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How to officially turn off the Rostelecom home antenna. Disadvantages of a collective antenna

Minister of Communications and mass communications Russian Nikolai Nikiforov declared that analog television will be turned off in the country in 2018.

Russia began the transition to digital broadcasting in 2009. The original version of the Federal Target Program (FTP) for the development of television and radio broadcasting provided for complete shutdown"analogue" back in 2015. But last August, by a government decree, this deadline would have been postponed to 2018.

“Initially, it was supposed to complete the program in 2015, and the decree extended it until 2018 inclusive. The reason is the difficult economic situation in the country as a whole and in the field of television and radio broadcasting in particular,” the press secretary of the Russian TV broadcasting network(RTRS) Igor Stepanov.

It is this structure that is engaged in the transfer of the domestic television market to a digital format and is responsible for the operation of multiplexes - the association in single package television channels.

At present, according to RTRS, the first multiplex is being broadcast in all regions of the country. In 50 out of 85 entities, the construction of the network has been fully completed.

In the whole country, ten channels in digital form available to 93% of the population. The technical coverage of the second multiplex - that is, all the constructed facilities - is about 85.6%. However, as Stepanov clarifies, there are 64.4% of working transmitters.

Available channels

When planning digital network in Russia it was proposed to organize the broadcasting of 20-24 free channels. The first multiplex, the broadcasting of which was built with budget money and started in 2009, contains ten mandatory public channels. The list includes Channel One, Russia 1, Match TV, NTV, Channel Five, Russia K, Russia 24, Karusel, OTR, TV Center.

The second package, which is provided at the expense of the broadcasters themselves (about 1 billion a year), began its work in 2013. It presents REN-TV, Spas, STS, Domashny, TV-3, Friday, Zvezda, Mir, TNT, Muz-TV.

Before the crisis, the government planned to launch a third multiplex, which was supposed to consist of four regional TV channels in standard definition and one federal HDTV.

Later, the Ministry of Communications considered that the launch of the next digital package"economically unfeasible".

Crimea is the only region of Russia where the third multiplex has been implemented. The peninsula inherited this opportunity from the Ukrainian authorities, who were able to implement the digital infrastructure for television.

World experience

The turning point for the world was on June 17, 2015, when, under the Geneva 06 (Ge-06) agreement, the priority in broadcasting shifted from analogue to digital television. The countries that ratified the document were supposed to release conventional TV frequencies that interfere with digital.

In practice, this means that in the event of a conflict between two types of television and radio signal legal protection will use a more modern format.

For a number of states located mainly in Africa, transition period extended for another five years.

According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), at that time, out of 119 countries that signed the agreement, 35% of the states turned off analogue broadcasting, 38% (including Russia) were in a state of transition, and 27% had not even begun translation work. television to digital.

Back in 2006, Luxembourg and the Netherlands switched completely to digital TV.

A year later, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Andorra and Switzerland joined them. In 2008, Belgium and Germany abandoned the analogue. From 2009 to 2015, digital TV completely absorbed almost all of Europe (including Belarus).

The United States, which operates independently of the ITU and has its own digital format, ATSC, turned off analogue broadcasts back in 2009. China, Chile and Mexico are preparing to complete the digitalization of their television by the end of 2016. Ukraine will join next year.

It is expected that at the same time as Russia, Argentina and Thailand will say goodbye to analog TV. Until 2023, it is planned that Panama, Cuba, Brazil and other countries will join the list.

How to set up a signal

The transition to the "digit" is due not only to a global trend, but also to practical benefits. Broadcasting in this format allows you to distribute channels in more high quality. Digital TV also saves the radio frequency spectrum: 10 channels fit on one frequency instead of one.

Taking into account the development of technology, turning off the “analogue” will be painless for most viewers. Many modern TVs support work with digital standard DVB-T2. For those users who are in no hurry to change their "boxes" to new ones, they can simply buy a special set-top box to receive a more modern signal.

RTRS, at the very beginning of the transition to digital, took care of Russian viewers by publishing on its website instruction for setting up technology.

In addition, users can always connect cable or satellite television, or even completely switch to SmartTV.

The Russian telecommunications company Rostelecom provides a wide range of services, including television.

Once the collective antenna was the only means watching TV shows. Payment for it is included in the general payment document for the services provided.

With the advent a large number technologies for viewing TV channels, most TV owners have a desire to turn off television antenna Rostelecom and choose a more modern option.

