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How to open the service menu on android 5.1. Engineering menu on Android - we understand the details

Why rooting an Android device is needed and what capabilities it provides is known to a fairly large number of users, which cannot be said about the hidden advanced menu of hardware settings, also called the engineering menu. Few know about these settings, and even fewer mobile device owners know how to use them. What is the Android engineering menu and why is it needed?

The Android engineering menu is nothing more than a special subroutine designed for developers to test the operating system and device sensors. The interface of this program is represented by a set of options that allow you to change the hardware configuration of a mobile device. With its help, you can get comprehensive information about the hardware of the gadget, test the processor, RAM and physical flash memory, wireless connection modes, configure the parameters of the camera, display, microphone, speakers and much more.

Entrance to the engineering menu

All this, of course, is good, but how to enter the engineering menu if there is no corresponding option in the Android interface? Entering the advanced hardware settings menu is carried out using a special code entered in the line to dial the phone number. The menu should open immediately after entering the last character of the combination, but in some cases it may be necessary to press the call button.

There is nothing complicated in the procedure itself, however, it should be borne in mind that different models of mobile gadgets have their own codes. Below we have provided a list of codes for the most popular manufacturers.

Engineering menu codes in Android are universal, however, their correct operation on phones with "left" firmware is not guaranteed. You can also use special programs to access Android hardware settings, for example, "MTK Engineering Menu" or "Mobileuncle MTK Tools".

Such applications are especially useful on tablets, the firmware of which does not provide for the presence of a "dialer". The interface and the set of available options in these programs are somewhat different, however, it will not be difficult to deal with them.

Whichever method you use, you need to be very careful when working with the engineering menu. Before starting work, it is strongly recommended to write down all the values ​​of the original parameters in order to be able to restore the settings. It is unacceptable to experiment with the engineering menu just in order to find out what will come of it, so you can render your device unusable!

To get a list of engineering codes for a specific phone model, you can use a special application Secret codes available on Google Play. On some models of mobile devices, for full access to the engineering menu, you may need superuser (root) rights.

What can be changed using the menu

You know how to get into the engineering menu, now let's find out what settings can be made with it. The possibilities are more than wide. The menu subroutine supports changing the speaker volume and microphone sensitivity, built-in camera settings, audio parameters, GPS, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules, disabling unused frequencies to save battery power. You can also test key components of your device and an external memory card, adjust I / O operations, determine the exact temperature of the processor and battery, and the level of harmful electromagnetic radiation.

Another useful function is to gain access to the recovery mode - an analogue of BIOS on computers, which in turn contains a whole set of settings. Recovery mode features include resetting the device to factory defaults, updating the firmware, backing up the operating system, gaining root access, and deleting sensitive user data. It is not possible to list all the options of the engineering menu within the framework of one article, the more sensors and components in the phone or tablet, the more extensive it will be.

Increasing the volume of the phone through the engineering menu

And now we will demonstrate how to work with hardware settings using one of the most popular operations as an example and find out how to increase the volume on Android through the engineering menu. So, go to the menu using Mobileuncle MTK Tools or by entering the "magic" code, then find and open the Audio subsection. If you entered the menu through the Mobileuncle Tools program, this subsection will be in the Engineer Mode section of the senior order, in other cases it is usually located on the Hardware Testing tab.

In the Audio subsection, the following options will be available to you:

  • Normal Mode is a normal mode that works when a headset is not connected to the device.
  • Headset Mode is a headset mode that turns on when headphones or speakers are connected to a smartphone.
  • LoudSpeaker Mode - loudspeaker mode. It is activated when the speakerphone is turned on, provided that a headset is not connected to the device.
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode - loudspeaker mode with a connected headset. The same as the previous one, but with headphones or speakers connected.
  • Speech Enhancement - this mode is activated when talking on the phone without using the speakerphone.

There may be other settings in the section, for example, Debug Info and Speech Logger, but it's better not to touch them. Select the mode for which you want to change the volume level (let it be Normal Mode), in the list that opens, select Type and indicate for which function we will change the volume. The following functions may be available:

  • Ring - volume setting for incoming calls;
  • Media - adjust the volume of the speakers when playing multimedia;
  • Sip - sound settings for internet calls;
  • Sph - sound settings for the spoken dynamics;
  • Sph2 - sound settings of the second spoken speaker (option may not be available);
  • Mic - change the microphone sensitivity;
  • FMR - FM radio volume settings;
  • Sid - it is better not to touch this parameter, otherwise there may be problems with the interlocutor's voice.

