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How to clean a laptop from dust: fan, cooler? Blowing out the laptop with compressed air.

The computer is increasingly consuming our time. Social networks, series, preparation of essays, work... This is a far from complete list of things without which the average modern person cannot imagine his existence. And one more thing that many do not think about - in addition to time, the laptop also absorbs dust and quite a lot. This dust needs to be cleaned at least sometimes in order for the laptop to work properly. Today you will know how to clean a laptop from dust yourself. But let's talk about everything in order. Our goal is your laptop without noise, without dust.

When you are having fun or working, your laptop is also working and expends kilowatts of energy. It is known from school physics that static electromagnetic charges attract a variety of material objects. The smaller the object, the easier it is attracted. Dust from the surrounding air is the most suitable candidate for settling inside your laptop. If you do not attach importance to this, then it will become increasingly difficult to clean the laptop later, and you may have to throw it away with the dust.

Often people do not attach importance to all of the above factors. They do not even pay attention to the overheating of equipment and the smell. You are reading this article, you are lucky, let's now look at how to clean a laptop from dust. First of all, remember that attempting to disassemble your laptop while it is under warranty will void the warranty.

Is it time to dust your laptop?

A sign that dust is seriously interfering with the operation of a laptop is that it is heating up. The computer always gets a little warm, but if your palm starts to feel hot like from a frying pan, then, of course, this is an alarming sign. Another sign of clogged laptop parts can be extraneous noise, usually loud enough to notice. Program loading slowdown is another indirect sign that it's time to clean up the dust.

Now about how we will clean it from dust. If you can’t disassemble or are reluctant, you can simply blow it out. A hair dryer, vacuum cleaner or other source of strong air jet will do.

It seems that everything is simple. However, let's clarify how to clean the laptop from dust and at the same time not regret that you got in.
If the laptop has not been opened for a long time and the warranty has expired, then let's open it. The internal arrangement of parts may vary depending on the model. But fundamentally they are arranged in a similar way. The main targets for cleaning are the cooling system and boards.

How to disassemble and clean a laptop from dust

The first thing to do is turn off the power. Attempting to open a working laptop is dangerous for both you and it. Take this item seriously. The laptop is a mobile thing, therefore, in addition to disconnecting the power cord, you must also remove the battery. Otherwise, static electricity combined with moisture can lead to short circuits and death of the motherboard.

To remove the battery, you may need to first remove the back cover. Its location may vary for different laptop models. If the battery is connected with a cable, carefully disconnect it.

Dust particles usually settle on fans and boards. Other nooks and crannies can also be where dirt accumulates. Let's start with fans. In most cases, it is not necessary to remove them at all. You can clean the blades with a damp cloth wrapped around a screwdriver, or with cotton swabs. We blow or wipe the boards in the same way, with a damp or alcohol wipe. After cleaning, let dry, do not turn on immediately to avoid short circuits.

For a more detailed cleaning, you will have to disassemble a little more. First, take out the hard drive and RAM card. Here again, there may be options for how this is done, in most cases they simply slide out and are removed with a simple movement of the finger. The hard drive is also screwed in, as it should not move freely.

The laptop keyboard is no doubt attacked by a variety of pollution. This is especially noticeable if the keyboard is white. You can start the cleaning process simply by wiping the keys with a damp cloth. You can buy special products for the care of plastic computers. If you suspect that a lot of dust has accumulated under the keys, you will have to remove the keyboard and clean it. To do this, carefully detach the top panel, then unscrew the screws that secure the keyboard to the case.

To cause minimal damage, it is best to use a plastic card wherever possible. A screwdriver is best used only for loosening fasteners. The panel rests on latches that are clearly visible and easily wrung out. Do not rush to pull the keyboard. It is attached to the board with loops using, again, latches.

Disconnect carefully. There may not be so few loops, so try not to get confused. It is recommended to mark them in a way convenient for you. You will have to disconnect them, since there is no other way to get to the board. Wipe down the buttons and keyboard board.

