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  • How to connect a regular computer (PC) to a Wi-Fi network? We connect wireless headphones to the computer.

How to connect a regular computer (PC) to a Wi-Fi network? We connect wireless headphones to the computer.

The technology of streaming data transmission over radio channels can rightfully be considered one of the most significant and widely used inventions of our time. And if earlier, by and large, only home LANs were “built” using Wi-Fi standards, now wireless networks cover the territories of entire enterprises and even cities.

What is WiFi

Wi-Fi is a wireless data transmission standard developed in the late 1990s by Australian engineer John O'Sullivan. The technology was named IEEE 802.11, and in the future, all published standards were based on it.

Why you need Wi-Fi

Unlike classical networks, networks built using wireless technology make it possible to either do without a cable (a physical data transmission channel) or reduce its use to a minimum. This approach is convenient when the network is laid, for example, in historical buildings or just outside in the open.

It is worth noting that wireless networks are usually cheaper than their wired counterparts.

An important plus is the fact that Wi-Fi is designed for a larger number of devices and, in addition to "classic" network devices, allows you to connect, for example, mobile phones and tablets - devices that are not equipped with a standard Ethernet input for wired networks.

Among the disadvantages of this data transfer method, it is worth noting the fact that other devices, such as Bluetooth mobile phones or even microwave ovens, also work in its operating frequency range (2.4 GHz). This "neighborhood" can cause interference and packet loss in the network, as well as reduce the speed of the wireless connection.

How to connect to Wi-Fi

Consider a situation in which a network router (or router) is already installed and configured in the home of a potential Wi-Fi user, and the only thing left is to connect to an existing Wi-Fi network. Next, consider the procedure for connecting mobile devices (or even a desktop computer, provided that a Wi-Fi adapter is available) to wireless networks.

How to connect to Wi-Fi in Windows

To connect a device running a Windows operating system (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, or 10) to a network, follow these steps:

  1. If the position of the taskbar on the screen has not changed, then in the lower right corner near the clock block and the current date, you can see the Wi-Fi network status icon. A yellow star against gray bars means the network is not connected, but there are available connections nearby. Click on this icon.
  2. By clicking on the icon, we see a list of available wireless networks. As a rule, these are the networks of your neighbors in high-rise buildings, the networks of nearby supermarkets and malls, and, of course, yours. We are looking for our wireless network in the list.
  3. We hover over our network. It is recommended to leave a checkmark on "Connect automatically", in the future this will allow you to automatically connect to this network if it is available. Click on the "Connect" button.
  4. By clicking on the “Connect” button, we receive an invitation from the system asking you to enter a password. Enter the password (the one that you or the master specified when setting up the router). Then we click on the “OK” button.

  5. We monitor the connection process.

  6. If everything is fine (the grid works correctly and the correct password is entered), the system will prompt you to select the placement settings.

    If you are connecting at home, select "Home Network". With such settings, it will be possible to create a home group that allows other network users (your household, neighbors and guests) to access your files and printers.

    If you are connecting to the network in a public place, such as McDonald's or a library, select "Public network".

    Remembering our article on how to take a screenshot, you probably already know that Linux is a fairly large family of operating systems. The number of distributions based on Linux is in the tens and even hundreds of copies.

    The process for connecting to Wi-Fi is pretty much the same for all Linux distributions. In this part, we will look at how to connect to Wi-Fi in the elementaryOS operating system.

    In order to connect Wi-Fi in Linux, follow these steps:

    Congratulations, you have connected to Wi-Fi on Linux!

    How to Connect to Wi-Fi in Mac OS X

    The products of the notorious Apple company, in addition to great design and innovative technologies, are known for the simplicity of the user interface. For example, the Wi-Fi connection process on a MacBook is similar to the same process on Linux. The sequence is the same: click on the tray icon, select your network, enter your password and bingo!

