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How to transmit the readings of the electricity meter in Nizhny Novgorod? "Nizhegorodskaya Energosbytovaia Kompaniya" has changed its e-mail for receiving information. How to transfer readings of an electric meter on a personal account

Light / Meters and electricity metering

Every month from the 23rd to the 26th, the residents of Nizhny Novgorod are obliged to submit their electricity meter readings to their power supply company. This order has been in effect since September this year. For November, data can be transferred in the same ways as in October. The only change is that Nizhegorodskaya Energosbytovaia Kompaniya has changed the email address to which meter readings can be sent. now this

How can you transfer meter readings to Nizhegorodskaya Energosbytovaya Kompaniya (Energosbyt)?

Energosbyt subscribers need to take readings of electricity meters for October from 23 to 25 November and transfer them to OAO Nizhegorodskaya Sbytovaya Kompaniya in one of the following ways until November 26 inclusively:

  • around the clock on the Internet through the service "Send meter readings" on the website of OJSC "Nizhegorodskaya sbytovaia kompaniya"
    • Step 1: October 23, 24, 25 or 26, go to the Energosbyt website, click the "Send meter readings" link or follow the link
    • Step 2: in the top line, enter your personal account (it has 10 characters, you can see it in old accounts) and click the "find account" button. Your address is displayed on the computer screen.
    • Step 3: in the next line, enter the counter readings for the current number and press the "transfer" button.
    • through the call center of Energosbyt by phones: 233-09-70, 8-800-775-09-70 (free call). Attention: due to the heavy load of connecting lines from the 23rd to the 26th from 8.00 to 20.00, the call center will work only in the mode of receiving readings, answers to other subscribers' requests will not be temporarily made,
  • around the clock by email [email protected], indicating the number of the personal account, the exact address, full name. the owner of the personal account and the final readings of the electricity meter,
  • round-the-clock, through the regional subscriber station of Energosbyt, the reception of readings is carried out in a special box located on the outside of the building. It is necessary to drop the completed form into the box (this is either a tear-off form of a new form of invoice for energy supply services, or any paper medium on which the personal account number, exact address, full name of the owner of the personal account, date, signature and final readings of the electric meter are indicated ). It is important to take into account that if a resident passed on the testimony in any other way, it is no longer necessary to fill out a tear-off form and put it in a special box at the subscriber station!

The Nizhny Novgorod energy sales company recommends that citizens use the impersonal form of transmitting readings as the most convenient, moreover, around the clock: the Internet (Energosbyt's website), e-mail, boxes installed at each subscriber station on the outside of the building. There can be no queue, no line loading, and no great effort is required from subscribers.

Why now it is necessary to transmit the readings of the electricity meter?

On its website, Nizhegorodskaya Energosbytovaya Kompaniya writes that changing the principle of payment for electricity is a legislative initiative, not a whim of power engineers. The deadline for taking and transferring meter readings has been changed due to the fact that the New Rules for the provision of utilities entered into force, entered into force on September 1, 2012 by the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated May 6, 2011. They changed the principle of calculating payments for the provided utilities and the form of invoicing.

What is the time period now to transfer the readings of electricity meters in Nizhny Novgorod?

The legislation establishes strict time frames for the transmission of meter readings: from October onwards, every month, citizens must take meter readings from the 23rd to the 25th day of the current month and, no later than the 26th day of the current month, provide data to OJSC "Nizhegorodskaya sbytovaia kompaniya" for calculation.

How long does it take for residents of Nizhny Novgorod to make a payment?

Prior to the entry into force of the new Rules for the provision of utilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, subscribers of OJSC Nizhegorodskaya Sbytovaia Kompaniya paid their bills with a delay of one month (for example, they paid for March in May, for April - in June, for August they received 1 October, and it had to be paid before October 10). The current legislation does not provide for such a scheme: now residents will pay directly for the past month (for November - in December, for December - in January, etc.) until the 10th day of the month following the calculated one. For the payment period, the same system existed 2-3 years ago, when citizens made payments for electricity according to their subscription books.

Please be informed that during the transition period to the new system, you will receive your invoice for October by November 10. It must be paid by November 20.

From November onwards, monthly: collection and transmission of meter readings from the 23rd to the 26th day of the current month, sending invoices to subscribers by the 1st day of the month following the settlement month, payment of the invoice by the 10th day of the month following the settlement one.

