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How to unsubscribe from mailings to mail. How to unsubscribe from a mailing list if you don't like it

01.06.2009 |

Many people come to the Internet for information and to receive it they subscribe to many different mailing lists and free e-courses.

They like most of the materials in the mailing lists, they read and perceive them as something joyful and interesting, bringing a new wave of knowledge and solutions to current problems into their lives. But there are also such mailing lists that do not carry a single gram of useful information for the subscriber, come out very often and simply annoy with their incompetence.

This is where a strong desire arises among some of the subscribers of such a mailing list to refuse to receive it to their email address.

How to do it?

The solution to this problem is very simple!

So, as all letters of issues of mailing lists are sent either using special software (desktop mailing programs, mailing using an email client, etc.), or using special systems and services (specialized scripts, mailing using a service, etc.) you need to complete the procedure for removing your own email address from the mailing list.

After the completion of such an event, you will no longer receive to your e-mail the issues of the mailing list, which you do not like and does not carry anything valuable for you and your business.

There are two ways to unsubscribe from receiving mailing list issues.

Method # 1. Unsubscribe from receiving mailing lists using a special link located at the end of the email.

This method of unsubscribing from mailing lists is used if it is carried out using specialized scripts and services, for example, using a service.

1. edit his registration data, which he indicated when subscribing to the release of the mailing list (last name, first name, etc.);

2. independently remove your email address from the mailing list.

To remove your own email address from the mailing list, you need to find at the end of the letter the following line: "Remove email from the mailing list: [unsubscribe link is specified]", follow the link in this text and unsubscribe from receiving the mailing list issues.

Due to the fact that some of the authors conduct mailing lists without using technical means of mailing mailing list issues (scripts, special mailing list services) or do not post information on how to unsubscribe from receiving it in the mailing list issue, you will not be able to independently process the unsubscribe process described in the first method.

It is necessary to inform the owner of the mailing list about your decision, but not in the format “You are a fool, unsubscribe me from the mailing list”, “How you annoyed me with your mailing list!”, “Fuck you ... with your mailing list!”, But by writing a normal email explaining your unwillingness to receive his emails in the future.

For example, you can send a letter with the following content:

Currently, all e-mails received from you do not bring any practical benefit to me or to you. You send them, I don't read them and I just delete them! Therefore, I ask you to unsubscribe me and my email address [your email address] from receiving issues of your mailing list.

In no case do I want to offend you! It's just that my interests have changed at the moment and I am engaged in another direction, which is closer to me in spirit! Hope for understanding!

Many thanks!

Best regards, [Your first and last name]. "

By sending such a letter to the owner of the mailing list, you will not spoil your nerves either to yourself or to him. We are all people and we understand that this situation can arise with every person. The main thing is to explain in the correct form to the owner of the mailing list that you want to unsubscribe from receiving it, and not immediately send it to ... Although this happens quite often! What can you do, the Russian mentality takes its toll!

As you can see, the unsubscription process is not as scary as it might seem at first glance! Knowing how to do this in practice, you can easily and easily filter all received issues of mailing lists to your email address and receive only those that will provide you with really valuable and useful information on the topic of your interests!

If you are interested in the topic of creating and maintaining your own mailing list, I recommend paying attention to several e-books that will help you in solving this problem:

And finally ...

How do you solve the problem of unsubscribing from mailing lists that you do not want to receive to your email address?

My mail is inundated with letters. No, I'm not that businesslike or popular person - these are mailings, and mostly from resources that I have not subscribed to. For example, after I had the imprudence to listen to one conference on Internet journalism and leave a comment under the stream, almost daily letters from the organizers began to arrive. After installing demo programs that I never used, reminders to buy the full version and tips on how to use the software regularly flash.

The resources that I dealt with under King Peas are still sending notifications. Shops send promotional offers to buy something that is not necessary and for free or a lure like "buy two down jackets for the price of three and get the third as a gift." And all this is terribly annoying. I think you too. Therefore, we will get rid of garbage in the mail and on the phone, including touching on special cases that are most asked about in the search engine.

How to unsubscribe from mailing lists

Option 1.

In most cases, in the letter itself mailing list, you can refuse to continue it and litter your mailbox. At the end of the mail, as a rule, you can change the frequency of receiving such letters or unsubscribe from them by clicking on the corresponding link. So, click Unsubscribe, turn off or something like that, and we are informed that we have successfully unsubscribed.