    How to connect your phone or tablet to Wi-Fi

    First of all, Wi-Fi technology is focused on the use of mobile devices (smartphones, tablets and laptops). We are already familiar with the instructions for connecting laptops, now we will focus on connecting mobile devices running Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

    How to Connect Wi-Fi on an Android Device

    Before you can connect to Wi-Fi on your Android phone or tablet, you must activate the Wi-Fi module itself. This is done very easily!

    The easiest way to turn on Wi-Fi is on a special widget (control panel), which can be accessed by swiping the device screen with your finger from top to bottom. In the "drop-down" menu, find the Wi-Fi icon and touch it with your finger. After that, the module will be enabled.

    The second way is to activate the Wi-Fi module in the settings of your device. To do this, go to the settings and drag the switch slider next to the Wi-Fi inscription.

    The matter is small! After you have activated Wi-Fi, the device will ask you which network you should connect to.

    After selecting your network and entering the password, click the "Connect" button.

    Congratulations! You have connected to Wi-Fi on your Android device.

    How to connect Wi-Fi on iPhone or iPad

    In order to connect to Wi-Fi in the iOS operating system, the first step is to activate the Wi-Fi module. You can do this by going to "Settings" and dragging the slider next to "Wi-Fi" to the right. If the background of the slider changes color to green, then everything is done correctly and the Wi-Fi module is enabled.

    Next, select your network from the list of available wireless networks and click on it. The system will prompt you to enter a password. Enter it. The system will notify you of a successful connection to Wi-Fi with a blue check mark next to the network name.

    How to connect Wi-Fi in Windows Mobile

    To connect to a Wi-Fi device running Windows Mobile, you must also start with the settings. To do this, while in the main menu (menu with tiles), swipe your finger across the screen from right to left and select "Settings". Next, while in the device settings, select "Wi-Fi" and, if the wireless module is turned off, turn it on.

    A list of available networks will appear below. Choose yours, enter the password, click "Connect" and you're done - you're connected.

    How to connect game consoles to Wi-Fi

    The computer games industry is one of the most developed in the modern world. Special attention should be paid to multiplayer online games. Consider how to connect Wi-Fi on game consoles to ensure joint battles with your friends and work colleagues.

    How to Connect Playstation 4 to Wi-Fi

    To connect your PS4 to a wireless network, select "Settings" from the main menu, then "Network" and "Connect to the Internet". Then follow the instructions on the screen.

    Select "Use Wi-Fi" then "Simple" to see a list of available wireless networks. Select your own Wi-Fi hotspot you want to connect to and enter the password.

    How to Connect Xbox 360 to Wi-Fi

    The procedure for connecting an Xbox to a wireless network is very similar to that of a Playstation console.

    In the control panel, go to the "Settings" page and select "System". Next, select Network Settings. In the list that appears, select your own Wi-Fi point, enter the password, and connect. The system will automatically connect to Xbox Live.

    What to do if there is no Wi-Fi network?

    Unfortunately, very often there is a situation when there is a need to combine two laptops into a single "web" to perform certain tasks (for example, collaborating with documents, accessing the Internet, or playing your favorite network toy), but there is simply no Wi-Fi. Or you had a network, but a failed Chinese router confused all the cards.

    However, in such a case, the Windows operating system provides a mechanism for creating a wireless network of the “Computer-Computer” type without the need to use a Wi-Fi router.

    How to create a computer-to-computer network

    To create a computer-to-computer network, follow the instructions:

    1. Go to the "Control Panel" ("Start" - "Control Panel").
    2. Next, in the window that opens, click on the "Network and Internet" item.

    3. Then go to "Network and Sharing Center".

    4. In the menu that opens, you will see information about your current network connection scheme. In the column on the left, click on Manage Wireless Networks.

    5. Next, you'll see a list of all the wireless networks you've ever connected to. But now they do not interest us. Click "Add".

    6. We select the type of network we are creating by clicking "Create a network "Computer-Computer"".

    7. We get acquainted with interesting information on the next page and click "Next".

    8. In the next window, specify the name and password for the created wireless network, leave the security type unchanged (WPA2-Personal). After the done manipulations, click "Next".

