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How to determine the sound quality of headphones. Specifications of good headphones

The problem of choosing such an unimportant "accessory" as headphones, which seems to many at first glance, is more relevant today than ever! Thanks to the efforts of marketers, many of the really important selection criteria have been pushed back, and the practically meaningless ones have been pushed forward.

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This led to some pretty funny situations. From the side of a person who understands the problem, it looks as if buyers began, for example, to choose cars by engine length and foaming at the mouth to prove that a car with a long engine is better than a car with a short one, completely ignoring all other criteria. To figure out what to look at, what to listen to, and what not even worth picking up is the purpose of this material.

What is it for?

Why do we need headphones in general - I think everyone understands - in order to listen to music alone and to interfere with this process to others less, or so that they interfere less with you.

Why do I need to change the headphones that come with the player? Here the answer is also quite obvious - they are of very low quality. Good earbuds are expensive, and using them as a set will dramatically increase the final cost of the device. That will immediately reduce its competitiveness - you can't explain to everyone that 50% here is the cost for headphones. However, the final audio quality of a player is determined primarily by the headphones. A $ 500 player with included headphones will sound incomparably worse than a $ 50 player with good $ 50-100 headphones.

What are separate expensive large headphones for? First of all - for listening to music at home, on stationary equipment, portable players in most cases cannot shake them at all. And why is this? - you ask. In order to achieve the highest sound quality! Buying such headphones, with a small budget, you will get sound of an order of magnitude more expensive speaker equipment, and with a serious budget - and simply unattainable sound quality for speakers. And, it should be noted, you do not need to create a special room for listening to music and you will not have problems with your “home” ones (it doesn’t count for you to be crippled for spending the monthly family budget on headphones).

What to look for when choosing?

The first thing everyone looks at is the frequency range. You don't need to look at this, it is the most meaningless parameter in the characteristic. In terms of importance in selection, it corresponds to the “motor length” mentioned in the introduction. It's easier for buyers - they compared two numbers and chose, and marketers took advantage of this, inflating the importance of this parameter to a huge scale.

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Let's figure it out from the very beginning. Even from the school course, many remember that a person hears from 20 Hz to 20 kHz of the frequency range. At the beginning of this range there are low-frequency sounds - "bass", at the top - high-frequency sounds. The task of any headphones is to correctly reproduce this range, that is, without blockages, without wheezing or mumbling on the “bass”, without hiss or rattling on the “highs”, and without problems in the middle. This ability is reflected by the amplitude-frequency characteristic (AFC), the dependence of loudness on frequency, usually presented in the form of a graph. Accordingly, the smoother the curve, the more accurate the sound. When the manufacturer writes the frequency range on the box, then ideally he just should indicate the length of this linear, even section. But if it is written, for example, the range of 5 Hz - 30,000 Hz, this does not mean that above 30 kHz or below 5 Hz, the headphones do not emit sound at all - it just starts to decrease there. If the volume drops by 0.0001%, is it considered the boundary of the range? And if by 0.1%, 1% or even 10%?

The problem is that the manufacturer himself sets this criterion. Moreover, trying to increase it as much as possible in order to write a wider range and attract more buyers (we will not consider cases when the range is written without any measurements at all, but this happens). Hence, such incidents appear when the $ 200 headphones with amazing sound, the declared frequency range is worse than the $ 10 unit, and the sound is like a tin can.

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Even if the range is measured correctly and honestly, it still cannot be a selection criterion. Since the main thing is not the width of the linear part of the frequency response, but precisely its linearity. The two digits for the start and end will tell you nothing about the "distortion" or linearity of this range. Manufacturers of budget models do not like to show the frequency response graphs of their headphones, since the linear range there, to put it mildly, is not entirely linear.

At the same time, you cannot choose headphones by the frequency response itself - you can only filter them into good and bad, since it is very difficult to determine the nature of the sound from the frequency response - it is easier to listen to the model live, using specific compositions. In addition to the frequency range, two more parameters are indicated on the box, which are already of some importance.

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One of them is resistance. If you do not go into radio engineering, then we can say the following - the greater the resistance, the more powerful the source is needed for the headphones and the less the influence of the source itself on the sound. That is, if you connect headphones with an impedance of 8-16 Ohm to a low-quality player, then in addition to all the smallest details and nuances of music, you will also hear such “pleasant” sounds as the noise of an amplifier, crackling from internal processes (for example, movements of the hard disk head in HDD players, or just the rustle of switching tabs in the player menu, etc.). Naturally, it is understood that the headphones themselves are of quite high quality to hear such nuances, there are no such problems on low-quality ears, but there is also no good detailing of the music itself.

If you connect large 250 Ohm monitor headphones to a portable source, then nothing will happen to the player - it will not smoke, as for some reason many people think. The sound will just be quiet and flat. The headphones will whisper, not play. And just as with a whisper, bass, depth, beauty of the voice are not possible, so here all this will be lost.

The compromise for a portable is usually in the 32-64 ohm region - in this range, the ears will be swayed by almost any player. One will play a little louder, the other a little quieter, but you can listen comfortably. If the impedance in the headphones is more than 100 ohms, then it makes no sense to take them for portable equipment, connecting directly, if less, then the player must have a high quality audio output. First you need to figure out the specific headphones and source, and then judge whether the playback will meet your needs or not.

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Sensitivity is the second most important headphone parameter. Again, if you do not go into radio engineering, then this is the efficiency of the headphones. With him, everything is much easier than with resistance: the higher the value, the louder the sound, the less - the quieter. And without looking back at the source.

Resistance and sensitivity can give approximate parameters about the volume of the headphones and the possibility of using them with one source or another (there are, of course, exceptions, too, but they are in the minority). For example, if there are ears with a resistance of 100 Ohm, then most likely they will not swing in full with a portable player, but there is a model Numark D200, which, with such resistance, the sensitivity goes off scale, as a result we get quite juicy sound on a portable.

If you don’t want to bother with the numbers or you don’t understand anything about them, don’t worry - these data are still very conditional, and as, you guessed it, they allow you to very roughly judge only about the "global parameters" and nothing about the sound quality. Therefore, it is better to hear headphones once than to see them a hundred times.

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It is also necessary to pay attention to the acoustic design of the headphones, which can be “closed”, “open” and intermediate - “half-open”. The name is pretentious, but in reality everything is simple. I think you have seen large headphones more than once, those that cover the entire ear. Take a closer look at them somehow, you can notice that in some models the outer wall of the earphone itself is closed tightly, and in some it is “all in holes”, or even just covered with a mesh. In the first case, these are closed headphones, in the second, open ones. There is also a certain intermediate version with "half-covered holes" - half-open.

What does this affect besides appearance? First of all, for soundproofing. With closed headphones, you can not hear anything around, and no one hears what is playing with you. In open ones, the opposite is true - you hear everyone, and everyone hears what is playing in your headphones.

