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How to turn off TV Disabling the collective antenna in Rostelecom

The television antenna is issued to the owner of the apartment, respectively, and he will also have to deal with the disconnection. It should be noted that, if necessary, one of the relatives will have to issue a power of attorney. To apply for it, you need to drive to the nearest office of Rostelecom, the company is quite large and finding offices will not be a problem. Be sure to take your passport to the Rostelecom branch and fill out an application to turn off the antenna.

The application is an integral document, according to which the user is disconnected from the network. This procedure will not take much time. An application for disconnecting a television antenna is written in free form, but the following information is required:

  • Surname, name and patronymic of the applicant
  • contact number
  • The address of the apartment (entrance, intercom code, access to the shield), at which it is necessary to turn off the antenna
  • If the apartment is not owned, indicate the fact that you are a tenant
  • The purpose of the application is to terminate the contract
  • date, signature

The company's office always has a sample application for disconnecting the Rostelecom antenna, by which you can check whether the application is written correctly and, if necessary, add the necessary information. If any difficulties arise, the company's specialists will advise and help with filling out an application to turn off the antenna. After all the above actions, the application will be sent for processing and in the near future the television will be turned off.

You can turn off the Rostelecom antenna without leaving your home, via the Internet. To do this, you should collect a package of documents, scan or photograph the first page with a photo and the third with a passport registration, a certificate of ownership of the apartment and an application (), send all files to the company's email address. After sending an e-mail, a Rostelecom specialist will contact you and work out the application.

How to disable the Rostelecom collective antenna

The collective antenna is a metal structure that is installed in apartment buildings. It provides all residents with a signal to watch TV. As a rule, the calculation of its cost is included in utility bills. The amount is small, but, of course, it is not necessary to pay it. Therefore, many residents, if they want to abandon the antenna, call the operator, but you can do it yourself. If it is necessary to refuse the Rostelecom collective antenna, then it is important to perform the following steps:

  • Find information about which organization is engaged in the maintenance of your home;
  • Pay off all debts;
  • Be sure to confirm that you are not a debtor, provide a certificate from a single information and settlement center or a final receipt with payment;
  • Write an application to the service organization to turn off the collective antenna;
  • Call the service provider and let them know you want to turn off the community antenna.

After the contract has been terminated, next month the type of charges for paying the collective antenna will be excluded.

How to turn off the TV antenna in an apartment in Moscow

The reason for refusing a collective antenna can be different, for example, switching to another provider or choosing a different type of broadcast. To turn off the television antenna in Moscow, you should drive to one of the offices of Rostelecom with the documents:

  • The passport;
  • A certificate of ownership of housing or a power of attorney, in the case of a representative;
  • Full address of the apartment, telephone;
  • Last receipt of payment, just in case;
  • Date and signature.

The documents and the application will be photocopied by the company's specialists, registered and accepted for work. The whole procedure for turning off the television antenna in the apartment will take a minimum of time. Also, if you have any questions, you can call Rostelecom on 88001009834. Offices in Moscow are located at four addresses, choose the nearest one and go there. Office addresses:

  • metro Nagatinskaya;
  • metro Maryina grove;
  • metro Kolomenskaya;
  • metro Taganskaya.

As soon as all the formalities are settled, the provider will process the application and the client will be disconnected from the Rostelecom antenna. Tip, before filling out the disconnection form, think about what alternative you would like to receive. Employees of the company will definitely help with the choice.


Television has long been part of our lives and in every apartment, in every family a lot of time is devoted to watching TV. It is clear from the article that turning off the Rostelecom antenna is quite simple and will take a little time. A correctly drafted application will be quickly processed and the antenna will soon be turned off. Rostelecom has its advantages and disadvantages, and each television user chooses the right provider for himself. If the client is dissatisfied with the work of the company, then Rostelecom's antenna should be turned off.

How to refuse a collective antenna?

