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How to clear browser cache - guaranteed result. How to clear browser cache - guaranteed results How to clear temporary browser files

What does it mean to clear the cache: why to clear it + 3 ways to clean the computer + clear the cache 4 types of browsers + 2 ways to clear memory on Android + 3 ways to clean iPhone.

Computers, tablets, phones need competent operation and technical support if you want their work to be correct, fast and smooth.

One of the most important manipulations to keep the PC "fit" is the decision to clear the cache.

Let's consider, what does it mean to clear the cache and how to do it on different browsers and operating systems.

What is cache?

Cache Is a cache memory (buffer) for temporary data with a high access speed and limited volume.

It is needed to speed up access to data that is often used. Caching is used by the PC's central processor, hard drives, browsers.

Browser cache- storage of temporary data loaded from network resources. The Internet browser saves temporary documents on the hard drive of the PC.

When pages from the Internet are viewed in the browser, it automatically saves some parts of the page in the computer's memory in order to take data not from the site server, but from the system memory when re-viewing the page, which significantly increases the speed of opening the page.

It is easy to verify that the caching process is working.
Open any site that is new to the browser, then close it.
When you reopen the site, it will load much faster than the first time.

The Internet browser does not cache all files and data. It depends on the settings of each site that the webmaster sets.

What does it mean to clear the cache?

The cleaning process involves the removal of temporary files saved when working with data, sites. What does "clear cache" mean? Erase all graphics and text files.

In the next session of the browser, it will again take information from the site server, and again will save the received data to the system memory.

Why clear the cache?

Since temporary documents are saved on the hard drive of the computer, over time they take up unnecessary space, which affects the speed of the operating system.

This is reflected both in the operation of the computer itself and in the operation of the browser.

If several browsers are used, each of them saves data to the system memory, thus the information is duplicated.
Accordingly, it takes up more space.

There is another reason why it is necessary to clean the memory: by pulling data from the hard drive, and not from the server, the Internet browser may not show the updates that have occurred on the site.

How do I clear the cache on my computer?

Cleaning unnecessary computer files cannot be called a simple procedure, in contrast to a similar cleaning of the browser.

But if your PC starts to freeze, you can most likely say that such a cleaning will help restore performance to it.

Let's consider the process of deleting temporary documents for the most popular operating system - Windows.

When cleaning, you can use the built-in tools or special programs. Standard cleaning with Windows tools is considered more effective, but it takes more time and skill.

Standard Windows cleaning consists of 3 points:

  • clear the cached DNS memory (the system for obtaining information about domains);
  • deleting cached files from thumbnails (folder with thumbnails of viewed images);
  • clear cache memory.

a) Clear DNS cache

DNS cache cleaning is performed using the command line. Go to "Start", select "All Programs", after "Standard", from the drop-down menu open "Command Prompt".

Enter the "ipconfig / flushdns" command into the appeared program without brackets.

As a result, the computer itself cleans DNS from unnecessary data.

b) Clearing the thumbnails of the cache

Clearing the thumbnails of the cache is done using a standard program.

To launch it, follow this path:

  1. Go to the start menu.
  2. Find "All Programs" in it.
  3. Then " Standard programs».
  4. Then "Service".
  5. And finally, "Disk Cleanup".

You will see the "Select Disk" window. Choose the hard drive where Windows is located (usually on the C drive).

Your thumbnails cache is now empty.

c) Clear cache

Another way to delete unnecessary temporary documents from your computer

shown in the video:

And do not forget to empty the "Trash", the data in it can also take up a lot of space.

d) Special programs for clearing the cache

It is convenient to use special programs to clear unnecessary data in the computer's "RAM".

There are many such services, but the most popular is Ccleaner.

This program is free. Finding it on the Internet and downloading it to your computer is not difficult.

The official website of the developers, from which you can also download the free version of the program:

You can also use the online version without installing on a PC.

To clean your PC with Ccleaner, open the program on the "Cleaning" tab.

On the Windows tab, you can select the data you want to delete. Typically, automatic setup is fairly accurate in identifying such documents.

The program will remove unnecessary files from your computer, including those saved by Internet browsers and other software.