At first glance, it may seem that open headphones are not needed at all, since they have some disadvantages. But this is not at all the case, because of the dull rear wall of the speaker, the sound does not come out, it is reflected from it and goes back to the ear, which introduces slight distortions, a certain boominess. Manufacturers are trying with all their might to combat this effect, pasting the inner walls of the earphone with various materials, coming up with various structural studies, but there is no radical remedy. Closed-back headphones with sound quality similar to open ones are more difficult to make, as a result, if we take two models of the same price range, then open ones will play better (but each rule has its exceptions). On the other hand, if you will use headphones on the subway, or your household does not really like your music, then you have practically no options but to take closed models. Also, closed acoustic design will suit bass lovers. Bass in such headphones is usually reproduced more juicy, although not always more accurately.

Closedness and openness are typical not only for large monitor headphones, but also for any headphones, even small plug-in headphones can also have holes.

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What is not worth looking at when choosing is all kinds of "revolutionary technologies", such as bluetooth headphones or even banal radio headphones. Just try to count. If wireless headphones cost $ 60-100, and a normal radio or bluetooth transmitter / receiver costs about $ 50-80, then no more than $ 10-20 will remain for the headphones themselves. And if we add to this, often, the complete incompetence of the company in the field of "design", then we get headphones for $ 100 that sound like the worst $ 10-20. There are, of course, good radio headphones, for example, AKG HEARO 999 AUDIOSPHERE, but their price is 10-20 times different from the “mass-produced” variety.

A similar situation with headphones for five-channel audio. It is difficult to construct headphones normally with one speaker, and even more difficult with two. It is almost impossible to achieve sound consistency in such a small ear cup volume. And shove five and shove consistently - damn hard! Therefore, 5 speakers are simply plugged into such headphones and that's it. The manufacturer has calmed down on this. How they will play together is no longer important. Such headphones are generally not suitable for listening to music. For computer games - with great pressure. Fans of dynamic games, I think, have known for a long time that ordinary good headphones will provide sound localization much better than 5.1.


Let's start with the most famous and common "inserts" or "pills". I think that absolutely everyone is familiar with this type, since the overwhelming majority of players are equipped with such headphones. There are few expensive and good models here. It makes no sense to consider openness / openness - their sound insulation is extremely weak, even for models with a closed type of acoustic design. "Earbuds" leave the ear canal open, without interfering with the penetration of sounds from the outside, thereby nullifying the sound insulation. The advantages of "tablets" are comfort and price, but the disadvantages include weak sound insulation and the lack of volume in the sound stage. There are quite a few models of this type, but most of them, to put it mildly, are short-lived, not to mention low sound quality. However, as elsewhere, there are exceptions to the rule. For example, Sony's and Audio-Technica's in-ear headphones lines rival the best in other classes.

In-ear headphones

In appearance, they are similar to earbuds, but the fundamental difference is that they enter the ear canal to a certain depth (a few millimeters, like ordinary earplugs) and completely plug the ear, providing very good sound insulation. The sound quality in such headphones varies greatly from firm to firm and from model to model.

Sennheiser wireless earbuds

We can recommend models from Sharp, Creative, Pioneer, Sony, Shure, Koss and Audio-Technica. The budget version of the Koss Plug is worth mentioning separately, since for their cost (about 500 rubles) they can give a more or less tolerable sound (when using an equalizer).

The sound of the in-ear headphones is, of course, better than that of the earbuds, due to sound insulation, but it is still quite low in terms of the level of detail and volume. Small speakers are not able to physically produce the sound level of large ones. The second significant disadvantage is comfort. Not everyone will like it when there is a foreign object in their ear. I personally have a headache from this after an hour of listening to music. Of the advantages - this is compactness, and the already mentioned good sound insulation. In the same metro, you will not need to set the maximum volume in order to "shout out" the hum of the train, you can listen quietly and comfortably without damaging your hearing.

Anyone who buys cheap headphones is often forced to experience disappointment with their purchase. After a while, crackling, extraneous noises and other unpleasant effects appear in the headphones. It often becomes clear that headphones rub your ears, are uncomfortable and not firmly attached to your head, and have a number of negative qualities.

How do you choose the kind of headphones that would satisfy exactly your request?

To accomplish this task, you need to select headphones according to the following characteristics:

1. Frequency response
This characteristic greatly affects the sound quality of headphones. If you notice hiss and a metallic tinge in the sound at very low or very high frequencies, this is due to imperfections in the frequency range of the headphones.

Typically, a low frequency response limit is particularly important. If you are especially jealous of sound quality, then it is better to choose headphones with higher sound quality - headphones with a large diaphragm diameter. Despite everything, almost none of the in-ear headphones with a membrane size of 9-12 mm are able to compete in sound purity with on-ear headphones or monitors with a membrane diameter of 30 mm and above, which allows them to significantly expand the frequency range and improve sound quality. The average value of the frequency response is 18-20000 Hz. If the frequency range is narrower, you should think three times before buying such headphones.

2. Sensitivity
The sensitivity affects the sound volume in the headphones. Perhaps for headphones-monitors, which always provide good volume, this is not relevant, but when choosing earbuds or on-ear headphones "for the street", you should pay attention to this.

It is good that the headphones provide a sensitivity of at least 100 dB, otherwise the sound may be too quiet when using the headphones with a player or the like. Try to look at what magnetic cores are used in the headphones. It is not recommended to take in-ear headphones with a small diaphragm diameter, which have a low-power magnet. It is best to opt for headphones with neodymium magnetic cores.

3. Connection type
If you have decided that you are taking headphones for a large stereo system, then the question arises: should you choose a wired or wireless model? Let's consider their advantages and disadvantages.

For headphones with a wire, the drawback is obvious - this is the very presence of a wire that impedes movement. Even if you take a long wire, you will not be able to dance or walk around the apartment, enjoying the music without entangling it. However, in this case, you are always guaranteed the maximum sound purity that these headphones are capable of producing. It's different with wireless headphones. There is complete freedom of movement - some models provide such good sound transmission that you can listen to music while moving around the apartment. However, here special attention should be paid to the quality of the transmission, the frequency of the channels and the presence of automatic tuning.

Despite the fact that modern wireless headphones, both radio and infrared, can easily provide sound transmission with minimal distortion, it is still worth paying closer attention to the above characteristics. Another disadvantage of this type of headphone is the battery. The battery life of the earbuds must be long enough to allow for many hours of listening. Although, the most convenient in this case will be headphones with rechargeable batteries, charging directly on the transmitter.

4. Acoustic design
According to the acoustic design, the headphones are divided into open and closed. Closed-back headphones do not allow any external sound to pass through, while open-back headphones allow you to hear ambient sounds. Despite the fact that the acoustic design is a matter of taste, it is worth warning that open headphones give a clearer picture, while closed ones cause a slight resonance.

5. Convenience and comfort
Convenience and comfort of headphones is another very important detail. There are many small tips to give here. If the headphones rub on your ears, do not use earbuds, but use on-ear headphones or monitors. To prevent the headphones from spoiling your hair, use headphones with a bow strap located at the back of your neck.

