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How to cool a laptop with improvised means. Causes of overheating and necessary measures

Overheating is the main enemy of a laptop, if you do not take into account the drinks spilled on it through negligence. And if you can simply behave more carefully with drinks, then with overheating there is little simple preventive measure: often you have to deal with the consequences.

The strong heating of the laptop leads to sad consequences. At the very least, it becomes uncomfortable for you to work while holding it in your lap. But another thing is even more unpleasant: performance drops, applications start to slow down and freeze, and over time the device starts to turn off whenever it pleases. We will tell you how to keep your laptop from overheating and what to do to prevent it from being used in a new device.

What is the cause of overheating?

It is easier to deal with the consequences and act on the warning if you know what exactly leads to overheating. But first, let's figure out the device of the laptop itself. Fortunately, many manufacturers don't experiment and stick to general principles.

Two ways to dissipate heat in a laptop

The hottest elements are traditionally located on the motherboard: the processor, chipset, and graphics coprocessor. They are adjacent to a central heat pipe that leads to a specially designed radiator for cooling. Numerous fins located on the heatsink as well as fans help the heat to dissipate evenly. As a result, hot air escapes from the device body. There may be two pipes - this is practiced by some manufacturers in top-end laptops, where the likelihood of overheating is higher. An additional fan is included with the extra tube to maintain balance.

In laptops with a small diagonal, there is nowhere to place such a design (it is called an active cooling system), so you have to make a compromise. Manufacturers install common copper or aluminum radiators that cool the main components. There is no forced air flow from the fan, therefore the design is called a passive cooling system.

Now let's move on to the causes of overheating that most laptop owners are faced with.

There is little space inside the laptop

In pursuit of compact size, manufacturers simply place components even tighter, rather than strive to reduce them. As a result, the processor, video card, RAM bar and drive are located like herrings in a bank. Such a neighborhood is only a nuisance: even if the individual components do not overheat, the total amount of heat emitted by them per unit area begins to go off scale. And while you can always install an additional cooler on a regular desktop PC, this is not possible on a laptop. It remains to rely on the integrity of the manufacturers - how well they solve the problem of heat removal.

Too much dust has accumulated inside

Returning to the desktop PC again: if you remove the side cover, the dust can be removed with a regular vacuum cleaner. It's more difficult to do this with a laptop. We do not recommend disassembling it yourself, but to go to the specialists you will have to part with a small amount of money and set aside free time. Dust enters through the ventilation holes. If there is an active cooling system, some of the dust comes out under the pressure of air, but in laptops with a small diagonal this is excluded. And dust often contains sticky particles, so over time it sticks more and more, and the laptop overheats more and more. With dust, there may be skin particles or pet hairs inside - they form a kind of "fur coat" that prevents hot air from escaping.

Sometimes a laptop overheats due to a virus entering it.
Some viruses bypass the user by launching processes that overload the processor and video memory. As a result, the machine runs "for wear", and its internal components heat up more than they should. To get rid of the virus and prevent future infections, use.

The cooling system is not working efficiently

It does not lower the temperature so that the laptop does not overheat. Often these are the consequences of savings: the manufacturer produces a sufficiently powerful laptop, but saves and installs a passive cooling system instead of an active one. As a result, you will pay less when buying such a device, but you will constantly face inconveniences while working.

Another reason for the ineffective operation of the cooling system is the imbalance between those elements that heat up and those that remove heat. Thermal pads and thermal grease are usually responsible for thermal conductivity in laptops. If you do not update them in a timely manner at the service center, they will simply dry out and stop performing their functions.

What happens when a laptop overheats

It is enough to put your palm to the back of the laptop to understand: the device is overheated. But the laptop itself will surely warn you in other ways. For example, a video card - the leader in overheating - will display an image with artifacts (distortions) on the screen. The device starts to work noisily due to the fact that the coolers rotate more actively. The processor is slower to process commands, and this definitely affects the performance of the device. And when the processor heats up to a certain temperature, the laptop itself turns off. By the way, a decrease in power is not a one-time consequence of overheating, but a constant one. The more often the laptop heats up to the limit, the more the board will wear out.

If the device overheats, turn it off and let it cool down for 30-40 minutes. Do not run complex gaming or professional software on it. To shut down your laptop on time next time, use dedicated temperature monitoring utilities. In most cases, they are free of charge and provide enough information to promptly take action.

Top 5 best temperature monitoring utilities:
1. AIDA64 Extreme Edition;
2. Speccy;
3. Speed ​​Fun;
4. HWM Monitor;
5. CAM.

How to cool your laptop: 5 effective ways

We turn to the main task of the article and offer the most effective techniques to help cope with laptop overheating.

