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How to open a port in windows 7 firewall. What are ports in windows

While the program is running, the computer and the servers exchange data on the network via activated open ports... To provide connection and create access to the network for PC programs, it is useful for each user to know how to open ports on windows 7. They can be thought of as special paths for connecting a PC to resources world wide web... For example, without them, it is impossible to participate in an online game or contact a specific server.

Ports 80 and 443

They are public by default, so regular user can find out about their existence only after problems with Internet access appear. The overwhelming majority of Internet pages are opened using No. 80. There are ports that also have a specific purpose, for example, No. 443. Often, some program prompts the user to turn on No. 443.

The main reasons for the closure of ports

Usually the cause of this trouble is your computer's firewall or firewall. Almost all PCs are equipped with the Firewall utility. 80 and 443 are very rarely on the list of closed ones, but it happens that it is your own firewall that does not open access to the network. Sometimes the network administrator closes access to it, or it is simply not specified in the router.

To find out and eliminate the real cause, you will need to study in detail the operation of a particular computer on the network.

General step-by-step instructions

In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

Thus, the procedure for opening ports on Windows 7 is not challenging task and does not require a lot of time. You just need to carefully enter the data.

Other reasons

If the user managed to find out the reason, for example, some ports were closed by the network administrator, then there are only two ways to eliminate the inconvenience: 1. talk with the management or 2. with the network administrator.

If you have problems with the router, you will need to study the manual of the device. There is no unambiguous instruction suitable for all models of router devices, because a lot depends on the developer software router.

What is port 443 and how do I open it?

As a rule, people find out about the existence of such a thing as a closed port under the most pleasant circumstances. Most often this happens when any computer program refuses to work properly. A message about the need to open port 443 may appear in the window of the program itself. It can also be found on the forum dedicated to this issue. In any case, we suggest you delve a little deeper into this topic and, accordingly, understand what port 443 is, how to open it and whether it needs to be done.

What are these "ports" in general?

The fact that every computer has its own IP address on the network is hardly something of a little known today. At the same time, most users know practically nothing about the so-called "ports".

So, to understand the essence of the term "port", it is worth imagining a long building with a huge number of doors. To better match reality, the number of these doors should be equal to 65,536, and each door should have its own serial number starting from scratch. V in this case the big building is your computer on the network, and the ports are the very doors.

Why are there so many ports?

Most of them do not carry anything special and are used for different purposes. For example, when you download a file or watch movies online, your computer establishes a connection between any of its free ports and the port of the server from which you receive information. As soon as the data transfer ends, the port is released.

At the same time, some (including port 443) have quite clear assignments. For example, 99.99% of the sites are viewed through port number 80. That is, when you want to go, for example, to Odnoklassniki, your computer knocks on door 80 of the Odnoklassniki server and asks for a page.

What is port 443?

As you might have guessed, our port also has a special purpose, otherwise why devote an entire article to it? However, we have already talked about its purpose - this port is also most often used to browse sites, however, while his 80th colleague provides information as is, port 443 pre-encrypts it in order to long way from the server to your computer, no one could intercept the page, much less make any changes to it.

Previously, only Internet banking systems that did not want to disclose information about monetary transactions resorted to the services of this port, while today the same Odnoklassniki or VKontakte use a "secure" port in the most common cases, for example, when you your messages or "like" other people's photos.

Why might the port be closed?

So why might port 443 be closed? There are several possible reasons for this:

  • access to it is blocked by a firewall program (or firewall);
  • the port can be blocked by your network administrator;
  • the port may not be "registered" on the router.

There are several things you can keep in mind when claiming port 443 is closed: firstly, it may mean that the program on your computer cannot access the server port, and secondly, the computer from the outside cannot access your computer's port. ... Each of these cases, as well as the reasons for its occurrence, require a rather detailed consideration, so do not expect from us detailed instructions... Nevertheless, we can tell you where to "dig".

How do I open a port in a firewall?

Let's start with a simple one - a firewall program. This application available on every modern computer and is used to prevent programs from "bursting" anywhere. Despite the fact that port 443 is rarely included in the blocked list, it still makes sense to add it to the list of allowed ones. Let's see how this can be done using windows 7/8 / 8.1 as an example.