Now you can get to the cooling system. She will be visible.

We unscrew the fasteners and take out the fan. We remove all dirt and dust. It is better at the moment to collect everything manually, or blow it out with your exhalation. A vacuum cleaner, like an electrical appliance, will put static electricity on your board.

You can take it apart further. Can . But. The farther, the more you have to unscrew everything, and the more difficult it is to reunite everything. If you are not sure that you can collect all this as it was, then it is better to stop. And call the master. In principle, you have already reached the desired level and cleaned the dust.

Parting words to the master

Now you know in general terms how to clean a laptop from dust. Try to do everything carefully, it depends on whether you can put everything back together. The fasteners can be non-standard, and if you lose them, then getting the necessary fasteners will be the same task.

Finally, it remains to wish you not to forget to clean your laptop from dust from time to time. The frequency of care depends on the conditions in which it works. However, at least once a year it is necessary to clean the dust. A clean laptop will last much longer.

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Dust consists of small particles that enter through the laptop cooling grill. After six months or a year, a perfectly clean laptop inside becomes dirty. Fans cannot blow out all the dust that tightly clogs the radiator of the cooling system, and then the motherboard and components. Gradually, the dust increases in size and interferes with the operation of the device, especially overheating affects the laptop battery life.

If you do not carry out timely cleaning, the laptop will simply overheat and stop working. Unpleasant fan noise and noticeable heat build-up in the case are clear signs of a clogged cooling system followed by degraded performance. Many people shell out a tidy sum to the service to keep order inside the laptop. However, in most cases, you can save the budget and do this simple thing yourself.

What to do if the laptop is overheating

If your laptop has overheated, then before starting cleaning work, we recommend that you test and measure the temperature of the processor and video card. A repeat test after cleaning will help determine how effective this procedure was. To warm up the processor, you can use the built-in stress test in the CPU-Z utility, and take the temperature using HWiNFO until the values ​​stabilize. For a video card, one FurMark test for 10 minutes is sufficient.

How to clean a laptop from dust without disassembly

This method of cleaning a laptop from dust is not always effective, but it does not require special skills, tools, and often this is enough to remove the main part of the dust in the ventilation shaft of the cooling system and the keyboard.

First, make sure the laptop is turned off and not in sleep mode. If possible, disconnect the battery, after which you can start cleaning.

Most of the dust can be blown out through the ventilation openings. Use improvised means: a vacuum cleaner, a powerful hair dryer, a small brush. It is more efficient not to suck up the dust, but to blow it out. If your vacuum cleaner cannot do this, then you can buy a special can of compressed air (sold in computer stores and radio markets).

A car compressor or an electric pump is also suitable for this purpose. The main thing is not to overdo it, a powerful jet of air can damage the parts of the laptop.

You can clean the keyboard with a vacuum cleaner using a soft bristle nozzle. You can wipe the screen and then the case with a soft terry microfiber slightly moistened with water.

How to clean a laptop from dust with disassembly

If cleaning the laptop without disassembling did not give the desired result, the laptop is still warming up or making noise, then you can’t do without disassembling it. First of all, search the Internet or YouTube for instructions on how to clean your laptop model. If the process seems complicated to you (you need to disassemble almost the entire laptop), then do not risk it - contact a reliable service center or a trusted computer store that provides such a service.

If you see that everything is simple for your model, just remove the back cover and the cooling system, then you can safely proceed with self-disassembly and cleaning, but in any case, take your time and do not forget about accuracy.

What you need to disassemble and clean a laptop

As tools, you will most likely need:

  • small Phillips screwdriver
  • unnecessary plastic card
  • tweezers (not always necessary)
  • soft paint brush

If the design of your laptop's cooling system does not allow you to clean the fan and radiator separately, but requires the complete removal of the cooling system from the processor and video card, then you will additionally need the following:

  • thermal paste (we recommend Artic Cooling MX-4)
  • cotton wool and cotton buds (or matches)
  • alcohol or solvent (such as acetone)

Prepare all this in advance, since when removing the entire cooling system, it is imperative to remove the old and apply new thermal paste.