Turn on power saving mode

Go to Control Panel and select the Power Options section. If your laptop often overheats, click the switch next to the "Save energy" option. This will help you reduce power consumption by lowering the performance of your laptop whenever possible. Don't worry, the apps won't be affected! But avid gamers and users of "heavyweight" professional software for working with video and graphics will definitely appreciate the consequences of switching modes.

Clean your laptop from dust

During a visit to the service center, ask to check the condition of the thermal paste. If it has time to dry, be sure to replace it.

Buy a cooling pad

The cooler does not have to cool the inside of the laptop - you can purchase a special stand with built-in coolers that will work even more efficiently. The stand is usually made of a perforated sheet of paper with two or more fans built into it. This design allows you to quickly cool even the hottest notebooks. But keep in mind: this option is only suitable for gamers and those who use resource-intensive software. If the laptop is dirty with dust, this cooling option will be something like relieving the symptoms of the disease.

The stands that can be found on sale today are impressive in their variety. They can be compact and in the form of separate computer tables, with legs made of metal or wood, with additional surfaces for placing a mouse and other trifles. The fans built into the stand are powered via USB, and the output itself can be safely connected to a laptop.

What not to do if the laptop overheats:
1. Place it abruptly in a cold place;
2. Disassemble the case yourself;
3. Continue working with heavyweight software;
4. Place a damp cloth underneath.

Buy a cooling mat

It is found on sale less often than coasters, but it cools worse. However, it is easy to take it with you on a trip or a business trip, and the stand "ties" to one workplace. The inside of the mat contains a gel-like substance that maintains a constant temperature. But it is always irrational to use it - the temperature gradually rises and after 7-8 hours it will equal the temperature of the object that requires cooling.

Install a liquid cooling system

Such systems are more efficient than those based on air cooling, but they are more expensive. They are sold as separate modules that can be plugged in as needed. But keep in mind: the module takes up a lot of space and after that it will be difficult to call a laptop portable. There are still very few models with built-in water cooling, and most of them are dominated by powerful solutions for gamers.

What to do to prevent overheating

As doctors say, any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This is also true for the prevention of laptop operation. Follow a few simple recommendations, and the likelihood of negative consequences from overheating will decrease significantly.

Do not block the air outlet openings.

They are located not only at the bottom, but also on the ends of the laptop. If air stops circulating normally, overheating is inevitable.

Use suitable operating modes

When you leave your laptop on unnecessarily, components continue to heat up due to the operating system and several background processes. Hardware components continue to generate heat, which leads to wear and tear on the equipment. To avoid overloading your laptop, configure it to automatically enter standby or hibernation.

Do preventive dust cleaning

It is better to spend time and money going to a specialist than to put up with diminishing productivity. We do not recommend disassembling the laptop at home: you will need special tools, you will have to unscrew a couple of dozen small bolts and disconnect several loops. Are you sure you can handle it? Yes, and the most difficult thing: then everything needs to be assembled as it was, and this is another quest!

Do not place your laptop on the sofa or on your lap

You've probably seen photos of users doing the exact opposite. Alas, in real life this will not lead to anything good. The less clearance remains between the surface you place your laptop on and its air vents, the worse. And sofas are scary because the cooler begins to draw in dust and particles of material, respectively, over time, the device will start to overheat more.

Observe the temperature conditions in the room

If the summer is hot, then + 35 ° C in the room will not be an additional incentive for normal laptop cooling. Lower the temperature to the one that is comfortable for you - in the range of + 20– + 22 ° C. Then it will be easier for the equipment to cope with the overheating of the components.

Like any other electronic device, a laptop needs special maintenance. Take good care of it, keep it cool, service it and it will last you much longer than you expect.

It is a very convenient mobile device that you can use at home, even on the street, even in the car, or anywhere else. However, compactness has the other side of the coin: due to the fact that the body of the device is relatively small, all the necessary components must be placed in it. This is not as difficult as it seems, since the components have long been optimized for small devices, which can be safely considered a laptop. The problem is different - it is important to cope with overheating of components, but this is not easy at all.

In the first few months, the laptop is unlikely to bring you problems with overheating, unless you play hard games on it for hours on end. As a rule, problems begin some time after the start of operation. Overheating first leads to a violation of the stable performance of the device, in other cases it can completely disable the device if, for example, the processor burns out. Therefore, this issue must be treated very carefully.

In fact, about overheating in the last month alone, two articles were posted on the site at once (,). Today I would like to tell you about how you can cool down your laptop, including with improvised means.