To open port 443, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the control panel. Universal way do it - press Win keys+ R, enter the word control in the window that appears and press "OK";
  2. Make sure in the right upper corner the "Large icons" display mode is turned on (see the figure above), then click on the "Windows Firewall" item;
  3. Now you have several scenarios for further actions: either you turn off the firewall completely, or you give full access your program.

A window similar to this should appear on your screen:

To turn off the firewall, click on "Turn Windows Firewall on or off". It's on the left, in the middle of the list. Next, set all the switches to the positions that are circled in the following figure, and then click the "OK" button. After the problem is resolved, we would recommend returning everything to its original position. After all, if you leave the firewall disabled, there is a certain risk that various "muck" that gets on your computer will be able to report this to its creator and start actions that are of little use to you.

To add a specific program to the list of allowed and allow it access to port 443, as well as any others, select the item circled in red in the picture above. In the list that appears, it is worth looking for an application that does not want to work properly, and then check the boxes in front of it in all fields. So will you give operating system the ability to understand that this program can "communicate" both with your home devices and with the whole world. Finishes our "operation" by a graceful click on the "OK" button and closing all now unnecessary windows.

What if the port is closed by the administrator?

How to open ports 443, 80, 21, etc. if they were blocked system administrator? This question is most often worried about office workers who cannot use the familiar program in the workplace. In this case, there are only two options for solving the problem: if the program is needed for work, you can refer to the management or to the administrator personally, so that he provides you with the opportunity to work fruitfully, if the program is needed for entertainment, then all that remains is to accept or look for approaches to a bearded uncle in a sweater. Hint: admins eat and drink, as strange as it sounds.

How do I open a port on my router?

If you decide to create on your home computer small web or mail server, then when asked how to open ports 443, 80, 110, 25 and others, you should refer to the instructions for your router. Unfortunately, there is only one answer to this question does not exist, since the solution to this problem depends on the manufacturer of the equipment, the control panel of the device, and many other factors.

How to open port 443 in windows in a minute

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of the blog, we continue to study safety in operating rooms Microsoft systems, last time we solved the problem with long search windows updates 7, installed them and now the system is more protected from the outside world, in today's article I will touch on such a topic as what ports are and how to open port 443 in windows in a minute. This material will be useful for system administrators and developers alike.

What are ports in windows

Let me try to explain in a simple way what a port is. Imagine a large microdistrict with large quantity multi-storey buildings, each of them has apartments with tenants, a total of 65,536, each apartment has its own unique, serial number. Now let's imagine that you need to get to a friend Vasya, who lives in a 1443 apartment, what are you doing go to desired house with this apartment number, then you need to drop in to Marina, who lives in apartment 80, and now imagine that instead of you this is your computer and instead of your friends, these are ports. Each such port is unique and is responsible for responding to the user for a specific service, for example,

  • 80 is an http service that responds to you when you request site pages
  • 1433 is the port of the SQL service
  • 443 - https encrypted version of http, using SSL certificates.

From the above, ports are of two types:

  1. Hardly booked for certain services. These are the ports that are used exclusively certain programs... The range of such ports is from 0-1024, but there are also higher ones, the same 1433 for SQL or 55777 Vipnet.
  2. Dynamic, used for the user's everyday things. This is the range after 1024, and they are used, for example, in this context: download a file, your computer uses one port, watch an online movie, your computer uses the second port, and so on. As soon as the data transfer ends, the port is released.

Ports are still very often associated with sockets, which I already talked about, I advise you to look.

What is port 443?

As I wrote above, most often it is used in two things, the first is of course the overwhelming number of sites working on https protocol on 443 ports, and the second point is in encrypted data transmission channels. About 5 years ago, it was used mainly by Internet banks and online stores, where they paid electronic cards, now search engines, try and push all webmasters to transfer their resources to 443 connections.

Why might the port not work?

Let's look at the question. for what reasons may be closed port 443.