The main stages of disassembling and cleaning a laptop

The main steps for disassembling and cleaning any laptop include the following:

  • shutdown laptop and disconnect battery
  • removing the back cover of a laptop
  • disconnection and cleaning of the cooling system
  • laptop interior cleaning
  • removing old thermal paste from the cooling system and chips
  • applying new thermal paste
  • reinstalling the cooling system
  • laptop lid closing
  • battery installation
  • cleaning the keyboard with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle
  • wiping the screen and housing with a slightly damp microfiber cloth

All this is quite simple to do and will only take about an hour, of course, if your model does not require removing the keyboard and completely disassembling the case for cleaning. In this case, it is better to contact qualified specialists, as there is a high risk of breaking something.

Beware of static electricity, do not use woolen clothes when disassembling and cleaning a laptop, static can also accumulate when walking on a carpet. Touch the battery before starting work to remove the charge. If you have noticed static discharges when using a vacuum cleaner, then using it to clean a laptop is dangerous.

As with CIP, the first step is to disconnect the battery. Then you can remove the back cover of the laptop (sometimes the screws are under the rubber feet / plugs or under the battery). If the battery is non-removable, then it will have to be disconnected after removing the cover.

It is advisable to put all the screws in separate boxes or jars, with a note where they come from, so as not to confuse them during assembly. In order to remember how the parts you'll be filming were secured, it's a good idea to take a picture of the insides under the cover. If necessary, take additional pictures of how certain parts are fixed.

Carefully disconnect the cables and smoothly unfasten the latches (if you have to do this during the disassembly process, which is not always required). Do not disconnect something that can be cleaned without removing. If the fan and heat sink can be cleaned without dismantling the entire cooling system, then do not remove it entirely. It is recommended to do this only on initially hot laptops to replace the thermal paste with a more effective one.

Unscrew the cooling system mounting screws according to the numbers that are indicated next to them, starting with 1,2,3, etc. First, loosen all screws evenly, then unscrew them completely. Assembly is carried out in the reverse order - first, all screws are evenly tightened, starting with 6,5,4, etc. Then the screws are evenly pressed to the end in the same reverse order. This is necessary to avoid distortion of the cooling system during installation, otherwise the heat from the processor and video card will be poorly removed.

To prevent the old thermal paste from smearing, first remove it with dry cotton wool, and only then slightly moistened with a solvent. Apply new thermal paste as thinly as possible, as a thick layer impairs heat dissipation.

When cleaning an already removed cooling system, you can use a vacuum cleaner, but carefully so that the fan does not spin up and break the blades. To clean the interior space, it is better to use a soft paint brush. It is not advisable to blow on anything with your mouth, as dust can get into your eyes, and saliva can get on sensitive electronic components or the screen (stains will remain).

If, after cleaning and assembling the laptop, the fan makes noise, you will have to remove it again, disassemble it, thoroughly clean it with alcohol and lubricate it with grease (preferably thick silicone, but lithol or machine oil is also suitable), it needs quite a bit.

You can also time an increase in memory or a disk replacement for disassembling and cleaning the laptop, if you planned it anyway, so that you do not have to disassemble it again later. But, if the laptop was malfunctioning, it is better not to rush to upgrade, you may have to change it altogether.

Laptop Cleaning Frequency

If you use your laptop in a very dusty environment, then you should clean it as often as possible - at least once every 3 months. In other cases, the optimal frequency of cleaning is 6-12 months. In the future, you can easily determine how often you need to clean your laptop. But do not wait until it starts to warm up or make noise, carry out preventive maintenance according to the established schedule, for example, set an annual reminder in the smartphone calendar.

