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How to clean ipad from viruses. Do I need antivirus for iOS devices

A lot of time has passed, but things are still there: people constantly ask about this pressing problem. And both live and in the comments. I'll try again with a fresher advanced look at the problem.

Are there viruses for iOS?

If everything is clear with Android (antiviruses are clearly needed there), then with iOS the situation is not simple.

There are viruses for iOS, but a threat to specific user from their presence is not so high. It has long been clear that iPhone users and iPad- tasty for virus writers, as this is a very solvent audience. But for all the years of the existence of iOS, there were only a couple of dozen cases of viruses and all these stories were widely covered in the press.

On the net, I found a list of all iOS threats on English language over the past 8 years. But the list comes with a few caveats:

  • many viruses do not work on the latest version of iOS
  • many loopholes are only workable if the device is jailbroken
  • some of the threats on the list are special utilities that are written against specific people

For so many years, such a small number of viruses is explained by the following:

  • closed operating system and principle: one application cannot somehow influence the actions of another
  • Apple's strict content policy App Store

Do I need to install antivirus on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch?

Answer - No! Why?

Firstly, because the App Store does not have an antivirus in the usual sense of the word (a program that contains virus databases). BUT large companies like Symantec or McAfee do anything but release antivirus for iOS. come up with secure vaults and browsers, password storage programs, etc.

Antivirus companies are also taking radical steps. It’s easy to find custom articles online on reputable sites that develop more paranoia… Their goal is to convince the user that viruses are about to appear, it’s just that virus writers are not interested in a small audience Apple users. But this fairy tale is already so many years old that it has grown a beard.

Secondly, keeping elementary rules security, the risk of catching the virus tends to zero.

Thirdly, and this is my personal reason. I think that all the information booms associated with viruses on iOS are somehow strange.

Let's take a vivid example.

YiSpecter- a virus that infected users from China and Taiwan and was able to download applications on the iPhone, add to third party applications advertising, change the default search, etc. The buzz was significant. However, now, if we try to find information about the virus, what we see.

  • All articles about him are dated October 5-6, 2015. And often these are just reprints. Then the virus was forgotten.
  • Finding any proof of the existence of this virus is difficult. Not a single Chinese posted a video on Youtube! :)
  • The hacking method is described everywhere in general terms. But I understand that trusted profiles installed from some erotic site were used.
  • Apple confirmed the presence of this virus, but in iOS 8.4 the vulnerability is closed.

And a similar situation with several viruses at once. The funny thing is that mostly the Chinese are suffering. And it's more like some kind of special information stuffing. Somewhere in the laboratories they took it out, raised a fuss, Apple closed the hole out of harm's way and everyone successfully forgot about the virus.

What should iOS users do to protect themselves from viruses?

Below are not calls, but simply tips that reduce the chance of somehow suffering even from some new viruses.

  • Update iOS
  • Don't jailbreak. But even if you did, then do not put any rubbish from unverified sources. Be careful with Chinese shops. :)
  • Be wary of installing any profiles from third-party sites. Especially if you don't understand what you are doing.
  • Don't click on links you don't understand. But even if you have switched and you get some nonsense like “Your iPad is attacked!”, Then just close the page.
  • Protect your Apple ID with 2-Step Verification. Since Apple ID and password is the first thing that can be stolen from your iPad, iPhone.
  • Set a password for your device

Hello everyone, dear readers. Today I will touch upon, at first glance, a very serious topic, namely, how you can check with which applications your iPhone is for viruses, for their presence in the operating room iOS system.

Before we move on to the list of applications that will allow you to check the security of your iPhone gadget, I will tell you why 99% of devices and 100% of new iPhone users have no viruses, they cannot in principle.

The iOS operating system is a closed operating system and no viruses can penetrate it. Viruses can only threaten those iPhone devices on which a jailbreak is installed. If you do not know what a jailbreak is and you have not installed it on your iPhone, then you can be sure that viruses have not penetrated your iPhone.

