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How to roll back the latest ios update. Disabling the Find My iPhone feature

Due to the fact that September 17, 2018 Apple company officially released to all supported mobile gadgets update operating system"iOS 12", users' interest in the principle of rolling back the mobile system instantly increased on the Internet.

On this moment It is known that users who did not like iOS 12 with all its innovations on the first day can completely roll back the system to the latest version before updating - iOS 11.4. To earlier OS versions without third party programs and hacking a user's iPhone is impossible, since Apple retains a temporary subscription to the package only penultimate version iOS.

Apple advises users whose smartphones and tablets have been updated to iOS 12 to stay on it, as the update brings with it a lot of security patches and improved device performance. Nevertheless, there is a temporary rollback option for those interested from the official manufacturer and it is quite easy to use.

Reasons for wanting to roll back to more later version operating room iOS systems users may have very different ones. Many people simply do not like visual changes in the interface design of Apple smartphones, which change in certain details every time. Others remain dissatisfied with the stability of the device after the update, which, by the way, has already begun to be noticed by smartphone users who have updated to iOS 12 iPhone lines. In addition, iOS 12 introduced new system menu items that seem unnecessary to users and unaesthetically woven into the phone interface itself.

Some user groups are rolling back to latest versions iOS after the release of the twelfth version on September 17, because they are specifically testing the functionality of rollbacks using official Apple packages. So, for example, today we managed to find out that you can only roll back to iOS 11.4, which was the last version in the “iOS 11” update series. For all other options iOS subscription The company's package is not distributed, as stated in the official press release on the Apple website and on their official blog.

How to roll back a system from iOS 12 to iOS 11

In order to roll back your system to iOS 11.4 without hacking and external manipulation tools, the user should perform several simple steps, described by Apple itself for safe rollback without data loss or damage to smartphones, tablets or players. IN Apple smartphones two and three years ago, the user needs to download official version iOS 11.4 firmware for your device, then in iTunes on your PC put your smartphone into recovery mode.

For devices iPhone models X, iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, an easier way to roll back from iOS 12 is available. To do this, you need to hold down and after 2 seconds release the volume up button, and then press and release the volume down button in the same way. After the correct combination of presses, a system recovery window will appear on the smartphone screen and, with a stable Internet connection, the rollback will occur in just a few minutes.

Developers from Apple quite often publish new versions of the operating system. But the updated version will not always be better previous iOS. Fortunately, if you want to rollback more earlier version, it's not that hard to do.

In updates, developers change the way some applications work, optimize programs, and fix bugs. But it happens that new opportunities are not to your liking, while the old ones are no longer available. Yes, and the occurrence of errors in the updated version is also possible, and it will take a lot of time before they are corrected. It is in these situations that rollback to the previous one may come in handy. iOS version.

There can be many reasons to roll back to a previous version of iOS.

The easiest way to rollback to old version- official. But it has a number of limitations. Officially, you can “roll back” only to the previous version of the system and only for a short time after the update is released.

Then developers block the rollback option, and users have to look for other ways.

Preparatory steps before downgrading to an earlier version of iOS Before proceeding directly to the rollback process, you must perform preparatory actions

disable the Find My iPhone feature.

Backup There are two ways to copy data from Apple devices : This backup to iCloud or copying data from.

using iTunes

Copying data using iCloud cloud storage. To copy, do the following:

After this, the backup will be created. To avoid having to repeat manual steps on a regular basis, you can set up the entire process automatically. However, to create a copy before rolling back to the previous version, this is not necessary.

Copying Data Using iTunes

To create a backup using iTunes, you will need to install the media player on your computer. After that do the following:

You can get one of the latest firmware versions for your device on third-party sites. Read reviews in advance to make sure the site can be trusted. Most likely, during the download process you will be asked to indicate which Apple device you use, specify the model and then select the proposed version from the list. After downloading the version you need, be sure to remember where you downloaded the file. You will need it later.

Disabling the Find My iPhone feature

If you did everything correctly, you will receive a message by email notifying you that the “Find iPhone” option has been turned off on your device.

Reverting to a previous version of the operating system

Firmware rollback is safe function, and in any case you can return your device to its previous state. However, you still act at your own risk. Be careful and you won't have any problems.

To rollback, follow these steps:

This way you can go back to one of the previous versions of iOS. But is it possible to choose the old version? No, they won't let you download it from the site. Even if you find it in third party sources, correct installation will not be produced. These are restrictions from Apple, and official way there's nothing to solve here.