Click on the "Analysis" button and wait for it to finish. Then click "Cleanup".

How do I clear my browser cache?

If you do not need to delete all temporary documents from your computer, you can simply clear the memory of Internet browsers. The cleaning methods are slightly different for different internet browsers.

1) How to clear memory in Internet Explorer?

On the taskbar or in the main menu, find "Tools" and then "Internet Options".

In the window that appears, you need the "General" tab, where there is a "Browsing history" area. There is a button "Delete ..." in it. By clicking on this button, you will see a window that appears with a list of documents for recycling.

The necessary files are already selected automatically, but you can independently mark which data should be deleted. After clicking on the "Delete" button, temporary documents will be deleted.

2) Clean up memory in Firefox

From the main screen, open "Settings". In the window that appears, find "Additional" and go to "Network".

This tab has a Cached Web Content area with a Clear Now button. Click on it, and Firefox will start the analysis and erase the unnecessary.

3) Cleaning up memory in Google Chrome

In Google Chrome, find "Tools", then "Show advanced settings".

In some versions of the Internet browser, the path is as follows: "Additional tools" - "Delete data about the pages viewed".

By selecting this item, you will see the "Clear history" window.

Set the recycling period to "All time" and select "Cookies and other data from sites" and "Images stored in the cache." At the end, you need to click on "Clear History".

4) Clearing memory in Opera

Go to the "Settings" section. In the window that appears, open the "Security" tab. There is an area "Confidentiality" with a button "Clear browsing history", click on it.

In the window that appears, select the "From the very beginning" period and mark which data should be disposed of. Click on "Clear browsing history". Ready.

How do I clear the cache on my phone?

Modern phones, more precisely, smartphones and tablets, need the same maintenance as personal computers.

They also need to dispose of unnecessary documents. And this should be done more often than on a PC, since the amount of "RAM" is less and the system quickly starts to slow down.

1) Clean up memory on Android

There are 3 types of cached memory in the Android operating system:

  • dalvik-Cache - optimized application files are stored here;
  • system cache - files of system programs are written to it;
  • application cache - files of applications such as Internet browsers, games, etc. are stored here.

There are several methods you can use to clean them: manually using the standard built-in utility, or using additional software.

Ways to clear memory on Android:

For example, consider the Clean Master program:

How to remove temporary "RAM" using CCleaner

see the video:

2) Clear cache on iPhone

Do not forget to periodically clean your computer and phone from temporary files, because now you know what does it mean to clear the cache- free up space and facilitate the work of the system, thereby increasing its performance and speed.

Not everyone knows about this, but there is one very simple and quick way to clear cache and cookies any browser. You only need to remember one keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + Delete... While in any browser, hold down these three keys on the keyboard, and then you will only have to choose what exactly and for what period to delete.

How to clear cache and cookies in Mozilla Firefox

So, we pinch Ctrl + Shift + Del on the keyboard in the browser Mozilla Firefox... This window will appear:
Click in it “ Details”And remove the extra jackdaws if you like. Leave Cookies and Cash. Then, here at the top in the drop-down list, select: for what period to delete data (you can select “ Everything”).

Then press the button “ Delete now

That's all! In other browsers, everything is done the same way.

How to clear cache and cookies in Internet Explorer

V Internet Explorer hold down on the keyboard Ctrl + Shift + Del... In the window that opens, leave the flags:

  • Temporary Internet and website files
  • Cookies and website data

Then press the button “ Delete" and wait for the operation to complete:

How to clear cache and cookies in Opera

In the browser Opera hold down on the keyboard Ctrl + Shift + Del... In the window that opens, select the period from the drop-down list (you can select “ from the very beginning”). Leave the flags below:

  • Cookies and other site data
  • Cached images and files

Then press the button “ Clear browsing history”And wait for the operation to complete:

How to clear cache and cookies in Google Chrome

In the browser Google chrome press on keyboard Ctrl + Shift + Del... In the window that opens, select the period (you can “ for all the time”), Then leave the flags:

  • Cookies and other data from sites and plugins
  • Images and other files saved in the cache

Then press the button “ Clear the history”And wait for the operation to complete.

