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How to clear fortune telling cards. How to cleanse tarot cards

With time a large number of files accumulate on the memory card mobile phone. Such information is often completely unnecessary. Let's look at ways to clear the memory card on your phone quickly and conveniently.

For cleaning memory cards used in phones, cameras and other portable devices, use the formatting process.

Users feel that there are no difficulties in the formatting process. Just connect to personal computer card reader and using a special standard Windows “formatter” to clean the card. In some cases, such actions do not bring results.

To format, you need to go to “My Computer”, click right click mouse to the shortcut " Removable drive" In the appeared context menu select the “Format” command. Then in the section " File system» indicates the required parameter.

In this way you can quickly and effective cleaning memory cards from information. If somehow the cleaning fails and the files are not deleted, you can use third-party software.

Programs for formatting a memory card

AutoFormat Tool

This utility is simple and has user-friendly interface. It contains no unnecessary elements.

To clear a memory card with this utility you need:

  1. After downloading the software, you need to right-click on the program shortcut. In the context menu, select the “Run as Administrator” command.
  2. The utility window opens. You need to select at the top Disk Drive the letter of the memory card that needs to be cleared.
  3. Then click on SD and select the “Format” function.
  4. A window that appears will remind you that all files will be deleted. You need to agree and click the “Yes” button.

If in the usual way If you can’t format a memory card, then the Auto utility will be the best Format Tool. This program also formats USB flash drives.

HDD Low Level Format Tool

A multifunctional program that has functions for cleaning flash drives, disks and memory cards. It is often used to carry out complete cleansing drive. utility HDD Low Level Format Tool is used for low-level formatting.

Please note that after the formatting process with this program, the files from the drive can no longer be restored.


  1. Download and launch the utility. IN program window you need to select the flash drive and click on “Continue”.
  2. Go to the “LOW-LEVEL Format” section and select “FORMAT THIS DEVISE”.
  3. We are waiting for the end of the process.

The only drawback of the utility was long time formatting.


This specialized application, which will suit our needs. The developers claim that SDFormatter provides more reliable memory card cleaning than using standard means Windows.


  1. Download the utility and install it on your computer.
  2. In the “Drive” field, select a flash card if different removable drives are connected to the computer.
  3. Clicking "Options" selects the formatting type. It is recommended to set “Full (Earse)” and click “OK”.
  4. Click on “Format”.

Formatting a memory card directly on a smartphone or tablet

The Android operating system has a secret in the ability to format a memory card directly in the smartphone. This is done very simply, just follow the instructions.

Formatting on a smartphone:

  1. Go to Android settings.
  2. Open the “Memory” section.
  3. Select “Disconnect SD card”.
  4. Exit the settings menu and enter again. The “Clear memory card” menu item is now available.

This opportunity appears only if you follow step 3 in the instructions.

The tablet initially has a “Clear SD card” function in the Android menu. After the operation, the card is considered formatted.

Choose suitable option to clear the memory card from the instructions provided. If formatting fails in one way, then another will definitely help achieve the result.

Cleansing your tarot cards is important to maintaining positive energy in your readings and strengthening your connection with your deck. In this article I will look at several different techniques, which will help you clear your Tarot deck, as well as situations when you need to use these techniques.

When Should You Cleanse Your Tarot Deck?

As a rule, you yourself will know when you need to cleanse your Tarot cards - there is an incomprehensible feeling that something is wrong with your cards and that something needs to be changed. Here are some examples of different situations when you might want to consider cleansing your tarot cards:

  • Someone else touched your cards.
  • You bought a new or used deck.
  • You got a somewhat “dry” fortune telling.
  • Your Tarot Cards Haven't Been Used Enough for a long time.
  • You or your tarot cards often encounter big amount negative energy (for example, a negative client or a difficult situation in your life).
  • Your cards fell on the floor, or some other accident happened to them.
  • You just want to improve your contact with your cards. Subscribe to our newsletter and new articles will be sent to your email
    Interpretation of tarot cards
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    How to Clear a Tarot Deck

    There are many different techniques you can use to clear your tarot deck of negative energy. It's important to find a technique (or techniques) that works for you personally or for your particular situation (for example, you might use one technique after every reading session and another for your annual deck cleansing). Below are various ways clear the tarot deck.