Causes of laptop overheating

In fact, I'll talk about the causes of laptop overheating in a separate article, since this is a very interesting topic. In the meantime, I will briefly inform you about the most popular reasons.

  • So, first of all, this is the same dust. It would seem, well, what could be terrible about her? While it is not so dangerous for a regular PC, the same cannot be said for a laptop, since even a small amount of dust can lead to overheating. At the same time, it is very, very difficult for many to clean the device from dust; to disassemble the entire laptop is not the same as removing the side cover from the system unit.
  • The next reason lies in the cooling system itself - it is not efficient enough to cope with the increased temperature. Of course, this does not apply to all laptops, but only to some models that are prone to overheating problems. And, worst of all, you can find out about this only after purchasing the device.
  • One of the most common reasons is laptop misuse. For example, it may be indoor use, which is not suitable for this.
  • Alternatively, there may be problems with the cooling system itself, which, say, ordered to live a long time. In this case, it is highly undesirable to operate the device. In addition, if the warranty period has not expired, you can repair your laptop for free or replace it with a new one.

We cool ourselves

Let's say the laptop is constantly overheating. This may be accompanied by interruptions in the device's performance - in other cases, the device turns off altogether and does not want to turn on until the temperature returns to normal. You can try the following tips.

  • First of all, you must ensure that your laptop is properly installed on the surface. The fact is that the cooling system is usually such that air is sucked in at the bottom of the case and blown out at the side. If you put the device on a table, then there should be no problems. Some put it on the sofa or even put it on the bed, as a result of which problems with air circulation begin, since the holes are blocked. This must not be allowed.
  • If you are working on a table, then you need to use something to lift the back of the laptop. It can be anything, up to some unnecessary bar or book (the place is shown by the arrow in the picture). It is important to do this so that the gap between the bottom of the laptop and the table is as large as possible - this will allow better air circulation.

  • Special stands with an additional cooling system have been on sale for a long time. As a rule, they work from a USB port and cool the device quite well. As for the cost of such gadgets, it is relatively low - from 1000 rubles. Some kulibins make such coasters on their own.

  • The simple advice ends there. The next step is to clean the laptop from dust. As I wrote above, this is not so easy to do. If you have no experience, then I do not advise you to engage in this procedure, since there is a risk that you will not be able to disassemble and assemble the device correctly. And if it is under warranty, then opening it is all the more contraindicated.
  • If you have followed all the tips and there are no improvements, then, apparently, this is some kind of mechanical problem that requires repair. In this case, only the service center will help.

You can ask your questions using comments.

Cooling down your laptop at home, helpful tips.

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I will begin my lesson with the message that in the early years I did not have a computer. I started in business via the Internet, with a laptop. I saw great advantages in using it. First of all - mobility, since I could not be tied to one workplace.

I traveled a lot, went to seminars and others. So a laptop was a must. Therefore, I declare with full responsibility that I am an expert on laptop overheating and how to fix this problem.

First of all, let's clarify how the cooling system in a laptop works. During operation, the cooler in the device sucks in air from the bottom and blows it out from the side. If you break this process by blocking the air supply, the device starts to warm up.

For example, suppose you place your laptop on a surface with no gap. Or, even worse, put the device on a soft surface, such as a sofa, bed, blanket, and blanket. In this case, not only the air circulation is disturbed, but a lot of dust, lint, debris and so on gets inside the device.

First of all, the cooler becomes clogged, and then other parts of the laptop. This leads to gradual overheating even when using the laptop for a short time.

Now let's find out how to avoid an unpleasant situation. First of all, you should think about.

  1. Do not leave your laptop turned on for a long time, give it and yourself time to rest.
  2. Do not place the device on soft surfaces, use special stands.
  3. Clean the device from accumulation of dust and dirt
  4. Direct the fan or air flow from the air conditioner to the running laptop.
  5. Do not turn on many programs at the same time, and so on.

Now we can consider ways to cool the laptop at home.


In order to prevent my assistant from overheating, I used special stands. I will not describe my stand. I will only say that in our time the choice is much wider, both in quality and in price category.

There are common stands that provide space between the laptop and the desk. In addition, there are stands with an additional fan and cooling system. The cooling pads maintain a temperature of about fifteen degrees, regardless of the ambient temperature.

It is clear that the temperature at home is higher than 15 degrees. By the way, as far as I remember, the cooling pads were not very expensive. But, if you do not have the funds for a stand, you can build something with your own hands. The main condition is to raise the laptop above the surface. In order to ensure continuous air circulation.


If your laptop did not warm up before, but now there are problems. In this case, natural ventilation does not help, then you should clean the device from dust. It is recommended to clean the laptop regularly, without waiting for the holes to be clogged with a layer of dust.