First of all, let's figure out what is browser cache... The web pages that you browse on the Internet are made up of many files:

  • CSS styles,
  • JavaScript scripts,
  • pictures and photos,
  • audio and video,
  • the web page itself is a text document marked up in a special way, collecting all these files into a common whole.

The first time you visit the site, the browser saves the files that make up the web pages to disk. This special storage on your computer is called browser cache... When you visit the site again, there is no need to re-download all this economy to your computer, since the browser has already saved them in cache... This saves traffic and valuable time.

Over time, however, this repository can grow to monstrous proportions. And even if you no longer visit the pages that own most of the files, they are still stored on your computer. Do you need it?

So if you ask me: "Do I need to clear the browser cache?". I will answer you: "It is necessary!"

How to properly clear your browser cache

So how do you clear your browser cache? It's very simple: we read the section dedicated to your favorite browser, follow the instructions and enjoy life.

Select a browser:

How to clear the Yandex browser cache

1. You can clear the cache of the Yandex browser by clicking on the button at the very top of the program window:

2. Move the mouse over the item " Additionally"And in the drop-down menu click on the line" Clear the history».

However, you can also call this window with a combination of hot keys Ctrl + Shift + Del from any open tab.

4. In the drop-down list, select the time for which you want to delete the history of visits, and also check the boxes “ Files saved in the cache", As well as optionally" Cookies and other site data". All other checkboxes can be unchecked.

5. Press the button " Clear the history».

How to clear the cache of the Google Chrome browser

1. You can clear the Chrome browser cache by going through the main menu to the "Settings" menu item

2. On the page that opens, click on the button " Clear the history" In chapter " Personal data". For this section to appear (by default, it is hidden), you must click on the link at the bottom of the page " Show advanced settings».

3. In the appeared window " Clear the history»Specify in the drop-down list the period for which you want to delete the history of visits. Then check only the checkboxes “ Images and other files saved in the cache". If necessary, you can also check the box " Cookies and other data from sites and plugins».

4. Confirm your actions by clicking on the button " Clear the history»

How to clear the cache of your Opera browser

1. Go to the main menu, find the item " Settings» ( Alt + P)

2. Click in the left menu item " Safety»

3. In the section " Confidentiality"Click on the button" Clear browsing history ...»

Call the window " Clear browsing history"You can also use hot keys Ctrl + Shift + Del

4. In the drop-down list next to the inscription “ Destroy the following items»Select the period for which we want to destroy this very data.

5. Leave only the checkbox " Clear cache"And, if necessary, delete cookies as well" Delete cookies and other site data»

6. Press the button " Clear browsing history».

How to clear the cache of the Mozilla Firefox browser

1. We are looking for the settings icon in the right corner, click. A drop-down window appears with menu items. We find the item " Settings».

2. On the “ Privacy"Looking for a link" delete your recent history».

3. However, the fastest way is to use hotkeys to clear the browser cache: Ctrl + Shift + Del.

4. In this window " Delete recent history"In the drop-down list" Delete»Select for what period you want to delete the history.

5. Next, open the menu “ Details"And tick only the item" Cache"If you want to reset the Firefox browser cache. Check the box " Cookies»If you want to clear your browser cache and cookies.

6. We confirm our actions by clicking on the button " Delete now».

How to clear Internet Explorer cache

Depending on the version of Internet Explorer, the settings for clearing the cache may be located in different menu items.

How to find out your IE version:

  1. In the IE main menu, look for the item " reference"(Help). If you are not watching the menu, hold down Alt.
  2. In the drop-down menu " reference"We find the item" About the program»
  3. The window that appears will suggest your version of Internet Explorer.

IE 6

Service Alt.
Internet options»
3. In the “ Are common"Press the button" Delete files»
5. To close the " Internet options", Click again" Ok».

IE 7

1. In the main menu, select the item " Service". If you don't see the menu item, click Alt.
2. In the menu that opens, click on the line " Delete browsing history»
3. In the section " Temporary Internet Files"Press the button" Delete files»
4. Confirm your actions by clicking " Yes»
5. To close the " Delete browsing history", Click" Close».

