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How to connect to secure wifi without knowing the password. WiFi connection without password

I was always a little surprised by such questions, in which they wrote that when connected to an open (unsecured) Wi-Fi network, the Internet does not work. Or a phone, laptop, tablet and other devices generally refuse to connect to open Wi-Fi. Asked for some advice on what can be done to solve this problem.

And today, I saw on our forum, a message in which it is written that the phone catches an unpassworded Wi-Fi, connects to it without problems, but the Internet does not work. Then I analyzed the comments on the site a little, and realized that the question is very popular, and I have not yet written articles on this issue. I will correct the situation now 🙂 .

Now, we will figure out why there are problems connecting to someone else's, albeit open, wireless networks. We will try to find out if something can be done about it, and if so, what.

I want to write right away that we will consider problems with the connection and operation of the Internet connection, through foreign, wireless networks that are not password protected, and with which you can establish a connection.

All the problems that arise when connecting to your own networks are a different story. It’s just that there will be more ways to solve this or that error, since you have access to the settings of the router itself.

No matter how sad it may sound, but if your smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc., does not want to connect to open Wi-Fi, or the Internet does not work after connecting, then most likely, somehow fix this situation, do not succeed. Somewhere in 90% of cases, you will have to measure it. Somehow I wrote sadly 🙂 .

Why? Yes, because we do not know what kind of access point it is, whose it is, how it is configured, and most importantly, we do not have access to the settings of this router, because it is not ours, but a neighbor, some store, cafe and etc. I think this is understandable and logical.

Here, take for example the question that I wrote about at the beginning of the article:

He was left on our forum, in this thread:.

The question is good, but do you think it is possible to answer something in essence to this question? I also think not. Maybe it's just that the Internet is not paid. There is a connection, but the Internet does not work. standard situation. Maybe some kind of blocking is enabled there, or the phone did not like the channel on which it works.

I would highlight two main problems. On them, we will divide the article. This will make it easier and more understandable.

Can't connect to an open Wi-Fi network

This is probably the most popular question. On laptops (and desktop computers), it could be an error "", or something else.

On mobile devices (phones, tablets), it could be…” (by the way, laptops can also have this problem “Identification…”), "". There may be other errors as well.

If you can’t connect, then you need to think about why this network is not protected. Yes, there are people who simply forget to do this, or they don't need to. They just let everyone use their internet (this is the case with home hotspots). But, I'm sure that in most cases, there is no password because filtering by MAC addresses is enabled there (read). Which protects even better than a password.

What can you try to do?

As a rule, when connected to unsecured networks, the signal strength is not very good. See that the network level is at least two divisions. Otherwise, connection problems may arise precisely because of a weak signal.

If you are connecting a laptop (regular computer with adapter), then make sure that in the properties of the wireless adapter, in the IPv4 protocol, it was set to receive IP automatically. Like this:

I showed on the example of Windows 7. In Windows 8, everything will be exactly the same.

If the problem is observed on mobile devices that run on Android OS, or iOS (iPhone, iPad), then I don’t even know what to advise. Except how to monitor the signal level. There seems to be no special settings that would interfere with the connection.

Internet not working when connected to unsecured Wi-Fi

Well, the second problem is when everything is connected, but the Internet does not work.

On a laptop, there will be a “No Internet access” status and a yellow triangle next to the network status (in), while on mobile devices the Internet will simply not work, and the Wi-Fi icon will most likely be gray instead of blue (depends on OS, firmware version, etc.).

How to fix the problem?

If the problem is on the computer, then check the IP settings, as I showed in the screenshot above. Disable antiviruses and firewalls, they can block access to the Internet.

If the problem is on a mobile device, then check if manual proxy settings are enabled. How to do this, I wrote in the article (after the heading “check if the proxy server is disabled”).

In other cases, the problem is most likely on the side of the router itself. Or, your device cannot work with the parameters that are set in the router settings.


As I wrote above, if the phone does not connect to the network, then you are unlikely to be able to do something. If it connects, but there is no Internet access, then exactly the same. The network is not ours, we don’t know what’s wrong with it, we can’t change the settings. Almost all the problems that arise with Wi-Fi are to blame for the access points themselves. And, if you try to fix something, then you need to change the settings in them. Provided that your device works normally with other networks.


