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How to optimize windows 7 on a laptop. How to speed up using laptop power settings? Disabling "extra" services

Good afternoon, dear readers of the site, in this article we will learn how to increase performance in windows 7 .
If your computer slows down and freezes, do not think that it is time for you to purchase new computer orreinstalloperating system. All problems may be due towrong settings.

So let's start speeding up your computer.

Step 1. First of all you need configure autoload. Startup programs slow down the system at startup.You need . This is one way to improve the performance of your system.

Click Start choose Control Panel. Clicking on the link System. Then on the right side of the window select Extra options systems. In the Advanced tab in the block Performance press the button Options...

In the opened window Performance Options tab Visual effects put the radio button in the box Provide best performance . This option disables everything visual effects on your computer. But if you cannot do without any component, then you can include it, but no more than two. After adjusting performance settings, click OK. And then one more time OK.

Step 3. Also, for the speed of your computer, it is important to have good antivirus , which is able to find various kinds of threats and viruses. And also do not overload the system. I use antivirus Kaspersky internet security 2012 . It has an option that allows you to avoid conflicts with other programs and slow down your computer.
In order to enable this function in the main antivirus window Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 click here Setting then go to the tab Extra options(fourth in a row) and select Compatibility.
In the window Compatibility options check the box Donate resources to other programs.

Step 4. Another way performance improvement This . The program does an excellent job with this action. CCleaner. In the main window of the program, you can analyze the system and the program will advise you on what needs to be removed for more efficient operation of your computer.

Step 5. Disable unused services. In order to disable services you need to press Start and choose Control Panel. Next, select Administration and in the window that opens, double-click on the word Services.

In the window that opens, you can disable the following services:

- Automatic update.
- windows firewall.
- Print spooler (if there is no printer).
- Infrared monitor.
- Time service.
- Help and support.
- Security Center

In order to disable the service double click on it. In the window that appears, in the tab Are common in field Launch type put Disabled and press OK. After that, we reboot the system.

That's all. I think these tips will be enough for you to increase performance in windows 7.

Many existing features in Windows that affect the speed and performance of the PC, ordinary users do not use. Most use the default settings, and they are not the best for PC speed. Following are the top ways to increase speed to improve your Windows 7 computer.

Visual Effects Optimization


Windows 7 has a lot of beautiful visual effects, which increases the load on components and slows down PC performance. This reduces the performance of the computer, especially in the case of not the most modern hardware.


It is necessary to turn off the visual effects, leaving only the standard ones. This will immediately increase the speed and performance of your computer. In Windows 7, you need to type in the Start window in the search "Visual effects".

  1. Increase the clarity of the display of fonts;
  2. Application of display types of windows and buttons;
  3. Enable desktop composition;
  4. Show thumbnails instead of labels.

Then click OK and reboot.

Check and debug the hard drive in Windows 7


Data on the hard drive is entered in parts for optimization disk space. As a result, the PC, when opening files, spends a significant amount of time searching for them, and if there is a large number of junk files, then the process slows down even more.


Periodically check for presence and remove junk files, . At the first stage, you need to manually delete already unnecessary data from the computer's memory, for example, unused programs, old movies, music, etc. In order to uninstall applications, you must enter through the "Start" in "Control Panel" and further in .

Next, you need to perform defragmentation. You must enter "My Computer", in the context menu of the disk, select in sequence: "Properties" - "Service" - "Perform defragmentation". Click on .

Cleaning the "Startup" directory


You can often improve your computer's boot speed by simply getting rid of unnecessary programs in startup, for example, social media messaging services, updates various programs, antivirus, etc. In fact, everything except the antivirus can be removed.


It is recommended to use CCleaner application. It will help clean the registry and optimize startup speed. The application requires you to bookmark . By clicking on "Turn off", go through all the applications that you do not constantly use.

