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5 steps to a working Individual Development Plan

Why do we need IPRs at all? You most likely know the expression that our thoughts are air, if we told someone about them - this is water, if we wrote them down - this is a stone. By putting our goals on paper and writing down the steps to achieve them, we get a little closer to our development goal than when we just think that “I wish I could learn English”.

So how do you create a working development plan?

The classic version of the IPR structure is as follows:

  • Development Goals
  • Focuses of development with a description of the desired end result
  • Development Methods
  • Developmental actions
  • Deadlines, milestones and results achieved.
What is important to remember?

IPR cannot be an end in itself. It is this mistake that many companies have: the presence of an IPR as a fact, so that “it was”, because HR requires it. IPR is a tool, not a goal. And the goal is that for which this plan is drawn up. In the goals section of an individual development plan, the employee’s business goals are usually written, usually for 1 year. For an employee from the personnel reserve, the goal may be promotion to the next position.

If you write an IPR for yourself - you can also describe either your business goal or your development goal, let's call it a Big Goal.

You can ask yourself questions:

What are my work/business goals for this year?
- What is the main challenge now in front of me?
- What do I want to achieve in 1 year?
- Where do I want to be in 1 year?

Now that you have defined your Big Goal (business or career and/or professional development goal), we move on to choosing the competencies (development/focus) that we will develop in order to achieve the big goals. It is recommended to choose more than 2 focuses of attention per year. According to studies, a simple skill can be developed in 1-2 months, more complex ones in 6-9 months, and complex competencies, consisting of several skills and abilities, develop in about 2 years.

Answer the following questions:

What competencies will I develop?
- What specific knowledge/skills/skills do I lack to achieve results?
- What knowledge/skills/skills will be important in my future role?

As you know, development takes place according to our strengths. They say that 80% of the success we achieve next year will be based on our strong competencies. And to develop our strengths is much easier, faster, more effective, enjoyable, and we ourselves are able to evaluate our progress without outside evaluation.

The development of our weaknesses requires much more effort, time, motivation, and here it is important to remember that most likely we will not be able to make our strength out of this, but we will be able to reach it to an “acceptable” level.

When to develop weaknesses (or “development areas”, as they are correctly called):

  1. When the performance of tasks related to this competence cannot be delegated and / or it is impossible to reduce the impact of this quality through the use of one of the strengths;
  2. When it is necessary for the effective performance of the current work;
  3. When we understand that we will need this quality in our new role and should be present in us in one way or another.
Here it is also necessary to define visible or measurable development results for each competency:

How will the development of this competence affect the results of my direct activity?
- How will my supervisor know that I have strengthened this area?
- What happens if I do not develop this competence?
- What can I do when I develop this competence? What does success look like?
- What will I do differently?
Next, we turn to the choice of development methods:
- How will I develop this competence?

As you know, 70% of everything we learn - we learn in the process of working in the workplace by solving real work problems or participating in various projects, another 20% is learning from the experience of others, working with an experienced mentor, coach, mentor and only 10% of our development comes from "passive" development methods such as trainings, seminars, webinars, lectures, books, etc. For development, it is better to choose at least 3 different development methods.

Developmental actions - what exactly will I do?

Here it is necessary to prescribe specific actions, for example, if I develop the competence “Persuasiveness in communication”, then my developing actions can be:

  1. Bringing at least 3 arguments when presenting your position.
  2. Thinking through the possible objections of the interlocutor and formulating counterarguments in advance before the negotiations or presentation.
  3. Selection and use of examples and metaphors in presentations.
  4. Study and application of graphic visualization methods in work.
  5. Asking for feedback after every meeting with key people, etc.
Create an action plan for each competency you develop. To do this, ask yourself the following questions:

What task/project in the workplace will develop this skill or ability? What else? What else?
- How can I use my strong skills and abilities as "replacing" or "compensating" for this competency?
- Who and how can I involve managers, colleagues, experts or coaches and how could they help me in the development of this area and how?
- What courses/books/electronic resources can help me develop this area?
- How else can the development gap be filled?

Record each action on a separate line. The number of developing actions is not limited, but should be realistic.