Installation of a house antenna by Rostelecom is no longer provided. For customers who prefer to connect digital television, Rostelecom offers an antenna, which is a special prefix. To stop paying for the collective, you should turn it off.

The main reasons for refusals to use collective antenna Rostelecom are:

  • choice of IPTV technology;
  • satellite TV connection;
  • go to cable TV TV Rostelecom;
  • switching to another provider.

There are other reasons that private matter user.

Disadvantages of a collective antenna

Users call disadvantages during operation:

  • a small number of available TV channels that do not allow you to watch existing programs for the whole family;
  • analog view;
  • inability to sort channels;
  • inconvenient navigation;
  • unsatisfactory image quality.

One of the main disadvantages is the cost of the service, which exceeds 150 rubles for monthly use. You can find out exactly how much it costs to use the antenna from the general receipt in the "Television broadcast" column. The payment for a community antenna is included in the bill, regardless of whether it is used.

Disabling the Rostelecom collective antenna is carried out in a declarative manner. A statement asking you to stop using and obtaining approval makes it possible to stop paying for this service from the next month.

How to disable the Rostelecom antenna

There are frequent cases when subscribers continue to pay for the use of a Rostelecom collective antenna, although they already have alternatives watching TV shows. You should stop paying for a service that is not being used by disconnecting it from your apartment.

It is enough to refuse the antenna in a simple way. This can be done both by the owner of the apartment, in whose name the contract is drawn up, and by another person for whom he issues a power of attorney. If the collective antenna does not work and is not used for its intended purpose, then there are no grounds for payment and it should be turned off.

Just like the conclusion of the contract, its termination occurs in an official way. In this case, all rules must be observed, otherwise the termination will not be carried out. It should be borne in mind that the termination of the disconnection agreement does not have retroactive effect. The organization does not restore the contract, since this service has been replaced by new technologies. Therefore, before turning off, you should obtain the consent of all those living in the apartment.

If you intend to abandon the service you used before, it is not enough just to unplug the cord from the TV from the socket. If the Rostelecom antenna does not work, but this is not formalized, then only an increase in payment arrears can be achieved.

Shutdown when visiting the office

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Make sure there are no outstanding payments. If available, pay for them. The certificate will be a certificate from the EIRC settlement center or a receipt for the last month.
  2. Take a passport, which indicates the address of registration of its owner.
  3. Visit one of the offices.
  4. Contact an employee who will check the documents and issue an application form for termination of the contract.
  5. To write an application. Make sure it is registered.

This procedure is free and there is no state duty.

Shutdown via the Internet

It is possible to turn off the Rostelecom antenna via the Internet. To do this, you need to go to the official website and perform all the proposed operations. To register, you must log in and go to your personal account. First, scans of two pages of the passport and a certificate of absence of debt should be made and sent.

If the deactivation statement was sent by e-mail, then within a few days specified address You will receive a reply that the application has been accepted. Then you need to wait for a visit to the master, who will perform the necessary work.

If there are disagreements living in the apartment, it is allowed in any of the rooms where there is a TV, leave everything as before, and turn it off in the other.

Antenna Disconnect Application

A sample application for disconnecting Rostelecom's house antenna can be obtained at the company's office or downloaded below.

It must indicate the organization where the application is sent to turn off the Rostelecom antenna. The following data must be provided:

  • Name of the applicant;
  • its registration address;
  • details of the identity document;
  • device installation address;
  • details of the contract for the provision of services;
  • contact phone number;
  • E-mail address.

The application indicates the essence of the appeal and a promise to pay off the debt for the current month. At the end, the signature and date of the applicant is put. The application after it has been processed by the staff at correct filling will be taken into account.

Connection to other versions of television

After disconnecting from the collective device, the question arises of replacing the method of television broadcasting. Rostelecom provides its services in this matter. Simultaneously with the application to disconnect the collective device, you can use the opportunity to connect subscribers to cable, interactive and digital television. Analog TV is very popular.

After connecting it, the image quality improves, access to a wide range television channels.

At the beginning of 2018, the transition to digital terrestrial television was supposed to be completed in Moldova, but neither the population, nor the infrastructure, nor the state were ready for such a quick rejection of analogue terrestrial television.

Last week, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova called new date shutdown of analog TV in Moldova by approving a bill to extend the transition period for another two years. This will make it possible to maintain analogue broadcasting in the country until March 2020 with parallel broadcasting of TV channels in digital format.