After selecting the function, scroll through the current list, set the desired Value (from 0 to 255) and press Set to apply the new settings.

To change the volume level, you can also use the preset templates - the Level option. Most phones have seven levels, from 0 to 6. It is advisable not to touch the Max Vol setting, just as you should not set too high values ​​for Value, otherwise the sound in the speakers will begin to wheeze. Other modes are configured in the same way in the Audio subsection.

For the new settings to take effect in some models of smartphones and tablets, a restart is required.


And the last thing we will look at today is resetting the engineering menu parameters to their factory values. It may be needed if, after making changes, the device does not work correctly. There are several ways to reset. If the system boots normally, go to the settings and open the "Restore and reset" subsection.

You can also reset the engineering menu by entering a special service code in the "dialer". Usually it is * 2767 * 3855 #, * # * # 7780 # * # * or * # * # 7378423 # * # *, but your phone model may need your own code.

Another option is to use the recovery mode mentioned above. To get into it, use one of these combinations:

  • Power button + volume down.
  • Power button + volume up.
  • Power button + Home button + volume down / up.
  • Power button + volume up + volume down.

In the list of options that opens, select "wipe data / factory reset" → "Yes - delete all user data" → "reboot system now". The device will reboot and the settings will be reset to zero.

There is another way to reset the engineering menu settings, but it requires superuser rights. Using any file manager with root support, go to the root directory of the system, and then delete all or part of the contents of the folder data / nvram / apcfg / aprdcl and reboot.

Files in folder aprdcl just responsible for the settings of the engineering menu. It is not necessary to delete all files at once. If you've messed up, say, with your audio settings, to restore the original settings, you just need to delete the files that have the audio line element in their names. And one moment. Regardless of the reset method, always back up your personal data and apps, as they can all get lost.

First of all, we enter the engineering menu by entering the appropriate code. For most Chinese phones, the code is * # 9646633 # or the code * # 83646633 #

DO NOT TOUCH ITEM Hispeed SIM !!! A flashing will be needed.

Sound adjustment through the engineering menu

If you are hard of hearing or, on the contrary, you are hard of hearing in a mobile phone, then in the engineering menu you can try to adjust some of the sound characteristics. On the same mobile phones, but with a different firmware version, the engineering menu may differ somewhat. I describe it using the V800i engineering menu as an example.

We enter the engineering menu by entering the appropriate code (see above)

Go to the Audio menu. By default, three modes are used in the audio settings:

- normal mode - the main mode of using a mobile phone

- loudspeaker mode - sound communication mode

- headphone mode - headset mode

  1. Let's choose the sound in which the mode annoys us. For example, we don't like the sensitivity of the microphone in “Normal Mode”.
  2. We pass in the menu "Normal mode" - "Microphone". Look at the menu item “Volume 0” - “Volume 1” - “Volume 2” - “Volume 3” - “Volume 4” - “Volume 5” - “Volume 6”. These menu items determine the level of the microphone signal at different settings of the overall volume of the mobile phone, the one that, as necessary, is regulated by the volume rocker of the mobile phone.
  3. Now, by changing the values ​​in each of the 7 pt, you can customize the mobile phone for yourself. The basic principle is “The higher the speaker volume, the lower the microphone sensitivity” (if there is noise outside, the speaker volume is higher to hear the interlocutor and the microphone sensitivity is lower to reduce the transmission of external noise, and vice versa - in a quiet room, with a quiet speaker sound, you can increase the sensitivity of the microphone so as not to increase the voice). Those. put settings like:

Volume 0 - 255

Volume 1 - 235

Volume 2 - 215

Volume 3 - 205

Volume 4 - 195

Volume 5 - 185

Volume 6 - 175

These are not definite meanings. This is the principle. Certain values ​​may depend on the characteristics of your microphone. The characteristic values ​​are selected with the volume rocker. Then “Install”. Excessive microphone sensitivity leads to an echo effect when the interlocutor hears himself. Similarly, the microphone adjusts the volume of other audio devices:

  1. Speech- speaker level in talk mode
  2. Keyboard tone- signal volume when pressing buttons
  3. Composition- the volume of the ringing signal
  4. Sound- TV and FM volume

Same as Normal Mode - set values ​​for Speaker Mode and Headphone Mode.