The situation when the Internet is desperately needed, but it is not, happened to everyone. Moving, forgot to pay for the Internet or are visiting - the situations are different and there are many of them, what should I do?

The simplest solution that comes to mind is to open the list of available networks and look for one that does not require a password. So we connect to the Internet and do whatever we need to do - and no one will know and get hurt, right?

No not like this. Firstly, even if someone foolishly left their network open, using it without the knowledge of the owner is simply not fair! Maybe because of you, your neighbor will slow down the broadcast of football with your favorite team? Secondly, open access points may not be secure, and may also be created maliciously.

Cons of Free Wi-Fi

Fake WiFi networks

Every time you connect to "free Wi-Fi", you need to be extremely careful. Cybercriminals often create fake Wi-Fi networks on purpose to steal logins and passwords of connected users. Most often, such points can be found in crowded places like bars, shopping centers and city parks, but no one guarantees that Lena Internet's home network actually belongs to Lena.

The owner of such a "point" may be a local troll, collecting a collection of logins, passwords and other personal data - about credit cards, Internet subscriptions and favorite social networks of neighbors.

Security? What security?

When one of the neighbors leaves his network open, most likely, security is the last thing he cares about. If you can connect to it, then anyone else can too.

Thus, by connecting to such a network, you automatically become a hostage to your neighbor's Internet habits. If his system is infected with viruses, then your device may suffer. Here all hope is only on your antivirus.

Low speed

Do you like it when the movie you are watching in the online cinema constantly freezes? Of course not. This usually annoys everyone.

Sitting "on the tail" of a neighbor's Wi-Fi network, you will not only use the speed that he has chosen for himself, but also share it with all devices connected to his network. For example, your neighbor is watching an online series, his wife is downloading a movie melodrama in HD quality, and their child is playing world of tanks. It is quite logical that you will download the last season of your favorite game from a torrent tracker for ages. Moreover, as a result of such a massive connection, everyone will have a terrible Internet.

Everyone loves pizza, ice cream and other tasty treats. But let's be realistic: tasty and free food is served only in fairy tales - on self-assembled tablecloths, which are very rare even there. In real life, self-collected tablecloths with free pizza are even rarer. This is equally true when it comes to other "free" things like neighborhood Wi-Fi. Chances are, you won't be the only person in the house who wants to use the insecure Internet.

You can keep company with pizza and ice cream vendors, teenagers who live opposite, as well as upstairs neighbors - all four apartments. All of these people will just as willingly connect to the point if it is open or protected with a simple password (like Masha for "Masha's Internet" or 12345), because it is so easy to guess.

The problem is that it is impossible to say exactly who was online at any given time. Since someone else's Wi-Fi is the weakest link in the security of your system, every connection to it is like Russian roulette. In this game, you bet that no one on the network steals other people's data or infects their devices by clicking on dangerous links or installing malware. Probability ... well, something like in Russian roulette. That is, it is not worth playing more than six times for sure.

It's worth it?

Your devices are probably full of valuable data: files from work, family photos, correspondence with friends, and so on. And all this can be accessed by jailbreaking the device. Do you really want to risk that data simply because you didn't pay for your own Wi-Fi?

If you ask me, I will say No! Stealing your neighbor's Wi-Fi is not only illegal, but also quite unsafe.

It is better to choose a suitable tariff, especially since it is not so expensive, protect your network with a strong password and install a good security solution. We, of course, recommend Kaspersky Internet Security.

A lot of people found themselves in a situation where Wi-Fi is needed and a smartphone or laptop catches a lot of networks with a good signal, but each network has a password. Of course, we can say that connecting to someone else's network against the will of the owner is ugly. But what if connecting to the internet is a matter of life and death? For such cases, there are several working options for bypassing protection:

  • brute force;
  • change mac address;
  • hacking programs;
  • android applications;
  • interception of traffic.

Brute force is a banal selection of all possible combinations of characters that a password can consist of. This is perhaps the easiest way you can think of, since it does not require special knowledge or complex software. But, on the other hand, the complexity of the method lies in the fact that it is quite dreary and the process can take a very long time if the owner has set a rather complex password.

