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How to send free sms online? Send a message from your computer to your phone for free! Send SMS over the Internet.

Text messaging is a simple and fast way to stay in touch, available to any cell phone owner. Learning how to send text messages is not difficult - with a little practice, a little patience, and you will succeed! Over time, you may even find yourself liking text messages more than calls or email. Read this article and you will learn a lot of new and useful things about text messages!


Text messages on smartphones

    From the main menu, select Messages. On Apple devices, it looks like a replica cloud, as it is drawn in comics. For other smartphones, this icon looks like an envelope.

    Create a new message. On Apple devices, look for the pen-shaped icon at the top right, clicking on it will open a window for creating a new text message. On other smartphones, look for the menu item “Create new message” or something like that.

    Specify the destination for the message. This can be done either by selecting the recipient from the contact list, or, if the recipient is not in your list, simply by entering his phone number in the appropriate field. There may be several recipients, please note.

    • You can start typing the name of the recipient in the "To" field, then the phone will automatically suggest suitable options from the contact list, and you will only have to select the appropriate entry.
    • Alternatively, you can go to the contact list, find the right person there, open his contact and select the “Send SMS” action there.
    • If you have already exchanged text messages with someone, then you can simply go to the Messages menu and open the dialogue with that person again.
  1. Write a message. When the cursor in the text field blinks, it means one thing - it's time to write, since the keyboard will also appear at that moment! Further, everything is intuitively simple.

    • Option for iPhone: you can click on the microphone icon, then you will send a message recorded from the words. The main thing is to speak clearly while recording. Punctuation marks, of course, the smartphone will not put down, but if you are too lazy to type, then this is quite a worthy option.
    • Stay tuned for bug fixes. Some smartphones “follow” the owners and, if the word is misspelled, they offer several replacement options. If you want to use a replacement word, press the spacebar and the word will be added automatically. Otherwise, click on X.
  2. Send a message. Finished writing? Send. Modern smartphones display dialogue messages in cute comic-style bubbles. And this is convenient, because you can always scroll the dialogue to the beginning.

    • The iPhone and some other smartphones can detect that the interlocutor is typing an answer for you - then the corresponding characters will be displayed in the speech bubble. If you see this - wait until you receive a response from the interlocutor.
  3. Submit a picture or video. On Apple devices, the Camera icon (to the left of the text field) is responsible for this, on other smartphones, the “Send Picture” option or similar. In this case, you can send both a photo from the gallery, and proceed to take a new photo. After selecting a photo, click on “Use” and “Send”.

    • Again, you can always select a photo directly from the gallery - the corresponding options will help you.
  4. Personalize text messages. Text messaging is not just a banal message forwarding, it is a much more thoughtful and interesting process! Check out its options and settings - well, at least with the notification settings for receiving new messages.

    • Go to Settings > Texting and turn on/off read receipts. This option can be useful when you are sending something really important (directions on how to get somewhere, etc.), but in other cases it can even be annoying.

    Text messages on older phones

    1. Select the Messages, Text or SMS icon from the main menu. Different phones have different icons, so look for them. Having found the icon, select it in an accessible way.

      Select the "Create New Message" option. An empty text field will open in front of you.

      Specify the recipient in the address bar. You can enter either the number or enter the name of the recipient and then select it from the list of matching entries in your contact list.

      Start typing your message. Remember, each button on the case is assigned from 3 to 4 letters. Accordingly, to get to, say, the second letter assigned to the key, this same key must be pressed twice. To get to the third letter, you will have to press three times and so on.

      • If you want to dial "Hi"... better check if your phone supports T9 dialing. In any case, over time, you will get the hang of typing fast enough. If you make a mistake - move the cursor to it, delete the mistake and write correctly!
    2. Using T9. Actually, we have already mentioned it. T9 is a special program that “predicts” a word by what letter-keys you press when composing it. When working with T9, remember that entering each letter is just one press of the corresponding key. Some phones have this option enabled by default, which may be unusual for newbies. However, T9 makes typing easy and simple.