    9. Congratulations! The Computer-to-Computer connection has been created, it remains to wait for the connection of households or friends to start collaborating, accessing the Internet or playing games.

    Using Connectify to create a wireless network

    At the end of our article, I would like to talk about a wonderful program called Connectify. In essence, this software turns your laptop (or computer with a Wi-Fi module) into a Wi-Fi hotspot. This means that users of other devices (mobile phones, tablets, PDAs, laptops, game consoles) can connect to the Internet using your laptop.

    The biggest benefit of using Connectify is saving money on buying a network router, which is very expensive these days. The role of the router is performed by the laptop itself.

    The main disadvantage is that the laptop on which Connectify is installed must always be turned on, which can negatively affect its further work.

    A few years ago, accessing the Internet without using wires was exotic, but today everyone can take advantage of this opportunity. There are several technologies of the corresponding type to choose from. How to connect wireless Internet to a home computer or laptop?

    • WiFi;
    • mobile internet (3G, 4G).

    Let us consider the features of using these standards in more detail, as well as compare their advantages and disadvantages.

    Wireless Internet via Wi-Fi

    Wi-Fi technology involves the transmission of computer data over a short distance through a radio channel operating at a specific frequency. There is a misconception that just a device that supports Wi-Fi is enough to access the Internet. This is absolutely not true. The Internet does not come out of thin air.

    Wi-Fi technology involves the interaction of at least two devices - transmitting data and receiving. As the first, a special modem (also called a router) is most often used. It must be connected to the Internet so that other devices can then connect to it using Wi-Fi and thus go online.

    The receiving device is most often a special card (or adapter) installed in a PC (usually purchased separately) or laptop (usually installed at the factory). It is able to recognize radio signals at the appropriate frequencies from the modem. Since it is connected to the Internet, the Wi-Fi card can also provide online access from the devices on which it is installed.

    Thus, the only task that Wi-Fi technology solves is replacing the wire that usually connects the computer and the modem. If there is no Internet access, then the very fact of the presence of Wi-Fi does not imply its appearance. Therefore, in order to go online through the wireless technology in question, it will be necessary, first of all, to correctly configure the modem (or router). How to do it?

    Setting up a modem for Wi-Fi

    Wi-Fi routers are available from a huge number of manufacturers. They can be presented in a variety of modifications. And therefore, it is impossible to compile a universal instruction suitable for any router. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to listing the key points that are useful to pay attention to when setting up a wireless connection.

    First, it should be understood that Wi-Fi allows you to connect several devices to the modem at once, forming a local computer network. Theoretically, anyone can access the Internet, "distributed" via a wireless connection - from a device that has a Wi-Fi card. But you can prevent such actions by setting a password to enter the network. The corresponding cipher should be known only to those people whom the owner of the Internet connection trusts.

    Secondly, you need to know that the Wi-Fi signal propagates from the modem within a limited radius. Usually it is about 30-40 meters. If there are thick concrete walls between the modem and the receiving device, then even less. This feature should be taken into account when placing the modem. If it is difficult to locate the router in the optimal place, then you can use auxiliary devices - repeaters. They are able to catch the Wi-Fi signal from the modem, and then redirect it to the right place.

    Thirdly, devices connected wirelessly to the router will have to share the bandwidth of the Internet channel among themselves. If, for example, a person has entered into an agreement with a provider to use a network at a speed of 10 megabits / sec, then this resource will be distributed between each device from which access is made online. In some cases, it may be necessary to limit the use of one or another device (for example, a computer) of the entire bandwidth of the channel, otherwise it will not leave free traffic for other equipment. This can be done both by hardware methods (if the modem allows it), and with the help of special programs - for example, TMeter (it is available on

    After the necessary configuration of the router has been completed, you can start using the Wi-Fi network. To do this, you need to make sure that the special cards designed to connect to the wireless router in a PC or laptop are functioning correctly. You should check if there is a characteristic icon on the right side of the bottom panel of the Windows Desktop, indicating that the Wi-Fi adapter is searching for networks - as in the picture below.

