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How to disable traffic compression in google chrome. What does "Turbo" mode mean in browsers, how it turns on and how it works

The function that allows you to compress incoming traffic is of considerable benefit for those Internet surfers who do not have the opportunity to conduct themselves high-quality Internet. To somehow reduce the time during which the pages are loaded in the browser, the developers integrate a special Turbo-mode. For several years, representatives of Google have not made such a decision.

However, Google decided to release an official extension called “Data Saver” so that such a feature could be implemented. This article provides a detailed description of how you can speed up the Google Chrome browser using this add-on.

General set of information

So far, Data Saver is in an open beta test. This means that absolutely every user is able to download the extension for free.

Nevertheless, the work of the plugin wishes to leave the best: most of the extension's functions have not been implemented.Add-on extends the capabilities of the Google Chrome toolbar by adding a special button to it, when you click on it, the accelerator is quickly activated or deactivated if the loading of pages is too slow. mode.

After the user uses this button, a small menu will open where it will be necessary to click on the blue button, which is labeled “Turn on Data Saver”.

The plug-in works in Google Chrome in the same way as Turbo mode in Opera, Yandex. Every page you open is forwarded to a special Google server. These pages are "cleaned", everything that is unnecessary is removed from them, and the remaining material is subject to the optimization process, that is, images and video material are compressed, advertising banners are cut, and the like.

So far, we can say that the application is not capable of working with web pages that transmit information data using HTTPS (secure protocol). Also, traffic compression may not occur if a person works in incognito mode.

The extension can also have an unpleasant side effect. In the Russian Federation, there are a great many different regional restrictions that do not allow access to some sites.

When a user uses Data Saver, it becomes possible to receive data packets from foreign servers that allow to bypass such restrictions.

For the most part, the extensions that are responsible for implementing such functions carry out the workflow in a very slow manner, which is why the speed increases.

Google Chrome browser add-on installation process

Google Chrome does not have a tool to provide compression of pages in the main assembly, as is the case in the Yandex and Opera browsers. It is used exclusively in mobile versions of Google Chrome. To implement the function responsible for activating acceleration on a home PC, you need to install a special plug-in.

Google has developed an extension for its Chome desktop browser to optimize traffic and save on data transferred. About this Google Chrome evangelist François Beaufort reported on my Google+ page.

An extension called Data Saver appeared in the Chrome Web Store in beta version back on March 23rd, and a few days later it was noticed by the specialized media. However, the company itself was in no hurry with the official announcement of the expansion released to it.

To install Data Saver, Chrome browser version 41 or newer is required. After installation, the extension starts working automatically, compressing content on Google servers and giving the resulting result to the user. Loading pages opened via HTTPS or incognito mode will not be optimized.

In addition to compressing traffic, Data Saver can also be used as a proxy server to visit sites blocked in Russia, since the extension usually uses foreign servers for compression. It will not work as an anonymizer to use Data Saver: it saves the same address during the session, and also transmits data about the used OS and browser.

The percentage of compression and the amount of saved traffic are displayed on the tab with the extension. In addition, Beaufort talked about the existence of a Google Chrome service page at chrome: // net-internals # bandwidth. On it, browser users can check the work of the Data Saver, the proxies used and the exact amount of traffic per session.

As shown by TJ's check, for several hours of using the extension when opening popular sites, it was possible to save about 10% of the transferred data, but this is achieved mainly by reducing the image quality to the minimum acceptable. In addition, there is a general decrease in the speed of opening new pages due to the use of a proxy server.

This is not the first time data compression mechanisms have been integrated into browsers. Google itself implemented it on mobile versions of Chrome for Android and iOS back in 2014, but it is not enabled there by default. There is also a traffic-saving mode in Yandex.Browser: a function called Turbo is activated automatically when the connection is slow.

François Beaufort has earned notoriety as one of the most knowledgeable bloggers about Google's plans, providing inside information about her future releases. In 2013, Google hired him.

You can turn on a feature called "Turbo" mode. Let's see what this means, how to enable or disable Turbo mode. It is available in Yandex, Opera, connects to Chrome, but Firefox and Vivaldi do not have such a function, you need to download add-ons.

Turbo is useful on low speed connections. Thanks to him, the page loading speed increases significantly.

