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How to choose a second RAM. Compatibility of RAM sticks from different manufacturers and frequencies

The choice of RAM depends on many different factors. First of all, you should understand for what purposes the computer will be used and with what programs, applications or games it will have to work.

When you decide to upgrade your computer's RAM, you are faced with one of two tasks: either you need to increase the amount of RAM you already have, or make the RAM itself work faster.

We can increase the amount of RAM by installing an additional RAM module or replacing the previously installed ones with modules with a larger capacity. However, with such a replacement, there are some important circumstances to be considered.

When you are faced with the question - which RAM to choose? It should be remembered that RAM works together with the central processor, therefore, how fast the data exchange rate between them will be, the higher the performance indicators of your entire system will be. Moreover, the speed of the processor by default is much higher than the speed of the RAM, which means that we must make the memory work at maximum performance indicators.

We will give some tips on how to choose the right RAM, and before that we will introduce you to the main parameters and characteristics that you should pay attention to before buying a new RAM.

Choosing the amount of RAM

Volume / capacity (measured in gigabytes) - a parameter that indicates the physical volume of the memory module, that is, the space for storing information. The basic rule that should be followed when choosing a certain amount of RAM is the system requirements and recommendations provided by the manufacturers of the software that you are going to install on your computer.

It will be very useful to make an approximate list of programs, and be sure to take into account the type of operating system that you are going to install. Further down the list, you should select the peak (upper values ​​of the recommended and minimum memory sizes). You should always install RAM with a margin, and the recommended system requirements should be lower than the amount of your RAM.

Next, we will offer you the optimal amount of RAM for your home computer, depending on the needs of use. The volume of 2 GB will be quite sufficient for an office computer. 4 GB is the average optimal size for a multimedia computer. 4 GB and above - sufficient for avid gamers or for people involved in graphics or video processing.

An important point is that RAM working in dual-channel mode, using two strips at the same time, will always work faster than using one or three. Similarly, it would be more expedient to install three or six RAM strips on a three-channel system.

Clock speed is an important characteristic when choosing RAM

The clock frequency (measured in megahertz) is an indicator of the operating frequency of the RAM module, that is, the frequency with which the central processor and main memory exchange data. This indicator depends on the type of memory (which will be mentioned below), however, RAM of the same type has different clock rates, which must be paid attention to before choosing RAM. Further, everything is simple - from two modules with the same volume, you should choose the one with a higher clock frequency.

In this case, be sure to take into account the factor that if you choose a memory strip to supplement an existing one, then a new module should be selected with the same frequency as the already installed RAM. The point here is that the system chooses the lowest frequency of the two proposed for operation. Therefore, by installing a module with a lower frequency, we, on the contrary, slow down the computer. And vice versa, by installing the module with a higher frequency, we will not get any improvement in the system operation.

RAM type

Type / type- at the moment the market is represented by the following types of memory: DDR, DDR2 and DDR3.

DDR is considered obsolete today and is practically not used anywhere except in old computers. This module has 184 pins and a standard supply voltage of 2.5 V.

The most common type today is DDR2. Unlike the previous type, which samples 2 data bits per clock cycle, DDR2 samples 4 data bits per clock cycle. DDR2 has 240 pins and a 1.8V supply.

DDR3 - A new type of RAM. It allows you to sample already 8 bits of information in one working cycle. It, like the previous generation of modules, has 240 pins, but the supply voltage is already less and is only 1.5 V. This allows reducing power consumption by up to 40% compared to the power consumption of DDR2. This metric is very useful for mobile systems and laptops.

Before choosing RAM, you should first determine the type of memory supported by your motherboard. At the same time, modules of different types have different form factors, so a module of one type cannot be installed in a slot intended for another. This is precisely what protects the motherboard from accidental damage due to insufficient education in matters of completing computer components.

Latency / Timings

Latency / timing's - the time delay of signals, which is necessary for the execution of a particular command (zeroing, writing, rewriting, etc.) Before deciding which RAM to choose, you need to find out the timings on each of the offered RAM. Then, on the basis of "less is better", choose the one that has the least delays.

However, be sure to keep in mind that a memory module with a high clock frequency often has higher latencies than a RAM with a low clock frequency. Therefore, here everyone decides for himself what is more important to him.

Depending on the application, we will have different performance gains. In some, it will grow due to lower delays, in others, on the contrary, due to a higher clock frequency. That is, here it is better to find a compromise solution and purchase an average module with standard latency, even if it is not high-speed, but you will save money and also get a stable system operation.

Choosing a RAM manufacturer

Manufacturer / brand - at the moment, the choice of RAM is a rather difficult task, since this market segment is represented by a huge number of manufacturers. Therefore, as in matters of buying other components for a personal computer, the choice should be stopped at those manufacturers who have been on the computer components market for more than one year and who have proven themselves well before. Among them, we highlight the following manufacturers: Transcend, Samsung, Kingston, Corsar, OCZ Technology, Hynix, Hyndai, Patriot and others.