Each of the Fri (Speech, Song, etc.) has a “16 Level Setting” finish item. It has 2 parameters: Max Analog Gain and Step. This is to set 16-step volume control of the audio player in the corresponding mode (Normal, Headphones, etc.)

  • Max Analog Gain is the highest volume of the audio player.
  • Step is the step of decreasing the volume (from the maximum) when you press the "rocker". So, if, for example, Max Analog Gain = 160, Step = 10, then the volume will change from the maximum (160) to zero. If Max Analog Gain = 160, Step = 5, then the volume will be from 160 to 80.

These characteristics are duplicated in all Fri (Speech, Composition, etc.), it's enough to put in any one Fri.

Enabling automatic recording of discussions: Record Setting-Auto Speech Record

Recording takes place in accordance with the options "Multimedia-Sound Recorder"

Configuring UART for connecting a mobile phone to a PC

3 physical ports are brought out to the system socket of the body: UART1 (COM1), UART2 (COM2) and a USB port. (I mean COM ports from the side of the Mobile phone and not the computer). In not many mobile phones, these ports are configured incorrectly in the operating system of the mobile phone. The fact is that a mobile phone has several logical (virtual) devices, the correspondence of which to real ports is set from the engineering menu.

  • To synchronize and use a mobile phone as a modem: go to the engineering menu - "Apparatus" - "Put UART bus" - "UART settings" and set "TST-PS Config" to NO, and "PS Configuration" to the USB port, just don't touch the "TST-L1 Config"! Next, install the drivers that I posted. For synchronization, we use the necessary programs (PhoneSuite, etc.).
  • To download photos / melodies / clips, etc .: go to the engineering menu - "Apparatus" - "Put UART bus" - "UART settings" and set the USB port to "TST-PS Config", and "Configuration PS "NO, but just don't touch" TST-L1 Config "!

We enter the engineering menu:

  1. Device => Set UART => UART settings
  2. In TST-PS Config change to UART 2, 115200
  3. In PS config, change to USB-Port, 115200
  4. In TST-L1 Config select - None.
  5. Click OK, the mobile phone will turn itself off. We turn on the mobile phone, when you connect it to the PC, the COM port will turn on automatically
  6. To disable the COM port and return to the normal UART settings in PS config, select UART 1 and OK.

Suitable for all Chinese phones

Code: * # 66 * # Set industrial mode

Code: * # 8375 # Indicates the software version

Code: * # 1234 # ACP Mode

Code: * # 1234 # A2DP INT Mode

Code: * # 0007 # + Send: Set Russian language

Code: * # 0044 # + Send: Set British language

Some codes to reset cell

Code: * # 77218114 #

Code: * # 881188 #

Code: * # 94267357 #

Code: * # 9426 * 357 #

Code: * # 19912006 #

Code: * # 118811 #

Smartphones (Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Sony, LG, Lenovo and others) with android (6.0.1, 6.0, 5.1, 5.0, 4.4.2, 4.2, 4.1.2 and others) have secret codes that display hidden functions.

They allow anyone who knows about them to get to the operating system at a much deeper level than normal users are allowed.

These back doors allow developers (third parties) to create additional functionality in their programs and applications.

Special hidden codes (backdoors) are also used to solve problems in smartphones, while other modes are not available, for example, have been blocked.

Knowing this kind of access to hidden smartphone settings can be very helpful if you know how to use them.

On android smartphones, there are always several secret codes, thanks to which we have access to hidden functions and information that are not available in the operating system menu.

Special codes are a sequence of lines and numbers to access a hidden menu where you can change the basic parameters of the device and system.

They were used even in older phones before we came to the era of smartphones.

Special codes in android

Most of these codes are common to most versions of android and mobile devices.

All codes are entered using the keyboard on which you dial the phone number.

Hidden features are also manufacturer dependent and there is no guarantee that they will work on all smartphone models.

You can try their effect on Samsung, Lenovo, HTC, Motorola, Sony and many others.

These codes are generated by Android developers aiming to fix the difficult problems faced by Android devices.

Thus, these codes help users to control their device through a combination of characters and numbers written on their dialing section, where the operating system automatically triggers a predefined action.

What android secret codes can do on a smartphone

Hidden secret codes give you a chance to get to know your phone or tablet better and make certain changes.

