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How to disable the telephony service. Special requests and disconnection via SMS

Beeline has been one of the market leaders for many years. cellular... During its activity, the operator managed to acquire a rather impressive client base. Such a great demand for Beeline products is justified high quality, reasonable price and a variety of services provided. In addition to tariff plans and additional options, for subscribers are available various paid and free paid services.

Paid services raise a lot of questions among subscribers. Many of similar services are very useful and the fees are reasonable. However, there are often situations when a number of paid services are connected to the phone number, which are completely useless and only increase communication costs. In this case, the subscriber can for a long time do not even suspect about the presence of paid services. Not each of us regularly devotes time to ensuring that, as a result, proper control over the state of the personal account is not exercised.

Of course, if paid services involve quite significant write-offs of funds from the balance sheet, then it is impossible not to notice them, but insignificant amounts are another matter. Whatever it was, sooner or later we notice that money regularly disappears from the phone account, and this happens even if the connection is not used. All this indicates the presence of paid services. It would seem that this problem can be easily solved, it is enough to get rid of unnecessary options, but many subscribers do not know how to disable paid services on Beeline. The purpose of today's article is precisely to help such subscribers. The editors of the site have collected in one publication all the methods of disabling useless services that exist today. You just have to read the article and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

  • brief information
  • The easiest way to disable paid services on Beeline involves using the command * 110 * 09 #. To learn more about this and other methods, read the full article.

How to disable paid services on Beeline - 5 ways

As mentioned earlier, there are several ways to disable services on Beeline. At the same time, none of them suggests the possibility of disconnecting all services at once. There is a separate command for each service. However, this does not mean that you need to look for the necessary team among a huge number of services. There are ways with which you can and how to get rid of them. That is, before you turn off paid services on Beeline, you need to find out which options are connected on your number. The information below will help you with this.

  1. USSD command. As mentioned earlier, first you can check what services are connected on your number. To do this, you can use the USSD command: * 110 * 09 # ... After that, you will receive a reply SMS with information about the connected services. In addition to the name of the options, the SMS should contain information on how to disable these services. If the received SMS contains data only about the name of the services, while there are no USSD commands to disable them, then receive necessary information have to yourself. The main thing is that you will know the names of the services connected to your number, and you can always find the commands for disconnecting them on the operator's official website or using one of the methods below.
  2. Personal Area and the application "My Beeline". Perhaps the most in a convenient way deactivation of paid services is the use of the self-service service. It is enough to enter your personal account and you can not only get information about all the services connected to you, but also disconnect them here. we talked about it in a separate article, so now we will not pay attention to this moment. It is also worth saying that the My Beeline application has the same functionality. Here you can also disable paid services, as well as perform any other operations available in your personal account. For example, using the application "My Beeline" you can change the tariff, top up the balance, to another phone, get acquainted with new promotions, etc. You can download the application "My Beeline" on the official website of the operator, as well as in Play Store and AppStore.
  3. Beeline customer support center. To deactivate paid services, call the contact center. The specialist will inform you about the services connected to your number, their purpose and, if you want it, will turn them off. we talked about it in a separate article, so there is no point in repeating it. It should only be noted that this option is not suitable for those who do not have free time... The fact is that it can take a lot of time to wait for a response from a specialist. The operator can answer both in 1 minute and in half an hour - it all depends on the workload of the system.
  4. Service control center. It is possible to find out about connected services and how to disable them in the service control center. Dial 0674 on your phone ... After that, you will find yourself in voice menu, where, following the prompts of the autoinformer, you can request an SMS message with a list of connected services and commands to disable them.
  5. Salon of cellular communication Beeline. Far from the most convenient option, but quite effective - contact the Beeline communication salon and ask the employee to turn off unnecessary services. You are obliged to help you completely free of charge, the main thing is to take your passport with you.

This concludes this article. Now you know how to disable paid services on Beeline. With this information, you can get rid of useless options and thereby reduce your communication costs. We hope our material was useful to you.

If you have any questions, check out the video below.

Many smartphone and tablet users are increasingly asking themselves how to disable services. For which you have to pay money? Operator mobile communications provides users of its services with the opportunity to connect additional options and enjoy various bonuses, but sometimes it happens that the services are connected automatically. Some paid services can be connected to the subscriber's number under the guise of a bonus, which can be used free of charge only for the first month. Then the account is debited subscription fee, about which the subscriber himself is not always aware.

It also happens that by connecting a certain paid service, the subscriber uses it only certain time, and then, out of need, simply forgets about it. As a result, it turns out that the account needs to be replenished more often, and where the money goes from the subscriber number is not clear. In this case, it is recommended to simply turn off all additional paid services so as not to pay in vain for them.

In a separate article, we tell MegaFon subscribers.