Of course, the choice of a particular memory module is based on your personal needs and goals. So, almost every manufacturer has "overclocked" RAM, which have an increased operating frequency and increased supply voltage, which causes more heat generation. To dissipate this excess heat, these types of modules are additionally equipped with heat sinks.

Don't waste your money on purchasing RAM from unknown manufacturers. Here there is a risk of saving money, but as a result of the instability of the system, and, in addition, significantly reduce the performance of the computer.

So, let's summarize and once again note for ourselves those parameters that you should pay attention to before choosing RAM: its volume (selected in accordance with the expected tasks that your system will have to cope with), type of RAM, clock frequency ( depends on the type), latency (latency), and, of course, the manufacturer.

Doubting which RAM to choose? Can't determine the type of RAM your motherboard supports? Not sure how much RAM will best suit your needs? Our experts will always help you with your choice. In addition, you can order the installation of new RAM in the system unit or laptop (netbook) from us.

Call the master

Memory DDR3 is gradually losing ground as the most widespread and is no longer recommended for assembling new systems. It's another matter if the task is to modernize a slightly outdated computer, and within a limited budget. Obviously, such conditions exclude the most overclocked memory kits from the list of options, and they are not considered in our review.

It is noteworthy that within the platform Intel the race for megahertz also doesn't make much sense. The exception here are quite specific tasks that are not of interest to most users. On the other hand, the difference in the price of memory kits of the same size, but with different clock frequencies, is vanishingly small (in the range from 2133 to 3000 MHz, of course). So why not choose a set of RAM faster, for the future?

The situation is completely different with the latest platform. AMD... Due to the peculiarities of its internal architecture, the performance of Ryzen processors directly depends on the operating frequency of the Infinity Fabric memory bus, and therefore its controller. In turn, the frequency of the latter is "tied" to the characteristics of the installed modules and can be increased by overclocking.

An extremely unpleasant nuance of choosing memory modules for Ryzen lies in the fact that not every kit will work in such a system even at its nominal clock frequency. There is already a problem in the architecture features of the modules themselves. In short, the recommendations can be boiled down to two tips: focus on peer-to-peer memory sticks and the most recent BIOS revision for the motherboard. The newer the AGESA protocol in it, the better. Keep in mind that Ryzen's dual-rank memory will always run at lower frequencies, and early versions of this protocol are only friendly to modules based on Samsung chips. And not any, but only the B-Die generation.

Happy upgrade!


For the correct selection of components for the motherboard, you need to know two parameters that RAM (random access memory) possesses - these are speed and volume. Speed ​​in MHz, volume in MB. For modern powerful computers, it is recommended to purchase two or more memory cards. In the event that you decide to follow this advice, then purchase boards with the same parameters. This can guarantee stable performance. If some board is faster and some slower, your computer will focus on weaker RAM. If you bought 1 GB of RAM, then the second one should be bought exactly the same, no less.

It is believed that a 1000 MHz processor requires at least 512 MB of RAM. Calculate the required volume for this parameter depending on the frequency of your own processor. The more the processor, the more RAM it will need. For example, for a powerful one you need 2 to 4 GB of RAM.

Also, when choosing RAM for your computer, you should know how different types of memory differ - DDR, DDR II and DDR S. They differ, first of all, in compatibility with certain models of motherboards. DDR RAM is quite rare and is typical of old computer models. Find out what type of RAM your motherboard has, only then go to the store, because if you buy a memory card of the wrong type, it simply won't install.

Random access memory (RAM) is a work area for central processing unit (CPU) activity. It stores data and programs that are currently running on the computer. OP is a temporary storage of data and at the time of reboot or shutdown of the PC, it completely "empties".


Dynamic random access memory or DRAM - this technology is used by the RAM in modern computers.

OP type. There are several types of memory and before choosing the one you need it is important to determine if it is supported by your PC's motherboard. And here is the list of types:
DDR is characterized by double data rate. Now this type of OP is morally and physically and is almost never used. The DDR module is 184V and the standard supply voltage is 2.5V;
DDR2 is the most widely used today. Allows sampling of 4 bits per clock, while DDR is only 2 bits. Has 120 contacts on each side. The supply voltage is 1.8 V.
DDR3 allows you to sample 8 bits per clock cycle. It also has 240 pins, like DDR2, and its standard voltage is only 1.5 V. In addition, DDR3 has a 40% lower power consumption compared to DDR2 memory. Therefore, for netbooks such memory is practically irreplaceable.