Cleaning the registry and RAM


When you uninstall programs, “garbage” accumulates on your computer (program settings, links, unnecessary labels, erroneous extensions). On optimal performance random access memory influences the possible marriage in its manufacture, incorrect work power supply and changes in mains voltage.


Cleaning the registry is very easy to do with the CCleaner application. Analysis of the work of RAM is performed using the built-in Windows features 7. In order to perform an analysis of the RAM, it is required through the "Start" to use the search bar, where to type "Diagnosis of computer memory problems".

After that, a menu will be displayed where you need to click on the 1st diagnostic method.

The PC will reboot and start analyzing the RAM. The process takes a significant amount of time. Having finished the process, the PC will restart again and the user will have access to information about the analysis performed.

Connecting all processor cores


To effectively increase the performance of your computer, you must perform Windows optimization for multi-core processors.


It is required to tell the OS to boot using the resources of all cores. Through "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "Run" you need to type "msconfig" and click on "OK".

In the menu that appears, enter − "Extra options…". Check mark "Number of Processors"(to improve the performance and speed of the PC, it is recommended to mark the maximum possible number). Click on "OK".

Disable unused gadgets

Gadgets slow down PC performance. For maximum effect it is recommended to disable them all.


The article discusses only the main methods for increasing the speed and performance of a computer.

This topic is very extensive and it is impossible to cover it entirely in one publication, so additional methods are described in a separate section.

Despite the rapidly gaining fans of Windows 10, which occupies every month all higher percentage market, many PC and laptop users continue to prefer the stable and proven Seven.

This system has long shown its versatility and flexibility in customization. Even users of very outdated configurations will be able to work effectively with it if they get an idea of ​​​​how to speed up the computer.

If you are interested in optimizing and speeding up your Windows 10 system, check out our article "How to speed up your computer on Windows 10"

1. Optimal system requirements for Windows 7

Before proceeding with the optimization, it is recommended that you first check your computer for a match with the minimum system requirements. Given the fact that the Seven was released nine years ago, they are quite democratic by modern standards:

  • x86-x64 1 GHz processor
  • 1-2 gigabytes of RAM (depending on the bitness of the system)
  • 20 gigabytes free space under the system + a couple of GB of reserve for the swap file, temporary files programs and browser
  • Video card with DirectX0 support or higher

These are the officially stated requirements by the developers, which are only an approximate recommendation.

If disabled unused services, graphic effects, reduce the screen resolution, it is quite possible to start on 512 megabytes of RAM with a processor of a more modest frequency.

The reverse situation also happens - when operating with resource-intensive applications and using the system's potential to the maximum, many people experience braking on 2GB of RAM and a processor with 2+ cores. From this we can conclude that optimization is recommended for everyone.

2. How to speed up your computer on Windows 7

Listed below are a number of effective tuning and optimization measures that will allow you to add up to a 25-30% performance increase to your system without spending a dime on updating components. They should all be used together.

2.1 We remove programs from autorun.

This is one of the main methods that help to really speed up Windows work 7, because any actively used computer eventually accumulates a large number of programs that run along with the operating system.

Users simply forget to uncheck the box next to the corresponding item during the installation process, or the installer does not even ask them, offering this option by default.

As a result, the system slows down when turned on, and even during operation. background processes take some of the power computer hardware. The problem is solved in several ways:

2.2 Disabling search indexing

Speed ​​up Windows 7 weak computer with insufficient RAM for normal functioning, disabling the search indexing service will help.

Additional ways to speed up operating system described in our article.

It is also recommended to be done by all those who care about the health of their flash drives. Indexing reduces the number of write cycles, which negatively affects the life of devices

To disable the function, it is enough to enter the word in the search bar of the Start menu "Services" and run the file from the dropdown list as administrator.

In the list that appears, we are looking for a service « Windows Search» , then change "On" to "Off".

2.3 Disabling Windows Aero

First presented in Windows Vista, the Aero interface has impressed millions of users with its style and beauty.