Now you know how to clean a laptop from dust yourself. Many firms inflate the cost of this service and you cannot control how conscientiously they do their job. Therefore, if possible, it is better to do it yourself, saving the budget and time for trips to the service. In the next video, you can watch the simplest example of cleaning a laptop from dust and see for yourself how easy it can be.

Do you know where the dirtiest place in your apartment is? No, this is not a rug near the front door. It is much closer: in front of you on the table. This is your laptop.

Computers with an active cooling system, including mobile ones, collect dust inside themselves no worse than a vacuum cleaner. Its deposits clog the ventilation grills, preventing the heated air from escaping, cover the internal devices with a layer of "felt", which contributes to their overheating and creates the risk of damage to electronics by static electricity. In a word, they bring the untimely death of your iron assistant closer. Are you not prepared for this outcome? Then read how to clean a laptop from dust yourself.

How often should you clean your laptop

The average frequency of cleaning mobile computers from dust is 3-6-12 months - it all depends on the environment and operating conditions. If you smoke in your house, if you keep animals that have hair, you have a lot of carpets or a permanent place for a laptop - a soft sofa, the need for cleaning may occur more often than once every 3 months.

If the device is constantly standing on a cooling pad, if climate equipment (air purifiers) is working in the room and wet cleaning is often carried out, then signs of overheating from dust accumulation may occur only a year and a half after the purchase or the last cleaning of the laptop.

How to tell if a mobile computer needs cleaning

The main indicator of the dust content of the "insides" of the apparatus is overheating. It is pointed to:

  • . First, they happen with intense load (during games), then with medium load, and finally, almost immediately after switching on. The worse the heat sink, the more pronounced the symptom.
  • Perceptible heating of the case in the keyboard area, combined with a weak air flow from the ventilation holes (the heatsink is clogged with dust).
  • Fans rotating at high speed, which is often accompanied by noticeable noise.
  • Decrease in performance (in order to protect against thermal damage, some computer components - processor, chipset, video chip, slow down). Indicates a need for cleaning when combined with other symptoms of overheating.

  • and other devices in monitoring programs under normal load. The critical temperatures of the bulk of modern mobile processors, at which there is a decrease in performance (thermal throttling) and further shutdown of the device, are 85-100 °C. For video processors and the chipset, about the same, for hard drives - 50-55 ° C.

Preventive cleaning of a laptop without disassembly

Preventive cleaning without disassembly, or rather, purge of the cooling system does not require any special training or knowledge of the apparatus. The method is very simple, effective and can be applied to a laptop of any brand and model. If you make it a rule to carry out such prevention regularly - at least 1-2 times a month, the need for major cleaning will decrease significantly.

To purge, you will need a can of compressed air (sold in computer stores) and 2-3 wet wipes.

Order of execution:

  • Close the ventilation grill (through which heated air is blown out of the laptop) with a napkin, leaving a small section of it free on one side - on the right or left.
  • Bring the bottle spout to the edge of the grate and blow inward from it for 1 second (if you blow longer, you may damage the fan bearing). With the other hand at this time, hold the napkin, dust will settle on it. Do not be afraid to spread dirt throughout the "stuffing" of the laptop, the cooling system fan is fenced off by the walls, so the dust will only be blown out.
  • Repeat blowing until the wipes are no longer dirty.

Purging is effective only when the vent is free to pass through. If it is completely clogged with compressed dust (which can be determined visually and by the strength of the air flow from it), there will be no sense in blowing. On the contrary, a dense dust lump, plucked from a "familiar place", can wrap itself around a fan and lock it up. In such situations, only cleaning with disassembly helps, which will be discussed later.

Cleaning with disassembly

Cleaning with disassembly involves opening the laptop case, dismantling the cooling system, manually removing contaminants and changing the thermal interface on the processor and other devices (if any).