  • By default, when you just installed windows, by default all ports are closed from the security policy in it, and this is correct. They are blocked by the built-in windows firewall program or by a simple firewall.
  • The network administrator could have blocked you desired port, since it has mechanisms such as group policy or access to a proxy server.
  • 443 socket blocked on router

If port 443 is closed, it means that:

  • If your computer has a program or utility that connects to port 443, it will not be able to do this
  • A computer from the outside will not be able to access a service located by you, for example, a website.

How to open port 443 on windows 7, 8.1 and 10

I will tell you how to open port 443 on windows 7, but everything described below will be relevant and done one-to-one on modern operating rooms windows systems 10 and server editions. Procedure:

  • Press Win + R and type firewall.cpl, this is quick call snap firewall, full list see commands here.

  • If you need to quickly test 443 connections, then I advise you to completely disable the firewall, especially if the time is back, for this we open the appropriate item.

To disable, select the appropriate items, in fact, all will now be open windows ports 7. After testing, do not forget to turn everything on.

And now the correct option, go to the additional parameters of the firewall. You will be put into increased security mode, this is where you can open port 443 windows.

  • Go to the "Rules for incoming connections", if you need to connect to you over a 443 connection, if you need to be able to connect, provided that it is closed, then select "Rules for outgoing connections". Right click and select "Create Rule"
  • Here we are interested in two points, the first is "For the program", it is convenient that you allow specific program all connections through the firewall, from the shortcomings, then that if it has dependent programs, it may not work completely or will not work at all, the second option for the port is convenient because once you open the desired port, you do not need to think about which one for which program you need resolve it. A simple example, you use socket 80, at first it worked on Apache, then you replaced it with IIS, nothing had to be changed in the firewall.

  • If you chose the first item with the program, then you need to specify the path to it, to the exe file.

  • We indicate the action, in this case "allow", since we need to open port 443.

  • Next, we indicate which network profile it will be applied to, domain is for local networks of organizations, private for home networks, and public, for the outside world.

  • All we set a name for the created rule and click done.

If you make a mistake or something has changed, then you can always change the settings through the properties.

How to open port 443 on windows 7 via command line

When you fill your hand and you get tired of clicking the same type of windows in windows firewall or you want to automate everything, then the command line running with administrator rights will help you with this. You need to run the following command:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name = "Open 443 port-2" protocol = TCP localport = 443 action = allow dir = IN

  1. netsh advfirewall firewall add rule - add a rule
  2. name - name
  3. protocol - protocol type
  4. localport - port to open
  5. action - action
  6. dir - connection type (incoming or outgoing)

We check the addition of our rule.

What if the port is closed?

We're talking now. about situations when the 443 connection is blocked by the system administrator or Internet provider. In both cases, you need to contact the higher authorities and tell them that you need to open port 443 windows, you will not be able to do it yourself. Still very frequent question, it happens how to do all the same actions on network devices, there is no definite answer, since everyone does it differently, study the documentation. In my practice, I can say for sure that providers like to lock 25 SMTP connections to prevent spam from being sent. I am sure that you now know how to open everything and will be able to use it in practice.

How to open port 80 in windows 7.8 and windows 10

Port 80 in most operating systems is "bined" for an HTTP server. Operating systems from Microsoft - windows 7, 8 and even latest novelty- windows 10. Therefore, opening it in the firewall just won't work. Dances with a tambourine are needed here. Which ones are specific - I'll tell you now. Windows has such a kernel-level driver - http.sys, which processes http requests and "listens" to everything that comes on port 80. It is this driver that will not allow anything else to work through this port. What to do?

The easiest way is to fool http.sys. The fact is that any modern operating system supports both the old TCP / IPv4 protocol and the new one - TCP / IPv6, which is still only gaining momentum, but is not as widespread as its predecessor. So, by default, the driver works with the fourth version of the protocol. And we will make it work with IPv6. To do this, run command line with administrator rights and write the command in it:

netsh http add iplisten ipaddress = ::

This tells http.sys to work with the IPv6 address 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0, which for brevity is written as two colons - "::". Next, you need to open the system HOSTS file(again with administrator rights), which is located at:

C: \ windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts

And add a line in it:

After that, you need to reboot and you can check. Port 80 should be available.