According to the plans of the Ministry of Economy, the transition will take place when the majority of the population (about 95% of households) is ready to receive digital signal. At the same time, according to the agency's estimates, at least 70,000 families will need subsidies to purchase set-top boxes for receiving and converting the signal.

Television without analogues

In 2006, Moldova, together with another hundred countries, signed in Geneva the Agreement of the Regional Conference on Radiocommunications on the transition to digital TV in the DVB-T2 standard by 2015, pledging to abandon analogue broadcasting. The point is that some analog channels intersect with frequencies from neighboring states and with frequencies used to deliver the digital signal.

Despite this, over the next nine years, the authorities did not this direction almost no steps. The first government decree on this topic appeared a month before the deadline for digitization - in May 2015. At the same time, a decision was made to full transition in Moldova until December 31, 2017 from analogue to digital television.

The program for the transition to "digital" assumed that over the course of three years licenses would be issued for the use of radio frequencies to create three networks of digital terrestrial television(multiplexes) with national coverage, as well as 21 regional network with a capacity of 12 to 15 broadcasters. The construction of the first two multiplexes was carried out by the state enterprise Radiocomunicaţii, which acts as their administrator. WITH technical point vision, their equipment makes it possible to cover 95% of the country's territory with digital television.

Which TV channels are included in the multiplex is decided by the Coordinating Council for Television and Radio (BCC), which is responsible for organizing the competition. Initially, the BCC issued licenses for broadcasting in the first multiplex to 12 TV channels - Moldova 1, TVR Moldova, TV7, N4, Agro TV Moldova, Canal Regional, CTC-Mega, Super TV and General Media Group TV channels - Prime, Canal 2, Canal 3, Publika TV. Then Accent TV, Jurnal TV and ITV received licenses for the three remaining free slots. RTR-Moldova and NTV-Moldova also applied for seats in the first digital multiplex, but their applications were not supported by the BCC.

Some broadcasters immediately stated that, despite the availability of a license, they would not rush to switch to digital, as it was too expensive. Last year, a number of TV channels such as Agro TV, Canal Regional and Jurnal TV applied to the BCC for an extension of the deadline for switching to digital broadcasting, citing high costs. The BCC did not turn anyone away, although they expressed regret that organizations that had previously declared that they had the financial capacity to digital broadcasting are not fulfilling their obligations. Meanwhile, some broadcasters never started broadcasting after receiving their license, while others announced they were relinquishing their license.

According to experts, the hasty transition to digitization could well leave the country without local TV channels. If the authorities did not extend the transition period, then after the stop of analogue broadcasting, signal transmission would become possible only via cable, which would significantly narrow the television audience. Today, there are only three broadcasters with national coverage in the country: Moldova 1, Prime and Canal 2 TV channels. Other channels are broadcast in the regions with the help of private regional repeaters.

Nevertheless, according to experts, the transition to digital is inevitable. Otherwise, Moldova will find itself in a vacuum, because this process is actively going on in neighboring countries, and therefore, at some point, analog TV transmitters will have to be turned off. Also, due to the fact that one digital frequency can accommodate 12-16 programs, and in analogue television each channel has its own frequency, the terrestrial analogue is losing its relevance. Freed frequencies are proposed to be used for other technologies, such as CDMA and LTE.

"Digital" is beyond the power of TV channels

The bill of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, which provides for the extension of the transition to terrestrial digital television until March 1, 2020, was considered at the first plenary meeting of the spring-summer session of parliament in two readings at once. According to the head of the parliamentary commission for economy, budget and finance, Stefan Creanga, requests for these legislative changes came from many TV channels.

State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure Vitalie Tarlev notes that the law provides not only a new deadline for the transition to digital, but also the extension of licenses for the use of radio channels or radio frequencies for terrestrial analog television. That is, the terms of the licenses will be synchronized with the transition period.

Adviser to the Prime Minister on Economy, ex-Minister of Economy and Infrastructure Octavian Kalmyk explains the need to extend the deadlines by the fact that the broadcasters are not technically and financially ready to create regional multiplexes or start broadcasting through the national multiplex. In addition, according to him, earlier the state budget lacked the required financial resources to ensure such a transition. According to Kalmyk, these are the main reasons for extending the transition to digital terrestrial television.