For cleaning you will need:

  • Phillips (less often other form) screwdriver of small size, preferably with a magnetic head.
  • Spudger (special spatula for snapping latches) or a device replacing it.

  • Tweezers for working with small details, for example, for carefully removing cables and ribbon cables from connectors (may not be needed, but it is better to prepare).
  • Dusting brush.
  • Cylinder with compressed air.
  • Cloth for removing old thermal paste.
  • Fresh thermal paste. , F1comp told earlier.
  • Spatula or plastic card for applying thermal paste.
  • Thermal pads (may not be useful).
  • (of necessity).

Access to the cooling system on different models of laptops is implemented in its own way. On some devices, it is enough to unscrew 4-5 screws and remove one cover, others need to be disassembled halfway, and still others almost completely.

Disassembling a laptop is rarely intuitive, especially for someone who takes it on for the first time. But, fortunately, instructions for opening many mobile computers can be found on the net, in particular on Youtube. As a rule, they are recorded and filmed by the owners of the devices themselves. Such materials are not always of good quality, but it is better than nothing.

To search for disassembly instructions for your laptop, type "model_name service manual" or "model_name disassembly" into the search engine. For example: " acer aspire e15disassembly". English-language queries, as a rule, give more useful results than Russian-language ones, but you should not refuse the latter either.


Consider as an example the process of disassembling and cleaning laptops of the series Lenovo G470/G475/G570/G575 according to the materials of the official service manual (can be found in the public domain).

  • Turn off your computer. Disconnect the power supply and battery. Remove the external screws shown in the diagram. Remove the gray cover.

Many models of modern laptops are equipped with batteries that are located inside the case. Moreover, on some of them, the battery cannot be disconnected until you disconnect some of the devices. If your device is one of these, be sure to make sure that it switched off and not in sleep mode.

  • Unscrew the screws fixing the fan (1), followed by the screws of the metal part of the cooling system (2). The order of unscrewing the screws holding the heat sinks of the microcircuits is usually indicated by numbers. Please note that you should first unscrew the screw under the last number, then under the penultimate one, etc., for example, 4-3-2-1. If there are no numbers, twisting is done diagonally or in a zigzag pattern so that the heat sink pressure is released evenly, otherwise the chip crystals may be damaged. Disconnect the fan connector (3) last.

If your laptop has a lot of screws of various sizes and shapes, in order not to confuse them during assembly, draw a diagram of the bottom cover and the cooling system of the device on a piece of paper. Unscrewing the next screw, stick it in the place of the circuit where it was in reality.

  • Lift the cooling system vertically up. If it does not give in, which is often the case when the thermal paste hardens, gently move it from side to side in a horizontal position.

  • Use a brush, air can, and wipes to remove dust from the inside of the laptop. Clean the fan and heatsink. If the fan is collapsible, you can remove the impeller and rinse it under the tap. Apply some machine oil to the shaft before reinstalling the impeller.
  • Remove residual thermal paste from the heat sinks of the cooling system and microcircuits. If it is dry, rinse the radiator under a faucet. Paste residues can be removed from the surface of the microcircuits with a damp (not wet!) napkin, but in no case should you try to scrape it off with a hard object.

  • Apply a thin layer of fresh thermal paste to the processor, spread it over the surface with a spatula or plastic card. Don't forget about other knots if they were also covered by it. Check the condition of thermal pads, rubber-like pieces of material that are often used in laptops instead of thermal paste. If they have retained their softness and elasticity, you can leave them, if they have hardened, replace them.
  • Reinstall the cooling system. If you washed it in water, make sure it dries completely. Fix it with screws. The screws should be screwed in by numbers, but this time in direct order - from first to last. Plug in the fan.

Be sure to replace any films, stickers, and other similar items that you removed before cleaning. These things usually serve as insulation. Without them, the laptop may get a short circuit when turned on.

  • Reassemble the device in reverse order. Before closing the lid, make sure that there are no “extra” components left outside and that all parts are in place.