Other solutions to the problem

If the first method doesn't work, you can try the following:

1. Start by checking the system with an antivirus. Sometimes the dirty trick that has settled in the computer also tries to open port 80 in Windows in order to spread further.

2. Disable the built-in IIS web server... This is done like this - press the Win + R combination, enter the gpedit.msc command and thus open the list of services. Disable IIS, reboot and check the availability of port 80.

3. The last resort is to edit the registry. I want to warn you in advance that after these steps you may have problems with the printer (if, of course, you have it connected). Launch the editor regedit registry and edit the branch:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ services \ HTTP

In it, you need to change the value of the Start parameter from 3 to 4. Reboot, check. Did not help? Then turn off http with handles in the registry. To do this, open the same registry branch again and create a DWORD (32-bit) parameter named NoRun. Set its value to 1. Reboot again and check.

How to open ports on windows 7

For correct work programs in windows environment 7 and other operating systems from Microsoft that require access to the Internet and not only, so-called ports are provided. Thanks to them, the user can decide for himself which program to give access to local network or the Internet by opening or blocking ports used by the program. For example, in order not to be unfounded, on the official website messenger Skype it says that for the program to work correctly in the firewall, you must open the ports "443 / TCP", "3478-3481 / UDP" and "49152-65535 / UDP + TCP", otherwise it will block them with the ensuing consequences. The same applies to browsers that actively use port 80. Based on this, in this topic we will consider how to open ports on windows 7 for certain tasks and whether it is worth doing.

Opening ports in the control panel

  1. Open the Control Panel, put the "Category" view and open the "System and Security" item.
  1. Now select "Windows Firewall".
  1. On the left, click " Extra options". You should be prompted for "Open as administrator".
  1. The "Windows Firewall in mode" window will open. increased security", Where on the left you need to select" Rules for incoming connections ", and at the top on the right, click on" Create rule ".
  1. We select the item "For port".
  1. Enter the port number, for example 443 and click "Next".
  1. Click "Allow the connection" and select "Next" again.
  1. In the "Profile" window, you can leave all the checkboxes. We press "Next".
  1. Enter an arbitrary name for the rule. Click "Finish".

Now on the computer, the one we just created will appear in the list of rules.

If you want to delete it, press the “Delete” key and confirm your choice.

Please note: ports can often be closed by your ISP, so no manipulation without its participation will give a result. You can check if a specific port is open on the website.

How to open ports via command line

Any systemic task there is an option to enable and configure it via the command line. The difference is that this method is more suitable for experienced users... To do this, open the command line with administrator rights and enter the command "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name = L2TP_TCP protocol = TCP localport = xxxx action = allow dir = IN", where instead of the value "xxxx" we enter the number required port.

How to check open ports?

All open ports can be viewed in the same command line. Run it again as administrator and enter the "netstat –a" command. By pressing "Enter" the program will display a list of all open ports "TCP" and "UPD".

  • Established - the port is open and in use. Typically, there is some value in the external address field;
  • Time_wait - port in standby mode;
  • Listening - the port is listening.

No special program is required to open ports. However, if you are interested third party utilities, then install "Simple Port forwarding". Its only drawback is that it is shareware.

Which was dedicated to fans of the Minecraft game, I once again drew attention to the fact that network security Is our everything. After all, no one wants some bad guy to get access to your personal e-wallet, or, for example, encrypted all files on the computer.

Of course, we all use modern ones, but sometimes we ourselves give attackers another reason to visit us without an invitation. Now I mean "forwarding" of ports for the needs of various online games and other network applications.

So it's time to talk about how check open ports computer through the command line. And believe me, it's very simple. Even a first grader can handle this. 😉

Everything next steps will be shown on Windows example 10, although in other versions of this OS everything is the same. So, we begin to "conjure". To do this, first of all, click right click mouse on the "Start" button and open the command line.

In it we enter a simple command of the following form:

After that, the scanning process will start. Naturally, here you need to wait a little, so you need to be patient or have tea. 😉 And now, in the figure below, the open ports are shown in the yellow frame. As you can see, in the "State" column, they are marked as "LISTENING" (that is, listener).