Many, though not all, emails have an “unsubscribe” link at the very beginning of the email, next to the sender's address. At least in Gmail.

In a similar way, I managed to unsubscribe from a dozen mailings. But one, when clicking on the link, gave an error 404. In this case, the next option.

Option 2.

In my case, this turned out to be problematic, since I do not remember the password and for many years have not used the mailbox from which I registered.

Option 3.

If the first two methods do not work, you can install a filter: block address from which the mailing comes.

In Yandex mail, you need to open the settings and add the corresponding address to the black list in the Mail Processing Rules.

In, in the settings there is a section "Filters and forwarding", there you need to create a filter by specifying the address and checking the "delete" checkbox.

In Gmail, you need to go to Settings, Filters and blocked addresses, Create a new filter. Also specify the mailing address and set "Delete" incoming messages from it. And voila - you can enjoy the purity of your mail.

How to unsubscribe from SMS mailing

Option 1.

To unsubscribe from mailings, an option is provided for the user to send an SMS to the short number or number from which the letters come, with a word or code number. Or unsubscribe with a free call to the hotline: when you need to chat with an answering machine.

For example, on MTS, you can block SMS from a specific number by sending a message with the off command and this same number to 4424.

Option 2.

You can unsubscribe from SMS mailing of shops and other "postmen" in your personal account on the site from which messages are poured. It is enough to find a special form, enter your phone number and confirm that you definitely do not want to receive such messages on your phone. And if the advertising mailing from the operator and its partners, find the appropriate section and put a tick on the services you refuse.

However, these methods work if it is possible to send an SMS (digital number) or if a personal account is provided. And it so happens that these options are not suitable. Especially when you have no idea why the bank, whose name you know only from this spam, regularly sends you an offer to take out a loan. Or nightclubs are inundated with sms about hot parties, although you bypass such establishments. Then try the following options.

Option 3.

  • In the message feed itself, open the settings and select an item like "Add to spam numbers".
  • Or, as the operators advise, contact the resource sending the messages using the contact information on the official website or simply found on the network. And ask to exclude your number from the mailing list.

Option 4.

Take advantage of special services and applications. For example, "No SMS!" - a site specifically for unsubscribing from annoying messages.

Enter your number, sender number, message text and date. The service will send this data to the distributor, and they promise to send you a beacon by e-mail when he adds you to the stop list.

There are also applications for blocking SMS, but after reading the reviews, I think that they should be used only in very neglected cases. If you just want to get rid of annoying spam, the options before then will be simpler.

And now a few specific mailings, from which, judging by the requests, users most often want to unsubscribe.

How to unsubscribe from Beeline mailings

You can turn off informing from Beeline in your personal account on the website or by using calls to free numbers.

How to unsubscribe from MTS mailings

On the Russian MTS website, the "Support" section "Connect or disconnect services" immediately transfers to your personal account.

Apparently, if you do not want these messages, you will have to use option 3.1: block the number using the methods available on your mobile OS.

How to unsubscribe from the Bonprix mailing list

To refuse messages, you can use the settings in your personal account by unchecking the corresponding checkboxes. Or a feedback form on the site: enter your data and ask to disable SMS sending.

How to unsubscribe from the mailing list Okay

The hypermarket itself offers to call the toll-free line 8 800 250 00 08 for such purposes. But you can try other of the above methods of refusing messages.

How to unsubscribe from mailing lists in VK

Another popular request. If you do not want to receive notifications from a certain group, at the top of the chat, click the three dots and select "Block messages". Everything.

We are waiting for your comments, which of the methods you consider effective or vice versa.

Finally, a little feedback for those who are engaged in mailing lists. Recently I was going to a festival, I pressed the button "I will go" on the social network, and made a repost. And they poured me several useless letters a day. Thanks to the sponsors of the event, repeated information about the performing music groups and reminders that there will be a food court with shawarma on the territory of the festival. And these letters almost discouraged me from going there, for they were terribly annoying.

The same, whose mailbox and messenger are still inundated with letters and mailing messages, successful "decluttering"!