Officially you can downgrade iOS devices to one of the previous ones

Rolling back the iOS version using a special program

In addition to the ability to return the previous version using iTunes, there is another way. You can roll back your device using special program. For example, a program called RedShow copes well with this task. But it is worth noting the following:

  • this method is much more complicated and may require you to install a jailbreak (unless, of course, you have already installed it);
  • if you want to rollback not only to the previous version, but also to earlier ones, you will need the SHSH certificate from the old version. Saving occurs automatically if jailbroken. Or you can save the data manually after each update using the TinyUmbrella program;
  • The rollback option is not available for all devices. Ideal for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G, rollback is also available on the iPad 2. Until recently, this feature was not available on other devices, but now the developers have added support for several more phones.

The rollback process itself using this program is done as follows:

Rolling back applications on iOS

We figured out how to roll back the operating system. But what if you need to rollback one of the installed applications? After all, unsuccessful updates happen there too. There is an official Charles Proxy tool for this. It allows you to access older versions of apps or games on your iPhone or iPad. Using this program is not very easy, so this is a topic for a separate article.

You can roll back apps on iOS to one of the previous versions

Video: rollback iOS from any version to an older one

For most users, the option of officially returning to one of the latest versions of the device will be enough. The main thing is that this version is still supported by Apple. If you need to revert to an earlier version, you can use one of unofficial ways. In any case, now, when installing failed update, you know how to act.

Unfortunately, the developers of the latest operating system iOS 10 have not brought it to perfection and users are increasingly asking the question of how to roll back from iOS 10. In order to do iOS rollback we need to prepare first.

To choose good firmware, first you need to find out whether a rollback is possible from your device and if a rollback is possible, then to what version you can roll back.

A good tool for this would be the service. By visiting this site you will find out full list firmware versions to which your gadget can be rolled back.

We select the device on which you want to install the firmware, there will also be a choice of the device generation type and a suggestion for choosing the available firmware. Select the firmware you need and download it.

Preparing iOS rollback

So, how can you roll back iOS 10 to 9? In fact, all this is done very, very simply.

It’s probably worth starting with the fact that it will be easier to roll back to iOS 9 if you previously created a backup copy and saved your data. If you do not have any saved data on your phone or computer, then unfortunately you will lose all your data. The iOS system will be completely cleared and returned to factory settings.

Very important point the point is that to roll back to iOS 9, and indeed to any of the iOS systems, although on iOS 6 it is only possible with personal computer and with an uninterrupted Internet network. Check your computer for iTunes programs and prepare USB cable to connect your phone to your computer.

Our next action will be reinsurance in case the 5s system fails when rolling back to nine. And we'll play it safe in a simple way, creating a backup copy. There are several options for creating a backup copy.

The first option looks like this. We go to the menu of our device and go to “Settings”, the next menu item that should be clicked will be the “Main” item, in this item select iCloud app, and in iCloud we should find the backup button and click on it. All this can be done from your favorite mobile device.

The second option, unlike the first, is done from a personal computer. Download and install iTunes, go in and make a backup copy, having previously specified the folder in which you want to place your copy.

Rollback process

I hope you have already prepared an image previous firmware? If not, then we'll prepare it. Once we have an image, we move on to the next steps.

Find the “Devices” tab on your gadget and switch your device to DFU mode by simultaneously holding down several buttons on the phone for ten seconds. These buttons are labeled “Home” and “Power” on your gadget.

The next action is to release the Power key while holding the Home key. IN iTunes app You will see a message prompting you to perform a restore.

Before disabling or deleting iOS, you need to find the old image of our firmware. To do this, hold down the “Shift” key on the operating Windows system(on the Mac operating system, hold down “alt”) and press the “Restore iPhone” button on the gadget. The computer will find the file that we need, double-click on it and wait for ten minutes while the system changes from ten to nine.

Have you jumped at the chance to update your iPhone and iPad to iOS 10, only to find out that the firmware is causing problems that you no longer want to endure?

You are not alone - many users have encountered problems with fast discharge batteries or decreased performance. If you are one of those users who are wondering how to restore an old version of iOS, then you should know the whole truth about the situation with rolling back to previous versions.

Just a month after iOS release 10, Apple stopped signing the iOS 9.3.5 version, which means it is impossible to roll back from new versions. The same thing happened with versions 10.1 and 10.2. According to Apple, all the bugs that previously prevented users from fully enjoying iOS 10 have been eliminated and there is no need to return to older versions that could threaten the security of user data.