IE 8.9

1. In the main menu, look for the item " Service". If you see it, try holding down the key. Alt.
2. In the menu " Service"We find the item" Delete browsing history»
3. Check the box " Temporary internet files". Uncheck all other boxes.
4. Confirm the actions with the button " Delete».

IE 10.11

1. Go to the menu " Service"By clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner:

On a note: to clear the browser cache, hotkeys are very useful: we hold down at the same time Ctrl + Shift + Del, we see the same window.

  • Even more useful

2. In the window " Deleting browsing history"Uncheck all the boxes, leaving the checkbox only in the" Temporary Internet and website files". If you want to clear the browser cache and cookies, then you need to leave the checkbox in front of the “ Cookies and website data».

3. Press the button " Delete».

How to clear the cache of the Amigo browser from

1. How to clear the cache of the Amigo browser, if you, suddenly, happened to become the unfortunate owner of this, if I may say so, "browser".

2. Just remove it - here's my heartfelt advice!

How to clear the cache of the Safari browser

1. In the main menu of the Safari browser, find the item " Safari", And then" Reset Safari»

2. In the window that opens, check the checkbox “ Delete all website data", All other checkboxes are best left unchecked.

3. Press the button " Reset».

Have you encountered any difficulties clearing your browser cache?

In Moguta.CMS, to speed up the work of the site, some of the content is remembered and in order to see the changes made on the site, you need to reset the engine cache!

If information about a product, category, page or other section has been changed in the admin panel, but the changes have not been applied on the site itself, you need to reset the engine cache.

In Moguta.CMS it is very simple - on the admin panel, in the upper right corner of the page, there is a button "Reset cache".

If you do not manually reset the cache, it will happen automatically after the time specified in the engine settings, by default after 86400 seconds (1 day).

What to do if the changes did not apply anyway

If, after resetting the engine cache, the changes were not applied, then the reason may be in the browser cache.

The browser cache is a place specially allocated in memory where copies of visited pages, pictures and other files necessary for viewing sites are stored.

This procedure is used to decrease traffic and increase page loading speed. In short, when accessing a page, the browser checks for the presence of previously saved copies of the same files in memory, and if there are any, it does not download them from the server again.

So, once visiting any site, its fragments (style files, images, js-scripts) will be stored on your hard disk.

While serving a useful purpose, the cache can play a negative role as well. For example, if you changed the design of the page, but did not see the changes after refreshing it, then most likely the matter is in the cache. Instead of downloading the updated page from the server, the browser simply opens its saved copy.

In this case, you need to reset the browser cache.

In most modern browsers, you need to use the keyboard shortcut to reset the cache ctrl + shift + delete, after clicking, a window will open with the ability to clear the cache.

Google chrome: Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Del → Delete the following items: all time → Images and other files saved in the cache → Clear history.

Firefox: Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Del → Cache → Clear now.

Internet Explorer: Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Del → Temporary Internet Files → Delete.

Safari: Keyboard shortcut ⌘ +, (or ⌘ + b) → Privacy → Delete all website data

Opera 12.16: Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F12 → Advanced → History → Disk cache → Clear.

Opera 15+: Menu → Other tools → Clear browsing history → Destroy the following items: from the very beginning → Clear cache → Clear browsing history.

Yandex browser: Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Del → Delete the following items: all time → check the box: files saved in the cache → Clear history.

When constantly surfing the Internet, the user may notice a number of problems with the web explorer, to fix which you need to know an important thing - how to clear the browser cache. Timely solution of this task allows you to eliminate many problems in the operation of the browser and cleanse the PC of unnecessary "junk". The question is how to do it correctly, because each software has its own interface and features. Below we will consider how to clear the cache memory in the browser, why and when it is necessary to do this work. Knowing these points reduces the likelihood of problems occurring when working with different conductors.

What is cache

To begin with, we note that the word "cache" comes from the English "cache", which in direct translation means "cache". In simple words, these are temporary files with information about visited sites or a copy of web pages. This option is provided to speed up the loading of portals. For example, if the user has previously visited the page, it is not downloaded from the Internet, but pulled from the browser cache. As a result, traffic is saved and download speed is increased.