Use a can of compressed air or a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and dirt.

In addition to cleaning the outside, he does not forget to clean the operating system itself, remove garbage, and check for viruses. Any system overload can cause the device to overheat.


It is possible that the overheating problem is related to the cooler. Rather, with the fact that he began to work poorly or completely out of order. In this case, you should read the article on How to use a laptop.

Thermal paste

Dried thermal paste on the processor can be one of the causes of overheating of the laptop. I wrote detailed instructions about the methods, I will not repeat myself. If this is your problem, then I advise you to read the article.


Analyzing the question of how to cool a laptop at home, I touched on almost all situations in which your device can heat up. If you have tried all the solutions to the problem, and the laptop continues to warm up, then you should contact the service center.

Life hack from yourself - if during work or play, the laptop heats up, then put a couple of p / e bottles with chilled water under it. That is, fill up to half of the water bottle. Let off excess air, squeeze the bottles from the sides. Tighten the caps tightly, put the bottles in the freezer and freeze the water.

However, this method will not eliminate the heating problem, it is only a temporary measure to protect the device from overheating.

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At the heart of the notebook is the processor, which increases the amount of energy released under heavy loads. Processes directly affect the motherboard, laptop case, video card. Overheating of equipment threatens with breakage of parts, its failure at the most inopportune moment. A special program for laptop cooling helps to avoid breakdowns, overheating, and an increase in the number of revolutions of the cooler, which is responsible for cooling the entire system.

Laptop fan control

Manufacturers set a standard fan speed to keep the laptop at a normal operating temperature. It is impossible to foresee all the subtleties of the use of technology and the load that the user will give. In this regard, temperature readings often reach critical levels, which becomes dangerous for a laptop. This is especially true for summer time, when the cooling system does not cope with the tasks set.

The situation can be changed by increasing the fan speed. You can control the cooler yourself using one of the following methods:

  1. Making settings to the operating system.
  2. Making settings in BIOS.
  3. Using special programs to cool the cooler.

Before making changes to the fan control system, it is the responsibility of the user to check the condition of the inside of the laptop. An increase in temperature indicators is often due to the accumulation of dust, hair, pet hair, pieces of dirt. If cleaning the laptop does not help, then self-management of the operating system, BIOS, or installing a program to increase the speed of the cooler will help.

OS settings

A user who seeks to change the manufacturer's factory settings should take into account the following fact - the speed of rotation of the fan blades affects the noise level that a laptop produces. Increasing the cooler speed will cause the fan to hum more. Another consequence of changing the standard parameters of the cooler will be a decrease in power performance, the duration of the laptop battery life. This effect will also occur when WINDOWS has been reinstalled incorrectly or an incorrect driver upgrade has occurred.

Similar utilities are released by Intel and Microsoft, which have the same installation and configuration principles. When deciding to use applications, it is worth remembering about their power consumption and the increase in noise.

How to set up BIOS

Each user can enter the BIOS, but it is recommended to do this only if the user understands the BIOS and the operating system's operating features. The step-by-step actions of BIOS settings are as follows:

  1. In the process of loading the system, the Del button is pressed. In some cases, you have to press f8 or f2.
  2. Go to the menu section called Power.
  3. The HW Monitor configuration menu will open. Here is a function that allows you to increase the speed of the cooler. The name may contain words such as fan, speed, control.
  4. Having selected the desired option, the user must press the Enter button on it.
  5. Set the parameter Enable.
  6. Activate Profile, which will display a menu with various options for the system operation mode.
  7. The Turbo or Performance profile is selected.
  8. Save settings.
  9. Reload the laptop.

As a result of simple manipulations in the BIOS, the fan will begin to be regulated at each boot of the system. The cooler will spin at the set speeds, which will cause an increase in the noise level, but will reduce the overheating of the laptop.

TOP best programs for fan control

Various utilities are created in order not to change the cooling system, not to change the BIOS settings, not to change any elements in the cooler. Most of the released applications are free and do not take up much hard disk space. Such utilities control the cooler, increasing the speed of its operation.