Look at the weight of the earbuds - even if they seem light at first glance, some models can cause discomfort after several hours of continuous use. Use in-ear headphones with a headband or other models that distribute their weight evenly. Pay attention to what the ear cups are made of, how ergonomically designed they are, how good the adjustments are to the head diameter, etc. The presence of a volume control on the cord, a storage box and similar little things can greatly make life easier and make listening to music much more pleasant.

Headphones have a number of advantages and disadvantages over acoustic systems. The advantage of headphones is that they are capable of providing a wide frequency range and delivering strong sound pressure without distortion at a much lower cost. In addition, the sound in the headphones is not influenced by the acoustic characteristics of the room, and the powerful sound, in turn, does not act on the nerves of your neighbors.

The disadvantages of headphones include the unnatural presentation of spatial information. The fact is that when you hear sound in a room from acoustic systems, each of your ears hears sound not only from the nearest radiator, but also from the far one. It is based on this information that a person can determine the location of the sound source in space. In headphones, each ear perceives only sounds coming from the emitter intended specifically for this ear, which ultimately leads to an unnatural sound and, as a result, to increased fatigue. True, there are devices called head speakers that do away with this drawback. These include the AKG K 1000 model.

A distinction is made between headphones that are inserted into the ears and headphones that are worn on the head. Professionals refer to earbuds (earbuds) as entry-level stereo phones. This is simply explained: with their apparent convenience, there is a clear drawback - low sound quality, in particular, the weakness of low frequencies. Manufacturers are unsuccessfully trying to fix this by using various technical tricks, such as ear tips in the SONY MDR-ED228LP headphones, or high-power neodymium magnets (400 kJm3) in the SONY MDR-EX70 headphones. But it is impossible to draw out a wide frequency range from a 9 mm membrane while maintaining the small size of the headphones. Headphones with similar technical gadgets will really sound louder, but they will never sound better.

However, it should be noted that the real plus of the earbuds is their compactness and ease of use (they do not crumple the hair, do not take up much space, are almost invisible, etc.). A subspecies of this type of headphones are models with a thin plastic rim - earbuds with a headband. This model is characterized by the presence of good (compared to all other earbuds) low frequencies, the bezel is made of special plastic that will not break even during the most incredible operations with headphones. These headphones include SONY MDR-W08L. In addition, there are sports models of earbuds, they have an increased degree of comfort and ergonomics. These models function like glasses, they can be easily adjusted to suit the individual characteristics of a particular listener's ear. These headphones are produced by Bang & Olufsen.

Among the headphones worn on the head, there are two types - open and closed. The open-back headphones are invented by SENNHEISER and are stereo headsets that partially receive external sounds. Closed-back headphones are the most sealed models with minimal penetration of external noise.

Their disadvantage is some boominess when playing songs (similar to the effect in subwoofers). In general, when choosing headphones in a store, pay attention to the packaging. It shows the main characteristic of the headphones - frequency; the wider the specified range, the better the sound through the headphones. So, middle-class headphones SONY MDR-A106LP have a frequency response of 18 - 20,000 Hz, they have a large membrane with a diameter of 30 mm, which allows you to achieve good bass. This type of headphones is not compact, but manufacturers use folding (like in SONY MDR-A106LP) and collapsible (like in KOSS KTX / 4) temples to minimize the size of headphones when not in use.

Separately, the popular today headphones with an original design, the shape of which allows them to cling to the neck, are distinguished, while the listener does not have to worry about disheveled hair, placing the headband on the back of the head. These headphones combine the comfort of in-ear (earbuds) with the good sound quality of on-ear (i.e., worn over your head).

Headphone models with this design include AIWA HP-AJ40 and SONY Street Style. In addition, there are professional and semi-professional headphones that are used by either advanced audiophiles or music professionals. They are distinguished by thoughtfulness to the smallest detail and quality of workmanship, such as, for example, PHILIPS HP-910. This model features a one-size-fits-all design that provides an optimal fit, without the need to twist or adjust the headphones to fit your head.

The bow consists of three elements: a flexible wrap and two elastic ties. This design allows you to distribute the load on the head as evenly as possible, saving the listener from quick physical fatigue. The inner surface of the cups of such headphones is usually trimmed with either velvet or leather substitute, and the emitter itself is covered with an acoustically transparent cloth. In the manufacture of a dynamic emitter (magnet of broadband heads), alloys of neodymium, iron and boron are used, which make it possible to achieve increased power. The voice coils are wound with either oxygen-free copper or copper-clad aluminum wire, and the membranes are made of mylar. In addition, patch cords, which are up to 3 meters in standard size, are made of multiple flexible long-crystal oxygen-free copper (LC-OFC) conductors. According to a mini-survey conducted on the Runet, the majority of listeners who are ready to spend about a hundred dollars to purchase headphones choose this type of stereo phones.

We should also dwell on wireless headphones. There are two ways of transmitting the signal from the base unit to the headphones. The first of these is by means of a radio signal. The principle of operation is simple: a radio transmitter is located in the base unit, which operates in FM-stereo mode at frequencies of 433-435 MHz. The base unit is connected on one side - to the output of any source (CD, MD, etc.), and on the other - to the network via a standard AC / DC adapter. The directional pattern of the transmitter antenna is circular and allows you to maintain a stable connection between the headphones and the base station within a radius of about 100 meters, and, as a rule, there is a function of manual system tuning.

The PHILIPS НС 800 model belongs to this type of headphones. The second method of signal transmission from the base station is through the infrared port. In this case, the signal is transmitted according to the principle of a remote control to the TV and only at a distance of direct visibility. The advantages of wireless headphones are obvious: freedom of movement around the apartment, office, country house - but also disadvantages: noticeable noise when listening to songs, frequent replacement of batteries (two AA batteries are usually enough for four hours of listening), the inability to listen to headphones with an infrared port in next room.

Those who believe that headphones are the simplest devices that can only receive and then technically reproduce a signal from a source are deeply mistaken. There are headphone models, such as the SONY MDR-DS5000, capable of reproducing not only analog, but also digital signals (for example, multichannel accompaniment to a movie, or connecting via the optical output of a DVD Player), and not only in Dolby Pro Logic format, but also in AC-3. The basic unit of the MDR-DS5000 contains a digital-to-analog converter, AC-3 and DPL decoders, a phase-frequency correction circuit, an IFC encoder and, finally, an amplifier.

The full name of the headphone amplifiers is Headphone distributing amplifier. Amplifiers are used not only for an elementary increase in the power of the signal from the source, but also for distributing the signal to several pairs of headphones. Amplifiers are usually used in studios to provide each listener with a signal of individual power, while everyone can listen to the sound as loud as he wants, without prejudice to the quality and volume of the neighbors' sound.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the choice of headphones is a purely individual matter, and depends both on the purpose of the purchase and on the taste of the buyer. But if you want to get really high-quality sound, and you have the means for this, you should forget about the three-dollar Chinese fakes and buy only branded products.