      • To type the word “Hello”, you need to press 5-6-4-2-3-6 (although the layout may be slightly different). Once. Yes, exactly once for each key. T9 will guess that you are not typing “mriadr”, but “hello”.
      • Look for an option that switches the input mode to T9.
      • Always check that T9 has guessed exactly the right word. Sleep and… ahem… another similar word is often confused with each other, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Check the instructions on the phone how you can access alternative word options in T9 and, if anything, select words from there.
    3. Don't forget about spaces after words. As a rule, the space is assigned to the 0 key. After the space, you can start typing the next word.

      • Again, pressing 0 lets T9 know that the word is over.
    4. Don't forget about punctuation marks. They can be accessed through the unit. You probably already noticed that there are no letters assigned to the 1 key - but all because it is responsible for punctuation marks. For all punctuation.

      • To get to the desired sign, you will have to press 1 the corresponding number of times.
    5. To send a text message, click on “Send”.

      • Again, be sure to check who you're sending the message to so you don't get embarrassed. Enter the recipient's number either directly in numbers, or select it from the contact list.

    Text message etiquette rules

    1. Use slang and abbreviations wisely.“LOL” and “AFK” are, of course, already part of the Russian language, and even codified, but still you should not abuse such words, unless you want to look like a child who has seized on the phone. Remember that a large number of such abbreviations and abbreviations in the text may be incomprehensible to the recipient of the message. Try to write correctly, not forgetting about punctuation marks.

      Watch the message style. Alas, written speech always sounds a little rougher than oral speech - there are no intonations. So don't forget to use words like "thank you" and "please" so your messages will look friendlier.

      • Formulate your messages in such a way that they look like orders or commands as little as possible.
      • Are you in a bad mood? Try not to send text messages at such moments, so as not to inadvertently break firewood.
    2. Let's understand that we received a text message. Some people use text messages almost as their primary means of communication. It can be difficult for beginners to decide when and how to answer (and whether to answer). Don't be afraid to send short messages like "Ok" or "Thanks" to let you know you've read the message. However, you can always also call a person, do not forget about it.

    3. Remember that face-to-face communication is more important than telephone communication. Can you imagine a situation where talking on the phone is simply inappropriate? Know that in this case, text messages will also be inappropriate. You understand, it would be very unpleasant, say, to sit in a restaurant with a special person who is constantly distracted by typing SMS ...

      • If you are in a quiet place (library, theatre, etc.) and you really need to send a text message, put your phone on silent mode. Few people will like the melody that your phone greets an incoming message with, if it is heard at the most intense moment of a movie or performance.
      • Note that on most phones, pressing the OK button or the center key of the joystick also sends a message to the recipient, which can be much more convenient than digging through the options.
      • Always check who you are sending a message to. The consequences of a mistake with the choice of the addressee can be terrible.
      • Are you using T9? Trust but verify!
      • Some sites allow you to send a text message for free.
      • Practice the process of creating a text message. If you have any difficulties, read the instructions!


      • Different phones have different keyboard settings, etc. If something is not clear to you, then remember that the instructions for the phone were in the box for a reason.

Hello dear visitor!

In this article, you will learn how to write from a computer to a phone for free. In addition, I will give links to services for free messages from a computer to a phone in different countries. Free SMS from computer to phone is real, but if you want to call from computer to phone, then press .

Do you urgently need to write a message to your relative, friend or acquaintance from your computer to your phone, but you have run out of money on your mobile phone, or you have run out of charge, or maybe you just can’t take your phone? You have "at hand" only a computer and the Internet, then you have come to the right place, here you can write from your computer to your mobile for free. Below is a list of free SMS services.

Services for sending free messages

Beeline - the service sends messages to the phone only to Beeline subscribers. The service is free, but, like any free service, it has a limitation. The SMS size should not exceed 140 characters in Latin and no more than 70 characters in Cyrillic. If for some reason the subscriber to whom you want to write a message is blocked from receiving SMS from the Beeline website, then sorry. It won't come.

Megafon - you can send a message to a subscriber from a computer, completely free of charge. Here, too, there is a limit of 170 characters, but the service warns that its services cannot be used for advertising purposes, concerts, contests, quizzes, polls, etc. More details on the site.