If instead of this value there is an inscription "ESTABLISHED", it means that at this time the connection is established and data is being transferred between two network nodes. This is how it looks graphically.

Look, the second and third columns show these nodes. In my case, there is no danger, since the address "" refers to the same local computer... That is, everything happens within the home computer, external threat no.

Values ​​like "CLOSE_WAIT" (waiting for connection closure) and "TIME_WAIT" (response timeout) can also be present in the general list. Take a look at the screenshot below.

Okay, so we found out which ports are open, but what to do next with this economy? In fact, everything is simple. Consider the situation at real example... Let's say we want to know which program is open port "1688" (it is highlighted in the figure above).

To do this, copy the value from the last column called "PID". In our case, this is the number "9184". Now you should open the dispatcher Windows tasks simultaneous pressing keys "Ctrl + Alt + Del", and then go to the "Details" tab.

Further, in the "Process ID" column, you can easily find the value we need and understand what kind of application is using it. By clicking, for example, with the right mouse button on the name of the involved process, it will be possible to read about it on the Internet or go directly to the folder where its executable files are located.

This is the story of how to check the open ports of the computer through the command Windows string Versions 10 and 7 have come to an end. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the publication.

And soon I will show you another one for these purposes, which is designed to further automate the process of determining active network connections... That's all for now and let's watch an interesting video.

The popular question "how to check if a port is open" is relevant for both experienced gamers and novice system administrators. Accordingly, before opening ports on a computer running Windows XP, 7 or 8, you need to decide on the ultimate goal of this "enterprise" and what ports you need to open. For example, for "Skype" these are port 433 and 80, and for the mega-popular game "Minecraft" you will need to open port 25565.

By itself, "opening ports" does not cause any damage to your computer: its security will depend on what program and how uses and "listens" to it.

In order to further protect yourself, you can view statistics on the ports most vulnerable to viruses and hacking.

For example, most companies providing services information security, recommend to pay attention to ports by numbers: 21, 23, 25, 80, 1026, 1028, 1243, 137, 139, 555, 666, 1001, 1025, 7000, 8080, 12345, 31337, 31338.

In other words, open ports are like open doors to a harsh world high tech, therefore, you should not open everything without knowing who and for what purpose this port can be used.

How do I know which ports are open on a windows 7 computer?

When the target is defined and the port list is "negotiated", you need to check if the port is currently open. To do this, you can use the "Command Line":

Open "Command Prompt" and enter the command "netstat -a";

In response to the command, Windows will present a list of all open ports "TPP" and "UPD";

The "Status" column will indicate what is happening with this port:

  • - "Listening" - that is, the port is "listening". In other words, some program monitors the actions of a given port;
  • - "Established" —the port is open and in use;
  • - "Time wait" —the port is in standby mode: i.e. the program using it prepares to put the port in one of the specified states.

Currently, there are quite a few services that allow you to check whether ports are open or not: for example, it has earned the trust of users online check"2ip". To check, you just need to enter the port number and click "check".

So, in order to see the open ports decided, now it is easy to open the desired port.

How to open port in windows 7 firewall?

The easiest way to open the correct port on your computer is to use the built-in Windows Firewall:

- ("Start" - "Control Panel");

In the column to the left “ Additional settings"The" Windows Firewall with Advanced Security "window will open;

  • - click "Rule for incoming connection" and in the "Actions" section ( Right side windows) select "Create rule";

  • - the "Rule Creation Wizard" will open: from the list, select "For port" and click "Next";

Below is the line “Defined local ports": This is where you need to register the port (or range of ports) to open and click" Next ";

  • - the "Actions" section will open, in which select "Allow the connection" - since you need to open a port on the computer;

  • after which you will need to enter the name of the cos of this rule and - optionally - fill in the description.

At incorrect setting firewall can occur, which we talked about in one of the previous articles

This is the easiest way to open ports on windows computer 7. No secret knowledge and secrets of network magic is required for this action, it is only important to know which port needs to be opened and in which protocol it is used.

How do I open a port through the Windows command line?