In terms of parameters and what important characteristics to focus on so that the purchased device meets all desires? After all, this accessory for listening to music differs in configuration, size, appearance and purpose.

The list of the main requirements for headphones: sound quality and volume, noise isolation, sensitivity, power and design that suits the structure of the ear. In addition, the weight of the device and the availability of additional functions (for example, a built-in microphone) are important for buyers. The most important points are always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, it remains to learn how to read them. This article will help you to understand in detail the main 7 characteristics of headphones and tell you what parameters and how to choose this accessory.


Directly related to the volume of the music in the accessory. The parameter depends on the size of the magnetic core used in the design of the headphones and varies between 20 and 130 dB.

What does the headphone sensitivity in dB mean? On the packaging, it is defined as "dB / mW" or "dB / V" and shows the proportion between volume and power or voltage. Adjusting the sound on a portable device and there is a way to change its voltage. This suggests that the same headphones will sound differently at different volumes. In addition, the number of decibels determines the energy efficiency of the headphones: the higher the sensitivity, the more economical the device's battery consumption.

When deciding which sensitivity is better, you need to give your vote in favor of a device where its indicator will not be lower than 100 dB, with lower values ​​the sound will be very quiet, especially if you listen to music on the street. It is important to remember that prolonged listening to sounds louder than 80 dB can lead to fatigue and hearing problems.

How to choose headphones for sensitivity? Today there are no rigid standards by which manufacturers would measure this parameter. Some take measurements at a frequency of 1 kHz, others reduce the readings to 500 Hz, and still others generally take averaged results. The main thing to remember for the average customer is that the higher the sensitivity level, the louder the accessory. This is provided that all other indicators are equal.


How to choose the right headphone impedance (ohm)? Considering this criterion, all devices are divided into 2 types: low-resistance and high-resistance, while this gradation is different in large and small accessories. For "kids" all accessories up to 32 Ohm are considered low impedance, with a large number - high impedance. For large specimens - up to 100 ohms and more than 100 ohms, respectively.

The numbers in this parameter indicate the following:

  • the lower the resistance, the higher the volume of the accessory, and vice versa;
  • the higher the resistance indicator, the more economically the battery charge is consumed;
  • the lower this parameter, the more acoustic potential the headphones have.

Of course, you shouldn't rely only on this data, because they are directly interconnected with other parameters of the device.

How to choose the impedance of the headphones (impedance) when buying? If the accessory is purchased for another gadget, you must choose options with low numbers (16-40 ohms). For or the ideal solution will be readings in the range of 50-150 ohms, which guarantees 100% purity of music and speech.

To clearly demonstrate the choice taking into account resistance and sensitivity, it would be correct to make a comparison table of 3 types of headphones. For example, "budget" devices from the middle price segment and an expensive accessory.

Sensitivity, dB Resistance, Ohm Frequency range, Hz
Philips SHE3595BK / 00 102 16 10-23500
SONY MDR-XB450 AP 102 24 5-22000
ONKYO W800BTB / 00 107 16 6-22000

frequency range

The standard frequency is usually indicated on the headphone box: 20 Hz-20 kHz. These parameters determine whether the user can hear the sound of a certain frequency through the accessory. So what is the value of the property and how to choose headphones by frequency range?

Schematically, the proportion between loudness and frequency is drawn with a graph called frequency response (AFC). A perfectly straight line on it means the same sound. By specifying the frequency numbers, the manufacturer is essentially describing the length of this straight line. Here are just specific requirements for the characteristic are not specified in any standard.

What should the buyer remember and what frequency should the headphones be? Here are 3 main rules:

  1. You should not choose an accessory only by frequency parameters. These numbers will only help filter out the most inappropriate options.
  2. When buying, it is necessary to take into account that the specified range is still within the range of 20 Hz-20,000 Hz.
  3. To determine the nature of the sound of headphones, it is best to test their capabilities live.

You should be especially careful when purchasing copies, the frequency range of which is very different from the standard one. Many people know that high notes, with a frequency of more than 25 kHz, a person will not hear (but dolphins will hear), which means that this characteristic is most likely just a marketing ploy.

Frequency response curve

This is the same amplitude-frequency characteristic, which was already mentioned above. It depicts the tonal balance of sounds by breaking them down into different frequencies.

To understand the issue in more detail, you need to look at the figure on the left. The graph shows the frequencies and values ​​of each range. Vertical - volume level. Its value is measured in decibels, the increase in sound twice is equal to 6 dB on the graph.

Perfectly clear sound, without hiss and hoarseness, occurs with a line that is as close to a flat line as possible. Manufacturers make such measurements according to the level of SPL (sound pressure), and you can see the measurement results on the official websites of the brand. To navigate the schedule, it is worth looking at a few examples at once.

The graph on the left. Shown here are the frequency response curves for large headphones like.

The lines in the figure represent:

  • Green - subjective frequency response, from the indicators of which the measurements are repelled.
  • Yellow is an accessory preferred by live music lovers. In recordings of such sounds, as a rule, there is no sharp fluctuation of frequencies.
  • Blue - professional headphones for singers and musicians, which emphasize the high frequencies. In such a device, vocals are especially clearly heard.
  • Orange - headphones in which sibilants (vowel whistling sounds) are muffled.

The next picture is on the right. It depicts frequency fluctuations for earphones or earbuds (such as). What does it show?

The green curve has the same purpose as in the previous graph. And then:

  • Orange line - illustrates equipment with high low frequency response. This is a good option for smartphones and other devices.
  • The blue line, on the contrary, shows the headphones, where the high frequencies are especially prominent. Such equipment is intended for musicians, since the voice is heard here more clearly than the music.

To focus on such indicators, you must first decide on the purpose of buying headphones. It is also worth considering that the price depends on the quality of the equipment.

Driver membrane diameter

This indicator in headphones directly affects the sound quality. It is logical that the larger the speaker, the louder and clearer the sound, especially the "lower bass".

If you choose small "droplets" or other headphones of a similar design, then the membrane dimensions here will range from 9 to 12 mm, which clearly does not guarantee the reproduction of high-quality lows.

The most "strong" headphones in this regard are. Their speaker diameters are often over 30mm. It is with this size of the membrane that the ideal depth, clarity and richness of sound can be achieved. And all why? The larger the membrane, the easier it is to improve it. Manufacturers install various "chips", improved magnets, etc. inside the case of such headphones, which ultimately help develop a "deep" sound.

Headphone power

The sound volume will depend on this indicator, but the choice here is more likely based on the equipment to which they are connected. Paying attention to this parameter, it is worth considering a few points:

  • what determines this characteristic;
  • what is measured and what power is better to choose headphones.

So, the accessory has two powers: the maximum input power, which indicates that this device can be connected to equipment with the same performance, and the nominal. On the contrary, it indicates the size of the signal that the headphones need to reach their peak performance.