    Sorting and Shuffling. First, collect your cards in order, starting with the Major Arcana, then sorting the remaining cards by suit. While you do this, look briefly at each card and remember the special message it conveys to you in your readings. You can also use this time to check that all the cards are in place (a few years ago, I discovered that I had lost the Ace of Swords while doing fortune telling with this deck!!!). Once your cards are sorted, begin shuffling your deck. You may want to shuffle the deck seven times, spread out your cards on the surface, shuffle them and reassemble them, or simply use whatever shuffling technique is comfortable for you.

    Meditation. Take your cards in both hands, close your eyes and relax. Allow your mind to be free of any thoughts and just “be” with the cards. You can also visualize the Universal energy flowing through you into your cards, surrounding them with a protective white light. Those who know Reiki can use this energy healing method to cleanse their cards by transferring Reiki healing energy to the cards. For me personally this is best method, as it is easy to apply after each reading and helps me focus and concentrate on my next client.

    Moon baths. The full moon is a wonderful source of energy for your cards. When the moon is full, you can simply place your cards near a window or even outside so that the moonlight illuminates them. Many people also use this time to perform a special ritual or to cast a spell to cleanse their tarot cards.

    Salt. Salt can be used to remove negative energy from your cards. To begin, place your tarot cards in a plastic box. Then take a hermetically sealed container that is larger than your tarot cards, place your cards inside and then completely cover your cards with salt on all sides, top and bottom. Your cards should always be in an airtight container, as salt will not only absorb the energy of your cards, it will also absorb moisture that may be present in the air and potentially harmful to the cards. Keep your cards buried in salt for at least a few days to a week before removing them.

    Fresh air. After a good shower or even when the sun is particularly bright, place your cards outside to soak in the fresh air or cleansing rays. Of course, use common sense and don't leave your cards in windy conditions or anywhere else where they could get damaged.

    Fumigation. Light dried sage or rosemary (or use a store-bought incense stick) and simply pass the cards through the smoke several times.

    Elemental cleansing. Elemental cleansing requires your awareness of use various techniques, which correspond to each and four elements in the Tarot. For example, for Earth cleansing, use salt; To cleanse with Water, use moon baths or sprinkle a little water on your cards; for Fire cleansing, carry your cards near the candle fire (be careful!); To purify with Air, use fumigation. You can use all four elements together for a more effective cleansing.

    Many readers do some form of cleansing after each divination session - this could be as simple as card shuffling or meditation. From time to time, you may want to do a more serious cleansing to really activate your cards. Again, I repeat, choose the method and frequency of procedures that will suit you personally.

    Keeping cards clean.

    Now that you've cleansed your tarot cards, how do you make sure they stay "clean"? Here are some ideas:

  • Store your cards in a special bag.
  • Buy quartz for your cards, which perfectly absorbs foreign energies. If you want to keep your crystal "pure", use the techniques described above.
  • After reading, place your Tarot cards on a special altar.

    What cleansing techniques do you use and/or prefer? Maybe you have some other useful technique? Please share it below in the comments.

    Copying of material is permitted only with the indication of the author of the translation - Wiccan - and active link per article.

  • Today, the level of card games and the very culture of the game process have reached a new qualitative level; a whole generation of gambling people has appeared, for whom not only the essence of the game is important, but also the atmosphere of its implementation. An important component A good game is made of high-quality plastic playing cards, it is advisable to buy cards from famous manufacturer- Bicycle, Bee, KEM, Hoyle, Tally-Ho, Copag, Fournier, Piatnik, Modiano. The price for one deck of excellent plastic cards can vary from $6 to $15 - naturally, the amount is not small.

    Playing cards are the main attribute of a gambling card game; with intensive use of plastic playing cards, an irreversible process of their physical wear starts. The goal of this article is to save you money; in the following description we give a number of care tips, proper storage and operation, and if you follow all these rules, you can significantly extend the physical life of any plastic deck of playing cards without exception.