However, the ability to open a port through a firewall is far from the only way which you can use. You can also open ports on the computer using the "Command Line": it is not difficult, but this approach requires basic knowledge of the structure and functional part of the "netsh" command.

So, open a command prompt with "Administrator rights" and enter the command "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name = L2TP_TCP protocol = TCP localport = xxxx action = allow dir = IN"

the command structure includes the following parameters:

  • - the name "L2TP_TCP" is a second layer tunneling protocol (abbreviation "L2TP" literally means "Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol");
  • - "protocol = TCP" means to which protocol the opened port belongs: if it is for UPD, then after the symbol "equal" and you must write this abbreviation;
  • - "localport = xxxx" instead of "x" specify the number of the port to open.

Thus, it is quite easy to open a port on a computer, and everyone can choose the method that is most convenient for themselves. The only advantage of using Windows Firewall is step by step setup with an intuitive user interface.

Often windows users 7 face the problem of opening a port in the firewall. This situation occurs when installing new program or to be able to play games online. If you don't know exactly how to do this, you can spend a lot of time and nerves on this activity. So, to open the port, first go to the Start menu - select the control panel. In the upper left corner, click on system and security.
In the menu that opens, select the windows firewall item - it is the second in the list.
The firewall menu will open in front of you, where you will see its state: whether it is open or closed, active networks, notifications. On this page, select the "Advanced Settings" item in the upper left corner - a window "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" will open in front of us.
Here also in the left top menu select the item "Rules for incoming connections", in the window that opens, you can see the list of rules allowed for incoming connections. Next, in the upper right corner, click "Create rule", after which the wizard for creating a rule for a new incoming connection will open in front of us. Here we select the type - the rule that controls connections for the TCP port ( Transmission Control Protocol - transmission control protocol) or UDP ( User Datagram Protocol- user datagram protocol). Select for the port and click on. A window will open where you need to select a protocol and specify ports: you can all ports or manually enter a specific local port Is a certain number of numbers and dots. This figure can be individual for each specific task... Again, click on. A window will open in front of us, where you need to select the item to allow the connection and click next again. A window will open in front of us: "For which profiles the rule applies" - domain, private, public. You can select everything and click next. Then we enter the name and description of the rule and that's it - click done, the port is open. You can see the name of this rule in the list of rules.
The port remains open at all times, so close ports when you no longer need them.

This article will be devoted to the following question: how to open a port in Windows 7. It is worth noting that the given instruction-diagram is valid only if the computer is running a pre-installed standard firewall (in other words, FireWall).

Here is a sequence of all the steps required to directly open ports in an operating system such as Windows 7. The instruction is not very complicated, so every user can figure it out, even not the most experienced one.

Opening ports on Windows 7

Step 1. Through "Start" you should open "Control Panel".

Step 3. We go to "Extras. parameters".

Step 4. After the previous step, a window called "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" must appear. After that, in the list on the left, you need to click on "Rules for incoming connections".

Step 5. We turn our attention to the list on the right, where, as you might guess, you should select the "Create rule" category. This will open the New Rule Wizard.

Step 6. The wizard should ask you about the type of rule to create. In this case, you need to select "For port", continuing the creation with the "Next" button.

Step 7. The next question will be, respectively, the number of the created port (or range). You need to enter the number in the cell titled "Specific local ports". It is important that if you need a range, then you need to use a hyphen. Click "Next".

Step 8. Allow the connection and click "Next" again.

Step 9. For which profiles should the created port be used? In this case, we distinguish three: Public, Domain and Private.

Step 10. You need to specify the name of the new port and, if desired, a specific description. In conclusion, we confirm the creation of the rule with the "Finish" button. You can see the newly created rule at the very beginning of the entire list.

Open port in Windows 7 important notes

1. In the event that an external FireWall is installed on the computer (separately), then, accordingly, the port forwarding setting must be found in it. Note that in some cases antivirus software by default replace the functions of the standard FireWall.

2. If you connect to the Internet via a modem / router, then opening the ports must be done directly on the device.

3. It is also necessary to take into account the following: there are cases when the creation of new ports is closed directly by the provider itself. Then any action will not lead to success, and you should contact the provider.

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