If the subscriber is unwilling to use the GCTS (collective antenna), he needs to contact the service organization with a statement of the established form, on the basis of which the corresponding subscriber branch will be disconnected from the GCTS. Disabling a subscriber divorce is free of charge. Based on the document on disconnection from the collective antenna received from the service organization, the housing organization recalculates the subscription fee.

The procedure for turning off the collective television antenna at the request of individuals:

  • it is necessary to take a certificate from the EIRC stating that there are no debts in payment for a collective antenna;
  • call 981-66-88 in Mostelekom and leave a request to turn off the antenna;
  • when the master comes, show him a certificate from the EIRC;
  • the master turns off the antenna and issues a certificate that the antenna is turned off;
  • with a certificate of a disconnected antenna, you need to go back to the EIRC.

The issues of disconnection from the collective antenna are also dealt with by the NCN (national cable network).

The material was prepared jointly with experts associations of real estate service companies (AKON) and associations "ZhKH Razvitie".

How to refuse to pay for a radio point if you do not use it?

If your home is managed by the UK (payments are made through the MFC):

In this case, you can also issue a waiver of wired broadcasting communication services at the MFC (multifunctional center), the GU IS of your area, if charges for the "radio and notification" services are made through a single payment document (EPD). The MFC independently forms a package of documents and sends it to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Broadcasting and Alert Networks" (RSVO).

If your home is managed by housing cooperatives, homeowners associations (payments are made directly):

You can refuse wire broadcasting services by personally contacting the Russian Networks of Broadcasting and Alerts office. Address in Moscow: st. Usievicha, 18, bldg. AND

Here you will receive an application form and a receipt for the payment for turning off the radio station. The cost of the service is 60 rubles. You can pay for the receipt for turning off the radio point at any banking institution or at the post offices of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post.

After paying the receipt for turning off the radio point, the applicant must submit the following documents to the reception window of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RSVO:

1. An application filled out in accordance with the established form for turning off the radio outlet.

2. Passport

3. A certificate from the MFC, GU IS of your area, housing and communal services or housing cooperatives on the absence of debts for payment for wire broadcasting communication services.

4. Receipt of payment for turning off radio points. You can download the receipt and application on the FSUE RSVO website.

Charges for wired broadcasting communication services are terminated from the date of receipt of an application for turning off the radio outlet by the operator of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RSVO.

The total tariff for utilities in the Russian Federation has risen in price by an average of 4% since July 1The total tariffs for utilities - water, electricity, heat and gas - in Russia since July 1, 2016 have increased by 4% on average across the country, but, according to experts interviewed by RIA Novosti, in some regions these figures can be much higher. For example, in Moscow we are talking about 7.5%, but there are also a number of places where the payment has not changed much.

Where do I go to cancel services that I do not use?

For those services that can be refused, you need to contact the organization that provides these services with a written application. In most cases, this will be either your managing organization, or an HOA or housing cooperative. But there may also be a special, separate organization (as a rule, this applies to power supply, gas supply, as well as television, radio and intercom).

Information about service providers can be obtained from the person who manages your apartment building (managing organization, HOA or housing cooperative).

The reason for applying is simple: you must say that you do not need to use this service. Next, a representative of the organization will have to come to you to ensure or confirm the technical impossibility of using this service for you.

Which services in the payment system can generally be refused, and which ones - not?

First of all, it should be noted that in an effort to save money, one cannot cross the security border, namely, perform uncoordinated actions that can harm other residents of the house or even lead to emergency situations.

In general, you can refuse only those utilities by which you can check the absence of the fact of using them, for example, through meters, and, at the same time, the rights and legitimate interests of others living in this house will not be violated.

So, you can not pay for cold and hot water, electricity, gas, if you install meters and do not consume these services. If there are meters for water and without its consumption, no payment will be charged for wastewater disposal. You can also install a heat energy meter and, by turning off the batteries, do not pay for heating.