But how do you know which services you need to deactivate, and are there any paid services on your number that you do not know about? To view all the information on this matter, you should dial the ussd-request - * 105 # and press the call key. You will be provided with information about the services available on your number, for which an additional fee will be charged.

What are you paying for?

Since the company provides great amount additional services, then not one of them can be activated on your number, but several at once. You need to know how to turn off connected services so as not to pay extra money. List all Additional services from mobile operator difficult, but you can conditionally group the main options that can be activated for a fee on your number.

We would like to inform you that often users need to save money, we write how to do this in a separate post.

Entertainment services and subscriptions

If you have connected for yourself such a service as notifications about news in a particular area, SMS jokes, horoscopes, aphorisms, reminders of common holidays, then you can disconnect from such services knowing certain combinations.

* 808 * 0 # - request to deactivate the "Kaleidoscope" service. You can unsubscribe from her if you were subscribed to news messages. * 770 * 12 # - request to deactivate the "Change dial tone" service. By connecting to a service that allows people calling you to hear music instead of beeps, you will have to pay additional fee... * 660 * 12 # - deactivation of the service “ Personal dial tone". This service is connected in order to listen to music instead of beeps when making outgoing calls.

Commands to disable additional options for SMS messages and calls

  • ✶105✶0082✶0 # - this command can be used to disable the service “ Unlimited communication". It is designed for free calls within the network.
  • ✶105✶1132✶0 # - this command can be used to disable the connected option "Call your own", which is intended for free communication within the "Warm welcome" tariff plans.
  • ✶456✶6 # - disable unlimited SMS messages.

Read also the instructions - for all users.

How to disable additional communication services:

  • ✶502✶4 # - this command can be used to disable the service “ Super caller ID", Thanks to which the subscriber identifies other people's numbers. ✶130✶4 # - by dialing this combination, you deactivate the "Blacklist" service, which closes access to your subscriber number those numbers that you have included in such a list.
  • ✶656✶0✶2 # - this command can be used to deactivate the "light" version of mail.
  • ✶656✶0✶1 # - disable full version mail service... ✶134✶0 # - deactivation of the service that allows you to constantly see the balance of funds on the display ("Live balance").

Disable roaming services

  • ✶570 # - deactivation of the service that allows making calls throughout Russia at a reduced cost (“All Russia”).
  • ✶105✶1037✶2 # - in case you forgot to turn off the paid service upon returning from Crimea.
  • ✶105✶0042✶0 # - deactivation of the "Internet throughout Russia" service.
  • ✶105✶0060 # - deactivation of the "Vacation online" service (calls in roaming).

If you want to disable paid services, you need to visit the website You will not be able to perform these actions through your personal account, since information about additionally connected paid services is not displayed there.

Having entered the specified site, you can use convenient service, but you can only log in via mobile internet. Otherwise, you will not be able to access the resource.

Personal Area

If you do not know the password for your personal account, you need to dial the combination ✶105✶00 #. Your phone number is the login to enter the site. Having passed the authorization, look at the interface of the office that has opened in front of you. Information about additional paid services can be found in the "Services and options" section. Right there you can order the disconnection of services by checking the boxes opposite the necessary items.

The question of how to disable MTS services is asked by many subscribers of this operator, because the cases when the company imposes on its customers paid services, is far from uncommon.

If you notice that in Lately funds began to disappear from your account somewhere or the subscription fee for the tariff suddenly increased, most likely, the money is “eaten up” by a certain service from MTS. This article will tell you how to turn off paid services on MTs yourself. If you want to know how to disable paid subscriptions of this operator, then you can find instructions in.

How to find out what paid services are connected to your MTS number?

Before you disconnect anything, you should pay for which services your funds go. The point is that does not exist universal way, which would allow you to get rid of all paid options at once, in one go. Therefore, you will have to deactivate the connected services one by one.

  • Find out the list of connected MTS services you can send an empty SMS to 8111. In response, you will receive a message with a list of all connected services (paid and free). If the number 8111 send SMS with text 1, then an SMS will be sent in response with a list of paid services. SMS with the text 0 will allow you to see a list of active free services.
  • You can also check which paid services and subscriptions are connected to your number using the service command ✶ 152 #.

    Enter this request on your phone, and in the menu that appears, select the item "Your paid services", or immediately dial the direct command ✶ 152 ✶ 2 #. Now you can choose: get information about paid services or learn about paid subscriptions connected to your number. In response, you will receive an SMS message about the connected services and instructions on how to disable them.