    The main conditions for the proper use of plastic playing cards and the main methods of caring for plastic playing cards:

    1. Purity - Your cards will last longer if you keep them completely clean, since during the shuffling of cards and the game itself, small particles or grains of sand stuck to the surface of the cards will scratch and leave unnecessary traces or marks on maps. You will be pleasantly surprised how much longer plastic playing cards will last if you follow these tips:

    Clean plastic playing cards periodically, a light wipe is encouraged

    To wash plastic cards, use cold water, natural soap and a soft cloth to wipe

    Wash only a few cards at a time, not the entire deck.

    Use a soft, dry cloth to wipe

    Place the plastic cards on the table for further final drying (avoid direct sunlight)

    Never use detergent or alkaline soap

    2. Careful storage - if a thing is treated with due respect and attention, it will serve its owner much longer than its service life - Golden Rule a neat and thrifty person. Recommendations for proper storage of plastic playing cards:

    Plastic, and especially its variety PVC (polyvinyl chloride plastic), does not feel very comfortable with prolonged exposure to sunlight; negative consequences appear after five hours of exposure to the open sun. Do not doubt the advisability of purchasing plastic playing cards, play on fresh air even a full ten-hour sunny day, the previous sentence does not limit you during the game, you just don’t need to leave plastic cards unattended, it’s better to hide them in the included packaging after the game.

    Always store your deck of plastic playing cards in a tight box, since, after lying for several days without the necessary pressing, a single card may itself bend a little at the edges, this negative process especially applies to the best plastic playing cards of the Kem brand

    Never buy plastic playing cards from a display case because they have been exposed to sunlight for a long time and have been stored in loose packaging.

    3. Gentle game - known fact that plastic playing cards endure 500 times more hands (under moderate load conditions) than their cardboard counterparts. There are always exceptions to the rules; a deck of high-quality plastic cards can easily be ruined and rendered non-functional in just a few games. Unspoken rules of operation and common mistakes when playing poker or any other game card game plastic playing cards:

    Why do we value plastic cards? Of course, for resistance to bending, physical damage and scratches. Often, an inquisitive mind is interested in finding out the limits of what is possible, my advice to you is to check the useful qualities and features “without fanaticism”, do not use cards that are in demand in the game for this purpose, you can check on any other playing card included in the package of the card deck - on a guarantee card, a false card or on an unnecessary spare joker

    That's all, we have listed the basic techniques and methods of caring for plastic playing cards, we hope in the future you will find at least one piece of advice or rule set out in the article useful and in the future you will not be afraid to wash your plastic deck, and most importantly, you will do it correctly .

    You know how to guess. You get good at it and decide to take it seriously. For fortune telling with cards, you only need a new, unused deck of cards. And the first thing to do is clean it. If you don't know how to cleanse cards, read our article that covers the basics of clearing divination cards.

    How to clean cards

    The most effective results are obtained by clearing cards using four elements:

    • Water. Take a jar or waterproof bag, put the cards in it and place it under running water for half an hour.
    • Earth. Without removing the deck from what they were cleansed in, using the element of water, bury it in the ground overnight.
    • Fire. Take a church wax candle and hold each card over its flame for a few seconds.
    • Air. Each card must be fumigated with incense, after which it should be taken out into the air.

    Now the deck should lie all night under the light of the Moon and all the next day under the light of the Sun.

    That's it, now you know how to clear the cards. Take them, look at each one carefully, become close to them. After this, you can start fortune telling.

    In the future, the purification process is not carried out. More than longer card used for fortune telling, the more accurate their predictions.

    How to avoid contaminating cards with foreign energy

    However, you should remember a few rules to prevent cards from being contaminated by foreign energy:

    • To avoid having to clean the cards again, never give anyone the deck you use to tell fortunes!
    • Before fortune telling, be sure to wash your hands, and then hold them over the fire for a while.
    • Do not perform any magical rituals on fortune telling cards!