It is also theoretically possible to refuse hot water supply, for example, by installing a water heater. But the problem is that with regard to water supply, gas supply, heating and sewage, it is very difficult (in many cases impossible) to ensure the termination of the provision of public services in a single apartment (weld a pipe, put a plug, etc.). And if it is technically possible, then other residents of the house may suffer, which is unacceptable. But if there are no technical restrictions, then you can refuse these services.

But, for example, it is impossible to refuse the treatment of municipal solid waste, since it is impossible to check whether you will throw garbage into a common container / garbage chute or not. Therefore, everyone must pay, based on the number of registered in this apartment.

The situation is the same with housing services: maintenance and repair of residential premises, maintenance of adjacent territories, current repairs of common property, cleaning of entrances - you must pay for all these services without fail!

Prices for such housing services are set by management companies (or at the general meeting of the HOA) in agreement with the homeowners. It will not be possible to completely abandon them, however, at the next meeting of owners it is possible to raise the issue of revising the calculations and the list of these services.

Do not forget that the list and frequency of work and services for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, as well as the procedure for changing such a list, in accordance with Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, must be indicated in the apartment building management agreement.

Modern apartment owners have a lot of ways to pay for housing and communal services: someone prefers public service websites, someone draws up an auto payment service at a bank, but no one has canceled paper receipts either. The RIA Real Estate website has prepared an infographic that will help you study the utility bill in detail, understand what we pay for, and track how tariffs have changed over the past 16 years.

In addition to providing access to cable, digital and interactive television of various versions, Rostelecom is also engaged in connecting subscribers to analog television. Moreover, this option is very popular throughout the country, including in the capital, in the city of Moscow.

And today we want to pay attention to the nuances of using the analog TV service from Rostelecom, information on how to connect and disconnect it.

Analog TV from Rostelecom

The all-Russian telecommunications provider has given its analog television service the very original name "Antenna". The service is available for connection to all interested subscribers. After activating it, customers get access to the widest range of television channels, which, although broadcast in an analog signal, have impeccable image quality.

By connecting TV, subscribers can count on providing access to all the most popular and in-demand TV channels on a variety of topics. Among them are such popular channels as:

  • First;
  • Russia 1;
  • REN-TV;
  • Match TV;
  • Paramount Comedy;
  • Sports plus.

And the list of available TV shows is not limited to this list, including at least several TV channels of each subject.

As for the network coverage area, Rostelecom's analog signal covers most of the Russian Federation, being available in most regions. Therefore, if you want to save on television, but do not want to give it up completely, we recommend that you think about connecting the Antenna option from Rostelecom.

One of the main advantages of using the "Antenna" option is that bills for its payment come to subscribers along with a single type payment document (EPD) for utilities and rent. This is very convenient, and many RT subscribers take this aspect into account when connecting to a provider.

In addition, it is also noted that the company offers preferential discounts to some categories of its subscribers, which amount to 50% of the monthly subscription fee. The following customers fall under the category of subscribers who have the opportunity to count on benefits:

  • Low-income and single pensioners for whom a subsidy is issued;
  • Disabled people living on their own;
  • Heroes of labor;
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation;
  • Knights of the Order of Glory;
  • Families of pensioners for whom a subsidy is issued.

How to connect an Antenna from Rostelecom

In order to connect analog television from RT, future subscribers need to contact the offices in their city directly. There they will need to issue a written application, after which they will have to wait for the arrival of the TV tuning masters.

It is important to note that the initial connection service is not provided free of charge, and Antenna connection rates include the following fees:

  • Cable laying to the subscriber device - 2500 rubles;
  • TV tuning - 700 rubles;
  • Cable laying to the subscriber device (closed method) - 4500 rubles.

That is, depending on how you want the television cable to be laid in your home, the cost of connecting analog television from Rostelecom can vary between 3200 and 5200 rubles.