Send SMS for free - Megaphone

MTS - since I have this operator, that is, I use it, and I am from Ukraine, I show for free sending messages to a mobile phone exactly to Ukrainian numbers that start with numbers: 050, 066, 095, 099. Remember that dialing should start from the region, such as +3 for Ukraine, +7 for Russia, etc.

TELE2 - do you need to call a TELE2 subscriber from a computer to a phone? Then this service is for you! As in previous freebies, there are restrictions on sending. This service set the number to 140 characters. Alas, no more! To prevent spam, the site requires you to log in through social networks, click on one of them and you can safely send free messages from your computer. Their motto is "Control costs and manage services yourself." I think it's great! Do you like it?

Smste is a site for sending free messages to Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. When you write the subscriber's number, the system will immediately determine the operator and region. The services of this service are very convenient and, best of all, free. Send messages from your computer to your phone to your family or friends. As the owl from the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh" said - for free, that is, for free.

Sending SMS within Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan without restrictions

How to write messages to other countries for free

Now, as I promised you, I give services that allow you to send messages to different countries (to send SMS, select the desired operator):

There are times when you need to send an urgent message to a person who is not currently answering the phone. An excellent solution would be to send an SMS to this person's mobile phone, that is, send a short text message.

How to send SMS to mobile from mobile

  1. On the screen of your phone, you need to find the word "Menu". Directly below it is a button, by pressing which you will be taken to this very menu.
  2. Now look at the mobile buttons, find the cursor, that is, the arrows down, up, left and right. By clicking on them, you move through the menu items and select one of them. You need an item labeled "Messages" or with an envelope icon. Having selected it, press the button under the word "OK" or the button in the middle of the cursor (arrows).
  3. Before you the following menu with options: "Compose a message" ("New message"), "Inbox", "Outbox", etc. Again, using the cursor, select the item "Write a message", click on it.
  4. Now you are in the form of creating a new SMS. You see two windows: where to enter the text of the message and where to specify the number of the addressee. Enter text by pressing the phone buttons. Each button with a number corresponds to a letter. By pressing once on the button, you write the first letter of the indicated ones, by quickly pressing twice - the second letter. A space is usually set using the zero button.
  5. To send SMS to a mobile number, you must specify the addressee. In the remaining window with the inscription "To" dial the phone number of the person to whom your SMS is addressed, starting from +7**********. You can select a recipient from the contact list by clicking on the appropriate button under the word "Contacts".
  6. It remains to click on the button under the inscription "Submit" and your SMS has been sent.

If you do not have a mobile phone or have run out of funds on your account, read the article

If you want to teach the older generation how to use SMS or expand your knowledge of the capabilities of modern smartphones in terms of writing SMS, this article is what you need!

To write SMS, find the “envelope” picture on the mobile phone screen, press the selection button or touch it if your phone is touch-sensitive. In the “Recipient” field, either select a person from the contact list, or dial a number by activating the numeric keypad by selecting this field. Type your message using the keyboard. On older models of mobile phones, several letters are indicated on one button (for example, “ABVG”). To put the letter “B” in SMS, you need to press this button twice in a row, “C” - three times. To put a space (word separator) you need to either press the button with one or zero several times, depending on the phone model. If you want to delete the last character, press the "C" key. Before typing a capital letter, press the “up arrow”. On modern smartphones, you can open your contact list, select the person you want to send a message to, and swipe from right to left. In this case, the “Recipient” field will already be filled in, you will only have to type the text and send SMS. Most mobile phones have T9 enabled by default. These are some kind of hints: you start typing a word, and the system already offers you ready-made versions of words from its database that may suit you with such a set (for example, you type “pa” - the suggested options are: “Password”, “Dad”, “Paris ”). This word base expands as you use it. And if you often use the same words, this option is very convenient - it's nice when you are understood perfectly. But some are annoyed that the system substitutes its own options for the desired words, then this option can be disabled in the phone settings. For example, in Samsung smartphones, you need to open the “Language and input” settings item, in the “Keyboards and input methods” block, click on the “gear” icon opposite the “Samsung keyboard” item and switch the slider opposite “T9 mode” to position “0”. To write an SMS using voice dialing, create a new SMS, activate the “Recipient” field, hold down the “gear” button (settings), the icon will change to “microphone”. Now, when you click on this button, the system will give you the message “Speak”. So you can find the recipient from the contact list, and dictate the text of the message. The main thing is that in the settings there should be a checkmark in front of the “Voice input” item. After checking the text of the SMS and the recipient, do not forget to send the message by clicking on the “envelope with a right arrow” icon. It is not necessary to speak loudly so that the system recognizes your voice, bring the microphone located at the bottom of the smartphone closer to your lips and calmly say the intended text. Many people know that SMS can be sent, we hasten to please: now it is also possible on smartphones with Android or IOS thanks to the SMS Center application. The program allows you to send 30 free SMS per month, but you can increase this number if you install (and sometimes reach a certain level) the proposed games on your smartphone. The recipient receives your SMS through the program from your number, but the money for them is not debited from your account.

