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How to clear Skype history. Full Skype cleaning (calls, correspondence, cache, cookies)

You sent a message in Skype chat and then noticed that the message was sent to the wrong person! Or, you sent a message to the right person, but the words you used were not the right ones!
We urgently need to correct the situation! How to delete messages on Skype !?

How to delete messages that were sent recently

This is the best and easiest option. You are still chatting. And, if you left, then go back to the chat.

Deleting a Skype message

Place the cursor on the message that you want to delete, right-click and, in the context menu that appears, select delete

Popup: Delete?

A pop-up window will appear asking: Are you sure you want to delete this message? Click the Delete button

Skype - Message deleted

Everything! Skype tells us - Message deleted. The addressee did not have time to read the message and will now rack his brains - what was so interesting there? After all, he, too, will see the entry - the message has been deleted. But, nothing can be done - whoever did not have time, he was late!

Note. Thus, you can only delete your own messages. You cannot delete messages sent to you.

How to delete a Skype message on a smartphone

It is not difficult to delete a Skype message on a smartphone. Click on the message and hold for a couple of seconds.

Delete Skype message on smartphone

A menu will appear in which you select: Delete.

Confirm message deletion

A window will appear asking: Do you really want to delete this message. Press the Delete button and your message will disappear.

How to delete (clear) all messages in Skype

Deleting messages one at a time is a long song. You can't delete old messages one by one. And the messages of the interlocutors will remain - what to do with them?

For such cases, it is possible to clear all messages on Skype. To do this, go to Tools ==> Settings

Clear all messages, all correspondence completely

In Settings, in the left column, click Security (or, Chats and SMS). In the window that opens, there is a Save history field, in which, by default, is Always. And you can choose 3 months, 2 weeks, or, in general, do not save. Then there would be no need to clean!

Although, my chat history has been kept for years. Sometimes, you need to find a phone number, I remember a friend sent me, opened a correspondence - found a phone number! So why delete messages unnecessarily?

But, since you decided to delete - then you have to! Therefore, click on the link Clear the history.

Complete deletion of the history of communication in Skype

You will be asked again: Delete history? Click the Delete button

Note. Please note that you cannot delete the correspondence between individual contacts! All records of previous communication with all interlocutors are deleted. Not only messages in chats will disappear, but also voice messages, transferred files, SMS. Therefore, before clicking the Delete button, think about whether you need it!

I'll show you how to clear Skype correspondence on Windows, Android, iOS. On all devices, it is deleted a little differently, I will show the whole process of clearing the message history.

1. Clear message history in Skype on Windows.

Open Skype and click Tools> Options.

Having opened the Skype settings, click on Chats and SMS(it's on the bottom left).

Open Chats and SMS> Chat settings, click Open advanced settings.

All settings for chat and correspondence in skype will open. Here it is possible to set to receive chats from anyone or only from my contacts. There is also an item to save history, in which you can set the settings for saving correspondence. You can also click here to clear history and then all your Skype correspondence will be deleted.

There are also points here:

  • on pressing ctrl + v the copied message is pasted as a quote or the message is pasted as plain text
  • the Enter key makes a line break or sends a message
  • show what I'm typing
  • automatically correct and highlight misspelled words
  • each time you receive, select a folder to save files or save all files in My Skype Received Files

After making the changes, do not forget to click save.

Delete history? All records of previous communication, including instant messages in the SMS chat, calls, voice messages and transferred files, will be removed from history. This will also close all open chats.

Click delete to confirm deleting the history of messages in Skype.

Also, in the chat settings, you can set "do not save" so that the Skype correspondence is never saved at all, or set "2 weeks", then the history of messages in skype will be stored for only 2 weeks.

In Skype, you can simply hide the conversation, while the correspondence will not be deleted, but hidden. Right-click on the contact and select "hide conversation".

Skype tells us that you can Show hidden conversations. To show hidden conversations in the list, from the main menu, select View> Show Hidden Conversations.

Click OK.

To show hidden conversations, click View> Show Hidden Conversations.

2. Clear message history in Skype on iOS.

To delete a Skype conversation on an iPhone or iPad, open the skype application on your iPhone or iPad. Next, open the last tab by swiping your finger from left to right. The Last tab displays all your recent Skype messages.

Press and hold your finger on the contact with whom you want to delete.

