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How to translate caps lock. Caps Lock what is it on the keyboard and where is it

According to the rules of the Russian language, individual words or sentences must be capitalized. If everything is clear with writing with a pen on paper, then how can this rule be observed when printing on a computer?

For this purpose, the keyboard is provided special function- Caps Lock, which allows you to easily use capital letters in the text if necessary. What is Caps Lock? How does it turn on and what is meant by this word in online communities such as VKontakte?

What does the word "caps lock" mean?

Caps Lock- this is an abbreviated Russian spelling of the English phrase capital lock, which translates as "fixing capital letters» .

The concept traces its history from the moment the typewriters appeared, which had the function of fixing the upper case. For this, the devices are equipped special key Shift- the first time you clicked on it, you could turn on the ability to print in capital letters, and when you press it again, turn off the function.

The creators of modern computer devices retained the Shift key, but added Caps Lock to the keyboard, which makes typing much easier.

What is Caps Lock on a computer?

Caps Lock is a convenient and functional tool that is comfortable to use if you need to write a word, phrase or whole sentence in capital letters. The key is for automatic shift case, however, it allows you to change only letters - when you press it, numbers and other characters are printed without changes.

The location of Caps Lock is quite convenient for the user. On the standard keyboard the key is located in the left row under the Tab button - to the left of the letter "A". The function is optimally used for writing a number of letters. If you need to select only one letter, then it is enough to resort to pressing and holding the Shift button.

How to enable Caps Lock on PC?

The transition to the capital letters mode is made by pressing Caps Lock once. To turn off the function, just press again. If the keyboard has light indication, then when you turn on Caps Lock in the right upper corner layout, the LED lights up. When you turn off the capital letters, the green indicator goes out accordingly.

It is worth noting that most of the programs on the Internet that require user authorization are different. hypersensitivity to the register, so if you accidentally press Caps Lock, they will be entered incorrectly. In this case, the light indicator comes to the rescue, allowing you to determine the position of the key.

What is Caps Lock VKontakte?

In communication in World Wide Web Caps Lock refers to words or phrases that are written in capital letters. Often they can be found on VKontakte, as well as in online communities - on forums, blogs, chats. The use of Caps Lock is considered bad manners and implies a scream, a rise in voice.

For many people, such spelling causes irritation, since phrases made up entirely of capital letters are difficult to read. On most resources, indefatigable use of the key is not welcome, and on some it is prohibited.

Sometimes it is advisable to turn on Caps Locks to highlight a word - to emphasize its significance, but usually in the same constantly pressed key indicates the user's limited vocabulary and indicates to other visitors his weakness as an opponent.

It is estimated that about two-thirds of newcomers who are just starting to master the Internet resort to the use of Caps Lock. Often they think that in this way they can highlight their main idea. If no one reacts to the good news, beginners think that the phrase should be repeated - suddenly no one has read it.

However, after numerous complaints from other users and warnings from the moderator, the regular use of Caps Lock on their part "fades away."

The button can easily be attributed to the leaders among the most unclaimed keys, of course, if you are not a screaming hater, whose corporate style is NEGOTIATIONS ON A RAISED TONE. In this article, we will tell you how to find a competent functional use of this key on a Mac.

In contact with

The main problem that arises before the user when trying to program keys cap lock, Tab, Delete and the whole range of F1-F12 - they cannot be used as part of shortcuts with regular macOS tools. In order to "hang" at least some combination or action, Caps Lock must first be turned into a trigger for shortcuts. This can be done using special utility Karabiner Elements.

The classic Karabiner Elements on Caps Lock won't do anything either, but there is one modified version which provides such a possibility.

ATTENTION! After installing the utility, you need to remember the main thing - the downloaded Karabiner Elements is a branch official version and if you update it, then the ability to program the Caps Lock button will disappear and you will have to perform all the steps below again.

So at the end of the installation on the offer to download latest version answer " Skip This Version”.

How to install Karabiner Elements on Mac?

sudo spctl --master-disable

How to prepare the Caps Lock key with Karabiner Elements?

1 . Run Karabiner Elements and go to the tab “ + Add Item“.

2 . In field " From key“ select the value “caps_ lock".

3 . In field " To Key“go to the field” Others” (at the very bottom) and click on “ hyper (equal to 'control' + 'option' + 'command' + 'shift').”

4 . Ready. Close Karabiner Elements.