The high costs of digital broadcasting are still beyond the power of local TV channels. The vast majority of broadcasters do not have sufficient funds to ensure that equipment is purchased on time and invest in the transition to digital television. The cost of broadcasting in the multiplex is about 84 thousand euros per month (excluding VAT) for all TV channels connected to it. If we divide this amount into 15 channels included in the multiplex, then the monthly payment for each of them will be 5.6 thousand euros.

The issue of creating regional digital multiplexes remains unresolved. Most TV channels have repeatedly stated that they do not have the financial resources for this. According to rough estimates, up to 150,000 euros may be needed to create a regional multiplex. One of the options under consideration is the creation of regional multiplexes by the state and the lease of slots to broadcasters at affordable prices.

At the same time, small broadcasters consider it inexpedient to conclude contracts with the state enterprise Radiocomunicaţii because, in their opinion, the cost of services is excessively high. Experts calculated that the channel's access to a satellite that provides coverage throughout the country for owners satellite dishes, will cost less than the cost of broadcasting through digital multiplex. Some TV channels are counting on receiving grants or sponsorship, as well as providing discounts for regional media.

The poor will be helped by a tuner

Meanwhile, due to the lack of information campaigns, many citizens are not aware of the upcoming changes and additional costs, in which the transition to the "figure" can result for them. You will need to replace your analog tvs digital or purchase special equipment. In order to be sure that the TV receives these signals, it must have DVB-T2 technology.

Modern televisions, as a rule, have built-in DVB-T2 reception systems. And to continue using older TVs, you will need digital tuner (set top box) that can decode the signal. The cost of a special prefix can vary from 50 to 100 dollars and more. Many low-income people cannot afford such expenses, therefore, in order to ensure the right to access to information, the state plans to compensate for the forced expenses.

It's about about families receiving social assistance who have a working TV that does not receive a digital signal. By preliminary estimates, more than 70 thousand families will be able to receive signal converters for receiving digital terrestrial television free of charge. To receive a converter, they will need to complete a standard application.

The fact that socially disadvantaged segments of the population will be provided with free set-top boxes for old TV models was provided by the government back in May 2015. However, financial resources for these purposes have not been allocated. The Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure expects that with a possible adjustment of the state budget, it will include appropriations for equipping low-income families with decoders. The solution to this problem is estimated at about 50 million lei.

There are two main options for how to disable interactive television Rostelecom. Let's consider each in more detail.

This option is considered the most optimal, since a person can directly ask a specialist all questions of interest about how to disconnect from TV. Before visiting a provider's branch, prepare the following:

  • passport;
  • agreement;
  • set-top box (if it was rented from the provider).

At the office of the company, the user will be prompted to fill out an application for refusal of the services provided. You should be aware that such documents are always drawn up in duplicate. One is transferred to the company's employees, and the other remains with the user.

Addresses of sales and customer service centers can be found on the official website

Then you need to hand over the rented television equipment. But don't expect TV to be turned off right away. The contract will be terminated after consideration of the application, and only if the user has no debt to the provider. If there are no obstacles to terminating the contract, then, after a while, Rostelecom employees will contact the subscriber by phone, who need to once again confirm their refusal from interactive TV. Then the TV will turn off.

Option 2: Remote failure

What is voluntary blocking

If a person wants to give up Interactive TV temporarily (vacation, long business trip), then he can use the "Voluntary blocking" service.

How to activate the option:

  • write an application at the branch of the company, or connect the option in your personal account;
  • the application shall indicate the subscriber's data, personal account number;

You should know that the option is enabled for at least 30 days. How to disable the option:

  • contact the company's specialists by hot number;
  • disable the option through your personal account.

Cancellation of other services in your personal account

It is impossible to turn off Rostelecom television through your personal account, but you can temporarily block it. And also with the help personal account you can connect and disconnect everything Additional services. If the user wants to opt out of paid TV options, then the following steps must be followed:

  1. Log in to the provider.
  2. Go to the "Personal Account" section.
  3. Select the Paid Services tab.
  4. A list of activated paid services. On the contrary, each connected service will have an inscription: “Enable” and “Disable”.
  5. Click on the option you want to disable.
  6. After that on email You will receive an email with an activation code.
  7. This code must be entered in a special box on the TV panel.
  8. The paid option is disabled.

In order to avoid problems when terminating the service, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • no debt on the subscriber's account;
  • timely return of the set-top box, otherwise the fee for it will be charged even after the TV is turned off;
  • studying the contract at the stage of connecting the TV later on, this will help to avoid unpleasant surprises, for example, such as the need to buy out the rented equipment.