The power for which the headphones are designed varies from 1 mW to 5000 mW. If the main goal is to buy an accessory for a smartphone or, then you should not focus on power. It is enough to take into account the sensitivity parameters so that the music plays loudly without overloading the battery.

Harmonic distortion

This property tells about the clarity and clarity of sound in headphones. Measured as a percentage. For a good device, the coefficient does not exceed 0.5%, the equipment with the highest rates already belongs to the category of mediocre ones.

Focusing on these parameters, it is also worth considering the frequency range at which the measurements were made. So, for low-frequency sounds, the distortion rate reaches 10%, for high-frequency sounds (from 100 Hz) - 1% or less. After reading this characteristic on the packaging, one can only roughly judge the sound quality, but to be sure of this parameter, you need to listen to the headphones.

In addition, low-quality (dull) sound in the device may occur during operation or as a result of a breakdown. Why do headphones distort the sound? In most cases, this is due to:

  • Bad wire pins - This problem occurs in the headphone jack, which is the weakest part of the design. Especially if you regularly use the accessory in sports and travel, putting the player (or other device) in your pocket. Thus, a large load level falls on the jack, and the wires inside it, from which the wire is frayed. The solution to the problem is to replace the jack or buy new headphones.
  • Broken wire inside the device - the "afterlife" voice from the headphones can also appear in the event of a broken wire, which leads to the speaker. It is difficult to notice this defect, since the headphone cable is thin. Even after probing its entire length, one may not understand where the gap is. When repairing, the entire cable must be replaced.
  • Water ingress into the earphone - walking in the accessory in the rain or snow, you need to be prepared for moisture getting into the inside of the device. If the headphones are not urgently dried, the water will oxidize the "insides". You can dry the headphones near the battery (it is not recommended to put them on top) or by leaving them in a jar of rice for a couple of hours, which will draw out moisture.
  • Broken jacks for connecting equipment - Another reason for distortion and poor sound in the headphones can be an unsuitable jack or broken contacts in it. The latter occurs if you frequently pull the jack back and forth from the jack. In the event of such a breakdown, you need to contact the service center for help.

It is worth fixing these problems if they appear on headphones that have already been in use. When a dull sound, distortion or "pipe" effect occurs in a new device, it is definitely not worth purchasing such an accessory.

But it was not without its drawbacks. Vacuum headphones place unnecessary strain on the hearing aid as they need to be inserted quite deep into the ear canal. It is believed that if often, then you can plant hearing.

How to choose good on-ear headphones

It's not even worth explaining in detail why they were named. It's simple - the headphones are literally superimposed on the ears. Their design is also more than standard - a headband with attachment and adjustment, ear cups, wire (optional).

Let us immediately note their main advantage over the two previous types. The larger the diaphragm will sound better. Also, this type has improved sound insulation. So false ears are also suitable for non-demanding music lovers.

Just as a side note, let's add that there are excellent ones. For the price they will be even cheaper than in-channel ones.

How to choose good monitor headphones (they are also full-size)

In the title, we have already clarified that this type is also called full-size - the design is such that it completely covers the ears. However, we immediately note that monitor headphones are divided into open and closed models. Closed ones are suitable for those for whom it is important to get complete isolation from the outside world. Open type monitor headphones have holes in the ear cushions in the design.

The closed type of these headphones is mainly chosen by musicians or filmmakers so that they can observe the entire range, avoiding any extraneous noise. The open type is mainly chosen by music lovers, gamers and simply those who value high-quality sound.

The biggest disadvantage of these headphones is their size. Do not run with them for a walk, so consider this fact. It will be possible to listen to music only at home, without unnecessary sudden movements. The second drawback, although this is not a drawback, but a feature - high-quality headphones from well-known manufacturers (Koss, Sennheiser, AKG, Audio-Technica) will be expensive.

How to Pick a Good Headphone with Microphone

We decided to talk separately about the models that have. And right there we note their varieties: capacitor, dynamic and a subspecies of capacitor - electret. Capacitors are better at transmitting sound than others, but they have a requirement - a separate power supply. However, you shouldn't expect the same result as from professional microphones.

Also, remember that it is impossible to speak unequivocally about the quality of sound recording by a microphone without a specific sample on hand. The type of microphone influences, of course, certain nuances of recording, but the quality of the microphone that the manufacturer has built into the headphones affects this much more. Therefore, you need to read reviews for each specific model of headphones to find out how the microphone works in them.

Nowadays USB headphones are gaining popularity. Their main difference from conventional models is that the DAC and ADC are built into the headphones themselves and the sound quality, as well as the sound recording quality, depends on the headphones themselves, and not on the sound card of your computer. USB headphones often come with special drivers and programs that need to be installed on a computer in order for the headphones to make the most of their capabilities. All of this affects the quality of sound and recording.

Learn the difference between condenser and dynamic microphones in the video.

It is important to note that microphones can be circular or unidirectional (basic types). A unidirectional one will pick up sound better without loud noises, but it is important to set it in the correct position. If you have already decided to buy headphones with a microphone, then ask if there is a built-in noise cancellation system.

Unidirectional microphones are most commonly used in gaming headphone models. Omnidirectional for musical models. Their main difference is reflected in the name. The omnidirectional microphone picks up sounds from all directions equally. A unidirectional microphone picks up sound better from your mouth and worse from your surroundings.

Wireless headphones

Without fail, we decided to separately talk about headphones with a wireless interface, but even here there is a rather big choice:

  • models with Bluetooth support;
  • working on a radio channel;
  • working on the infrared channel.

Bluetooth headphones

This is the most common option. Usually, their range is limited to 10-12 meters, but we can talk about a low level of distortion. In more expensive models, there is even support for special technologies for noise cancellation and improve the quality of sound transmission.

Resistance (impedance)

This parameter is measured in Ohms. Be sure to consider when choosing headphones models, as this affects the sound quality depending on the source. If you have a pocket player or a smartphone, then headphones should be chosen with an impedance of 16-50 ohms. But keep in mind that the higher the impedance, the more powerful the input signal must be, otherwise the membrane will be difficult to swing.

For example, head-mounted monitors often need a powerful sound source. Studio headphones generally have an impedance of around 250-500 ohms and require a dedicated amplifier. But note that the higher the impedance, the clearer the sound will be. Inexpensive low impedance headphones often have noticeable distortion.

Impedance is the nominal impedance at the headphone input... The term impedance is borrowed from the word impedance, which translates as impedance. Often used as a synonym for headphone impedance. Impedance is a combination of resistive and reactive components, resulting in a frequency-dependent impedance level. In most cases, the graph shows low frequency resonance for dynamic headphones.

You need to choose headphones by impedance in accordance with the technique with which you are going to use these headphones. For use with portable equipment, headphones with a lower impedance should be selected, and for stationary equipment, with a higher impedance. Amplifiers for portable equipment have a tightly limited output voltage level, but as a rule, they do not have a tight limitation on the current level. Therefore, the probability of getting the maximum possible power for portable equipment is possible only with low-impedance headphones. In stationary equipment, as a rule, the voltage limitation is not so low and high-impedance headphones can be used to obtain sufficient power. High impedance headphones are a more favorable load for the amplifier and the amplifier works with them with less distortion. Low-impedance headphones are considered headphones conventionally up to 100 ohms. For portable equipment, headphones with an impedance of 16 to 32 ohms are recommended, with a maximum of 50 ohms. However, if the headphone has a high sensitivity, then a higher impedance can be used.