To save traffic and increase download speed in browsers, there is a Turbo mode

This plugin appeared in 2009 thanks to the creators of the Opera browser. Many users in those years went to the World Wide Web through telephone modems; Turbo mode allowed not only to speed up the process of obtaining information, but also to save money, since the tariffs provided for payment for each received / sent megabyte. Today, in the era of unlimited access, download acceleration is still relevant for mobile connections, also in public places for Wi-Fi.

Principle of operation

This feature works in a similar way across browsers. With a normal user uploading information, it comes from the site directly to the computer. When Turbo is activated, the pages are initially uploaded to the browser developer's server, for example, Opera Software, where multimedia is compressed, then everything opens to the user in the browser tab. This facilitates faster loading. Of course, the quality of pictures and video is deteriorating, but the volume is smaller, and it is possible to view the material on mobile devices with a slow connection, for example 2G.

Also, due to the connection to sites indirectly through the Software server, it becomes possible to view the resources of the global network blocked by Roskomnadzor. Usually, access is blocked precisely at the level of the Internet provider, which does not allow subscribers to view certain sites. In this case, with the entrance through Opera Software, the connection is made through the server of the browser developer, which means that the entrance to the pages prohibited by the provider is not recorded, respectively, it is not blocked.

Please also note that on websites that determine, when the function is enabled, the data will be displayed incorrectly, since the service will determine the address not yours, but the server providing the Turbo function.

Let's take a look at how to enable Turbo mode in Opera and other browsers.

"Turbo" on Opera

Enter Opera in the browser menu (top panel, left). In the list that opens, find "Opera Turbo", put a tick there.

The second way to enable is to click on the icon depicting a speedometer at the bottom left of the window, then click on "Enable Opera Turbo".

The mode produces excellent compression, excellent traffic filtering, facilitates unhindered access to sites prohibited for Russia.

How to disable Turbo mode in Opera if you want to watch videos, pictures in good quality? To turn off media compression, click on the picture, select "Reload image in original quality" from the menu that appears.

Turbo activation on Yandex

Consider the Turbo mode in Yandex, how to enable it for permanent work or for certain resources of the global network.

Yandex Browser loads pages most quickly, even with the slowest connection, compared to other browsers.

The mode works similarly to "Opera Turbo", it is activated automatically during a slow connection. Compression uses the same servers. It is possible to configure the plugin to work permanently.

In the settings, it is possible to put the plugin on for all visited pages. If you need it only for certain sites, to activate Turbo on a specific page, click on the rocket in the address bar. Or you can go to Settings and select the parameters you need there. Helps to bypass browsing bans.

Connecting in Chrome

Google Chrome does not contain a built-in "Turbo" mode, for faster page loading, you should download, then install the official add-on "Saving traffic". Turbo mode turns on in Google Chrome like this:

  • Go to the Webstore online store.
  • In the search box, enter "Save traffic".
  • Once you've found an extension from Google, add it to your browser.
  • Close the browser, restart it.
  • The extension icon will be displayed in the upper right corner. To activate it, you need to put a tick there in the "Save traffic" item.

The specified mode compresses up to 70% of unnecessary media. But the entrance to prohibited web resources does not open.

Summing up, we note that the download speed is higher than that of Yandex. Provides access for Russians to blocked pages in the most efficient way Opera. Google Chrome is the best at reducing the weight of loaded pages.

Saving traffic - an extension for the Google Chrome browser to reduce traffic consumption while loading pages on the Internet. The Data Saver extension is developed by Google Corporation.

During the operation of the extension, data is compressed on Google servers, and then it is loaded into the browser. Thanks to this, traffic is saved, web pages open faster, since they were compressed. Due to compression, the display of pages in the browser does not change, you see sites as they really are.

The Chrome Traffic Saver extension does not work on the secure HTTPS protocol and in incognito mode, so traffic is not compressed with such a connection, data exchange proceeds as usual.

The Traffic Saver extension allows you to bypass the blocking of sites on the Internet, since the traffic does not pass directly, but through the Google servers.

A similar traffic compression function works on devices running the Android operating system.

The extension to reduce traffic is especially important for mobile Internet users, since “unlimited” tariffs are unlimited in name only. In this case, the Traffic Saver extension in Google Chrome will slightly reduce traffic consumption while surfing the Internet.