You can get device information and do a lot of things. Here are some of them.
  1. Reset settings
  2. Erase all data
  3. Reinstalling phone firmware
  4. Screen test
  5. Check product code
  6. Battery health check and many other brilliant things.

Surprise your friends with hidden codes android

Yes! You can do some tricks on the phone, only introducing some of them can cause major changes to the device's configuration, so don't play with them if you're not sure what they do.

  • * # 06 # - show IMEI. * # 0 * # - show on new phones like Samsung Galaxy S III service menu.
  • * # * # 4636 # * # * - information about the phone, including usage statistics, including battery.
  • * # * # 34971539 # * # * - detailed information about the webcam
  • * # * # 7780 # * # * - Factory reset, including Google account settings, app data, and downloaded apps.
  • * 2767 * 3855 # - ATTENTION! This is a software installation from scratch and erases all data from the phone - better not to use
  • * # * # * 282 * 273 663 282 * 255 # * # * - immediate backup of all media files in the selected folder
  • * # * # 197328640 # * # * - enables testing mode for maintenance (service mode)
  • * # * # 232339 # * # * or * # * # 526 # * # * or * # * # 528 # * # * - wifi tests with advanced menu options.
  • * # * # 0842 # * # * - backlight and vibration test.
  • * # * # 2664 # * # * - touch screen test.
  • * # * # 1111 # * # * - shows the software version (FTA * # * # 1234 # * # * changes in the firmware version).
  • * # * # 1234 # * # * - shows the software version.
  • * # * # 2222 # * # * - Shows the FTA hardware version.
  • * # 12580 # * 369 # - Software and hardware diagnostics.
  • * # 9090 # - diagnostic configuration.
  • * # 872564 # - USB logs.
  • * # 9900 # - system dump mode.
  • * # 301279 # - control menu for HSDPA / HSUPA.
  • * # 7465625 # - Displays the phone lock status.
  • * # * # 7764726 - Motorola Droid hidden menus.
  • * # * # 7594 # * # * - allows you to change the function of the power button (power on) to automatically turn off your smartphone.
  • * # * # 232338 # * # * - displays the MAC address of the Wi-Fi card.
  • * # * # 1472365 # * # * - performs a quick check for GPS.
  • * # * # 1575 # * # * - Perform more advanced GPS test.
  • * # * # 0283 # * # * - conducting test packages.
  • * # 0 * # - display test.
  • * # * # 0289 # * # * - test for audio.
  • * # * # 2663 # * # * - Shows the version of the touchscreen device.
  • * # * # 0588 # * # * - checks the proximity sensor.
  • * # * # 3264 # * # * - shows the RAM version.
  • * # * # 232331 # * # * - tests of the Bluetooth module.
  • * # * # 232337 # * # - Shows the Bluetooth address.
  • * # * # 7262626 # * # * - device tests in vivo.
  • * # * # 8255 # * # - Google Talk monitoring.
  • * # * # 4986 * 2650468 # * # * - shows information about the phone and PDA equipment.
  • * # * # 44336 # * # * - shows the date of the version (assembly) and the list of changes.
  • * # * # 8351 # * # * - Enables only the mode, dial * # * # 8350 # * # * - to disable this mode
  • 778 (+ Connect) - Shows the EPST menu.

The following codes will only work with HTC mobile devices

  • * # * # 3424 # * # * - enables HTC test program function. * # * # 4636 # * # * - shows information about HTC device.
  • ## 8626337 # - starts VOCODER.
  • ## 33284 # - check.
  • * # * # 8255 # * # * - start monitoring Google Talk.
  • ## # 3424 - starts diagnostic mode.
  • ## # 3282 - displays the EPST menu.

You can find more codes on the internet, but be sure to use them carefully, even if you want to show competence in a company of geeks. Good luck.

Companies - creators of Android smartphones, including Lenovo, are introducing and using the engineering menu to test their devices.

In Lenovo, the Engineer Mode contains a variety of settings and testing options for the gadget that are not available to ordinary users. But now, after downloading a special application from the Play Market, or knowing the special USSD command, any user can go there.

The engineering menu is a special special application that is hidden from the eyes of an ordinary user and is used by developers to carry out testing and set the necessary parameters. It allows specialists to check the operation of various sensors, adjust the operation of system elements.

If you decide to get into the "holy of holies" of developers, then when working with the Android OS tech menu, be extremely careful: an error when changing functions can lead to various malfunctions in the device.

How to enter the menu?