Who will be affected by the changes in electricity consumption data transmission? Only those who have counters?

This applies to every subscriber, since The rules for the provision of utilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, apply to all citizens without exception, regardless of the presence or absence of both an individual and a collective metering device for electricity, a region or an electricity supplying organization - a guaranteeing supplier.

Will the social norm on payment for electricity be taken into account in full? And to be paid by the EBC?

The social norm of 50 kWh for the number of registered ones is taken into account in full. And, of course, all the benefits remain.

How will electricity bills be issued to those who do not have time to submit their readings on time?

If the citizens did not manage to transfer the meter readings before the 26th (or reported them later), then such subscribers will be calculated based on the average monthly consumption (data for the last 12 months are taken). And so 3 months in the absence of information from the consumer. If the readings are not reported for more than 3 months, the calculation will be made according to the standards for electricity consumption.

Will penalties be applied if the subscriber did not transmit the meter readings on time?

No sanctions are imposed on the consumer for lack of information on consumption. "Nizhegorodskaya Energosbytovaya Kompaniya" sees nothing wrong with the fact that the subscriber does not transmit the readings of the individual meter from the 23rd to the 26th, and he will pay according to the average electricity consumption. In the future, as soon as the consumer reports the readings or the representative of Energosbyt takes the control readings of the meter, the subsequent invoice will be issued in accordance with the actual readings, and these data will be used in the calculation. At the same time, all social norms of 50 kWh for the number of registered ones are preserved.

How will the form of electricity bills change?

Each invoice for the power supply service will contain a tear-off form with an individual barcode applied. It encodes the personal account number, month and year of transmitted readings, so that the data of different subscribers will not be confused in any way. It is this form that will need to be filled out and put into a special box "For electric meter readings" located on the outer wall of the Energosbyt subscriber station. If the tear-off form is lost or it is not possible to use it, then the standard form can be filled out at the subscriber's office or the necessary data can be recorded on any paper medium.

Why should the subscriber take meter readings himself? Let the supervisors do this work!

According to the existing legislation, the transmission of actual readings is, first of all, the area of ​​responsibility of the subscriber himself. You should not rely solely on the arrival of an inspector: he performs only a controlling function, that is, he is not a person who will take the readings of your meter, but an employee who will check whether you did everything right. Supervisors cannot take meter readings more often than once a quarter.

"Nizhegorodskaya sbytovaia kompaniya" has summed up the first results on the reception of meter readings

At the beginning of November, Nizhegorodskaya sbytovaia kompaniya summed up the results of transmission of electric meter readings. About 135 thousand subscribers transmitted their readings through the website of the Nizhny Novgorod Sales Company in 4 days - this is 3.4 times more than the average monthly indicator of 2012, that is, every fifth Energosbyt subscriber used this method of transmitting readings. The majority of residents preferred to transmit their testimonies through a box-box at a subscriber station - 148,841 people, of which 110,483 are residents of the regional center.

Through the call center of the Nizhny Novgorod sales company, 47,265 calls were received from October 23 to 26. The telephones received a very large number of calls, which caused a congestion of the lines. The situation was aggravated by the fact that despite the warning that from 23 to 26 the call center would work only for taking readings, many subscribers tried to get advice on other issues. It should be noted that this month the number of calls from residents of the region has increased.

About 3200 Energosbyt subscribers transmitted their testimonies by e-mail. The main problem during the transfer of testimony was the lack of data: often residents did not indicate their personal account number or address. In addition, many letters were received from subscribers of other sales organizations. In this regard, OJSC "Nizhegorodskaya sales company" reminds residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region that it does not serve citizens who receive bills for energy supply services from management companies (HOA, DK, etc.) or other sales companies.

In addition, subscribers transmitted their testimonies directly by telephone or in person at regional subscriber points. In this way, about 52,580 readings were transferred.

Separately, we note that residents of the private sector who pay by subscription books do not need to transfer readings to Energosbyt every month from the 23rd to the 26th: for them, the calculation is carried out according to the previous system.

In total, for the period from 23 to 26 October, more than half of all the necessary data on electricity consumption - 387,133 - was transferred to the Nizhny Novgorod sales company.

Payment for electricity is the responsibility of each owner of a residential or commercial facility. There are several ways to perform this operation, so every adult can choose an acceptable option. Learn how to transfer meter readings for electricity to avoid delays. Self-transfer of meter data in a convenient way will save you precious time and hassle.