Thus from the Caps Lock button now turns into special combination keys (respectively control + Option (Alt)+ ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift), which can already be used in system tools for appointment special teams, as well as in third party programs. Let's explore both options.

How to assign any shortcuts to Caps Lock?

Through regular macOS tools

Through the macOS settings, you can assign shortcuts with Caps Lock to perform such system functions how to switch the language (a very handy thing), screenshots, launch system services and so on.

1 . open menu  → System settings… → Keyboard → Keyboard Shortcuts tab.

2 . Select any category of interest in the left side menu, find the shortcut and in the field with a keyboard shortcut, press Caps Lock + any convenient button . For example, for fast switching keyboard language I assigned the shortcut " ' (displayed as Control + ⌥Option (Alt) + ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + A).

Why do we need a button, we more or less figured it out. But recently a quite reasonable question arose for me: why do users need the Caps Lock button? Its history still goes back to printing machines, when pressing the Shift button was fixed with this button. Now please strain your brain and let's put everything on the shelves:

1. Remember when you last pressed it on purpose to type information in capital letters? And if you did, did you enter a lot of text like that? Isn't it better to just press and hold Shift and type the desired message in capital letters, if it's so impatient?

2. Now remember how often you accidentally pressed this button and typed text without looking at the screen, and then suddenly realized that they had pressed Caps Lock, erased and started typing again?

3. Remember how often you entered the password incorrectly due to the fact that the Caps Lock key was pressed? Keyboard designers made an obvious miscalculation that they placed this button next to the TAB key. You enter your login, switch "TABOM" to the password and miss and hit the ill-fated Caps Lock. More than that in English layout next to it is another frequently used key "A" and often people do not hit it. Well, do you recognize yourself?

4. You sit in a chat or ICQ and suddenly a message comes in big letters.
HI. I ACCIDENTALLY SPILL COFFEE ON THE BLOUSE TODAY. The subconscious responds to capital letters anxious and you feel uncomfortable. Mentally curse the person, although you absolutely do not care what she spilled on her blouse and write to him not to write in capital letters. And the poor interlocutor, purely by accident, pressed “our beloved” Caps Lock and did not at all think of drawing such attention to a trifle. Hence the expression: "Do not capsy."

If you recognize yourself in at least one of the points, then further information For you.

AnticAPSLOCK is the name of the official company that advocates for the abolition of the Caps Lock key in future keyboards. Alternatively, you can make a removable key. The only thing that designers need to think about is how to close the gaping void. I think many computer users around the world will subscribe to the calls of this company. Compared to medicine: Caps Lock is keyboard appendicitis. It’s good with him, but without him, too, it seems to be good for many.

» Keyboard from A to Z »

Blind typing method: Caps Lock key (capslock) - alphabet case lock

cap lock- this key is surrounded by a red frame in the photo. If you need to print all the text in upper case, then just for these purposes the key called Caps Lock (in Russian transcription - caps lock).

It is located in the main row on the left and is a fixer for the upper (lower) case of the alphabet.

You need to press it with the little finger of your left hand. At the same time, the indicator on the keyboard in the upper right corner lights up. Underneath it is written Cap Lock.

If the indicator is on, then all letters will be printed in upper case. Press caps key Lock again - the indicator went out and now all letters are printed in lower case.
If you type all text using the Caps Lock key, and in some place you need to type a lowercase letter, use the key Shift. Holding it down will allow you to type the word in small letters.

It must be remembered that, unlike the key Shift key Caps Lock is designed to permanently change the case of letters from lowercase to uppercase. It makes sense to use this key even when you need to type only one word or some kind of abbreviation.

But to abuse the use of this key is still not worth it. Corresponding on forums, in chat rooms, and so on using the Caps Lock key on the Web is considered bad form. On one forum, someone even wrote: “Hey! You do not raise the register on me !!! 🙂

The capital letter button is an abomination, said Peter Hintjens, head of the design firm software iMatix. And he did not limit himself to words, having created a special website to combat this button -

Of course, we have something to do without it, - the Belgian programmer admits. - But add together millions of little frustrations accumulated over decades, and you realize that the Caps Lock key is a sore point. Due to the fact that once you accidentally press it, sometimes you have to retype large pieces of text.

It's kind of hard for me to believe that a Brussels programmer doesn't know about the existence of hotkeys, but about how to fix the error if you accidentally pressed the Caps Lock key and typed all the text lower case we'll talk next time.


Want to learn how to disable or remap the Caps Lock key? Then enter your request in search form Google.

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