Many people send text messages to each other on a daily basis from a mobile phone, without even thinking about what SMS is and how this service affects modern society.

What is SMS?

So what is SMS? It is unlikely that anyone will be able to decipher the Russian abbreviation, since it is just a transcription of the English SMS (Short Message Service), which means “short message service”. This special technology allows mobile users to share mini-letters among themselves (160 in total in Latin and no more than 70 characters in Cyrillic).

Today, such messages are an integral part of the modern world and mobile technologies in general. More than 90% of cellular customers use this service, and the number of messages sent has long exceeded hundreds of billions a year. By sending a short text to the number of another subscriber, you can make an appointment, notify of an important event, wish a happy birthday or express condolences for the loss of a loved one.

When did the short message service appear?

The short message service was first created specifically for GSM Phase 1 (a digital standard that supports data rates up to 10 kbps). The introduction of SMS into the standard was carried out in 1989, thanks to notorious people: Friedhelm Hillebrand (Deutsche Telekom), Kevin Holley (Cellnet), Ian Harris (Vodafone) and others.

The first message was sent in December 1992, in the UK. SMS from a computer to a phone was sent over Vodafone's GSM network. It was a simple Merry Christmas.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, SMS messages began to be exchanged only for a year.

Advantages and disadvantages of the short message service

It has been a long time since the first text message was sent, and since then, the mobile phone service has changed a lot, as well as received many benefits. But, unfortunately, due to the rapid development of technology, in addition to the advantages, the service for sending SMS messages also has disadvantages. All this is described in the corresponding table below.

Advantages and disadvantages of SMS



Support for all cellular networks, from GSM to UMTS.

Slow message delivery speed - from 5 to 10 seconds, depending on the mobile operator.

Receive notification of delivery or receipt of SMS.

Limit on the number of characters entered per message.

The ability to send a text message to a subscriber who is out of network coverage or in situations where a telephone conversation is not possible (for example, during a meeting).

Frequent technical problems with sending SMS messages between different mobile operators.

But, despite the presence of quite significant shortcomings, SMS is very popular among mobile subscribers. In addition, almost every year many developers try to improve the service. They produce various devices and software that are designed to make life easier for users. These include, for example, T9 input technology or SMS voice dialing for Android phones. With these features in your smartphone, you can forever forget about the inconvenient typing of a text message.

How does SMS work?

Short text messages are transmitted in the same way as a voice signal, from the base transceiver station (BS) through the switching centers and to the SMSC (Short Message Service Center). It is the SMSC that is responsible for receiving, storing and sending them further. After the message has reached the processing center, it is sent to the nearest BS, where the recipient is located.

If the subscriber's phone is turned off or he finds himself out of the network coverage area, the center will save the message until he is back in touch. If the recipient is not online for a long time, the sender will receive a notification - SMS, which states that the message cannot be sent. If the switch has established communication with the subscriber, then the message is transmitted by standard signaling channels.

When the text is received, it is displayed on the phone screen and stored in the subscriber identity module, the SIM card. If the connection fails, the switch notifies the SMSC to retransmit the information.

Ways to send SMS messages

What SMS is and how this service works has already been said earlier. Now you can learn about how a text message is sent.