Now let's talk about bandwidth. The more the OP bus has this indicator, the more

Random access memory (RAM) is computer memory that is responsible for quickly exchanging user and system data with the processor. RAM is just as important a device in the system unit as the motherboard or processor. Choosing the right RAM is very difficult, since there are many types of them and they have many important features. That is why in this article we will try to tell you everything you need to know to choose the right RAM.

Features of RAM

What is RAM for?

The purpose of RAM is to store information currently used by the user or programs. The RAM communicates with the processor directly or through the cache. The speed of RAM is tens or even hundreds of times higher than the speed of a hard disk. Let's give an example: the speed of DDR3 is 12800 Mb / s, when the speed of the HDD is 80 Mb / s. In this case, the difference is 160 times, which you will agree is very, very significant.

One of the features of RAM is its volatility, that is, it is able to retain information as long as the power is turned on, when the computer is turned off, all information is erased. There is really one exception - sleep mode, in this case all information from RAM is written to a special temporary file on the hard disk. Therefore, when you wake up the computer from sleep or standby mode, you can see applications, videos, music, documents that you have not closed, and continue working from the point from which it was interrupted.

Why is the amount of RAM important?

The amount of RAM directly affects the performance of individual programs and the system as a whole. The larger the amount of RAM, the less the system will have to access the hard disk, and accordingly there will be no freezes and small slowdowns.

In practice, RAM plays the role of a kind of buffer between the hard disk and the processor. For example, let's say you decide to play a game. When the game is loaded, you see the game menu, which means that the data from the HDD has been transferred to RAM. Now you are working directly with RAM. Next, the game levels are loaded and your profile is also unloading data from the HDD to RAM. The gameplay itself is the interaction of the RAM with the processor.

The same thing happens when you work with programs. The amount of RAM will determine how many documents you can work with at the same time, how many tabs in the browser you can open without freezing. If you have a large amount of RAM, then you can open all of the above in tandem with the game, and even in a small window in the corner of the screen, you can watch a movie. The large amount of RAM allows you to watch high-definition movies without freezing, as well as use various graphic effects.

Choice of RAM

RAM type

When choosing the type of RAM, be sure to pay attention to the features of your motherboard, since it is she who will dictate the conditions to you. Usually, on the manufacturer's website, you will find comprehensive information about what type of RAM the motherboard supports and its other features, for which the choice of memory will be made.

All modern motherboard models support DDR3 RAM type. It is important to note that RAM is divided into: computer and laptop. That is, long sockets are used for a computer, and short ones for a laptop, so they do not fit together.

How much RAM to choose

If we are talking about a stationary computer, then today the most optimal amount of RAM is 8 GB. In tandem with well-balanced components, they will be enough for most games, not to mention various programs and work with multimedia content.

A limitation in the choice of the amount of RAM can be, since not all of them support large amounts of RAM. This is what you need to find out in the first place in the characteristics of the "motherboard".

As for the laptop, first, study its parameters: the number of slots for RAM and the supporting volume. Thus, you should also find out if there are free slots in the motherboard for installing additional RAM panels, and also whether this amount of RAM will be supported by the motherboard. For most laptops, 4GB of RAM is sufficient.

Also, when choosing RAM, remember that 32-bit operating systems do not support more than 4 GB of RAM, or even less. Therefore, it makes no sense to increase its volume. It is worth buying more RAM if you install a 64-bit operating system that supports up to 64 GB of RAM. But for this you must have a powerful computer.

Number of planks

Computers in which the total amount of RAM is divided into an equal number of strips, for the slots available for them, is the best option. Two 4GB sticks are better than one 8GB stick. The fact is that motherboards have support for two or more channel modes of operation with RAM. In theory, by activating this mode, the bandwidth is doubled. In practice, a little less, but it is quite noticeable. Therefore, try to spread the total amount of RAM across slots, but be calculating.

Sooner or later, and you will need to upgrade your computer, so give yourself the opportunity to increase the amount of RAM in the future. For example, if you have 4 slots for RAM - buy two 4 GB sockets, in the future you can buy 2 more 4 GB - and thus increase the volume correctly. If you buy slats of a smaller volume, then later you will have to put them in a box and buy new ones, since there will be no sense from them. More RAM sticks are welcome, but counterintuitive.

RAM strips can be sold either one by one or as a set. Buying RAM in a bundle is more profitable than buying one at a time.

Clock frequency, bandwidth and supply voltage

When choosing RAM, make sure that clock speed, bandwidth and supply voltage are supported by the motherboard. By the way, the higher the value of the listed parameters, the more powerful the RAM.


Site experts strongly recommend to give preference to models of RAM with a radiator. The RAM heatsink is a metal plate that is located on the microcircuits of the sockets. Radiators are used to improve heat dissipation, mainly in high frequency models.

Which company is the best to buy RAM

The company that makes the RAM is also very important. To date, RAM panels from such manufacturers as:

  • Corsair;

  • Kingston;

  • Hynix;

  • Patriot Memory;

  • Transcend.