Don't know how to enter the engineering menu on Lenovo? To enter, you should open the input of numbers, as with the standard dialing of a telephone number. After that, you will need to type a certain combination, consisting of signs and numbers. It should be borne in mind that this combination is different for each smartphone creator. In addition, it depends on the planned adjustments in the Lenovo menu.

Combinations for running Engineering Mode

For Lenovo smartphones operating on the MediaTek chipset (as well as for gadgets from other Chinese manufacturers), to get into the tech menu, you need to enter one of the combinations:

  • *#*#3646633#*#*;
  • *#*#54298#*#*.

If any of the above special codes does not work, then you should use third-party applications, you can even download them on the Play Store. It is best to use applications such as Shortcut Master, Mobileuncle Tools in such situations.

Video "How to work in Engineering Mode"

We suggest watching the video before taking any action yourself.

Please note that Engineer Mode does not function on certain smartphones running Android 5.1 Lollipop. In addition, it is not valid when using Cyanogenmod firmware.

When you reboot to Android 4.4.2, the changes made in the special application are subsequently reset.

Mobileuncle Tools program

The functionality of this application is almost the same as that of the engineering menu, caused by a special code, with the only difference that here the user is given the opportunity not only to get acquainted with the data on the memory, sensor and display of the device, but also to update the firmware, improve the GPS.

To work with this program, you need root (root) rights.

Shortcut Master Utility

This program was created specifically to delete, search, create. It does not contain the functions of entering the Engineer Mode. However, through it, you can get acquainted with the list of secret special teams operating on the device. After clicking on the name of the command, the command “ Execute". This is a very comfortable way to work, no unnecessary actions need to be done.

To get acquainted with the list of available codes, in the Shortcut Master program, open the auxiliary menu by clicking on the item " Secret code explorer».

Root rights to access the engineering menu

To enter Engineer Mode in certain versions of Android, you must have special root rights. You can get these rights through special programs such as UniversalAndRoot, Farmroot and others.

To access the root to the gadget via Farmroot, you should:

  • Install and run the application;
  • If the program supports the installation of root rights to your device, then a list of available actions will appear on the display, among which there is "Get root"... Click on this item;
  • Choose one pre-installation method for obtaining rights;
  • Installation will start;
  • After the installation is complete, a message will appear stating that root access is installed.

What can be configured in the menu?

In Engineer Mode, the settings of the existing cameras, sound, recovery mode are often adjusted. In this case, one must be extremely careful, because the names of items in various models of devices can differ significantly.

Adjusting sound parameters in the engineering menu

If the ring volume of your gadget is not acceptable for you, find the section in the engineering menu called "Audio" and go to "LaudSpeaker Mode"... There click on "Ring"... Change the existing signal values ​​- in the section "Max" increase the value "Vol"(limit value - 200). Click on the key "Set".

To enhance the tone of the earpiece, follow the section "Audio" select "Normal Mode" and go to "Sph"... Set the values ​​for the signal from a minimum of 100 to a maximum of 150.

In order to increase the sensitivity of the microphone, go to "Audio - Normal mode - Mic"... The same microphone sensitivity values ​​are set at each level. Click on "Set", restart and check if the other person hears you better now than before.

Disable unused frequencies

Modern smartphones are very "gluttonous" and quickly consume battery power to ensure the functioning of applications. Engineer Mode can significantly increase the battery life.

The gadgets are capable of scanning GSM frequencies - 1900/850 MHz, 1800/900 MHz. The last pair is working on the territory of our state, which means that there is no need to scan the network at other frequencies. For an unnecessary pair, the signal can be deactivated so that the battery is consumed less.

In the engineering menu go to "Band Mode"... Deactivate frequencies that you do not use by unchecking GSM850 and PCS1900. If the device supports a pair of SIM cards, then you should open the SIM2 and SIM 1 sections in turn, and then carry out the indicated actions in each of them. To save the new settings, click on "Set".


By default, Android smartphones are capable of saving photos in JPEG. However, most photographers prefer to take photos and process their material in RAW for more flexibility in editing. The tech menu makes it possible to select the optimal format for photos.

In the engineering menu, you should find the section "Camera" and select the type of snapshot there. In addition, in the camera menu, you can increase the size of the photo, set the ISO value, activate shooting in HDR format in order to increase the detail of images, set the frame rate for videos. After changing each of the parameters, you should save the new settings by clicking on "Set".