    If you feel that the cards are still contaminated with bad energy and they definitely need to be cleaned, it is enough to use cleansing of any of the elements. Cleansing with incense has the gentlest effect on cards. In addition, you can sprinkle them with salt - it will remove the bad.

    Magic rituals with cards are very popular. They are strong enough, so they can be used to solve a variety of problems.

    Can be used for rituals like special cards Tarot and regular playing cards. But it is important to know how to handle cards correctly.

    A deck of cards used in magical rituals must be handled very carefully. Cards must not fall into the hands of other people. It is better to store cards intended for magical rituals in a fabric bag, which you should sew yourself.

    Even if you do not plan to perform magical rituals for some time, you need to pick up fortune telling cards as often as possible, thus filling them with your own energy.

    To turn ordinary cards into fortune telling

    To turn a purchased deck of Tarot cards into a fortune-telling attribute, it is necessary to carry out a special ritual, which must use a spell on the cards. After you purchase a new deck of cards, you should pick them up every day for a month and ask any question regarding tomorrow, and answer immediately. That is, in this way, the cards become accustomed to making predictions. If you carry out such actions every day, then by the end of the month the forecast questions will be very accurate.

    After a month, you can perform the final ritual, which will turn the deck of cards into a fortune-telling tool. This ritual is performed on the night from Thursday to Friday.

    First, the cards should be laid out in order. This is necessary in order to be able to touch each card during the ceremony.

    After this, the following words are spoken quietly but very clearly:

    “I, the Servant of God, (proper name) will leave the house after midnight and head north, where I will find a black field. A dead force lives there, strong and mighty. I will stand and bow to her to the damp ground, and ask her for help. I will turn to my grandfathers and great-grandfathers. I will ask the spirits of my relatives to come to my aid in the matter I have planned, to help me. You have been flying over the earth for a long time and keep up with everything, so grant me the ability to magically predict and understand the meanings of cards. I will light a candle in the church for your peace and remember you. My word is strong and indestructible forever. Amen".

    After pronouncing the magic words, the cards should be collected one by one and placed under the pillow. This night you will definitely have a prophetic dream.

    From this moment on, the deck will be initiated, and you will be able to perform various magical rituals with it. If you are a person with naturally strong energy, then you will feel the energy emanating from the deck of cards.

    Ritual of purification of a deck of cards

    If you often use a deck of cards for fortune telling, then the cards must be cleaned periodically. This is due to the fact that cards, constantly absorbing alien energy, begin to give unreliable information.

    To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to periodically perform a special ritual. The ceremony is carried out in a separate room, in which the table is covered with a red tablecloth.

    Three candles are installed on it:

    • Two black candles on the sides;
    • Red candle between them.

    A deck of cards is placed in front of the candles, after which they are lit. Next, you need to take one card at a time from the deck, wipe it with a soft cloth and sprinkle it with salt.

    During such actions, the following words are spoken:

    “Salt, my natural sister. You taste salty and look strong. So cleanse and speak with your power my magic cards. Let them only tell me the truth and never deceive me. My word is strong! Cursed!

    After this procedure is completed, the napkin should be placed on a fireproof tray and lit from the flame of black candles on both sides simultaneously. While the fire is burning, you should turn your face to the east.

    Then say the following conspiracy:

    "Power of the East! I call you, Servant of God, (proper name) and conjure you! Come and clean up! So that my fortune telling cards are clean like a crystal vessel. So that they are truthful, as soon as I lay them out on the table, they will tell me the whole truth. So be it. Amen".

    This cleansing ritual should be performed at least once every three months.

    There is a ritual that can immediately before fortune telling enhance the veracity of the cards. To do this, the deck of cards should be placed face down on the palm of your left hand. Then the deck is tossed so that the cards are scattered throughout the room.

    After this, you need to slowly collect them one card at a time and constantly whisper the following words:

    “I, the Servant of God, (my own name) stand on the maple bridge, and fold not leaf to leaf, but card to card. As soon as I start guessing, the cards will tell me the whole truth. It will only be this way and no other way. Amen".

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