Set a time frame for the action plan. You can specify either a specific deadline for each action or the frequency of regular actions (daily, once a month, etc.). Consider the complexity of the development of this area and the urgency of the need. Leave a space next to each action to mark the actual completion.

What else matters?

It is important to think about the necessary resources:

How much time can you dedicate to your development per month/week/day?
What other help and support do you need? How can you get this help?
- How can you support yourself?
How will you monitor progress?

It is important to have a development mentor and/or coach. A mentor is needed to suggest or even show how to do it or where to find the necessary information, and with a coach you can choose the most optimal ways for yourself to develop, discuss the difficulties that you encounter along the way, and mark progress. It is good if your leader can act as a mentor. If this is not your case, arrange with one of your colleagues or senior comrades. You can also find a development partner (someone who is also focused on developing a particular skill or ability) and discuss your progress weekly with him in a simple scheme: what worked, what didn’t work, what plans for the next week.

It is important to regularly monitor your IPR in terms of its relevance, because life does not stand still, business tasks may change, and the focus of your development may also change.
And do not forget to evaluate the result of your development at the end of the period and celebrate your successes!

Drawing up a personal life plan for self-development by example.

Why make a plan

The point of making a plan for the year is to live a happier year than without a plan. The plan should lead us on the path to a happy life. Support our growth above ourselves. Expand our capabilities and grow our self-image.

Plan for the year - structures our development and slightly pushes in the back when we stop. It should have goals, the achievement of which is significant for us. It is overvalued to be effective, the plan for the year serves this task.

And “keep the goals in mind” is a slingshot, smoothly turning into a remote control from the telly.

I've been planning goals for 5 years now. To convince you of the benefits of drawing up a plan and not clog the article, it’s hard for me to give not hundreds, but just one strong argument. Heard everyone wants to "travel and lie under a palm tree." Without work is a boring fairy tale. So I work and live in the palm countries 260 days a year.

The plan is to expand our freedom, and not to squeeze us into the framework of old and imposed goals. If our life is shackled: the obligation to earn a living or work for other people's goals, then it will be more far-sighted to make a plan to change our lives.

Basic principles of life planning

The first step is to make a draft list of goals. It is convenient from December to start collecting goals, to look closely at them. You can check them for compliance with yourself, if it is vocal - go to a trial lesson.

But even before you start making a plan, it's helpful to adopt the principles to make it fun to follow the plan:

Goal Sources

The main source of goals for the year is our personal meaning of life. If we have compiled it, it will be much easier for us in the future: to determine what is valuable for us in the year, and what to discard. Or we will proceed from the idea - what we want to achieve in 5 years. I'll give you abbreviated examples.

My draft version of the personal meaning of life: figure out "Who am I?" and where I am.
Goals for the year: read books on psychology, philosophy, religion. Expand "I" - unusual behavior, roles, habits, self-image, travel.

Year planning results

We don't know what will happen in a year. We can be wrong about our desires. Example - planned to move to the city center, but left abroad. The plan didn't work - we just changed.

We are planning for the New Year. If it is implemented, we will be delighted. And an unfulfilled plan will remain in our head - an unpleasant burden. Therefore, we are cunning.

The plan for the beginning of the year is taken as 100%. Those 25% of free space - we fill with new goals. We consider everything based on the original plan, and additional goals as overfulfillment of the plan.

The plan is necessary for us to feel better, so that it fills us with the will to move forward, and not slow us down. In life, an order of magnitude more will happen than is written in the plan. Unplanned meetings with friends, emotional gatherings, some joyful moments. But they will not be taken into account in the plan. Remember that following a plan is a part of life, not all of life.

It is important not to draw up a plan correctly, but the planning of life itself is significant.

Enterprise development plan- these are the goals chosen by the management of the company and the methods by which they are going to achieve them. Strategic planning creates the basis for all subsequent management steps.

In this regard, a predominant number of companies are trying to develop strategic development plans. A clearly structured system of this type of planning hides the key actions of management.

Without a strategic plan for the development of an enterprise, both companies and individuals risk being left without an understanding of the achievability of the goal and the adequacy of the chosen development path.