Friends, I am glad to welcome you again. Today we will talk about mailings. It is not difficult to unsubscribe from the mailing list, the main thing is to know where to click 🙂 Many do not know this and ask me this question. In this article, you will learn how cancel subscription... Sometimes it happens that a person subscribes and, as a result, his mailbox is full of unnecessary letters, so we will fix this problem.

So, what do we need to do in order to unsubscribe from unnecessary mailings? First, we need to decide which letters, or rather from which authors and services, we want to save the mailing, and only after that start cleaning the rows and freeing our mailbox from unnecessary junk 🙂 Of course, ideally, you need to create a separate folder in your mail and name it, for example, "My Mailings" or "My Subscriptions" in general, whatever you like. But not everyone does this, and I’ll tell you right away that it’s in vain, although this is everyone’s business.

How to unsubscribe from mailings through mailing services

Let's start with the mailing list services. Everything is very simple here in order to cancel subscription You just need to go to your mailbox, select the desired, or rather not the necessary letter, click on it and turn your attention to the link at the very bottom of the letter. Almost all services have such a link. See screenshot below.

We select the desired action and unsubscribe from this mailing or we delete our address altogether from the author's database, as you can see everything is simple, just 2-3 clicks and you will no longer receive letters from an author who is not interesting to you.

How to unsubscribe from subscribe mailings

Let's now find out how to correctly and quickly unsubscribe from mailings, a very popular subscribe service. By the way, I recommend watching my video tutorial and find out how to use this service. The subscribe service is very interesting and you can write a separate article about it, but today we are not talking about that.

In order to unsubscribe from mailings, you just need to enter the service using your username and password, that is, be logged in, go to the "My mailings" tab and click on the unsubscribe button, next to those mailings that you no longer need. See screenshot below.

Here, too, everything is very simple and easy, just click once and that's it, you will no longer receive letters to your mailbox 🙂 And in general, you can almost always unsubscribe from any mailing list. But if it is impossible to do this, there are also such harmful ones, then your mail filter will come to your aid. You can make a filter in the settings for letters from an unnecessary mailbox and they will never come. We've figured it out, let's move on.

How to unsubscribe from an RSS feed

Now let's talk about rss-mailings, many of us are subscribed to articles that are published on the blogs of those authors whom we read and these subscriptions are made through the rss-feed. But it so happens that the author is no longer interesting to us, there may be a number of reasons for this, or we simply do not want to receive announcements to our mail from this author. In order to solve this issue, it is enough to go to the letter with the announcement and find a special link at the very bottom, since the link is in English and not everyone understands this language, then the question arises, how unsubscribe from the RSS feed, but in fact the answer, as always, is simple 🙂 See the screenshot and everything will become clear.

You need to click on the unsubscribe now link - unsubscribe now and you will be taken to the unsubscribe page, as always, everything is simple and just a couple of clicks. By the way, you will also receive this article via RSS, if you are subscribed and if you are tired of me, you can unsubscribe from me 🙂 you already know how to do this 🙂 But of course I would not like that.

How to unsubscribe from unnecessary mailings on

How to unsubscribe from unnecessary mailings on

On Yandex, everything is almost the same. Go to your mail, select the letter of the person or campaign from which you want to unsubscribe and at the top of the control panel click on the "Unsubscribe" button. After that, you will be unsubscribed from the mailing list in one click! See screenshot for how to do this.

In general, choose those whom you are interested in reading and only those mailings that are useful, and not just want to get money from you. But I want to note that there are many benefits in paid offers and you can quickly learn how to make money online and so on, but here you need to know what to choose and what not.

If all the above methods could not help you in your particular case, then you can create a filter for unnecessary e-mail and thus you will not receive unwanted mail. How to do it technically and generally put things in order in your mail,

This is the article that turned out, I hope it will be useful to you, you can add it in the comments. Also, I will always be glad to answer all your questions. And do not forget to click on the buttons of social networks, I will be grateful to you.


You can refuse to receive unnecessary or already annoying letters not only on the main page of the service, but also upon receiving the next notification. To do this, you need to go to the page of your mailbox, namely If required, enter your username and password, then press the Enter key.

After that, you will find yourself in the "Inbox" folder. Click on the mailing list, wait until it is fully loaded and scroll to the very bottom using the mouse wheel or by pressing the End key on your keyboard.