When to report electricity meter readings

A government decree abolished the obligation of citizens from June 2013 to take readings from metering devices every month from the 23rd to the 25th in order to transfer them to a resource supplying organization. Thanks to this, consumers received the right to take meter readings and transfer them to the utility service provider. However, the Government has not set a specific deadline, so the contractor himself coordinates with the residents when the transfer of meter readings should be performed.

The Nizhny Novgorod sales company, due to the obligation to generate bills by the 1st day of each month, takes meter readings until the 26th inclusive. Customers wishing to transmit the electric meter readings on the 27th and later will not be accepted. The data taken by them from the counters are not taken into account for the current month, therefore it is so important to comply with the payment terms.

Methods for transmitting meter readings

Long lines and angry consumers of electricity bills are gradually being replaced by other methods of paying for electricity. The development of innovative technologies allows this operation to be performed quickly, conveniently and without extra money. Any adult consumer of electricity today can choose the payment method that is convenient specifically for him.

By phone

Utility providers often take electricity meter readings over the phone. Clients are answered by the operator or the computer, which asks for the details of the contract and other data. It is convenient to transfer readings in this way, so many people use it. True, during the payment period, the phone is often busy, because there is only one number allocated, and there are many users.


A convenient way that is popular with busy people. The options are different, but in the case of Energosbyt, consumers send SMS to the number "7049". It works for subscribers of such mobile operators as TELE2, Beeline, Megafon and NSS. The company offers subscribers of other operators to use the number +79037676049.

When transferring data from a single-rate metering device, the client needs to send an SMS of the following type: "personal account number", then # and "meter reading". Sending data from two-tariff and three-tariff devices requires adding the readings of the day, night and half-peak zones to the above SMS (only for a three-tariff device). The procedure does not take much time and is very convenient because SMS can be sent around the clock.

With a receipt

Residents of cities often receive receipts by mail, but sometimes they have to be collected from the departments of energy sales companies. Electricity consumers need to fill in all the necessary columns (indicate the personal account number, full name of the owner of the living space, address, date of payment, meter data, number of kW, amount to be paid), and then take the receipt to the nearest post office. The specialist who accepts payment orders must check the correctness of filling, accept the payment and issue a stub confirming the operation.

Through a post office box

Mosenergo has many service centers in Moscow and the Moscow region, where boxes are installed to receive readings from metering devices. It is necessary to visit one of them, fill in the columns for electricity meters in the receipt and put it in a box. For people who have free time, this method of transferring data from an electric meter is suitable.

Via the Internet or by email

People who often use a computer and want to know how to correctly transfer meter readings for electricity should use this method. The actions of the consumer of electricity in this case should be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, you should go to the Energosbyt website, register in order to be able to open your personal account.
  2. Then you need to enter the personal account of the Mosenergosbyt client, indicate your 10-digit personal account in the top column, and click the "Find Account" button. After that, the client's address should be displayed on the screen.
  3. At the final stage, you need to enter the meter data in the next line and click the "Submit" button.

The next method, which requires a computer, is to send data by e-mail. Around the clock to the address [email protected] you can send a letter with specific content. You must specify:

  • S_xxxxxxxxxx - personal account number;
  • P_xxxxxx - peak zone (if the meter is single rate);
  • PP_xxxxxx - half-peak zone (if the meter is three-rate);
  • N_xxxxxx - night zone.

It should be noted that all letters indicated in front of the crosses must be typed in Latin, since the system does not allow Russian letters. The "_" character also cannot be replaced with a dash or hyphen, which is a common mistake many people make. Observing everything exactly, you can significantly save your time and avoid long queues at the cash registers of institutions that accept payments for electricity.

At the checkout of the service provider's organization

The good old way of having queues. The consumer of electricity needs to come to the campaign during working hours, go to the cashier, read out all the data to the cashier (which the dispatcher asks for when transferring data by phone). The main disadvantage of this method is that the client needs to spend his time and money on travel if the service provider's office is located far from his place of residence.

Video: how to transfer meter readings for light online

You live in Novgorod, the capital and you are interested in how to correctly transmit the meter readings for electricity? Watch this video to help you learn how to complete the procedure while staying at home or in the office. Detailed instructions will help you in the future not to waste your time and money on a trip to the office of an energy supplier. Many people have appreciated the convenience of transferring data online, so why not give it a try as well?

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