Such planning is essential for the management of the company's employees.

The role of plans in the development of the enterprise

In recent years, the key role of strategic behavior has become tangible. It allows organizations to win in a competitive environment in the long term. Since today the conditions for a serious struggle between competitors have developed, and the situation in the market is actively changing, managers should monitor not only the situation within the company. They need to work on a long-term plan for the development of their enterprise, which will allow them to keep pace with changes that are observed outside the company.

The need for strategic management has become urgent due to the following factors:

  • new requests;
  • changing consumer needs;
  • growing competition for raw materials;
  • changing role of human resources;
  • business transition to an international format;
  • development of additional business opportunities that facilitate and speed up work;
  • information networks available to anyone with modern technologies, etc.

The strategic plan for the development of the enterprise fixes what the company must do now in order to achieve specific goals set tomorrow. This takes into account the fact that the environment and conditions in which the company exists are also in development.

It should be noted that great efforts and investments are needed to start the implementation of the enterprise development plan. Its creation and implementation is fundamentally different from the creation of long-term plans, whose execution is mandatory under any circumstances. The strategic plan for the development of the enterprise must adapt to all the changes taking place both inside and outside the organization. Obviously, this will require even more investment. Therefore, the marketing and public relations departments are of particular importance.

Strategy is recognized as one of the basic parts of this type of management. Strategic management and planning set the goal for moving forward.

We repeat that an enterprise development plan based on the choice of goals and ways to implement them is necessary for managers to make subsequent decisions. In addition, it is important for the work of the company, stimulating employees and controlling them.

  • Strategic development plan: 4 essential elements

Types of enterprise development plans

Strategic is a plan, usually calculated for no less than ten years. It forms the key tasks of the company for a given period, as well as specific goals with a certain time, allocated resources and a general strategy.

long-term- are formulated for several years and are aimed at solving specific business problems. Drawing up such plans is included in the general plan for the development of the enterprise.

Current– detailed plans that take into account all areas of the company and its departments for the current reporting year. Should cover sales, production, innovation, supply, promotion, employee training, and financial results.

Operational- detailed plans for the development of the enterprise, aimed at solving certain issues related to the work of the organization in a short time. Always narrowly focused, very detailed and distinguished by a large selection of proposed solutions.

Investment projects- long-term plans for capital investments necessary to create additional capacities in the field of production.

Business plan- a plan for organizing a new company, its functioning and ensuring the profitability of its activities.

What tasks does the enterprise development plan perform

1. Development of the mission of the enterprise. A clearly formulated mission of the company answers a very important question: “What will the company look like in five to fifteen years?”, That is, the manager must understand:

When developing an enterprise development plan, it is extremely important to build on the purpose of the enterprise and its purpose in business. Thus, during the mission statement, the founders and top managers will have to make a major decision. Essentially, changing the mission would mean abandoning the old venture and starting a new one, even if the name remains the same. The mission is the ideological foundation of the company, its most stable part. Hence, strategic planning is to help the enterprise in fulfilling its mission.

2. Presentation of the mission in the form of long-term and short-term tasks. A sufficiently streamlined formulation always requires certainty, that is, the setting of specific goals and objectives at the stage of drawing up an enterprise development plan. This should be done by top management. Consider examples of goals:

Strategic goals, such as beating the competition, don't lose relevance all the time.

3. Development of a strategy for achieving the set goals. The formulation of the mission and setting of tasks should end with the creation of a strategic plan for the development of the enterprise.

Strategy (as a whole) is a system of management decisions necessary to achieve the company's objectives and a specific mission.

How to write a blue ocean development plan

The blue ocean strategy is one of the most successful in terms of business profitability. It provides ample opportunity for innovation. Within the framework of the strategy, two approaches are possible. The first is when a company enters a highly competitive market and creates a new niche. This is a deep blue ocean that requires a lot of investment for a full-fledged startup, which is not always possible for small and medium-sized businesses.

How to draw up a development strategy according to the philosophy of the blue ocean, experts-practitioners told the editors of the magazine "General Director".