Typically, the box indicates the permissible power range - from 1 mW to 5000 mW. If the power goes beyond the upper limit of the range, then your headphones will instantly fail.

When it comes to power, don't chase watts. Especially when the main source of music is a smartphone or portable player. With high sensitivity, a few milliwatts are enough for music to play loudly, and the amplifier of the gadget is not overloaded and economically consumes battery power. Yes, if you choose headphones with high power, the sound, perhaps (only possible), will turn out to be solid and assertive. But it will not last as long as you would like - the battery of the gadget under such a load will start to discharge rapidly. Moreover, there are often cases when the built-in amplifier simply cannot cope with powerful headphones. As a result, you will not hear a good sound (loose shallow bass) and get distortions at a volume above average.

For headphones used at home, high power is no longer a problem, because it is assumed that they will be used with a stationary amplifier. Then the high power will contribute to the high sound quality.

Distortion (Harmonic Distortion)

Of course, the headphones may produce slight distortion when reproducing sound. This parameter is measured as a percentage. The smaller it is, the higher the sound quality. The normal range is now considered to be from 0.5% to 2%.

Selecting Headphones Based on Sound Source

Headphones for the player

Today, almost any conscious purchase of a music player involves a lengthy search for the desired information on the web. Let's say you've read hundreds of reviews, consulted with professionals and bought a player from a well-known brand.

Typically, these players come with headphones in the kit, so that the package is “all at once”. After you have charged the battery and read the instructions (which is necessary), you plug in the headphones and press Play. We think that immediately you will be disappointed, because the player may be of high quality, but it often comes with an inexpensive accessory.

For such players, usually choose good in-ear or vacuum headphones- all because of the characteristics of the player itself and its compactness. We talked about the characteristics separately above.

If we combine everything that we indicated above, we get the following picture:

  • Form factor: in-ear or overhead;
  • Resistance: 16 to 32 ohms. Higher impedance headphones will work, but you won't get good sound from them;
  • Power: for in-ear headphones, a power of 30-40 mW is quite enough, for overhead headphones from 300 mW and above.

Headphones for smartphone

Headphones for phones are chosen in much the same way as for pocket MP3 players. There is only one caveat - we often choose not just headphones, but a headset so that we can comfortably talk with the interlocutor. Therefore, pay attention not only to the characteristics and sound quality of compact headphone types.

Test the microphone ahead of time - it's even better to call someone and ask about the sound quality. The best option is in-ear or vacuum with a microphone with a standard 3.5 mm jack.

Headphones with microphone

We will separately highlight this option, since the microphone can be not only for headsets for phones. Such headphones are more often bought for communication on Skype or for online games. There are models in which the microphone is rigidly connected to the headphone structure, but there are options with a detachable microphone. This type is suitable for those who do not often speak on Skype.

As we wrote above, it is very difficult to give advice on choosing a microphone built into the headphones. According to the technical data that manufacturers write on the packaging, it's hard to talk about the quality of the microphone. You will either have to rely on your luck or read a review of those headphones with a microphone that you want to buy. There is no other way.

Headphones for TV

More often, we need headphones for TV in order to enjoy watching a movie. Therefore, the choice is limited to overhead or monitor headphones with good sound insulation and a long cable (but you can also wireless).

  • Form factor: overhead or monitor;
  • Frequency range: the wider, the better, but not less than 20-20000 Hz .;
  • Sensitivity: preferably at least 100 dB;
  • Resistance: 16 to 64 ohms. Headphones with a higher impedance will work, but you won't get good sound from them (when connected over a wire). If you buy wireless headphones, you do not need this parameter, because the headphones are perfectly matched to the base from which they will receive the signal;
  • Power: from 300 mW and above. However, remember that listening to loud sounds or music for as little as 5 minutes can have a very detrimental effect on your hearing, even irreversibly. Please do not listen to headphones at full volume.

For computer

Choosing headphones for a computer is not difficult, and in general terms, headphones for a computer are the same as for any other technology. But there are some nuances. If you choose headphones for games, and then the best result can be achieved if you buy comfortable and sound music headphones. Believe me, they will sound better in games, and in some cases much better than those headphones that manufacturers proudly call "gaming headphones". In gaming headphones, the main emphasis is on low frequencies, quite often they are so strongly accentuated that the mid and high frequencies are greatly fading into the background. It may sound effective, but only for the first 5 minutes. If you play with such headphones for hours, your head and ears will get tired very quickly from such a sound.

Also, gaming headphones are often equipped with a microphone and it also does not shine with quality. Yes, it will work, but you will get the best speech recording quality from a lavalier microphone, which can be bought at any computer store for 200-400 rubles. He will not look so pretentious, but he will hear you better. Of course, there is always an exception and, perhaps, there are gaming headphones in the world with an excellent microphone, but I have not held such in my hands yet.

  • Form factor: in-ear, overhead or monitor;
  • Frequency range: the wider the better, but not less than 20-20000 Hz. Note that this range is narrower on many gaming headphones. This is because the main emphasis in them goes to low frequencies, and not only do the upper and middle frequencies that the driver can reproduce fade into the background, the manufacturer also adjusts the headphones so that they do not have any headroom for high frequencies for their correct reproduction;
  • Sensitivity: preferably at least 100 dB;
  • Resistance: 16 to 32 ohms. Depending on which sound card is used in your computer, you can buy headphones with an impedance of up to 600 ohms. But this is possible if the instructions directly say about the support of such headphones. If you did not buy a separate sound card or do not know which card is installed in your computer, feel free to buy headphones with an impedance of up to 32 (50) Ohm maximum;
  • Power: for in-ear headphones, a power of 30-40 mW is quite enough, for overhead headphones from 300 mW and above. However, remember that listening to loud sounds or music for as little as 5 minutes can have a very detrimental effect on your hearing, even irreversibly. Please do not listen to headphones at full volume.

Find out which we have selected the best.

Wireless headphones are used for listening to music, gaming and computer activities. Product features: independence from a computer and a phone, the need for recharging, a long range.

How to choose wireless headphones

  • Pay attention to the type of headphones: earbuds, earplugs, overhead, monitor.

The classification is based on the distance of the speaker to the ear. The in-ear headphones are small, resilient to hold in the ear, but have poor bass response.

Vacuum headphones give clear and high-quality sound and have a soundproofing effect, therefore they are used for listening to music in transport and noisy rooms. The disadvantage of such products is the high load on the ears.

  • On-ear headphones with a special mount are suitable for gamers, they are expensive. Full-size devices cover the ears completely, can be closed or open, and provide good sound isolation. The disadvantage is its large size.
  • Choose earphones depending on the purpose. To listen to music, you need compact devices with a good playback frequency.