Select any of the links provided: "Click here" or "Send this email." In the first case, you will be taken to a page with the heading "Unsubscribe Confirmation". Among the suggested answers, click the "Yes" button if you want to interrupt receiving letters or the "No" button if you change your mind.

In the second case, the "Write a letter" window will appear in front of you, in which the addressee will be indicated [email protected] and the subject of the message, for example, unsubscribe 22755. The body of the message will contain an empty field. Click the "Submit" button to unsubscribe from the mailing list. A small window will appear on the screen with a warning about the empty field "Text of the letter", click the "Continue" button.

If you have subscriptions to the service for other topics, you can get rid of them on the main page of the project. In the left column, find the "Subscriber" section and click on the "Subscriptions" link, or simply go to On this page you see the mailing list you have ever been to.

To unsubscribe, just select the desired mailing list and click the "Unsubscribe" button.


Find a link that will direct you to the relevant website's web page to opt out of useless notifications. Then follow it. Moreover, be extremely careful before opening letters with suspicious content, because some of them may have virus programs. For the same reason, you shouldn't give up on a good antivirus.

Another method can be used. Go to your email box by entering your username and password. Go to your inbox. Highlight the message by checking the box next to it. Next, at the top of the page, find the "This is spam!" and click on it with the mouse. This will move the email to the appropriate spam folder. Use another option if this method does not work.

Add the web resource to the spam list. But this method is not very convenient, since messages from this service will automatically move to a folder named "Spam". After all, some notifications contain the necessary information, for example, about the news of the site, ongoing promotions, discussions on the forum. If you need to read any message from this site, open the "Spam" folder and look at the letters.

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A free service to subscribe to the newsletter today is provided by almost every site, regardless of the topic and type of information published. It is very convenient to receive updates of your favorite sites and blogs by mail through the newsletter - this saves time and allows you to always stay up to date with the latest news, but there are times when a person wants to unsubscribe from mailings- for example, if the site ceases to be relevant to him.


It is quite easy to unsubscribe from the newsletter - you can do it at any time. There are several services that are most commonly used to mailings- This is Subscribe.Ru,, Mailing @ Mail.Ru, and others. Each of the services has an unsubscribe function, which can be opened through any letter that came to you from this service.

To unsubscribe from mailings, open any of the latest newsletters you received and find the opt-out link at the bottom. In the mailings this link is as: "Unsubscribe: On the website, by Mail", in the service you will see the phrase "Remove e-mail from the author's list", and in the [email protected] service you need to click on the phrase "Refuse to receive this mailings"By choosing the button" Here "or by sending an appropriate letter.

The most convenient way is to unsubscribe from mailings by going to the website of the service that provides it. This way, you can be sure that you refused by confirming your refusal. In some services, it is possible to refuse several mailings at once - for this you need to log in to the service using your own, and then select unnecessary ones from the list and delete them.

If you have subscribed to an RSS feed of any site in Internet Explorer 7 and do not know from it, open the section of the browser "Manage Favorites" and select the option "My Web". In the list of feeds, select an RSS feed that you do not want and delete it.

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If the newsletter comes from a well-known / mass site, such as a news, portal site, or directory site. Then unsubscribing, as a rule, is also not difficult. It is enough to open this mailing list at the very bottom of the letter. Usually it is there that there is an inscription - "unsubscribe from the mailing list." With one click, you unsubscribe.

If all the data does not solve the problem in principle, then most likely you are receiving spam. As a rule, this is due to the fact that you published your mailbox on an open portal, chat, or other similar place. It is impossible to unsubscribe from him. You need to select "mark as spam" in the mail options or add the address to the black list.


The least difficulty in unsubscribing is the mailbox service distribution system. Such letters come to those located on free mail hosting services: mail, rambler, yandex, etc. Therefore, if yours comes from an official source, the simplest solution would be to go to the mailbox settings and click "unsubscribe from all mailings."

It is not difficult to unsubscribe from mailings if they come from official news and other mass portals. In general, any that have proven themselves well (according to user reviews). To unsubscribe from the mailing list, the source of which are such sites, you need to do this: you need to open the letter sent using the mailing list of that site and view it. Usually there is an inscription “unsubscribe from the mailing list” at the bottom. You just need to click on this item, and then confirm your decision.