Only the owners were dissatisfied powerful systems, which experienced a significant drop in performance. This is not surprising, because now the recommended minimum is 1 gigabyte of RAM and 128 megabytes of video memory.

And the more different gadgets (clocks, calendar, and similar extensions) the user installs, the higher the resource consumption.

This is done as follows:

2.4 Disable visual effects / animation

Speeding up Windows 7 will also help manipulate effects and animations included by developers to create a more beautiful working environment but of no practical value.

On modern powerful systems, the increase will be insignificant, so you should not even bother.

But owners of weak PCs with outdated hardware will be able to feel the effect - windows will open faster, long downloads will disappear.

All you have to do is click right click by label "My computer", go to section "Advanced system settings" and there open the tab responsible for performance.

By removing the checkmarks from the list that appears, you can find the optimal balance between image quality and performance.

2.5 Speed ​​up system boot

Even users of sufficiently powerful systems experience unpleasant freezes in the first minute after turning on the PC, and turning on the PC itself is a long process for many.

As mentioned earlier, it is good to reduce the waiting time by cleaning startup and simplifying GUI, but there are other effective measures:

2.6 Turn off the paging file

Anyone interested in the question of how to speed up a computer on Windows 7 to the maximum should pay attention to the paging file.

This term refers to the area on the hard disk into which unused information is dumped from RAM. And two shortcomings immediately pop up:

  • First.

    The swap file can consume gigabytes of free hard disk space that could be spent on something useful for yourself.

  • Second.

    When the system calls hard drive, this is much slower than direct access to RAM.

Accordingly, if you have enough RAM (4 gigabytes or more), better file Disable paging altogether.

We follow the following path:

As a last resort, if there is not enough RAM, at least reduce the size of the FP to a comfortable minimum and be sure to disable automatic detection volume at the choice of the system.

2.7 Cleaning the registry

No matter how carefully the user treats the computer, no matter how he cleans his system, remnants will still accumulate in the registry remote programs and other garbage that negatively affects performance.

To clean all this, you need to find the file in the search bar "regedit", run it and remove the excess.

But be careful - careless editing of the system registry can lead to the most disastrous consequences, up to the point that the computer will stop turning on altogether.

If you do not know about the purpose of a particular line, it is better to bypass it.

3. Useful programs for system optimization

Below are three of the most effective utilities that allow you to do the above steps to speed up and Windows setup even complete beginners in the computer business.

A couple of clicks and your system will become noticeably faster.

Now you have an idea of ​​effective ways to speed up PCs and laptops under Windows control 7.

Be sure to use the above measures in a comprehensive way to get rid of the need to periodically reinstall the system.

And do not forget to criticize the material in the comments, offering your own solutions to the problem.

PC is a complex electronic equipment. For everything to work right level, you need to enter the necessary parameters in the system settings.

It is from the wrong settings that, most often, the computer can work slowly or freeze. Installing different programs it is important to look carefully to see if you are being offered additional applications, they can also slow down the system.

Working at a computer, I want all the transitions through folders and files to be carried out instantly, the same applies to the Internet. But, it happens that for this you need to wait a few seconds, and when loading the program, even a few minutes. Let's see why this happens and what to do to normalize the process of the computer.

Why speed up your PC

With a little effort, and once spending about an hour, you can significantly speed up your PC.

This will give you the opportunity to:

  • do more;
  • get the job done earlier;
  • less nervous;
  • work more efficiently.

Acceleration means:

  • quick opening of folders;
  • quick launch of programs;
  • quick tab navigation in the browser, etc.

What speeds up the system

If Windows 7 is used, then the question of the expediency of acceleration is always relevant. Not all users adopt full set the capabilities of this system.

That's why rational step will speed up the system by disabling unused programs. At the same time, such acceleration allows you to free up system resources and transfer them to the execution of user tasks. As a result, it is possible to work more complex programs and a significant reduction in command processing time. This shift in priorities allows you to more closely match the goals of the computer owner.