    If the corresponding element is present on the screen, you need to select it with the mouse, and then find the one that belongs to the owner of the Internet channel in the list of networks and connect to it, entering the password if necessary.

    Mobile internet connection

    Another way to get online using wireless technologies is based on the use of 3G and 4G standards. They are used by cellular operators. Therefore, their use involves equipping a PC or laptop with special devices that are adapted to work in mobile networks.

    Unlike Wi-Fi, modern wireless standards such as 3G and 4G are designed to transmit data over very long distances. Accordingly, the source of the Internet - something like a very powerful router - can be located on the tower of a cellular operator tens of kilometers from the user's computer. Therefore, having caught a 3G or 4G signal, the owner of a PC and the necessary accessories for it is able to immediately go online, without thinking about the presence of any additional communication channel nearby.

    What devices are needed to access the network wirelessly via 3G and 4G standards using a PC or laptop? Among the most common are mobile modems. Their appearance is very similar to a USB flash drive. A mobile operator's SIM card is inserted into mobile modems. As a rule, the type of device in question is compatible with SIM cards from a specific supplier - MTS, Tele2, MegaFon, Beeline or a regional brand. But there are also universal devices.

    The USB devices in question are turned on into the appropriate type of port. In addition to them, as a rule, drivers are supplied - on a disk or in the form of files installed in the internal flash memory of the device. Having thus inserted the mobile modem into the USB port, you must simultaneously or a little later place the attached disk with the software for the device into the CD or DVD reader. In most cases, the program for installing a modem on a PC starts automatically after a while from the media or the built-in flash memory of the device. You should follow its instructions, after which you can start using the device for connecting to a 3G and 4G network.

    It should be noted that modern smartphones and tablets controlled by Android, iOS, Windows Phone or their analogues, as a rule, support all the wireless Internet access technologies we have considered - Wi-Fi, 3G, and the latest device modifications - 4G. No drivers or adapters need to be installed on them. Moreover, some of the corresponding type of devices are themselves capable of performing the function of a modem - so that through them you can access the Internet using a PC or laptop via Wi-Fi (in this case, this technology complements 3G or 4G), Bluetooth, or even with using the cable supplied by the manufacturer.

    Technology Comparison

    Which wireless Internet is better to connect - one that involves connecting to Wi-Fi, or based on the use of 3G and 4G channels? The fact is that each of these communication standards has both advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them.

    Wi-Fi technology has the following undeniable advantages:

    • high speed and unlimited traffic (if, of course, they are provided by an Internet channel - but in most cities of the Russian Federation these criteria are met by providers);
    • free (not counting the monthly fee, which is in any case, and the purchase of a modem - but many communication service providers in the Russian Federation provide routers to subscribers for use);
    • the ability to simultaneously connect to the Internet at once several devices.

    There are also disadvantages of a wireless connection via Wi-Fi:

    • as we noted above, the router has a limited range - you can’t take it with you on a trip or at least for a walk in the city;
    • radio waves at Wi-Fi frequencies are quite sensitive to external interference (for example, from a microwave), as a result, network failures are possible;
    • setting up some routers is relatively complicated (also in some cases you need to ask the provider for the exact parameters for connecting to the Internet - this takes time).

    What are the specifics of mobile Internet via 3G and 4G? First of all, it is worth considering that the noted technologies, despite the fact that they can be considered in the same context, are still different. 4G is the latest mobile Internet standard, which has become a further development of 3G. Its main difference from 3G is its incomparably higher speed. But, it should be noted that the 3G Internet is not at all small.

    One way or another, the advantages and disadvantages of both standards are similar. Among the undeniable advantages of 3G and 4G networks:

    • the Internet is available almost everywhere where there is coverage of a cellular operator - in cities, villages and in many areas outside settlements (but the 4G service area is still noticeably smaller than 3G, since the technology is new);
    • modern popular devices - mobile phones, smartphones, many tablets - practically do not require settings to go online using these technologies (but only the latest devices support the 4G standard);
    • Internet can be used on the move - in transport, on foot or on the run.