How to turn off the Rostelecom Antenna

If you are interested in the answer to the question of how to disconnect Antenna from Rostelecom in Moscow or in any other city, then it is extremely simple and obvious. You also need to contact the provider's office, where to fill out the appropriate application. After it is processed and you confirm your intentions, the appropriate provider specialists will arrive at the place of connection to perform the physical disconnection procedure.

Each apartment has a cable connected to a common collective antenna installed on the roof. With this antenna, TVs receive a signal that provides a certain number of channels. In different regions, the number of channels and their cost is different.

Payment for a common antenna is included in the cost of utility bills. There are situations when owners want to disable this expense item. To do this, you must follow the established procedure.

To turn off the antenna, it is not enough just to remove the cord from the TV or from the apartment. In this case, the TV, of course, will not show, but receipts for the antenna will still come. And they will have to pay.

There is an established procedure according to which it is necessary to act:

  1. It is important to find out which company directly serves this house. This information can be found in receipts for the antenna, as well as in the EIRC - this is a single center in which such information is stored.
  2. Next, you need to get a certificate stating that there is no debt for antenna services. It is issued by the EIRC. In addition to the certificate, the last paid receipt, which indicates that the total amount of the debt was fully repaid by the last payment, can also serve as evidence.
  3. After that, it is necessary to write an application for refusal to use a collective television antenna. This is done in the service company or housing office, who sends receipts.
  4. Based on the application, TV broadcasting from the apartment will be turned off. If this is not done, then you need to call the service provider and let them know about the application. They must verify that they have received information about the disconnection from the utility.

This procedure is absolutely free. Therefore, any requirement to pay money for disconnecting the antenna is illegal. In a similar way, it will be possible to connect it in the future. To do this, you just need to write a statement about the desire to join the collective antenna.

The documents

When filling out the application, a certain package of documents will be required. When terminating the contract, the person to whom the contract for the provision of collective antenna services is drawn up must appear. It can also be done by any homeowner.

To disable, you will need the following papers:

  1. Cancellation certificate of the applicant.
  2. Certificate of no debt for a collective antenna.
  3. Last receipt confirming payment for the past month.
  4. Disconnection statement.

A similar set of documents will be required to reconnect to the antenna. This service will also be free. You only need to write an application.

Some people may have difficulty filling out an application, since not all management companies have a document form prepared for this. However, it is not mandatory, and the application can be written in free form. Only it must comply with the established standards of this type of documentation. You must specify the following:

  1. Full name of the organization to whom this application is sent.
  2. Personal and passport information of the applicant. It is also recommended to leave a contact phone number for cases when certain questions arise.
  3. Document's name.
  4. Please disconnect from the collective antenna.
  5. It is necessary to indicate that, according to a certificate from the EIRC, as of today, there is no debt in payment for antenna services.
  6. Sign and date the application.

In this order, an application is made to turn off the antenna. There is nothing difficult in this. The main thing is to prepare the necessary documents in advance.


In many large cities, multifunctional centers come to the aid of utilities. Their job is to receive documents and applications from citizens and transfer them to the relevant government agencies.

Thus, you can contact this center, order a certificate of no debt for a common antenna there and write an application for termination.

However, the competence of the MFC in each region and locality must be clarified individually.

Technical shutdown

After the TV is disconnected from the collective antenna, it is necessary to technically disconnect it from it. To do this, you need to find the cable to the TV passing through the house and disconnect it.

It is not recommended to completely remove the cable and hide it deep into the wall during repairs. Because later it may be required, but it will be very difficult to get it. It is best to hide it neatly, but provide easy access to it.

Shutting down other companies

Often there are cases when, succumbing to an advertising campaign, residents of apartment buildings connect to a certain television broadcast provider. But subsequently, his services become much more expensive, and such services have to be abandoned.