Video: How to speed up your computer

Ways to speed up computer performance on Windows 7

Before you speed up your computer, you need to decide on the tasks that it will perform. In this regard, you can choose several ways to help improve performance. All of them imply exemption from the use unnecessary applications, services, gadgets and programs.

by the most effective ways are:

  • disable GUI effects;
  • removing unnecessary programs from startup;
  • stop unused services;
  • removal extra files from desktop;
  • disable gadgets on the desktop;
  • registry cleaning.

We clean programs in autorun

To clear autorun and speed up the system, you must:

Stop unused services.

For this operation, you need to enable those programs that you will constantly use ( text editor, player, and others) to activate the desired services.

This will highlight what is needed for work:

Cleaning the registry

This way to speed up performance windows 7 is the easiest if used for this purpose special program. For example, suitable for this CCleaner. It will allow you to painlessly part with unnecessary garbage not only in system registry, but also in other places on the computer. The operation of this application is simple:

HDD defragmentation

This operation, roughly speaking, collects scattered files into one heap. This makes it easier for the system to find them.

To start the defragmentation procedure, you must:

In the window that appears, you first need to select the analysis, and then execute it based on the results. necessary actions. Defragmentation must be done before speeding up the inclusion Windows computer 7 other ways. It happens that this procedure can reduce for a long time inclusions.

Delete files from the desktop

For fast work systems important condition there will be a clean desktop. The fact is that Windows 7 constantly pays attention to files, folders and shortcuts that directly lie in this place. Basically, they are constantly present in the computer's memory as unnecessary ballast.

If there are movies on the desktop big size, folders with large internal structure and other files, they must be moved to a logical drive. This method well speeds up the work of an old computer that is cluttered with files.

Visual effects

Any colorful transitions and animations in the computer work affect its speed. Therefore, it is worth finding a middle ground between beauty and performance, or completely focusing on work.

To turn off effects:

Slow loading of the computer when turning off / on, what to do

To answer the question: How can speed up download computer, you need to pay attention to the swap file. The system always deletes it before shutting down, and it takes a long time to do so. Therefore, the cardinal way will be to disable this operation.

To disable this feature, do the following:

As a result, it turned out that we set 0 seconds to perform the file deletion operation. In fact, the file simply remains in place untouched.

In order to speed up the system boot, you need to perform the following operations:

Increasing RAM

Adding to the existing amount of RAM is in a simple way performance improvement. The downside is that you have to spend money on the purchase.

This method globally increases the speed of not only the operating system, but all programs in general. But if in the work of Windows 7 there were critical errors, then this method is unlikely to help. It should be used only when other methods have not given the desired result.

Video card selection

A noticeable improvement in performance will be when installing a more powerful video card. It will work faster and will not take a lot of resources from the system. Pay attention to the quantity own memory in the video card, the more, the better.

It is also worth noting that powerful video cards need a separate power supply. They consume an impressive amount of energy compared to a computer. Therefore, you need to make sure in advance that the power supply can withstand such a load.

Virus check

The most common computer performance problem is virus infection. They can enter the system mainly through the Internet, or through removable media information.

With a permanent internet connection, you need Full time job antivirus program. If not, then you need to regularly check the system for viruses. On the Internet, the speed of which is high, it is much easier for viruses to get into the system. That's why antivirus program should be alert. This article should help you set up Windows 7 for maximum performance. Regardless of your computer settings, these tips will help ensure a stable performance. After the actions taken, which are described above, there will be a guaranteed improvement in the speed of work.

When working on performance, it is worth keeping in mind the features of each computer build. When making changes to the registry, you need to be extremely careful not to delete data, without which the system will stop working.

In a relatively short period of time, the seventh OS has become one of the most popular versions among users around the world. really did her best. However, nothing is perfect, and some users inspired by the performance of the new OS have a natural question: “How to optimize Windows 7?” At the same time, an increase in the effective capacity of a PC is not always associated with a hardware upgrade. In most cases, you only need to occasionally carry out "electronic" prevention, and most importantly - be able to configure the computer for yourself. After all, each of you, dear reader, has your own preferences, individual vision and requirements for the computer science. Want to spice up your operating system? Do you want comfort and stable operation behind a computer screen? You have every chance to teach your PC to "fly"! Doubts will melt immediately after reading the article.