An equally important question is where the browser cache is stored. In all browsers, the path is identical - C: UsersAdminAppDataLocal. Further "tail" is individual. Let's consider several options for an example:

  1. Opera - Opera SoftwareOpera StableCache.
  2. Google Chrome - GoogleChromeUser DataDefaultCache.
  3. Mozilla Firefox - FirefoxProfileszxcvb5678.defaultcache2entries.
  4. Yandex.Browser - YandexBrowserUser DataDefaultCache.
  5. Internet Explorer - MicrosoftWindowsINetCache

In the folders indicated above, you can go to the browser cache and clear it there. So that users do not waste time on searches, the developers of web browsers have provided another way to remove unnecessary "junk" - using the internal capabilities of the software. Alternatively, you can use special software (for example, CCleaner).

How to clear browser cache - all options

Before deleting cookies and clearing your browser cache, you need to understand how your web browser works. Below are the instructions for the most popular browsers.

Yandex browser

The web explorer manufacturer warns that clearing the cache alone is not enough to maintain privacy. A more reliable way is to work in Incognito mode, in which attackers “do not see” the user and cannot identify him. At the same time, you should not ignore cleaning anyway.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • click on three horizontal stripes;
  • go to the Additional section;
  • select Clear history;
  • in the Delete entries list, select the time period for which you want to clear the cache;
  • activate the option Files saved in the cache;
  • turn off all other options (if the task is to clear the browser cache);
  • Click on the corresponding clear button.

You can always find detailed instructions on our website.

To quickly go to the delete window, you can use the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Del. Please note that the cache is located only on one device, so this data cannot be transferred during synchronization.

Internet Explorer

In the history of the Internet Explorer browser, information remains that are saved on the PC when you browse various resources. Over time, this data accumulates and needs to be cleared. To do the job selectively, you can view the available information and remove unnecessary files.

To do this, take the following steps:

  • sign in to your web browser;
  • go to the History tab and select a view filter from the drop-down menu;
  • find unnecessary sites, right-click and select Delete.

If you wish, you can delete the entire browser cache. To do this, in Internet Explorer 10 and 11, take the following steps:

  • click on the Service button (settings wheel);
  • select the Security section;
  • click on Delete Browsing History;
  • select the types of data or files to be removed from the PC;
  • confirm the deletion.

If Internet Explorer 9 is installed on your PC, do the following:

  • go to the software, and then to the Service;
  • select the Properties section;
  • go to the Journal and click Delete.

Depending on the settings you choose, you can clear the cache, delete cookies, download history, information from forms and passwords. In order not to remove unnecessary information, configure the settings correctly before deleting.

Microsoft Edge

By default, the browser stores information about the pages that the user has visited in order to further speed up the loading of the required page. If the person has not activated the InPrivate feature, browser history, passwords, and other information are stored on the PC. To view the information, you can go to your favorites and remove unnecessary "trash".

To clear the cookies and browser cache that are stored on your PC, go to Favorites. Next, do the following:

  • go to the Journal tab;
  • click on the option Clear;
  • select the types of data that you want to remove from your PC or laptop;
  • Click Clear.

To remove data from the cloud, follow these steps:

  • enter Favorites;
  • go to the Journal;
  • select Change information about me used by ... in the cloud;
  • select Remove Actions.

Depending on the wishes, the user can clear the browser history, cookies, cached data and files, shelved or closed tabs, download history, passwords, licenses, autofill information, and even site permissions.

Google chrome

Google Chrome users can manage browsing history and other data about the operation of the web explorer, for example, auto-complete. Depending on the settings, you can. And also remove:

  • cookies;
  • handlers (external services and applications);
  • media licenses;
  • images and other files;
  • download history;
  • passwords and history of filling out forms;
  • data about hosted apps, etc.

This does not remove extensions and search history.

Clearing the cache of the Google Chrome browser takes no more than a few seconds. Here you will need to perform the following actions:

  • enter the software on any of the devices;
  • in the upper right, click on three dots;
  • go to the Additional Tools section;
  • select Delete browsing data;
  • decide on the period of time for which you need to clear the browser cache (All time, hour, etc.);
  • select the types of information you want to remove;
  • Click the Delete button.