What are the stages of developing an enterprise development plan?

Stage 1. Formation of goals for the long-term development of the enterprise. During the definition of the goal, when drawing up an enterprise development plan, the results of the company's work for a long time are assumed, guidelines and a mission are created. There are a number of rules for creating a goal:

  • What is his company?
  • What specific narrow areas does it serve?
  • In what directions is development possible?
  • increasing the professional level of training of employees;
  • increase in market share, etc.;
  1. Measurability of the goal - the goal is extremely clear.
  2. Realistic goal - it can be achieved in a short time.
  3. Comparability of goals and objectives - may include a number of tasks aimed at achieving it, that is, it is possible to create a so-called "tree of goals".
  4. The specificity of the goal - it sets the purpose of the company for a certain period.

The goal is determined by top management with the understanding that from now on, efforts should be concentrated precisely on its implementation. This definition is critical because the goals are:

  • form the basis for planning, management and control;
  • set the opportunity for the development of the company;
  • are a beacon during the creation of the image of the organization.

The goal varies depending on external factors, the state business regulation system, the company's capabilities and the means of doing business used: the life of the organization, subjective factors such as the qualifications of managers, pressure from other market players, etc.

They define 8 spaces within which any company sets goals when drawing up an enterprise development plan.

  1. Place in the market (share and competitiveness).
  2. The level of innovation in the processes of production and sale of products and services.
  3. Income.
  4. Resource intensity of production and the possibility of attracting additional resources.
  5. Management mobility.
  6. Qualification of employees and the possibility of changing the composition.
  7. Social results of changes and dependence on them of the level of development of the company.
  8. The ability to quantify the target.

Further, even before the implementation of the enterprise development plan, the goal is divided into a block of tasks necessary to achieve it, then the latter are divided into activities. Those, in turn, are specified by the target standards necessary for the ideal future of the company.

Stage 2. Substantiation of the concept of long-term development. A concept is a proposal for a development perspective. It is based on the opportunities, risks and resource potential of the future: technologies, equipment, personnel, etc. The need to realize the chosen goal requires taking into account when substantiating the concept of three basic conditions in terms of enterprise development:

  • the stability of economic ties in the company and outside it;
  • the effectiveness of the functioning of the organization at all stages of its development;
  • introduction of new strategic directions.

These conditions depend on 3 main approaches.

  1. Reducing the cost of creating and selling products and services, which allows you to create competitive advantages.
  2. A high degree of specialization to improve the quality of the product. Definition of the main service with further diversification of related offers. They provide synergy by creating an integrated system of production, promotion and sale.
  3. Focusing on one of the market segments, studying its needs and focusing on meeting them when implementing the enterprise development plan.

Based on these conditions, it is customary to single out 4 types of basic conceptual strategies.

Concentrated growth strategy. It includes strengthening market positions, searching for territories to promote goods and services; modifying a product for sale within an existing market.

Growth strategy by increasing the number of structures(integrated growth). This includes a horizontal merger of companies engaged in the same market segment, production or sales, that is, the creation of a network. As well as vertical mergers, along the way, “production-distribution-sales”, carried out on different organizational and legal conditions. Conglomerate mergers of companies operating in different sectors of the economy can also be represented, which will increase the number of possible types of work.

Diversified Growth Strategy through the introduction of additional goods and services.

reduction strategy. Involves liquidation, used in the event that a company is unable to conduct this business, therefore it is forced to sell it in whole or in part.

It is important to note that the strategic plans for the development of an enterprise are of different levels.

  1. Corporate is associated with strengthening market positions, the formation of common goals and team culture in the company.
  2. Business (business strategy) is built in accordance with the areas of activity chosen by the strategy.
  3. Functional or managerial defines approaches that ensure effective management in the implementation of business strategies.
  4. The operational includes the strategy of logistics, commerce, production, marketing and is aimed at the implementation of the business business strategy.

Stage 3. Development of forecasts for the long-term development of the enterprise(at least 3 options). Forecasting the change of the company is based on changes outside it, that is, it requires:

  • determination of market opportunities and its conjuncture;
  • changes in quality needs for goods;
  • increasing purchasing power and areas of its application;
  • changes in the internal environment:
  • growth in production and sales volumes;
  • qualitative and quantitative changes in the resource potential;
  • competitiveness and sustainability of the company.