The information presented in the article gives the user a complete answer on how to disable Rostelecom digital television and other additional services. Read on,

In 2018, the federal target program for the transition to digital television broadcasting. According to the plan, analog television should be turned off, which means that viewers who catch the signal through analog antenna, may be left without their favorite programs. At the "Business Breakfast" in " Russian newspaper Andrey Romanchenko, head of the Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network (RTRS), spoke about the future of Russian television.

Andrey Yuryevich, will it not turn out that after 2018 millions of old analog TVs will go out?

Andrei Romanchenko: "Switching off the analogue" is a myth, a children's horror story. Because there is no question of abandoning analog television as such. This means that starting from 2019, the government Russian Federation ceases to finance the distribution of all-Russian mandatory public channels in cities with a population of less than 100 thousand people. Now we have 10 channels receive an annual subsidy. From 2019, they will not have this subsidy. And accordingly, the analog broadcast of these 10 channels will stop.

The first ten Russian TV channels will be available to viewers of small settlements only in digital format. In large cities, TV channels pay analog signal independently from their commercial income. And they will have to decide whether they want to bear the double burden of paying for broadcasts in two formats, analogue and digital, in cities with a population of more than 100,000 people. We have only 165 such cities, but about half of the country's population lives in these 165 cities. Everything will depend on economic feasibility for TV channels.

Top ten since 2018 Russian channels will be available in small towns only in digital format

For the rest, there is no question of turning off analog TV channels in 2018 or 2019 - and there are hundreds of them, if you count the regional ones.

And what about then half of the population of the country that catches the analog signal? After all, not all TVs support digital.

Andrey Romanchenko: When the implementation began federal program transition to digital television broadcasting, in our country, according to various estimates, there were from 70 to 90 million TV sets. All analog, of course.

But since mid-2012, we have not imported or produced analog TVs. And since the middle of 2012, approximately 40 million TVs, already digital, and another 13 million digital set-top boxes have been sold in Russia. Thus, the fleet of TVs has been updated by at least half.

Now penetration digital equipment, that is, the willingness of the population to simply turn off the analogue and watch only the figure, 60 percent already. And we still have 2.5 years of program implementation ahead of us.

At the same time, there are more than a thousand models on the market now. digital TVs. Their cost starts from 7 thousand rubles. And so that analog TVs do not go out, their owners just need to purchase a set-top box that will allow them to receive a digital signal. There are now more than 200 models, and the cost starts from 800 rubles.

And such expenses are coming to about 30 million owners of analog TVs?

Andrei Romanchenko: 40 percent of the population in small settlements, where the broadcast of the top ten TV channels in analog format will not continue and there is no alternative in the form of cable television.

In many regions, the quality of TV programs in analogue is very lame. If TV viewers from the outback acquire new tv or digital set-top box, will they get a better picture?

Andrei Romanchenko: Now almost 92 percent of the population sees 10 channels of the first multiplex, and by the end of the year 65 percent of the population will be able to watch the second multiplex, that is, a total of 20 digital channels.

Now 60 percent of the Russian population is ready to turn off analog TV

As for the quality, everyone knows very well that if the signal is good, then analog TV gives very good results. good picture. But when we say that one analogue program, most likely Channel One and Russia 1, covers 98.8 percent of the population, this does not mean at all that this quality signal. The quality can be very relative.

Diffusion of digital signal is coming differently. He either exists or he doesn't. So far, if there is a digital signal, then it is definitely on "four plus". And if the signal is weaker than a certain level, the picture crumbles into pixels. That is, the border there is quite rigid. So the quality of the "numbers" on the "four plus" will definitely be in 98.4 percent of the population. And the remaining 1.6 percent will have the opportunity to receive free satellite package from the same 20 channels.

Is there any program to inform the population about the transition to digital broadcasting?

Andrei Romanchenko: Definitely. Information work is underway. We prepared the concept of shutdown analogue TV channels back in 2014, and there we clearly laid down the criteria under which conditions this was possible. First, there must be a 95 percent readiness of the population to receive a digital signal. Secondly, the first multiplex of public channels should operate in the region for at least a year and a half, and the second multiplex for at least 12 months. Six months are provided for a massive information and explanatory campaign, in which, of course, all leading television channels should participate.

Information taken from the official website

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