Automatic selection of combinations

It is not necessary to carry out this operation manually. There are quite a few programs that automatically select combinations sequentially. It is much faster and easier for the user. But it should be borne in mind that the search for a suitable combination can take quite a long time, even if you use special software. A simple password like qwertyui can be cracked in less than a minute, but /#7&//.’ takes a very long time to decrypt.

WiFi Crack

One of the programs for automatic selection of passwords is WiFi Crack. It is very easy to use it.

  1. We download the program from any site that distributes such software.
  2. We run the file and see a simple interface in front of us.

  3. At the top, in the “Refresh” line, select the network that needs to be hacked and activate the program by pressing the “Scan for Access points” button.

  4. We are waiting for the completion of the network scanning process, click on the active button, in our case “Wi-Fi WPA”, with a list of found networks.

  5. In the "Select Target Access Point" section, click on the desired network.

  6. At the bottom of the window, click on the "Browse" button to select a file with a dictionary of possible passwords.

    The note! Most likely, the program will require you to connect a dictionary, which it will use to guess passwords. Usually, dictionaries come with the program.

  7. After setting the parameters, press the "Wi-Fi Attack" button and wait for the process to complete.

  8. The end result of the program will be an inscription with a password under the line "Finished" at the very bottom of the window.

  9. We return to the program interface and click on the "Key Database" button.

  10. In the open window, you will see connection information, including the Wi-Fi password.

The note! On average, password cracking by the program takes 30-90 minutes. Since users rarely set really complex passwords, most can be cracked in half an hour. But there are also passwords that can take more than one year to crack. So not every network can be hacked.

Change Mac address

Passwords are not always used as protection for Wi-Fi. Quite often, users use the filter by mac-addresses. From the device, this network will be detected as open and does not require a password. But the connection to it will not work, since our mac-address is not filtered. So, the only way out is to change the mac-address of the device to a suitable one. But how to do that?

If you have completed these three steps, you will not be able to connect to your network without a password. More precisely, it is possible to connect, but it will take so much time and energy that any cracker will very quickly realize that the game is not worth the candle.

There are many ways to hack someone else's Wi-Fi. But all of them are aimed at users who have not taken care of the security of the connection.

Video - How to crack a neighbor's Wi-Fi password in 5 minutes

Currently, Wi-Fi is one of the most common ways to distribute the Internet in a limited space. Of course, not every point is in the public domain. This pattern is most often observed in public places, such as a shopping center or a cafe.

But in the residential sector, very often the points are “classified”. And the more difficult it is to come up with measures to protect them, the more sophisticated methods of hacking appear. Consider the most common of them:

Connecting to WI-fi from an Android phone

If you want to connect to a wi-fi network from a mobile device / tablet, then this can be done quite simply: using a cracker similar to those used on a computer. We suggest you try one of the most well-established Wi-Fi password cracking applications - Wi-Fi Unlocker. This program has several advantages:

  • a simple and accessible interface that will be quite understandable even to a person who is very far from modern technology;
  • powerful reception, which means the ability to connect to any point that distributes wi-fi, at a distance of up to 1 km;
  • economical battery consumption.

To connect to a secure network using the Wi-fiUnlocker program, you need to follow a few simple steps.

Step one. Download the app to your phone/tablet and turn it on. Press the Hack Wi-fi key button. After that, the Wi-Fi module will be automatically loaded on the device.

step two. Choose a secure network. The program will scan the available sector and show all networks.

Advice. Choose the one with the strongest signal. Most likely, it is she who is closest to you.

Step Three. Cracking the password. The program starts picking up the wi-fi key: it scans it, finds all the weaknesses in the systems, and then the password. You will have to wait a while while the program is running. After we enter the proposed combination and use the Internet.

As you can see, connecting to Wi-Fi without knowing the password is a very real and not very difficult task. The main thing is patience and attention. Good luck!

How to crack wifi password: video

Usually Wi-Fi is password protected, but not always. At the same time, connecting without a password for an inexperienced person may take too much time, or even fail. Therefore, today, when a wireless connection is present in every apartment, it is better to be able to connect on your own.

How does a Wi-Fi hotspot work?