On this, perhaps, everything. For the first time, cleaning a laptop from dust on your own may seem like a difficult and painstaking procedure, but over time, you will cope with it in 15-30 minutes.

I believe that everything will work out for you!

More on the site:

How to clean a laptop from dust yourself updated: May 2, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic

The laptop, of course, allures everyone with its size. It is convenient to work with him, both at the desk and lying in bed. We take it to all places convenient for us (to work, rest, on the bus, etc.). It's all right. However, this mobility often comes back to us. How?! Yes, it’s very simple, basically we are talking about the clogging of the keyboard and the cooler with various debris - dust, threads, crumbs, hairs, etc. Here it’s no longer possible to replace one or another part so easily and quickly, so it’s better to prevent such a situation in advance with regular cleaning laptop and in this article we will just tell you about how you can clean your laptop yourself.

8 steps to clean your laptop from dust and dirt

  1. Prepare a powerful vacuum cleaner for cleaning, but not a washing one (or disable this function); a damp piece of cloth that would hold dirt well; as well as a brush (you can even have several with different diameters).
  2. Tidy up the case and keyboard first. To do this, vacuum along the hole where the cooler is located, and also carefully vacuum the keyboard. Remember that no matter how powerful the vacuum cleaner is, it most likely will not be able to draw in all the dust and dirt accumulated under the keyboard (if your keys are still old-style). Therefore, you will still have to help the vacuum cleaner, sweeping the dirt with a small brush, while holding the tube nearby. Here you will have to take a long time, but it's better to do it now than to suffer from discomfort later (a broken keyboard key).
  3. Pay special attention to connectors. They should not contain unnecessary items or elements that would make it difficult to enter the plug or power cord. After finishing all external cleaning, run a damp piece of cloth over the entire body to remove the fine dust that has appeared as a result of your manipulations.
  4. Now it's the turn to disassemble your laptop a little. As a rule, it is enough to remove the back cover of the laptop to get to the parts we need. It is mounted on a large number of screws, so it would be great to have a screwdriver handy, but if you don’t have one, then a small Phillips screwdriver will suffice. Try not to lose these screws, as losing them, as practice shows, is very, very easy. Having unscrewed everything, be prepared that the lid will have additional latches, try to open the back cover of the laptop so as not to break them. It would be a great idea to watch a video tutorial on disassembling and assembling your laptop model in advance.
  5. After removing the cover and setting it away, you can proceed to further steps. To begin with, we remove the cooler, since it is he who often clogs up and begins to dust all over the laptop. Before you remove it, remember its position, but rather take a picture so as not to rely on your memory. Wipe the cooler itself thoroughly with a damp cloth, but the heatsink that is cooled by it should be cleaned with a high power vacuum cleaner, sucking dust particles out of it.
  6. Once you have turned on the vacuum cleaner, then walk it over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe back of the laptop, holding the handset at a distance of no more than one centimeter. It is well worth blowing out the RAM board, as well as removing dust from the hard drive. In principle, you are unlikely to have access to everything else, but you don’t need it. The thing is that the main elements are considered to be a cooler that cools the processor and transfers coolness further through the system through copper pipes, and RAM, since it also often gets rather big layers of dust, which creates a problem in operation.
  7. When everything is cleaned, it's time to start assembling the laptop. Do not rush, because, forgetting to twist or insert something, you will have to disassemble it again. The cooler must be dry, it is strictly forbidden to install it in a wet state. When tightening the screws, you do not need to overtighten them, otherwise it will be more difficult to unscrew them later, and you can also rip off the cap or thread, which will greatly complicate the task of assembling and disassembling the laptop.
  8. After collecting the laptop back - turn it on. If it works, then everything was assembled normally, if not, then double-check the assembly and possibly disassemble it again. If it does not help, immediately contact the service center for repair. You shouldn’t worry too much, as the reason is likely to be in poor contact, so the repairmen will put everything in order in 15-20 minutes.