    Among the disadvantages of mobile technologies:

    • relatively high costs (as a rule, there is a payment for every 10-100 kilobytes downloaded, traffic is rarely unlimited, and if so, then a high monthly fee is expected);
    • sometimes there are problems with the stability of the connection - for example, during communication via Skype, due to natural interference in the form of city buildings, cars, radio waves;
    • not always a fast outgoing channel, necessary, for example, for downloading videos and photos of large volumes, as well as comfortable conversations via Skype (this is less common with respect to 4G technology).

    When choosing the optimal wireless communication standard, you can be guided by the following main criteria.

    What is HP Wireless Direct and Wi-Fi Direct?

    HP Wireless Direct and Wi-Fi Direct are features that allow Wi-Fi enabled devices (such as smartphones, tablets, computers) to connect wirelessly directly to the printer without using wireless router or access points. Connecting a Wi-Fi enabled device to an HP printer's wireless direct signal or Wi-Fi Direct signal is the same as connecting the device to a new wireless network or access point.

    Connecting from a computer, smartphone, or tablet to an HP wireless direct or Wi-Fi Direct network looks the same as connecting to a regular network that the HP printer is already connected to. HP Wireless Direct or Wi-Fi Direct requires a print application (for smartphones and tablets) or printer software (for computers) to be installed. Neither HP Wireless Direct nor Wi-Fi Direct provide Internet connectivity to connected devices. However, connecting to the printer using Wi-Fi Direct technology allows the mobile device to maintain a wireless Internet connection at the same time.

    There are some important differences between HP Wireless Direct and Wi-Fi Direct technologies. The following table summarizes some of the differences and similarities between these technologies:

    Factor WiFi Direct HP Wireless Direct
    Safety WPA2 password needed WPA2 password not required
    Maximum number of simultaneously connected devices 5 5
    Printer IP address (for EWS access)
    Name DIRECT-xx*-HP- HP-Print-xx*-
    A Wi-Fi Direct enabled device can automatically detect and connect to the printer Yes: automatically or manually (push button/PIN code) Not
    Wi-Fi Direct enabled device can connect to printer and internet at the same time Yes Not
    Devices can connect to the internet and/or to each other via a printer Not Not
    The printer can connect to the Internet through the device Not Not

    * - "xx" is two characters used to identify the printer

    Set up Wi-Fi Direct or HP Wireless Direct

    To connect your mobile device or computer to the printer, follow these steps:

    1. On the printer control panel, turn on the HP Wireless Direct or Wi-Fi Direct feature.
    2. Make sure your mobile device or computer also has Wi-Fi enabled, and connect to an HP wireless direct or Wi-Fi Direct just like you would to any other wireless network. note Please note that the network names of an HP Wireless Direct connection and a Wi-Fi Direct connection have different formats. See the table above.
    3. If the HP wireless direct feature is enabled with security, enter the WPA 2 password when prompted on the screen of your mobile device or computer, or. Note that Wi-Fi Direct always requires a WPA2 passphrase and cannot be enabled without WPA2 security.
    4. If you have not already done so, install the printer software on your computer. In the printer software user interface, select "Wireless" as the connection option. Mobile devices must have the latest version of the HP printing app installed.

    Option 1: If you have already connected the printer to a network, installed the printer software on your computer, and are using the printer to print over the network, follow these steps to print using HP Wireless Direct or Wi-Fi Direct.

    1. The printer can be used in the same way as when using a network. No additional software installation is required. The printer may still be connected to your home network. However, the computer can only be connected to a printer OR only to a home network at a time.

    Option 2: If you installed and used the printer using a USB connection, or if you selected the "Connect Later" option when installing the software, follow these steps to print via HP Wireless Direct or Wi-Fi Direct.

    1. Make an HP wireless direct or Wi-Fi Direct connection on your computer as described earlier.
    2. Make the necessary settings using the printer software.
      • Start -> Programs -> HP -> (printer model) ->

      • Windows 8 or 8.1:
        • Click Connect New Printer
    3. Mac OS X:

      Open Finder and navigate to: Applications -> HP -> (printer model) -> Printer Software and Setup.