Forecasting can be carried out according to trend models, according to target standards, using economic-mathematical, simulation and network modeling.

Its tasks include:

  1. Analysis and forecasting of the economic situation within the company and outside it.
  2. Analysis and forecasting of markets and logistics.
  3. Development of plans for the further work of the company.

Each model assumes a separate forecast. All of them are compared and analyzed, after which the reality of the enterprise development plan in possible situations is determined. Then a decision is made as far as possible to manage the forecast indicators. In general, you need at least three forecasts: minimum, maximum and close to reality. It is better to create them for periods longer than the period of implementation of the long-term plan.

Stage 4. Evaluation and selection of the most effective and realistic forecast option, specification. In a long-term enterprise development plan, goals are expressed in terms of indicators and targets.

  • Development of a manufacturing enterprise: a phased strategy

An example of an enterprise development plan from life

Consider the development plan of the enterprise of the Strobi group of companies as an example. This organization is engaged in wholesale and retail sales of building and finishing materials, as well as a complete set of construction projects.

1. The structure of strategic planning. The most convenient and affordable planning tool is a strategic map. It includes four levels.

  1. Financial goals are the amount of money that the company would like to earn after a certain period of time. Net profit, EBITDA profit, capitalization level, or any other important financial parameter for the company can be taken as a target indicator.
  2. Business and customers are the activities and projects that the company intends to engage in during a given period.
  3. Internal processes are business processes that are important to start applying for the successful operation of the organization.
  4. Development and training of personnel - obtaining by employees of the company the knowledge and skills necessary to implement the strategic plan for the development of the enterprise.

During planning, it is better to move from top to bottom: at the first step, set financial goals, then identify business areas, then decide what processes need to be established, and at the last stage, plan the training of employees. However, it is necessary to carry out the planned in the reverse order: from personnel to financial indicators.

2. How to choose the right financial goals.

When determining the financial goal, the management of Strobi chose the amount of net profit planned for the fifth year out of five - this is the first level of planning. The management associated the second level with the beginning of the sales organization, since the company traded exclusively in goods on a self-delivery basis. Therefore, it was important to set up the activities of representatives and administrators, as well as taking orders and paying for them, delivery, and more - the third level. The fourth level was devoted to training employees, which was necessary for the goals chosen by the company. .

Marketers made an analysis of the calculation of possible financial indicators. It was decided to open branches in medium-sized cities where there are no other players operating at the country level. Each applicant was considered for the possibility of selling goods in the network and the introduction of retail, and in each of the options, sales volumes and potential profitability were studied. Only after compiling a picture of the development of the company for the next 5 years and creating an enterprise development plan with stages on the way to the goal, the management of Strobi submitted it for further consideration to the departments of finance and economics. They built a financial model and assessed the chances of lending and refinancing profits, after which they made adjustments to the plans of managers. Despite the fact that the originally planned income after this stage was reduced by 20%, the plan turned out to be quite realistic.

3. How ideology should help achieve financial goals

If you really want to achieve the volumes prescribed in the enterprise development plan, you need to streamline the processes within the company and create an incentive for continuous professional development of employees. Since in this case the management decided to create a network, there was a need for typing. It was decided to test the business processes at the main office and only after that transfer the practice to the branches.

Since Strobi sold goods manufactured by other companies, it was obvious that it was impossible to influence two indicators: the quality and type of goods. In addition, they did not turn out to be a unique seller for any supplier. Therefore, it was possible to attract a potential buyer with an exceptionally high level of services.

Superiority in the field of service quality has become the main idea of ​​"Strobi", has become a key task in the implementation of the company's development plan. One of his main criteria was logistics. Even if you are very polite with the client, know a lot and sell a lot, a person will evaluate the company by the quality of delivery. When the buyer receives the goods late or in the wrong volume, you can completely lose it. To become leaders in the delivery segment, it is important to train employees.