The Traffic Saver extension can be installed in other browsers based on Chrome. In browsers Yandex.Browser, Amigo and the like, the extension is installed directly from the Chrome store.

To install the Traffic Saver extension in the Google Chrome browser, enter the Chrome Web Store. In the Chrome store, in the search box, enter the expression: "save traffic". Among the extensions found, select the Traffic Saver extension. Agree to install the extension to your browser.

You can go directly to the Data Saver extension page using the direct link:


Work of the extension Saving traffic

After installing the extension to your Google Chrome browser, you will see that Traffic Saver is working. The extension does not require additional settings.

After some time, you can see the data on the traffic consumption. To do this, left-click on the extension icon.

After that, a graph with data on traffic consumption will open. For example, in my case, per day, thanks to the Traffic Saving extension, the total traffic savings amounted to about 10%. Agree that this is not bad at all.

Click on the "Details" link for detailed information. Information is provided for a certain period of time: an hour, 3 hours, 1 day, 7 days, 30 days, 60 days. In the upper part there is a graph, and below you can see statistics on traffic spending on specific sites.

When examining statistics, keep in mind that the extension takes into account all traffic, including the traffic that it does not compress on sites using the secure HTTPS protocol, for example, on

How to disable the Traffic Saver extension

Conclusions of the article

The Traffic Saver extension for the Google Chrome browser (Yandex Browser, Amigo, etc.) allows you to save traffic consumption when visiting sites on the Internet.

I use the Traffic Saver extension for Chrome-based browsers on my computer, although I have unlimited wired internet. On the computers of children who use the mobile Internet, I install the Saving traffic extension without fail.

Traffic Saver Extension (video)

Saving traffic in Google Chrome is a particularly relevant issue for users using limited internet. The stipulated in the terms of the package the limit of gigabytes, and even megabytes does not allow "on a grand scale" to exploit the resources of the Network. Everything to a minimum - view profiles on social networks, e-mail, download something useful, some book or utility (but small!), Read news in the feed. And nothing more! Well, if more…. order, buy more traffic, gentlemen.

However, there are some tricks in Google Chrome that allow you to "trim" traffic during page loading. How to enable this saving mode, read in this article.

"Tricky" addon from Google developers

In the official add-on store for Chrome, you can download an extension that allows you to turn on the "turbo" mode, or, if you like, the economy mode. In English it is called Data Saver, and in Russian it is called "Traffic Saving".

Its work algorithm is as follows:

  1. The user requests a web page in the browser.
  2. Chrome pre-uploads it to a special Google server, where the requested data is compressed (reduced in volume).
  3. After processing, the compressed page is redirected directly to the user's PC, to the browser.

Thus, thanks to pre-compression, the "weight" of the web page is reduced, and, accordingly, the traffic consumption is reduced in comparison with the standard ("direct") loading of sites.

But there are limitations in this addon. It does not work when "Incognito" is enabled (anonymous web surfing), as well as on websites using the HTTPS protocol.

How to connect and install?

To download the "Traffic Saver" addon and enable the "Turbo" mode, follow these instructions:

1. Open a browser, click the "Menu" button in the top panel.

2. Select "Settings" from the list of sections.

3. In the new tab, click on the "Extensions" subsection.

4. Under the list of connected add-ons, click the "More extensions" link.

5. In the search box, enter - "traffic savings". Press Enter.

6. Click on the add-on panel.

7. On the page that opens, click the "Install" button.

8. Confirm the connection: in the window with the request, select "Install ...".

Attention! In the Chrome browser version for mobile Android devices, the "Traffic Saving" module is integrated (you need to install it). It is activated in the menu: Settings → Advanced.

How to use?

After downloading and installing the addon automatically starts. Click on its icon in the upper right corner of Google Chrome to open the control panel.

It displays the degree of compression of the loaded page, as well as the option to temporarily disable the mode (the "Save traffic" window).

How do I deactivate / uninstall an add-on?

Deactivation and complete uninstallation of the add-on is performed using the standard Chrome options (in the standard way):

1. Open: Menu → Settings → Extensions.

2. In the "Saving traffic" block:

  • to deactivate - by clicking the mouse, remove the "bird" in the "Enable" box;
  • for complete removal - click the "Trash can" button.

Save traffic and your money! Comfortable web surfing!

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