How to disable paid services on MTS from the phone? USSD and SMS commands

The vast majority of paid services can be turned off by yourself. You just need to send a specific USSD command from your phone or send SMS to service number... In this list you will find commands to disable the most common paid MTS services:

  • Disable service "Beep" (GOOD'OK) the combination ✶ 111 ✶ 29 # will help
  • USSD commands ✶ 111 ✶ 38 # and ✶ 111 ✶ 338 # will allow you to deactivate the service "You've received a call".
  • The key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 38 # is intended to deactivate the MTS service. You can also deactivate it by sending an SMS with the text 33330 to the short number 111.
  • To deactivate the service "Supervised child" and completely remove your family's data from the service, send SMS with the text DELETE to 7788.
  • Disable service "Locator" can be sent to number 6677 SMS-message with the text OFF. If you send an SMS with the text PACKAGE STOP to the same number, the service will be suspended. This will stop charging the subscription fee for the option, and the list of friends will be saved.
  • To deactivate the service "On the full confidence» MTS, use the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 32 #.
  • Option "All Russia" deactivated by the key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 895 #.
  • To deactivate the service "Call for free on MTS Russia 100" send SMS with the text 8680 to number 111 or use the USSD-command ✶ 111 ✶ 868 #.
  • To deactivate the service "Internet Assistant", enter the command ✶ 111 ✶ 24 # on your phone.
  • To disable the option "MTS TV" use one of the following commands:
    ✶ 999 ✶ 0 ✶ 1 # or ✶ 111 ✶ 999 ✶ 2 # - with daily subscription;
    ✶ 997 ✶ 0 ✶ 1 # or ✶ 111 ✶ 997 ✶ 2 # - with a monthly subscription.
  • Disable service "MTS Music" (MTS Music) USSD-command ✶ 111 ✶ 9590 # will help.
  • Disable service "BIT" you can use the USSD request ✶ 111 ✶ 252 ✶ 2 #.
  • Command ✶ 111 ✶ 628 ✶ 2 # will remove the option "SuperBIT".
  • The combination ✶ 111 ✶ 62 # will help get rid of the option "MiniBIT".
  • Disable option "SuperBIT Smart" performed using the command ✶ 111 ✶ 8650 #.
  • Refuse the service "GPRS" you can send the command ✶ 111 ✶ 17 #
  • Deactivate the service "Favorite number" will allow the command ✶ 111 ✶ 43 #
  • To get rid of the service "Neighboring regions", dial the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 2110 #
  • USSD request ✶ 111 ✶ 442 ✶ 2 # will delete the service "Black list".
  • By sending the command ✶ 111 ✶ 47 # from your phone, you deactivate the service "Anti-caller ID".
  • Disable service Call forwarding the command ✶ 111 ✶ 41 # will help.

Another option to disable connected services on MTS directly from your phone is to install the application on your smartphone "My MTS"... With its help, you can not only manage paid services and subscriptions on your number, disconnecting or connecting them, but also check the balance (main and bonus), replenish your account, control the balances by packages of minutes, Internet traffic and SMS, change tariff plan and much more.

You can find and install the application on your smartphone in Google play(for Android 2.3 and above), iTunes (for iOS 7.1 and above) or Windows Store(for WP 8.1 and up).

Disable MTS services through the "Personal Account"

Another way to refuse paid MTS services is to use the "Personal Account". It is located at Registration in this service does not take much time: you just need to enter your phone number and password from SMS, or you can log in to the site through your account from social networks.

Having gained access to the "Personal Account", you can turn off unnecessary MTS services in literally one kick.

To do this, go to the section "Tariffs and services" and choose "Service Management"... You will be redirected to a page with a list of services active on your number.

In front of each option, you will see information about its cost and the date of connection. You just have to carefully review the list and refuse unnecessary services by clicking on the "Disable" button opposite each of them. After that, an SMS with a report on the disabled services will be sent to your phone.

Some MTS services cannot be disabled either in the "Personal Account", or via SMS, or USSD commands. For example, from the options “ Parental control"Or" Prohibition of content "can only be refused through the contact center (), or in the MTS showroom.

I hope that the information from this article helped you figure out how to disable MTS services. If you know of other methods or you know how to disable any paid service that was not mentioned in the article, I would be glad to hear from you!

More often cellular operators offer new services to their clients. Companies offer subscribers a certain free period of use, and then make the service paid. Probably, many have faced such a situation, especially when buying new SIM cards.

Today we will look at how to disable unnecessary services.

Ways to disable connected services

Contact Center

The most fast way to understand the services that you do not use, is a call to Contact Center mobile company... However, the speed lies only in typing required number, then most likely it will take a very long and exhausting wait for the freed specialist.

During the call to the Call Center employees, you can listen to information about your phone number and, by going to various sections, learn about the connected services. If you have no questions to the operator, you can turn off the service by following the instructions of the autoinformer. Otherwise, wait for a specialist to answer you. To start a conversation, you will need to give your details: full name, phone number and codeword(in the presence of).

Personal Area

Another fairly quick way is to manage services through your personal cellular account. To carry out the operation, you need access to the global network.