Sometimes the newsletter arrives where you are registered, but at the bottom of the letter there is no such item "unsubscribe from the mailing list", then you need to go to the site and to contact the administration. Usually, the contacts of the administration are written in a special section "contacts", "communication" or a similar name. As soon as you find a means of communication, write a letter asking that they stop sending you newsletter.

If not resolved, i.e. you write a letter to the administration, but there is no answer, or the mailing comes from an incomprehensible source, then it is quite possible that this is spam. It needs to be blocked separately. In some mail systems there is a button "this is spam", you should select it opposite the letter. If there is no such function on your mail, then the e-mail of the spam sender should be added to the "list". In order to avoid such troubles, you should not post your personal email account in the public domain. Or at least use simple security tools (like

There are several types of mailing lists. And while it is quite easy to get rid of annoying messages from the mail service, it is much more difficult to protect yourself from explicit spam sent to you. Nevertheless, this will not be a big problem for you if you know what to do and how to do it.


The easiest way is to disable messages sent to your mailbox from official services. For example, some large postal services have their own systems like [email protected] and similar ones. It is very easy to unsubscribe from this. It is enough just to go to the mailing page and select the "unsubscribe from all mailings" function.

Many users of the site, popular not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other neighboring countries, are familiar with the service. At the moment when reading letters from this service becomes unnecessary, users prefer to unsubscribe.

You will need


  • You can refuse to receive unnecessary or already annoying letters not only on the main page of the service, but also upon receiving the next notification. To do this, you need to go to the page of your mailbox, namely If required, enter your username and password, then press the Enter key.
  • After that, you will find yourself in the "Inbox" folder. Click on the mailing list, wait until it is fully loaded and scroll to the very bottom using the mouse wheel or by pressing the End key on your keyboard.
  • Select any of the links provided: "Click here" or "Send this email." In the first case, you will be taken to a page with the heading "Unsubscribe Confirmation". Among the suggested answers, click the "Yes" button if you want to interrupt receiving letters or the "No" button if you change your mind.
  • When you click on the "Yes" button, a page will be automatically loaded indicating the mailings that you do not want to receive.
  • In the second case, the "Write a letter" window will appear in front of you, in which the addressee will be indicated [email protected] and the subject of the message, for example, unsubscribe 22755. The body of the message will contain an empty field. Click the "Submit" button to unsubscribe from the mailing list. A small window will appear on the screen with a warning about the empty field "Text of the letter", click the "Continue" button.
  • If you have subscriptions to the service for other topics, you can get rid of them on the main page of the project. In the left column, find the "Subscriber" section and click on the "Subscriptions" link, or simply go to On this page you can see a list of mailing lists that you have ever subscribed to.
  • To unsubscribe, just select the desired mailing list and click the "Unsubscribe" button.
  • Advice added on March 6, 2012 Advice 2: How to unsubscribe from spam Often, when registering on certain resources, users do not pay attention to some information, for example, that notifications will be sent to their email address containing not only the necessary information, but also advertisements. This is the so-called spam. Getting rid of it makes it easier to communicate on the Internet.


  • To unsubscribe from unwanted spam, follow these steps. Open the letter you received from a resource that sends ads. Please note that many sites provide an opt-out feature, but this setting is simply very difficult to find. Read the ad text.
  • Find a link that will direct you to the relevant website's web page to opt out of useless notifications. Then follow it. Moreover, be extremely careful before opening letters with suspicious content, because some of them may have virus programs. For the same reason, you shouldn't give up on a good antivirus.
  • Another method can be used. Go to your email box by entering your username and password. Go to your inbox. Highlight the message by checking the box next to it. Next, at the top of the page, find the "This is spam!" and click on it with the mouse. This will move the email to the appropriate spam folder. Use another option if this method does not work.
  • Enter the site that sends unnecessary letters, register and log in. In your account settings, deselect the items responsible for sending spam and other unwanted information. Save the required changes. And if you get advertisements from this website again, please contact the site administrator.
  • Add the web resource to the spam list. But this method is not very convenient, since messages from this service will automatically move to a folder named "Spam". After all, some notifications contain the necessary information, for example, about the news of the site, ongoing promotions, discussions on the forum. If you need to read any message from this site, open the "Spam" folder and look at the letters.
  • How to unsubscribe from spam - printable version

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