    4. You can also insert the printer software CD and open the welcome screen again, or get the full software from:
    5. Click Connect New Printer.

      Important! Do not select Change Printer's USB Connection to Wireless.

    6. In the connection options window, select "Wireless" and click "Next".
    7. Select the desired printer from the list of detected printers and complete the software installation.

    Once the connection is established, two printer icons will appear in the HP printer folder. The printer icon labeled "Network" is the printer driver installed for HP Wireless Direct or Wi-Fi Direct. If the USB connection will no longer be used for printing, the HP printer icon without the "Network" name can be removed.

    Option 3: If you have already set up HP Wireless Direct or Wi-Fi Direct on your printer, installed the printer software, and want to print wirelessly using a wireless router, follow these steps:

    1. First, connect your computer to the same wireless network as the printer.
    2. Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7:

      Start -> Programs -> HP -> (printer model) -> Printer Software and Setup. Windows 8:>

      • Launch the printer software from the home screen (the icon with the printer model name) or from the tile with the printer name.
      • Select (by clicking or tapping) "Utilities" at the top of the printer software screen.
      • Select "Printer Software and Setup"
    3. Mac OS X:

      Open Finder and navigate to: Applications -> HP -> (printer model) -> Printer Software and Setup.

    Select Change Wireless Settings. For some printers, you may need to temporarily connect the printer to your computer using a USB cable. For a large screen printer, use the front-panel Wireless Setup Wizard to connect the printer to your wireless network. After connecting the printer to the wireless network, you can start using it. No additional software installation is required.

    The following use cases apply to Wi-Fi Direct connections only and do not apply to HP Wireless Direct connections.

    Option 1: To connect and print from a Wi-Fi Direct-enabled mobile device by connecting the printer's Wi-Fi Direct, follow these steps:

    1. Wi-Fi Direct must be enabled on the printer. You can set automatic or manual connection mode.
    2. The mobile device (Android version 4.4 or later) must have Wi-Fi Direct enabled.
    3. The mobile device must be running the latest version of the HP printing app, version 1.0.48 or later.
    4. On a mobile device, open a document from an application enabled for printing. If the printer is within the Wi-Fi range of the mobile device, it will automatically appear in the list of available printers (Direct-xx-HP-).
    5. Select a printer and click Print. If the printer has Auto Wi-Fi Direct mode, the mobile device will automatically connect to the printer and print the document. If the printer has Manual Wi-Fi Direct mode, you will need to confirm the connection by touching the printer icon on the screen or pressing the Wi-Fi Direct button when the corresponding one appears, or by entering the PIN code received on the printer into the mobile device.
    6. With this connection, the mobile device can maintain a current network connection and the Internet at the same time while printing.

    Option 2: To connect and print from a Windows 8.1 device using a Wi-Fi Direct printer connection, follow these steps:

    1. Wi-Fi Direct must be enabled on the printer.
    2. From the Windows Start/Metro menu, click/tap the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner.
    3. In the search box, type "Devices and Printers" and press the "Enter" key.
    4. In the "Devices and Printers" window, click/tap "Add Device" in the upper left corner.
    5. Select the name of the Wi-Fi Direct printer you want to install, click/tap Next. You can find the Wi-Fi Direct name from the Wi-Fi Direct menu on the printer's front panel.
    6. The PIN code is displayed on the front of the printer.
    7. When prompted, enter this PIN into the Add Device Wizard on your computer and click/tap Next.
    8. The printer drivers will be installed and the icon of the newly installed printer will appear in the Devices and Printers window.

    In this article, we will take a closer look at the process of connecting a laptop or Windows 7 computer to the Internet via Wi-Fi. I think the article will be useful to many, since when you first connect to Wi-Fi, there are always a lot of questions. As a rule, they are associated with installing the necessary drivers, enabling a wireless adapter on a laptop, etc. More on that later.