Gamers and recording studio staff are encouraged to buy full-size, closed-type. For sports activities, you need models with moisture resistance, frost resistance.

  • Be sure to consider the size and weight of the headphones. Inserts and vacuum devices weighing 5-30 grams are considered the most compact, overhead models weigh 40-100 grams, and monitor ones - 150-300 grams.
  • Duration of work is another important criterion.

    Good models provide work without recharging for about 30-40 hours, in autonomous mode they work for 2-4 days.

This figure depends on the type and functionality of the device. The optimal charging time is 2-3 hours.

  • Pay attention to the complete set of goods, availability of a warranty card, instructions for use. Buy devices from trusted manufacturers.

  • Buy headphones with high frequency audio playback. Typically, our ear picks up frequencies from 15-16 Hz to 18,000-20,000 Hz.

In order to listen to the entire spectrum, select models with a frequency of up to 20 GHz. Higher frequencies are harmful to the human ear.

  • Pay attention to the sensitivity of the device. The standard indicator is up to 100 dB.
  • The resistance characteristic for portable equipment ranges from 16 to 50 ohms. The impedance for a computer is 32-80 ohms, for work in a studio you need headphones with an impedance of 200-300 ohms.

The power of the model should be between 1 mW and 5000 mW.

  • Sound distortion is a characteristic that determines the sound quality. Choose products that distort sound by no more than 1 percent.
  • Pay attention to the shape of the model of overhead and full-size products, they should be tightly fixed on the head, but at the same time be comfortable. To do this, select devices with a streamlined shape and durable mount.
  • When choosing headphones for your computer, consider the presence of a microphone, volume control.
  • Well, if the products have a sound-absorbing effect, then nothing can distract from your favorite activity.

  • Choose the color of the products and the design according to your preferences, it does not matter.
  • As a rule, modern models are designed to operate within a radius of 10 meters. This indicator is quite enough. But for headphones for a metal detector, the characteristic should be higher - from 20 meters.

Best versatile wireless earbuds

SoundSight equipped with 5-megapixel cameras with video recording, six microphones, voice control and gyroscope functions.

With the help of such headphones, you can watch live broadcasts, process content and upload it to social networks, this is available for iPhone and Android users.

The compact headphone fits comfortably on your head and allows you to record videos at 60 frames per second.


  • frequency range - 16-20000 Hz.;
  • operating time - 4 hours, without noise absorption - 18 hours, in standby mode - 24 hours;
  • camera - 30 frames per second, video - 60 frames per second;
  • equipped with a USB connector.


  • the camera is reliably protected from moisture and dust;
  • multifaceted and rich sound;
  • functionality;
  • comfortable attachment on the head;
  • practicality and durability.


  • high price;
  • short duration of operation when all functions are activated.

Best small wireless earbuds

AirBeats YE-106
Maybe AirBeats YE-106, this is the smallest headphone in the world. The latest technologies of intelligent noise cancellation DSP and echo cancellation are used in the development.

Bluetooth technology allows you to connect two phones at the same time within a radius of 10 meters without obstacles.


  • type - plug-in;
  • functions (microphone, noise canceling, answering calls);
  • work for 6 hours, in standby mode - 2-3 days;
  • power - 110-240 W;
  • dimensions - 22.3 x 25 mm;
  • transmission distance - 10 meters;
  • frequency - 24000 Hz;
  • weight - 6.5 grams;
  • set (ear clip, Bluetooth headset, USB cable).


  • comfortable listening to audio;
  • high transmission distance;
  • lightweight, convenient to carry;
  • functionality, reliability;
  • comfortable and compact.


  • very small, easily lost.

Best gaming wireless headphones

HyperX Cloud Stinger
Compact headphones HyperX Cloud Stinger High-quality sound features 50mm drivers that direct sound directly to your ear.

The device features intuitive volume control, compatible with various gaming platforms. Equipped with a noise canceling microphone.


  • closed full-size headphones;
  • frequency range - from 50 to 18000 Hz;
  • sensitivity: 102 dB;
  • weight - 275 grams;
  • power - 500 mW;
  • resistance - 30 ohms;
  • color (black, red).


  • accurate sound reproduction;
  • volume control is intuitive;
  • turning the headset 90 degrees;
  • reliability and durability of the product;
  • the device is compatible with different gaming platforms;
  • convenient microphone mute.


  • high price.

Best wireless gaming headphones

Astro Gaming A50 Wireless
Astro Gaming A50 Wireless used by professional players and amateurs. They are versatile devices with which you can also listen to music or watch movies. Equipped with a built-in noise suppression system.

The headset connects to PC, Mac, PlayStation 3. The product comes with a docking station, USB cable and stand.


  • type - full-size open;
  • sound reproduction frequency - 20-21000 Hz .;
  • weight - 363 grams;
  • sensitivity - 104 dB;
  • impedance - 48 Ohm;
  • accessories (noise canceling microphone, USB);
  • functions (volume control, surround mode).


  • functionality;
  • compatibility with different gaming platforms;
  • equipped with a built-in volume control, a noise canceling microphone;
  • comfortable attachment to the head;
  • surround sound in surround mode;
  • high frequency and sound power.


  • bulk equipment (wires, stands, parts);
  • need a lot of storage space for accessories.

Best Wireless Active Noise Canceling Headphones

Bose QuietComfort 35
Bose QuietComfort 35 provide freedom of movement, and the noise suppression system guarantees high audibility on the street and in noisy rooms. The body of the product is made of lightweight materials, convenient control system.

The devices work up to 20 hours without recharging. The device is equipped with a dual microphone, remote control, timer. The headphones are available in silver and black.


  • work without recharging - 20 hours;
  • Bluetooth and NFC support;
  • dimensions: 18 by 17 by 8.1 cm;
  • weight - 310 grams;
  • equipped with an active noise cancellation system;
  • complete set (adapter, audio cable, cable, USB, case);
  • additional functions (dual microphone, remote control, voice prompts, timer);
  • color (silver, black).


  • work in two modes: wired, wireless;
  • high sound insulation;
  • smooth adjustment of the noise canceling effect;
  • convenient mount;
  • control of the device using the remote control;
  • equipped with a dual microphone;
  • work for a long time without recharging.


  • slight distortion of sound due to the active noise cancellation system;
  • malfunctioning bluetooth.

The best wireless earbuds for sports

Jabra SPORT with high-quality rubberized coating allow you to practice various sports. The left and right headsets of the device are connected with a flat cable. They work for 3-4 hours of sports activities.

The LED shows how much battery power is left. Equipped with FM-radio, iPod, USB mount included. The earbuds are certified according to the US military standards, protected from moisture, dust, with high shock resistance.

They are comfortable and practical, they are easy to put on, they are tightly fixed.