The procedure will be the same as in the case of a conventional antenna:

  • initially you need to make sure that there is no debt for the services provided;
  • if there is a debt, then usually it can be paid at the same time when disconnected;
  • after that, you need to contact the service provider and inform him that you wish to terminate the contract;
  • there are often cases when commercial companies do not want to lose their customers and can offer new favorable conditions for the client;
  • if the decision has been made and cannot be changed, you need to check with the service operator at what address you need to apply with the application and at what time it is better to do it;
  • it is also necessary to clarify what documents they will need, as a rule, the passport of the person with whom the contract was directly concluded is sufficient;
  • then you need to visit the specified address of the company and write an application there;
  • often commercial organizations have their own contract termination form;
  • when terminating the contract, you need to carefully read what the former client signs, since when drawing up the contract, the company can transfer additional set-top boxes, modems, routers for temporary use, which will definitely need to be returned or paid for;
  • after the application is accepted by an employee of the company, you need to pull the cable out of the TV and you can remove it completely if a firm decision is made not to cooperate with this company anymore.

This procedure must be followed regardless of which commercial company provides television services.

Often, many residents of apartment buildings have a main antenna connected and an additional commercial one. It turns out that they pay twice for the same channels. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the channels that the whole family uses and turn off the unnecessary additional antenna.

Saving 100-200 rubles per month gives a significant amount over several years, so do not neglect the payment for services that are not actually used by apartment residents.

Every year we raise prices for certain housing and communal services. This year has not been without changes, and since the new year, the subscription fee for a collective antenna in Moscow has increased to 204 rubles per month. This is already higher than many digital TV tariffs, but many people pay for the antenna out of habit.

In fact, the collective antenna in Moscow is a city cable television that rebroadcasts fifty channels in an analog format at frequencies that differ from those of broadcasting. In most parts of the city, 52 channels are broadcast by Rostelecom, in some places in the southeast of Moscow 55 channels are relayed by Akado.

Of course, the picture of analog TV on modern large TVs looks very mediocre, and if you watch TV, it makes sense to switch to digital TV, for which there are many connection options in the city, and prices already start at 145 rubles for 129 channels, including 13 channels in HD. True, you will still have to buy a TV set-top box (about 3,000 rubles) or pay for its rent, however, there are tariffs with free rent.

High-definition FullHD pictures in digital television are no longer surprising, and operators are beginning to introduce UltraHD 4K. MGTS even plans to rent out 4K TVs to viewers of UltraHD channels.

In addition to the quality of the picture and the variety of channels in the main package, all operators offer additional packages of channels of interest: sports, children's, series.

There are several large digital television operators in Moscow - Online, Akado, MGTS, Beeline, NetbyNet, 2COM and several dozens of smaller ones. The competition in the digital TV market is high, so operators regularly arrange various promotions, using which you can pay even less for digital TV.

All operators are also home Internet operators at the same time, so they all have Internet + TV package offers.

Digital television also has disadvantages: you need a set-top box with a separate remote control (the exception is Online and Akado, which offer not only set-top boxes, but also CAM modules for the TV), you need to pay extra for connecting a second TV, but there are still more advantages.

Of course, in addition to the analog collective antenna and cable digital television, there are other options for television reception:

Individual analog antenna. Now there are only 19 channels on the air. For reception, you need a direct line of sight of the Ostankino tower and a good antenna. The quality is limited by the capabilities of analogue broadcasting.

Digital terrestrial TV DVB-T2. There are three multiplexes with 10 channels on the air (in the third multiplex the channels change during the day). For reception, you need an antenna directed towards the Ostankino Tower (but sometimes it also works on a reflected signal), DVB-T2 support on a TV or a DVB-T2 set-top box. The quality of the picture is much better than in analogue broadcasting, but there is no HD and few channels.

Satellite television. Reception requires quite expensive equipment (dish, receiver, access card). There are many channels, there is HD, while the price of packages starts from 25 rubles per month.

In order to stop paying 204 rubles per month for a collective antenna, it is enough to go to the office of Rostelecom or Akado and write an application, according to which the master will come and turn off the antenna.

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