You can adjust the rotation speed of the cooler blades using programs such as:

  • SpeedFan application. The utility is free, you need to download and install it on your laptop, then run it. The system temperature graph appears. You need to select a laptop element whose temperature is above normal. After that, press the "up" button several times to select the optimal parameter that will allow you to lower the temperature. The program must not be closed so that the process of adjusting the fan operation does not end.
  • AMD OverDrive utility. Installed with the core software package provided by AMD. When the installation is completed, the application is launched. There is a Fan Control section in the main menu, and there is a Performance Control sub-item. Here are the sliders that control the rotation speed of the fan blades. You need to click on one slider, bringing its value to the mark from 70% to 100%. You need to save the value through the Apply button, then go to the Preferences section. There you need to select "Settings" and activate the item "My last changes in the settings", click on "ok" and close the program. During each system boot, the app will adjust the fan speed.
  • Riva Tuner. This is an Intel product that is characterized by ease of use, installation and fan control. The program is suitable for Windows of any version. After downloading and installing Riva Tuner, the user launches the utility and goes to the "Advanced settings" section. Next, you need to find the Fan sub-item, moving the sliders there to the desired values, which are expressed as a percentage. When the parameters are selected, then the settings are saved by pressing the "ok" button. After that, all changes will take effect, and the cooler will rotate at higher speeds.
  • MSI Afterburner. Produced by MSI, the utility is designed to overclock the cooler to the required speeds. The application is used on technology from AMD and Intel. The advantage of this program is that all the necessary parameters and settings are located in the main menu in the first window that opens after installation. The fan speed increases by moving the slider to the right in the Fan Speed ​​section. There is also an automatic adjustment function that allows you to change the fan speed depending on the load on the video card.

Which method to choose to regulate the fan speed and reduce the heating level of the laptop, the user chooses independently. If you do not understand the settings, then you should not make changes in manual mode. The best option is to install a utility that protects the system from overheating.

- it is, as a rule, a fairly powerful computer in a compact case. This combination of power and compactness often leads to overheating of the laptop, especially if the laptop is not used very carefully.

It is very easy to diagnose laptop overheating. As a rule, when overheating, the laptop case becomes too hot, which makes it uncomfortable to work with it. Also, the laptop starts to heat up the table and nearby objects, which is also not very pleasant. In particularly severe cases, this results in decreased performance, freezes, sudden reboots, or even crashes.

Faced with a similar problem, many users ask the question of how to cool the laptop. In order to solve this problem, first, let's consider the main reasons that lead to problems with cooling.

  1. Weak cooling system. The cooling system works differently in different laptops. Some notebook models have a better cooling system than others. Therefore, some models are more prone to cooling problems. This must be taken into account when choosing a laptop. As a rule, it is enough to read the reviews and reviews in order to understand whether the laptop will be susceptible to overheating. But, if the laptop has already been purchased, then it is too late to think about it.
  2. Dust in the laptop cooling system. Like a desktop computer, a laptop suffers greatly from dust that inevitably collects in the laptop's cooling system. When too much dust collects, the cooling system simply fails.
  3. Breakdown of the cooling system. A breakdown in the cooling system will inevitably lead to overheating problems. One of the typical problems is the separation of the heat transfer surface from the surface. This can be due to vibration, shock, or just a factory defect.
  4. Incorrect operation of the laptop. Using the laptop in an unsuitable environment can lead to cooling problems.

So, if you have any suspicions about the computer overheating, then the first thing to do is to check the temperature using the HWmonitor program. There are other programs for checking the temperature. However, it is the most reliable and simplest among the free ones.

In order to find out to what temperatures your laptop warms up, you need to run the HWmonitor program and create a load. For example, play a demanding game.

Temperature tolerances for laptops are slightly higher than for desktops. Under load, normal temperature values ​​can be considered:

  • : up to 75 degrees;
  • : up to 85 degrees;
  • : up to 50 degrees.

If these values ​​are seriously exceeded, then you have problems with the cooling of the laptop.

How can you cool your laptop

Correct laptop installation. When setting up the laptop, make sure that nothing interferes with the suction and blowing of air. Most laptops are designed in such a way that they suck in air from underneath. Therefore, the laptop should only be placed on a firm surface. You also need to make sure that no objects are blocking the outlet openings. They are usually located on the side or back of the laptop.

Raise the laptop off the surface. In order to improve the cooling of the laptop, it must be raised above the surface of the table. To do this, you can put something under the back of the device (behind the screen). This will position the laptop at an angle. This will improve the cooling of the laptop without interfering with your work.

Using a special stand. You can find special cooling pads for your laptop on sale. The stands are equipped with one or more fans that blow off the underside of the laptop. These stands are powered by a USB port and can significantly improve laptop cooling.

Cleaning the cooling system. In order for it to collect in the laptop cooling system, you will have to disassemble it. It is best not to engage in amateur performances and hand the laptop into the hands of qualified professionals. Otherwise, repairs can be much more expensive.

Diagnostics and repair. If the problem with cooling cannot be solved by the listed methods, then most likely the cooling system is out of order and the laptop must be sent for diagnostics and repair.

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