Highly popular antivirus not only on iPhone, but also on personal computers. This program has a lot useful feature that will increase the security of your gadget. Among all the possibilities, I will note the following, in my opinion the most interesting and important:

  1. The application will help you protect yourself from various Trojan applications (applications that are not installed from the official AppStore source), as well as viruses that can get onto your iPhone;
  2. It is possible to protect the most confidential data with a password in order to restrict access to them by third parties who can take possession of the gadget;
  3. If someone tries to hack your gadget, you will immediately receive a hacking warning.

Another application that allows you to check and strengthen the security of your my device based on the iOS operating system. I have highlighted a few of the most interesting opportunities, which, in my opinion, deserve the closest attention of all iPhone users:

  1. If your iPhone is lost, then you can find the gadget using this application. It will be very easy to do this, so I recommend paying attention to this particular application;
  2. The application can do backups iPhone according to the schedule you set;
  3. With this application, you can always track the location of your iPhone using GPS.

And completes our today's selection of another antivirus for iPhone, which you can download from the AppStore. I will note the following possibilities of this application, in my opinion, the most interesting features:

  1. After installation, using this application, you can check your iPhone gadget for viruses and hacks;
  2. It is possible to track the location of your mobile device on the map using GPS;
  3. You can control directly from your device from this application email(viruses) to which the Apple ID is linked, thereby increasing security and reducing the risk of email being hacked.

That's all I have, if you have something to add given material you can use the comment form below. See you in the next articles.

A virus on an iPhone is much rarer than on Windows or Android. The point is that among operating systems used on mobile platforms, the most secure is iOS. Thanks to closed source file system it is almost impossible to cause serious damage to your phone. However, all these concepts are relative and viruses are still found in iPhones. As an example, we can cite WireLunker, a malicious program developed by Chinese “craftsmen” that infected about half a million Apple devices and several hundred more applications in the AppStore.

How to check iPhone for viruses using antivirus?

Please note that original firmware iPhone guarantees security to a greater extent than self-installed unofficial firmware.

So, if there is no desire to spend money on buying an antivirus, in Apple store several available free programs, whose main function is to block files containing malicious code. Some of the most popular are Norton, Intego VirusBarrier, Panda and ESET. All of them are about equally effective, and the interface is intuitive.

Checking iphone for viruses is very simple. It is enough to run any antivirus and select the item "check phone for viruses". After that, the program within a few minutes will carry out full check all files and will issue a report. Experts recommend not relying on iOS security, but initially using antivirus programs.

How to avoid virus on iphone?

  • First install antivirus program. This will greatly reduce the risk of infecting your phone.
  • Run a virus scan regularly. How to check an iPhone for viruses is described above.
  • When surfing the Internet, try not to visit sites that arouse suspicion. It is better to use trusted web portals.
  • Don't download unknown apps third party manufacturers. It is likely that they may contain a virus.

How to check iPhone for viruses using PC

If you don't trust mobile antiviruses or do you have personal computer installed good program, which detects malware, it is always possible to carry out a full iPhone virus scan through a computer. For this:

  1. Connect your phone to PC using USB.
  2. After detecting the phone on the computer, run the antivirus.
  3. In the scan settings, specify the disk partition of the phone.
  4. Wait for the end of the scan and report on the vulnerabilities found, as well as options for fixing them.

As you can see, there are several ways to check iphone for viruses. However, despite big choice antivirus software is worth remembering that malware is constantly changing, improving and adapting. So the best way to avoid infecting the phone, there is still caution left - ignoring the transition to suspicious links and using only verified web resources.

Many people know that devices running on the iOS system are quite reliably protected from viruses. But if you happen to find iPad virus what to do with this problem? About this and will be discussed in this article.

How to check

The answer to the question "Are there viruses on the tablet?" - there is definitely. But malware few for this platform when compared to their number for Windows. Then how to check iPad for viruses?

Most experts will answer that this is difficult, but there is a recommendation for checking for viruses like WireLurker. This Trojan infects devices that users connect via USB to infected PCs. But it is important to note here that such virus attacks affected devices after jailbreak.

So, in order to determine if your tablet has this malicious code, you need to follow a certain course of action:

How can you get infected

If we talk about the spread of malware, then most devices were affected by downloading them from the App Store. A virus gets on the iPad when downloading an "infected" application - despite the presence of protection. In most cases virus utilities are created in the form of a "useful" application with wide functionality that is actually implemented. Such products do work as they are described, and therefore the moderator lets them pass.