To access the Internet through an unsecured network, you need to figure out what an access point is. When you need to connect a large number of devices, the cable connection is very inconvenient. Instead, a router is connected, which shares a common channel between all of them wirelessly. To protect against connecting other people's devices, the connection can be tied to the addresses of specific devices or simply password-protected.

Insecure connection

Often come across LAN networks, the owners of which, through negligence, forgot to install protection. In this case, everyone can connect, after which it is not forbidden to use as much as you like. To do this, you just need to scan the environment, and then select the appropriate one. How to connect to Wi-Fi without a password?

On an Android phone, open your phone's settings, tap on the WLAN line. A list of all available networks nearby will appear, unsecured ones are deprived of a lock next to the connection quality icon. To connect, just click on the one you want.

In order to connect to someone else's Wi-Fi without knowing the password from a laptop with Windows 7 installed, open the control panel and select "View network status and tasks" in the "Network and Internet" category, in the column on the left, find "Change adapter settings ”, a window will appear in which you can choose to connect. Unprotected networks are marked with an exclamation point.

However, you still need the permission of the owner, otherwise you will steal their traffic. Additional load on the channel can lead to a significant decrease in its bandwidth, especially when watching video or listening to music, which can greatly interfere with the owner. A limited connection, in addition to everything, will cost him a pretty penny. Luckily, there are more legal ways to get online for free in the city.

How else can you connect to Wi-Fi?

Quite often, in public places, such as cafes, restaurants or libraries, you can stumble upon a free access point. The owners post them to attract customers. Any device can be connected to this channel. If you run into problems, you can always ask your administrator how to connect to Wi-Fi from your phone without a password. By connecting here, you will not interfere with anyone and will not violate anyone's rights.

If you can't find a free hotspot, you can look in the direction of special password guessing programs. However, most of these programs are Trojan viruses that you voluntarily install. They can steal your traffic or personal information. Never install such programs! Even if you come across a working program, its possession and use is punishable by law. It's always better to find a free network than trying to break into someone else's.

It is impossible to connect to Wi-Fi without knowing the password. But you can always ask permission, and it is quite possible that they will help you, and you can go online with peace of mind.


  • 1 How to connect to a neighbor's Wi-Fi without knowing the password?
    • 1.1 And here are interesting programs that may solve your problem with the lack of the Internet:
    • 1.2 Here is a video explaining how the hacking process takes place:

Despite the fact that today the Internet connection is not a big problem, many still want to get a connection for free. Wi-Fi is everywhere today, and we could freely surf the Internet, being anywhere, however, most of the points are encrypted with a password. But lovers of the free do not stop there, they are trying to find a way,. Well, since the topic is so exciting, I will try to tell you in detail about it. Let's start with the fact that Wi-Fi is a wireless Internet. The advantage of this connection is that the user does not have to fiddle with wires. You just need to connect a router that will distribute the Internet within a certain radius. A huge number of devices can be connected to the router, so Wi-Fi is a very convenient thing for large families or public places.

As for public places, usually wireless Internet is available to everyone there. He is there just the same for people, and not for a certain circle of people. Thus, many establishments attract visitors, because today free Wi-Fi really attracts.

If you live near a large shopping center or other similar "institutions", then you may find a point where there is no password. Also, if there are cafes, restaurants and other similar establishments nearby, then here we can get free Internet. Today, Wi-Fi points are becoming more and more every day, but most of the points are still password-protected, so for lovers of "freebies" the growth of Wi-Fi points is not a big advantage.

Who in most cases puts the password on the wireless Internet? Either companies in their offices, or ordinary people living in their homes. Few people are generous in our time in terms of the Internet, and the connection speed decreases when too many people connect to Wi-Fi, so the owners of the points do not like to distribute the Internet to everyone.

How to connect to a neighbor's Wi-Fi without knowing the password?

So, we were not lucky with our neighbors, since they are all “greedy” for the Internet. We ran through the list of Wi-Fi points, but they are all “under lock and key”, so you will have to somehow break this lock, or connect your own router and forget about this problem (which I recommend you do).

Block your Wi-Fi from strangers using an encryption system.

I will not describe the hacking procedure to you step by step. Those who even find the appropriate programs will find them (and there the program will do everything for you).

I want to devote this article, rather, to the options with which it will be possible to find a way to connect to someone else's wireless Internet. I will also tell you how such a procedure generally takes place.