    The laptop is a great thing. I do not really understand people who are now buying stationary computers. Except for serious games. Well, you must admit, with a laptop it is much more convenient. If you want a big screen, you can connect it to a monitor or TV. It does not make noise, and if necessary, you can take it with you. And yet, all modern (and not so) laptops have a built-in Wi-Fi module. A receiver that allows you to connect your laptop to the Internet via a wireless Wi-Fi network. In the case of a desktop computer, you will need to buy .

    All you need is to buy and install (if you don't already have it), it will distribute Wi-Fi to which you connect your laptop. You can connect your computer to a free Wi-Fi network in cafes, shops, etc. Or, to your neighbor's unsecured network 🙂 This is much more convenient than laying a network cable. If for a regular desktop computer this is still normal, then for a laptop this is no longer the case. And it’s not convenient to move around the house all the time with this wire.

    Connecting a laptop to the Internet is not difficult, but provided that the driver for Wi-Fi is installed. Many people have a lot of problems because of the driver. If you simply did not install the driver on your Wi-Fi receiver, or you installed Windows yourself and did not install it, then you will not be able to connect to Wi-Fi. But, perhaps, you already have everything installed and configured, therefore, first we will consider the process of a normal connection to a wireless network. If you can’t learn from it, there won’t be a wireless connection, etc., then read the article to the end, we will consider possible problems.

    Connect laptop to Wi-Fi

    Let's first consider the connection process without any settings and checks there. Why complicate things, maybe you already have everything set up. If everything is fine, your laptop sees the wireless network and is ready to connect, then the Internet connection icon on the notification bar will look like this:

    Connection status that looks like network level with an asterisk (as in the picture above) indicates that the laptop sees available networks and is ready to connect to them. Click on this icon, then select the Wi-Fi network to which we need to connect and click the button Connection. In Windows 10, the Wi-Fi connection process is slightly different. If necessary, detailed instructions.

    If the network is password protected, a window will appear in which you need to specify the password and confirm the connection by clicking the button Ok.

    That's it, your laptop should connect to the Wi-Fi network. The connection status will be like this:

    You can use the internet.

    If you see connection status, it looks like this:

    This means that most likely everything is configured on your laptop, but the laptop simply does not see networks available for connection. Perhaps there is simply no coverage in this place. If you are connecting to your network, then check if the router is turned on. If enabled, then .

    This is how the connection will go when you have the driver installed on the Wi-Fi adapter and the adapter itself is turned on. But very often the adapter on the laptop is turned off, or no one installed the driver on it at all. In such cases, many questions arise. Now we will analyze in detail both cases, due to which you may have problems connecting your laptop to a wireless network.

    Enable "Wireless Network Connection" on the laptop

    If your wireless connection is disabled, or the driver for Wi-Fi is not installed, then the connection status will look like this:

    This means that there is no way to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, and there is no connection via a network cable. As I wrote above, this happens due to the adapter being turned off, or due to the lack of a driver. Let's first check if you have "Wireless Network Connection" disabled. This, of course, is unlikely, unless you turned it off yourself, but you need to check.

    Click on the internet connection icon, and select Network and Sharing Center.

    Then choose Change adapter settings.

    Look at the adapter "Wireless Network Connection", if it is disabled, then right-click on it and select Turn on.

    After that, the connection status "There are available connections" should appear. (if there is a Wi-Fi network in the radius).

    We turn on wireless connections with the buttons on the laptop

    It seems to me that now manufacturers do not install separate buttons to turn on the Wi-Fi adapter. But, if you have problems connecting to Wi-Fi, then charmingly check if there is a special button to disable / enable wireless connections on your laptop. I know for sure that Toshiba liked to make such switches.

    Now, on laptops, a keyboard shortcut is used to disable / enable the wireless network. As a rule, different manufacturers have different keys. But usually this Fn+F2. So on Asus laptops. You can see for yourself, there should be a network icon on the key that is pressed in tandem with Fn. Approximately like this:

    True, my combination of these buttons is responsible for turning off Bluetooth. Wi-Fi does not seem to respond at all. But, yours may be different. It's definitely worth checking out.

