize the Windows registry, and change the settings of system services and startup.

Ashampoo UnInstaller is completely free. But, to start, you need a license key, which you can get by simply registering.

Uninstall Tool is an application for the complete removal of unwanted programs with the function of cleaning the registry and leftover files. At the same time, the Uninstall Tool allows you to perform both single and batch uninstallations. One of the features of the Uninstall Tool is the ability to monitor the installation process. This ensures a more complete removal of the program in the future. Also, this application can manage some system parameters, for example, startup.

The Uninstall Tool is paid software and costs about $ 20. But, you can take advantage of the 30-day free trial. You can download the Uninstall Tool.

Total Uninstall is a utility for completely removing programs and cleaning temporary files. Total Uninstall analyzes the program to be removed and determines the files associated with it. This ensures the complete removal of all traces of the program from the computer. Also Total Uninstall is able to monitor the installation process in order to commit all changes that have been made and then cancel them. Using this utility, you can remove even those programs that do not have their own uninstaller.

Total Uninstall is a paid solution and starts at $ 20. You can download Total Uninstall.

Display Driver Uninstaller is a highly specialized utility for. Display Driver Uninstaller can completely remove the driver from NVIDIA or AMD graphics cards. Display Driver Uninstaller has a minimum of settings. In order to remove the driver, you just need to run this utility, select the manufacturer (NVIDIA or AMD) and click on the uninstall button. It is advisable to perform this entire procedure from safe mode.

Display Driver Uninstaller is a completely free solution, you can download it.

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