The big scandal happened in 2015 when malicious applications got into the App Store and opened access to attackers to the personal data of users.

What is the danger

The virus on the iPad does the most harm by stealing the user's personal data, from phone numbers to passwords to important services. Some viruses, the so-called banners, can infiltrate the Safari code and display a variety of advertising material to the tablet owner.

It is important to note that the operating systems of only those devices that have been jailbroken are really vulnerable.

So let's take a look at the most easy way how to remove virus from ipad.

What to do

In the original browser of apple tablets, you can quickly and easily encounter a pop-up window that immediately paralyzes the process of the device and requires you to send paid SMS to unblock sites. The worst thing is that when you restart Safari, the window does not disappear from the screen and pressing the buttons does not help either.

But there is still a way to solve this problem:

If you are interested in how to get rid of a virus on an iPad caught using a non-original browser, then this method will not help.

Preventive security measures

In order not to be among the victims of malware and not to think later about how to remove the virus from the iPad, you need to follow basic protection measures.

Due to the fact that Apple smartphones begin to freeze and fail over time (however, like all other similar equipment), the question is brewing of how to clean the iPhone. Sometimes it also occurs before the sale of the device.

We'll take a look at the process iPhone cleaning from cache, from garbage, junk files etc.

1. Clear the cache

Each application, as you know, has its own cache and you can delete it one by one for each program. But it's much easier to remove it completely, for the entire phone.

To do this, it is best to use the Battery Doctor program or any other smartphone cleaning software (there are quite a lot of them). After downloading, just go to the "Junk" tab and click on the "Clean up cache" button. After that, Battery Doctor will check the entire system for unnecessary cache and take it away.

Advice: Extra clean Safari cache. In some cases, cleaning programs different reasons do not affect this application, so cleaning is best done manually. To do this, open the “Safari” item in the settings and select “Clear history and site data”.

2. Remove viruses

To clean your device from viruses, you can use one of these antiviruses:

In most cases, the program itself will prompt you to perform a virus scan after installation. If this is not the case, then there is always a check item in the main menu. You just have to click on it.

For example, in Avira, on the main "Antivirus" tab, there is a "Scan" button. Everything is quite simple, as in other programs from the above list.

3. Remove applications

To free up phone memory, be sure to view the entire list installed programs- you may no longer need some of them and you can freely delete them.

Most likely, you do not use half of the installed software regularly or do not use it at all. Accordingly, it is better to remove unnecessary applications. You can install them back at any time if you need them again.

As you know, to delete applications in iOS, you just need to hold down its shortcut on the desktop, and then click on the cross.

There is a small life hack that concerns applications in iOS. It consists in reinstalling them. After that, the volume of each program is significantly reduced.

Therefore, if you really need some kind of program, delete it, and then download it again from the App Store.

Clue: Also helps re-adding mail. To do this, go to settings, open Gmail (or another mail client) and delete it, then re-add it.

This is due to the fact that any mail client during its operation saves a huge amount of garbage from letters (images, attachments, etc.). You need to get rid of all this.

4. Delete photos and unnecessary files

You should do the same with photos and files - look through them all for which ones you need and which ones you have not opened for a long time.

As for photos, they are deleted as follows:

  • In the "Photos" program, pinch one picture in the general list.
  • It will be possible to check the boxes on those pictures that will be deleted or with which other actions will be performed. Highlight the ones you don't need with checkboxes.
  • Click on the trash can icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

In the same way, you can get rid of unnecessary files - go to the file manager and delete them all.

If you really need all the photos and files, use cloud storage, for example, iCloud.

5. Full erasure

In some cases, when none of the above helps, it remains only to completely erase all files on the system.

Before performing this procedure, save all important files in the cloud, on a flash drive or in computer memory. After that, go to the settings, select "General", and then "Erase content and settings." Another small "Erase iPhone" window will appear, click "Erase" in it.

Similar this procedure performed on the iPad.

Through the implementation of these simple actions You can remove everything unnecessary from your device.

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