4. How to build a personnel policy to implement your plans

In this task, 3 subtasks were identified:

  • training of a highly professional team;
  • building employee loyalty;
  • customer-oriented work.

An internal corporate university, MBA programs for senior managers and training of the rest of the staff, which were funded by the company, helped raise the level of staff.

An important matter was the creation of an incentive system. Under her, most of the income depended on the variable part of the salary. It was issued in case of fulfillment of the plan. So purchasing managers were awarded bonuses for good performance in fulfilling orders. Thus, managers managed to raise this figure to 100% for chains and 87% for shipments to wholesale customers. Storekeepers and selectors during manual picking were given the standard “1 error per 1000 selections”. She was reached. The chosen credo “Favorable to me - profitable to the company” worked extremely effectively.

Special efforts were made at Strobi to pay attention to intra-corporate communication. A site for internal use appeared, where, in addition to news, blocks with instructions, management orders, templates, etc. were displayed. The files had screenshots demonstrating the sequence of work. Thus, no one could claim that he had not heard something.

  • Company development: 5 stages to strive for

Implementation of the enterprise development plan

An enterprise development plan makes sense only when it is effectively implemented. This means that implementation management becomes part of strategic planning and management. The effectiveness of management depends on the clarity of communicating specific goals and objectives to all departments and employees, as well as providing them with the required resources.

Among all methods of organizing management of the implementation of the enterprise development plan, two are most common:

1. Method of budgets. Such management of the implementation of the enterprise development plan is a method of allocating resources, expressed in quantitative form. Goals are also quantified.

The budget is most widely used in the formal preparation of an enterprise development plan when it comes to managing within a company. Quantifying all resources and goals is a time-consuming but important part of planning. These quantitative indicators allow any manager to see in a complex, compare, combine different elements to ensure the success of each department and the entire company.

The procedures for the formation and approval of budgets are carried out sequentially and consist of stages.

  1. Quantifying the goals of the enterprise (as a corresponding project) and transferring them to departments in the form of specific goals and objectives. The budgets of the enterprise and divisions are determined on the basis of the projected sales volume and the specific tasks of the divisions.
  2. Preparation of budgets that determine the resources of units needed to perform their tasks. They are developed taking into account the time interval, including medium-term and short-term (annual, semi-annual, quarterly, etc.).
  3. Analysis of the budgets proposed by the departments and the resources available to the enterprise, clarification of the distribution of resources between the departments based on the results of consideration of their proposals and the issuance of instructions to them to clarify the proposals of the departments.
  4. Preparation of the final budgets of departments and the enterprise as a whole, their approval and control of implementation.

Further management is carried out in accordance with the approved budgets and the enterprise development plan. The task is to eliminate deviations from them during the implementation of specific goals and objectives.

2.Management by goals, also referred to as the MBO method, is recognized as an effective method of results-based management. Its meaning lies in the fact that the leader has formed plans that support the goals of a superior person. The activity of each manager is evaluated based on the result of his contribution towards the goals of the company and the implementation of the enterprise development plan, and not on his own characteristics and responsibilities. The basis of this principle is a clear and detailed division of goals into levels and functional areas. It is carried out from top to bottom: from top managers to lower-level managers and other employees. The method is a chain of interrelated steps. It includes:

  • allocation of goals at all levels of management;
  • planning steps to achieve the goals found;
  • verification and evaluation of each manager;
  • taking corrective actions.

The success of the method is associated with several circumstances that stimulate performers and manage them.

Its use requires the personal responsibility of each for the work needed to achieve the goals.

To increase the productivity of both managers and the rest of the staff, it is important to set clear goals. This is due to the need to apply certain efforts and the ability to predict the results.

Efficiency can be improved by providing information on the results obtained in the process of achieving goals and objectives. When this data is accurate and provided on time, it helps in the work.

Problems can stem from the following factors.