How to optimize your Windows 7 experience: eight "flying" recommendations

You should always remember that the seventh OS is, first of all, a program, like all other software, that uses the hardware resources of a computer. That's why system requirements this OS needs to be "respected". The amount of RAM, processor power and storage capacity are critical important components PC configuration. Minimal discrepancies with the values ​​required by Windows 7 will be reflected in the operation of the system as a whole. It is worth noting that significant changes in the performance of the seven with a "weak" computer configuration cannot be achieved. If everything is in order, and there is a "margin of safety", the user has a lot of opportunities to influence the performance of his electronic "horse".

Torque: hard drive without "brakes"

As information accumulates on your hard drive, its efficiency will decrease. In deciding how to optimize Windows system 7, first of all, attention should be paid to the organization of data storage. Standard Tools quite suitable for these purposes.

  • Go to "Start" and select the "Computer" tab.
  • On the system drive "C", call from the list, click on the "Properties" item.

In the minimized window, click on the "Tools" tab, after which you need to use the "Run hard check disk for the presence ... "and defragment the partition (next block).

It does not hurt to go to the same service window in the "General" submenu and clean up the disk.

Additional memory - do not let us down!

In some situations, it is necessary to optimize the swap file.

Windows 7 is quite "insatiable" software environment, and RAM is often insufficient for correct operation resource intensive applications. Therefore, it makes sense to expand the paging file, which in the OS is referred to only as "pagefile".

  • Go to the "Start" menu and, hovering over "Computer", right-click the manipulator to call the drop-down list, from which select "Properties".
  • The next click is made on the item "Advanced system settings", which is located in the left area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window (the last one in the list).
  • In the window that opens, select the "Advanced" tab. In the "Performance" block, activate the "Parameters" button.
  • Now follow the "Advanced" link to the settings area, from which, by pressing the "Change" button, you will be given the opportunity to make the necessary revision.
  • Since you need to save space on the system disk, and the question of how to optimize Windows 7 requires specific actions, it would be quite reasonable to move the “pagefile” to any other partition of the drive that is “non-critical” in terms of capacity.
  • Highlight system disk(C) and uncheck.
  • Now select the required partition and in the "Specify size" block enter the value: initial - the amount of RAM, maximum - twice the memory value.

After the reboot, the changes will take effect.

Cunning system: hidden megabytes of RAM

Indeed, the OS can hide a small amount of RAM. As in the case to be described below. However, there are situations when the system “does not see” whole gigabytes, and this is due to some limiting nuances. The OS optimized for games is a 64-bit system, since only this species system allows you to use up to 32 GB of memory. Of course, the 32-bit "brother" is much more modest with its 3 possible gigabytes, and, as you know, modern games very demanding to physical indicators installed RAM.

So, how to get back the lost memory?

  • IN command line(start menu - search) type "msconfig".
  • In the service window, open the "Downloads" tab.
  • Activate "Advanced options".
  • Now uncheck the "Maximum memory" box, and next to "Number of processes" set the value to "2".
  • Restart your computer.

The above example will get you Windows 7. However, more fine tuning RAM is possible only with the participation of special software.

Disabling "extra" services

In the system, it is possible to carry out, so to speak, a reduction in “staff”. That is incredible great amount services involved in the OS, for ordinary users, are meaningless "devourers" of resources. As a result, they simply need to be turned off. This is especially important when the role of the workhorse is used laptop. Indeed, in order for the laptop to function as long as possible in the first place, it is necessary to reduce consumption system resources to a minimum, that is, optimize the performance of the laptop. Windows 7 is a system with an incredibly extensive base of integrated tools. However, using only some functionality, it will still not be possible to achieve a significant increase in performance. for a comprehensive solution, disabling "passive" services is simply indispensable.