Until the end of 2016, users could use in a standard way– loading IPSW file previous version iOS using iTunes. But now Apple has closed this opportunity and users who hastened to try new features have no choice but to look for unconventional methods solving the problem.

In December 2016, a hacker using the nickname tihmstar released the Prometheus utility, which, provided that SHSH blobs digital certificates were saved, could be used to roll back to older versions of iOS. But right before the New Year of Apple blocked the utility by adjusting the operation of the issuing servers digital signatures. After this, everyone who tried to retrieve digital certificates only received an error from the server.

By February 2017, the author of the utility managed to find a solution to bypass the blocking and some users were able to use the utility to downgrade (downgrade or rollback). But the tool only worked inside 10.0.x - 10.2.1 if SHSH blobs were saved in advance. For example, with Prometheus you can save SHSH certificates blobs for iOS 10.2, update to 10.2.1, and then return to the previous version.

As for the rollback from iOS 10.Х.Х to iOS 9.Х.Х, Apple has put an end to it, closing any possibility of switching to the old version. When you try to install an older version of iOS, iTunes contacts the certificate issuing server in order to activate the firmware. Since Apple considers firmware below 10.2 obsolete, the user simply receives an error due to the lack of digital signatures.

Thus, iOS users it remains to look for the positives existing versions firmware and update only when they are sure that the new versions released do not contain errors.
If there are any new ways to downgrade to older versions in the future, we will definitely inform you about it.

With update software on mobile devices Today almost every person is familiar with it. This operation usually does not involve anything difficult. Owners of Apple phones were offered new iOS Version 10. However, users were not very impressed with this software. That's why many people are thinking about how to roll back iOS 10 to 9. What should every owner of an Apple phone or tablet know about this operation? What scenarios are possible?

Myth or reality?

First, we need to understand whether it is possible to roll back iOS 10 to version 9 of the software. Indeed, often after updating this or that content on mobile phone You cannot revert to older versions.

Fortunately, rolling back iOS on iPhone/iPad is possible. This is an operation available to everyone. It is recognized as official and does not require any special knowledge and skills. However, there is some information you should be aware of before you roll back.

Before reset

How to roll back iOS 10 to 9? Before bringing your idea to life, you need to remember the following:

  1. Backups from the tenth version of the operating system are not suitable for iOS 9.
  2. There are several types of rollback - a “clean” version and one with data preservation. The second method is not recommended. It causes problems when using the Music app.
  3. Before carrying out the operation, you must make sure that synchronization is enabled in iCloud. In the corresponding settings item in the "Settings" -iCloud menu, you must enable the corresponding switch. The "Media Library" slider also needs to be activated.
  4. Disable Find My iPhone. If you neglect this step, rollback will be impossible.

Perhaps this is enough. You may be thinking about how to roll back iOS 10 to 9.

Full rollback

Let's start with the most preferred approach. It's about about a “pure” rollback. Similar method is used most often in practice. It allows you to avoid system failures and problems.

How to rollback iOS10 to 9? To do this, you must follow certain instructions. It looks something like this:

  1. Launch iTunes on your PC.
  2. Connect iPhone to computer. To do this you need to use a USB cable.
  3. Launch iTunes. In the "Browse" menu, select the "Make a backup" option. Wait for the operation to complete.
  4. Go to the website Select your phone model and firmware here.
  5. Wait until the appropriate software downloads. After completing the operation, go to iTunes and in the “Browse” tab, click on Option (in Windows this is the Shift button).
  6. Click on "Restore iPhone".
  7. Select the previously downloaded iOS in the window that appears.
  8. Complete the update by clicking on "Restore".

That's all. Now you can wait for the device to reboot. During OS initialization, you cannot disconnect the device from the PC. Finally, you need to select " New iPhone" and authenticate using AppleID.

Saving settings

From now on, it’s clear how to roll back iOS 10 to 9. The instructions presented to your attention earlier imply full reset settings and data. You can save them if you wish. What will it take?

How to roll back iOS 10 to 9 while maintaining information on the device? We will have to adhere to the previously proposed algorithm, but with some changes. When selecting the firmware, you will need to press "Shift" and then select "Update". The rest of the algorithm will be exactly the same. When updating, you must unlock the gadget to successfully complete the operation.

So, now it’s clear how you can roll back the operating system of Apple phones and tablets from version 10 to version 9. No more options for the development of events are provided. You can't rollback without iTunes.

Which method should I use? As already mentioned, it is recommended to pay attention to the “clean” rollback. This is the only way to speak with confidence about normal operation with iOS in the future.

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