There are only three ways to send SMS:

  • From mobile to mobile.
  • From computer to mobile phone.
  • From mobile phone to computer.

How to send SMS from mobile to mobile?

To send a short text message from one mobile phone to another mobile phone, you need to:

  1. Go to the "Messages" section in the main menu of the phone.
  2. Click "Create Message".
  3. Add the recipient's number (manually or using a contact search).
  4. Print the message itself.
  5. Press "Submit".

In addition, some mobile phones can send SMS through "Contacts". For this you need:

  1. Go to "Contacts".
  2. Select recipient's number.
  3. Click on the message icon next to the phone number.
  4. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 of the standard procedure for sending SMS.

It is also worth mentioning special widgets (simple controls) in new smartphones. The icons of these small programs can be placed on the main screen of a mobile phone and go to the "Messages" menu without performing any additional actions.

Sending short text messages is a paid service. The cost of SMS is indicated in the tariff plans and may vary significantly, depending on the selected mobile operator. It can be from 1 rub. and above, the most expensive messages sent to other countries.

How to send SMS from computer to mobile phone?

Sending SMS from a computer to a phone is even easier than from one mobile to another. This can be done using the website of a particular mobile operator or third-party resources, which are more than enough on the Internet. Most of these Internet resources do not charge for the provision of services, but instead attach small advertising messages to the body of the message.

To send from the site, you need to know:

  • the name of the mobile operator (Beeline, Megafon, MTS, etc.);
  • recipient's phone number;
  • country and operator code (for example, when sending SMS to Ukraine, instead of the usual +7 (9xx), the code +3 (8xx) is used.

In addition to the sites of mobile operators and third-party Internet resources, you can also send messages using programs familiar to many users. For example, the function of sending SMS is present in Mail Agent, QIP or Skype. But such a service will already cost money.

How to send SMS from a mobile phone to a computer and is it possible?

Many who know what SMS is will not believe it, but you can send a message from a mobile phone to a computer. To do this, the recipient will need an ordinary GSM modem, which must be connected to a PC.

To receive SMS messages on a computer, you must first install a SIM card in the modem, from which the lock (PIN code) will be released. In some cases, in order to receive messages, the user will have to make additional hardware settings.

Frequent problems with sending SMS and how to solve them

While sending messages, many often encounter various problems. For example, an SMS notification does not come, or after the message was successfully sent, the addressee did not receive it. In such cases, there are several ways to solve problems:

  1. Check the availability of funds in the account.
  2. Check the availability and congestion of communication (often SMS does not work correctly on holidays).
  3. Change sending SMS via GPRS to GSM.
  4. Check if SMSC is installed on the phone and configured correctly.
  5. Try to send a message in full international format - +7(9xx)xxx-xx-xx.
  6. Check if the correct SMS format is set in the mobile phone settings. Russian mobile operators only accept "text" and "GSM-alphabet" formats.
  7. Check if the SIM card is full (if SMS notifications are not received).
  8. Contact the recipient, there may be problems on his part.
  9. Call the mobile operator's customer service and ask for new SMS configuration settings.

Interesting facts about sending SMS messages

And finally, some interesting facts about SMS messages:

  • The US is the leader in sending short text messages.
  • Every year, subscribers around the world send more than 6 trillion text messages, which is more than 190 thousand SMS per second.
  • In order to reduce the number of characters in one SMS message, residents of many countries use abbreviations for some phrases and phrases.
  • People who frequently type messages, including SMS, may develop tenosynovitis (inflammation of the tendon of the hand).
  • Modern cellular networks can receive SMS messages during a subscriber's telephone conversation. This does not affect mobile or voice traffic in any way.
  • "Smishing" is a special type of fraud by sending SMS messages, the purpose of which is to take possession of the user's confidential data or his money.
  • A person's concentration on typing SMS is much greater than that of a driver.
  • The Guinness Book of Records has a registered record for the speed of typing an SMS message, which is 264 characters per minute.
  • In many countries, the short text message service is more popular than a regular telephone conversation. So, in the world this service is used by 74% of users.

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