By the way, the article will be useful not only to those who want to get free Internet, but also to those who want to protect their Wi-Fi. After all, knowing the methods of hacking, you will understand how to prevent this hacking.

First we need to understand, indeed, all the active points near us are “password-protected”.

  • Make sure Wi-Fi is enabled on your PC.
  • Through the "Start" menu, we go to the "Control Panel". From here we follow to the "Network and Internet" section. Next, go to the category "Network Control Center". And already here we find a fad on which you will need to click - “Connect to the network”.
  • Now we see a small window at the bottom of the screen. This window contains a list of active wireless Internet points. In addition to the names of the points, the signal strength and Internet availability are shown.
  • Hover over any existing network. After that, we will see data about this point. Here it already becomes clear whether a password has been set for the network, or not.
  • Wifi open? I can congratulate you - you will have a "free" Internet. Otherwise, study the article further.
  • Now let's imagine that we couldn't connect to any neighbor's Wi-Fi because of the password. Personally, I oppose password cracking. And if you are looking for an answer to the question: how to connect to wifi neighbor without knowing the password, respectively, you want to hack someone else's access point.

    Today, the router is quite inexpensive. So it will be better for you to just go to the Internet provider and conclude an agreement with him. By giving a small amount of money every month, you will save yourself from unnecessary troubles associated with the Internet. What troubles can arise?

    By hacking the neighbor's Internet, you show your attitude towards your neighbor. And if a neighbor finds out that you are sitting through his Internet without permission, trouble may arise. After all, who knows, suddenly you have not the most calm person living nearby.

    I already mentioned that there are hacking programs. And I will briefly mention them so that you do not spend a lot of time looking for special utilities.

    How does this program actually work? There is a huge database containing a variety of programs. We enter the access point to which we want to connect, and using this database, the program tries to guess the correct password for the Internet. Naturally, the result of hacking is not 100%, but, as practice shows, the probability of gaining access to a “password-protected” Wi-Fi is quite high.

    And here are interesting programs that may solve your problem with the lack of the Internet:

    • aircrack-ng

    • AirSlax (download the latest version of the program)

    • Sidejacking

    Despite the fact that the programs are in English, their interface is very simple, so it will not be difficult to figure it out.

    Any of the presented utilities will try to connect to the specified Internet point by selecting the correct password until it finds the correct password. Therefore, sometimes you can get access to the free Internet in 5 minutes, and sometimes in 5 days. After all, no matter how smart the program is, it is not capable of “running through” a million possible passwords in a minute.

    In fact, for a hacking attempt, we do not need to do anything. Do you want to know how to connect to a neighbor's wifi without knowing the password? Install one or all programs at once, specify the access point you want to hack, and the program will do the rest for you. I also want to recommend another program - CommView for Wi-Fi. It does not hack points, but provides detailed information about them, monitors available Wi-Fi points. By the way, such a program will be useful for those who want to know absolutely all the information about YOUR Wi-Fi connection.

    In fact, all programs work according to the same "scheme", so there is not much difference which utility you decide to choose. By the way, if your neighbor's Internet either cuts in or cuts out, there is no point in hacking it, and the program will not be able to guess the password while the connection is interrupted.

    By the way, if you yourself do not want to face such a situation that your point was hacked with the help of the program I named, set a very complex password.

    Sometimes even the most powerful program is not able to hack the connection. Therefore, you should not be so sure that with the help of some utility you will quickly get access to Wi-Fi. If a point has a password from a huge number of letters, numbers and symbols, then the probability of hacking is almost zero.

    Here is a video explaining how the hacking process takes place:

    I'm not saying that hacking other people's networks is a good way to get free internet. Remember that your "victim" of hacking may be extremely unhappy with this situation. And if the victim manages to find out that you managed to hack into the Internet connection, then you may have trouble. Firstly, you are breaking the law (but no one will put you in jail because of this), and secondly, the owner of the Wi-Fi point can “punish” you for such an act. I only warn you about the possible consequences of hacking.

    There are several ways to connect to Wi-Fi from a mobile phone (Android and iOS) or from a computer. In the instructions, we will also look at what problems you may encounter and how to solve them. We will also consider in detail the issue of setting up a network connection through the interfaces of the router itself and Windows.