  1. Lack of interest among other managers and employees in relation to the development plan of the enterprise.
  2. Misperception of the essence of the method, if subordinates see in it only an increase in the controlling function.
  3. Difficulties in choosing tasks caused by the inaccuracy of their systematization and evaluation.
  4. Resistance of subordinates due to the increase in the volume of work with papers.
  5. The level of managers that does not allow the full use of technology, the inability to choose the main and distribute the available time resources in the implementation of the enterprise development plan.
  6. Low level of personal interest in completing tasks.
  7. Poor understanding of the correlation of work on managing goals with other obligations that are directly included in the functionality of managers and the rest of the team, and inaccuracies in the implementation of the MVO program.





Recommendations for the design of the final qualifying work

The recommendations are drawn up on the basis of state and industry standards for information, librarianship and publishing, as well as on the basis of documents regulating publishing activities at the university, on the basis of regulatory requirements for the final state certification of graduates of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M.Akmulla”. The requirements for computer typing, the rules for the design of the manuscript and its documentary support are outlined. Samples of the design of the title page of the WRC, forms of accompanying documentation, examples of bibliographic records and generally accepted abbreviations of words and phrases are given.

The unification of the requirements for the design of the WQR meets the requirements of the quality management system of the educational process, implemented by the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M.Akmulla.

Designed for students, teachers, deans and directors of institutes. They can also be useful when writing essays, term papers and various documentation.

UMU expresses its deep gratitude to the staff of the Department of Physical Geography, Ecology and Nature Management for the provided material.

© BSPU Publishing House, 2010

Registration of final qualifying work

1. General requirements

The final qualifying work is presented in hardcover. The text must be typed on a computer and printed on standard sheets of A4 white paper (210x297 mm).

The text is typed in MS Word. When typing, it is recommended to use the Times New Roman typeface. The size of the main font - 14 pt, auxiliary (for footnotes, tables) - 12 pt, line spacing - 1.5. Margins: left - 30 mm, right - 15 mm, top - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm. The titles of sections, chapters, paragraphs should be short.

All WRC pages are numbered sequentially from the title page to the last page. The first page is considered the title page, but the number 1 is not put on it, on the next page (after the title page the content is usually located) the number 2 is put down, etc., i.e. The pages of the final qualifying work are numbered in Arabic numerals in normal font No. 14, with continuous numbering throughout the text. Page numbers are put down in the center of the page without a dot at the end (menu - insert - page number). Illustrations, tables and diagrams located on separate sheets within the text are included in the general numbering.

2. Rules for computer design of text

The work material is formed in one MS Word file.

Wrapping in headings is not allowed. The titles of sections (introduction, content, conclusion, list of references, appendices) are printed as first-order headings, without a dot at the end and from a new page. To avoid shifting the beginning of the chapter, it is recommended to put a page break before the title (in the menu Insert - break - new page).

The text is typed in compliance with the following rules:

1) the formation of paragraphs is performed through the command Format - Paragraph;

2) words are separated by only one space;

3) no spaces are placed before the punctuation mark, and one space after the punctuation mark;

4) when typing, a dash (long dash) and hyphens (short dash) should be distinguished. A dash is separated by spaces, but a hyphen is not.

5) after the initials before the surname, inside the abbreviations, before the abbreviation y. - an indication of the year, etc. a non-breaking space is put (Shift-Ctrl-space) in order not to break the integrity of writing, for example: A.S. Pushkin, 1998, vol., i.e.;

6) the main text is justified in width, with an indent of the first line of 1.25 cm;

8) font selections inside the text must correspond to the following hierarchy: lowercase bold straight - lowercase bold italic - lowercase light italic;

9) tables are typed in size 12 and placed in the main text;

10) quotes, direct speech, allegorical expressions are best placed in double quotes;

11) with a three-level heading (chapters - paragraphs - paragraphs), the headings of the first level (introduction, content, chapter titles, conclusion, list of references, applications) are typed in capital bold letters (font 14), the second (paragraph titles) - lowercase bold letters (font 14 ), the third (titles in paragraph paragraphs) - in lower case bold italics (font 14). With two-level headings, the headings of the first level (titles of chapters, etc.) are in lowercase bold (font 14), the second (titles of paragraphs) are in bold italics (font 14). Heading alignment is centered. Chapters, paragraphs, paragraphs in the text of the work should be numbered with Arabic numerals.

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