When choosing RAM, try to ensure that all available panels are not only of the same company, but also of the same model and with the same parameters, for high-quality and synchronous work.


RAM in comparison with other components, such as:, motherboard, and others, is quite cheap. A pair of 4 GB DDR3 slots (with a total volume of 8 GB) costs from 2,500 to 3,000 rubles. If you buy the slats separately, they will cost a little more.

No need to buy newly released RAM models (e.g. 32GB DDR3). Firstly, on average, one megabyte of memory in this case is more expensive, and secondly, you are unlikely to find a way to use all the memory. As a rule, 8 GB of RAM is enough for any user to work comfortably.

Probably, every user of a modern computer trying to upgrade it in order to increase performance by installing additional RAM strips knows or at least guesses that the matter is not limited to buying a new module and inserting it into the corresponding slot on the motherboard. If you do not take into account some basic parameters and do not comply with the mandatory conditions, conflicts may subsequently arise. Therefore, initially it is necessary to check the compatibility of the RAM and the motherboard. This can be done in several ways, which will be discussed further.

Why do you need to check the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM?

Earlier, at the dawn of the development of computer technology, when only DDR SDRAM standard strips were mainly produced, there were no problems with their installation. Here the question was only in volume.

With the advent of new standards, checking the compatibility of RAM with a motherboard has become more relevant, since not all manufacturers have managed to retrain for new types of RAM. Today, the situation repeats itself exactly the opposite: manufacturers of mother chips refuse to support old RAM modifications, excluding their support. The situation is similar with outdated motherboard chips.

This can be illustrated by an example. Let's say the "motherboard" supports the operation of DDR3 RAM strips with a frequency of 1333 MHz, the user bought and inserted a DDR3 bracket into the slot, but working at a frequency of 1600 MHz. What does he get in the end? Yes, the bar will work. But! At the frequency of the motherboard chip, not the one for which it was originally designed. At the same time, stable functioning is not guaranteed absolutely. And if the bandwidth of the bar is incommensurate with that of the central processor, expect trouble.

What parameters should be considered when replacing RAM strips

As for the main parameters that should be taken into account when installing new or additional RAM modules, the following are distinguished among the main ones:

  • memory type and generation;
  • operating frequency;
  • the amount of memory for each individual strip;
  • timings;
  • operating voltage;
  • manufacturer;
  • type of computer device (stationary PC or laptop).

How to find out the compatibility of the motherboard and the simplest method?

Now directly about the verification. Everyone knows that when buying a computer device, the corresponding technical documentation is supplied with it (unless it was purchased hand-held).

Thus, the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM is elementarily checked in the passport of the mother chip. As a rule, all manufacturers indicate the required technical parameters and a list of supported devices or manufacturers. But what if there is no such documentation at the user's disposal? In this case, you will have to turn to the Internet.

Where can I find the parameters of the chipset?

But first you need to know some of the main characteristics of the "motherboard" itself, or at least know the model number. On stationary PCs, this is not a problem. You can simply remove the side cover and look at the specified modification.

For laptops, this option is less convenient, so you can use the Run console, write the msinfo32 command in it, and then view the main characteristics of each component, including the main chipset.

But this information may not be displayed. In such a situation, you can check the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM on the equipment manufacturer's website. For laptops, this is generally ideal.

So, for example, the compatibility of RAM and the ASUS motherboard can be found directly on the official resource. When entering the site, you just need to enter the laptop model number, then go to the main chip section and use the features or support tabs.

The first option is intended for so-called advanced users, where all the main parameters of the supported modules will be shown in the RAM section. The second tab contains a link to download the main list. By downloading it, you can view exactly what requirements are imposed on the RAM sticks, and which manufacturers are included in the list of officially supported ones.

Using the AIDA64 program

In principle, in order not to go far, you can use universal utilities for checking the configuration of a computer system, one of which is the most powerful program AIDA64.

The first step is to check the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM for the maximum amount of RAM. To do this, use the main section "Motherboard", find the line "Chipset" in it, or view the item "Maximum memory size" through the "Properties of the north bridge" menu.

But this is only general information. More detailed parameters are presented in the SPD section. And here there are already all the main characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing new RAM strips (the list above). Based on these data, it will be possible to choose exactly what is best suited for the motherboard chipset.


Summing up, it remains to add that the compatibility of the motherboard and RAM when buying additional memory modules or replacing old slats with new ones must be done without fail, otherwise conflicts that can lead to a complete failure of a computer or laptop cannot be avoided. In terms of the methods used, you can advise either referring to the site of the equipment manufacturer, or using the AIDA64 application or something similar. Only after that, even on the Internet, it will be possible to select the necessary RAM strips.

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