    How to connect Wi-Fi on your phone

    Every modern smartphone has a Wi-Fi module in its filling. As a rule, you can connect your device to Wi-Fi in just a few steps. Use the quick access menu or connect through your phone settings. These steps for iOS and Android devices are described in more detail below.

    On iPhones

    In modern versions of the iOS operating system, there is a quick access menu that is called up by swiping up. If the phone automatically connects to your home network, then you can safely turn on Wi-Fi through the bottom toolbar. Click on the wireless connection indicator so that it lights up and becomes active. After that, it will automatically connect to a known network.

    If you are connecting for the first time to a home or public network, you must complete the following steps:

    Now you know how to connect Wi-Fi on any iOS device.

    Possible problems and solutions

    There are situations when the phone or tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi. The first and most common problem is the access point with a password. You need to enter it in the corresponding field when connecting.

    If the point is without a password, but you can't connect, take the following steps:

    • check the availability of an Internet connection, whether the network is accessible from a computer or other device;
    • make sure you are close enough to the router;
    • make sure that automatic distribution of IP addresses (DHCP function) is enabled;
    • reboot the router;
    • reboot your mobile gadget;
    • reset your router.

    If other devices connect to your wireless network without problems, this means that the problem is in a particular mobile phone. We recommend taking it to a service center for diagnostics.

    On Android devices

    Despite the differences between Android and iOS, in principle, connecting to Wi-Fi is performed according to the same principle. To access the quick menu, swipe down on the unlocked screen, and then tap the corresponding Wi-fi icon.

    Users can activate wifi through settings:

    1. Go to phone settings.
    2. In the wireless networks section, click on WLAN (or Wi-Fi).
    3. Move the slider to the activated state, and among the available networks, click on the one you need.
    4. Enter a password if the system prompts you for it.

    If you have problems, follow the same steps as described in the troubleshooting point for iOS.

    If the connection to the router is hidden

    When devices are connected to Wi-Fi, the corresponding icon appears at the top. However, in some situations, you may not be able to connect to the wireless network because it is hidden. The user will not find it in the search list. To connect to a hidden wireless access point, follow the instructions:

    If all parameters are entered correctly, the phone will automatically connect to the hidden network. Make sure you are within its coverage area.

    If the DHCP function is disabled

    When trying to connect to the router, the user may see a persistent message "Obtaining an IP address". Each device connected to the router receives its own IP address. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is responsible for the distribution of addresses. On some routers, it may be disabled, so you must activate this protocol manually.

    To activate DHCP, you need to get into the router settings. How to do this is described in detail in the next paragraph "Access via the web interface". Once you get into the settings, find the DHCP section (or equivalent), and then select the Settings sub-item. It should activate the inscription Enable (Enabled). Click "Save" and reboot your device.

    DHCP may be disabled due to a failure in the router. Try a hard reset. Press the reset button on the back of the router and then hold it for more than 5 seconds. Your password settings will be broken, but this will restore DHCP operation.

    Connecting Wi-Fi on a laptop

    If you are connecting to a wireless network through a laptop, follow these steps:

    WPS technology allows you to connect to the router quickly and easily. Using it, you do not have to enter a password on a computer or laptop. To do this, go to step 3 of the previous instruction. As soon as the password entry window appears, find the button on the router that says WPS, and then click on it. The laptop will automatically connect to the network.

    Often WPS is software disabled. You can activate it in the web settings of the router. Go to the WPS section, and then click the "Enable WPS" button. If necessary, you can add a new device through the web interface by clicking the "Add device" button.

    Now you know how to connect to Wi-Fi with a password.

    Turn on on the case or using a keyboard shortcut

    On some laptops, Wi-Fi is disabled by hardware. Before connecting to a wireless network, it must be enabled. The first way is to press a special button. Some manufacturers in their devices place a similar key on the keyboard or on the side.

    You can also connect a laptop to Wi-Fi through key combinations. On many models, there is a button among the functional ones (F1-F12) to activate Wi-Fi. It should have the appropriate icon on it. To activate Wi-Fi, you must press it together with the Fn key.

    These are the actual ways to connect your laptop to Wi-Fi through buttons.

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