A menu will appear with the following items:

  • mark as unread
  • delete chat
  • cancel

Select delete chat to delete the conversation with the selected contact on Skype.

Also, the correspondence with the selected contact can be deleted in the contacts tab. Click on the contact the correspondence with which you want to delete.

In the opened conversation, click on the 3 dots on the bottom right.

And select delete chat.

Delete chat. Are you sure you want to delete this chat?

We choose to delete.

3. Clear message history in Skype on Android.

To delete a Skype conversation on Android, you need to open the settings of your smartphone or tablet. Then go to Application Manager. Find the Skype app there and click on it to open the app details.

In the Skype app details, click on clear data.

Delete all app data? All data of this application will be permanently deleted. This includes all files, settings, accounts, databases, etc.

Click Yes. This will delete your scap correspondence with all contacts. When you open Skype, you will need to re-enter your username and password. This is tantamount to uninstalling the application and reinstalling it.

Now all messages from the chat history have been deleted. Your skype is as good as new.

You can also delete a contact and the correspondence with him from the recent tab, but this does not delete your messages, but only removes this contact from the recent ones.

Click on the contact and hold your finger until a menu appears with actions to add to favorites and remove from recent. We choose to remove from recent.

Are you sure you want to delete this chat from a recent one?

Click OK.

4. Delete recent messages in skype.

You can also delete recently sent messages in skype. If you wrote and sent a message, then you have time to delete your message. To do this, press and hold your finger on your message in the conversation until the action menu appears. On iOS, actions will appear: copy, delete, edit.

By choosing to delete, you will delete your recent message that you sent, but changed your mind about sending it. The interlocutor on the device will also display it as "this message has been deleted" and he will not see it if he did not have time to read it before you deleted it.

If you press and hold your finger on your message, an action menu will appear on your Android device: copy message, quote message, edit message, delete message. On Android, as you can see, you can even edit the sent message and change it completely. Well, you can just delete it as if you didn't write anything.

Here is a video tutorial on how to delete a Skype conversation.

That's all. Now you can safely flirt with everyone and your husband / wife / girlfriend / boyfriend will not know anything. We continue to live in a lie.

For the correct and fast work of Skype, you need to regularly clean the application from various debris. Over time, the utility accumulates a large number of gray contacts and messages, collects hundreds of megabytes of multimedia, etc. All these files reduce the performance of the program and cause a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, it is important for the user to know how to clean Skype from garbage.

Deleting Downloaded Files from PC

The functional utility allows users to transfer a variety of files. User can send or receive via picture, snapshot, document, installer, video, song, etc. All files are automatically saved on the system drive in a special folder. Gradually, gigabytes of unnecessary information accumulate in the section, which not only takes up space, but also affects the operation of the computer.

To remove unnecessary files, you should:

A window with utility folders will open in front of the user. All photos, documents, images, music, videos and other files transferred via Skype are stored in this folder. The user only has to enter the directory and select unnecessary items that can be deleted.

Before the procedure, go to the "Control Panel" - "Folder Options" - "View". In the tab, you must check the box next to "Show hidden files", and click on "Apply". This is necessary to display hidden tabs in all sections.

You can also get to the section with the files uploaded to Skype using the application settings. The user needs to go to the "Tools", select the "Settings" option, and click on the "Chats and SMS" item. At the bottom of the window, click on "Received Files", after which a section with downloaded files will open.

Delete message history

Mountains of messages also interfere with the utility. The user should regularly clean the history in the computer version of Skype. The procedure can be completed in a matter of minutes, the user only needs:

The subscriber can set up automatic data deletion. To do this, you just need to click on the arrow located under "Save history". The application offers to store data: always, 2 weeks, 1.2 or 3 months. It is also possible not to save the information at all.

Cleaning phones and tablets

The developers have released not only a computer version of Skype, but also a mobile program. Users can install the utility on a device under the guidance of the Android or iOS operating system. However, mobile devices also need regular cleaning. To delete messages from your phone, you need:

Of course, this method takes a lot of time, since a person will have to go through the same procedure for each dialogue. But what if you want to erase history from all chats at once? There is a solution, the subscriber needs it.