Recovery mode

The recovery mode is an analogue of BIOS on a PC. It makes it possible to control the device without entering. There are such recovery options:

  • Removal of personal information from the system;
  • Creating backup copies of the operating system;
  • Access to root rights;
  • Firmware update;
  • Reset the existing settings to the initial ones.

In recovery mode, it is not worth taking actions if you are not sure what they may ultimately lead to. Certain commands are capable of causing significant damage to the system and apparatus.

The engineering menu on Android devices is a special "built-in" application into the operating system that allows you to fine-tune the device. This is necessary to debug the hardware and, of course, the software. But often users want to change any settings as they see fit. In this case, the question arises of how to enter the Android engineering menu. This can be done using special service codes or third-party software.

What are the possibilities of the engineering menu

The settings and design of the menu on Android devices may differ depending on the manufacturer of the phone. In general, users use the engineering menu for the following reasons:

  • Setting up audio on the phone (call volume, interlocutor's voice during a call);
  • Changing camera settings;
  • Using recovery mode;
  • Setting the microphone sensitivity;
  • Disable unused frequencies to save phone battery;
  • Obtaining information about the MAC address of the device;
  • Setting up Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Engineering menu Android provides the user with almost limitless possibilities. But you should always remember that only advanced users can use it. Changing some of the settings may cause your smartphone or tablet to work incorrectly. If you don't know what each menu item is directly responsible for, simply leave it alone.

The developer mode includes setting up the Hardware Testing equipment, and also contains the following items:

  • Audio - volume control in the phone speakers.
  • Camera - allows you to configure various camera parameters (image size, type, etc.).
  • Diving current camera shows the current of the camera.
  • CPU Stress Test performs a test load on the central processor.
  • De-sense is a device manager that manages configuration options.
  • Display - setting the frequency of the outgoing signal.
  • IO - setting up input / output operations.
  • Memory - key information about memory.
  • Power - information about the battery.
  • SD Card Test - testing the memory card.
  • TouchScreen - touch screen setting, sensitivity test.
  • USB - testing the USB port on your phone.

In the Connectivity tab, you can get information about devices that work with the outside world. These include Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and FM module. The Log and Debugging tab allows you to view the battery log, set the debugger level, and run a custom MTK log. In the Others tab, you can change fonts, as well as see the temperature of the processor and battery.

How to enter the engineering menu: using code combinations

To enter the engineering menu as quickly and easily as possible, you will need special engineering codes. Each manufacturer has its own combination that gives access to the engineering menu in Android.

To enter the menu, you need:

In most cases, this technique allows you to open the service menu. Below are some combinations for the most popular phones:

  • HTC models - * # * # 3424 # * # *, * # * # 4636 # * # * or * # * # 8255 # * # *;
  • Samsung devices - * # * # 197328640 # * # * or * # * # 8255 # * # *;
  • Sony smartphones - * # * # 3646633 # * # *, * # * # 7378423 # * # * or * # * # 3649547 # * # *;
  • Huawei phones - * # * # 2846579 # * # * or * # * # 14789632 # * # *;
  • Mobile from ZTE - * # * # 4636 # * # *.

There is also a universal code that is suitable for most smartphones and tablets running on the MTK processor. You can see in the specification of your device which processor you have installed. If this is a product of MediaTek (MTK), then try using the combination * # * # 54298 # * # * or * # * # 3646633 # * # *.

If it works, then you will see the developer menu in front of you. Some engineering codes for Android do not work in the operating version 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.

What third-party applications can be used to enter the engineering menu

How to enter the engineering menu on Android if Android codes do not work? There is a way. To enter the engineering menu, you will need one of the applications that will allow you to enter developer mode without entering a combination. There are several similar programs in the official Google Play store. One of them is "Launching the engineering menu of MTK".

To use it, you need:

  1. Go to the "Play Market", while in the search bar enter the name of the program.
  2. Download and install it.
  3. Run on your phone.

After that, you will see a couple of tabs with different settings.

The application allows you to perform various tests (for example, a processor stress test), get information about the modem or memory, and much more. You can also make changes to the hardware. To do this, you only need to open the appropriate sections and configure the parameters. In this case, the phone will be turned on all the time.

An alternative option is the Mobileuncle tools program. You can download it on the Internet. Install the application and then go to the Engineer Mode submenu. Almost all of the developer's menu items will be available in it.

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