How to avoid frequent laptop cleaning?

  • enjoyUSB cooler in the form of a stand. Great item for those who use a laptop on their desk. The main advantage of the cooler is that it is built into the stand, which is at an angle to the table, which means it does not allow the laptop to overheat.
  • On a bed, sofa or chair, use a special stand. The stand is somewhat reminiscent of a table on which breakfast is served in bed. It is good because the laptop does not have to be placed on a fabric that impairs heat transfer and increases the chance of contamination.
  • Eat less often over the keyboard. It’s clean not where they clean (in our case they clean), but where they don’t litter! Try to refrain from drinking and eating directly at the laptop. Let it be at least a meter away from you so that you cannot crumble on the keyboard.
  • The laptop does not need to work just like that. A laptop is not a full-fledged computer, in terms of size, parts wear out much faster in it and also get dirty faster, so try not to keep it on just like that. No wonder it has a "Sleep" function, use it more often.

That's all. Now you know how to clean your laptop yourself, as well as how to avoid regular cleaning.

Good day!

The cause of many laptop temperature and overheating problems is dust. If you do not remove it from the radiator, cooler in time, do not clean the ventilation holes, then the air circulation inside your device case will be disturbed, as a result of which, the temperature will begin to rise...

In general, if the laptop starts to overheat, then you can notice it by the strong hum of coolers, the release of hot air from the ventilation holes (on the side, on the left), frequent freezes, reboots, etc.

By the way, I already had an article on my blog on how to check the temperature and how to lower it. I recommend to read:

I will add that, in my opinion, many laptop models (note: for which you only need to remove the protective cover from the back of the device), easy enough to clean from dust, and most users of the average hand can handle it.

However, there are also laptops that will have to be taken apart to the screws to get to the cooling system (here you need at least a little experience with technology ☺, otherwise, it’s better to use the services and not save 500-1000 rubles). In general, in the article I will try to consider in detail how and what ...

Note: if your laptop is under warranty, then do not disassemble it yourself (this may cause warranty service to be denied). In general, I want to warn you that everything that you do according to the description below is done at your own peril and risk! It is impossible to foresee all the possible nuances and the whole range of laptop models in one article!

What is required for work

In general, perhaps this is the first thing to start with. Nothing that almost everyone in the house does not have - we will not need it.

We remove dust from the radiator and cooler, air vents


Turn off the laptop (not sleep or hibernation, namely shutdown) and disconnect all wires from it: power, mouse, headphones, etc. Then turn it over and disconnect the battery. To take it out - pay attention to the latches (usually there are 2 of them), pushing them in different directions - you will hear a slight click, and the battery will rise slightly (by 3-7 mm) from its compartment. Then it remains only to take it out.


Many laptops have special covers that protect the radiator, cooler, hard drive, and RAM. Actually, to clean the dust of such a laptop design, it is enough to remove this cover and walk there with a cotton swab and a can of compressed air. As a rule, nothing complicated.

By the way, to remove this protective cover, just unscrew a few screws (see photo below). Which is what we will do in this step. By the way, it is better to put the screws in a separate box so as not to confuse them with others and not lose them.

Note: Some laptop models may have screws under the rubber feet and stickers. Be careful not to put pressure on the lid when you seem to have (at first glance) removed the last screw. Rubber feet, if you remove them, when assembling the laptop, you need to glue them in the same places - they provide the necessary clearance between the device case and the surface on which it stands.

In general, laptop designs can be different, and you may not find protective covers when you turn the laptop over (or maybe there will even be 2). Laptops are especially difficult, where in order to get to the cooling system, you need to:

  1. remove the battery;
  2. remove the protective cover, remove the hard drive and RAM;
  3. then turn the laptop over and remove the keyboard from it;
  4. then unscrew the screws under the keyboard and take out the base behind which the mat is located. pay;
  5. unscrew the fixing screws again;
  6. get mat. board and clean the cooling system (see photo below).