It is difficult to say in advance why the user might need to clear the correspondence and calls made in Skype - maybe he just got tired of watching the pile of lists in the window, or maybe he had a quarrel and wants to do it according to the principle "out of sight, out of mind" or for the purpose conspiracy - in any case, a person may one day think, how to delete history in Skype

Features of deleting history in Skype

If in many other programs for communication, the entire history is stored on the hard drive of the computer, then with Skype, not everything is so simple. And that's why:

  • it is stored on a remote server;
  • it can be cleaned if you know where and what is located in the settings;
  • you can quickly delete it for ALL contacts at once, but here's how delete history in Skype for ONE contact - with this question everything is far from obvious.

How to clear Skype history for all contacts

So, do you have it? This can be done quickly from the program itself. To do this, select in the main menu " Tools» — « Settings»,

and in the opened dialog box - “ Chats and SMS» — « Additional settings».

Here, in the drop-down menu, you can configure the settings for saving the correspondence.

For example, make it so that history is not recorded at all. Then you don't have to clean anything.

Or select an on-screen button "Clear the history". Now all text messages, calls, etc. will be cleared from the server.

How to clean for one person

Let's say there is history in Skype. How to delete her, but not completely, but only for one contact?

In the "official" way - nothing.

And this is the obvious flaw of the program. It is difficult to say why the developers did not provide this feature. However, there are special utilities that, according to the assurances of those who wrote them, will help clear the correspondence with one contact. But you can use them only at your own peril and risk. In addition, not all of them cope with their task, but the risk of infecting a computer under the guise of such utilities is great. Moreover, Skype programmers strongly discourage using them.

However, here are some of them:

  1. Skype History Cleaner;
  2. Skype Chat Helper;
  3. SkHistory.

Based on everything that has been said above, we can conclude that the very first and official method will be the best and most reliable method. At the very least, it is guaranteed to clear history. Though the whole thing.

How to delete a Skype conversation and not harm the operation of the operating system - we will tell and show in our article using examples of different gadgets. Indeed, it is worth being prepared for any turn of events, so it is important to know how to cover your tracks if circumstances require it.

What are the reasons to delete the Skype conversation?

Users are wondering - is it possible to delete the correspondence in Skype, if there is a real need for it? Of course yes. Thanks to this operation, you will be able to:

Hide conversations that you had during working hours in order to avoid sanctions from management;

Just free up space on your device's memory.

Just keep in mind that this erases the entire history completely, and it is impossible to restore it without third-party programs and troubles. Therefore, before deleting all the correspondence in Skype, save the vital messages so that you do not worry later. Although nothing will happen to the history of your communication with your opponent - everything will remain intact and safe with him. Unfortunately, this is not a two-way process.

How do I completely delete a Skype conversation?

Thanks to the developers - you can completely get rid of annoying dialogues and chatter, even without third-party applications and complex manipulations. So how do you delete messages on Skype?

If you are tired of everything at all, then read about that and start from scratch.

How do I delete a Skype conversation with one person?

Let's do it with the built-in functions of the application itself.

Sometimes it is enough to remove only one phrase, delete a message in Skype from the correspondence, or several, for this:

  1. Enter the desired dialogue.
  2. Right click on the phrase you want to destroy.
  3. A drop-down menu will appear, where you just need to click "Delete".

If you need to destroy the dialogue completely. So, let's say you wrote to one person and you don't want anyone who has access to your PC to see it. You will have to remove messages directly from the database, where the entire chat history is located.

How to do it?

For Mac OS users, everything is much simpler and more pleasant:

  1. Select a contact and hold Ctrl.
  2. You will see a menu where you need to click "Delete Conversation".
  3. Confirm the action.

In addition, there is another way: on the sidebar, go to "Conversations" - "Clear recent". The conversation will disappear from the list of conversations, but the phrases will remain on the computer, so they can be restored if desired. This is also true for Mac and Windows users (the latter should be right-clicked on the chat, and then "Hide"). And read the volume in another article.

How do I delete my Skype conversation history on my phone and tablet?

The procedure is pretty simple:

  1. Launch the application and select the desired contact.
  2. Press and hold it briefly to display the menu.
  3. Select the line "Remove from recent".

If you want to erase the entire history, then clear the messenger data. This is done like this:

  1. Go to the gadget settings.
  2. Section "Applications".
  3. Click on Skype - "Erase data". Messages, login and password will disappear.

There is another super-radical way - uninstallation. Then you just download the messenger again and put it on your device. For authorization, the previous username and password will be used, but you will not see any communication data. Read more about that - read in another article.

We hope our material was useful! Stay with us!

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