If synchronization is enabled while performing this work, you will not be automatically signed out of your account. This will remove cookies from all synchronized devices. If you want, you can clear only one of the items (for example, downloaded files, history records, etc.). If you need to clear data from a specific device, turn off synchronization, and then do the cleaning according to the scheme described above.

Mozilla Firefox

The cache of Mozilla Firefox automatically saves pictures, scripts and other components of pages on the Internet that a person has previously visited. To avoid the accumulation of unnecessary "garbage", it is important to know how to clear the cache in the browser and thereby speed up the operation of the web explorer.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • click on the image with three stripes;
  • go to the Settings section;
  • select the Privacy & Security link;
  • go to the Cookies and Site Data section;
  • click on the Delete data button;
  • uncheck Cookies and file data and leave it next to cache data;
  • click on the Delete button;
  • close the page.

There is another solution that can be used to clear the cache. Take steps like this:

  • click on the Library button (image with books);
  • select the Journal section;
  • click on the section Clear history;
  • next to the Delete pointer, select everything from the drop-down list and cache in the list of items;
  • Click Remove Now.

If you do not want to clean up unnecessary "trash" manually, you can set up automatic removal. If the settings are correct, unnecessary information will be deleted every time you close the browser. The algorithm is as follows:

  • click on the button with three horizontal stripes;
  • select the Settings section;
  • enter the Privacy & Security panel;
  • go to the History section;
  • in the drop-down menu, select clear history when you close Firefox;
  • click on the Options button next to the mentioned link and configure the settings;
  • leave a check mark only near the cache;
  • save your entries and close the window.

In the future, to reset the browser cache, you can use special add-ons that can be found on the official Mozilla community page.


The Opera browser stores information about the connection to different sites to speed up the connection the next time you enter the site. To maintain confidentiality, the user can clear the data at any time and unload the PC from unnecessary information.

To clear the browser cache on MacBook, enter Opera and go to Clear browsing history. After that, take these steps:

  • select the time period for which you want to delete the data (select the section Destroy the following items);
  • check the boxes next to the web explorer data you want to clear;
  • Click Clear browsing history.

Windows and Linux users need to take the following steps:

  • click on the O button;
  • go to the section Clear browsing history;
  • decide on the time interval for which you need to clear the browser cache;
  • check the boxes next to the web explorer data that you want to remove;
  • click on the Clear browsing history button.

If everything is done correctly, temporarily saved data from various resources is deleted from the PC. In this case, some sites may take longer to load.


If desired, users of the Safari browser can delete records of previously visited resources for a certain period of time. If the Safari program is enabled in the iCloud settings, then the history is deleted from the PC and other devices.

Let's take a look at how to clear browser cache in Safari. Here you need to take the following steps:

  • in the Safari on Mac program, select the History item;
  • decide on the time interval for which you need to remove unnecessary information.

Clearing history deletes all files that are retained while browsing the Internet. This category includes not only the cache, but also the list of jumps, page icons, visit history, etc. When deleting, you need to be careful and remove only those data that are no longer useful.

Why clean?

The importance of removing the cache from the browser cannot be overemphasized. These actions are necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Protection of confidential information from outsiders. An attacker will not be able to view the history of visited pages and "extract" classified information.
  2. Clearing the memory of a PC or laptop from unnecessary files that accumulate over time and slow down (including the browser itself).
  3. Keeping data up to date. If you don't clean the cache periodically, the web explorer will constantly load old data from different resources. In this case, you might accidentally miss important updates on the portal.
  4. A guarantee of the correct operation of programs and services. Crashes in the work of various programs or difficulties with loading often occur due to untimely clearing of the cache.

Ignoring the rules discussed above can lead to a number of problems - hacking of software by cybercriminals.

When to clean?

If a person is engaged in website development, clearing the cache is the most mundane and familiar procedure, without which not a single day of work is complete. A common user should have a similar approach. To avoid the accumulation of unnecessary data and reduce the level of security, you need to clear the cache daily. You can use the internal capabilities of your browser to do this work. Alternatively, set automatic cleaning when the program is closed (in some browsers this option is provided). In addition, there are a number of special software with which you can open the browser cache, delete unnecessary information, or quickly remove all unnecessary information with one click of a button.

Have a great day!

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