ADVICE! If your laptop design is far from the simplest (as, for example, presented above), I would recommend looking for a disassembly video of the exact model of your device on YouTube. It is quite difficult to foresee all the nuances that may await when disassembling the device!


Under the removed cover, you can find quite a lot of components (depending on the design of the device). We are also interested in the radiator (as a rule, a yellow curved piece of iron, on which there are a lot of small grilles), and the cooler (ie the fan). See the arrows in the photo below.

To get started, take a vacuum cleaner or spray can and blow out all the large dust from the surface. You can also use a brush.

Note: in order to get to the cooler blades, as a rule, you will have to remove another small protective cover (by the way, the entire cooler itself may be removed, the designs of the devices are quite different). It is fastened with ordinary screws.


Sometimes there is so much dust between the impeller blades that it cannot even spin normally. The cooler starts to make noise during operation, accelerates the air much worse. Therefore, when cleaning, pay special attention to this part of the laptop.

The blades of the cooler, by the way, are very convenient to clean with a cotton swab. Wipe each blade of the impeller with a stick, act carefully without strong pressure (otherwise there is a risk of deforming the blade, which will then cause extraneous noise during the operation of the cooler).


Also pay great attention to the radiator: especially to that part of it where there is a small grill through which air enters. Most often, it is it that is clogged with dust and the air ceases to circulate normally.

It is convenient to use a brush to clean this part. When you brush away a large bullet with a brush, you can blow through all the slots of the radiator with a can of compressed air, or with a vacuum cleaner.

Dust blowing out radiators


When the dust is removed from the inside of the laptop, all that remains is to assemble it in reverse order and turn on the device. I think there should be no problems here if everything was done carefully, and all the screws and parts were laid out on the table in the order of disassembly.

Keyboard cleaning

Remove grease and dirt from the buttons you can use a regular cloth dipped in soapy water. It is important that water does not drip from the cloth, even if it is squeezed hard.

To blow out crumbs and fine dust from under the keys, you can use both a classic vacuum cleaner and a special laptop one that connects to a USB port.

By the way, lately, various novelties for cleaning the keyboard have been increasingly appearing. One of these is a kind slime, velcro . Working with it is built something like this: first you put it on the keyboard, press it lightly - it spreads and fills all the cavities between the keys. Then lift it up and the keyboard surface is cleaned (all the crumbs, dust and other debris stick to it).

Velcro for cleaning the keyboard (sometimes called gel )

By the way, many of these stickies have an antibacterial effect (at least, the manufacturers say so).

Screen cleaning

Method number 1

The ideal option to use to remove dust and stains from the screen is special wipes (or even kits: spray and cloth). They are not expensive, they clean the surface very effectively.

Method number 2 // without special. funds

If there are no napkins and spray, you can get by with improvised means. I'll go through it in order:

  1. turn off your laptop first (I would also recommend unplugging and removing the battery);
  2. then pour warm water into a clean container and add some baby soap. Stir;
  3. take a cloth and dip it in this water, wring it out so that it does not drip. It is better to take a cloth flannel, which wipe glasses. You can use a sponge if it's new (the old one may have grains of sand that will scratch the surface of the screen);
  4. by the way, it is advisable to remove the rings from the fingers, they can accidentally touch the monitor when wiping;
  5. then wipe the screen surface with a damp cloth (lightly and without pressure). Then wipe the surface with a dry cloth. If dust remains on the screen: wipe again with a damp cloth and then with a dry cloth;
  6. turn on the laptop when the screen surface is completely dry!

Important! Do not use acetone, alcohol, various solvents, cologne, etc. for cleaning. For some reason, many craftsmen recommend these screen cleaners. Meanwhile, these products damage the surface, and over time, you may suddenly find that the screen is far from the same as it was (although after the first or second cleaning, everything may be fine).

That's all.

All the best and happy cleaning!

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