  • dimensions - 43.2 × 63.4 × 12.4 mm;
  • weight - 24 grams;
  • support for A2DP, AVRCP, Hands free, Headset, Bluetooth 3.0;
  • complete set (headset, mains charger, manual);
  • functions (voice dialing, radio, call hold, Multipoint).


  • snug fit to the ear, secure fit;
  • do not hinder movement;
  • protection from dust, moisture;
  • high impact resistance, not afraid of falling from a height;
  • comfortable size;
  • stylish design;
  • comfortable and practical.


  • sharp and strong sound;
  • in the cold, the heart rate sensor gets lost.

Best wireless earbuds for your phone

Plantronics BackBeat GO
Plantronics BackBeat GO suitable for listening to music, watching videos. The headset provides surround sound, has a high noise canceling effect. The products are equipped with built-in controllers that regulate calls and volume.


  • battery life - 10 hours, active - 4.5 hours;
  • weight - 13 grams;
  • sound range - 10 meters;
  • frequency range - from 20 to 20,000 Hz;
  • sensitivity - 104 dB;
  • support for A2DP, AVRCP, Hands free, Headset profiles;
  • equipped with a noise insulation system;
  • set (stabilizers, charging cable).


  • compact and lightweight devices;
  • long operating time;
  • high sound insulation;
  • functionality;
  • special nano-coating P2i protects the product from sweat, moisture, accidental spillage of liquids;
  • convenient volume control.


  • do not hold well in the ears.

Best Wireless Headphones for Computer

Bluedio H Hurricane H-Turbine
Bluedio H Hurricane H-Turbine Bluetooth 4.1 Headphone- These are over-ear headphones with high reliability and stylish design. The device is synchronized with the phone using the NFC module. The product is compact, practical and has a comfortable fit on the head.

High-capacity battery charge provides long-term operation - 45 hours. Equipped with volume control, with noise canceling effect.


  • type - closed;
  • frequency range (20,000-25,000 Hz);
  • sensitivity index - 110 dB;
  • duration of work - 45 hours;
  • weight - 200 grams;
  • resistance of 16 ohms;
  • functions (volume control, noise reduction);
  • complete set (headset, USB cables, AUX 3.5 Jack-Jack).


  • hold a charge for a long time (up to 45 hours);
  • good noise reduction;
  • convenient buttons for switching music;
  • high quality sound, soft bass;
  • compact and lightweight;
  • convenient equipment.


  • break under the influence of moisture;
  • ear pads sit tight, after a while ears begin to hurt.

Best Wireless Metal Detector Headphones

Ritmix RH-437 BTS
Ritmix RH-437 BTS quick to put on, lightweight and compact, practical to use. The stereo headset is functional, wirelessly transmits music, voice streaming and digital data.

Works at a distance of 7-8 meters from the transmitter, which is equipped with a power indicator. The range of the device is 20 meters.


  • duration of work - 10 hours;
  • operate within a radius of 20 meters;
  • frequency - 2402-2480 GHz;
  • built-in battery - Li-Pol;
  • complete set (transmitter, USB adapter, charging);
  • supports profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, Hands free, Headset.


  • easy connection to any sound source;
  • compatibility of the headset with all phones equipped with Bluetooth function;
  • convenient keys for control;
  • functionality;
  • large radius of action.


  • high price;
  • mini-usb connectors, special cable required;
  • fragility, poor assembly.

Best wireless headphones with mic

Logitech B750 Wireless
Logitech B750 Wireless with built-in semi-open microphone. The devices are distinguished by high-quality clear sound, are conveniently mounted on the head, with a noise-isolating effect.

Equipped with a microphone, they charge for about 2-3 hours, but they do not charge for long - only 6 hours. Practical equipment, products are presented in black and silver colors.


  • type - half-open;
  • dimensions - 18.7 × 16.5 × 6.7 cm;
  • weight - 0.556 kg;
  • operating time without battery charge - 6 hours;
  • frequency range - 100-10000 Hz;
  • sensitivity - 62 dB;
  • operate within a radius of 10 meters;
  • complete set (USB receiver, USB receiver stand, power supply);
  • color (black, silver).


  • comfortable attachment with an adjustable headband;
  • high sound insulation;
  • high-quality clear sound;
  • equipped with a microphone;
  • do not charge for long;
  • practical equipment.


  • weighty products;
  • short work, constant recharging is required.

Best wireless earbuds with memory stick

TTLIFE with a high frequency range - from 15 to 25000 Hz, excellent audibility within a radius of 10 meters. The devices work without recharging for 5 hours, the kit includes instructions and USB. The model is impenetrable, simple and practical to use.

Sounds are reproduced with high fidelity, smooth volume control. The headphones support TF, MP3, WMA memory cards, have a stylish design, are compact and lightweight.


  • frequency range - from 15 to 25,000 Hz;
  • resistance - 32 Ohm;
  • transmission distance - 10 meters;
  • operating time without recharging - 5 hours;
  • waterproofness;
  • kit (instruction, USB).


  • lightweight and athletic;
  • support for MP3, WMA;
  • smooth volume control;
  • bass effect, many possibilities to customize the sound;
  • support for TF memory card;
  • waterproof;
  • stylish and practical design;
  • high fidelity of sound reproduction.


  • short duration of work.

Best Wireless Headphones for TV

NCAR HP2-408
NCAR HP2-408- these are two-channel wireless stereo headphones operate within a radius of 10 meters, complete with instructions for use of the product, a case. For recharging, 2 batteries are used.

The design of the earbuds allows you to properly fix them on your head. Sound distortion is small - 0.5 percent. Practicality is provided by additional keys.


  • dynamic, overhead;
  • 2 batteries;
  • equipped with a volume control;
  • weight - 0.5 kg;
  • dimensions - 40 x 160 x 160 mm;
  • complete set (cover, instruction).


  • high-quality and clear sound;
  • equipped with a volume control, additional keys;
  • practicality and durability;
  • convenient foldable design.


  • weighty device;
  • low functionality.

All presented models are functional, practical, have their own purpose. Let's compare the main technical parameters of the devices:

  • In terms of the range of sound frequencies, the Plantronics BackBeat GO and Bluedio H models are considered the best. These products provide listening to a wide range of sounds.

High sensitivity rates for gaming models HyperX Cloud Stinger, Astro Gaming A50 Wireless.

  • The battery life is different for Bluedio H, other models with average performance. Small products (AirBeats YE-106) do not last long without recharging.
  • Almost all the selected models have good resistance indicators (30-80 Ohm), in this they are inferior to the Bluedio H model. All models have a high range (10 meters), the Ritmix RH-437 BTS headphones (20 meters) exceed the norm.
  • Bose QuietComfort 35, HyperX Cloud Stinger are distinguished by comfortable fastening, competent fixation on the head.

The compact Jabra SPORT and AirBeats YE-106 provide ease of use. Overall and weighty are Logitech B750 Wireless, INCAR HP2-408.

  • The best in-ear headphones are the AirBeats YE-106, choose the Astro Gaming A50 Wireless among the full-size models.

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