    If there is no "Wireless Network Connection" adapter at all in the adapter management window, but there is Wi-Fi on your computer / laptop for sure, then this means that Wi-Fi adapter driver not installed.

    Now we will check everything and try to solve this problem.

    Check and install the driver on Wi-Fi

    I have not yet seen a case that after installing Windows 7, the system itself installed the driver on the Wi-Fi adapter. In Windows 8, this is much better. Windows 10 often installs the necessary drivers itself. So, after installing Windows, in order to use Wi-Fi, you need to install the driver specifically for your laptop or adapter (very often, adapters from different manufacturers are installed in one laptop model. It is because of this that you can see several Wi-Fi drivers on the manufacturer's website).

    We go to the device manager.

    Open the tab in Device Manager Network adapters, and looking for a driver for Wi-Fi. I have it called Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter, it is installed. You must also have something like Wireless Network Adapter.

    If you do not have a wireless connection, then most likely you will not find an adapter either. You need to install the driver, then Wi-Fi will work. And yet, if the driver on the Wireless Network Adapter is not installed, then there will be at least one unknown device with a yellow exclamation mark in the device manager. It looks something like this:

    This is most likely the same Wireless adapter that the laptop does not know how to work with.

    Driver installation

    All you have to do is download the right driver and install it. It is best to download the driver from the official website of your laptop / adapter manufacturer, and for your laptop (or adapter) model. Best of all, use Google to find the official website of your laptop, for example Asus, then use the site search on the site, indicating the model of your laptop. Most likely, your computer page will be found, open it and find utility and driver downloads there. Find the driver for Wireless and download it for the operating system you need.

    Most likely, the driver will be in the archive. To install, run the .exe file from the archive. For example, the archive with the driver for my laptop:

    After installing the driver, restart the laptop and try connecting to the wireless network, following the instructions. I wrote in more detail about installing the driver in an article about.

    If some points from the article remained incomprehensible to you, or you still couldn’t connect your computer to Wi-Fi, then write about it in the comments, we will try to solve your problem.

    Today, you can use wireless Internet from completely different devices. It can be not only a laptop and a computer, but also a phone, tablet and even a TV. But these devices must support WIFI technology. Virtually all modern laptops have Wi-Fi. This also applies to smartphones and tablets. And on computers, a wireless connection can be created by purchasing a special adapter.

    I will tell you about this and much more right now.

    So, after we have turned on WI-FI, you can already try to connect to it. Let's start with a laptop.

    1. Connecting to WI-FI on a laptop

    Every modern laptop has WI-FI. It is enough to turn it on, then find our wireless network and connect to it. Let's take care of this.

    We open:

    Start - Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings.

    Here we see the icon Wireless network connection. Right click on it and select Turn on.

    At the bottom of the screen (where the clock is) a window will appear with the found wireless networks. We find our WI-FI and connect to it.

    Confirm by entering a password.

    Now we can open any other browser and try to download sites.

    2. Connect to WI-FI on the computer

    With desktop computers, it's a little more difficult. They most often do not have wireless technology. But this problem is easily solved by purchasing a special board, or a small adapter.

    This is what I had on my old computer:

    By inserting it into a standard USB port, WI-FI appears on the computer.

    On my new PC I have Network adapter as a fee:

    The price is almost the same ($10), but it has a better signal, which has a positive effect on the speed of the Internet.

    After installing any of these adapters and installing drivers for it (the disk is included), exactly the same connection to WI-FI, as in the laptop example. We act by analogy with a laptop.

    3. Connect to Wi-Fi on your phone and tablet

    On the phone, just go to the settings, enable WI-FI and find your network. Here is an example from iPhone:

    On other phones, everything is similar, including on Android smartphones. It's the same on tablets :)

    4. Connection on other devices

    On other devices, for example, TVs that support WI-FI or even printers, everything is done the same way: it turns on, the network is found and the connection is made.

    I hope you managed to connect to WI-FI.

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