  • Open the control panel and click on the "Administrative Tools" shortcut.
  • Then (with administrator rights) click on Services.
  • From the presented list, select the “candidate for elimination” and through context menu stop its operation and then turn it off through the "Startup type" tab.

Attention! The stability of the system directly depends on the coherence of the work of many services. Therefore, disabling services that seem objectionable to you can threaten the full performance of the OS as a whole. So if you're not sure what you're doing, learn how to optimize Windows 7 using other tools and methods.

Fuss-free operation and automatic braking

Perhaps you have noticed program shortcuts in the system tray. In fact, most of them remain unclaimed during the next session of work. However, the resources they expend adversely affect the overall performance of the OS.

Of course, some background programs just need to be disabled. The familiar “msconfig” command will make sure that nothing extra is loaded with the operating system when the workstation is turned on.

  • After you with search string called the "System Configuration" window, open the "Startup" tab.
  • Unchecking the box allows you to deactivate the program, but in fact this is another element of the answer to the question "how to optimize Windows 7?"

Some caution: along with the system, programs and applications that are critical for the stable operation of the OS are automatically loaded, so to speak. If you do not know how the deactivation of a particular startup item can affect, it would be safer to refrain from unconscious actions.

A professional will tell you how to optimize your computer

Windows 7 in the course of its work uses a special database - the registry, where startup parameters are stored various services and applications, as well as information about the settings of the operating system. There is a constant exchange of data between the registry and the OS, and at lightning speed, counting several hundred accesses per second of time. Also interact with the database and programs. In the process of operation, the registry accumulates a mass unnecessary information in the form of "memories" about the remote software or changed settings in the operating system. Resulting in digital trash hinders effective work Database. Performance decreases and the system becomes unstable. Unfortunately, the G7 does not have a sufficiently clear and effective tool for debugging the registry, in the arsenal of the OS only special editor. However, in order to be able to work in it, you must have the appropriate knowledge and have some skills. Nevertheless, today there is an incredible amount of software that competently copes with this kind of task. The user only needs to launch the application and press a few buttons, the program will do the rest for him. You can optimize Windows 7 thoroughly only with the help of integrated solutions, the use of which does not oblige the owner of the PC to have special knowledge. About this and will be discussed in the next paragraph of this article.

Almighty helper

It makes no sense to focus the reader's attention on the title specific program, because there are many tips on which software is better for optimization. One thing should be clear: the program should be easy to manage and effective in action.

For example, some "soft monsters" have the "one click" option, that is, it is enough for the user to press a certain button once, and the optimization process will take place in automatic mode. But despite the fact that the machine "knows" how to optimize the performance of Windows 7, there is still a risk of miscalculation.

Visual Waste of Resources

So it's time to touch the colorful side of the "seven". She in stylish design really looks spectacular. But, as you know, beauty requires sacrifice, and the user more than pays for the coveted graphics with resources allocated to visual effects in the form of system animation. Of course, at special occasions“beauty” will have to be turned off in Windows 7. A system optimized for games is, of course, the minimum of everything in the name of releasing the computing potential of the entire OS as a whole. And if you, dear reader, are not a gamer, but you don’t refuse the maximum system performance, resort to the method described below.

  • Menu "Start" - "Computer" - "Advanced options".
  • Block - "Performance" - "Parameters" button.
  • In the next window, open the "Visual Effects" tab.
  • Check the "Ensure the best performance" checkbox.
  • Then click "Accept" and "OK".


Within the framework of this article, there was no space to describe the process of disabling the User Account Control service. The review material only scratched the surface of portable electronics, but in order to optimize the performance of a laptop, Windows 7 can offer several options for power saving schemes. However, the main points of "overclocking" and methods of curbing "electronic appetite" were nevertheless taken into account and presented in in full. Be in harmony with the system!

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