If you do not have your account on the website of a mobile company, then first of all you will have to register. Registration takes a couple of minutes: you will need to enter your full name, phone number and email address.

As soon as you have access to your profile, you can get all the information on the availability of services on your SIM card. To disable a particular service, you need to click on its name and click the "Disable" button.

In addition, services can be managed through a special mobile app... However, the possibility of installation must be checked with your operator.

The site of the company

The next method also involves access to the Internet. To deactivate the service, you need to go to the website of your company, go to the "Services" section, find the one you are interested in and read the information about the deactivation. In the information section you will find special team which will need to be entered on your mobile phone.

This method assumes that the subscriber is aware of his connected services. Otherwise, you will still have to resort to the first or second method in order to find out the names of the services.

Sales centers

To disable connected services, you can visit the company's specialists in person. Come to any nearest company salon and ask to deactivate the service. If you are not aware of what services are available on your phone, then ask the consultant to inform you. To do this, tell your phone number to the outlet employee and show your passport. To disable some services, you may need to write a statement.

How to disable services on different operators

To learn more about how to disable connected services on a specific operator, check out the required article.

590 users consider this page useful.

Quick response:

There are three ways to disable paid services:

Deactivation of various services:

Situations often arise when the number "leaks" cash... This indicates that paid services are activated on the current contact. It is curious that this does not always happen at the initiative of the subscriber. All providers of the Russian region, including Beeline, often offer users to try for free various services... However, operators "forget" to clarify that after the grace period expires, a subscription to this service... How to disable paid services on Beeline? To do this, there is a certain procedure that will help to avoid regular emptying of the personal account.

How to disable paid services on Beeline

Disabling paid Beeline services begins with checking the parameters current tariff... To refuse options, you need to find out what exactly is connected to the number. This can be done in three ways:

  • Dial the command * 110 * 09 # on the phone. In response to a request, the system sends a message where all active options on the current number, including paid subscriptions, are marked.
  • Call 0674 09. The reaction of the system will be identical, the necessary information will come in SMS notification.
  • Contact technical support. By typing single number 0611, and after waiting for the consultant's response, you can get comprehensive information about the tariff.

Important! When contacting technical support in person, the subscriber will need to name his passport data or a code word. The company protects the personal data of users and does not share information with third parties.

How to disable services? Using the above methods, subscribers receive data on which options regularly empty their personal account. Owning the information, you can turn off all paid services. This is done like this:

Disconnection of services
  1. "Personal Area". Each Beeline tariff has handy tool to configure and manage the selected communication package. This personal page user in the system called "Personal Account". To get into this section, you need to go through authorization on the BEELINE website. After entering the login and password in the appropriate fields, the subscriber goes to his personal page. Here, in the control section, all paid options connected to this moment... You can refuse services by moving the virtual key opposite the option to the "OFF" position.
  2. Technical support. If the Internet is not available, you can turn off services on Beeline by calling 0611. Here you can request a list paid subscriptions and ask the operator to remove them. In this case, the connected options will be deactivated automatically.
  3. USSD request. To contact the service control center, you need to dial the command * 111 #. After processing the request, the system sends an SMS notification, which displays options and commands that allow you to unsubscribe.

Important! Disabling any options is free of charge, at the first request of the subscriber.


Disabling paid services on Beeline is a fairly simple service, provided that the subscriber knows system commands for this operation. In particular, you can disable unnecessary options like this:

  • Password "STOP" to number 5054. The command deactivates all newsletters on the current number.
  • Password "STOP" to number 2838. With this request you can delete all subscriptions to entertainment services.
  • Call 0684 006. This request disables all paid services on the number.

However, there are situations when the connected offers do not need to be deleted completely, For example, the subscriber wants to leave the mailing list from news sites, but does not need other informational and entertainment services. How to proceed in this case? Selective disabling of services is required here. The most popular options are deactivated like this:

  1. Remove the information and entertainment portal "Chameleon" - * 110 * 20 #.
  2. Blocking Internet notifications - * 110 * 1470 #.
  3. Cancellation of the AntiAON service - * 110 * 070 #.
  4. Deactivation of the "Be in the know" service - * 110 * 400 #.
  5. Refusal from voice mail — *110*010#.

Important! You can reconnect services at any time. This operation is performed free of charge, the subscription fee will be debited from the first day.

Additional features

When the user does not know the algorithm for refusing paid subscriptions, he has a question: how to disable the tariff on Beeline so as not to carry additional expenses... It should be noted that it is technically impossible to disable the tariff plan. The subscriber can only completely break the current contract (blocking and loss of the number) or switch to another communication package while maintaining the contact. It is worth clarifying that the second option will not solve the problem: the connected services will remain tied to the number.

To avoid similar problems, You can also try additional way- prohibit the connection of services to short numbers... Such blocking is established after contacting technical support. The service is free of charge.

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